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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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important for all of us, andriy smoliy, vitaly portnikov, thank you and wish, thank you, see you in a week, and have a good evening, friends, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval and for your attention the final news release. and i will start with the events at the front: this week, the russian invaders advanced west of avdiivka. difficult situation in the area of ​​the village of ocheretyn between the defense forces of ukraine and the russian occupation troops , fierce battles continue. according to the deep state resource, the russians captured this area the villages of semenivka and solov'ove. the general staff did not confirm such information. instead, the spokesman.
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nazar voloshyn of the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops assured that now 2/3 of the cheretyne and solovyove villages are under the control of the ukrainian defense forces. the invaders are also trying to advance on the settlement of chasiv yar in the direction of bakhmut in order to further advance to the administrative borders of donetsk region. ukrainian defenders are holding their positions and repulsing the russian enemies wherever they have enough strength. for. to repel the enemy army in the future our army needs replenishment. currently, the combat units of the armed forces are staffed by 60-70%. some defenders have been in advanced positions since 2014. the new law on mobilization will enter into force on may 18. however, already this week ukrainian consulates abroad stopped providing services to men of conscription age. how to explain such actions? in the relevant ministry and
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how is the preparation for increased mobilization going? see further. long queues, heated arguments, insults. give the documents to ukraine. in tuesday, april 23, hundreds of ukrainian men abroad who came to pick up pre-ordered documents could not receive them. the foreign divisions of the state-owned enterprise initially reported technical problems with the document, but within a few hours the minister of foreign affairs, dmytro kuleba , published a post in which he announced: the ukrainian state has decided to suspend the provision of consular services to men of mobilization age. a man of pre-winter age went abroad, showed his country that the question of its survival is his need. walks, a
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then he comes and wants to receive services from this state, it does not work that way, there is a war in our country. limiting access to consular services abroad for those who do not have a military id or have not updated their data at the shopping center is indeed provided for in the new law on mobilization, but it does not come into force until may 18, and the documents are not issued already. many lawyers are sure that the actions of the ministry of foreign affairs are illegal, but at the same time... very few doubt that it is unlikely that such a drastic step could have been the initiative of the ministry or even the government. apparently, it was approved at the bank meeting. even in at a joint press conference with estonian prime minister kaya kalas in january, president zelenskyi was asked to comment on whether estonia should deport men of draft age to ukraine, and he voiced his position. our boys have been fighting for two years, and at this time. i will tell you frankly, there are
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people who crossed the border outside the rules, or outside the law. if they are of mobilization age, then they should help ukraine, and they should be in ukraine. deportation, which is true, is unlikely to happen. germany categorically rejected this possibility. ministers defense forces of poland and lithuania allowed the possibility of helping ukraine in the issue of the return of mobilized men. age, but later the minister of internal affairs of poland clarified that temporary protection will be provided to ukrainian male refugees even without a passport, and their private data will not be transferred to the ukrainian authorities. we need to act wisely and rationally. all things that concern ukrainians in poland are prescribed in laws. we will extend protection for ukrainian refugees, which is valid only until june 30. those who do not have passports will be subject.
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temporary protection, however, deportation is extreme, there are other ways to stimulate ukrainian men to return to ukraine. next week, the polish diet will consider a new version of the law on: ukrainian refugees, and according to zmi, it may contain a requirement for ukrainians to provide a valid passport to receive various benefits, no passport, no benefits. according to european union statistics, after the full-scale invasion, more than 800,000 ukrainian men left there, some of them illegally. hundreds of thousands more lived and worked abroad until great war many of them, rightly or wrongly, will now have to endure. inconveniences and limitations. long queues of ukrainian men appeared this week not only in warsaw and berlin, but also in ukrainian cities. conscripts are in a hurry to update their data even before the new law on mobilization comes into force, because
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the countdown, two months, will begin on may 18. if you don't have time, there will be sanctions. the fine is probably more than uah 20,000, entering the police search base and even. deprivation of the right to drive by car, however, the ministry of defense reassures that the data can be updated not only directly at the tsc, but also at administrative service centers and through the electronic cabinet. it should become operational in june, dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense, told rfe/rl. update the data so that the tcc isp knows who is booked, who can be mobilized accordingly, and so on. whose family circumstances have changed, who has the right to a postponement, and this is obviously also about justice. if the conscript's electronic account does not work, then it will be impossible to implement the law adopted by the council. after may 18, the queues at the tsk will become even longer, and they will physically not be able to cope with the influx of visitors. a separate
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issue is military conscripts with the status of limited fitness. the parliament obliged them to re-pass the vlk within nine months in order to receive a new status, which... has yet to be determined by the ministry of defense, and whether it will be necessary to confirm the disability of the second and third groups received after february 24, 2022, as reported before, now unclear. the court-legal newspaper drew attention to the fact that the announced norm did not make it to the final version of the law. while the preparations for increased mobilization are underway , the widely publicized recruitment campaign in the armed forces does not bring the desired result. according to numerous testimonies of servicemen who voluntarily came to the tcc, having a letter of reference from the military unit where they would like to serve, the mechanism does not work. the mobilized gets to the training center, and there the relationship actually means nothing,
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i.e. where you will serve and who you are not depends against the background of uncertainty, ambiguity and management mistakes, there is a heated debate in social networks. critics. the latest decisions of the parliament and the executive power, both regarding mobilization and ukrainian men abroad, are reminiscent of the constitution and the rights of citizens. in response, servicemen and their relatives remind us of their constitutional obligations, including the protection of the independence and territorial integrity of ukraine, as well as those who have been at the front for more than two years and who currently have no one to replace. american help is coming us president joe biden on wednesday signed the law passed by congress on the allocation of aid to ukraine in the amount of almost 61 billion dollars. the legislative package was blocked in the house of representatives for more than six months. signing the law, biden promised that missile
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systems and other weapons would be sent to ukraine within hours. at the same time, he recalled that while the republicans in the house of representatives were...helping for months, the ukrainians were running out of ammunition, which led to the loss of lives and the destruction of cities and villages. first the aid package for ukraine includes air defense equipment, artillery shells, armored vehicles and anti-tank weapons. in more than two years of full-scale invasion , russia killed tens of thousands of ukrainians, bombed hospitals, kindergartens, granaries, tried to drown... for months in the congress , aid was blocked, while putin and his friends, such as north korea, iran, china, supplied russian artillery,
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ballistic missiles, drones for troops. this package will provide life support to our partners. and not only in ukraine, as well as throughout europe. the decision that led to... tragic consequences for ukraine. 14 years ago in kharkiv, ukraine and russia agreed to extend the stay of the russian black sea fleet in sevastopol until 2042. in exchange for a 30 percent discount on russian gas prices for ukraine for 10 years. the document was signed by the then presidents of russia, dmitry medvedev, and ukraine, viktor yanukovych. the decision caused an uproar in society and in the verkhovna rada. in fact, the traitor president then created the prerequisites for russian attack on ukraine. natalya scareprava will tell more. relations between our countries were not just stagnant, they were deteriorating, and
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now it is not about improving relations, but about their revival, resuscitation with the help of powerful means. in just two months as president of ukraine, viktor yanukovych accelerated the countdown to the russian offensive. on april 21, 2010, the leaders of ukraine and russia signed the document in kharkiv. known as the kharkiv agreements. from now on, dialogue with our big neighbor will build equality, good neighborliness and healthy pragmatism, not confrontation and anti-russian rhetoric. was it gained at too high a price? no, because the agreements reached with moscow are mutually beneficial. the agreement provided for the continued basing of the black sea fleet. the russian federation in crimea until 2042 with an automatic extension for another 5 years, unless either
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party expresses objections, in fact it was an extension of the agreement adopted during the presidency of kuchma in 1997, according to which the russian fleet could be based in sevastopol for free until 2017. according to kharkiv according to the agreement, russia had to pay 100 million dollars a year for the maintenance of the fleet in the black sea. in addition, ukraine was supposed to receive a discount on the purchase of russian gas, but the presence of the black sea fleet in crimea was an obstacle to ukraine's accession to nato. on the eve of the vote for the extension of the agreement, two committees of the verkhovna rada on european integration and foreign affairs recommended that the parliament reject the agreement, because it contradicts the constitution. of course, it is necessary to convene an extraordinary session of the parliament, this is the first. the second is necessary create a temporary investigative commission in order to find out all the circumstances of the preparation and signing of this agreement and to answer
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the question: who gave the right to violate the constitution of the president? on april 27, 2010, people's deputies from the opposition tried to disrupt the ratification of the kharkiv agreements. already at the beginning of the meeting , a fight began between deputies in the hall. during the meeting, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, volodymyr lytvyn, was pelted with eggs. someone threw a smoke bomb in the hall. the opposition blocked the tribune. despite this, the verkhovna rada ratified the kharkiv agreements. by 236 deputies voted. protesters under the council unsuccessfully demanded to cancel the ratification. to break through the berkut border, a number of politicians later called for the termination
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of agreements with russia. in december 2012 , opposition politician volodymyr yavorivskyi registered a draft law on the denunciation of the agreement, which threatens the national and economic security of ukraine, but it was ignored. in the wake of the revolution of dignity in march 2014, the people's deput once again proposed to terminate the validity of the three basing agreements. of the russian fleet in crimea since 1997. the draft law was in the council until november of the same year, and then it was withdrawn. people's deputy oleg lyashko also tried to cancel the agreements, but his draft laws never made it to consideration. in march 2021, oleg dunda also submitted a draft law on the denunciation of the agreement between ukraine and russia. but the leadership of the council delayed putting it to a vote. draft law, in fact, with the agreement of russia. yes, the kremlin received the conditions to
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prepare the annexation of crimea. russian military facilities were scattered throughout the peninsula, and already at the beginning of april 2014, muscovites occupied crimea. dictator vladimir putin issued a decree on the unilateral termination of the russian-ukrainian agreement. russia has said that their fleet, where the yury is, is based on the territory. russian federation. crimea and sevastopol. crimea and sevastopol return to their home port. to native shores. port of permanent residence, in russia. kharkiv agreements are considered illegal for a reason, because they lack references to articles of the constitution. the basic law with the 17th article prohibits the location of foreigners on the territory of ukraine military bases for example, the 1997 agreement
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on the presence of the russian fleet in crimea contained clause 14. transitional provisions of the constitution. this is a one-time action that actually allowed to bypass the direct provision of the constitution. yanukovych could not apply it for the second time, regarding the same agreement. we are not going to leave crimea. this is the first thing i want to say. secondly, we have every reason for this, i mean that we have signed relevant international agreements with ukraine on the extension of the stay of our fleet. in crimea. in 2021, the state bureau of investigation reported on suspicion of treason against viktor yanukovych and mykola azarov. the fugitive president and the prime minister were declared wanted and arrested in absentia. suspicion was also announced to the ministers of foreign affairs and justice during yanukovych's presidency, kostyantyn
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hryschenko and oleksandr lavrynovych. the security service of ukraine on behalf of the national security council and vol. began a pre-trial investigation into the circumstances of the preparation and ratification of the kharkiv agreements in march 2021. one way or another, the agreement between kyiv and moscow and its ratification by the parliament actually entrenched the enemy fleet and military bases in crimea, which led to the annexation of the peninsula and later to a full-scale invasion. natalya starepravo, espresso tv channel. uah 400 million, or almost half of the capital's reserve fund. that is how much it will cost to repair the tunnel between lebitska and demiivska metro stations. a month ago, the head of kyiv, vitaliy klitschko, assured that almost 40% of the work was completed. more than 60 workers and 10
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pieces of equipment work at the site in three shifts. at what stage is the restoration of the metro tunnel now and when is it planned? complete? to be, dmytro didora learned. for almost five months , repair work has been going on in the capital's metro between the lybitska and demiivska stations. on december 8 , train traffic was urgently restricted in this section, as there was a risk for subway passengers. excavations are currently being carried out between the closed metro stations, and the tunnel is planned to be repaired from the outside. in particular, the following was implemented: stabilization measures over time. strengthening of tunnel frame elements, construction site preparation, construction site fencing, demolition of buildings and structures, search works, construction of temporary and domestic structures, installation of temporary engineering networks, removal of engineering networks, dismantling of engineering networks and communications placed in
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the tunnel, isolation of work sites in the tunnel by installing partitions with gates, dismantling of the track. and cutting of track concrete, arrangement of unloading slabs with arrangement of piles, development of pit with fastening of the first and second tiers. the repair of the tunnel is carried out by a limited liability company group highway companies. before this , the company had no experience in the construction or repair of the subway, but the company repairs roads. in 2021, the freeway received almost uah 13 billion from ukraautor. at the same time, the enterprise takes place in several crimeas. investigations, this can be seen on the website of the ucontrol analytical system. thus, according to the materials of the proceedings, the law enforcement officers believed that during the repair and construction works, three companies, including the avtostrada group of companies, improperly performed the works, overestimating their quality and cost. on the site
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27 m of the emergency tunnel in lebitska demiivska should be completely replaced. the non-governmental organization passengers of kyiv compared that the repair on... the blue branch is equal to the construction of almost half a kilometer of a new tunnel to vynogradar. instead of the closed section of the metro, kyivites are offered to use buses that duplicate the movement of the subway or an alternative shuttle from demiivska to terymki. often, residents of the capital choose buses. well, of course, of course, there is discomfort, but i'm used to it somewhere on... 20 minutes more to work getting home, of course, is definitely inconvenient, and i would say that convenience is not the main aspect, i would say... on the safety side of the story, it increased the time by about 50 percent if it was an hour before work , now it's half past one, i apologize, we are such a people that we get used to
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the situations that arise, so god forbid that it goes, however, during rush hour , the number of people at the bus stop is much greater than the number of buses for transportation. in the first days after the accident in the subway to ensure the movement of the temporary of 2m buses, kyiv-pasrans sent 90 buses to cover the needs of the metro section. currently, more than 70 buses travel on the duplicate metro route. a person waited there for 20 minutes for his bus, and because his bus was taken from him on the route and sent there to lybidska, the person began to wait for a bus for 30 minutes, that is, and... let's say, loyalty and, loyalty to public transport and interest in using it becomes less and less for people
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who value their time. we add to the rush hour air alarm when these buses stop and we get a paralyzed transport system in the capital. people still stand and wait for the alarm to go off, because they know, relatively speaking, that this is a takeoff, that they have to wait there for 15-20-30 minutes and the transport will leave. but it's not at all about people's safety, that is, it doesn't show its effectiveness for people's safety and only works in kyiv and two other western cities of ukraine. in response to our request, the kyiv metro assures that specialists are making every effort to complete the repairs by the end of summer this year. he promised the same the mayor, vitaly klitschko. dmytro didora, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. this is how our team saw this week, and i have to add that the most important thing now is to unite not only to help
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the armed forces, but also to realize that the human resource is unlimited, and our military needs a replacement at the front. i was with you, iryna koval, take care. the legend of ukrainian rock with an exclusive program kyiv meet the dead rooster band accompanied by a string quartet. the best selected compositions. already on may 8 in beletaj beginning at 7 p.m. enjoy the special sound of the real thing. laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, feminost
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uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminonost uro, urination under control. there are discounts on linex forte capsules, 15% in pharmacies in plantain for your savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to exploit. zas after her release, says energy expert olga kosharna. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. let's listen to people suffering from rheumatism and arthrosis. more joints so piercing. it is impossible to get used to it, it does not allow to move. i tried everything, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from pain in rheumatism. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves
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joint mobility. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. there are discounts on visas. 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. information viruses: almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has its own data available to over 20 million people, it's more than action. telegram is a... method of adjusting hits on some objects. that is why, or to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we
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are dealing with the mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then an enemy army came out of it in the middle of the night. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. most current topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland.
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drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency will be a disaster for the world. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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congratulations, the real front program is on the air, and i, taras berizovets, am with you. today in our program. america said yes to the supply of weapons to ukraine. poland and lithuania are preparing to jointly defend the suwalki corridor. increases subversive operations against the free world, as well as the killing of a policeman in vinnytsia. how enemy propaganda tries to take advantage of tragedy. on tuesday, april 23, the senate of the us congress voted overwhelmingly to approve the aid package ukraine, israel and taiwan in the amount of 95.3.
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billion dollars before that, on april 20, the package was approved by the house of representatives of the united states congress. thus, both chambers of the us congress approved this extremely important bill. more details about this event in our next story. after months of controversy, the us senate voted on april 23 to provide military aid to ukraine. 79 senators voted for, against - 18. the package includes more than 95 billion dollars of aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan, almost 61 billion dollars of which for ukraine, write the western media. before the aid is delivered to kyiv, this document must be signed by us president joe biden, who has promised to sign the bill as soon as it arrives, the white house reported. i will sign this one.
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bill and will appeal to the american people as soon as it is on my desk tomorrow so that we can begin sending weapons and equipment to ukraine this week. this is important, the legislation will make our country and the world safer as we support our friends who are defending themselves against terrorists, such as hamas and tyrants such as putin. on the morning of april 24, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy thanked the senators for the approved bill and the support from the american people on social networks. this vote reinforces america's role as a beacon of democracy and leader of the free world. i am also grateful to all americans who continue to support ukraine and realize that the historical significance of this bill goes beyond politics. i equally appreciate president biden's support and look forward to the bill's swift signing and delivery the next military aid package that corresponds.


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