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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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home. i will sign this bill and appeal to the american people as soon as it is on my desk tomorrow so that we can begin sending weapons and equipment to ukraine this week. this is important legislation that will make our country and the world safer as we stand by our friends who defend themselves against terrorists like hamas and tyrants like putin. on the morning of april 24, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi thanked the senate on social networks. for the approved bill and support from the american people. it voting reinforces america's role as the beacon of democracy and leader of the free world. i am also grateful to all americans who continue to support ukraine and realize that the historical significance of this bill goes beyond politics. i also appreciate president biden's support and look forward to the swift signing of the bill and the delivery of the next military aid package to respond. will give the determination that
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i always feel in our negotiations. ukraine's telecommunications capabilities, artillery and air defense are extremely important tools for restoration of a just peace as soon as possible. however, on the same day, april 24, in the evening on the website, news appeared that joe biden had signed the law on military aid to ukraine, and the package would be sent within the next few hours. the american president announced this during a video address on... april 24. today is a good day for world peace. i just signed into law a bill that deals with aid. this is what will make america and the world safer. this will help our partners protect theirs sovereign territory. the american leader also clarified that aid to ukraine will include air defense equipment, artillery, missile systems and armored vehicles. also , the day before, the media reported that the next package of american military aid
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to ukraine, worth about a billion dollars, may include ata kams long-range missiles for the first time. cnn wrote about this on april 23 with reference to sources. during congressional briefings in recent weeks , administration officials have indicated that the u.s. is likely to launch airstrikes against ukraine for the first time. long range as part of a new aid package. we are talking about the latest modification of this missile, which has range of more than 300 km and carries a high-explosive warhead, which allows it to cause significantly more damage when hitting a target. the publication also notes that atacams missiles were previously delivered to ukraine, but then the americans provided a limited version of it, which has a cluster warhead and has a range of 160 km. citing its own sources, reuters reports that... the us
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military aid package will amount to $1 billion usa. it will include vehicles, stinger anti-aircraft missile systems, additional ammunition for haimars systems, 15 mm artillery shells, tau and jewelen anti-tank ammunition. also on april 23 in warsaw, during a joint briefing with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, the head of the british government rishisunak announced a new aid package from great britain, which will include 400 units of equipment, 4 million rounds of ammunition, 60 boats for conducting water raids , air defense equipment, another batch of long-range precision missiles stormshadow. on april 22, during a telephone conversation with the president of the united states, joe biden, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky , warned that russia will probably try
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to succeed on the battlefield on the eve of may 9, because vladimir putin's obsession with sacred soviet dates is a well-known fact. on april 21, the joint lithuanian-polish tactical exercises "hrobra griffon" started, within the limits of which the military must work out defense scenarios in... the suvalki corridor, which is part of nato's strategic plans. if hypothetical war with russia. control over the isthmus of suval would make it possible to cut off nato allies from the baltic states. aware of serious threats, lithuania and poland agreed to strengthen the protection of this area. see our next story for more details on this situation. poland
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and lithuania are training to repel russian aggression. the countries are conducting joint military exercises in the suval corridor. this was reported by the lithuanian broadcaster lrt with reference to the military. joint lithuanians. polish-polish tactical exercises with an aviation element "brave gerifon 24/2" started on april 21. the military units of poland and lithuania, together with their allies, will test the defense scenario in the so-called suval corridor, which is an approximately hundred-kilometer border zone between lithuania and poland, which borders kaliningrad oblast to the west and belarus to the east. during the exercise, 1,500 soldiers of the jamah infantry brigade. in the name of the great hetman of lithuania jan khodykevich, together with the allies , will test the defense scenario in the so -called suval corridor, according to bilateral lithuanian-polish orsha plan. the message states that this plan was prepared in 2022 by the commanders of the lithuanian and polish armies. most
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of it is classified. the training will last until april 26. at the same time , sword strike exercises organized by the us armed forces continue in lithuania. still at the end. in january 2024, the presidents of the country, yetanas nauseda and andrzej duda , announced these exercises in a joint interview with delphi. we are already talking about a very specific deadline, maybe it can happen in april, but let's not forget that the suval corridor is also an integral part of nato's strategic plans. and of course, we are not the only ones talking about the suval corridor and its defense capability. nauseda noted. duda assured that the protection of the suval corridor is taken very seriously. and take appropriate measures. in the last year, we have been restoring the defense capability of poland in the east of our country. it is there that new units are created, the capabilities of those units that were all the time in bartoszytsy, graev and other areas are increased. we are strengthening the polish military
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presence, we are strengthening border protection, both polish-belarusian and polish-lithuanian. it is also worth noting that belarus is also planning military exercises near the border. ukraine, latvia and lithuania, writes the belarusian guy. mobilization exercises will be held in the vitebsk region, together with lithuania, latvia and the russian federation. their purpose is to assess the degree of readiness of military commanders, state bodies and organizations to perform tasks related to the assignment. during the exercises, it is planned to practice the transfer of military commanders from peacetime to wartime, deployment of the mobilization infrastructure, the call for conscripts and automobile equipment for the... staffing of commissariats. all military commanders of the vitep region will take part in the training. in the rechitsky district of the gomel region, which is not far from the border with ukraine, preparations are also being made for conducting tro exercises. the approximate term is called may-july. this is not the first training of belarus near
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the borders of other countries. thus, earlier on april 2 this year, the armed forces of belarus began military exercises in the regions bordering ukraine, lithuania and poland. in addition to the lithuanian-polish exercises in the suval corridor, also not the majority since 1988, the training began in germany. the bundeswehr involved more than 12,000 military personnel in them. the legend of these exercises on the territory of germany is the transfer of nato troops from the western flank to the eastern. germany plays the role of a transit country during all exercises. which should as soon as possible ensure the transfer of personnel of nato member countries, from france, great britain, italy, spain, as well as others, to the baltic countries and also poland. the russians, with their insatiable
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appetites and encroachments on the territory of nato countries, actually caused a whole political and military tornado. and once almost neutral and even friendly, during the time of angela merkel until... russia, germany has turned into a country that, with its military power and ambitions, actually poses a serious and direct danger in putin's dictatorship. meanwhile, in germany, there is an increased threat of terrorist attacks and the growth of anti-semitism, the country's counterintelligence warns. appropriate warning on tuesday. on april 23, it was issued by the federal office for the protection of the german constitution. according to the head of the german special service, thomas haldewang, russia may commit an act of sabotage in germany as a reaction to the course of the war against ukraine. more about
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the subversive activities of the russian special services in our next story. already after several months. it is on july 26 that the summer olympic games will start in paris, for which not only athletes from around the world are actively preparing, but also law enforcement agencies of france, due to the threat of terrorist attacks. april 23 the french right-wing rontsi have already detained a young man on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack on the olympics. according to sky news, the boy was trying to buy materials to make a belt with explosives. and he wrote on social networks that he wanted to die a martyr's death in the name of the terrorist organization idol. the young man was arrested on april 23 at his parents' house, where investigators found manuscripts swearing allegiance to the islamic state. later, at the police station, the boy admitted that he wanted to carry out a terrorist attack during the olympics using a rifle and a belt. with explosives, young man stated that his goal was the business districts. after the attack, he wanted to die under the bullets
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of the police. france was ready for such scenarios, so it prepared two options for holding the opening ceremonies of the olympic games. in the event of a terrorist threat on the seine river in paris. french president emmanuel macron told french television about this on air, ukrinform reports. he also mentioned the possibility of returning the ceremony to the stat de france, calling it classic. option there is a plan b and a plan c. we are preparing them in parallel. we will analyze them in real time. we have a plan for a ceremony that will be limited to the trocadéro and therefore will not cover the entire stage. ukrainian expert and former deputy head of the sbu viktora yagon does not rule out attempted terrorist attacks during the olympics with the help of the russian federation. at the same time, he assures that a number of special services are working to avoid this. our western tners have been actively working for more than a month, and there are reservations, even the french, the french
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special services have appealed to cancel the olympics celebrations, because in they have a suspicion that it can be used, but the american special services, and the british, german, that is, they all work in the same context, i think that preventive measures, measures... will be quite strict, well, no one is immune to anything , unfortunately, and if russia tries to use this by shifting the attention and dila, who will now be actively working in russia to western europe, i think that this is one of those nails in the coffin of the russian reality that they are driving into themselves, because well it cannot fail to be exposed by the special services. and this once again will confirm that russia is waging a hybrid war not
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against ukraine or individual countries, it is waging a hybrid war against civilization, because cooperating with an ideal that is against modern socialization, well, that is what is called, being in the state of the enemy and playing under his opinion, only i emphasize once again, it is not clear who will play to whose tune, the russian federation wants to restore order in... the pro-russian forces of moldova have created the pre-election block pobeda in moscow, which will oppose moldova's entry into the european union, and instead will support the course of membership in the eurasian economic union and friendly relations with russia. in his telegram, the scandalous moldovan oligarch ilan shor named the congress the union of the moldovan opposition. in their speeches, the leaders of the new bloc thanked russia for its support, and called the european union an enemy. we are here. him a new way for moldova. the idea of ​​the eu is a phantom, it is harmful for citizens and for the country. sand has nothing
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to offer people whom she has already chosen. even surveys conducted by the current government of moldova show that the popularity of the idea of ​​joining the eu in moldova is falling. so, if in 2021 integration into the eu was supported by 72%, in 2022 the numbers dropped to 57%, and now it is slightly above 50%. it is obvious that the people were upset. deliberately cuts the umbilical cord of our ties with the cis, with russia, with the eu, with traditional partners and neighbors. our task is to show people working and time-tested alternatives. i have already named them russia, eau, cis. we will act in this direction. thanks to all the participants and organizers of the congress, to all who are with us today, we are ready to win. 20 on april 1, during the curfew in the gaysyn district of the vinnytsia region
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, patrol policemen stopped a car in which two men were in order to check documents. as a result, the passengers of the car opened fire. one patrolman was wounded, another inspector of the response sector of the patrol police, maksym zaretsky, died. it is obvious that the russian special services immediately tried to take advantage of this tragedy. v. discussions began in ukrainian social networks, in which russian internet trolls gladly joined. on the planning of the information attack also indicated that the anonymous commentators... deliberately emphasized that the attackers were actually ukrainian military personnel. it was also said that military personnel are dangerous to civilians due to severe ptsd and mental disorders. and there was also information that it was all the fault of the policemen, who were hiding from the mobilization and clinging to those who stood up to defend the country. in this way
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, an attempt was made to sow a split in ukrainian society and undermine people's trust in... the ssu. previously, ukrainian intelligence warned that russia will use a complex approach against ukraine, which, in addition to the military component, includes destabilizing the situation inside the country and conducting information and psychological special operations. more details about what happened in vinnytsia region and the consequences of this tragedy in our next story. in vinnytsia u'. area on the night of april 20, two men shot policemen, as a result of which one law enforcement officer died. as you know, around two o'clock in the morning , police officers stopped an unknown dark-colored car color to check. there were two military men in the cabin, who at the request of the police handed over their documents and opened the trunk. however, in a moment, both men suddenly opened fire on
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the law enforcement officers. one was injured, his partner, 20-year-old police officer maksym zaretsky, died from his injuries. on the morning of the same day, the attackers were declared wanted, a search operation was launched in the vinnytsia and odesa regions, and already on april 21, law enforcement officers managed to detain the suspects. as a result of a complex and successful police operation the attackers were detained. they were hiding in an abandoned building in the odesa region and intended to leave ukraine. the policemen said that they also found and seized bloodstained clothes, shoes, and documents from the car. and other physical evidence. the detainees say that the reason for the attack on the policemen was that they were transporting live grenades, whether this is true or not, the investigation establishes. however, national police officer olena berezhna questioned such a motive. the investigation will establish all the circumstances, motives and reasons for committing a crime. even
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if there really was a gun in the trunk, attacking and killing police officers because of it doesn't seem... old. initially , there was information that those involved in the attack on the policemen were servicemen of the 28th separate mechanized brigade named after the knights of the winter campaign. however, this information was denied at first by the press service of the brigade and later by the defense forces of southern ukraine. in addition, we note that the persons suspected of committing a crime for more than a year have not been related to the 28th ombr and lycers of the winter hike we are making every effort to assist in the investigation of this case and ensure that justice is served. the head of the national police of ukraine, ivan vehyvskyi , said that the attackers were two soldiers, natives of the vinnytsia region. father and son, who are 52 and 26 years old, respectively. the dbr employees informed the detainees about the suspicion of desertion with
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weapons carried out under the conditions of martial law. the suspects face imprisonment for 9 to 15 years or life imprisonment. note that the internet is on the network information is spreading that the attackers were supporters of the pcmp, however, there is currently no official data confirming this, but at the same time, employees of the security service of ukraine are checking their involvement in the activities of subversive and intelligence groups. on april 22 , the vinnytsia city court chose a preventive measure for one of the criminals involved in the shooting of the policemen. the next 60 actions the 52- year-old suspect will be in the pre-trial detention center, his 26-year-old son will also be detained for 60 days without pledge possibilities. on april 23 , deputy defense minister timur ivanov was arrested in russia. this is an extremely important event, in order to understand it, you need to take
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a short excursion into history. in 1980. the first secretary of the embassy of the soviet union in the polish people's republic was appointed an officer of the first department of the kgb of the ussr, viktor petrovich alganov. he worked under this diplomatic cover with a break in the mid-1980s until 1992. he was the closest associate of the lieutenant general vitaly grigoryvych pavlov, a resident of soviet intelligence in poland and a representative of the kgb of the ussr at the ministry of internal affairs of the pns. after returning to the embassy of the soviet union in poland in the 1990s , he worked as a deputy resident of the russian, and before that, soviet intelligence. polish wop - uzhon. security of the estate is a polish special service, based on the information received operationally in those years , there was no doubt that alganov used a company
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registered in poland to cover his intelligence activities, although it was faster for all the usual czech business. the polish stage of alganov's activity was replaced by the stage of work in atomic energy. in march 2001 , putin, on the recommendation of the fsb, appointed oleksandr yuriyovich rumyantsev as the minister of atomic energy of russia instead of yeltsin's family member yevgeny olegovich adamov. from this moment, the rapid stage of the career of chekist engineer yadershchyk alganov begins. through his contacts in the special services, he lobbies for the arrival of serhii mykolayevovich ivanov, the general director of tv energeticheskaya. the campaign, which was created by the rosatomergo concern and nuclear plants to attract private investment in the nuclear
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industry, to the chair of the executive director of the rosenergoatom concern. and he becomes a watcher from the special services in the position of an adviser. in his turn, taking the position of executive director of the rosenergoatom concern and acting in connection with alganov, ivanov z... asked a young employee of the department of nuclear facilities construction of the ministry of atomic energy of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, a namesake, as his adviser. at therefore, timur ivanov retained his part-time position in this department, which in the future was transformed into tv atom stroyenergo, the main building. the contractor of the nuclear industry of russia, precisely due to pressure from serhiy kiriyenko, who was appointed to rosatom in 2006, explains the gradual
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migration of the alganov group to another energy structure controlled by the st. petersburg clan. interrao. yuriy kovalchuk, igor sechin, putin's closest oligarchs, headed by boris yuriyovich kovalchuk, son of yuriy kovalchuk, control. for timur ivanov work under under the leadership of yuriy kovalchuk's son, it became a career springboard. in 2009-12, timur ivanov headed the russian energy agency of the ministry of energy of russia. at the same time, he was an adviser to the minister of energy. at the same time, he got to know and did certain favors for serhii kazhugetovich shoigu. why did shoigu invite him to be the deputy head of the government of the moscow region when he himself was elected governor of the moscow region. according to available information, a key
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role in the appointment of timur ivanov was played by the recommendation of the kovalchuk family, who even then put yeltsinsky under their control nominee serhii shoigu. on november 6, 2012, serhii shoigu was appointed. minister of defense of russia to replace the corrupt serdyuk. later, after becoming the minister of defense, shoigu invited timur ivanov, who since 2016 was in charge of all military constructions, as his deputy. he is part of the unit overseen by the first deputy of defense, ruslan tselikov. together with shoigu and tselikov , timur ivanov created a joint criminal group that defends the interests of contractors. primarily in the construction sector, thus making billions of dollars from russian military contracts. one of the most important financial mechanisms is the awarding
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of military contracts, including defense orders, to companies willing to pay kickbacks. the size of these kickbacks, as a rule, is from 5 to 20%. the volume of obchak of the shoigu tselikov-ivanov group is calculated by a fantastic number, a number. not less than three trillion russian rubles. thus, under the leadership of serhiy shoigo and under the political cover of yuriy kovalchuk and with the help of an officer of the foreign intelligence service viktor alganov formed a stable money laundering group of the ministry of defense of russia, which includes ruslan tselikov, serhiy and timur ivanov, as well as ksenia shoigu. it is these people who ensure the personal financial interests of the minister of defense. political loyalty from vladimir putin. the arrest of timur ivanov looks like the beginning of a complete overhaul of the ministry of defense, as well as
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a serious one. a bell for kovalchuk shoigu's group on the eve of personnel rotations in the russian government in may 2024. as noted by russian observers, the arrest of timur ivanova is a very alarming bell for the group of kovalchuk and shoigu. after all , the inauguration of russian dictator vladimir putin is scheduled for may 7. unexpected personnel changes on the eve of this inauguration mean the beginning of a huge internal war of russian clans, in which, most likely , not all will be able to survive. it is currently unknown whether the all-powerful serhii shoigu will resign. putin, taking into account his logic of actions, may keep serhii kezhugetovich in this position, while seriously weakening him. ironically, the cause of the downfall of the clan.
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shoigu and kovalchuk had to share the inheritance of yevgeny prigozhin, the owner of wagner's private military company, killed by putin. in this way, prigozhin was able to reach out to his sworn enemy sergei shoigu, even from the grave. this program was conducted for you by me, major of the armed forces of ukraine taras berozovets. thank you for being with us, glory to ukraine and together. have you never seen the classic underpants before victory or something? i wrote a children's poem here, listen to it, a tractor in
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how do you get to a billion for free because people like our product because we realized early on what people like use quality things. information viruses, almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. these viruses break through our defenses and can bring an entire nation to its knees in devastation. state a year ago, we were all convinced that we would liberate our territories, but now many are overcome by pessimism and even despair, for this purpose special information operations are being carried out, all russian structures, which until now were kept in in our lives, these are trojan horses that the aggressor country brought to us in order to destroy us from the inside, and our story is just about one such informational trojan horse, on which russia rides in a very strange way.


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