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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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how do you get a billion for free because people like our product, because we realized early on that people like to use quality things, information viruses, almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. these viruses break through our defenses and can...bring an entire nation to its knees and destroy a state. even a year ago, we were all convinced that we would liberate our territories, and now many are gripped by pessimism and even despair. special information operations are conducted for this purpose. all the russian structures that have remained in our lives until now are trojan horses that were brought to us by the aggressor country in order to destroy us from the inside. and our story is precisely about one such informational trojan horse, on which russia rides in a very strange way. so
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does president zelenskyi, the applications they use now are five or six years behind, they copy what we did 6 years ago, and it is not a very good copy of our functions. telegram appeared back in 2013, but at first we used it exclusively as a messenger to write letters to each other. at some point, pavel dur... the founder of telegram decides to turn it into a platform for information dissemination. in the beginning , telegram was not popular and developed very slowly. it took 5 years to get the first 100 million users. then things went better, now there are almost a billion users, but in 10 years the company has not become self-supporting. at the same time , billions of dollars poured into it. first, durov invested his 400 million dollars, then attracted funds, in the end issued bonds for 2 billion
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dollars, but this did not help either, the launched advertising also did not cover expenses. telegram is one of the largest and fastest growing messaging apps in the world. he is popular all over the world including the usa, but not much is known about his company, the headquarters is in dubai, where we are now. it is owned and managed by pavlo durov, the company's founder, who rarely gives interviews. in a long interview with tucker carlson with pavel durov, there was no lack of advertising for telegram, praising the genius of its founder and talking about freedom of speech, and the american propagandist, who recently gave the same complimentary interviews with the russian dictator putin and the lawyer of the roc amsterdam, never asked the main question, who does it pay for everything? telegram did not attract all investors publicly, so it is impossible to get a complete list of them. the media found out: about only a few, they are
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kivi founder serhii solonin, co-founder of wimbildan davyd yakubashvili and oligarch roman abramovich. two of the latter were sanctioned after the russian federation invaded ukraine on february 22. the vrf telegram was partially blocked in april 2018, but was unblocked in june 2020. roskomnadzor positively assessed the willingness expressed by the telegram founder to counter terrorism and extremism. the culmination of these mutual compliments was the write-off already in 2024 of the arrears of fines that the russian authorities had previously imposed on telegram. instead, telegram blocked 12 of the 15 channels of the wagnerites during the prigozhin rebellion, after murders of navalny 400 opposition channels, the russian authorities and the russian telegram channel as two heads of the russian eagle. we see clear cooperation. the administration of telegram with
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roskomnadzor, well, the russian roskomnadzor and the fsb, because when the fsb needs to block any telegram channels on the territory of the russian federation there in dagestan, in bashkiria, just the russian opposition, then telegram fulfills the instructions, instantly. there is also no shortage of indirect evidence of telegram's work in line with the kremlin's narratives. in a recent interview, durov admitted that de facto helped spread...vaccination hoaxes that russia actively launched during the covid epidemic, and received praise for this from carlson, who himself engaged in this, in particular, when he lied about 300 deaths from vaccination. during the pandemic, i think we were one of the few, or maybe the only, major social media platform that didn't delete accounts that were skeptical of some of these measures. so why aren't you
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a hero in the us, shouldn't there be a parade in your honor if you are the only one. form of social networks that didn't remove what turned out to be true, or somewhat true, and certainly truer than the cdc leadership. why didn't you become the times person of the year? i would like to note that only two platforms are allowed in the russian army - vkontakte and telegram. why is this done? probably because they either trust him or understand that he is completely under their control. there are more, a few out there. testimony of cyber experts who say that all the traffic that passes through telegram is on servers that are located on the territory of russia federation. the second thing is that all the information that users exchange with each other, even after they
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delete it, it is stored on the servers of telegram itself. this is actually very dangerous, and there are many facts about it, starting with the fact that the ephesians are somewhere on the border. catch people and then gain access to information that people have previously wiped. recently, there was a situation when there was a big failure in telegram at the end of february this year, and many people who deleted correspondence between themselves had it reappear, that is, this information is pulled from the servers of the telegram itself, and obviously, if the fsb can restore this information, then they have some kind of interaction, some kind with... the administration of the telegram itself, or have some so -called back-door, that is, access to their databases, which they can use to recover this information. durov publicly stated that he did not know why the debts were written off from telegram, but it is at least strange, just like the no less strange story with the limitation
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of telegram in russia itself, it ended completely amicably. more than one in four ilya perekopskyi, the public manager of telegram, publicly demonstrates his closeness to the russian authorities. here, perekopsky joined the panel discussion held by the prime minister of the russian federation, mikhail mishustin. in september 2023, russian senator viktor bondariv expressed concern about the appearance of news channels in whatsapp and noted that previously such a function was possible only in the telegram of the friendly russian federation information space. the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, also spoke positively about the cooperation with telegram. for relationship and power interact normally. russia had been preparing for a full-scale invasion for many years, five weapons caches were blown up and telegrams were launched. there was no effect at first, because ukrainians continued to use facebook and youtube. what did the russian army do? created
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special channels specifically for ukraine, through which it disseminated information. the security service of ukraine provided a list of these channels. the operatives of the sbu established that the agent network was created by the so-called: 85th main center of the special service of the main the administration of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation created two columns of telegram channels , all-ukrainian and regional, the first included a well-known resident, a legitimate cartel , the kyiv case, a black quarter - a gossip, to the second, dnipro-live, trempel-kharkov, atypical zaporozhye, odesa dude, it was done by people from the odesa anti-maidan, who in 2014 year russian spring was prepared in odesa. coordinated. all processes are like artem davydchenko, now the sbu has declared him money. ask me if i watch the news, no, but i read telegram. here, that is, i am already the first candidate for to manipulate me as, as anyone pleases? i think that this is not critical at all, because those people who want to consume
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russian information, russian propaganda, they will, in the last resort, install vpn, go to their classmates there. give me another channel, i'll watch it there, i'm sorry, when i'm worried, when i'm confused, or where it flies, because for some reason i... well, maybe a woman as a mother, it calms me down when i know that there's another notification option, well i can't hear my anxiety in the district, but how does one buy popularity among ukrainians, there is trust in telegram, with gossip, rumors, conspiracy theories, these channels tell what is done in the president's office, behind the scenes of big politics, people are always interested in peeking behind the cracks, all these channels are presented as ukrainian, which have some kind of special access to information , so people began to read, all these legitimate residents, here, for example, a resident writes, as i learned, from sources in the office of the president, the resignation of such and such is being prepared, maybe 20 percent coincided with reality, but for people it was a confirmation, they definitely know something that no one knows, although these were
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anonymous channels, that is, they are unknown sources of unverified information, but people also found an explanation for this, maybe the person who writes, works in the president's office, is afraid to name his name so that he would not be fired. thus, the popularity of telegram channels began to grow rapidly. the russians managed to create a gateway through which their trojan horse was introduced into ukraine. currently, the sbu has 350 channels that will be distributed. kremlin disinformation. it is legitimate and resident are considered bridges between the russian and ukrainian segments of the telegram. pro-russian politicians actively spread kremlin propaganda, and pro-russian telegram channels promoted such politicians. the movement honestly calculated that the resident mentioned maksym buzhanskyi 220 times, and oleksandr dubinskyi - 180 times. but what started to happen in president zelenskyi's office when they saw how the telegram channel was growing in popularity. in ukraine, they think to themselves, why don't we start our own channels? the office realized what they had found
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a way to reach ukrainians. did the russians build the road? because before the invasion , zelensky's rating fell catastrophically and he could not win his second term - the second election. if earlier the main resource was tv channels and it was necessary to negotiate with each of the oligarchs, then after february 24, 2022, this problem disappeared, a single telethon was created to influence public opinion. everything is controlled there, a representative of the ministry of culture sits there, determines its content, there are lists of who can be shown, who is prohibited, the excuse for this is exhaustive, war, but you have to fight the opposition, and to do it on formally still private tv channels, well, it’s not very convenient, the west will see, others will see, they will start talking, everyone knows who owns this or that channel, journalists know their faces, that’s where they came in handy anonymous telegram channels for dirty attacks on anyone who dares to expose... corruption, incompetence, criminal negligence, anonymous telegram channels or the anonymity
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of a person in social networks, it is very reminiscent of a person in a balaklava, and this anonymity stimulates a sense of impunity in a person and permissiveness, using anonymity and ease of creating channels, both the russian side and the ukrainian side. and everyone who works in telegram, they conduct their information campaigns, well, i heard that there are also certain channels that are controlled there from the office of the president, in principle, i have no information, whether it is true or not, i am on them not signed, of course, a very big push for telegram to become popular was given to it by the government that came in 2019, under president zelenskyi. and they immediately announced with their lips of the head of his office at the time, bohdan, yes, that
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they don't need journalists, they don't need traditional media, we will communicate directly with the electorate, citizens, society, well, as our election campaign proved, we communicate with society without intermediaries, without journalists, because of what through social networks, and telegram is a really convenient and very messaged. "this is a very convenient way for settling scores in politics, for settling scores in business, for attacks on journalists, on activists, well, informational attacks, yes, and yes, and we now see it as it developed, and it is happening, and in order to spread disinformation, but what is telling is that it was after the bank actively began to work with telegram channels that their influence in ukraine grew even more, immediately after the invasion , more than a million ukrainians registered in telegram . million per month, you know why, because on the one hand, the authorities correctly called to trust only official sources
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of information changes, and on the other, they began to massively open these official sources in telegram. at the moment of a large-scale invasion, our the authorities made a very big mistake by actually legalizing telegram as a channel of information with people. instead of fighting telegram as a potential big media hole, it legalized it. by its presence, because if before the war telegram was rather perceived as such a cesspool from some anonymous telegram channels, now telegram is actually such a respectable media platform in which everyone is present, from the president to some village council, which has its own telegram channel. on april 1 , 2022, the cabinet of ministers even published the list channels of all regional administrations to avoid fakes. the security service of ukraine, the main intelligence department, ministries, and finally
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the president himself, this time personally without anonymous intermediaries, as well as the largest banks, which submit personal information of millions of people, have their pages in telegram. thus, they stimulate people to use this social network, to read it, and at the same time , through this social network , information to which the enemy has access is collected. government, social. bodies, banks, commercial institutions, all have launched telegrams and chatbots that collect personal data of ukrainians, even a state resource uses telegram chatbots, in fact, telegram nowadays is a... a larger index of data of ukrainians, well , probably from the moment when vkontakte was blocked, when it switched to telegram, facebook, i trust signed mainly on official sources with a checkmark there, the armed forces, other official sources, let’s say this, first of all i watch official channels, well, the channel, that is, mr. president’s, i also watch live, well, those
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there are more official sources of information, according to the idea of ​​desire, it would be desirable to trust and... not always believe in everything, but why? too good to be true often is. we understand that every person has a circle of communication, that is, there are friends, acquaintances, and in this circle, even a trolleybus driver from a depot, most likely there will be someone who, for example, is in the army, someone is in power, respectively, telegram has access to your contacts, and in this way telegram can form a general picture for itself, even about people who are not present. in telegram, if a trolleybus driver from the depot, for example, uses telegram, and his neighbor is some kind of military man, and his neighbor volodya is written, and this neighbor volodya, he still pops up somewhere in some other databases, and telegram can, well, someone who uses information from the telegram, can reduce this information to a pile, understand that, for example, this
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military man lives at this address, on the channel russia-1 there was a story about how at the sheremetyevo airport... fsb workers are carefully studying correspondence in the cloud services of telegram those who flew to russia from europe. ukrainian football player daria kravets, originally from donetsk region. in the russian federation for what purpose? to play football. here is a photo from a deleted correspondence with zane. the girl's phone was thoroughly cleaned, but the recovered messages always use the word orcs and the intention to send the money earned in russia to the needs of the armed forces. and your phrase: i will publicly help the ukrainian army. i mainly communicate via whatsapp, why did you delete telegram, you already corresponded with her there, here is a photo from the deleted correspondence with zane, in the entrance denied journalists of the authoritative publication the washington post got access to
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kremlin materials, which claim that the audience of telegram in ukraine has grown by 600% in 2023. according to the results of an internews study , 20% of ukrainians used telegram in 2021. in 2023 , messenger reached 72% of domestic users. due to the great war, his popularity more than tripled in two years . russia has already spent 250 million dollars to promote its narratives in the ukrainian segment of telegram. if you take mass telegram channels. millionaires of ukraine, unfortunately, these are interchangeable companies that mutually advertise each other, and it is very easy to track who brought them a certain amount of cash when, based on certain information, because it is immediately duplicated by everyone, even without a time frame, and it is very funny to watch . currently, telegram has the data of more than 20 million
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people at its disposal, this is more than an action. russians monitor everyone's phone and chatbots allow them to do this, they see. where did you go, what are you doing, who did you write to, who are you talking to, who do you have vkontakte? telegram uses only companies and llc nglobalet, both of russian origin, for traffic transmission networks. correspondence in telegram is not encrypted in any way, in fact it is open information that everyone has access to. yes, you can use a secret chat, but what code is written in this secret chat, no one knows, if this code is open in the signal, then how it happens in the telegram is completely unclear, cyber security experts have no confirmation that the encryption algorithms, which telegram is used for, they are as reliable as the telegram channel management claims. that is, you want to say that users trust you because of security, well
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, that is one of the reasons that distinguishes telegram, but there are others. in... the reliability rating of messengers, there is signal, whatsapp, viber, trema and others, telegram is in the last place. there are many known cases when the russians showed our prisoners their correspondence in telegram, so how are they encrypted and safe, or is this an exception for the fsb? therefore it looks absolutely strange a situation where our state authorities, on the one hand, themselves say that there are many threats in the telegram, and on the other hand, they are already using it, when some blows are struck, the telegram opened in the region, when it came, oh, look, yes, we got there, where... and so on, in fact it works like that, so this simply makes the enemy's task easier and reduces the price he pays for intelligence, because sending
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someone requires payment of money and, in principle , some kind of risk, ordering a space photo for this it takes some time, and telegram is the fastest way from the point of view of adjusting hits on some objects, but i tell you frankly, this is the best way now, because in 3-4 minutes someone will definitely put something out. only 45% use telegram in russia. there, as it is not surprising, the most popular is whatsapp, according to various data, 72 to 88% of citizens use telegram in our country. therefore, telegram, as a platform, as a method, as a messenger for exchanging information, is absolutely dangerous for ukraine, since it occupies a dominant role in the market. it cannot be given to foreigners. a citizen and also a russian one the origin of the monopoly on the information market of ukraine. we are dealing with the mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and
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then an enemy army came out of it in the middle of the night. similarly, the russians brought us a telegram. and the president of the council accepted it as a gift, which should save his rating. only this is an illusion. at some point, the russians will be able to make sure that the information they throw in is much more than zelenskyi's entourage can pay for. will attack him personally, and there will not be enough budgets to do them, because they are russians, and not the president's office, the owners of the telegram channel? well, yes, of course, we have heard such information, but where do we get information from, if we do not have it at all? i heard, but in order to directly use it for a special operation, i don't know, i didn't notice, telegram is an effective source of so-called information. psychological operations, this is clear, and in principle we see it all every day, and that, so to speak, network of telegram channels used by the enemy, which was before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, which is now
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continues to exist, then of course it is a big problem, but zelensky is the president of a warring country, our country, we can treat him differently, we will evaluate him in the elections, and now he is an institution, one of the filth of the state, and we must do everything to protect him, that is why or limit the influence of the telegram. both for all ukrainians and for the president, i introduced the relevant bill, it is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work, and not only it, and not only it, all social networks that have news feeds, they must be registered or in ukraine, or in the countries of the european union, there is no question about the ban, in my opinion, it should not be discussed at all, but does the state need to somehow regulate these sources of information, especially in the conditions of martial law, then of course yes, because... after all, those telegram channels, which in one way or another are affiliated with the enemy and work here in ukraine under the guise of ukrainian media, this is a significant challenge, well, for all of us, and this is
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the direction of work in this vein, it must go and it must go very carefully, i am against regulation regulation anyway since i after all, for freedom of speech, but after all , a little regulation is needed, so that there are not directly such, well, radical, these types of russia forward and all others, such a minimal base, it needs something, yes ours. the state should know who the ultimate owner of such platforms is, for example, viber and whatsapp are registered in the eu, and therefore comply with the european act on digitalization, but telegram is not, it is not registered either in ukraine or in the countries of the european union. the ukrainian state knows nothing about the owners of the telegram company. network administrators refuse contact and, for example, delete information that threatens national security or spreads pornography. ukraine cannot control servers or traffic. no content, no personal data, that is, absolutely nothing. my bill requires transparency. if this is how youtube and facebook work in ukraine, why can't telegram work? only for
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one reason, it is not about business and not about information, it is ips propaganda. the same position is taken by those responsible for national security. in my opinion, one option is to force everyone to register. officially. you want to be mass media, please register, there is nothing to hide, if you want to convey the truth to people in your opinion, it will improve the situation a little, almost all telegram employees are russians who have relatives left in russia itself, even if they are not live in russia, we understand that, well, we all understand how the fsb works, no one has any doubts that the fsb can find keys to most people through their relatives, acquaintances. there, i don't know, lovers or mistresses, and in this situation, uh, to live for the principle that, well, we do not have a direct document where it is written that the fsb signed
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an agreement with a telegram on exchange. information, it is obvious that we probably do not have such a document, but there are too many facts that indicate that they interact, and therefore, if we consider this situation from the point of view of risks for ukraine, the risks are extremely high, therefore in in this situation, the country should take care that telegram does not have such freedom of action in ukraine, and in principle, that ukrainians use it less. most importantly, what is provided by law, if telegram or any other messenger does not respond to the ukrainian state. it can be removed from this ukrainian state itself, from the ministry of regional administrations, these are dozens and hundreds of institutions that communicate with ukrainians every day, and in fact impose on them very often unverified messengers. this is a normal world practice. tiktok has already been restricted by authorities in canada and the united states, and the european commission has opened proceedings against this chinese social network for violating transparency. the supreme court of spain banned telegram. four media companies accused the network of
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intellectual property theft. currently, 19% of spaniards use telegram. russia wants to sell its trojan horse to europeans as well. recently, the czech special services exposed a large-scale network of the fsb, which operated under the cover of the website "voice of europe" and spread disinformation by bribing european politicians. its curator was viktor medvedchuk. so, they actively encouraged to install telegram. europe does not want to let russia's trojan horse behind its walls. unfortunately, it is already ukraine did, but not yet. fix the situation, i know how to protect national security without restrictions on human rights and freedom of speech. this balance, even in spite of the war, must be maintained. in principle, legislative restrictions should be introduced, ukraine should create pressure points for telegram itself. the bill was registered, which, well, we had a bill registered a few weeks ago. it was necessary to influence telegram earlier, because today the influence of telegram on the information space
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is so large, people are used to it. as to the service so much that it will be difficult to break this situation, but as the experience of both vkontakte and classmates shows, all this is resolved very quickly, and in principle it can be done. telegram or any social platform must have a representative office in ukraine or in the countries of the european union and respond to the distribution of prohibited content. pornography, drugs, justification of russian aggression. such networks must disclose their owners and make their financing clear. if they refuse to do it, they are needed prohibit for use by ukrainian authorities, our officials, officials. in this case, they cannot be used by banks or anyone who collects personal data of ukrainians. as you can see, there is absolutely nothing about banning telegram. it was absolutely predicted that a wave of black pr would rise against the authors of the bill and, in particular, against my humble person. the accusations are worthless, personal and political
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in nature. i went through this many times when i insisted on banning the russian orthodox church, and the authorities, albeit by force, but will bring this issue to the consideration of the parliament. the russian telegram is the same threat to the state as the russian church, and president zelenskyy should also allow his deputies to support our draft law. the trojan horse of the kremlin must be thrown outside the walls of our state. pain can become an obstacle, walking stairs, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with doolgit cream. you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream for pain in the joints there are discounts for visa. 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are
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