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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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acquaintances, welcome to the uav. the lack of people is what yuriy begins his story with. he has been flying uavs since 2021. currently working with the polish fly glider, the equipment is expensive, especially the camera, but it gives advantages in flight. fly is not pressed by anything at all, neither video, nor management, at all. he works. yes, there are big nuances. when, for example, the fly cannot be raised, but it is possible. because it's a glider, it can't work because of the strong wind, the aerial reconnaissance flies over the territory, which they themselves have repeatedly explored, among the ruins and enemy fortifications, you can always discover something new. wait, they didn't launch it on us, the fuck knows. every sortie is something interesting, for
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now it’s more reconnaissance, we fly, we search, we look, priest, priest, of course, and of course, the moscow patriarchate, look oh, look, i’ll look, there, well, i think,
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from the side of the control of the uav it looks easy, but the fighters themselves believe that it takes several months to prepare and understand what rap, shelling, and the ability to cope with the usual excitement, due to the thought of controlling an unmanned complex, which... costs uah 30 million, we explain everything, he looks, observes, we explain everything, he looks, observes, then he slowly tries himself, under supervision, or we give instructions on what to do, how to do it, he already fills his hand and continues can work calmly, everything is better and better, more confident, the fear that something will happen, i will press the wrong place disappears, then it just does it automatically, then it just does it mechanically, the operators themselves learn all the new things. new uavs, since
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the tasks for the pilot are limited not only to reconnaissance, but also to pinpoint strikes on targets. with with his knowledge, yuriy can already be an instructor, well, i won't name, of course, well, about ten different types. is it really a lot? well, it’s not just a wing, it’s also quadcopters, octocopters, as well as impact, we work with impact, well, we work differently, well, for example, one drone can fly more, one can yes... fly, one can fly in bad weather, the other one needs good weather, well, it depends, again, depending on the tasks, the artillerymen are also ready to teach new recruits, even though their equipment is western, the main thing would be someone to pass on the experience to, maybe it is a little more difficult to control such equipment, to drive directly, but if a person has driven large trucks and tractors, then we have a box automatic, it will also cope. well,
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that's why, well, the army is not designed for difficult tasks, you don't know who will join the army, like, well, i was engaged in tourism there all my life, and i understood very well what orientation is, that's why the tip was for me at all , there the chip topography is very simple, but it will be more difficult for someone, but you can still learn it in two or three weeks 100%, well, like, there is no person who cannot be taught such a simple task in two or three weeks, well, you can’t be fooled, yes, you can be fooled, well, honestly, we, well, i... we’re just for it, it’s simple in fact, as it is, of course, it is possible, physically somewhere you are resting there, but morally it is already at such a level that, well, it is constantly, the same, the same, we already push ourselves to such an extent that that we change our attitude towards the conditions when we just conventionally see there, i don't know, warm water, we think, wow, class, well... i'm not talking about
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some comfortable conditions, there is some kind of penthouse, as they say. the ukrainian military, no matter how far from the front line they are now, remains only a patient chica. for ammunition and replenishing the understanding that you are being followed almost constantly, now they are, because there have already been many cases when we were approached by drones, that is why, of course, this feeling is there, that is why i now listen a little when i hear, that something is flying, well, i'm slowing down the conversation, because anything can happen, anything can happen, yesterday it flew close, so today we're a little worried, how struggle with stress, if at all possible? i'm putting together a kobi-robic, seriously, absolutely seriously, look directly into the armor, i'm not kidding, that's how i make videos, laugh, well, how is it that you don't leave a friend of a friend, there's a comrade,
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there's a reward for your head, because well, bye - otherwise, if you are here in full seriousness all the time, then i don’t know, well, i think, if i talk about myself personally, then i would n’t even be you for a month, but yes, we are discharging ourselves at all these moments when it's just, well, that's how ordinary life goes here combat calculation, for the state, general mobilization is the main tool by which people get into the army, in recent months, as the military themselves say, this process has not been active enough in ukraine, despite the fact that there are people in the armed forces. the nature and quality of selection differs from unit to unit, if intelligence is motivated youth, then in many battalions the situation is completely different. the quality of such a set leaves much to be desired, many of limited fit, many of age,
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boys, men, not even boys anymore, so this was definitely a surprise, if we take any surprises, surprises, i expected that it would be age 40+, but i did not expect that we are recruiting people with chronic diseases and that this is a frequent phenomenon. lobby x, according to vladyslav grezev, surveyed 46,000 respondents who were interested in why they don't go to serve in the army. among the answers - uncertainty in the quality of training, both recruits and sergeants and officers. but the most important point is the impossibility of demoting unprofessional commanders. during combat operations tasks to have the number one priority - the preservation of life and health of personnel. today, all citizens of ukraine have relatives, friends or acquaintances who serve in the ranks of the armed forces, and
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it is impossible to hide the real picture of what exists, the quality and competences of certain officers do not always correspond to the expected standards. public conversations about necessity. mobilizations in the ukrainian government began at the end of last year, more than three months later ukrainian deputies finally approved the bill, but excluded it norm on demobilization after 36 months of service. however, volodymyr zelenskyi stated that they are ready to mobilize up to 3,000 people in russia by the summer. when people will see the realities of the warlords, when they will see that there will be people there and what will happen.' the process will take place, immediately, literally on the second day , the process of internal forces will appear here, because everyone will be ignited by desire, everyone will have support, everyone will understand that soon, soon support will come to us, it will be easier for us, also there, well, everyone, everyone well, we also expect f16, there
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everyone is waiting for them, we understand that they will not solve the whole problem here, but many problems, they will also close, new people will come to us, let them be unmotivated. let it take more time for them to adapt to teach them, they still change their minds in a war zone because they realize that after all we are all in this one big plate and we are not going anywhere with it, these servicemen develop a sense of responsibility for their country, for themselves, for their comrades with whom they are stationed, and they change their opinion, not all, some part, what i say, on the contrary, escapes, it... pours in, but still the majority perceives this new experience normally and rethinks some of their own beliefs, so i think it is necessary for our country, without we still won't be able to defeat the people, let alone restrain the enemy.
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it is not known exactly how many people will be mobilized in ukraine in the coming months. the military says... that the mobilization process is late, there are not enough people for a long time, because quality training of a recruit takes 2-3 months. in addition, the draft law itself will enter into force on a month after it was signed by the president. and most likely, these months of minutes in ukraine, like the previous few, under constant russian strikes in various directions, it was donbas realia, my name is roman pagulych, see you soon. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel of up to 30% in psylslynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. and a 15% discount on urulesan in the psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on vizyn -
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20% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zemaev, let's get started. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. many of you. today we will discuss important topics with you for two hours in order to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy dobrovech, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. that many have become familiar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day
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i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. i present the premium sponsor of the national team. united by football, together stronger exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and... poland are topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and
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other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent. they help to understand the present and predict the future. world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. friends, i welcome you. traditionally, we will probably start our program about culture with some, well, not such cultural news, not traditionally cultural. news, but still important, which concern our society, let's say, curiosities, in general, i read the other day in
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on the facebook of the orthodox church of ukraine, a wonderful post, which i am just trying to spread this meaning as much as possible, because the orthodox church of ukraine tells us, dear ukrainian women, what we want, and if we want to want it... without headscarves and in pants, then we can do it, it's not a sin, we won't burn in hell for it, strangely enough, because you know, some priests, especially of the moscow patriarchate, not only talked about it, and in general there was a long enough opinion and continues to exist, that women can come to church only with with a covered head and there in skirts, despite the fact that it is not there higher. and below, and by the way, when i was in one of the churches, one of the temples, i
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was given a special skirt, because my dress was at knee level, and it should have been even lower. so, the orthodox church of ukraine says, despite the fact that there is no such prohibition in our church, they say, and they repeat the opinion that is heard quite often from, from my point of view, adequate... churchmen that what is important is what a person comes to church with, not what he is wearing, and that i was always impressed by the greek-catholic church, for example, when there in lviv, for example, you can just walk around like a tourist, you wanted to go to the church and you can go there, no one will curse you for not having one handkerchiefs what the orthodox church tells us in general, i want to quote: where did this myth about women in pants come from, from pharisaic leaven and misinterpretation or ignorance of the scriptures. most often, in the context of such a ban
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, lines from the old testament are referred to. these lines should not be on a woman. men's clothing, and a man should not dress in women's clothing, because everyone who does this is abominable before the lord your god. but were these lines about women's trousers? and the ukrainian church reminds us that in those ancient times, when the old testament was written, people dressed differently than we do. in general, the idea of ​​women's men's clothing was a little different. and i generally want to say that i also really liked this post from. of the orthodox church, and here they also write so that we do not waste time on unnecessary disputes and prohibitions, do not judge other people by appearance, especially now during the war, great losses. perhaps this person has lost everything, and she simply does not have another outfit, even if you are not her judge, strive not to look, to be faithful, not externally, but internally. meet people with
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love, not with resentment, with joy, not with reproach. i am in discussions on social networks about this topic. traditionally, i met a lot of painful memories of different people, and they told how they came to the church, and how they were immediately attacked there for kissing the icons there incorrectly, they stood up wrongly, sat down wrongly, did everything wrongly, and of course this is absolutely not a normal tradition, the church should be tolerant, and i am glad that the ukrainian orthodox church declares this. well, when we have already dealt with church matters and once again dealt with the fact that it is possible to go to church with an uncovered head and in pants, we will move directly to cultural news, and cultural news is next for us, and we are forced to talk about the theater boom again , much discussed
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in the last year there, people who are looking for they are professionally engaged in theater, studying ukrainian theater. of this phenomenon, why everything happens like this, why people go to theaters in many different places in ukraine and cities, and of course, the traditional and most popular explanation is that the theater is therapy, very wonderful, and people want to go and see different productions, to rest, to switch, plus, the interest in ukrainian culture and ukrainian stories in particular increased, and people began to be interested in this... and this is , of course, an emergency situation, especially since i i know many theaters that do not just show performances to their audience, but directly communicate with them, that is, they just stop the performance and start talking to the audience, if it is done talentedly, it is an extraordinary experience, if you find such
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a theater, for example, the lacey theater in lviv practices this, i strongly advise you to try it, well , in the national kyiv operetta , there was another one and another such another big premiere, and we definitely have another hit, it's called chicago, it's worldwide a well-known musical that has been around for decades , and here it is finally in the ukrainian language at the ukrainian operetta theater. i know that it was possible not to buy this play, but to get the rights for free for a year. this is a big plus, of course, for the theater as well, but especially for us, because, well, usually, if such formats are expensive to buy, then the tickets also cost uah 1, 2,300, respectively, but again , we see that such tickets at such a price , ukrainians are also good to buy now and try to find them, but regarding chicago, i have already
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seen a lot of positive reviews, myself, unfortunately, i couldn't go... and i don't know when i will be able to, because i looked at the tickets, when is this play possible, when can i go to this play, and it will be twice in may, and there is not a single ticket, you can watch, but there is just no one, i don’t know at all how these theatergoers survive, but as for chicago, i want to say that there are many different productions, and broadway, and there are films, and this musician tells the story. about women on trial in the 20s in the states for killing their husbands and lovers, that's enough such a psychological portrait is interesting. both women and society in general, when women were just starting to fight for their rights, because then you couldn't vote much, and that's why this
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musical gained so much popularity, and in particular because there are enough ambiguous characters and it's interesting to follow them to observe, and also for fans, for even fans of ivan uryvskyi, one more challenge, one more, one more reason to... talk about the fact that the franko theater is impossible to break through, and ivan oryvskyi in the franko theater presented his a new act called maria stewart, and we can see now pictures from that production, as well as the witch of conotop, and this production appeals first of all with its visual component, and it appeals with its costumes, the design of the stage, because when you you look at such... lines, well, usually you want to go to this show just because you want to see this kind of beauty, this unusualness and just enjoy the aesthetics,
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but if you want to go to maria stewart, then you have no chance at all , because at least theater frankai has done quite a lot of shows, i think there are five of them, something for may and half of june, but you don't have one either. a ticket, i just went yesterday, checked every day of the session and there is not a single ticket, it's just incredible, but i must say that of course there is such a frenzy with tickets, it is definitely connected with the fact that these productions are talented, but also with the fact that there are people who buy tickets en masse and then resell them on other sites, they are trying to fight with them, but so far without success, the fernk theater. already tried several methods, but they all turned out to be unsuccessful, they tried to announce a sale on their website on a certain day, at
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a certain time, at a certain hour, and all they achieved was that the site was simply put on them, the site froze, it was not possible to buy anything, the second time they did an experiment where they just opened the box office physically in their theater and said we'll announce another show of the witch of konotop if you want... buy tickets, come stand in line and buy, that was pretty funny too on the one hand, because there were huge queues and people there occupied it in a few hours, but still agree that it is inconvenient, especially if you do not live in kyiv, or far away, or if you are at work, or you have other conditions, and also the new head of the theater yevhen nyschuk said that he was going to ... conduct a new experiment with the action together with the ministry of digital transformation, so they decided to use this application for buying tickets.
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a lot of people, well, they just thought, okay, let's see what's going to happen, a lot of people were skeptical, you know, probably we have people who fundamentally do not want to stage an event, because they are a little suspicious of it, and it is not known how these tickets will be sold with... how much they can be bought, this is also important, because there is no need to give a chance to bargains, but you don't always buy a ticket for yourself, often it's two or three tickets or four, but we'll see, because after all, it seems to me that the problem needs to be solved somehow, to experiment, even if the experiment turns out to be not entirely successful, then it's okay, so what else will we have? if you have several chances to come up with something else, you have to come up with something. well, and we will now move on to the topic of the dovzhenko center, it has been a long time since we talked about the dovzhenko center, but in the meantime the rumors surrounding it continue, and well
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, first of all, we must say that the state cinema support council has finally been recognized as illegitimate, it no longer concerns the head of the center, namely derzhkino, will explain what the council for state support of cinematography is, it is such a council that... after competitions in the state cinema meets and determines who will win, and very often the members of this the councils can completely turn the results of this competition upside down and when the experts give the contestants, i.e. the film crews some grades, they will be high and the board members will decide that no, those grades are wrong, they can lower the grades and the projects will not pass, yes already happened and this composition, this composition of the derzhkino support council, he, their powers expired last year, but they held on
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to their moles. for example, i will say that yuriy gorbunov or artem kolyubaev are among them a producer and friend of andriy yarmak, a partner, or rather, i will say him, a business partner, there have been quite a lot of different journalistic investigations about him, and now , finally, the court recognized that this council is indeed illegitimate, that’s all, but here a question arises, so that the state cinema announced a competition against which... i will remind you, a large part of the film community protested because they distrust the head of the state cinema, they demand the dismissal of maryna kodarchuk and hold a new competition, choose a new head or women, and they also ask to finally adopt a strategy for the development of cinema, this is a very important document that has not been adopted, and they also asked to re-elect the state cinema support council, but the council was recognized as illegitimate, it will have to be re-elected, but
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after all... the competition was held, but the competition was announced, we are not we know when this council will be re-elected, and it is quite possible that this competition will be canceled, although it was announced, and then we will find out that they will once again finance ukrainian films and, by the way, series, but let me remind you that a large part of the film community is protesting against of this competition and says that they do not trust him with this competition and... and many good directors, directors and directors did not apply for this competition and said that it would be better to give this money to the defense forces, by the way, among these people who signed a letter with this request, there are a lot of cinematographers who are currently at war, who are serving, and they also say that it is better to give money to the defense forces, although these people understand better than anyone the power of cinema and the influence of cinema, its importance, but still
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still not proof'. to state cinema is so big that they themselves say that it is necessary to abandon film production under such conditions, the conditions must first be changed, and then pitching should be carried out, well, as for the dovzhenko center, remember, the events all began in 2022, when the dovzhenko center's subordination was transferred to state cinema and state cinema immediately wanted to hold'. nization of this institution, it is the largest film archive, you can come there, it not only stores ukrainian tapes, but you can walk there, there is a museum, there is a bookstore, and various events are held there film screenings, you can watch our ukrainian films and old ones from the 20s and 30s with commentary by film experts and sometimes background music, it always gathers a lot of people, this is the actual reorganization of the attempt...
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the organizations in the dovzhenko center then perceived it as an attempt liquidation, and from that time these, this simply incredible tussle with the courts began, and olena honcharuk, who had already won the competition for the position of the head of state cinema once, could not get her to be finally appointed as the head, and she went to the second competition , which was announced, again his chose, won, this too... happened last year, but so far she has not been able to achieve that she was finally appointed as the official head of the dovzhenka center, that is why we call her the winner of the competition for the position of the head of the dovzhenka center, or as the director , head of the film museum at the dvizhenko center, these are the things that happen here, olena. now
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we are on a direct line, and we will ask her what is going on with the courts, because the matter with the courts, i understand, has already reached a dead end. elena, hello, congratulations, olena, and that, i just, it seems to me that we have been watching some absurdist movie with all these processes for a year and a half, so i will clarify whether i understand correctly, advocates of delay. they said that the case is being considered for too long, that's why they think that the judges are biased, that's why they filed, filed, a motion, the judges said, if you file a motion, then we recuse ourselves, we remove ourselves from the case, let them look for new judges, that's what happens, well, it turns out that it is, that is, the case is considered for a long time, so let's, let's continue it.


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