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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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world level, on the other hand, let's say, the limit of this tragedy is six reactors, that is, six possible explosions, i understand that these are different reactors, but no one knows, this is a precedent, what can be in such states with such behavior more than two years of occupation of the huge zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and therefore this is an example of how today is... the day, it is both historical and an example of the future, therefore these are completely different states in which we have to live, act professionally, and most importantly - manage, that is, to combine the efforts of the partners themselves with the positions not only of today, but of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, well, when we talk about the combination of our efforts and the efforts of our partners, we usually talk lately: only about weapons, there ramstein
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will pass, in front, they will give a certain amount of weapons equipment, this will strengthen our opportunities on the front line, but it means that then in this process of interaction with partners we have to add a conceptual component of civilization, which so far, as i see, it is not always perceived by partners, it means that our diplomatic, these political bodies should still work in this direction more effectively, and on the other hand, still the army, if the risks. have grown, the formats of threats are changing, so relatively speaking, the future appearance of the ukrainian army must be adequate to the threats that russia produces on the battlefield, and it is not only there, relatively speaking, cabs, artillery there or an advantage in the manpower of equipment, which do you think about this? very interesting, very good question, huge, but i would like to say only one thing today and here: understanding the future of the army so far...
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how inadequate we are to understand the modern world, why do you think that the future of the army will not be a safe space in which everyone performs different functions, you look at the modern army, you understand that if society, ukrainian society, did not work, then the topic of the army would be... well, practically nominal, and we probably wouldn't be sitting here, as we are sitting here now and using the modern possibilities of modern technologies, so the topic of the future is primarily the topic of space, what are they doing putinites, today yesterday, the day before yesterday, every day, they destroy sumy oblast with cabs, what are cabs, these are technologies that we do not have today,
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that is, these are the dominant technologies for today , what our partners are doing, they are watching and talking, we are waiting , while the ukrainian pilots prepare, it's normal, it's abnormal, and you know why it's abnormal, because they don't understand that they're practically watching how they will be killed or destroyed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so we're doing everything... to ensure that didn't happen, but i'm just here on this example, aggravating, i show how inadequate the situation is, in what? in understanding, perception and actions. you said very well about weapons, so weapons in understanding, perception and actions, modern at the level above the dynamic of the communication and content order, become the first question. and the question of thinking, thinking
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of what, thinking of an operational action, a specific task, or thinking precisely by the global world, which is faced with a choice, or we will operate with civilizational regimes of international law that ensure humanity and peace, or we are practically now we are waiting, as everyone was waiting in the 14th year, what will happen next with ukraine? we waited until the 22nd year, we are now in the 24th year with you, what are we doing, we are practically from the position of partners, we are acting inadequately, why? because our partners do not understand these depths, it is impossible to understand, from their level of comfort and life in the norm, law, in the spirit of law, to understand how terrorist and barbaric groups operate. which are represented as a state, it is
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very difficult, so we have to work harder, you and i, well then literally one minute to answer where we... move from the point of view vision of our society, because the national security council announced that it is necessary to ensure the development of a doctrine on planning the future after the war, secretary of the national security council oleksandr danilo spoke about this there, he said about the development of this vision that will contribute to the formation of public consensus. i would like you to just explain, in fact, why such a doctrine is needed and... and why after the victory, maybe it was needed yesterday and even the day before yesterday, today, it is needed today, one minute is straight, well it tin, but i'm me i will say, first of all, the doctrine should be as follows: ukraine is waging a war of ukrainian civilization,
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genocidal aggression is being waged against ukraine, with practices of terror and barbarism. ukraine has an exit. to create a vision that began with the maidan of freedom and dignity, and you can call it tentatively, as a working name, this is the vision of maidan ukraine, civilization, peace and humanity, mr. grigory, thank you very much for the explanation, for your conceptual vision of what is happening in ukraine , around ukraine. let me remind you that it was hryhoriy lyubovets, the head of the commercial content center security and we talked about such things that actually distinguish society and the population in certain states from the point of view of forming the basis for conducting and endurance in combat operations, this is such a complex category, where there is a lot of dark and gray and light, and this is
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what should be taken care of by the state, which wants to rely on the entire potential of society and avoiding at times the practices provoked or generated by the russian federation, russia... the way in certain things is actually harmful in order to carry out some transformations in our ukrainian society, we understand that this should not happen, precisely these new visions, new approaches require the unity of society, the authorities, and intelligent people who want to find their ukrainian way in such difficult conditions, when the enemy wants to destroy us, the army, the armed forces is extremely important, but we also need new ideas and unity, which is now extremely necessary in view of the risks that are currently forming. russia is not only on the battlefield. these are the main conclusions from this program. stay tuned to the espresso channel for more to come interesting
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salam aleikum. hurly kunler. we welcome you to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel of the atr and. of the together berabera tv channel, i, holsum khalilova, and my colleague andriy yanitsky work for you in the studio. greetings to all viewers, today we will talk, as usual, about the main news of crimea that happened during the week, but first we will invite you to subscribe to the atp and espresso youtube channels and make a donation. and of course, as we always say in our broadcasts, only together, only beraber will we... be able to defeat the enemy, we will be able to defeat the russian occupation forces, so now in the southern direction our guys from the 48th osh named after noman chelebikhan need drones for the fpf, so everyone who can and wants to support can
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do it by using the qr code that you will now see on your screens, and we already have a ready guest waiting to be included, this is... a special guest of honor for our program, ryfat chubarev, head of the midjlis of the crimean tatar people. mr. ryfat, congratulations. salam aleikum. selam, greetings to all of you. rivataga, we would like to start this broadcast with that this week you returned from new york, where the 23rd session of the un permanent forum on indigenous peoples was held, and i would like to ask, of course, where you are? did you emphasize there during your speech? yes, indeed, on april 15th, in new york , the regular 23rd session of the permanent forum, un, on the issues of indigenous
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peoples, er, this annual such forum is held, and this year, er... the main topic of discussion began of all the delegations of the indigenous peoples of the world who gathered at this forum, it was a question that... to strengthen the right indigenous peoples, self-determination in the context of the un declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples and also the issue of drawing attention to the opinion of the youth of indigenous peoples and within the limits of this topic, the discussion of this topic was accepted by the participants and members of the crimean tatar delegation, er, i want to say that at this forum and a very pleasant event, which
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directly concerns ukraine, us, the crimean tatars, and a member of the permanent forum, indigenous peoples, at the permanent forum of the un, suleyman mamutov, was unanimously elected, i emphasize this, as the speaker of the permanent form forum this is a high position, and mr. suleiman mamutov will report to the institutions of the forum on the state of the rights of indigenous peoples in the world, this is a pleasant event for us. rifaga, another important news initiated by the majlis, the majlis is going to establish a memorial to the victims of the genocide. the location of the crimean tatar people is still being discussed, why did you decide that
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it should be done now, why do you need to remind ukrainians that the crimean tatar people suffered in the second world war, including from the repressions of the stalinist regime. see, in the 20th century, the century, in the 20th century there were two. of the most terrible, terrible totalitarian regimes, this is the communist regime of the ussr and the nazi regime in germany, and these two regimes, not only did they clash with each other, and this became the beginning of the second world war, and they committed the most massive crimes. in the history of mankind, and so it happened in our recent
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history, that in ukraine, on the territory of ukraine, all these three terrible crimes, they directly took place on the territory of ukraine, first of all, this is the famine, the beginning 30s, in which millions died, very different numbers, they are difficult to establish. from the 6 million ukrainian lives that died during the holodomor, this is the genocide of the ukrainian nation, this is the holocaust, which, this is the destruction of the jewish people, which was carried out by the nazis on the territory of various conquered countries, including on the territory of ukraine, well, this is a holocaust, this is total the violent expulsion of the indigenous
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crimean tatar people from their territory from crimea, which is an integral part of the ukrainian state, and it is of course very important that ukrainian society be conscious and aware of both the consequences and the causes, and the most important thing. the causes of these crimes and most importantly would not allow the repetition of such crimes, and based on this, and in memory of the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, we have long considered that it is very appropriate that there should be such a memorial in kyiv, and in last year. this idea was supported by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, and we are currently
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thinking about it, but the implementation of this idea is already in place, there are certain developments here, i am not ready to specify now, and perhaps the place locations, well, maybe it sounds like a memorial to those who know us. now he is watching and listening, it will not be so very large-scale, it will be a building of about 7 m. and its diameter with a radius of about 5 m, but we are looking for such an embodiment that it would be very, well, let's say, available for awareness by all people, so that it reflects the depth of the tragedy that the crimean
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tatars experienced. i really hope that we will decide on a place in the coming weeks. location with graphic design, young architects worked here, although it was taken as a basis, was the idea, concept and sketches that were once developed by a famous ukrainian architect were taken, unfortunately, he is already deceased, this is irfan shirfedinov, this is one of those senior crimean tatar architects, he lived in kyiv for many years after the war, he served in the army, was a participant in the second world war, and that is why he was able, well, he avoided deportation, he was not then in 1944 in the crimea, he was at war, demobilized, and he worked here in kyiv, all these decades, and is his wonderful buildings
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are also on the territory of kyiv, and here is his work to take based on this. of this memorial building, which is now proposed by this group of young architects? well, indeed , the crimean tatars have a very difficult history, in particular from the time of stalin's repressions, and since then the crimean tatars continue to fight for their rights and for the right to self-determination, i know that during the permanent un forum on indigenous peoples, you emphasized the need. of this decision, in particular the right of the crimean tatar people to self-determination in rifatag, how do you assess the prospects of this issue now, and whether your opinion, these international documents, institutions, do they push the ukrainian state to make such a decision. look, everything that is connected with the development of the ukrainian state, with our future, we
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first of all have to decide ourselves, but since... we are building a truly democratic country, we strive and we do everything to become a full-fledged, full-fledged member of the free family of european nations, and this is written in our constitution, by the way, in the constitution of ukraine, regarding membership in the european union, of course, we have we will rely on on international norms, which determine the basic principles and norms of the coexistence of independent states, which determine the rights of peoples, and and and and indicate
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certain forms of implementation. them their right to self-determination, you are right here, during the events that we held within the framework of the permanent forum, the 23rd session of the un permanent forum on rights issues, on issues of indigenous peoples, we, we drew attention to the importance of the crimean tatar people realizing their right on self-determination. in the independent ukrainian state, and at the same time we talked about the need to transform the current autonomous status of crimea, national-territorial autonomy based on the right of the indigenous crimean tatar people
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to self-determination. we held several meetings, well, in particular, we held a briefing with... national delegations of the countries of the european union at the organization of the united nations, the delegations of the united states of america and the republic of turkey were also invited there, and we talked in detail about how the crimean tatars see our place in the independent ukrainian state, we talked a lot it is important that we talk about status today. crimea, which will definitely be liberated from the russian occupiers, that the future of crimea is inseparable and inseparable from development. of its indigenous people, which should be the subject of this autonomy, and it seems to me that the conditions under which
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crimean autonomy can be transformed, which we have named, i will now repeat them, crimean autonomy must necessarily provide the following: first, it not a violation of the territorial integrity of the ukrainian state, so that there will never be... a repetition of what happened in 2014, this is the most important principle: the ukrainian state is not separate, and all its territories are integral parts, this is the first condition, the second is what the autonomy of crimea, the status of crimea, is the realization of its right by the crimean tatar people for self-determination, this is not a goal, but it is a mechanism, a condition for... that the crimean tatars, being in a significant numerical minority on their land, have legal mechanisms to ensure their
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preservation and development, this and there are conditions such special legal mechanisms, there are many different forms of autonomy in the world, and the ukrainian state, well, it is able to provide stupidly. which will absolutely correspond to the interests of the entire state as a whole, and will ensure the rights of the indigenous crimean tatar people, and it is clear that there is another condition to which the crimean autonomy, which we are talking about and on the implementation of which we are working on, must meet, which is clear on the territory of the crimean peninsula, in the same equal rights of a citizen and a person must be ensured. all residents who will live on the territory of the peninsula, these are, well, concepts and such approaches that we
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discussed at various events within the framework of the un permanent forum on indigenous peoples. mr. rafate, i hope that it will be so, but now crimea is occupied and the russian occupiers treat the crimean tatar people, well, not in the best way, we. we even see such attempts to create some special units within the framework of the so-called russian guard specifically from the crimeans, well, first of all, i understand from the crimean tatars, who are forcibly taken to the russian occupation army. why is this being done, what do the occupiers want to show in this way and how should crimeans act to avoid such a fate? thank you for this question, this is a very important and sensitive situation. you know, it's like when russian troops captured crimea in 2014, and in order to convince the world that,
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as they say, everyone in crimea simply, well, wants, that is, the separation of crimea from ukraine and its annexation to russia, moscow was very short-handed in order to the same position was occupied by the crimean tatars, crimean. the tatar people, that is, in the mosaic that they are then they intended and tried to demonstrate to the world, in an artificial mosaic, that the people there wanted to separate from ukraine, they really missed the crimean tatar puzzle, and that is why they tried to bribe, then blackmail, and then with these repressions, persecutions, they wanted to drive us to such position, they failed. now in order to, you know, encourage the crimean society, in order to show again, first of all, to
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the russian society, what they say, in the occupied territories of ukraine, in particular in the local people of crimea, they want to defend russian interests, they are now doing everything possible and impossible to go... and use deception and money to attract people to a special unit, the so-called crimean unit, and here they really pay a lot of attention to attracting crimean tatars there, they do not succeed and there will not be a unit of those who broke down and somehow got into that unit, but the crimean gauleiters have been given such a task and they will achieve it... by all means and measures possible for them. and how to avoid the crimeans crimean tatars, citizens of ukraine in
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the occupied territory. this is what the occupiers are doing now, because they plan to do it by force? well, there are two options to avoid it, either to take a frank position of refusal and immediately leave the place, that is , to remain free, because they will definitely bring it to the so-called court and deprive of freedom, or to leave crimea, and unfortunately, this one. .. the bottom line is that people choose, well, i would say to my great regret, but it’s wrong, i just spoke, people choose the least acceptable option for them, because the crimean the tatars are trying, well, by all means to stay in the occupied crimea, they are simply clinging physically, one might say, to their land, but
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in order to avoid... such forced mobilization into the russian army, they are forced to leave crimea, and we are not we can establish exact statistics, but somewhere from september 2022, when mobilization was announced on the occupied ukrainian lands in crimea, and in a few months, well... at least 6-7 thousand crimean tatars, and some experts say 10,000 left crimea, they took out their families, parents, in order to avoid mobilization, some of these people reached mainland ukraine, and we are grateful to those who signed up for the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. chokhsagly slifataga, thank
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you very much for... finding time and joining our broadcast. the head of mychlis of the crimean tatar people ryfat chubarov was in direct contact with us. well, we have a short break. peerva for advertising, watch it without fail, because it is money that allows television to be honest, neutral and operative. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on espres tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right.
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portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's make it up, they help to understand the the present and predict the future, for the world the second trump presidency will be terrible, a project for those who care and think, political club every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. salam
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alaikum, greetings, andriy yanitsky in the studio of gulsum khalilova, you are watching the program razum or beraber, and this is the main crimean news for the week, and of course we cannot help calling you should subscribe to the youtube channels of the atp tv channel and the espresso tv channel, since this is a joint project of two tv channels, and of course, support our fighters, our military, we have a collection, a collection for 48'. oshb named after noman chilibikhan. our guys down south are in need of fpf drones right now, so you can support them with the qr code you see on your screens right now. well , in this block we will talk about the military and part of what is happening on the territory of the occupied crimean peninsula. and with mr. oleksandr koval is now in direct contact with us.


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