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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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football player daria kravets, originally from donetsk region. in the russian federation for what purpose? to play football. here is a photo from a deleted correspondence with zane. the girl's phone was thoroughly cleaned, but the recovered messages always use the word orcs and the intention to send the money earned in russia to the needs of the armed forces. and your phrase: i will publicly help the ukrainian army. these are just words. in fact, this was not the case. and this is maxim from poltava. why was telegram removed? i communicate with him through whatsapp, why did you delete telegram, you are there i already corresponded with her, here is a photo from a deleted correspondence with her, entry was denied. journalists of the authoritative publication the washington post got access to kremlin materials, which claim that telegram's audience in ukraine has already grown by 600% in 2023. according to the results of the internews study, in 2021 telegram was used by 20%. in 2023, meszher
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already covered 72% of domestic users. because of the great war, his popularity more than tripled in two years. to promote their narratives in the ukrainian segment telegram, russia has already spent 250 million dollars. if you take the mass telegram channels of ukraine's millionaires, unfortunately, they are interchangeable companies that mutually advertise each other, and it is very easy. to track who and when they brought them a certain cache for certain information, because it is immediately duplicated by everyone, even without a time frame, and it is very funny to watch. currently, telegram has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, this is more than an action. the russians monitor everyone's phone and chatbots allow them to do it. they see where you went, what you are what are you doing, who did you write to, who do you communicate with, who is in your vkontakte? telegram uses traffic transmission networks. only the companies rtn and
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llc ngloballet, both of russian origin. correspondence in telegram is not encrypted in any way. in fact, this is open information that everyone has access to. yes, you can use a secret chat, but no one knows what code this secret chat is written in. if this code is open in the signal, then how it happens in the telegram is absolutely not clear. cyber ​​security experts have no confirmation that that... the encryption algorithms used by telegram are as reliable as the management of the telegram channel claims. that is, you want to say that users trust you because of security, well, that is one of the reasons that distinguishes telegram, but there are others. in the reliability rating of messengers, there is signal, whatsapp, viber, trema and others, telegram is in
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the last place. many cases are known when the russians showed our prisoners their correspondence in telegram, so how encrypted and secure are they then, or is this such an exception for the fsb? therefore , the situation looks absolutely strange, when our state authorities on the one hand say that there are many threats in the telegram, and on the other they are already using it, when some blows are made, the telegram opened in the region. well, when he came, oh, we looked, yes, we got there, to the corrections and so on, that's actually how it works, so, well, it just makes the enemy's task easier and reduces the price he pays for intelligence because to send someone, you have to pay money and, in principle, there is some risk, to order a space photo, it takes a certain amount of time, and telegram is the fastest way, from the point of view of adjusting hits on some objects, but i tell you frankly, this is the best
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way now, because in 3-4 minutes someone will definitely do something will explain only 45% use telegram in russia. there, as it is not surprising, the most popular is whatsapp, according to various data , 72 to 88% of citizens use telegram in our country. therefore, telegram, as a platform, uh, as a way, as a messenger for exchanging information, is absolutely dangerous for ukraine, because it... occupies a dominant role on the market, it is impossible to give a monopoly on the information market of ukraine to a foreign citizen, even one of russian origin. we are dealing with the mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then an enemy army came out of it in the middle of the night. in the same way, the russians brought us a telegram, and the president of the council accepted it as a gift, which should save his rating. only this is an illusion. at some point , the russians will be able to make sure that there is much more information thrown in by them than
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zelenskyi's entourage can pay for. they will attack him personally and no budgets will be enough to kill them, because it is the russians, not the president's office. telegram channel owner? well, yes, of course, we have heard such information, well, but where do we get information from, if we do not have it at all? i heard, but yes, they used it for a special operation, i don’t know, i didn’t notice, telegram is an effective source of so-called informational and psychological operations, that’s for sure, and in principle we see it all every day, and that’s how say, the telegram network channels used in organo. which existed before the start of the full-scale invasion, which continues to exist even now, then of course this is a big problem. but zelensky, the president of a warring country, our country, we can treat him differently, we will evaluate him in the elections, and now he is an institution, one of the supporting walls of the state, and we must do everything to protect him, precisely
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because of that or to limit the influence of the telegram, both on all ukrainians and on the president, i introduced the corresponding bill, it is not about a ban telegram, it's about... his works and not only his, and not only his, all social networks that have news feeds, they must be registered either in ukraine or in the countries of the european union. in my opinion, we should not talk about the ban here at all, but does the state need to somehow regulate these sources of information, especially in the conditions of martial law, then of course yes, because after all, those telegram channels that one way or another affiliated with the enemy and working here in ukraine, under the guise of ukrainian media, a significant challenge, well, for all of us, and that's the direction of work in this vein, it should go and should go very carefully, i am against regulation, regulation in any case, as much as i am still in favor of freedom of speech, but still a little regulation is needed so that there are not such radical these types of russia go ahead and
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all the others, this is minimally basic, it needs something, yes, our state must know who the ultimate owner of such platforms is, for example, viber and whatsapp are registered in the eu, and therefore they are also responsible... and telegram is not , is not registered either in ukraine or in other countries of the european union. the ukrainian state knows nothing about the owners of the telegram company. network administrators refuse to go into contact and, for example, remove information that threatens national security or spreads pornography. ukraine cannot control servers, traffic, content, or personal data, that is, absolutely nothing. my bill requires transparency. if that's how youtube works. facebook in ukraine, why can't telegram work? only for one reason, it is not about business and not about information, it is propaganda and ipso, the same positions held by those responsible for national security. in my opinion, one option is to force everyone to register,
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officially. if you want to be a mass media, please register. there is nothing to hide if you want to convey your opinion to people. true, it will fix the situation a little. almost all the employees, telegram - these are russians who have relatives in russia itself, even if they do not live in russia, we understand that, well, we all understand how the fsb works. no one has any doubts that the fsb can find clues to most people through their relatives, acquaintances, i don't know, lovers or mistresses. and in this situation, uh, to live according to the principle that, well, we... don't have a direct document where it is written that the fsb signed an agreement with telegram on the exchange of information, it's obvious that we probably don't have such a document, but there are too many facts that show that they interact, and therefore, if we consider this situation from the point of view of risks for ukraine, the risks are extremely high, therefore, in this situation, the country should take care that
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telegram did not have such freedom of action in ukraine, and in principle, ukrainians should use it less. the most important thing is what is provided by law. if... telegram or any other messenger does not respond to the ukrainian state, it can be removed from the ukrainian state itself, from the ministries of regional administrations, these are dozens and hundreds of institutions that communicate with ukrainians every day and in fact impose on them very often unverified messengers. this is a normal world practice. in canada and the united states, they have already limited tiktok authorities, and the european commission opened proceedings against this chinese social network for violations of transparency. the supreme court of spain banned telegram. four media companies accused the network of intellectual property theft. currently, 19% of spaniards use telegram. russia wants to sell its trojan horse to europeans as well. recently, the czech special services exposed a large-scale network of the fsb, which operated under the cover of the "voice of europe" website and spread disinformation,
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bribing european politicians. its curator was viktor medvedchu. so they are actively encouraged to install telegram. europe does not want to let go. the trojan horse of russia for its walls. unfortunately, ukraine has already done this, but it is not too late to correct the situation. i know how to protect national security without limiting human rights and freedom of speech. this balance must be maintained even during the war, legislative restrictions should in principle be introduced, ukraine must create pressure points for the telegram itself, the registered bill, which, well, we had a registered bill a few weeks ago, it was necessary to influence the telegram earlier, because today it is already , well, the influence of telegram, the information space is so large, people are used to it as a service so much that it will be difficult to break this situation, but as the experience of both vkontakte and classmates shows, it is solved very quickly and in principle it can be done. telegram or any social platform
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must have a representative office in ukraine or in the countries of the european union and respond to the distribution of prohibited content. pornography, drugs, justification of russian aggression. such networks must disclose their owners and make their financing clear. if they refuse to do so, they should be banned for use by ukrainian authorities, our officials, officials. in this case, they cannot be used by banks or anyone who collects personal data of ukrainians. as you can see, there is absolutely nothing about banning telegram. it was absolutely predicted that a wave of black pr would rise against the authors of the bill and, in particular, against my humble person. accusation worthless, personal of a political nature. i went through this many times when i insisted on the banning of the russian orthodox church, and the government, even though by force, there will be wine... bring this issue to the consideration of the parliament: the russian telegram is the same threat to the state as
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the russian church and president zelensky should also allow their deputies to support our draft law. the trojan horse of the kremlin must be thrown outside the walls of our state. champions league semi-finals only on mego. four are the best. teams of europe and only two places in the final: bayern real and borussia psg. turn on april 30 and may 1 exclusively on mego. we will not die in paris, now i know that for sure. the legend of ukrainian rock with an exclusive program. kyiv meet. dead rooster band. accompanied by a string quartet. the best selected compositions. on may 8 in belyatazh, starting at 7 p.m., enjoy the special sound
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represents. united by football, together stronger turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday, from 20 to 22 for espresso. big. vasyl winter's broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that many became like-minded, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. see this week. in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. quick evaluations of vkks.
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how the judge's wife passed the interview in 7 minutes. i have worked in the judicial system all my life. but where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy get valuable property. my brother gave me his apartment. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity, this. a new judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for us further path to the eu. we will talk about how successful the transformation is from... and whether the moral and professional qualities of the justice officials meet high standards today, but first, let's talk about the news. the supreme council of justice dismissed volodymyr kupin, a judge of the balakli district court of the kharkiv region, who is suspected of treason under martial law. according to
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the investigation materials, even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion on february 27 , 2022, the judge moved to capture. russians kupiansk and began to cooperate with the occupiers for several months , kupin, as a representative of the occupation authorities, was already consulting local residents on legal issues under the legislation of the russian federation in the premises of the kupyan district state administration. during the liberation of kupyansk by the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr kupin fled to russia. the supreme council of justice also dismissed alla dymydovska, the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv. in 2015, the decision to dismiss the judge was made by the then supreme council of justice. parliament dismissed damidovska by its resolution and the judge appealed decision. the grand chamber of the supreme court announced the verdict only that year in june. the decision of the high council of justice on dismissal is upheld. in march 2013, alla demidovskaya, the security service and the prosecutor's office stopped by to receive a bribe. she, along with another judge andriy makuha and lawyer yevgeny pedenka, received $700 for
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speeding up the case regarding the violation of customs legislation. the special service claimed that according to... the agreement, alla demidovska was to receive 500 dollars, and despite the criminal case, demidovska continued to remain in the position of judge and during the revolution of dignity chose a preventive measure against the activist vladyslav tsylytsky, detention allegedly due to mass riots and disobedience to law enforcement officers. in the report, the suspect stated that after the arrest, he was brutally beaten and put in a closed van, after being examined by paramedics, he was taken to an emergency hospital . judge dysniansk. on the flight to kyiv, svitlana kolegayeva mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine and asks to stop the case against her for drunk driving. in in 2021, an intoxicated judge driving an audi registered to her mother ran off the road, knocked down a pole and crashed into a tree. no one was injured by the smoke. the obolon district court of kyiv fined the judge uah 17 and deprived him
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of his driver's license for one year. at the same time, public activists sent a complaint against kolegaeva to the high council of justice. with the demand that she be removed from her position, as the disciplinary commission of the vrp recently finally began to consider the complaints of judges that had accumulated. in recent years, svitlana koligaeva's future as a judge has changed was under threat, so she decided to mobilize. accordingly, she asked the supreme council of justice to suspend the consideration of the disciplinary case against her for the duration of martial law. according to the anti-corruption center, the judge's lawyer did not provide the vrp with evidence that kolegaeva was really mobilizing. however, the third the disciplinary chamber unanimously granted the judge's request, so kolegaeva retains the status of a judge and will continue to receive a judge's fee. last year she earned uah 1,300. renewal and reformation continues for all levels of the judicial system of ukraine. and what's next, more problems come to the surface. competition
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commissions and expert groups work to exhaustion. every day they have to study biographies, career path and balance the debit. credit in the declarations of candidates for judicial positions and active servants of themis. the second panel of the higher qualification commission of judges is apparently very tired. ruslan sydorovych, lyudmila volkova and roman kydesyuk expertly manage to conduct the fastest interviews with candidates. for example, one of they lasted only seven minutes with olena mykhalyuk, assistant to the head of the northern commercial court of appeal. from early years, yes, especially from high school, when we started teaching discipline. and i took part in school olympiads, i dreamed of becoming a lawyer. olena mykhalyuk, the wife of oleg matuschak, a judge of the western commercial court of appeal, has 37 thousand dollars and 175 hryvnias of her own savings, and already in the midst of a full-scale war, she bought a mercedes-benz for over a million hryvnias. however, the vkks board was not interested in this. please briefly describe your motivation for
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becoming a judge. first, how convenient will it be for you to move? mr. roman. and there will not be too many judges in one family. these are all questions from the commission to mykhalyuk. thus, without further clarification, the members of the supreme court of appeals decided that the candidate was suitable for the position of judge and recommended her to the lyubashiv district court of the odesa region. another quick interview without additional questions was conducted by the members of the vcc with yulia bulanova, a candidate for the position of judge of the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. according to the countermeasures center corruption she is the daughter of the rector of the zaporizhia national university and people's deputy of the eighth convocation mykola frolov. any court is a very responsible, responsible court. activists have many questions about bulanova's property, for example, in 2022 , her brother, who works as a lawyer, gave her an apartment in kyiv with an area of ​​93.5 square meters.
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the market value of the property, according to experts of the anti-corruption center, is more than uah 8 million. in the declaration, 100 uah is indicated. the members of the commission, on the other hand, have no questions about the brother's ability to earn on such a precious thing gift, nor with respect to a significantly higher value of real estate than that specified in where did not arise. in 2021, i transferred to work in the office of the prosecutor general and moved with my children to the city of kyiv, after the divorce. and taking into account these circumstances, in the 22nd year, my brother gave me his own apartment. in april 2020 , bulanova's father, an ex-people's deputy, bought a nissan kashkay car. which he gave to her already in may, here, too, without additional questions from the members of the commission, they did not suspect anything saw, he bought it for his own needs, but certain circumstances of my
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family life developed in such a way that i divorced in may 20th, and this prompted my father to change his plans for this car and temporarily transfer it to him... this car in for my use. yulia bulanova's professional competence is questionable. the candidate for the position of judge has been working in the prosecutor's office for more than 20 years. currently, she is a prosecutor in the prosecutor general's office and could not answer the question correctly. and please tell me, the prosecutor's office can now file lawsuits in interests of the state or state-owned enterprise? no, unfortunately, not at this time. instead, the procedure for organizing the activities of prosecutors in representing the interests of the state, which includes, in particular, the filing of lawsuits, was determined by the order of the prosecutor general of ukraine back in 2018. it is surprising that
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yuliya bulanova, a prosecutor with many years of experience, does not know this. she also believes that a judge has no right to own property. however, the members of the commission not only did not emphasize the lack of knowledge of judges' rights and duties, but also persistently pushed the candidate to follow the rules. answers, in general, according to the status of a judge, a person can have corporate rights, a judge, no, he cannot, but corporate rights are according to the european echr, it is the property of the first protocol to it, it seems so, so why not legally and peacefully own property? yes, well, for example, you have an apartment in zaporizhzhia, yes, you can rent it out as a judge, yes. can you make a profit? yes, i can from my property. well, that's it. despite such gaps in knowledge of the laws, the commission unanimously recommended appointing yulia
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bulanov to the position of judge of the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. now the recommendation must be considered by the supreme council of justice. we hope that she will have more inspiration and time to research and weigh all the pros and cons of appointing candidates to honorary judicial positions. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the e-mail address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. the search for
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16-year-old danylo pyatnytsky, who disappeared at the end of last year under very mysterious circumstances in slovakia, where he lived and studied since september 2023, has been going on for the fourth month. looking for a boy, his mother. it is even hard to imagine what a woman has experienced during these months of obscurity, in what condition she is. is staying, but mrs. anastasia is doing everything possible to find her son or to find out at least some information that can help in the search. i appeal to all concerned citizens with a request, if anyone can help in the search for my missing son, pyatnytsky danylo, born on august 24, 2006, unfortunately, there is still no information, he disappeared... on december 22, 2023. dani's mother told us that he enjoyed studying at a university abroad. he called her and said that
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he was fine. however, on december 22, 2023 , contact with him was lost and nothing has been known about him since then. he didn't say anything at all before his disappearance. at 12 o'clock in the afternoon we talked with him, he says: "mom, i i haven't slept for almost a day." he says: "i want to sleep, i 'll sleep for a couple of hours and i'll call you." i called him in the evening on the same day, his phone was already turned off. as soon as we received... the message about the boy's disappearance, we immediately contacted our colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who in turn posted information about danylo on their internet portal.also , a request was made to the slovak police. for example, a photo about looking for a boyfriend on the website of one of them. we are doing everything we can to find danya, but
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for now. unfortunately, there is no information about him. the boy's mother also revealed some very suspicious details. danylo studied in bratislava at the comenius university at the faculty of management, and lived in a center for children and families in the village of bernolakovo, which is about an hour's drive from bratislava. however, as it turned out, in the room where danya lived, after his disappearance, clothes and scattered things were found. i became aware of the information that his foreign passport was torn up in his room, everything that could be beaten, although it does not resemble my son's behavior at all, i don't even know what should happen for him to behave like that, the boy's mother has no idea, where her son could be, she does not understand at all how this could happen, but she assumes that danya could not have contacted this company, moreover, after his disappearance
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it became known that... since november he had not attended training, although i didn't tell my mother about it. i don't know, we already thought, maybe in some company, he, i don't know, some friends in maybe there were very good, not very decent ones, because i talked to a girl who studied with him in zaporizhzhia, in our city, they graduated from the gymnasium, and she also went to this university, only she has a different department and ... faculty, and she told me that on the eve of his disappearance on december 21, they met in the evening, and he said some such inappropriate things, that is, that the slovak fsb or the sbr is following him, that he has a bug on his phone, that is, she said , that he had some paranoid, well, there were thoughts, some, he said such incoherent things that she well, this has never happened, well, this has never happened to him,
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that is, we think... maybe there are some narcotics already there, he contacted some company. so, if you have any information about danylo pyatnytskyi, or if perhaps you live in slovakia and suddenly see danja or know something about him, call immediately on 11630. this is the only european missing children hotline , which works in 28 european countries. and so, if you are in europe and want to report... information about a wanted child, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call the single european line for missing children 116.30 from your mobile phone, you will receive professional help, support and step-by-step instructions on how to act in such a situation.
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we are starting an information day on the espresso tv channel with a news broadcast. khrystyna parobiy works in the studio. in the morning, the russians attacked mykolaiv with drones. as a result of the blows , a fire started at the recreational facility. the fire covered an area of ​​20 m2. there is damage - said the head of the regional military administration, vitaly kim. fortunately, people are not suffered russian terrorists struck the residential sector of the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region.


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