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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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with this zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, it is easier for them to fire at manganets-nikopol, there was nothing new in nikopol in the past few days in terms of the massiveness of the shelling, we are now asking the acting head of the nikopol district council, dmytro bochkov, about it in connection with our studio, mr. dmytro, good morning, glory to ukraine, good morning, heroes of glory, were you beaten again? yes, yes, in principle you can say that in nikopol. margantsi, nikopol district and those territories they are shelling, nothing new in terms of intensity happened, but people were injured again, unfortunately, during yesterday's shelling, two people were injured, and the damaged high-rise buildings, the private sector, the damaged objects are different, therefore, in principle , i can say that the terror that has already for a long time where on the territory of the dnikopol district, it continues, this is... what you show now in
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the photographs, these are the realities of life in the nikopol district, and daily these shellings destroy many different objects, and this is of course a very big tragedy of the nikopol district, ago that all this puts a lot of pressure on people, on the psychological mood, because when a dozen to a dozen drones fly overhead, there is artillery, it is real. life, it is really very difficult for the residents, well, but we see that this is a hit into the residential structure, that is , they are hanging with drones all the time, just as we were told in kharkiv and so on, they are hanging for what to on to direct artillery, yes, or the same strike drones, respectively, and each time it is as we hear about residential, that is, they deliberately hunt precisely for just for people in residential quarters , bedrooms or whatever, how it looks, well, hanging means. they're looking for something, i don't know, the nato headquarters,
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the pentagon, an airborne division from france, but they're pounding residential neighborhoods, well , it seems to us that these aren't what they seem, it 's true, that nikopol, marganets and the nikopol district - this is a zone of terror, terror in order to make the lives of our residents unusable, to make the lack of communal infrastructure here, which could a... communal equipment reduce the amount of opportunity to do appropriate leisure for leisure service for people in order for people to leave, in order for there to be a zone here, a gray zone, this is what the russians strive for, who actually made the zaporozhye nuclear power station their logistics base from which they leave for their military equipment, from here they are firing around, they are returning to the premises of the nuclear power plant, and... there is already
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such information that they are just training here, well, you can say that, and in fact, these are all attacks on minibuses that drive around the city, on cars, on public transport , just on the houses, this just terror and training, training, unfortunately for our people, we understand that nikopol is not a small town, it is actually the fourth most populated city in dnipropetrovsk region, is it really that big now, if we talk about population, did some of the people leave and currently do not return to nikopol, and do you have any forecasts, because we are now constantly talking about reconstruction, about the fact that even in the front-line settlements, people are returning, because someone has gardens, someone hopes that we are about to return the territories, how do you have local authorities, with the help of state agencies, always trying to quickly fix all these shellings. and to restore
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those e private houses that are currently in need, that can still be repaired, and this is all being done, or is ensured by some kind of acquisition of suitable housing for those people who lost their housing, but these shellings, of course, a large number of the population left, but i can say that somewhere around 60-65% of people still live in nikopol and marganka, there are a large number of cases. people just keep coming back because things change the situation of their residence in europe or in another part of ukraine, plus taking care of their parents, work, it encourages people to return, and in nipopol and in our area, well, life goes on, life goes on, children try to conduct appropriate training there, go to online school , it is all very difficult, but it is, in a certain part of the nikopol district, the number of residents has not even decreased in those territories that...
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they also hatched in the surrounding villages the day before and. in this case, there is someone on the farm, someone on economic, and someone on the house flew in, there were 19 shellings there the day before yesterday, and i see that they hit the power line, that is, how quickly such economic things are restored, like the situation with electricity and water, well, the most necessary ones are now, simply delaying the super-efficient activity of all our emergency services, communal structures, which simply have already... fixed themselves and they are just returning it all very quickly, that's why all these shellings depending on them, they have a different amount of time in order to return the appropriate service to people, as far as electricity is concerned, and we have water the situation continues to remain difficult, in
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a certain part of the nikopol district it is getting better, well, it is moving in the fact that we, well, we are just waiting for the launch. of his state waterworks in order for him to return drinking water to the taps for those who lost it, because we have eight territories, three cities, five rural communities, and each has a separate story, somewhere technical water runs, somewhere drinking water the tap is running, somewhere in a small clearing in the area there is no water at all, and there are people living in the undercarriage, let’s talk, but that’s why the situation is different, of course, the situation becomes a little like this, well, we understand that summer is coming. and in the summer it is much more difficult to provide appropriate services in order to provide a sufficient amount of water to the residents of our district, so we are also preparing for appropriate work with funds, with various projects, in order to strengthen and wait for the launch
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of the state water supply. mr. dmytro, actually, summer is approaching, we understand that the children will not study, the educational process will end in literally a month. in some cities kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, sumy oblast, are starting to look for ways out, an alternative, in fact, to ordinary schools, they are going underground, how do you deal with this, or are you planning something, so that there is less of this online education, because we understand that how children stay at home, then their parents are attached to them, and in general , the educational process also suffers from this. yes , this is a big tragedy for our children, the children have been studying online for two years now, and i can say that online, well, it cannot replace a regular school, it is nikopol school district, it is on our example, we see that it does not replace normal education, it does not
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replace appropriate leisure time, and this problem is not only in education, it is a problem in culture, in sports, in people’s leisure time, in child development . in mind, so of course there are... certain plans so that in certain territories, well , let's say, local self-government bodies are preparing for the next academic year, maybe to start a little differently in certain other directions, but of course the most important task is 2024 year for us for as for for the nikopol district council and not only for the local self-government bodies, it becomes a vacation for children, a vacation that, because the children have not seen the sea or any other for two years, is possible. and to actually leave this territory, which is bombarded and terrorized every day, that is why we are preparing a lot of relevant projects and hope that many children, residents of our district will have a rest, find new friends and switch psychologically, we are also starting various relevant psychological and
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pedagogical projects in the territory of the nikopol district , which are already working, thanks to various funds, and we will expand them, because the time of ideas in children... the war takes away real childhood and we try to be effective in this direction in order to improve their development a little. mr. dmytro, we wish you at least a peaceful palm sunday. dmytro bochko , the acting chairman of the nikopol district council, was in touch with us, this is how the right bank looks, yes, and there is the left, on the right bank you cannot go underground, there is no subway there, there is in kyiv, in kyiv there is, and actually... mr. dmytro did not tell about any projects, construction, restoration in nikopol, in kyiv it is obviously a little easier, and it is more difficult there, because if you even have a subway, it must be in good condition, it must be uah 400 million, which is actually half of the reserve fund of the capital, and these funds are what
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the repair of the tunnel between lybitska and demiivska stations is worth. in fact, a month ago, the leader of kyiv klitschko assured that the works were completed. by almost 40%, more than 60 workers and 10 pieces of equipment work at the site in three shifts. at what stage is all this now? our correspondent dmytro found out about the recovery. didora and also about the plans to complete the works, let's see together. for almost five months , repair work has been going on in the capital's metro between lebitska and dymiivska stations. on december 8 , train traffic was urgently restricted in this section, as there was a risk for subway passengers. excavations are currently being carried out between the closed metro stations, and the tunnel is planned to be repaired from the outside. in particular , the following was performed. temporary strengthening of tunnel frame elements, construction site preparation,
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installation of construction site fencing, demolition of buildings and structures, search operations, construction of temporary and domestic structures, installation of temporary engineering networks, removal of engineering networks, dismantling of engineering networks and communications located in the tunnel, isolation in the tunnel, work sites by installing partitions, return . dismantling of track and cutting of track concrete, arrangement of unloading slabs with arrangement of piles, development of the pit by fastening the first and second tiers. the tunnel is being repaired a limited liability company, a group of companies of the freeway. before this , the company had no experience in the construction or repair of the subway, but the company repairs roads. in 2021, the freeway received almost uah 13 billion from ukraautor. at the same time, the company. takes place in several criminal investigations, it can be seen on the website of the yukontrol analytical system. thus, according to
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the materials of the proceedings, the law enforcement officers believed that during the repair and construction works, three companies, including the avtostrada group of companies performed the works improperly, overestimating their quality and cost. on the lebitska demiivska section, 27 m of the emergency tunnel must be completely replaced. non-governmental organization passengers of kyiv. realized that repairs on the blue branch are equivalent to the construction of almost half a kilometer of a new tunnel to the vineyard. instead of the closed section of the metro, kyivites are offered to use buses that duplicate the movement of the underground, or an alternative shuttle service from demiivskaya to terymki. often, residents of the capital choose buses. well of course, of course, there is discomfort, but i'm used to it. about 20 minutes longer to get to work, and of course to get home, definitely
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inconvenient, and i would say that convenience is not the main aspect, i would say about the safety side of this story, about 50 percent increased time, if before it was an hour before work, now it's one and a half, i 'm sorry, we are such a people that we get used to the situations that arise, so god forbid that it goes, but at an hour and a half... the number of people at the bus stop is much larger than the number of buses for transportation . in the first days after accident in the underground to ensure the movement of the temporary bus 2m, kyiv-pastrans sent 90 buses to cover the needs of the metro section. currently, more than 70 buses travel on the duplicate metro route. a person waited there for 20 minutes for his bus, and due to the fact that
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the bus was taken from him on the route and sent there to lybitska, the person began to wait for the bus for 30 minutes, that is , let's say, loyalty and, well, loyalty to public transport and interest in using it it becomes less and less for people, who value their time, we add an air traffic alarm to the rush hour, when these buses stop, we get a paralyzed transport system in the capital, people still stand and wait for the alarm to go off, because they know, relatively speaking, that this is the takeoff of the migo, that it must wait there 15 - 20-30 minutes and the transport will leave, but this is not at all about the safety of people, that is, it does not show its effectiveness for the safety of people and operates only in kyiv and two other western cities of ukraine. in response to our request, the kyiv metro... assures that experts are reporting best efforts to complete the renovation by the end of summer this year.
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pharmacies plantain for you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two o'clock. in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys
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from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, and value the ability to stand. side by side with the brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together stronger! let's return to our air and
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now we will talk directly about the front line, let's start with one of the most difficult. areas in donetsk region, we will talk about the bakhmut direction and attach to our conversation oleg kalashnikov, head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general khorundzhy roman deshkevich. mr. oleg, glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. the bahmud direction actually sounds so very general. we would like to see it through your eyes. tell me, please , what is the latest happening there now? today, the enemy is trying to carry out his intentions, but he is doing rather poorly, that is, he is currently trying to carry out assault actions, this is a tick-andriivka, here it is quite significant in his group, the basis of which are the units of the territorial troops, these are infantry units, is also trying to carry out assault actions, this is the direction of ivanivsk,
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directly the direction of the temporal ravine, here he was involved as directly... the 102nd motorized rifle regiment is also trying to storm in this area of ​​​​responsibility, these are the 217th airborne and 11th odshbr - also paratroopers, if we take the direction of bohdanivka kalinivske, then here we can also observe the main such nucleus - these are airborne units, these are two regiments 2919, 317, 98th division and also everyone. in these areas there is the presence of both infantry and motorized rifle units, and all kinds of assault units are directly involved, and it is a common thing today - the use of storm z units is so semi-criminal. artillery works constantly, is involved in assaults and the mechanized component, these are both
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armored combat vehicles and heavy equipment, and of course, the aviation component is currently cabs. he uses them quite often. yes, if you look at their plan, well, it is clear that the enemy has an idea to bypass... yar z from the north and from the south, this idea is probably not a secret, accordingly, have they changed their tactics, that is, the fact that they use everything from cabs and artillery to equipment that the weather allows, that is clear, but tactically, has something changed in comparison, for example, with last year's campaign, they really like to encircle the flanks, but so far, they have not done this, since, if you take the southern flank, they are clearly hindered here, it's ivanivka , where the fighting is going on, it's klishchiivka and andriivka, too
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stand in his way, if we take the northern flank, here he also has no field of such activity, that is, he cannot enter from the flanks today, so he is trying to storm directly, so to speak, head on, but he... the vlob storms not on one or another area, he is trying to storm in some areas, that is, here we can observe where he is trying to storm, this is a direction, a channel, a microdistrict, also another already direction - this is a new one, or there is also an october one nearby, here, that is, where several of these in him directions, where he tries to achieve at least some success, but tactically. how do they do it, first they try in one way or another to saturate the zero in small groups, that is , to make their way, break through and only then give some command to attack or something, well
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, they don’t know exactly what tactical new moves they have come up with in columns, well, since they have an advantage in the air, then they are constantly dropping, as kabami pointed out, but if we take such nato tactics in general, then the air force should be withdrawn immediately, and then the infantry attack unit. they already have everything together here. they can simultaneously throw cabs and try to storm with ground forces at the same time. in this case, the assaults are carried out no more than as part of the company, that is no more. usually there can be even less, these units are like a platoon, and constantly, now he tries to constantly support them in these assault actions, namely mechanized. a component of this, we could really observe their pure meat rushes, today he is advancing armed with equipment, but the infantry advance can
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to be carried out in the same way wave after wave, that is , one infantry unit moves, it is destroyed, stops, they can throw a new infantry unit again, this also indicates that, after all, technically they have a little less equipment than people, so they use more people . actively and feeling less sorry for them, and the equipment remains in the same amount as it was, or is taken away, because after our drones began to use for guidance, to improve drones, and even these tanks of theirs with sheds mounted on top and with rebs have already become more vulnerable not like that, they can’t drive so calmly, did they start to take even more equipment from the battlefield, well, they are trying to use their equipment... they are really trying
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to hang their equipment on everything, which we can only observe, as in the same circus, some of their means protection they help, and some turn out to be simply powerless, it should be noted for our guys, external operators, external uav pilots, they act... quite so professional, they find any loophole, if you take the same names, they are trenches roars that we can observe on there are a lot of armored vehicles, in some of the same tanks you can also see two launchers, then if we take reality, then they don’t help them much either, of course it would be good if everything worked here in a bunch, that is, i mean now... i mean our artillery, as soon as we have more shells, in general, these sheds will survive literally minutes on the
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battlefield, ugh, that is, our pilots. drones simply show that any wonder weapon of the occupiers actually does not remain so incredible and analogue for a long time, right? we mean the option when, for example, the already stopped equipment is broken, but it is still possible, it is repairable, and here it is gaining speed, or they will drag it off the battlefield, or the nashiks will set it on fire, how does it look like for you, drag it off the battlefield, it is theirs in general. there is very little chance left, well it's just unrealistic, because they will have to work under fire in order to evacuate the damaged equipment, that is, it is more unrealistic, moreover, it remains directly on the pain on the battlefield, or is destroyed by us, or if there is such opportunities, even transitions to the rank trophy, the russians call this gray zone
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the death zone, so... that is, how much is it exactly on your part of the front, where is wave after wave, as you say, how narrow or wide is it, that is, has it increased or decreased, this is the one that's the zone that they have to cross under the sights of our fpv drones, so what it looks like for you, it fluctuates, it fluctuates with the tactical situation, still, during the day, it's very fragile that line. that is, during enemy attacks, or vice versa, we also carry out counterattacks, assault actions, it fluctuates, but really this gray area, or death zone, as you say, it is very, very dangerous for them, and so they try to skip it during attacks at maximum speed, they do not succeed very much, we can
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observe that they are on the same order. can push a fairly significant number of personnel in order to slip through at maximum speed, enter, so to speak, maybe into the dead zone, but these are isolated cases when they manage to do this, and then, even if they slipped through it, they begin already other combat operations and other fire damage, these guys on motorbikes appeared on your site on motorcycles with those welded grills, did you have them? are these bugs that are hung with barbecues, or on your site, they no longer risk riding on unarmored targets like that? well, there are all kinds of golf kamikazes, we also observe them in varying numbers, they have such attempts, this is what we talked about earlier, it is precisely at speed to try to break through this line where the fire damage is being carried out and try to gain a foothold already on
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others these fronts, this is how it is observed, there really is such a phenomenon, mr. oleg, i will tell you with thanks for your service that i recently read in the pubs of the bandit city of rostov in russia, there is a veteran with the order of the zealous bakhmut, but he ended up in the hospital without teeth and with a lot of fractures, he says that the collective has turned white, well, we don't know how many of our people are there in rostov, but the news is in my opinion. excellent, thank you, mr. oleg, it is positive, yes, oleg kalashnikov, head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general khorundzhyo roman dashkevicha, was in touch with us, this is a bahamian direction, we wish everyone such, such good reflections in hospitals, wonderful, wonderful, to our boys and girls for a note, 9:00, it will be literally in a few seconds, this is the time when we remember and honor the memory
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of... all those who died for ukraine, all ukrainians and foreigners who come here, and military and civilians who could have lived, but died because the russians came here . let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence of ukraine who died in the war that started it. russia.


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