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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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all ukrainians and foreigners who come here, both military and civilians who could have lived, but died because the russians came here. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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9th on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. two ukrainians were killed in germany, a russian is suspected of the crime, the german police reported. yesterday, men aged 36 and 23 years old were found with stab wounds near a shopping center in the city of murnau amstadtfalse. a 36-year-old man died of serious injuries in the city, and the second is already in the hospital. during the investigation, law enforcement officers
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detained a 57-year-old russian not far from the scene of the crime. the motive for the murder is currently being established. three residents of the kherson region were injured as a result of an enemy attack. in the morning, the occupiers bombed the berislavsky and kherson districts. residential blocks were hit, two high-rise buildings and eight private houses were damaged, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudi. the enemy also hit a higher educational institution, a critical infrastructure facility, an agricultural enterprise, and cars. nine drones attacked ukraine this night, four shahed destroyed our defenders of the sky in kyiv region, vinnytsia region, khmelnytskyi region and kirovohrad region. another drone of an unknown type was shot down by air defense forces in the mykolaiv region, the air force of ukraine reported. the enemy launched drones from cape chaud in... crimea and temporarily occupied
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kherson region. the russians also launched an s-300 missile from the belgorod region of the russian federation. a hotel building in mykolaiv was damaged due to an enemy drone attack. a fire started. the fire covered an area of ​​20 m2, the state emergency service said. windows were also broken in another hotel in ponivychyna, an infrastructure object and cars. people were not injured. russian terrorists struck the residential sector of the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region. late in the evening , two kamikaze drones attacked. fortunately, there were no casualties, but it was completely burned one-story building, - reported the head of the region, serhii lysak. in addition, two russian reconnaissance drones were hunted by air defense forces over dnipropetrovsk region at night. broken premises, destroyed valuable equipment. company. det showed the consequences of yesterday's
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enemy attack on energy facilities. rescuers are still working to restore tess. let me remind you that the occupiers fired at four thermal power plants in dnipropetrovsk oblast, lviv oblast and prykarpattia. there are casualties as a result of the attack. the russians have learned to bypass our anti-aircraft defense, - said president volodymyr zelenskyi in the evening address. according to him, everything is a disaster for us. annual lack of air defense. the occupiers are aware of this and are trying to attack weakly defended areas. ukraine needs seven systems, and this is the minimum. partners have these patriots. russian terrorists see that their partners, unfortunately, do not have the same determination for europe in defense against terror that they have shown in the middle east, but still... there is an opportunity to provide the necessary quantity
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and quality of air defense systems. we must not lose time, we must give the necessary signal of determination. at night drones in co. attacked russia, the air defense there allegedly shot down 17 aircraft, the ministry of defense of the country's terrorists reported. the governor of the kalusa region announced the destruction of three drones in the area of ​​the oil depot in lyudinovo, another nine drones were shot down over the bryansk region, two in the territory of the belgorod region and three in the kursk region. the snow melted, the drones came down. about 10 drones were found in the moscow region of russia, it was reported. in the regional security headquarters there. these drones allegedly intercepted the means electronic warfare. the department also added that aircraft can still be dangerous. therefore, they urged the population to report such dangerous finds, because there may be a lot of them. and to operational
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information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 88 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. in donetsk region, the russians stormed in four directions, the most heated - in avdiivskyi. there, the defense forces repelled 35 attacks. another 14 assaults were stopped in the lyman direction near nevsky and terniv at novopavlovsk, the russians tried to break through our defenses 13 times, unsuccessfully. the occupiers became active in kharkiv oblast as well. in the kupian direction, our defenders stopped 13 enemy assaults. during the day, the ukrainian aviation carried out 16 strikes. areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers, and rocket launchers and gunners hit two radar stations and destroyed the muscovites' control post. i don't beat, verba beats. another 1,096 russians received fatal blows and
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went to eternal torment. and in general, from the beginning of full-scale russian invasion already 466,150 occupiers bear the punishment for their sins in hell. and their scrap metal burned with them. yesterday, the defense forces incinerated 11 tanks, 20 bmps, 43 artillery systems, 49 units of cars and special equipment, one air defense vehicle and a rocket salvo fire system. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and in order for our army to be stronger, i urge you to join the gathering. the intelligence unit of the third force regiment needs communication and security equipment. special operations. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have
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less than uah 300,00 left to collect. so, let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details at screen in the coffee shops of kropyvnytskyi, a charity event was held to thank our defenders. those willing can pay for a dessert for a wounded warrior. then the author's sweets are taken to the hospital where the military is being treated. do charities taste good cakes to the wounded, our journalists will tell. margarita is a volunteer. when there is a free moment, the girl comes to her favorite coffee shop. from now on, he is happy. can not only support local business, but also treat the defenders with tasty treats. it does not affect my budget in any way and only affects the positive mood of people around me and my positive mood. therefore, why not do something nice, especially for the military, who defend our country and protect our lives.
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the defenders are treated to author's desserts - says the owner of the coffee shop, kateryna. the facility, opened during the full-scale war, has its own production. this is, for example, an eclair, this is a shu cake. it's a donut, it's a cupcake, it's possible there's a lviv cheesecake, it's a macaroon, it's a teremisu, it's a trifle, it's something that's very convenient to transport. treats for defenders are exclusively made from natural ingredients, ms. tatyana shares. she is just looking over chocolate, currant, raspberry and mango cakes. the taste, says the confectioner, is unsurpassed. all products are seasoned with love and respect defenders in general, thank you very much for what they protect. us, that we can sleep in our beds, that is, we can enjoy life, well, in general, a very big bow to our defenders. in two weeks , the people of krypny bought 250 desserts for the defenders, volunteers and entrepreneurs delivered treats to the medical facility.
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military personnel from different regions of ukraine are treated and rehabilitated here. a sweet table for the soldiers was opened just in the yard. such support, the boys say, motivates. and this is a great support for the armed forces of ukraine and for boys who spend time in the hospital, this is a great moral and psychological support, some of them are far from their families, from their homes. who is a psychologist from the ternopil region, who is from khmelnytskyi, yes, and they, well, a little bit, at least something , the volunteers give, that it is, well, at least some kind of home comfort, something to feel life, pleasant surprises distract the soldiers from sad thoughts and set them up for positive, says hanna koleva. this attention is very important to our soldiers, especially when they are being treated, that's why such a dose of, let's say, attention, positive emotions, it's very cool, because they feel this support, and since these desserts... were bought by all the customers of the chain of coffee shops, yes, it's very cool, because a lot was involved people
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the charity event in the city will continue in the future. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. destroys stereotypes. a 60-year-old woman won a beauty contest for the first time. alejandra rodriguez became the first in history to receive the crown at this age. this was reported by the associated press news agency. on contest mechestosvit boyenas. aers alejandra beat 34 candidates. now the winner of the crown will compete in the national competition already in may. we will see you at 10 o'clock. read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. my colleagues oksana vasochanska and roman chaika will continue the discussion. don't switch. stay with the espresso team. we are back,
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we thank our colleagues from the news department for the latest information, i will add briefly, in poland, our neighboring country, they now have fresh the concept until 2039, they think that they need to have about 150 thousand soldiers of the active... reserve, well , it is too late for us to think about the active reserve, because we are thinking about how to secure the front right now, it may not be too late, but now let's ask our guest about it, because ivan tymochko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and the head of the council of reservists of the land forces of the armed forces of ukraine, definitely has his own vision, mr. ivan, we congratulate you, good morning, congratulations, good health, as you say, you must should reserves be formed now? first of all to provide a front, or one and the other in parallel, one and together, one and the other together,
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because parallel, as it were, parallel lines can only hypothetically intersect somewhere in space, and when it works together, in one, in one direction, then and the preparation of reserves is prepared for the available means of destruction, or for those means that can potentially... still further come under arms, and any reserves that are formed, but not trained, or who do not know who will have what resource at the time , of course, it will simply be human, human mass, but when are people they are prepared, they know where, what and how to work, how to interact, and they know that with the available weapons they destroy the enemy, therefore... they can count on the fact that the need for ammunition will be constantly replenished,
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then only effective work, otherwise it's a huge waste of effort with actually relatively little benefit. uhu, we, we are talking about a rather complicated situation after all the high-profile scandals, i will talk about the consular and all these other stories, but mr. ivan, i wanted to ask you first. in general in po along the front in the first place, which gives the enemy an opportunity, this is a distance of 22 km from avdiyivka captured, they are entrenched in the part of ochereteny, berdychi is also in them, but these are ruins, we remember what these villages looked like, which gives them operational and and tactically, these are not advances to short distances on the ruins of our villages. well, in specific, specifically taken directions, a certain tactical
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or operational situation always develops, which each of the parties tries to use as much as possible in order to achieve some kind of success, unfortunately, on in this direction, the enemy succeeded with a huge amount of human resources, despite the fact that there really was a need, a lack of combat, just like on the entire front line... the set of questions is already in the same reserves, always, always, each side tries to seize the initiative , on the other hand, these are also consequences in general along the entire front line, if the consequences of the enemy's advance are occurring, these are the consequences of what we still felt until recently, and even now, until the weapons have arrived, additional ammunition is felt, a certain need is felt, both in projectiles and in radio-electronic warfare systems,
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and the part of the reserves is already drawn up, so what are we talking about, but they are all armed at the moment. and have the ammunition that ukraine had without the support or without help or without additional supplies from our allies, from the european union, from america, of course, that there are great hopes that the situation will improve quickly, that after all, the weapons allocated to us , will have time to come to the front, the necessary moment in order for you, actually align the front line in order to stabilize the situation, and for that, and then to prepare some offensive actions or to prepare actual military operations, but at this stage the enemy still has the opportunity to use the so-called window of opportunity, because for this situation they were accumulating reserves , they introduced strategic
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reserves, everything they had and have, and the enemy has such a tactic, to throw people in the direction of... continuity, maybe they will succeed somewhere, and if they already manage to make some kind of advance somewhere at least at the tactical level, that's where they they concentrate manpower, equipment, and equipment and simply send them in continuous waves in order to gain a foothold, well, unfortunately we have such a situation, but i am sure that conclusions will be drawn, because in general the situation, as we can see, the line of control is now under special observation of everything ukrainian... society, so of course there is no reason for panic or any optimism, there should simply be an assessment of the situation and take all the necessary measures to level the situation. mr. ivan, only weapons, which, only ammunition, that's all we get in the aid package, are we also going to need additional people
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? , unfortunately, it is partly red, we can also see it on the maps, and individual servicemen also write about it, whether additional people are needed there, whether it is necessary to introduce powerful brigades, which have experience in similar actions, as was the case with avdiivka, then the third assault brigade, in particular involved enough seriously, sirskyi said that both the reserves and the human units. in mind, the human reserve and ammunition in this direction are pulled up, attracted, it is not a secret, of course, that work is being carried out in this direction, the question is that we do not know whether this direction, let's say, is actually a distraction when the enemy creates the situation is in the opposite direction, pressing, it gives the impression that
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the main blow is here, and the enemy can deliver it in another direction, so the reserves must... still be kept along the entire front line, one must count on the challenges that may end up in other directions, well, i don’t care, there is a military plan, there is a position of the commander-in-chief, who are working on it and should work on it, and of course, the challenges that the ukrainian army is now facing are a long-term consequence, in fact, that not enough ammunition that the need is filled by people. military units, but this is not a secret, everyone is talking about it from the highest command to the soldiers, of course, even if people are demobilized now or more, they still need to be trained, trained, to reconcile, and this is the time for months, at best it is the end of the summer, if you even count,
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and about the lack of staff in the troops, which is a huge problem, i am reading now... veteran yuriy lutsenko, so his sons are back fighting, he goes to his fellow riders, so he writes about this, and in this case we sped up a little, or in connection with all these scandals and man-made things, the actual preparation of the reserve has slowed down, what pace? the preparation was as it was and took place, i am what you and i started at the beginning of the conversation, any. you need first of all to have enough weapons so that they can use ammunition relative to the number of enemy targets available, when you have to economize, when... you have to constantly prioritize the importance of the enemy target to hit, of course it causes serious difficulties, uh, that's just the way it is
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works, so much, again, we can talk about about about challenges, about problems, but on the other hand, we should also not forget successes and understand that in some areas, if we are even inferior, then on others, even in the same area of ​​bohmuth. our troops are successful, we are also occupying enemy positions, that is , a two-sided situation, now in fact the front line is, despite everything, dynamic battles, but let's say there are no changes at the operational level, at the tactical level there are continuous both successes and defeats with on both sides, i want to go back to those high-profile events after consular services were suspended by order of the deputy minister of foreign affairs on the basis of the updated mobilization law, which has not yet come into effect,
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let the legislators break their spears on tv, but the question here is, in general, whether such a reserve of such quality is needed by the armed forces of ukraine? why do i so cynically want to ask about this, because actually. i have already mentioned lutsenko, he says, what do we need these people for, and he has the following proposals: to make public the lists of those who went abroad and did not return without proper reasons, to introduce a tenfold lifetime military levy for them. the second idea is to publicize whose decision they left, these people should be mobilized immediately. these are two proposals from our veteran yuriy lutsenko, and i like them... because we know for sure that not all of them were woven together by the heroes of the detachments from the consular centers in warsaw, what do you think of such ideas, or do
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you see any other solutions? here, again , it is worth looking at the root, why the situations that we addressed arose, what about abroad, why there are a number of conflicts, well, first of all, that many proposals can be given or... discussed, here we also need solutions and studying directly itself problems, well, first of all, quite a lot of ukrainians abroad are, as it were , only citizens of ukraine, de facto they do not consider their life with ukraine, on the one hand, on the other hand, and this is also already communicated somewhere by the security forces, an interesting picture is beginning to emerge somewhere, that very... a lot of this situation, this tension , began to unfold after the registrations, when the issue of the registration
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of men, especially with ukrainian passports, became real, there is a certain, a certain situation, that those who , who at one time on in the occupied territories, not always being citizens of ukraine, due to various circumstances took possession of a ukrainian passport, it is also the russian agency, it is even the russians themselves, yes, yes, who bought ukrainian passports there, and since russia is under sanctions, it is very difficult for russians to leave russia it is difficult, they very often used, i will not say fake, but those passports that they were able to obtain in the territory of ukraine, in the occupied territories, and so, of course, that until now, until there was no certain accounting, understanding, this issue was not raised, they... were on a par with all the ukrainian various goods there. first, the ukrainian flag, the ukrainian passport abroad gives a lot of advantages
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to those who even define themselves as refugees, immigrants, because due to the fact that there is a war in ukraine, of course, that there are many people, and it is certainly and rightly so, when it was necessary to escape from of ukraine and received support from european countries, received... help, but we also know that there were certain abuses when people registered in several countries, as immigrants, and , that is, as always, you know, certain unpleasant moments began somewhere, of course, that the question arose, understanding how many people are abroad, how many, how they got there, even by the way, you are also right noticed, that is, at the end of the day we have to understand what kind of human capital we rely on in ukraine, how many pro... live abroad, by the way, the allies also demanded from us to give certain figures so that they could account for themselves, determine how many people they can provide
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help what terms people are going to stay abroad, there are a lot of very overlapping moments, but the main thing is that there is a war in the country, and we are adapting and aligning our laws for the war, this is a fact, and again the process, that it will be adopted a law on strengthening mobilization processes , it has been said for a long time, and it has been accepted, and the deadlines for all relevant bodies of state institutions have been set, their interaction with citizens, interaction with the state or interaction at the level of international institutions, must already be adapted or reworked in accordance with the current legislation, which will enter into force on may 18, so the work must take place, must work. on the other hand, many ukrainians living abroad should understand that they live in peaceful countries. and to wait until
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the work of foreign consulates or representative offices is adapted to the challenges that we have now, i don't think that it would be a big problem for them, these cries, these tantrums, these curses towards ukraine, states, after all, we are here at war, we are here in sometimes we are in more difficult situations, it is wrong, but we understand that it is necessary to reject all... emotions, always when you do not know how to act, what to do, work according to the law, this is actually the simplest solution, and the most correct action of each of us, of course, that now it is regulated somewhere and the issue will be balanced, regarding the fact that men need to return to ukraine and update their documents, this, i am not sure that this will cause a mass wave
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here. come or there will still be time later will pass, all the same everyone will try to somehow enter this rutlo, but this is the fact that in the future it will not be possible to abuse many moments, because everyone will perfectly understand that even there the goal is not to go abroad, then everything will come true, it will not happen anymore , now it will become clear to everyone that going abroad is not yet a success, and it does not mean... that you avoided interaction, a ukrainian citizen interacts, this is also important to know, and not everyone left, because not everyone, not everyone are trying to leave, and there were some men who actually returned in the first days of full-scale invasion of ukraine, actually due to the fact that russia attacked, that is, it is not such a one-sided process, look, in fact, in our country right now there are
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two processes related to the re-registration of conscripts, one... it is when men , who are in ukraine , should come to the shopping center to clarify their data. the second process is when those who are abroad also have to come, because they can go through the relevant procedure only in ukraine, have already calculated that two months, this time, which is from may 18, to do all this, this time can be is not enough, and there is a fear that everyone will not have time to do everything, how to organize this audit, recalculation. we didn't call it so that there would be no chaos, so that there would be no extra moments like that later, i don't know, punishments, something else, to streamline the process, whether the state already has mechanisms, because it's one thing to say that one must do this, and another it is also necessary to create conditions so that everything happens without any such unnecessary chaos, well, there are
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many examples when really... as you say, it became clear that the institutions do the situations that arise require, say, additional intervention or continuation of action, the introduction or continuation of action, actually these adaptive periods, and it was, it continues, i am sure that if we will really observe a situation that in 2 months due to different volumes. well, let's say, they don't invest in the terms that the register, registration bodies, that, let's say, citizens due to various circumstances or challenges that will await us, or them in the future, of course, that knowing how it works in ukraine in general situation, i am sure that there will not be any repressive or there will not be.


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