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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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in the evening, the less reaction there is to it, the less harm it will bring, yaroslav yurchyshyn, almost quoted professor preobrazhenskyi, that do not read soviet newspapers and maryana's page at night. thank you, mr. yaroslav, yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy and chairman of the parliament's committee on freedom of speech. instead, at night, and in the morning, and during the day, and actually every even hour. see news on espresso. khrystyna parubiy already has a selection of the latest information and is ready to share it, because this is the tenth. 0:00 and news time. congratulations, colleagues, the occupiers have banned mass events in the occupied part of luhansk region. why? i will tell all the details later in the issue, as well as about the situation in other regions of ukraine. wait.
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khrystyna perubiy works in the espresso studio. two ukrainians were killed in germany. a russian is suspected of the crime. this was reported to the german police. yesterday , men aged 36 and 23 were found with stab wounds near a shopping center in the town of murnau amstaffelse. a 36-year-old man died on the spot from serious injuries, and the second is already in the hospital. during the investigation , the law enforcement officers detained. the 57-year-old russian is not far from the scene of the crime, the motive for the murder is currently being established. and to operational events: nine drones attacked ukraine this night, four shahed destroyed our sky defenders in kyiv region, vinnytsia region, khmelnytskyi region and kirovohrad region. another drone of an unknown type was shot down by air defense forces in the mykolaiv region, the air force of ukraine reported. the enemy launched a drone. from mysuchaud in crimea and
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the temporarily occupied kherson region. also the russians launched a s-300 missile from the belgorod region of the russian federation. three residents of the kherson region were injured as a result of an enemy attack. in the morning, the occupiers bombed the berislavsky and kherson districts. they targeted residential areas. two high-rise buildings and eight private houses were damaged, the head of the regional military administration said. oleksandr prokudin, the enemy also hit a higher educational institution, an object of critical infrastructure, agricultural enterprises and cars. two people were injured by russian shelling kharkiv region. the occupiers hit a truck with a drone in vovchansk, oleg synigubov, the head of the region, said. also, during the day , the russians shelled the chuguyiv and kupyan districts, damaging a kindergarten and 20
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farm buildings. due to an enemy drone attack in mykolaiv, a hotel building was damaged and a fire started. the fire engulfed an area of ​​20 m2, the state emergency service said . windows were also broken in another hotel, an infrastructure object and cars in nivychyna. people were not injured. broken premises, destroyed valuable equipment. company. det showed the consequences of yesterday's enemy attack on energy facilities. rescuers are still working to restore tess. let me remind you that the occupiers fired at four thermal power plants in dnipropetrovsk oblast, lviv oblast and prykarpattia. there are casualties as a result of the attack. strengthening of the dictatorship in luhansk region. the occupiers banned mass events. from now on, a crowd of over 50 people is required. the permission of local branches
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of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs and the military commandant's office, the regional state administration reported. previously, so the restrictions will continue until the end of martial law. 88 children and their families were evacuated from the front-line territories of kharkiv oblast over the last day, oleg senigubov, the head of the region, said. we are talking about bogodukhivskyi, izyumskyi and kharkivskyi districts. i would like to remind you that currently mandatory evacuation has been announced in 47 settlements of dergechiv, zolochiv, lipetsk and boriv communities, and recently 57 cities and villages of kupyan district were added to this list. at night, cape tarkhankut of the temporarily occupied crimea was shelled by atakoms. so russian propagandists claim. the consequences of the impact are being clarified. also, russia was attacked without... pilots of the local air defense
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allegedly shot down 17 aircraft, - the ministry of defense of the terrorist country reported. the governor of the kalusa region announced the destruction of three drones in the oil field. base in lyudinovo. another nine drones were shot down over the bryansk region, two in the belgorod region and three in the kursk region. residents of bryansk region reported on social networks about the explosion at the local power substation. the drones came down from the snow. in moskovskaya region of russia found about 10 drones - reported in the main regional security department there. these drones allegedly intercepted radio equipment. of struggle, the department also added that aircraft can still detonate, so they called on the population to report such finds, because there may be a lot of them. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 88 combat clashes
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took place at the front during the day. in donetsk region, the russians stormed in four directions, the most heated - in avdiivskyi. there defense forces repelled 35 attacks. another 14 assaults were stopped in the lyman direction near nevsky and terni. at novopavlivskyi , the russians tried to break through our defenses 13 times. unsuccessfully. the occupiers became active in kharkiv oblast as well. in the kupian direction , our defenders stopped 13 enemy assaults. during the day, the ukrainian aviation struck 16 areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers, and rocket launchers and gunners hit two radar stations and. destroyed the muscovite control post. i'm not the one to hit, verbabie. more 196 russians received fatal blows and went to eternal torment. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, 466,150 occupiers have been
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punished for their sins in hell. and their scrap metal burned with them. yesterday, the defense forces burned down 11 tanks, 20 bmps, 43 artillery systems, 49 vehicles and special equipment, one anti-aircraft vehicle and a multiple rocket launcher system . the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and in order for our army to be stronger, i urge you to join the gathering. communications and security equipment is needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live. work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than uah 300,00 left to collect. so let's not delay. the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you
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can see all the details on the screen. business during the war. fifty ukrainians received grant funds for creation. or the development of one's own business, they were helped in this by the lviv regional partnership of employment , supported by international donors, the organization advises and finances those who have dared to start or expand their business, and also helps the unemployed and displaced persons to get a job. about success stories, further in the story. the lviv regional employment partnership launched the program. holdings of small, medium and relocated businesses. 25 winners of the selection received up to 10 thousand dollars. another 27 contestants received $300 to start your own business. representatives of the oplich organization also founded a school for the development of purely female
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startups. among the participants are the wives of military personnel, resettled women, and those who suffered from the war. in this period of war, to see one's perspective, to work, to create. to raise the economy and, in particular, to become economically independent. kateryna glowachova from melitopol received support for her own business. in zaporizhzhia, she had a craft workshop for making furniture. due to the russian occupation of the city, kateryna left and was left without work with the help of the trainings that these organizations conducted for us, i started my own small craft family workshop called. this is hollywood, we make mobile tables for standing and sitting work, from plywood, we make decor, and we plan to make furniture for people with disabilities, that is, for people who, as a result of military aggression, have
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some kind of physical damage, maybe lost their arms, legs and it is inconvenient to work at large tables or even just to eat, taisia ​​hryhoriv. founded the production of natural products snacks eight years ago in chernihiv oblast. homemade croutons are sold all over ukraine. during the offensive of the russians in february 2022, the woman and her... company were under occupation, after the release taisia ​​moved her business to the lviv region. in particular, the support of local authorities and public organizations helped her to resume production. it's a huge amount of work, they made it easier there what should have taken six months of time with their help took literally a month and a half there, we were able to find a place to move to, they helped us to conduct negotiations with donors, they helped us get financial assistance for relocation, this
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was also very important, because at that time the situation was such that financial flows stopped completely, it was very difficult. the lviv regional employment partnership oplich has already helped more than four hundred ukrainians. business support and job creation in ukraine are financed by the governments of denmark and germany. natalya stare pravo, volodymyr studenny, tv channel. next issue on the 11th, stay tuned. congratulations, the real front program is on the air, and
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i am taras berezovyts with you. today in our program. america said yes to the supply of weapons to ukraine. poland and lithuania are preparing to jointly defend the suwalki corridor. russia is intensifying subversive operations. against the free world, as well as the killing of a policeman in vinnytsia region. how enemy propaganda tries to take advantage of tragedy. on tuesday, april 23, the senate of the us congress voted by an overwhelming majority to approve a package of aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan in the amount of 95.3 billion dollars before that, on april 20, the package was approved by the house of representatives of the united states congress. thus, both chambers
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of the us congress approved this extremely important bill. more details about this event in our next story. after months of controversy, the us senate voted on april 23 to provide military aid to ukraine. 79 senators voted for it, against 18. the package includes more than 95 billion dollars of aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan, almost 61 billion dollars of which is for ukraine, western media write. first than aid will be delivered to kyiv, this document must be signed by us president joe biden, who has promised to sign the bill as soon as it arrives. this was reported by the white house. i will sign this bill and turn to the american. people as soon as it is on my desk tomorrow so that we can begin sending weapons and equipment to ukraine this week. this
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important legislation will make our country and the world safer as we stand by our friends who are defending themselves against terrorists like hamas and tyrants like putin. 24 on the morning of april 1, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy thanked the senators for the approved draft law and support from the american people on social networks. this vote reinforces america's role as a beacon of democracy and leader of the free world. i am also grateful to all americans who continue to support ukraine and realize that the historical significance of this bill goes beyond politics. i also appreciate president biden's support and look forward to the swift signing of the bill and the delivery of the next military aid package that will match the determination i always feel in our negotiations. telecommunication capabilities of ukraine ar'. and air defense are extremely important tools for the speedy restoration of a just peace. however
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, on the same day, april 24, in the evening on the koresponent website. there was news that joe biden signed the law on military aid to ukraine. and the package will be sent within the next few hours. the american president announced this during a video address on wednesday, april 24. today is a good day for in the world i just signed a law that about aid, it's what will make america and the world safer, it'll help our partners defend their sovereign territory. american leader. he also clarified that aid to ukraine will include air defense equipment, artillery, missile systems and armored vehicles. also, the day before , the media reported that the next package of american military aid to ukraine , worth about a billion dollars, may include atakams long-range missiles for the first time. cnn wrote about this on april 23 with reference to sources. during briefings in the congress
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in recent weeks , administration officials have indicated that the us is likely to send long -range strikes to ukraine for the first time as part of a new aid package. this is the latest modification of this missile, which has a range of more than 300 km and carries a high-explosive warhead, which allows it to cause significantly more damage when hitting a target. the publication also notes that previously ukraine had already received ata cams missiles, but then the americans provided a limited version of it, which has a cluster warhead. and has range 160 km. citing its own sources, reuters reports that the first package of american military aid will amount to $1 billion. it will include vehicles, anti-aircraft missile systems, stinger, additional ammunition for
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haimers systems, 155mm artillery. also on april 23 in warsaw , at a joint briefing with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, the head of the british government rishi sunak announced a new aid package from great britain, which will include 400 pieces of equipment, 4 million rounds of ammunition, 60 boats for carrying out water raids , air defense equipment, another batch of long-range... on april 22, during a telephone conversation with the president of the united states, joe biden, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi warned that russia will probably try to succeed on the battlefield on the eve of may 9. after all , vladimir putin's fixation on sacred soviet dates is a well-known fact. on april 1
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, the joint lithuanian-polish tactical training of hrobra griffon began, within which the military must practice defensive the scenario in the suvalk corridor, which is part of nato's strategic plans. in the event of a hypothetical war with russia. control over the isthmus of suval would make it possible to cut off nato allies from the baltic states. aware of the seriousness of the threat, lithuania and poland. agreed to strengthen the protection of this area. see our next story for more details on this situation. poland and lithuania are training to repel russian aggression. the countries are conducting joint military exercises in the suval corridor. this was reported by the lithuanian broadcaster lrt with a link on the military joint lithuanian-polish
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tactical exercises with the brave griffon 24/2 aviation element have started. april 21. military units of poland and lithuania, together with their allies, will test the defensiveness of scenarios in the so-called suval corridor, which is an approximately 100-kilometer border zone between lithuania and poland, which borders kaliningrad oblast to the west and belarus to the east. during the exercises, 1,500 soldiers of the yamaitiya infantry brigade named after the great hetman of lithuania jaan khodykevych, together with allies defensive scenarios will be tested. in the so -called suval corridor, according to the bilateral lithuanian-polish orsha plan. the message says that this plan was prepared in 2022 by the commanders of the lithuanian and polish armies, most of it is classified. the training will last until april 26. at the same time , sword strike exercises organized by the us armed forces continue in lithuania.
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at the end of january 2024, the presidents of the country, etanas nausede and andrzej duda , announced. training in a joint interview delphi we are already talking about a very specific deadline, perhaps it can happen in april, but let's not forget that the suval corridor is also an integral part of nato's strategic plans. and of course, we are not the only ones talking about the suval corridor and its defense capability, nauseda noted. duda assured that the protection of the suval corridor is taken very seriously and appropriate measures are taken. in the last year, we are one. the defense capability of poland is precisely in the east of our country, it is there that new units are created, the capabilities of those units that were all the time in bartosytsy, graiv and other localities. we will strengthen our military presence, we will strengthen border protection, both polish-belarusian and polish-lithuanian. it is also worth noting that belarus is also planning military exercises
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near the border with ukraine, latvia and lithuania, the belarusian gayun writes about this. mobilization exercises will be held in the vitebsk region, which borders lithuania, latvia, and the russian federation . their goal is to assess the degree of readiness of military commanders, state bodies, and organizations to carry out assignments. in progress exercises are planned to work out the transfer of military commanders from peacetime to wartime, the deployment of mobilization infrastructure, the call of conscripts and automobile equipment for the additional staffing of commissariats. all military commanders of the vitep region will take part in the training. in the rechet district of the gomel region, which is not far from the border with ukraine, preparations are also being made for conducting tro exercises. the approximate term is called may-july. this is not the first exercise in belarus. near the borders of other countries. yes, earlier, on april 2 this year the armed forces of belarus have started military exercises in the regions bordering ukraine, lithuania and poland. in addition to the lithuanian-polish
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exercises in the suval corridor, also not larger since 1988, the training began in germany. the bundeswehr involved more than 12,000 military personnel. the legend of these exercises on the territory of germany is the transfer of nato troops from the western flank to the eastern. during all exercises, germany plays the role of a transit country, which should ensure the transfer of personnel of nato member countries from france, great britain as soon as possible britain, italy, spain, as well as others, to the baltic countries and also poland. the russians are restless. appetites and encroachments on the territory of nato countries, in fact caused a whole political and military tornado, and
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germany, once almost neutral and even friendly to russia during the time of angela merkel , turned into a country that, with its military power and ambitions, actually poses a serious and direct danger to the putin dictatorship. meanwhile, there is an increased threat of terrorist attacks and the growth of anti-semitism in germany, he warns counterintelligence of the country. the relevant warning was issued on tuesday, april 23, by the federal office for the protection of the german constitution. according to the head of the german special service, thomas haldewang, russia may commit an act of sabotage in germany as a reaction to the course of the war against ukraine. about the subversive activities of the russian special services in our next story.
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in a few months, namely on july 26 , the summer olympic games will start in paris, for which not only athletes from around the world, but also law enforcement agencies are actively preparing france, due to the threat of terrorist attacks. on april 23 , french law enforcement officers detained a young man on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack at the olympics. according to scania. the boy tried to buy materials for making a belt with explosives and wrote on social networks that he wanted to die a martyr's death in the name of the terrorist organization idol. the young man was arrested on april 23 at his parents' house, where investigators found manuscripts swearing allegiance to the islamic state. later, at the police station, the boy admitted that he wanted to carry out a terrorist attack during olympiads using a rifle and a belt with explosives. the young man said that his goal was the business district. after the attack, he wanted to die. under police bullets. france was ready for such scenarios, so it prepared two options for holding the opening ceremonies of the olympic games in case of a terrorist threat on the seine river in paris.
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french president emmanuel macron told french television about this, ukrinform reports. he also mentioned the possibility of returning the ceremony to stat de france, calling it a classic option. there is a plan b and a plan c. we are preparing them. in parallel, we will analyze them in real time. we have a plan for a ceremony that will be limited to the trocadéro square and therefore will not cover the entire stage. ukrainian expert and former deputy head of the sbu viktora yagon does not rule out attempted terrorist attacks during the olympics with the help of the russian federation. at the same time, he assures that a number of special services are working to avoid this. our western partners have been actively working for more than a month. yes, there is a caveat, even the french the french special services asked to cancel the olympic celebrations, because they suspect that it could be used, but...
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the american special services are working, and the british, german, that is, everyone, everyone is working in the same context, i think that preventive measures , the measures will be quite strict, well, no one is immune to anything, unfortunately, and if russia tries to use it, switching the attention and affairs, which will now be actively working in russia, to western europe, i think... that this is one of those nails in the coffin of russian reality, which they kill for themselves, because well, it cannot be exposed by the special services, and this will once again confirm that russia is not waging a hybrid war against ukraine or individual countries, it is waging a hybrid war against civilization, because cooperating from works that are against modern socialization, well, that's what it is... that's called
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being in the state of the enemy and playing under his oak. only i emphasize once again, it is not clear, the rosary will play for you. the russian federation wants to restore order in moldova as well. the pro-russian forces of moldova created the moscow's pre-election bloc pobeda, which will oppose moldova's entry into the european union and instead support the course for membership in the eurasian economic union and friendly relations with russia. in his telegram, the scandalous moldovan oligarch ilon shor called association of the moldovan opposition. in their speeches, the leaders of the new bloc thanked russia for its support, and called the european union an enemy. we offer a new way for moldova. the idea of ​​the eu is a phantom, it is harmful for citizens and for the country. sand has nothing to offer the people she has already chosen to the thread even polls conducted by the current authorities of moldova show that the popularity of the idea of ​​joining the eu in moldova is falling. yes, if in 2021... 72%, in
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2022 the numbers dropped to 57, and now it is somewhere slightly above 50%. it is obvious that the people are disappointed in the eu. sandu deliberately makes the umbilical cord of our relations with the cis, with russia, with the eu, with traditional partners and neighbors. our task is to show people working and time-tested alternatives. i have already named them russia, eau, cis. we will act in this direction. thanks to all participants and to the organizers of the congress, to everyone who is with us today, we are ready to win. on april 20, during the curfew in the gaisyn district of the vinnytsia region, police officers on patrol stopped a car in which two men were in order to check documents. as a result , the passengers of the car opened fire. one
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patrolman was wounded. another inspector of the response sector of the patrol police, maksym zaretsky, died. it is obvious that the russian special services immediately tried to take advantage of this tragedy. in ukrainian social networks discussions began, in which russian internet trolls joined the radio. the plannedness of the information attack was also indicated by the fact that anonymous commentators deliberately emphasized that the attackers were actually ukrainian military personnel. it was also said that the military is dangerous to civilians due to severe ptsd and mental disorders, and information was given that the policemen are to blame for everything, hiding from mobilization and clinging to those who stood up to defend the country. in this way, an attempt was made to sow a split in ukrainian society and undermine public trust in the armed forces. earlier, ukrainian intelligence warned
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that russia would use ukraine's comprehensive approach, which, in addition to the military component, includes destabilizing the situation inside the country and conducting informational and psychological special operations. more details about what happened in vinnytsia region and the consequences of this tragedy in our next story. on the night of april 20, two men shot policemen in vinnytsia, in the haysynsky district, as a result of which... one law enforcement officer died as you know, around two o'clock in the morning , police officers stopped an unknown dark-colored car for inspection. there were two military men in the car, who at the request of the police handed over their documents and opened the trunk. however, in a moment, both men suddenly opened fire on the law enforcement officers. one was wounded, his partner, 20-year-old police officer maksym zaretsky, died from his injuries. on the morning of the same day, the attackers were declared wanted. the search operation began in vinnytsia and
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odesa. regions and already on april 21 about...


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