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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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which, in addition to the military component, includes destabilizing the situation inside the country and conducting informational and psychological special operations. more details about what happened in vinnytsia region and the consequences of this tragedy in our next story. on the night of april 20, two men shot policemen in vinnytsia region, in the gaisyn district, as a result of which one law enforcement officer was killed. as is known. on the second night, police officers stopped an unknown dark-colored car for inspection. there were two military men in the cabin, who at first at the request of the police, they handed over their documents and opened the trunk. however, in a moment, both men suddenly opened fire on the law enforcement officers. one was injured, his partner, 20-year-old police officer maksym zaretsky, died from his injuries. on the morning of the same day, the attackers were declared wanted. the search operation began in the vinnytsia and odesa regions. and already on april 21. the security guard
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managed to detain the suspects. as a result of a complex and successful police operation , the attackers were arrested. they were hiding in an abandoned building on the territory of odesa region and intended to go abroad to ukraine. the policemen said that bloodstained clothes, shoes of the accused, documents and other material evidence were also found and seized from the car. detainees say that the reason for the attack on the policemen is that they were transporting combat weapons. grenades, however, whether this is so established by the investigation. however, national police officer olena berezhna questioned this motive. the investigation will establish all the circumstances, motives and reasons for committing the crime, even if there really was a weapon in the trunk, then to attack and kill policemen because of it seems illogical. initially , there was information that those involved in the attack on the policemen were servicemen of the 28th separate unit. of the mechanized brigade named after the knights
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of the winter campaign, but this information was denied first by the press service of the brigade, and later by the defense forces of southern ukraine. in addition, we note that the persons suspected of committing the crime have not been related to the 28th ombr named after the winter hikers for more than a year. we are making every effort to assist in the investigation of this case and ensure justice. chapter. ivan vehivskyi of the national police of ukraine said that the attackers were two military men, natives of the vinnytsia region, a father and a son, who are 52 and 26 years old, respectively. the dbr employees informed the detainees about the suspicion of desertion with weapons carried out under the conditions of martial law. the suspects face imprisonment for 9 to 15 years or life imprisonment. note that information is spreading on the internet that the attackers were supporters of cmp, but currently official
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there are no data confirming this, but at the same time, the employees of the security service of ukraine are checking their involvement in the activities of sabotage and intelligence groups. on april 22 , the vinnytsia city court chose a preventive measure for one of the criminals involved in the shooting of the policemen. the 52-year-old suspect will be in the pre-trial detention center for the next 60 actions. his 26-year-old son will also be held in custody for 60 days without... bail. on april 23 , deputy defense minister timur ivanov was arrested in russia. this is extremely important to understand the event, you need to take a short excursion into history. in 1980 , an officer of the first department of the kgb of the ussr was appointed as the first secretary of the embassy of the soviet union in the polish people's republic. viktor petrovich alganov. he worked
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under this diplomatic cover with a break in the mid-1980s until 1992. he was the closest aide to lieutenant general vitaly hryhorovych pavlov, a resident of soviet intelligence in poland and a representative of the kgb of the ussr at the ministry of internal affairs of the polish people's republic. after returning to the embassy of the soviet union in poland in the 1990s worked as a deputy resident of the russian. and even soviet intelligence. polish uop - uzhond of the protection of the dominion - is a polish special service. based on the information obtained operationally in those years, there was no doubt that alganov used a company registered in poland to cover his intelligence activities, although it was most likely a usual czech business. the polish stage of alganov's activity was replaced by the stage of work. in atomic energy. in march
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in 2001, the minister of atomic energy of russia, instead of yeltsin's family member, yevgen olegovich adamov. putin by recommendation. the fsb appointed oleksandr yuriyovich rumyantsev. from this moment, the rapid stage of the career of chekist engineer yadershchyk alganov begins. through his contacts in the special services, he lobbies for the arrival of sergey mykolaevich ivanov, the general director of "tova energeticheskaya russkaya kompaniya", which was created by the rosatomergo concern and nuclear power plants for... private investments in the nuclear industry, to the chair of the executive director of the concern rosenergoatom, and becomes a watcher from the special services in the position of adviser. in his turn, taking the position of executive director of the rosenergoatom concern and acting in connection with alganov,
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ivanov invited a young employee of the department of nuclear facilities construction of the ministry of the russian federation from the atomic energy department. the energy of timur vadimovich ivanov, a namesake, as his adviser. at the same time, timur ivanov retained his part-time position in this department, which in the future was transformed into tv atom stroyenergo, the main construction contractor of the nuclear industry of russia. it was due to pressure from the closest putin oligarchs appointed to rosatom in 2006, headed by
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boris yuriyovich kovalchuk, son of yuriy kovalchuk. for timur ivanov, the work of horseshoes. the career of yuriy kovalchuk's son became a career springboard. in 2009-12, timur ivanov headed the russian energy agency of the ministry of energy of russia. at the same time, he was an adviser to the minister of energy. at the same time, he got to know and did certain favors for serhii kazhugetovich shoigu. as a result, shoigu invited him to become the deputy head of the government moscow region. when he himself was elected. moscow region. according to available information, a key role in the appointment of timur ivanov was played by the recommendation of the kovalchuk family, who even then placed yeltsin's nominee serhiy shoigu under their control. on november 6, 2012
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, serhiy shoigu was appointed as the minister of defense of russia to replace the corrupt serdyuk. later, when he became the minister of defense, he invited shoigu as his deputy. temur ivanov, who has been overseeing all military construction since 2016. it is included in the unit overseen by the first deputy of defense, ruslan tselikov. together with shoigu and tselikov, timur ivanov created a joint criminal group that defends the interests of contractors, primarily in the construction sector, thus earning billions of dollars from russian military contracts. one of the most important financial mechanisms is the awarding of military contracts, including defense orders, to companies willing to pay kickbacks to the shoigu. the size of these kickbacks, as a rule, is from 5 to 20%. the volume of waiting for the group of shoigu, tselikova ivanov
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is calculated by a fantastic number, the number is not less than 3 trillion russian rubles. thus, under the leadership of serhiy shoigo and with the political overlap of yuriy kovalchuk. and with the help of foreign intelligence service officer viktor alganov, a stable money laundering group of the russian ministry of defense was formed, which includes ruslan tselikov, sergey and timur ivanov, as well as ksenia shoigu. it is these people who ensure the personal financial interests of the minister of defense and ensure political loyalty on the part of vladimir putin. the arrest of timur ivanov looks like a beginning. full purges of the ministry of defense, as well as a serious wake-up call for kovalchuk shoigu's group. on the eve of personnel rotations in the russian government in may 2024. as russian observers note, the arrest of timur
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ivanov is a very alarming bell for the kovalchuk and shoigu group. after all, may 7. marked the inauguration of russian dictator vladimir putin. unexpected personnel changes, on the eve of this inauguration, mean the beginning of a huge internal war. russian clans, in which, most likely, not everyone will be able to survive. will it reach the resignation of the all-powerful serhiy shoigu is currently unknown. putin, taking into account his logic of actions, may keep serhii kezhugetovich in this position, while seriously weakening him. ironically, the reason for the downfall of the shoigu and kovalchuk clans was the distribution of the inheritance of vagne , the owner of the private military company killed by putin. evgenia prigozhin. thus prigozhin, even from the grave, was able to reach out to his sworn enemy sergei
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shoigu. this program was conducted for you by me, major of the armed forces of ukraine, taras berozovyts. thank you, who were with us, glory to ukraine and together to victory. the semi-finals of the champions league only on mego, the four best teams in europe and only two places in the final: bayern, real and borussia psg. switch on april 30th and may 1st exclusively on mego. the pain in the joints is so piercing that it prevents movement. in the pharmacy, i bought a yellow dolgit cream, it saves me from the pain of
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peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war. which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. there are discounts on europast softcaps. 10% in psarynyk, pamp and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on dolgit cream. up to 30% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics that
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this week in the collaborators program. selling bloggers, as a resident of makiivka, stavos of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did the propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about traitors who follow the call of the heart and wallet went to serve the rashi occupiers. the bloody war unleashed by russia in ukraine showed: the internet and modern technologies have completely changed. tactics of struggle, other fronts have appeared that also need to be defended, it is about social networks in particular, it is precisely them that the rascal uses as a platform for his propaganda in order to throw the necessary deza into the information space, it is enough to have a page or a telegram channel with a packed audience, which reads, listens and, most importantly, listens, tame and
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obedient bloggers help the kremlin goebbels, of course for wooden rubles, our today's edition about the so-called influencers who through... social networks called to support the occupation of our cities, vote in illegal referendums and help the russian invaders in every possible way, like, for example, blogger vasiliev from makiivka. relatives, look at the power. his full name is vasiliev yevhen gennadivych. he was born in 1993 in the city of makivka, donetsk region, where he graduated from school and college. dad was a miner, and mother was a steamroller. i realized that for me studying is nothing at all, well, it is for me not necessary at that moment, i already understood, there was a time that the director said: "look, vasiliev will not achieve anything, and only bad things await you in life. we must note that the director was not mistaken, nothing good grew out of vasiliev. when in 2014 in 2011, russia began the occupation of donetsk region,
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and they thought for a short time whether he had become a terrorist dnr fighter with the call sign mongol. what he talks about the russian military, which occupied our territories, threw rockets at the civilian population, killed our civilians and soldiers, but vasiliev further explains who, in his opinion, started bombing donbas in the 14th, so they were in this rag. yellow, all painted, and then uncle vova saw what was happening, then, thanks to him, he did not stand aside and sent troops. this nonsense is told with a serious expression by a person who stopped studying after the fifth grade, that is, thinking, and even more so, logically, not about him at all, precisely on the kremlin's propaganda machine is designed for such.
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in his last interview, vasiliev says that when in the 14th year russia held... an illegal referendum in donetsk and luhansk regions, regarding their independence as so-called people's republics, he of course voted for it, after which he threw away his ukrainian passport and in general, then, as now, he is ready to hand over ukrainian patriots to the russian executioners. were there no people in your circle who remained on the side of ukraine? no, if there were, they would already be sitting somewhere in the fsb. i would immediately work on this topic. aren't you afraid of this status of stukaj? you imagine if there was a man in my circle , a valuable spy who could spread a beacon somewhere. later, vasiliev became a toothless blogger on an electric scooter in the temporarily occupied makiivka. now he has 90 thousand followers in tiktok, 122 in telegram and 236 in instagram. to this entire audience, the vasilivs
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promote russian peace, bring humanitarian aid to the walking black bags. all shelling. population attributes to ukraine and shoots a video for the soldiers, where he thanks them for protection of russian land from ukrainian fascists. and according to the schedule, thanking putin every day is like a prayer. today, they came together and voted for our future, because it will be the best with such a president. yevgeny, you can thank putin before that for destroying all this. although with your intelligence you cannot understand the real picture. now this blogger is sitting in makiivka, and we really hope that when donetsk region is under the ukrainian flag, vasiliev will go to our prison. it is not a fact that with his intelligence he will be able to understand his sentence, but i think cellmates will explain everything to him. our
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next traitor is just starting her career as a blogger collaborator. but i'm sure you 've definitely heard of her. on march 9, 2022, russia bombed mariupol. at that time, he was hit in maternity hospital number three. one of the journalists noticed a bloodied pregnant woman near the maternity hospital. it was mariana vyshemirska. the whole world sympathized with her. but as it turns out later, the woman will choose the side of those on whose orders she and her then unborn child could have perished. mariana will... vote for putin, go to parades and wear the horiv ribbon, saying that mariupol is part of russia. dear president of ukraine, volodymyr oleksandrovych, you promised that the ukrainian army would be able to protect us, but as a result , the city turned into a cage. until february 24 , little was known about mariana. at first
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, she lived in the donetsk region in the temporarily occupied makiivka. in 2020, she met her future husband and moved to mariupol, where she was caught up in a full-scale war. after the bloody events of march 2022 mariana disappeared from the information space for a while, and then unexpectedly started. in a video of a similar nature. everyone goes to russia, to donetsk on their own initiative. people leave both for ukraine from mariupol and for russia. everyone makes their own choice. as it turned out, mariana returned to temporarily occupied donetsk, where she began to build a career as a blogger under a tricolor rag. on the one hand, mariana positions herself as a beauty expert. she has 72 thousand followers on instagram. and on the other hand. volunteer and public figure, and this is what she is dedicated to her page in the telegram channel has 7 thousand subscribers. mariana concentrated her volunteer activities around mariupol. first
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, on september 1, 2022, she visited the temporarily occupied mariupol and distributed balls in the color of the russian flag to the students of one of the schools. later, she wrote about how happy the children are in the seemingly peaceful mariupol. after that, the woman began to carry humanitarian aid from russia to the temporarily occupied donetsk region, and later it turned out that she was almost the only one whom the russians allowed into the olenivsk colony, the place where our prisoners were then kept soldiers there, the traitor talked with one of the ukrainian defenders and later wrote a post that the fighter urged the ukrainian authorities to go to peace talks with russia. i am currently engaged in such a mission as connecting prisoners of war with their families. how much i, as a mother, as a woman, a wife, understand their pain and fear. we remember the tragedy that the rashists staged in the olenivska
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colony. so i wonder how much marianna's rotten oregano is worth, whether the kremlin paid a lot for her not just to betray ukraine, but to cynically spent the bloody rubles. when ukraine won the oscar for the film 20 days in mariupol, the vyshemir woman in her interview for the solovyov program called the film a fair. hypocrisy, according to her, ukrainians are allegedly spreading fakes about what happened in mariupol, while she is engaged in important matters. in the film, they used more profitable shots at the moment of evacuation, i can't call it anything other than a fair of hypocrisy. the important things are to vote for putin in the presidential elections and to call it is to do others, to star in regular propaganda videos in mariupol and to distribute humanitarian aid with words of thanks. of russia now this zaprodanka positions herself as a volunteer, an adviser to the muslim leader of the fake lpr and a member of the so-called assembly of the peoples of eurasia. at the same time, it continues
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to parasitize on the sensitive topic of mariupol, because it realizes that its popularity will not fade, it will become unnecessary for the kremlin. and this means that rubles will stop flying to the card and it will again become a gray noun. but marianne, i have good news for you. our law enforcement agencies will definitely not forget you, and you will return to ukrainian mariupol, where you will answer for all your actions. in your case, the carriage will definitely turn into a pumpkin, and you will go on foot, but not home, to the butcher shop. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week efi espresso. gasoline trimmers are so heavy,
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what you need phone... premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger. news on the air espresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most current.


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