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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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says that there are people in his circle who avoid mobilization, but this is the general number of sociologists, that is why they work on science, that they can put them on the shelves, why, as they say, and who is it? and, in fact, well, this variegation and this very ambiguity in how the respondents chose different options for answers to the questions, both those related to mobilization and those related to the assessment of the socio-political situation in general. in the country and so on, well, in the end, it confirms that we are indeed a democratic society, where the dominated, not dominated, more precisely, some one opinion, yes, but it dominates, it is a diversity of opinions, and in principle this is normal, from the point of view of democracy, there is nothing extreme here, by and large , the fact that in our country, a quarter of citizens have such a reflection on the fact that that, well, they definitely know someone in their environment, who, well, if he deliberately avoids mobilization, although he should actually fall under these
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processes, this is, on the one hand, a reflection on how the issue of mobilization is generally communicated to society, as a matter of mobilization are managed accordingly by the responsible bodies of state power, so that is, well , first of all, of course, it is now a reflection on a new, new version of the law on mobilization and, accordingly, on the changes that this law proposes, on the other hand, it is a reflection on... statements that echoing this law, for example, about the fact that citizens who are abroad will have certain difficulties with the extension of foreign passports and so on, yes, that is, on the one hand, this is the response of ukrainian society to the fact that if these processes, even if some changes take place there, yes, that is , the same law is there, it has been voted, but everyone perfectly understands that in fact the law simply sets a general framework for how this system should work, but that's all... the day
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of the system, this law, so to speak, well, it does not enter with its regulatory mechanisms, yes, that is, well, it was even already officially announced by the government that this law will be regulated by government regulations, the effect of this law , that is, it is clear that, for example, the issue of functioning itself directly to the tsc, their strategy, yes, in general, the transition from, well, the method of action they are currently using, and this is still the former soviet method of catching those who do not want to. to come to them in this way and, accordingly, are not very willing to work with those who come to them of their own free will, but to transfer it all to, well, normal, normal recruiting, which in principle should be, taking into account what, let’s say, what about us we want to have an army at the end in which servicemen are motivated, professional, respectively, have the skills which the army needs, and these people must be worked with and must be worked at different levels.
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in order to motivate them, to use their skills in the first place and to increase the professionalism and fighting capacity of the armed forces of ukraine. also, in the end, we see that against the background of this, the majority of citizens still demonstrate, ah, it is more than 40%, so collectively demonstrate a willingness to help resist the russian occupiers in the way that they, on the one hand, can do it there , where they work, on the other hand. providing assistance to the military, donating, volunteering and so on, that is, in fact , from the positive trends that this study showed, it is that in fact this is the core of ukrainian society, which sets all these parameters of our stability, yes both at the level of society and at the level of the state, it is preserved, despite all the nuances that are associated with mobilization, with the processes, both how it is organized and how the state power sometimes reacts. for certain moments
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related to this mobilization, one more the point that i would like to emphasize, and highlight it separately, is that also 42% of the respondents, answering the question, which model of leading and maintaining order in the country do they support, and the authoritarian one, there is more of a strong hand , for example, yes or the functioning of democratic institutions, yes, 42% even in... that year of the war are in favor of democratic institutions, yes, that is, they believe that it is the democratic distribution of power and the functioning of power in this format that will ensure the maximum order and, accordingly, maximum stability in society, i.e., the tendency that russian propaganda talks about, that ukraine is allegedly sliding into authoritarianism, ukrainian society would tolerate this completely wrongly, because the results of the survey testify to completely different things. mr. taras, look, first of all, thank you for the picture. objectively and accordingly, it adds
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optimism, because there are two types of problems: first, you yourself saw that the team that should do all this, the powerful team, what was their name? but masters of show business and communications showed the communication to be wild, people even began to think that these are deliberate actions, that this is sabotage, no, just threes, but here is the second point, this is a strong, very ipso facto on the part of russia, which every situation, every section of the tsc on the street, every one that some the scandal is reported as if it were the most important events on the planet, and... it turns out not to be what the enemy is counting on, it turns out that they invest a lot of resources, useful idiots and their rubles in propaganda, the exhaust does not have what what they expect, is there any certainty a part of society, well, to a certain extent
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is led, yes, to these information leaks and to this russian propaganda, but we see that again, this is the core that we are talking about, it is actually invulnerable to this, the problem here is that that russian... propaganda, and in general, the russian special services, they never fully understood ukrainian society, and in the end, well, this whole putin propaganda campaign, they never fully understood what democracy is, yes, that is, well, when they launch such another ipso and actually see a lot of angry comments, including from ukrainian users on all these things, they start applauding themselves and think that everything worked out for them, because , well, yes, real real citizens came there, real accounts. and so it begins, some kind of wave rises, but they do not understand that, again, yes, democratic societies are different from authoritarian societies that exist in russia, well , it’s just that if the traditional reaction is like this , the first emotional one to that picture , which is ours citizens see it on social networks, yes, that is
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, it is clear that everyone is outraged by this, and since we are a democratic state, this outrage can be expressed, well, in russia, they are immediately imprisoned for such a thing, and there is a separate article for a repost, and for a corresponding comment also. and actually, in the russian coordinate system, including the propaganda system, it is considered a huge success that real citizens were not afraid, stood up and wrote such comments, but for us it is just a normal first emotional reaction, so we in the comments we drop in this couple, and accordingly, we go further to donate to the armed forces of ukraine and help them with what we can, yes, that is, in fact, well, the strategic failures of the russian kips. is explained precisely by this, that is, they read this first reaction of ukrainian citizens as the final and the final victory, so to speak, of another such operation, another throw-in. ms. taras, i would also like to clarify, if possible, when we talk about the fact that a quarter of the respondents say
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that most of their entourage try to avoid mobilization, what do we understand as the question sounded under the word environment, this is family. these are familiar neighbors, that is, how wide is this circle, and accordingly, hence the second question, whether despite the fact that people avoid mobilization, whether our society is ready not just to follow this path, which the army tore, which is somewhere there in kyiv they lay down, and with the most ready to not just suffer there but... to make some changes, to develop, to learn and to contribute in order to win in the end, but actually, in the environment we tried to include, there is a decoding in the question itself, yes, if you look at the results on the charts,
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in fact, the environment is relatives, the closest, and in general the family of the interviewees, it is friends, acquaintances and just those whom these people know, that is, we tried to include this is a concept... the maximum circle of contacts of social respondents in order not to detail who talks more about relatives and who talks more about friends, for example, yes, because these are questions that, as a rule, they do not ask yes from the point of view there the ethics of surveys, but in general to understand, well, what is that circle of communication, and here are the specific citizens, who, who agreed to answer this question of the questionnaire in one form or another, there can be evaded like this without... detailing specifically like this, who who these people from this environment, this is actually quite a representative thing, there were still other options for answering this question, in general, it was about readiness, and about mobilization, and it turned out that only 7% of citizens categorically and deliberately do not
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will be if they listen to the state, accordingly, they will deliberately avoid all this, somewhere around 17. said that if it happens that they will be served with a summons, that they will have to mobilize, they will not avoid it, and somewhere around 20%. citizens said that their willingness to participate in mobilization and in general to direct and direct resistance to the russian aggressor is dictated primarily by how geographically far the war is from them, and that is, citizens talked about what if this all will be somewhere near here near us, then no questions will arise at all, well, if we stand up and defend our own homes, that is, in fact, if we talk about such deliberate evaders, then their percentage is not so large. as one could understand, this again brings us back to the answer to your previous question,
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yes, why russian hebsons works, because , well, by and large, only a very small part of ukrainian society takes this ipso at face value, as they say, others are simple emotionally reflect, but their readiness to oppose russian aggression does not disappear from this, you see, the geographical factor, the distance from the contact line and the front does not always work, because my native, as i call it... geographically from the front line, but shows miracles on the battlefield, i still wanted about the basic instinct, whether you are in the framework of research and analysis of the basic processing of what you received, whether you found an answer to such a sufficiently philosophical question, we understand, that the basic instinct to preserve life and fear, it is present in everyone, it does not matter what level of heroism a warrior shows, it is... basic, and there is the fear of being mobilized, and it turns out that the fear of being
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mobilized is greater than the fear of being another corpse caught in the yew tree, but today another two bodies were caught, that's how it fits in your head, or did you get to the answer to this question, why people are not afraid to die in a cold river or freeze in the mountains, in the snow, than to be mobilized to the modern. .. of the armed forces of ukraine, which well differ seriously enough from the same stupid soviet russian army? well , we did not ask such special questions on such a psychological level in our questionnaire, because if our main task here was to investigate in general how citizens firstly assess the socio-political situation in ukraine, respectively, how they feel about mobilization and other key factors related to the security situation, but you drew some conclusions based on... yes, yes, yes, yes, because in the previous in the research, we had questions that were related to, again, yes,
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the anxiety factor, yes, and accordingly, the fear factor, what ukrainian citizens fear the most, yes, that is, what they are most worried about, that's actually there indeed, fear for personal life, for the life of relatives and the safety of relatives, yes, well, if these were all the moments, they dominated, well, but they were rather, well, not even fear as such, yes, but these were, well , it was that what is called... fighting, yes, that is, the fear that, well, if with them in connection with combat actions, then those who eastern and southern regions answered more based on this motive, that is , proximity to the front line and, accordingly, more frequent shelling, but security is also associated with shelling, or a sense of security, as well as in regions that are more distant, let's say , yes, from those where hostilities are taking place , but in general, if we talk about the specific difference you are asking about, rather... it seems that the citizens perceive the threat from the tisza river as
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a certain certain percentage of chance , yes, what can you do drown, but you may not drown, because the tisza deliberately does not want to drown you, but the russians who came to ukrainian land, they came with a very specific purpose, and let's say, the logic of hostilities, it consists in the fact that in the first it is necessary to destroy the enemy fighters, and this is exactly... the difference lies, that is, the citizens understand that there, well, let's say this danger, it is more focused, and it is, let's say, more concretely detected than in other cases and situations, differently reflect the danger as factor. thank you, mr. taras, taras zhovtenko, security analyst and acting executive director of the dem initiative fund, who just asked ukrainian citizens about all this, we heard a lot of optimistic figures and conclusions with this awareness. we will take a short break, but then
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we will talk with our brothers from the kremlin, namely with mp akhtemm cheygoz, how many atakams are needed to begin the liberation of crimea. wait, what is bakhmut? bahmud is a place of fear and a place bravery no matter what anyone says, but... courage is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our days. children are born in an era. independence, who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are the boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son,
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starting at 7 p.m. enjoy a special sound with... in pharmacies plantain to you and savings the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together with... exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations, friends, on the air politklub on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society.
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drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl winter's great broadcast: 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what to many they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! hello, we say to our next guest, akhtem cheygos, people's deputy of ukraine, in connection with our studio, mr. akhtem, we welcome you, can you hear us, good afternoon. you know to ask, maybe you heard something more from the brothers of the kremlin from the peninsula temporarily occupied there on tarkhankut, some cotton was flying, but was there a repeat of dzhonkoy airport, do you already know something, targankut we can’t
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know anything now, it’s not dzhankoy at all, it’s around targankut... it’s a steppe and it’s very difficult to follow and it’s very difficult to find out, it’s far , who was there, he will understand me, but here the question is not that, the question in general is that after dzhanko, now it is necessary that the desire to be in the crimea, yes, to rest, or go to their so-called... rest is needed now more often every day, that's why that to dzhankoy are too long, there was nothing for a long time, and this gave them a little. spirit, it is necessary to develop this confidence in them that crimea can be like this, i wanted to ask you,
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but kovalenko, as a military expert, he even calculated, he says that somewhere up to 30 precise attacks will be enough to completely overthrow the air defense of the russians in occupied crimea, i.e. to destroy all s-300s, s-400s, that's enough, and we're doing it for the first time. we can optimistically say that we have that much, and maybe more, even, as they say, it's time in your opinion, it is time for this first stage of the liberation of crimea, i.e. to completely overwhelm the russian air defense system on the peninsula? for this, for this, the most important thing became, finally, both the military and political authorities, yes, understood that crimea is the tipping point. for russia, and therefore everything will be enough, i am forced to say that in the 22nd year they still
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did not think so, they still thought that the war in the east would be more successful, let's say, than in the south, yes, and more specifically this in crimea, and today. when i talk there, i clearly understand that finally they are not for themselves only understood, and er, let's say this, they gave a real such assessment of the situation, and these speculations that our partners, partners had something there in crimea, as well as... preventive measures, yes, and we were told this, it is not yes, even last year, being in washington meeting,
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it's like this year will be, yes, there, as this meeting was with congressmen, with republicans, with democrats, they, not that, not that they were afraid, they wanted to understand the situation better. in the crimea, and when my colleagues and i emphasized this , then there were such frank comments, that crimea is ukrainian territory and ukraine can do whatever it deems appropriate for its liberation. but we understand that the occupiers in the meantime, although crimea is already full of anti-aircraft defenses, but they are still agitated. do they take it equally seriously? the threat of the atakam people in this case for dzhankoy and, for example, for the southern coast of crimea, for feodosia, for
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kerch, for more distant territories, i.e. do they understand that it can come even further, and what to do, i understand, and this is what we showed , and the question is not only in attacks, we have our own such opportunities, yes, when we are in a crisis, yes. they stole a submarine, yes, which was standing there, as they say, being repaired, yes, but we took it out and showed the whole world that we have something, it’s not only attacks, when we took out the black sea fleet, which crimea does not have , yes, that is, air defense, and that, and then it was enough in crimea, and that it works, but we have some possible. to bypass them, we demonstrated it, here i say once again, here , in my opinion, the game played a bigger role than that,
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let's say, the goal, crimea, or not crimea, the main directions crimea, or again not crimea, bakhmut or something else, yes, such that, then we sing songs, but, unfortunately, the result... does not give the expected actions, yes, that is why crimea is acute, so when everyone now they concentrated on this, i have no doubt that the goal will be achieved, and to talk about the fact that these interviews are arguable, yes, we need to talk less, to the experts, especially there with the military, who is not an expert. today, let's say, they are performing a number of tasks, yes, because crimea, this island, this devil's bridge has a very large, well... as they
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say, length, length, and when we hit a submarine in a crisis, why can't we hit another city , because the anti-aircraft defense is on the other side of the crisis, the main thing is our goal, today it is more or less concentrated in crimea and it. partners too, this is the most important thing, so as not to speculate that the americans don't want there, the germans will be afraid of something there, the french, no, it's not like that, the last time i was in smustalaga turkey and we met with our friends there, yes from erdogan's entourage, well, when they think more about crimea as a civilian territory, yes, not the military base, when they... yes, they
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know everything that is happening there, and they have intelligence, but when we say and tell how we are there, what we get, and how we do, they understand the reality more what is happening in crimea, and crimea has already reacted, i am talking about the occupying power, of course there was, there was such a post by the lithuanian ambassador in sweden, where he wrote: we have the following translation: if someone has not yet had the opportunity to take a photo on the kerch bridge, now is the right time and appropriate, appropriate photos, yes or no reaction already? yes, i read somewhere a reaction that i think in the same manner, as usually these creatures act there and not only in crimea, but also in
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russia itself. something similar to medvedev, they all have in their heads, and konstantinov, and aksyonov, and others, scoundrel, so you don’t need to pay attention to it, but what our partner, our friend wrote, is very important , because they convey their thoughts to our more influential partners, yes, i wanted to ask you about us. good news, you and i have already talked a little about this, we understand that all these thugs, collaborators, shoemakers and all these stockists, as well as the occupiers , will flee, who can, who will dry by railway, who will cross the broken crimean bridge, and that part of the cotton wool, local, who was not involved in direct crimes in collaboration, but
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we know their moods. beacons, comrade putin, and at least some stones in the sky, but is it possible somehow that you, as legislators, for example, in the framework of the de-rasification and de-occupation of crimea, for this local population introduced two mandatory exams, one in ukrainian, the other in crimean tatar did not pass the language, limited to in terms of rights and everything else, it seems to me that it is a very good decision within the framework of de-occupation, a minute and a half before the news you... you always do that, but such a topic, yes, i will give you a short answer, who does not have a brain, yes in ukrainian and on the crimean tatar language, let them, just let them be kicked out of crimea, and this process is going on and will go on, but in order for these doubts to deepen in them on the topic of whether they will correct their behavior or flee from crimea, for this...
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we still need to beat and beat these symbolic points of theirs, yes, and this is a resort, there is no resort, there won't be a resort, and the fact that idiots go there, who wants to take advantage of the situation, that's it, that's what we have to prove to them, thank you, ahtem, shtoz, the people's deputy of ukraine was concise, but very clear, that's why the news will leave on time, and iryna... is already waiting to tell about the most important thing at this moment. iro, you have a word. thank you, colleagues, what an interesting conversation you had, i also listened, i will talk about the most important events at this time literally in a moment, so also wait.


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