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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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that front partial topic and what we talked about this week, when the ministry of foreign affairs announced the suspension of consular services to men who are abroad, they say, you need to come home and confirm everything, clarify whether you think such a decision will be effective, or will give the result that ukraine needs now, or the opposite, well, first of all, i am considering this decision, this is... a step as a temporary step, as an emergency step, the fact is that there is some time before the law on mobilization, where exactly it is about this issue of provision consular services, it should enter into force in some time, that is, i understand that there are two aspects here, firstly, it is a technical aspect related to the fact that by the time the law enters into force, the system must be adapted providing consular services to adapt,
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well, to the ministry of foreign affairs and diplomatic structures, to consular institutions before that, this is a technical aspect, but there is also a political aspect related to the fact that some of our citizens found themselves abroad, crossed the border in violation of the law, and here is the question political, question and moral, including certain justice, that is, this is another issue, well, regarding the results, it is difficult to say now, we plan to invite a representative of the ministry of foreign affairs to a meeting of our committee and talk in more detail about this topic in order to find out some details and understand what is happening. at the same time, on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs, you can notice that there are explanations regarding this issue. mr. oleksandr, but we understand that this is more likely not an explanation, it was an attempt to extinguish the flames that
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the deputy minister of foreign affairs himself... lit with his hands, because your colleagues in the parliament emphasized to us that the very method of suspension is illegal, because it corresponds to a law that has not entered into force, it will enter into force only on may 18, thus both peas and cabbage, and peas and cabbage fell into the same cauldron, because among the illegal evaders and violators of the constitution were also... citizens who paid the consular fee and were supposed to receive consular services with absolute legal rights, but they are not provided with them here, and even then it looks like a violation on the part of the state of ukraine, well, this is the question provision of consular services, it is regulated primarily by the law, it is true, but also by a certain array of normative and legal by-laws, that is, that is why i said that the decision is considered as extraordinary and temporary. i hope that this
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is some kind of limited period of time, not even months, but maybe weeks, to give the consular offices a chance to prevent some chaos, because we understand that many people will be trying to resolve their issues, including, unfortunately, those who are illegally abroad very quickly, and this can lead to the fact that the system will not cope, but... but again , this issue should be discussed by inviting a representative of the ministry of foreign affairs and clarifying everything, including legal the details of this decision, well, that is , you will definitely ask him one thousand questions at the committee, but it went like a domino effect after this temporary adhoc of such a decision, let's call it parliamentary vocabulary, after that there was a whole cascade of strange statements and...
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misunderstanding with on the part of our partners, we we see that, for example, the minister of foreign affairs of poland spoke about full assistance, and this full assistance in the area of ​​polish legislation, not ukrainian, means only one thing - deportation, there are no other mechanisms. second, the minister of internal affairs of poland said that no, we will even be with those ukrainians who are fleeing the war and do not even have good documents, or do not have documents at all, we will help them and give them. these consequences for the right to move the territory of the european union, and the germans in general, they said that this is absolutely not a wrong decision, and we will not take part in it, in a word, instead of getting a good result, it seems to me that we got a bunch of meningitis, well, that's not quite the case, i literally read yesterday washington post, a very interesting article on this topic, it is about the reaction of lithuania and poland, actually about what you mentioned, there
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were really a little contradictory statements in poland, lithuania, by the way, the minister of defense, he said that he would help, lithuania should help ukraine return citizens. who, let's say, are not on legal grounds or have crossed the border, that is, different countries, as i see, react to this in different ways, but we must talk about the problem that really exists, it is also a problem of compliance with the law and a problem of justice, it must be solved somehow to decide, but we really need to look for such a legal mechanism that would correspond to the constitution, the rule of law, and the international community. you are also right, mr. oleksandr, look, we understand that society in the west is not homogeneous, that is, there is a part of people who support ukraine, part who don't always understand why their taxes should go to help us and not to improve life on the ground, and
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when they see now that such and such madness is going on, here are men storming consular offices, their countries they are trying, the government is trying to somehow help, but... or not to help, won't this shake the situation in europe even more, when more people will actually not be on the side of ukraine, and we understand that the help they send us depends on the voters , on the side of the right, who always say to push these migrants out of the country, because sentiments are moving in that direction in europe, well, europe is, we see now, especially on the eve of the elections to the european parliament. that the right-wing parties, and they use the topic of migration, illegal migration, this is true, they use it, and at the same time, ukraine now has a huge moral capital, as a victim of aggression, as a country that protects europe,
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european values ​​and security, the main thing is the security of europe, that is, it is not important for us to squander this capital, of course, including in the eyes of voters in europe, and here, in my opinion, it is necessary to... act quite carefully so as not to lose these opportunities and this capital, but here it is necessary to think and propose some such ways that were agreed upon and politically, they did not cause any problems in the eyes of western voters. ugh. mr. oleksandr, will this be decided by your committee or by someone else? i mean what the ministry of education of our neighbors in poland says, they paid attention to ukrainian students. in universities according to their statistics, 50,000 ukrainians study in poland, some of them are senior students, the third and fifth year, these are precisely those students who are transitioning from the category of students to conscript students, to the draft age, and in this case i see that they are asking precisely in
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the ukrainian authorities, and how we will deal with this, how to act, they are asking for clarification, it is your committee that will work out the answer and the mechanism. or someone else? no, this is not the competence of our committee, it seems to me that there is such a double, one might say, competence, on the one hand, this is a question the education committee, and on the other hand, this is a question of the defense committee, that is, they have to solve such issues, and what is your opinion, what to do about it with the students? well, the issue is that, well, i think that we should, well, the thing is that people who are... they're on a perfectly legitimate basis, that's first and foremost, and i think that they should be supported in that regard , because it is important for us to preserve the generation, not to scare it away, so that people return to ukraine, understand that there are opportunities for reconstruction, including
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opportunities to apply their, their knowledge, their experience, which they gained by being educated abroad, that is, it is better used here... to study, to get knowledge and a diploma, yes, definitely, definitely, because you know, these people are already abroad, and if they are scared by something, well, not always, maybe with the right steps, then it will have the opposite effect, that is, here you have to act carefully and taking into account the psychology of people, i would say so, you know, i waited for you at our meeting today and held tightly to this issue, which in i 've been spinning since our conversations yesterday. we yesterday they were talking about the intrigues of the chinese communists and their global game, in particular , before their sit-in-drink tour in europe with very strange meetings with various orbans
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and other serbs, and in this case , we just heard on the air that why this is happening, and because that we have an ambassador, but you something... we saw something from mr. rybikin, he did something, and unfortunately we waved our hands at him, we really did not see any serious ukrainian political, diplomatic game in issues in... ukraine, china , maybe we just don't know something, but it's actually alarming enough? well, the fact is that our diplomatic mission, it works in rather difficult conditions, because we see that china is taking, it is called this kind of pro-russian neutrality, well, there are more and more signs that china is supporting russia by providing, for example, dual appointment, it is no coincidence that this is declared openly and... blinken, the secretary of state, and other government officials, representatives of the united states,
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that is, we understand all this, that in essence china is now on the side of russia, although is trying to pretend that he is there for peace, for negotiations, and this rhetoric, you know, is pseudo- peaceful, there, don't add fuel to the fire and so on, it's just propaganda, but at the same time, we are interested in china taking part in the global... of peace, which will take place in june. it seems to me that if it is possible to convince china to take part in this summit, it will be a significant diplomatic victory for ukraine, and it will be a blow for russia, but you have to be realistic, there are not many chances for that, although you still have to fight, and why, why, why can't we drag the chinese right there in geneva, because china, it takes into account first of all the opinion ... in putin's russia, because it is officially a strategic partner of china without restrictions, that is, china, well, let's say frankly,
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for china, it has huge interests in russia, and russia exists for him as a partner, as a junior partner, china sees prospects in terms of expansion and economic, at least colonization of russia, and ukraine, it is not of much interest to china, so china always chooses the side of russia, although. should be mentioned here the fact that china is also not interested in strengthening russia, because it understands, they consider them as vassals, that is, we are looking, the indicator is as follows, the gas pipeline was closed to siberia, this is what the chinese simply made of russian slaves, who themselves should build and give cheap gas for them, that is, it does not look like a partnership, it is more like vassals, like some kind of colony is treated from beijing, russia, in fact. so it is, and the process is taking place, which western observers call the vassalization of russia, it really is.
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china acted carefully, it has a strategy for decades, and he, russia becomes a colony, an economic colony of china, he does all this, of course, this process is taking place, logically it would be like this, with the right hand let them make a colony, and with the left hand let them simply help restore the world order in terms of war . well, you can count on it, of course, i would like china to take a more constructive position, because in certain, let's say, china is also not interested in destroying these supply chains, that is, so that the economy is still more or less stable, that is, there are certain interests that are related to peace, but we understand that these peace plans proposed by china are... there is a trap, in fact, they are pro-russian plans, that is, we do not
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like them, mr. oleksandr, thank you to you for participating in our broadcast, oleksandr mereshko, was with us, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, you see, china is taken up in europe, but russia is not so willing, and here probably everything - after all, we should contribute to this, the history in germany is not the first when beat, in this case they killed two ukrainian troops. employees who were rehabilitated there, who is russian? in britain, who detained two men, two britons, who are accused of working for the russian secret service, because they set fire to enterprises that are connected to ukraine, and the reactions from ukraine, well, not much, well, you see, that is, they work at all levels, informational, but in the european parliament we will see how many putin shticks there will be ... but they do not despise the old czech methods from the time, as they say, the security guards and
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felix dzirzhynskyi, everything is the same in them, there we poison a newcomer, there we take prisoners, here we kill, butcher, if we can’t do it with our own hands, then we hire local spies, we have already seen it, that is, there should be some kind of collective pro, well, some kind of comprehensive program from the side of ukraine, i also miss this, further on our airwaves are new details of the case of roman chervinskyi, about this... in an interview of our colleague artem logutenko artem logutenko with the lawyer of the ex-spy lyudmila kusa. let's watch together after a short break. you you need to mend clothes, hem curtains, shorten trousers, and the prices in the atelier are sky-high, we present a machine for life, the assistant unpacks the tv, light, compact, multifunctional, and the price is only from uah 499. the assistant machine sews fabrics of almost
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the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday. 17:15 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what kind of news will be analyzed we will find out this week's guests of the project and actually who will be the guest of the studio this sunday.
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undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with miroslava. sunday: 17:10 at ereso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. i congratulate ours. viewers in the studio of the espresso tv channel, today i, artem lagutenko, am with you, and we will talk about probably the most high-profile court case in ukraine over the last year, which is the case against the colonel of the security service of ukraine, roman chervinskyi. before talking about her, i i suggest to our viewers to watch a short article about who roman
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chervinskyi really is. roman chervinskyi, ukrainian scout and colonel. sbu, originally from khmelnytskyi. he was a participant in the loudest special operations in the occupied territory of the donetsk region. in particular, the intelligence officer contributed to the elimination of the commanders of the illegal armed formations of the dnr, arsen pavlov with the call sign motorola and mykhailo tolstyh with the call sign givi. chervinsky confirmed his participation in the operation to transfer to kyiv the militant volodymyr tsemakh, who could have been involved in the crash of boeing mh-17 on july 20, 2014. in the summer of 2020, the intelligence officer managed the operation to detain the wagnerites. chervinsky has been under arrest since april 25, 2023. the security service of ukraine accuses its ex-employee of an arbitrary operation to recruit a russian pilot, which led to the shelling of
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the kanatove airfield in the kirovohrad region. roman chervinsky calls the case against him a political order. this is actually such an extraordinary man roman chervinskyi, the case against him in court is even more strange, and she has a lot of... spots, which his defender, mrs. lyudmila kusa, will help us understand. i congratulate you. good day. before talking about the essence of this matter, i would like to ask you this. as a result of shelling of the kanatove airfield, the commander of the military unit was killed, 17 soldiers were wounded, and two fighter jets of the ukrainian air force were destroyed. in your opinion, someone should be responsible for this, if so, why is it not roman chervinskyi? in my opinion,
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the russian federation should be responsible for all these actions? from the 24th on february 22nd, all our military and civilian facilities are subjected to constant rocket fire and bombing, tens, hundreds, thousands of ukrainians die, and the russian federation is responsible for this. the responsibility of the military of the russian federation and the military-political leadership that issues these orders. in my opinion, no ukrainian military man who defends this land should bear responsibility for the actions he takes within the framework of the law and which are aimed at protecting the homeland. my client acted exclusively within the limits his powers and acted solely for the purpose of protecting the homeland. the operation itself is in russian. aircraft, its ultimate goal was a russian aircraft, having received which, ukraine would be able, firstly, to finalize its aircraft, the last of which was released back in 1991, and secondly, it would provide the immediate
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allies with a sample of this aircraft, this aircraft would be disassembled into tiny details, and we would understand how and what russia builds into it, why it is important, russia is constantly waging wars, russia has been shelling syria since 2014, its planes and in general their military sphere are constantly being refined and making adjustments there, and we have to get access to this in order to win in the final version. mrs. lyudmila, roman chervinskyi was arrested a year ago, and the case is still not considered on its merits. explain why so, and how much do you think this case can drag on? belief, indeed the pre-trial investigation lasted almost a year, the case is currently transferred to the court in kirovohrad precisely in order to be considered already on the merits, but the long pre-trial
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the investigation, which continued after the notification of the suspicion to chervinskyi, indicated that the investigators had not collected enough evidence before the notification of the suspicion, so they received this evidence for another year, investigated, interviewed witnesses and so on, collected additional evidence. now the case has been transferred to the court, i see the only goal in this, unfortunately, i see that they are planning to receive roman in custody, and at the same time, as in ukraine, criminal proceedings have been introduced to consider for years, because the summons of witnesses, who are almost all military, it's not such an easy matter, these people all over ukraine are defending the homeland and to gather them in court, to interrogate them, it will also be quite difficult, unfortunately... our predictions of the defense side in this process are such artificial detention and prolongation of the proceedings affairs. by the way, we
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will talk with you about the witnesses, but regarding the detention on april 19, as far as was known at that time, the court did not extend the term of detention of roman chervinskyi, but instead of releasing him, the colonel disappeared somewhere. in more detail, what happened then and why? i will tell you how we, the defenders, saw it from our side. preparatory court sessions in the case were held on april 12, 17, 18 and 19. the article that allows the court to detain a person in custody without considering, let's say, this issue, is article 615, which provides that in the event of the impossibility of holding a preliminary hearing, a person can be considered as one who... the term of detention is extended, in fact, the very moment that court hearings have already been held, that is, the impossibility of holding a preparatory court hearing
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there was no, it was, the case before... took place in court on april 2, and the court could hold this meeting during these days and consider all issues, this very opinion was quite clear to us, and we believed that on april 19, since in the client's preventive measure expires at night, he should be released, because this issue was not considered in this way. we were informed, and the activists who were present at this court session, which lasted 3 minutes, and in the court itself, we were informed that the session will no longer take place, a break has been announced, at 18:5 minutes, we will inform you of the next date we will inform later of the court session, which is reflected in the court documents, after, after that, it is important, my colleagues, lawyers kostyantyn globa and andriy yosypov, they arrived at the court there and tried to get into the territory of the court, they could not do it, it was already immediately after the closing of the court session, its adjournment, no, they were not allowed,
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the kirovohrad court was threatened. a fence, sorry for the russianism, and there is even a small hole into which they tried to pass, it was closed, respectively, and that is, they did not succeed even to go to the territory of the court, not that in the premises, we appealed to the court with the relevant petitions, that we are asking to extend the preparatory session, because we arrived at it, it was already 7 p.m. there, we applied in writing through an e-mail address with electronic signatures - digital, and i and my colleagues, but the court session was extended and did not take place, from which we concluded that roman should actually be released, but roman was received all this time in a car of the convoy service under the court and somewhere only about at 10 p.m., he was taken somewhere. where did they take us? at that time it was unclear, unknown, he was actually not released. what did roman himself say when the court session was held at 6 p.m. he was asked if it was possible to continue, he said that without defense attorneys
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, of course not, and we were not in time... we managed to get to the court after the air alarm, the air alarm sounded four times anxiety, actually we were not informed that the session was continuing, we were somewhere at the entrance to the court, we did not have time to get into it, we arrived, the session has already ended. roman says that after that, after the trial said, well, that's it, we are announcing a break, the date will be later, after that roman was no longer brought to court, he was there all this time in the convoy, in the convoy car, where did he go? cheri already gave the court a decision that he should continue to be kept in custody, it was of course a shock for him, because no one even asked him: dear mr. romanu, do you want to ask for the children to be kept in custody for another two months? well, you didn't invite the defenders to the courtroom, well, you didn't involve a free lawyer, the article is serious and the court should have to do, then you at least ask the person, do you mind if we now automatically extend the term of detention for you, no, this
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was not done, and as reflected in the magazine. of the court session, which has already been officially given to us under the signature of the judge, including, the court put up for discussion the question of whether it is possible to continue the session, roman hryhorovych said no, it is impossible, the prosecutor said it is impossible without defense attorneys, please consider the term of detention automatically extended , the court adjourned and adjourned to deliberative room, but today, april 26 , the court still hasn't left that deliberative room, they made a decision, but they haven't left the deliberative room yet, they are still there, given their official the documents they gave us. moreover, my colleague was in the kirovohrad court yesterday, excuse me, the day before yesterday, got acquainted with the case materials, the court recorded that the court did not receive our notices that we are asking to continue the preparatory session, because something happened with their electronic system, so they are not received, received them late. that
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is why we continue to believe. some kind of falsification of documents, because it is not normal when the court sits in the waiting room for at least a week, and at the same time issues a decision, hands it to my client in the car, that’s why this is the situation, we started calling the police at night, recording that the person actually disappeared, that she was supposed to be released, but she wasn't, on monday morning around 11 o'clock, we got this court order that he automatically remains in custody for another two months, and the court adjourned meeting on may 25. in may, a person was detained for more than a month, the meeting was postponed for unknown reasons, and since then, we are now firstly appealing this court decision, now an appeal hearing regarding this decision is scheduled for april 30, and secondly, we are declaring all these illegal actions to the relevant authorities, the state bureau of investigation and the supreme council.


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