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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:29pm EEST

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even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, near veletenskyi in the kherson region, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi reported. veletenske, located on... the coast near the dnipro delta. nestryga island directly belongs to the delta and remained a gray area for a long time. as for the left-bank wells, russia still hopes to knock out ukrainian troops from there. however, to no avail - concluded the commander-in-chief. memory failure. the historian-toponymic commission of the odesa city council did not agree to renew the bust
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of the hero of ukraine vitaly skakun. this was reported by the officer of the armed forces of ukraine vyacheslav ambroskin. let me remind you, february 24, 2022 . vitaliy skakun, a 25-year-old seaman, blew himself up on the bridge connecting ukraine with mainland crimea. then he was able to stop the enemy column. the president posthumously awarded vitaliy the title of hero of ukraine. the bust of white marble was made for money. but it was not allowed to install it. both ukrainians who were killed in germany turned out to be ukrainian servicemen. they underwent rehabilitation there in a local clinic, people's deputy oleksiy honcharenko said. let me remind you that the murder took place the day before in the city of murnau. two men were found near a shopping center with stab wounds and cuts. the 36-year-old victim died in the city, a the 23-year-old is in the hospital. during the investigation
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, law enforcement officers detained a 57-year-old russian not far from the scene of the crime. the motive of the murder is currently being established. in kharkiv, they said goodbye to police colonel oleksandr ivanov. he died from injuries received as a result of a repeated russian attack on the novobavarian district of kharkiv on april 4. that night , the police and their colleagues arrived at the scene of shahedu's shooting. before the second attack , oleksandr moved his colleagues out of the shelter and into the shelter, he did not have time to go in himself. he devoted 20 years, his heart, to police services the law enforcement officer stopped fighting the day before his birthday. oleksandr ivanov was about to turn 45 years old. on june 9, slovenia will hold a referendum on the legalization of euthanasia, cannabis, and the introduction of
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preferential voting. it will be held in parallel with the elections of members of the european parliament. according to the ruling coalition, such a combination should increase the turnout of citizens and save money. instead, the opposition tried to move the referendum to november 24, when slovenians will decide on the construction of a second nuclear reactor at the only autonomous station in ukraine, in the country. poland can return men of conscription age if there is such an initiative from the ukrainian authorities. this was emphasized by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the country, radoslav sikorsky, in an interview with journalists. he believes that it is kyiv that should take the initiative, because for warsaw this is an ethically ambiguous issue. although poland is aware that the armed forces of ukraine need their citizens to protect the homeland, sikorsky noted.
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oleksandr taran's mobile artillery unit is officially not is part of the armed forces of ukraine, but this did not prevent his people from destroying russian targets at their own expense. about brave steppe wolves. see further. oleksandr taranas' volunteer detachment of steppe wolves consists of one and a half dozen men. most of them are over 60 years old. they are considered too old for the draft, but they still want to fight. we live off the pension fund. if he doesn't want to, you can beat him with a stick, he won't fight. if a person wants, he can go and perform tasks even at the age of 100 destroy the enemy. wolves travel behind the front line with rocket launchers mounted on pickup trucks, carrying out orders from field commanders. and cooperate with other
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units, while not having official support from the military, those teams that give us targets, they are satisfied that we have worked, they... they still give us targets, help the bull as much as they can, we leave , we help them. the unit is funded by donations. fighters find faulty rockets and repair them themselves, as well as use ammunition captured from the enemy, to whom the front-line soldiers are delivered. oleksandr tiran , with the plaintiff grandfather, says that his unit tried to officially join the armed forces in order to directly receive ammunition and salary, but it did not work. there are also younger men in the units who you... have deemed unfit for service. we will not overcome them with numbers, we need the latest weapons, and only in this way we can overcome the enemy, not with numbers, that is not, but only with skill. two years after the full-scale invasion
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of russia, ukraine's mobilization efforts are failing results russian troops are advancing in the east, and analysts say ukraine needs to address its manpower shortage. the situation can change the new law on mobilization, which was adopted by the verkhovna rada. however, oleksandr taran, who has been fighting since 2014, believes that coercion is unlikely to change the genuine enthusiasm of a potential recruit. black day for cherkasy. a year ago, at dawn , the city of umen was shaken by a russian rocket. terrorists hit a residential high-rise building. as a result, one entrance completely collapsed. the day was the last for 20. four residents of the house, six of whom are children. the youngest victim was only one and a half years old. the search and rescue operation lasted 35 hours. russian propaganda cynically released footage of a destroyed building in uman, allegedly because of the shelling by the armed forces of ukraine of the occupied
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part of donbas. in lithuania, they joked about the crimean bridge, but the russians did not appreciate such a joke. the former minister... of foreign affairs of lithuania, and now the country's ambassador to sweden, linas linkevičius, hinted that ukraine could destroy the bridge. he published a photo of the transition and advised those who wanted to take pictures there to do so now, while there is still an opportunity. the kremlin's reaction was immediate. the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un, dmytro polyanskyi, lashed out at the lithuanian diplomat with threats and said that the politician would still regret such words. a miracle of disguise was demonstrated during the parade by the north korean military, they presented a fleet of multiple rocket launchers disguised as civilian trucks, cement trucks, poultry houses and tractors with rocket launchers. the video shows that
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north korean leaders and the military leadership were delighted with such a miracle. and i have to remind about our collection of means of communication and security , the intelligence units of the third regiment of special operations forces are needed, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have to collect less than uah 300,000. so let 's not delay, the war is on and everyone's help is important. you have all the details now see on the screen. such were the news at that time. you will see the next issue already at 8 p.m. our team works to ensure that you
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are the first to learn the most relevant news. you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch on youtube. and my colleague continues the ether. mykola veresen, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen until 8:00 p.m., as far as i understand, we will be talking with you, that is, almost two hours. and we will have both abroad and ukraine. let's start with how always, from the frontline events. vladyslav seliznyo, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesperson of the general staff from 14 to 17 years. good health, mr. vladyslav. congratulations to you too, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. listen, let's
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finally talk about this, this crimean bridge in more detail, because atasims, maybe that's what it should be called. atakams, how how. it is customary to call it here, 100 of them should arrive there or have already arrived, i don't know, they have arrived, they say they arrived in march, but when i spoke with various experts, says that this is not enough, not in the sense of striking power, but that there should be more surface drones from the black sea side, well, it is obvious that there is no one in the azov region, russia is sitting there, and if this complex attack and missiles, and sea drones, and something else to add, then it can be said how true it is and how much strength is enough for... as much as i understand that it is necessary, that it is a roulette, well, to hit, not to hit, and if the storm starts , but there
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are many components, but in the ideal version this is enough, ukraine has the power in order to destroy this bridge after all. so, about the ideal option, at one time the american general benhoj spoke about it, he was once the commander of the us troops in europe, now he is in the export environment and enjoys the appropriate respect. among his like-minded people, what he is talking about, he says that in order to destroy the kerch structure, the bridge itself, it is necessary to make a comprehensive impact on it, and for that we need atacoms-type missiles, stormshadow-type missiles and ska in order to destroy the foundation or support of the same kerch bridge, as well as railway and road connections, that is, the canvas that passes through these supports, and of course, so that the attack was maximal. we also need maritime drone communications, be it magura 5 or siya baby, that is, there must be a complex,
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very powerful on-moment strike on this structure so that the effectiveness of it is maximal, effective, and the kerch mossy eventually collapsed. do we have all the necessary components to accomplish this mission? not yet, because it is obvious that for the realization of this mission we need not only enough attacks and storm sheds. which we are already beginning to receive, we need to configure our sea drones kmikaz in such a way that they help to overcome the distance from one coast, according to the kerch strait, taking into account the fact that the enemy is extremely carefully burning the waters of the black sea, starting from its northwestern part, that is, the part where the island of snakes is located, it is quite difficult to implement this mission, but our specialists work including and within the framework of justifying certain other variations the use of sea stupid komikaze, which, for example, can move under water, in
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any case, two very respectable ukrainian generals, general malyuk and general budanov , simultaneously declare that somewhere closer to the middle of summer, somewhere in the middle of july, the kerch bridge as an engineering the structure should cease to exist, and this will actually be very good news, because the russian federation now provides part of its logistical transportation thanks to the same... kerch bridge, i hope that it will be so, and our generals said on the wind is thrown, and what was promised will definitely be implemented, because what happened to us twice more on the construction of the kerch bridge, i mean two blunders, they at one time bounced back thanks to the influence and certain measures that were implemented, and it is possible, mr. vladyslav, and it is possible, i hope, i am not revealing the military secret to anyone, but i have the impression that they are saying... it is the middle of summer, why? because beautiful f16s will fly to us, and this will be
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the third component of this comprehensive infliction of this, this, this damage, let's say yes, and we need to wait a little, so that there are at least a few of them, so that they can add to this effort not 5 kopecks of their own, but 100 hryvnias, or a million hryvnias, i would like, if we are talking about the disclosure of certain from... we have a limited the number of bombers is 124, and therefore, if we get additional resources in the form of f-16 fighters, which can also be the seeds of scalps and stomsheds, and maybe even in the future they will be able to move taurus-type missiles, which are made by german-swedish manufacturers, but so far, our... german partners are in no hurry to hand over such missile weapons to us, but nevertheless, what once
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seemed impossible to us, is now already fighting as part of the ukrainian defense forces, perhaps the old men will have the same story, and they they will certainly come in handy for systematically and methodically not only destroying the kerch bridge, but also destroying other military units and facilities of the russian occupation army in crimea and sevastopol, because this is really important. mr. colonel, colonel, look, i understood that way, i'm not viglas i didn't understand anything. military affairs, served for three months after university in camps, at meetings, well, you yourself understand what it is, but then the goal is destruction, not damage... not weakening, if only of capabilities, namely, to have a hole to be patched, nothing there were simply no options for unification, well, because, well , sometimes it seems that if you just seriously damage it, then all the repair work is for six months to a year, whether they will last is unknown, because i
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do not know those people who want to do repairs, when suddenly these ukrainians are something again they will send and kill me there, then i... you know, i apologize, then it is necessary to exclude the possibility of any functioning of this cursed bridge. so, in terms of competence, 26 years of my military existence allow me to a certain extent yes, perhaps praise, but it seems quite professional to state that if a massive missile attack, a rocket attack, or something happens, the enemy will not have any resources and ability to implement this mission in relation to . restoration, let's recall, for almost four years at one time the enemy, being in the most favorable conditions, when the russian the economy worked, including for the kerch bridge to be built in a short time, the same construction works continued, and now the russian federation is immersed in the russian-ukrainian war, resources, well, no less than a third of the budget of the russian federation is directed precisely to the provision of the russian
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army , which operates within the framework of the so-called so, there will be no resources for the restoration of the uros bridge, and... the fact that i graduated from the simferopol higher military construction school at one time, and we were taught, including how not only to build, the relevant engineering fortifications, structures and other elements that determine the power of the army, and to destroy them, i can say absolutely affirmatively and quite convincingly that if a complex strike succeeds at those most threatening points, on which... and the kerch miza is held, it is said about the supports, the same supports of iron and concrete on which the key elements of this structure rest, the enemy will have no chance of effectively restoring it in the foreseeable future. one more question: the mood in crimea, i read, maybe you have some there are secret, secret information, because i
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read that again a wave, a wave of unrest, excuse me for the taftology, from... this bridge, they are nervous again, those who wanted to rest, now rest there in the krasnodar territory, few people go to the crimea it goes like you, what do you know about the mood, but most importantly, how do you imagine what will happen if this bridge is irreversibly damaged, what is the reaction of these two or 2.5 million people who live in crimea, well , it is obvious that some... part will cheer, the crimean-tatar population will clap palms, probably very secretly, without showing outwardly, there will also be some ukrainian patriots, whom i am convinced are there, and the rest, what kind of actions, what will they do, run away, wait for the ukrainian army, stock up on
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bread and matches there, i don't know what they are or whether to fix them immediately. documents somewhere to find these ukrainian passports and say that we have always been yellow and blue and have never been tricolor, what do you think? well, first of all, literally in these minutes, while we are talking to you from tamani's side in the queue for there are less than 700 russian cars entering the kirchensky bridge, or cars owned by russian citizens who want to spend the may holidays so wonderfully on the crimean coast of the black sea. as for the mood, well, of course, they are talking in the kitchen, including about what to do, but the ukrainian army will liberate crimea from the enemy presence. all conscious residents of crimea, except for the panaevs, panaevs, have kept ukrainian documents and when the time comes they will definitely get them for to demonstrate his commitment to ukraine, the ukrainian government. well, as for mr. yehiv, as for
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the occupiers, they have an extremely serious reason to be nervous, because despite the numerous statements of russian propagandists. they say, the most powerful air defense system network has been created on the territory of crimea and sevastopol, we have seen that network, the s-400 system of the s-300 complex is burning in the territory of the military airfield near dzhankoy, the radar station is burning in the west in the western part, temporarily occupied crimea in the area of ​​cape torkhankut, hupa, in the area of ​​yevpatoria, that is, it means that ukrainian drone operators will systematically and methodically turn all the efforts of the enemy to ashes. to turn crimea into a so-called unsinkable aircraft carrier, then there will be more, if not a bridge, then what other capabilities does russia have to evacuate from... all those who thought that there is no bridge, okay, i think that the military command, well, this is a tradition russians, i remember this beautiful story of admiral
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oktyabrovsky, who got on a plane and flew, and what is there in the crimea, is it in 1942 or 1941, i i don't remember, well, during the second world war, i understand the algorithm there, and what the russians have, if they really want to leave there, how they do it here too, somehow i think, go to the north. and because of the temporarily occupied territory of donetsk region is also not an ideal option, well, in short, what, what then, where are they going, what is new? the new is the well-forgotten old. and in fact, the history of the deoccupation of crimea, you remember, and the history, as you mentioned, of admiral oktyabrsky, the head of the security and defense of sevastopol, who in 1942 together with the officers of his headquarters heeled, fleeing from the zbk. using submarines, before that, in the 19th year , russian officers of the russian empire fled towards turkey using the appropriate ships. so, what am i leading to, in addition to
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the kerch bridge, the enemy is now actively using to ensure its own logistics, not only the aircraft of the military transport aviation, military space forces of the russian federation, but also from time to time, well less now, they use warships of the russian of the black sea fleet, they used to be bdk, large landing ships were quite actively used. a kind of express, the sevastopol express, which was going there between novorossiysk and sevastopol, now after several vdk were destroyed by the ukrainian defense forces, such a story happens a little less often, and one more element that allows crimea to have a certain more or less stable logistics, this is a ferry crossing across the kelsin strait, the same ferries that move in the opposite direction, realize a part to a certain extent. logistics tasks by rail of an enemy group of troops, well, they also transport such trucks, so this company
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should also be taken into account when we talk about the resource capabilities of the russian occupation army in terms of its support, in any case, i am sure of that , that ukrainian intelligence has a good understanding of the resource capabilities of the russian occupiers, and the time will come when a whole set of measures will be implemented to make the enemy feel. his stay in the temporarily occupied territories of crimea and sevastopol on ukrainian lands are deadly dangerous, and that ukrainian land will be under his feet until the last russian soldier is taken from there. thank you very much, vladyslav seliznyo, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesperson of the general staff from the 14th to the 17th years. thank you for your attention, for listening to mr. vladyslav, thank you mr. vladyslav, because really always. very expertly, verified, he explains the situation on the fronts, and we will now go to a small advertisement with you, and then vadim chernysh, head of the
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congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. what
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doing it. on sunday, exactly, and my question, my question is this, we once even talked about it with you, that actually the negotiations between ukraine and russia at the level of intelligence, at the level of diplomats, they have never stopped, as far as this is true, given the the fact that we are waiting for the summit in switzerland, we see in qatar a meeting of advisers regarding the summit, it's just that when even... advisers meet, i'm not explaining to you, but to the audience, it should still be preparatory process, so someone has to talk to someone anyway and who is it, well, usually intelligence does it, well, maybe diplomacy, which is also not far from intelligence, am i right, are there any direct contacts, i mean colonel to colonel there.


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