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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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shows me personally, maybe i don't know a lot, i definitely don't know a lot, it shows that understanding, well, these are the next generations, it's unknown when in 20, 40 years, do you think it is possible to reach an understanding, literally there today, tomorrow , in two or three years, well, i think that as of today probably not, because you see that polish farmers are blocking the ukrainian border, ukrainian bread is not being allowed through or is being dumped. swamp, and russian bread, which goes through belarus, is missed. there are questions, that is, not all historical questions are understood by us neighbors good, thank you very much, thank you very much, volodymyr serhiychuk, head of the department of history of world ukraine at taras shevchenko kyiv national university, doctor of historical sciences, professor was in touch with us, now we are...
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about another conflict region, this is the near east, this is israel-palestine, this is the arab-israeli conflict and so on and so on, i hope we will have vadym polishchuk, a historian and political commentator, but please, yes, it is being adjusted there, it is not done so quickly, because we need to finish with ukraine, go in israel is a problem. there is also a lot of interesting things there, next, our next guest, to be clear, is elkhan nuriev, a member of the ukrainian officers' union, the head of the nagorno-karabakh defense staff, we will talk about and about another conflict , the azerbaijan-armenian conflict, but now, as soon as it settles down , you and i will go to the near east, to the south caucasus a little later, we have just visited ukraine and now we know everything. they say, i need to take my time,
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you see, gradually, the israeli flag appears behind, some kind of the car that was set on fire, well , the situation there is definitely not easy, i see what the international mass media write, in short , it is not easy to get out, because israel still wants to finish off hamas on the territory of the gaza strip, there are 2 million people, what.. . what to do with them, how to shoot there, is it possible to move them somewhere, so they offered israel to the south, so they all fled to the south, now they want to liberate the south, so they need somewhere in the central area, or in short, to the north poor these people are running back and forth, well, the poor are not poor, but they definitely supported the terrorists, at least morally, always. so, vadim polishchuk, historian. political columnist, good
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health, mr. vadim, thank you for finding time for us, good evening, mr. mykola, well, i would ask, i would just start with the gas sector, everything has somehow stopped there, huge discussions are going on in israel as well, as i understand that both in palestine, and in france, and in britain, and in the united states, and how to get out of this situation, no one can understand what... what is the problem, why, and the hostages are not released, and the war is not so energetic, and what to do with the 2 million arab population there, well, in short , there are many questions, there are no answers yet, maybe what they are talking about in israel, this is the question, well, in israel understands the same. that a certain
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impasse has come, such a situation, in which all moves and all have their own shortcomings, you understand, in that a part demands, let this be some kind of agreement on hostages at any cost, and another part of israeli society demands the end of everything -still operations in rafiyah and the solution of this issue with the masses... finally, and the leadership of israel, it is now on such a stretch, and between these two opposing demands that exclude each other, and this is all the more so this latest information about this musi, as it were, that documents are being prepared to bring israel's leaders to justice. you know,
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this is quite a blow below the belt, with which he tries to stop the solution of the issue with gas, and we see that well... if you do , there will be such and such an act against israel done, some analysts say that then there will be nothing to lose the leadership of israel , and then more radical decisions can be made, which are not being dared now, and this is also the international court of the un, yes, as i understand it, the international , must, yes, the international criminal court, which issued this, well, arrest warrant for putin, and also tried to ... now push the same decision to the detractors of israel, which the united states resists, and they, as far as we know, have influence on this court, although not themselves signed documents stating that they fall under his jurisdiction, so what
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now, it means that we just sit and wait for the development of events, and we react reactively, as it were. if something happens, then the reaction is this, or this, or this, well, we see that there are actually two days left before the end of the holidays in israel, after which there was a promise that certain actions would be taken, and if something does happen, then i i understand that either on tuesday or on wednesday we will already see some movement, because the further delay with this refiach from the new year is actually being delayed and... and well, something needs to be decided anyway, because the issue is urgent and the solution is with the ball, that in fact the war in the north is getting hotter and hotter there, and these hezbollah drones are flying south and south, they have already
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flown almost to haifa, but this was the last case, and such volleys of 30-50 rockets are fired from the lebanese side, although in lebanon there... there are already voices calling on hezbollah to stop, sober ones who understand that if such a military operation takes place on the part of israel, then lebanon will simply be in trouble , there will simply be a state of lebanon will cease to exist as a kind of integrity, and primarily in an infrastructural form, it will suffer a lot, because they have already calculated how much this operation from the outside cost them. for hezbollah and for lebanon, this is a huge amount of money, there are already billions in the account. and mr. vadim, look, who does hezbollah listen to more quickly, in your opinion, we do not know, and the lebanese, the lebanese political forces or
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the tehran political forces, which order is more important for hezbollah, but you say that voices have started in lebanon that we should somehow something. well no let's fight like this, bring it to a very acute stage, and okay, this is lebanon, and if tomorrow some ayatala from tehran calls and says: no, no, no, don't listen to your compatriots, let's attack there, then who will listen to hezbollah, hello , here we have today the connection is not ideal, now mr. vadym polishcha is being recruited. a historian and a political spectator, i hope that they will be reshuffled, therefore they will be reshuffled, yes they already are, they already are, therefore, if you have heard, i can repeat whose order is the most important for the khsb, local people, local organizations or, or tehran
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official, well, you understand that whoever pays, the girl dances, that is , iran pays, iran gives the weapons, and the lebanese leadership and... political forces in lebanon, they actually have such a, well, suppressed, state in this situation, when hezbollah is actually holding the whole country hostage, we saw that explosion, but i would argue, mr. vadim, because if i were a member of hezbollah and flew to tehran, i would say, listen, well, we will lose the territory altogether, if we, if upon us, upon us... israel will tread seriously, then there will be no place for us to live, there will simply be no lebanon, there will be no lebanon as a state, and what will we do then, damn it, then we need this lebanon, where we have been living for many years, and there we keep israel in tension,
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cocks the north of israel, this would be my logic, well, they can say so from the point of view of preserving their self-loved and... those, the money and weapons they receive and the power they have, but as for iran, they imagine their value only from of the point of view that they are just... exerting pressure on israel as a weapon against israel, and that is why they are kept there and help them, if they do not do this, then who needs them in iran at all, well, the thing is that they are the same shiites, well, that is what everyone who knows the east understands , that for the persians, or in iran, arabs are second-rate people, that's why they treat them as expendable material, like shiite arabs a little better, sunni arabs a little worse, and... you see how they abandoned hamas, that they thought that when they started this operation, everyone would help them and everyone
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would buckle up, but somehow it turned out that way somehow not so much, as it is good for them in this way, and if there were more decisive actions of israel and the world community, then there would be nothing left of hamas long ago. a general question is how long do you think your loved one will be able to make it. east , israel and the neighboring states will be able to pass between the power of charybduy, because here i have information that israel can actually start fighting on five fronts, whether israel can withstand five fronts, whether israel can stop iran, or whether it will help in sufficient measures of israel, the united states and european, if li'. european countries, that's all, and that's it did not stir up to some level that
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mr. putin, for example, really hopes for, i think that it would vibrate to such an extent that it would be such a serious military situation in the middle east, of course, that israel itself could hold , let's say a direct collision of such a powerful force with iran will be very ... difficult, that is , iran can strike some critical places in the same nuclear program of iran at military plants, but in the long term without american help, this it will be almost impossible, with kizbala such a quick operation, it is possible in my opinion, it is better for military analysts there, they can analyze this situation in more detail, the complexity. because hizbollah, just like hamas, built tunnels there, and in this, in
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this situation, the only thing that can, let's say, this site, well, help, is that the idf has now gained such a powerful experience in the war precisely in these tunnels, and this is noted even by western military analysts, and that, after all , the israeli army mobilized and was able to identify those shortcomings. which, which were on at the beginning of the war, when they realized that israel was not ready for such a powerful military operation, and now we will see, without this operation against hezbollah, in fact, we are losing the north of the country, a lot of populated areas, and this uncertainty, it cannot drag on for long, here i heard today, but there is such an analyst auslender, he made several options for development. events in the north, and they have such a confrontation there to varying degrees, well
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, in any case, something, something must happen there, it cannot remain like this. well well, the middle east does not leave us alone, thank god, we have vadym polishchuk, a historian and political commentator, who explains to us what is going on there. thank you, mr. vadim, for finding time for us. now we have. will be the south caucasus, elkhan nuriev, a member of the ukrainian officers' union, the head of the nagorno-karabakh defense staff in 1992-1993, now we will look at him and say hello without a doubt, because why did we invite him, why did we invite mr. elkhan, because the armenian azerbaijan was established the first border post. mr. ilkhan, good health, thank you for finding time for us, thank you. chezne, i congratulate you, mykola konstantinovych, happy sunday to you, yes,
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thank you, thank you, so i would like to ask, you know, from far away, hundreds of years ago, i recently had such a private dispute, i said, you understand, it is not easy there, it no, this is not the present, this is not even the soviet union, russia, there, england, the civil war, the so -called 17. 22nd year, this is how i would once start to study and try to understand, i did not understand anything, panehan, at all, lived such, then such came, then others came, then such. they left, then came back, then came again, then came back, then there, then here, that is, it was a hot spot for all time, it was just another explosion, or is it only the situation of the 90s, well, because they tell me the answer is, well, the armenians they lived well with azerbaijanis, it was a wonderful life, that is, where is
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the truth, or was it an ideal world, and then it started to explode? have they always been like this, well more or less, or little friction, or the wars that we have been seeing there for the last 40 years? it all started with mykola konstantinovych with the arrival of catherine ii from the third decade, well , it means, if you divide the centuries into three, from the third decade to the caucasus, all the troubles began from that time, this displacement is what you say, then, well, there were different historical times, well, thank god , that... it has reached its, as they say, logical end, it has now reached, and thank god that it is a wise prime minister of armenia, mykol lovavych pashinyan, formulated his vision, that is,
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the caucasus joins europe, and i am even more... confident that against the background of georgia or ukraine, even moldova, armenia is probably earlier will end up in the european union and under the umbrella of nato, because today armenia has a wise leader, i will tell you, i spoke with a private person, just a caucasian restaurant in lviv, i went in, he comes out, he is armenian. and i looked at him like that, as if he were conscious, normal, i say, listen, well, i have the impression that all this is the fault of the armenians themselves, and he said that to me, for sure, for sure, you, i say, but now explain, he says, well listen, they fought so long and hard for nagorno-karabakh, not caring about their
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independence, defense capability, relying on the russians and so on and so forth. while azerbaijan armed itself, prepared, and as a result won the war, simply took it and won, then, that is, and you say that the mere presence of pashinyan can actually save armenia, no, it is, it is, it is, armenian the prime minister formulated his vision very clearly, he said that karabakh is not ours and was not ours and will not be ours, that is, you know, once the british... decided, well, after these last, indian campaigns, there is what i remember let's go to the 1860s, a certain colonel jonathan, the british went, laid 40 thousand lives, and then the british formulated that we will make a normal britain on the british islands, then the hindus and pakistanis will all
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come to us, and in fact that is what happened, the current prime minister of britain, let's say. a hindu, and the mayor of london is a pakistani, that is , the dream of every hindu or pakistani in the world, let's say, the british world, they dream about it since childhood, so the prime minister in armenia wants to make a normal, normal verminia, a small verminia, that is, not in in dreams somewhere from the sea to seas, there is some there from north africa to the northern ocean, there it is... it is to make a normal armenia, which is 36 km, it is a little more than our crimea, which is 29 km, and to find normal relations with the neighbors, pass, make, to become a logistics country, this so-called middle corridor, which we can now talk about with certainty, will pass through
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armenia, the armenian will recover and everything will be fine, and then... maybe you have some insides, how now mo- it is fashionable to say, mr. aliyev, the president of azerbaijan was in moscow the other day, what was it about, what did he want, or did putin want something from him, or did aliyev want something from putin, what was going on there? mykola konstantinovych, don't believe it, no one knows what they were talking about, because these were closed conversations, well, they were talking about something, it's clear that the moscow, well putler. the main moscow rashist dreams of having some states for himself, some presidents there, and in this sense he really wants to be friends with... on the 16th , they suddenly decided that these so-called
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peacekeepers in quotation marks should leave the territory of azerbaijan, right , they left the territory of karabakh and left, some went to the north caucasus, and some went back to the territory of armenia through the lachin corridor, and there could be trouble there, by the way. because where we know, the so -called russian peacekeepers, it is on the example of abkhazia, it is very reminiscent of the 93rd year of abkhazia, that peacekeepers, russian peacekeepers are still in the territory, that is, they left azerbaijan, but they just ended up in armenia for some reason , and it is clear that the dream of the moscow imperialist is the main one. or colonialist, there how to say, crazy, stupid, to overthrow pashinyan's regime in irmen, he, nikola
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lovavych, is sitting very firmly, he has more than 60% support, you know, even after the loss of the karabakh war, he went to early elections, again gained 60 plus percent, and thinking, armenians, like your colleague from lviv, understand what is happening, that is... the caucasus should be without russia, without muscovy, without the kremlin, everything will be calm there, because for thousands of years people have lived, as they say, next to each other and nothing there was no such thing, that is , all troubles come from the kremlin, from moscow, russian peacekeepers very quickly turn into warmongers, from peacekeepers to warmongers, now the last group of questions, look, and... armenian cultural areas, yes, that is the heritage of culture, there are graves there, there are some churches, there is something there,
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specifically armenian in the fields karabakh, what to do with it, can we now think that the armenians will never return there, is there such a possibility to return there in, well, i think not earlier than in a generation, i don't believe that, what.. can take care of these cemeteries, can take care of these temples, how far is this situation, i think that after the countries sign a peace treaty, and then you are right, i once remember that as a young specialist after kharkiv university, it is... electronics, i used to rent an apartment, i baku, that is, i think that they will find no one will touch them, of course, not
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churches, not cemeteries, everything else, well, there are , besides, there are international structures that can, i think, visit, well, what is the reason to touch something there , this is also our cultural heritage, azerbaijan was also once christian the country before the arrival of the arabs until... the 11th century, that is, we have a multicultural country, and there is an armenian church in baku, but no one touched it for decades there, let's say, even during the occupation of karabakh, the church, the church was active, and i do not say , that armenians went there, well, some christians, orthodox people went there, i think that there should be no problems with this, after the agreement, i think that, probably, someone will want to... well, actually, because well, somehow it will be resolved, and this is a general understanding, contacts are possible,
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well, because i was in azerbaijan there a few years ago, well, there is simply anti-armenian propaganda on all channels, that is, to say somewhere that you are not for armenia, just the word armenia, somehow they looked at you askance, so yes . that question, well, you understand, i apologize, maybe i don’t know something, i probably don’t know everything, but it seems to me that the problems in the relationship are both to some extent to blame, if we take the 18th year of 918, those englishmen came, those russians came, those were together with the russians, those were together with by the english, in short, such and such a brawl, and when they say that these and those killed... it was these who killed these, then i say, well, probably these also killed these, it does not happen that here everyone is so holy and godly, and there only some sadists,
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then it is necessary gradually with... historians, academics, research, this was indeed a fact, there was such a fact here, and then this very process begins, well, not rapprochement, but at least understanding, it is possible, it has begun, i would said, i'm coming back to this question again, that it's all moscow's hand, it's all good are aware, and we have several tv channels, including youtube channels. and now people communicate and talk, and scientists, i think, over time on third platforms, if now still, if only, guests do not go to irovan or to baku, but necessarily on third platforms, for this it is necessary that tbilisi can to become such a platform, and it, it becomes the capital of fraternal georgia for both countries, and there is
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rapprochement, it, people understand that... you know, it cannot last forever, and the fact that the leader in armenia, let's say, now made a wise move, first of all, from karabakh, the vermen themselves admit that during the last anti-terrorist operation, the azerbaijani troops even helped them to some extent, they left on their own, they understand that it is impossible to live there for the time being. but no one touches their property, so far the question is open, but we need a peace treaty not on the platform and not with the presence of russia, in brussels or washington or somewhere else there, maybe even in the same georgia again, that is, us, if russia will security guarantor for this contract, nothing will come of it, but now the fight continues around this,
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azerbaijan and... should negotiate with the guarantees of more serious countries, more democratic countries, because trusting moscow, once again, one's own destiny, it will be trouble again, erkhan, and aliyev, now the aliyev family, now forever, he is so popular, he really won the war, he did a lot of positive things, and it’s just that now that forever, i, when i was... what i said, they complained to me so much, we have had the aliyevs since 1968, it is possible to somehow change these aliyevs, well, i say, this is your problem, we had six presidents, you have one, one last name, what do you say, mykola kostiantynovych, the architect of the victory of the second world war was chorchel, you know, and he lost the elections in the fall of 1945, er,
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not so much. uh, as they say, it’s happy, how it looks for the authorities, the main thing is that the people actually find peace, and yes, you know, the people actually win the war, and we can see it on the example of ukraine, a battle or a war, or some other i know, a specific battle can be won by the army, by someone, by some general there, and wars are won by peoples, in this sense, you are right, are you? we are a state if a state, sorry for the taftology of statesmen, azerbaijanis are actually statesmen, it's true, this is even the most radical position for the president and said that i want to be a private for you, this is actually something that should be learned, because azerbaijanis ruled the current iran, persia, you know, the safavid dynasty for thousands of years.
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yes, i know, mr. elkhan, sorry, our part of the program is ending, thank you very much, ilkhan muriyev, member of the officers' union of ukraine, head of the defense staff of nagorno-karabakh 92-93, my part of the program is ending, it's all good, next news on espresso tv. it's 8 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all viewers to the most important events. the killer of ukrainian servicemen openly supported russian aggression and demonstratively wore.
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patches with rashi symbols.


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