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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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of foreign affairs of ukraine and the ambassador of ukraine to great britain was on our air. thank you for being with us. and we are finishing the politclub program on the espressu tv channel. vitaly kyrtnikov was with you. good luck and peace to you, friends. it's about politics. gurska, journalist of the ukrainian tv channel and editor-in-chief of the eu sisters portal. next to me is pawel koval, head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet and the government council for cooperation with ukraine. good day. thank you very much for this introduction, for the first time in our program i am in this new role. good day. as always, we will sum up the information week and talk about the main events for ukraine , poland and europe. and let's start with the fact that this week the senate of the united states of america voted for...
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if the weapons are delivered to ukraine on time, we have great hope that putin will not tactically pass, will not break through the front line and that no trouble will happen. the strategic importance is somewhat different. the important thing here is that this aid package gives us all time to build some more weapons and prepare for war in the second half of the year and next year, because you have to think about it, i'm thinking about what 's really going on with these munitions, i 'm thinking about the fact that last year somebody didn't calculate, didn't calculate, and didn't prepare on this side of the front line, because the front line itself is super well prepared, very well in terms of information technology and in other respects. how did it happen that there was
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a problem with ammunition at all? hopefully it won't happen again, so the tactical significance is that now we're probably going to be able to stop putin, i'm talking about the whole west, he will not go further. this means that ukrainians have a chance to hold the front line. of strategic importance, we will gain time to provide the ukrainians with anti-aircraft defense. that is, carriers that will allow us to reach and hit targets inside russia, several hundred kilometers from the front line. there was a lot of talk in the media these days about how things were happening from the inside in the us, how the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson and other politicians were guided, how the discussions were conducted, what was most important in making the decision, you were there all the time, behind a week before and during the decision.
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german parliament and french national assembly. there were three of us, and then i was alone. in general , there were these meetings, i think we reached several dozen senators and deputies, the house of representatives. in addition, we had a special hearing, very formal, in the subcommittee on european affairs, in the foreign affairs committee. centers, one might say, it looked like a movie, that is, we simply went from office to office, by prior agreement, of course, and presented a number of arguments that had been worked out earlier, i myself developed some simple, commonplace arguments that might reach someone in the united states, but of course the decision was also made at the highest level, and i think there were two, maybe three main elements that influenced that decision, it turned out that the united
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states, which are used to being the first in everything, the largest, and so on, do not play such a significant role in helping ukraine, because military aid can still be compared with that provided by european allies, but humanitarian aid is much less, so it suddenly turned out that the united states in this the relationship is not doing well. the pressure began, which became the impetus. partners such as the czechs also got very, very involved, putting the usual pressure on the us and saying to johnson, man, you can be chamberlain, you probably want to be churchill, but you're going to be chamberlain. i mean, johnson could have been the one to let this modern-day hitler into europe in no time. another factor, it seems to me,
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was conscience, just conscience, a kind of political conscience, my experience shows that everyone has it, but not everyone has these factors work the same, the defining point is the point in... johnson decided he didn't want to take on the responsibility, it was definitely not enough space. the lobby inside the united states of america was also significant, very strong, also economic, because sometimes we had to use the following argument, because these weapons and these ammunition will generally be bought here in the united states, so if you don't vote for this, with this money you will weaken defense industry, production, for example in alaba. so that's another argument that was there i think is important the argument was also the information about everywhere that we said everywhere after my visit to the front, which quickly spread, this message was reduced to the fact that there is a risk of a breakthrough of the front line and that this is a serious risk, this was intelligence information that reached
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us, and it was talked about a lot in the united states, in washington, and it was managed to be conveyed to the leaders of the congress, in the package of american aid. in your opinion, will the example of the usa be a sufficient argument for german chancellor olaf scholz to finally grant ukraine taurus long-range missiles. i keep saying: let's look at the dynamics of the situation, today it's impossible, but literally in two or three weeks you and i will meet in this program and i assume that it will already be possible, it was the case with the tanks, it is the same now with the american aid package, it already is... this week it was suggested that this aid package from the us may be the last for ukraine in the foreseeable future. from many of my polish friends, i now hear the opinion that this package is important, but it will not become breakthrough, and
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everything can only get worse in the future. what can we say to critics and pessimists? can we do that ? we can tell the future, this pack may turn out to be the last, each pack may turn out to be the last, or it may turn out to be the first of many, or it may be something else, i really don't know why people think this pack is the last, just like that they say i can answer that don't be pessimistic just do your own thing if you are not politicians public opinion leaders then let everyone do what they have to do so i i call for a correct understanding of this war, this war is putin's challenge to the entire west, and in this sense we are helping ukraine, but we are also up to now, ukrainian military experts say that with a sufficient number of weapons, ukraine will be able to launch a counteroffensive to liberate its territories from the russian invaders already this summer. at the same time
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, western experts say that putin wants to break through the front this fall, and maybe even earlier, and is especially eager to capture kharkiv. we really see that in... they are directly confirmed recent statements of russian minister lavrov. what does the development of events depend on? it depends on how prepared someone is. it depends on luck, but it also depends on how motivated the allies are. as for ukraine, ukraine has to mobilize, and it is starting now. no one can replace the ukrainian state in this regard. there are not many ways to help here, they are minimal, but the west can deliver in time... ammunition, as i said, is a completely tactical issue. without it, it will not be possible to move forward. the second thing - demining. last year there was a serious lack of equipment. i'm talking about minesweepers for security in the black sea. the third question: defense in the air is a very
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important element. and the fourth - missiles that can hit targets related to military production on russian territory. did you mention mobilization? this week, there is important news in this regard. ukrainian diplomatic institutions have stopped providing consular services to adult ukrainian men. polish defense minister władysław kosiniak kamysh said that poland is ready to help ukraine return men of conscription age. no specifics yet. the minister of defense of lithuania, laurinas kaschunas , clarifies that these may be restrictions on social benefits, issuance of work permits and other documents. but lithuania is waiting here, for example, for poland. what will this polish initiative be? to be honest, i don't know yet, i haven't talked about it yet with the minister of defense, some things, as i said, we will probably be able to do, but i would like to avoid one misunderstanding: the issue of mobilization is always an issue of a specific country, its sovereignty, etc.,
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so other countries can help, but they cannot cross a certain line, along which everything that concerns the ukrainian state itself follows, they should deal with this in the first place. now, a person older than 18 years of age will not be able to obtain a ukrainian passport at the consulate. what symmetrical steps can poland take to help ukraine return men of military age to protect european borders. perhaps these should be the steps associated with declaring its status regarding defense, participation in the defense of ukraine. to this topic in
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the next broadcast, and i will think that i can say here what these actions can be, but i still want it to sound clear, this is the matter of the ukrainian state, we can help a little with this, even for various psychological reasons, we cannot cross a certain line because there are many aspects here, but we can help. russia is attacking the energy infrastructure of ukraine, this year they are not waiting for autumn to come. the financial times writes about the prospects green energy projects in ukraine. the point is that this is a good solution for us, because solar and wind energy facilities, thanks to their scattered and small forms , become more difficult targets for russian missiles. does the council on cooperation with ukraine poland see room for solutions here?
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energy issues are one of the main topics of our work, i see this in conversations with my western colleagues, because in many countries or in several large western countries there are government officials like me, my colleagues, they say that one of the main directions should definitely be the issue of green energy, it is also the issue of ukraine's adaptation, which... will take place during the negotiations on joining the european union. we will remind that , of course, today the green course is criticized, but the green course is not only an issue of agriculture, it is also an issue of energy, agriculture and energy efficiency in cities. a large part of these decisions will take place in the accession transition process, but also, and i see it, i see it from different priorities and from the conversations of different circles in europe that it will also very clearly apply.
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rebuild just now, but in general i am familiar with various expert decisions, proposals, and it is already clear that
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reconstruction after a great war should never be one-to-one, because, for example, the structure of the population is changing, more people live in completely different places, people move because of war and don't want to go back to their old places, so countries never rebuild the way they were, it's a creative process, and it's equally true of energy, it means that... then it must be done using a technology that provides an ecological approach to energy, that is, less consumption, other sources of energy, for example, green, and so on. and we are already thinking about such decisions. we don't just think, we already analyze them, we already have concrete basic working out how everything will look like. polish president andrzej duda invited polish prime minister donald tusk to a conversation on may 1 regarding the placement of nuclear weapons. however, there is
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a heated political debate inside the country, what is it about and whether, in your opinion, the placement of nuclear weapons in poland needs warsaw and kyiv. it's not a quick thing, you know, we're having a heated internal political debate about it right now, simply because the president announced it publicly without any consultation. of course , this idea has been circulating for a long time among various... so far the answers are very restrained, our president of poland was in a great hurry with this proposal, and now it turned out that he was left with it in a crisis, because he did not receive clear support from the west, that's all, what can i say, sometimes there are even good ideas, but i don't judge whether this idea is good or bad, it is necessary to think about how to inform about something and to whom to inform, and not
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immediately run to the press with those thoughts, the parliament also repeated. the european parliament supported the one-year extension of the agreement on duty-free food trade with ukraine, it provides additional guarantees to protect european farmers, whether polish farmers are satisfied with this decision and whether this means that the blockade will no longer exist. it was possible to agree on some things, if we talk about the issue of agriculture. not about everything, but in in this sense, we have also made more progress in understanding the compromise in europe, because... there are certain interests of spain, portugal, france, italy, ours and many other countries, we should understand and look at everything together and understand where there is room for compromise so , certain elements were discussed, certain restrictions, certain decisions related to processing and fertilizers, certain restrictions regarding the application of the principles of the green course in agriculture, of course, this was also
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discussed, it will always be found, i have said many times: we will always defend our producers, and ukraine will also protect its producers when it joins the eu, this is the alphabet of european politics, i assure you and everyone watching us, no one in the eu will ever act differently, because it would be wrong, besides he would immediately lose power. it should be noted that the european parliament is meeting this week for the last time in this convocation before the upcoming elections in june.
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all faced new threats when full-scale war broke out. what was the role of the european parliament? there are several elements. certainly the role of president roberta metsol herself, who was very active and involved in the ukrainian cause. also, the european government of the current term has been generally excellent, i have often looked at the actions of ursula fondelaien with admiration and affection, as
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well as the hopes of mrs metzola, the speaker of the parliament. as for the european parliament itself, it is a good institution and from the point of view of this kind of door-kicking, it is a bit of a battering ram. because always, when a problem arises, the european parliament is such a vanguard, and that's good. you can say that this is not a problem, this is the solution. the european parliament is actually the vanguard of the policy that paves the way for ukraine when it comes to military aid, enlargement and accession negotiations, because all these things were prepared precisely in ukraine. first of all, i can speak on behalf of my environment, because i already know who is on the lists, there are also a number of people well
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trained in european issues, governments and from public positions in warsaw, i am candidates who often come directly from i think that it helps a lot because when someone comes to brussels and gets elected, everyone looks at what he has done before to be a booster. candidate, a strong player, and his affairs had weight, from poland there is a former prime minister, several ministers, and it looks positive, now there is a lot of talk about russia not putting pressure on the election campaign, because everyone is afraid. campaign from the point of view of russia's influence through trolling, through bots,
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through social networks, yes, all these phenomena in social networks, attempts to discredit politicians who criticize russia, all of this will soon be even more around, it will definitely will come out, but it is good that the eu authorities have already noticed this and say that we will protect ourselves from russia's influence on... we said a few words about russian influence in the context of what is currently happening in georgia. we started the path to the european union together. saakashvili's georgian reforms were an example for ukraine, very progressive. and a powerful example of the courage of the nation for the whole world, and what is happening now, can be called the transit from democracy to the arms of russia. that opinion polls still show that georgia
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is one of the most pro-european societies, namely societies, not states, because the georgian government is extremely divided, we can see it even inside the georgian dream, there are different trends, but it is clear that now the trend of tightening the nuts and applying solutions that are winning in the country used by putin. direction, pushed this position from different sides and more widely, if we talk about the georgian authorities, so that they move in this civil society, but you know, the harder someone pushes, the faster it causes some kind of riot, because if not now, then next time in georgia. that is, simply against international relations, diplomats, which
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does not even concern professionals, but civil society, because their decisions are directed precisely against people, they will not win, there will be no profit from this, i do not see any prospects here, it only accelerates the moment of rebellion, but the government, when it is harsh, when it starts putting pressure, always forgets that... georgia will be part of europe, georgia will be 100% part of europe, because we are looking at we can see a group of politicians, a narrow group of politicians from the georgian dream, because i emphasize that far from all of them are playing this political game, they are probably under pressure from putin, i don't know by what arguments and i don't want to judge anyone, probably everyone has different motivations, but... it is known that this is the wrong direction, the only most important information is that the society is super-european, rooted in europe, i am talking about georgia, let's not forget that, because it is easy to form an opinion based on the actions
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of a few politicians who receive support voters for other reasons, not because they are anti-european, thank you for the conversation, maria gurska pavel koval, programs on youtube, watch our programs on the youtube channel of pavel koval, on the ukrainian tv channel more. not with my knees for knee pain try dolgit cream dolgit cream relieves pain reduces swelling and improves
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hours in the company of... and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. at dinner, on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. salam aleikum. hurly kunler, we welcome you to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel ater
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and. telekanaluso, together with berabera programs. i, holsum khalilova, and my colleague andrii yanitsky work for you in the studio. greetings to all viewers. today, as usual, we will talk about the main news of crimea, what happened during the week, but first we will invite you to subscribe to the atp and espresso youtube channels and make a donation. and of course, as we always say on our broadcasts, only together, only beraber. we will be able to defeat the enemy, we will be able to defeat the russian occupation forces, so now our guys from 48 are in the southern direction oshb named after noman chelabikhan, need drones for fpf, so everyone who can and wants to support can do so by qr code, which you will now see on your screens. well, we already have a ready guest that is waiting to be
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included. this is a special guest of honor for our program, refat chubariv, chairman of the mijlis of the crimean tatar people, mr. refati, greetings, salam aleikum, alaikum salam, greetings to all of you, rifataga, we would like to start this broadcast with the fact that this week you returned from new york, where the 23rd session of the un permanent forum on issues was held indigenous people, and i would naturally like to ask... why did you emphasize there during your speech? yes, indeed, on april 15 in new york, the regular 23rd session of the permanent forum, un, on the issues of indigenous peoples, began its work, this annual such forum is held this year as well. the main topic
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of discussion of all the delegations of the indigenous peoples of the world who gathered at this forum was the issue of strengthening the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination in the context of the un declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, and also the issue of drawing attention to the opinion of young people, indigenous peoples. and within the framework of this topic, the discussion of this topic was accepted by the participants and members of the crimean tatar delegation, er, i want to say that a very pleasant event took place at this forum, which directly concerns ukraine, us, the crimean tatars, and a member of the permanent forum of indigenous peoples, at
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the permanent forum of the un, suleiman mamutov was unanimously elected, i emphasize this, as the speaker of the permanent form of the forum, this is a high position, and mr. suleiman mamutov will report to the institutions of the forum on the state of affairs of indigenous peoples in the world, this is for happened to us a pleasant event. rifa taga, yes, another important news initiated by majlis. the mejlis is going to erect a memorial to the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, the location is still being discussed. why did you decide that it should be done now, why should you remind ukrainians that...


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