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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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all your ideas in life, but what happened before that? i came to kyiv, i remember dmytro kiselyov, and to work on the ictv tv channel, where i also hosted a program for a short time, and dmytro kiselyov said to me: "vitali, you know, i have a dream, so i should bring my programs about how wonderful it is to live in europe". well, he made a series of programs for russian television about the european way of life. and i say: great, so what? they must be shown to ukrainians, so that ukrainians know. that the future of their country is in europe, i say, it must be to show, of course, but before that, dmytro tells me, they need to be translated into ukrainian, you don't want it to be in russian, ukrainians should look at their future in their native language so that it is convincing, so that they see that this is their future, and not just there a russian-language journalist tells them about something, it is the same dmytro kiselyov, who now goes to the ramp in russian propaganda channels and says that we must all be destroyed, burned, radioactive ash, that's all. that is, if you don't have one
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here is this curator from lubyanka, you can think as, shall we say, a healthy person to have his own views, but as soon as you are taken and reminded, you are a soldier of the information front, comrade dmytro kiselyov or comrade volodymyr solovyov, i am not talking about all these skabeevs, barobeevs, it's generally true, then of course you serve in this army, but how many of our colleagues with you were part of this system in all. these channels, firtash, medvedchuk, that only russian channels treated our compatriots, and i am actually leading to this, that we, and in what language do you write now, all these anonymous telegram channels are connected with the president's office, you can tell, russian, and it is understandable, because they are, were and will be scoops, begs the question, if you even want to work with public opinion, why would you? do not do this in the ukrainian language, because
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we speak russian even among ourselves, we are our own people, we will not pretend on anonymous tv channels that we are with you, well, how to say it, some ukrainian nationalists there, of course, why would we you need it, and so do you the whole essence of these people, and these people are now , by and large, collectively deciding whether this country will exist or not, because we are many. we are talking about the armed forces, of course, if it were not for the resistance of the armed forces, then of course ukraine would have been a russian province a long time ago, but in order for ukraine to survive, the state needs an effective understanding of all these challenges, this is an important point, you mentioned china, and i think it should be mentioned, basically it should be mentioned about this triangle, which is being actively used now, which is the united states of america, china and russia. that is, we should now
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talk about the visit of anthony blinken, the us secretary of state to china, it is very interesting, and we should now talk about the support, including china, by china to russia, right? and, by the way, you mentioned china, including in the context of these conditional agreements, possible, so that they are trying to... russians through china, this is also very interesting, in your opinion, is it imposing now china, this russian agenda, and certain russian postulates for possible agreements that russia itself would like so to speak, promote, at least in the media, i think china is not interested in that, china. interested
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in intercepting diplomatic initiatives. now it is obvious that this peace forum will take place. in switzerland, in the mountains. and, by the way, not only president zelensky can come to him, let's say, the leaders of various european countries are not there, president biden can be there. this is such a diplomatic thing. we are all gathering and condemning russia together, calling on it to end the war. this is about the same level irritation that the russians have always had on the crimean platform. we thought, why not? they are rehearsing like this, nobody is taking crimea away, and it is unpleasant for them that their whole idea, that everyone recognizes that they have the right, is failing, but it turns out that it is possible to hold a crimean platform, then different heads of state will come, even those , who are on good terms with him, president erdogan, and will say, we consider crimea to be ukrainian, and we continue to think so, this, this is a diplomatic defeat, russia, of course, of this diplomatic defeat wants to prevent, how can she herself not do anything in this situation? it can
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act through china. at first, when the chinese representatives started talking with them about participating in the peace forum, they began to insist that the russian delegation headed by serhiy be there. lavrov, they said this almost without hiding about it, there are publications in various publications, both western and non-western, that is, it is, uh, absolutely such an obvious thing, uh, it seems, when they try to push russia there, knowing that she won't be there and then they can say, you know you didn't invite russia, we won't come either, why should we go there, but together with this, this is not enough, then china says, you know, in fact, these are all not real conferences, a real conference, where moscow and kyiv will be, and if you cannot ensure this in switzerland, then i think this is a matter of our initiative, we will create
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a platform where you can conduct your negotiations, real negotiations, real negotiations, they will be if the russians and ukrainians in china meet with theirs. .. er, how to say it, opponents, enemies, if to be exact, and they actually force everyone to discuss it, because they can hold another conference, let's say there will be a peace forum in switzerland and some forum in china where ukraine will not be there, because we will refuse to go there, because russia will be there, if we go there, it will be strange, but it can go there... half of the countries of the global south that were at the forum in switzerland, and thus the very results of the form will be devalued, these countries will already know where to go there, they will be very careful in terms of adopting any
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decisions there, there will be some kind of vague resolution, and then they will pass the same level of vague resolution, for peace and friendship, for everything is good, at this alternative conference, that is what moscow wants to... fight through the mediation of beijing, beijing also absolutely does not need moscow's diplomatic defeat, that 's all, that's why they act synchronously, as we can see absolutely, i would say, confidently in this situation, because lavrov all the time praises the chinese peace plan, which does not exist, but the idea of ​​a chinese peace plan, relatively speaking, and global rooster, it is very simple, and can be reduced to two theses: a ceasefire on this line of contact. where are the parties, if russia is ready for this, and the lifting of sanctions, to pay for the ceasefire, the lifting of sanctions, that is, a de facto freeze and a de facto such a big fat plus for russia, of course, the west can also think about
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a freeze, but with the continuation of sanctions, that's the difference, in fact, you don't want to agree on anything, so we understand that now both sides are exhausted. the conflict freezes truce, but we will cancel the sanctions, when you fulfill all the instructions of international law, you leave donbas, there will be one lifting of sanctions, if you leave crimea - another level of lifting of sanctions, if you shell the territory of ukraine, then such sanctions will be maintained, that is such a game of dice and spices. by and large, for any, any readiness of russia to return to normality, russia is given the opportunity to receive economic preferences, and china has the absolutely opposite attitude, it has the thesis that sanctions cannot be used as a tool in politics at all, and
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that the only instrument for the introduction of sanctions is the decision of the security council of the united nations organization, that is, the absence of a decision, because we understand that at the level of the united nations organization, sanctions cannot be introduced either against. no state, which should be a country that has sanctions imposed against it by the united states, china, russia, france and great britain, well, we know what north korea and iran are in connection with the nuclear program, but russia that adheres to this sanctions regime, but not anymore, not anymore, it was before, huh now not anymore, blinken has come to china, what are your expectations, what is next. may be, will be or will not be, or china, i think that a clear position has been made public, the americans are tired of china helping russia's military-technical complex, and they will be ready to monitor this more carefully and introduce sanctions against chinese companies, for xi jinping it is it is not very pleasant,
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but he will somehow survive six months, because sidzenpin, like putin, is waiting for the results of the presidential elections in the united states, for him cooperation. this one by the administration is a very conditional thing, he will make some decisions, say, to cancel military-technical cooperation, or, on the contrary, to strengthen it, after he... the name of the winner of the election of the president of the united states is known, that is, for this at the moment china's support for russia will remain at this level, it will not increase, it will be cautious, but it will not go anywhere, because no one will be able to explain to the president of the people's republic of china why he should change at all his politics, well, blinkin has arrived, who is blinkin, blinken may no longer be in office in january of next year, sit down. that is, they
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need to understand, like putin, what will happen in the united states in the next four years? and this is actually the main question for them. they will, of course, be more careful now, because again, beijing does not need any additional sanctions, no, but at the same time, they will not do anything that ... one way or another could change their ability to, let's say, save russia in the situation that russia ended up as a result of this war, so it seems to me that everything is absolutely obvious and , by and large, this is their common policy, it will be like this, you know, we talked again... with igor, that the chinese
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are not very fond of these symbols as we, that is, if they knew for sure, that means that the calendar is political, that blinkin is coming today, and today we are sending our defense minister to vastan, and he is shaking hands with shoigu there, they definitely asked to postpone this conference, if they didn't want that they would have been negotiating for a month, but they would have definitely agreed that this conference would be either... a week earlier or two later, so that these two events would not be connected, they would not just connect them they say, they are absolutely clear in these publications close to beijing, like the south china morning post, let's say, they write whole reviews that show this photo of the ministers of defense, and the content of this text is about blinkin's visit, that is, they speak clearly, this is a signal , here is the response to blinkin's visit, the handshake between the chinese defense minister and the defense minister of russia federation, what is there to add? and again, this should cure us of certain
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illusions that chinese politics, there is, well, i would say so, a certain political axiom, is it possible to have good relations with the people's republic of china, money, we need to look at which small countries xizen ping visits europe during his european tour, well, except for france, well, france is clear, it is a big economic partner. serbia and hungary, and there is one more country in europe - the republic of belarus, the president of which is permanent visits beijing, but what unites these three countries, they are in different blocs, is hungary, a member of nato, the european union, serbia does not, wants to join the european union, does not want to join nato, belarus is a member of the eurasian union in general, it unites them only one thing: they are friends with putin, they are oriented towards the government, which means that everyone has them in ukraine. to realize that, by and large, if the condition in our situation for good
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relations with the people's republic of china, investment, political support, whatever, there should be a political understanding with the russian federation, this is a package, and we can to afford such a thing, but i am interested, but now, when you and i do not know, we will get out of here and another missile attack will begin, well , 20 minutes or 30 minutes ago , we already talked about the possibility of any... conditionally relations both with russia and in principle about any agreements with russia, right, so i think that the answer here is absolutely on the surface that of course not, at least for now, at least in the geopolitical axis in which today china and russia, we are here for literally two minutes, we mentioned with mr. igor, including about iran, in short, in your opinion, will any arms supplies to russia from iran be increased? i'm not. iran has entered into a clinch with
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israel, now it itself needs weapons. of course, nothing has happened now, but who knows what will happen in six months, a year. iran will provide russia with technological capabilities there in order to produce shaheds, in order to possibly create some kind of missiles, but iran itself will now accumulate weapons, just imagine. i wonder how many weapons iran spent on this attacks on israel, how many in general, how many missiles, drones, millions of dollars, it’s all somehow necessary, there’s talk, there’s talk, there ’s talk, maybe even about tens of millions of dollars, because it’s not just that there are more certain technical points, such as the use of these weapons, well, we have such a situation now, so of course we will, we will believe that this peace summit in switzerland will, after all , bring unification for the states, at least
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of the civilized world, and neutral states, let's also hope that... china and russia it will not be possible, relatively speaking, to nullify the results of this summit, and even if it does not bring any practical results, at least the political statements and political support of ukraine at it will be very, very important for all of us. andriy smoliy, vitaly portnikov, thank you and wish you, thank you, see you in a week, have a good evening, friends. in pharmacies you will find plantain and savings. try
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this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. next frames you may be shocked. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become languages ​​for many relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events
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of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in... greetings, good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk and this is a self-titled program, a joint project of the ukrainian pen club and tv channel uso. today we will talk with you about hollywood on the shores of the black sea, this is how they talk about roman yuriy yanovsky, master of the ship. we will talk about ukraine. odesa, which existed in the 20s, had its germ, but then this germ itself was killed. my today's guest is yaryna tsymbal, she is a literary scholar, and what is important for us, yaryna is a researcher of the literature of the 20s, and also yaryna, the author of the project our 20s at the tempora publishing house and the curator of the vivat
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classics series at the vivat publishing house, just now they were published by the vivat publishing house . published a book by the master of the ship, yuriy yanovskyi. congratulations, irina. good evening, marislav. good evening. i will start by saying that this novel, master of the ship, i decided to talk about it because it is a novel about a whole era, about a whole, about a whole such life of ukrainian bohemians in odessa, yes, at the film factory, which, suddenly, this is a very heavy text, how how. for me, yes, it seems to me that this is a difficult text, but this text is terribly popular among the sumerians and millennials, at least among such an aesthetic part, this is actually ... these young people, what is the reason for this, that suddenly the master of the ship, in your opinion , is being discussed so much right now, well there is literally no literary podcast where young people aren't
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discussing the ship's master, why? i am extremely pleased, first of all, that the master of the ship is being talked about, but usually not only vivat recently published the master of the ship, and in all prefaces and in most conversations about this, about this novel, about this book. they mention that it is about the sea, cinema, odessa, love, but, i repeat, that it is first of all a novel about youth, there is the first quote from gogol, and in the automatic translation, i think, in the translation of yanovsky himself, about the fact that when leaving, in the road, leaving, saying goodbye to youth, do not forget the things important to you there, and this novel is written on behalf of. a 70-year-old friend of the master of cinema, although yanovsky himself at the time he is 25 when he writes it, but he writes as if looking back on his youth, and he
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really looks back on it just literally yesterday, in the book, as if it were 50 years ago, half a century has passed, and it seems to me that this young drive, which yanovsky himself experienced at that time, affects such a young audience and young readers. and there it is interesting that he writes on behalf of his 70-year-old self, yes, well, yanovsky writes, yes, because he is and is the prototype of the main character tom key, a fellow master of cinema, and he says that i am 70 years old, yanovsky himself died very early, he, he did not live, he was 52, 51, 52 years old, yes, he died in 54, or something like 54, but in 54, but the day , he died in february, and day. he was born in august, that is, at the age of 51.5, roughly speaking, and as vera geyeva says, nothing happens out of nothing, in the 28th year
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a ship master appears in ukraine, the city of pidmogilny appears in ukraine, in ukraine appears to mantovych, a girl with a bear, i heard, i think it is also faith, pavlin's faith said that if every year ukraine gave such novel... what do you think it was born from, why is there such a surge in the forms of the novel, because these are complex forms, we will talk later about how complex the novel is, how complex yanovsky's novel is, so this one, because it is complex in form , yes, but what gave birth to such literature in 28, there were many readers, and... you know, it also reminds us a little today, because as ukrainian literature recently, more precisely, criticism demanded
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a great novel from literature, so it was in 20 years, because the liberation contests are ending, the ukrainian revolution ends, and literature gives poetry and small prose forms, the one that is so turbulent for valshneps, this is the 27th year, he also only told stories. this is the desire of a great novel, it finally came true, but why so immediately at the same time, maybe these young people, here is yanovsky, the gravedigger, the gravedigger for two years, a year, only a year older than yanovsky, that is, they, they are one generation, they are very young , and this is theirs. the first novels of both of them, of domontovych, this is the first and for a long time the last, that is, petrov himself
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implemented primarily as a scientist, after all , he turned to literature in various forms, yes, he has biographical novels, but it should be said about domantovych that this is a hoax, and he always refused the authorship of the girl with the bear, that's why. .. this is such a specific, separate phenomenon, and speaking of it, it’s not the only novel, for example, boris teneta’s novel, harmony and pigs, was published that year, it’s also the first novel, so the 28th year, it’s also the first novel, a prose writer , no longer a beginner, but to the novel form, that is somehow they all matured at the same time and although they were all young, they managed to produce masterpieces, and that is if we talk about the 28th year and now. here we are talking about literature, but the novel master of the ship is about how young people make movies, and this is amazing by the way, you say
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25 years, 25 years and... yanovsky comes to odessa and becomes an editor at a film studio , it is now to imagine that some 25-year-old green guy headed the cinema in kilode and it was headed by young people and there, too, i just imagine this life on the seashore as beautiful odessa, this warm sea, this smell of the sea, which yanovsky talks about all the time, he so admires this sea from every side, and young bohemia, so ukrainian young bohemia, who makes movies. what was the odesa film factory at that time and what was this woofku, tell me what it was? vufka is an all-ukrainian photocinema management, that is, an institution that was involved in everything from cinema and photography, don't forget about it, and as a legacy, vufka received as an inheritance even from sarat from the tsarist authorities, two film studios,
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the yalta mensha. new film studio in kyiv, vuvku moves, vuvku was housed in kharkiv, moves to kyiv, a film magazine is published in kyiv, it is edited by mykola bazhan, and there is such a moment in the 20s, it is... great independence, separation from the central government and central culture, that is, there there was a tiny window, so very small, but they jumped into it and they made their own, their own movie, they were not dependent, they released it for rental, they independently negotiated, for example, with rental companies abroad, and these are all interesting stories, how can i be distracted so…
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barrier, because the films did not have sound and were invited to shoot, there were no language intertitles, and in general there was a passion to create one's own, first of all, there was a feeling and conditions to do it, and this was very good... it introduced both young cinema and young people people, it seems to me that it was somehow logical, because they could not come to young cinema, to new art for ukrainian culture, in general, old people could not come with their own stereotypes, templates and so on, that is, of course, there were older directors, who worked in cinematography, but the young generation that gradually supplanted them, well, it is... powerful,
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in the end, it gave dovzhenko, what can i say, dovzhenko alone is enough, how many, how many years are left before stalin becomes the main producer of the country, how many is that , when, when stalin completely blocked this freedom, cinema, it happened gradually, but in cinema, i won't say, but this is the moment when they close the uvku and turn it into ukrainfilm, and at that time ukrainfilm no longer had such an independent. her movie roles like this was in vuvuk, it was the beginning of the 1930s, in the end, like all cultural processes are centralized, unions are created, the union of writers, these congresses of artists, writers are held, everyone unites, in 1932, let me remind you, a resolution was issued about, the resolution of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine on the reorganization of artistic organizations, their unification into a single one, this was,
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and this was the point from which already. the collective farm started, of course, and you asked about dovzhenko, so we have to talk about prototypes, because they are all here, yes, the novel "master of the ship" is a kind of biographical novel, yes, but there are many novels within novels, yes , that is, there is a very complex structure, but also a beautiful structure, of course, when there, a movie is shot here, this is a beautiful, beautiful city, by the way, we understand that it is ... odessa, although yanovsky says, is a city. here are port girls, here is some music, jazz, here, here are some loves, i am not a triangle, i calculated that it is a hexagon, because a ballerina, she has relationships, she has crushes with different men, yes and and in fact everyone , each main character has a prototype, let's go let's start with the fact that tomaki is a fellow
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film master, this is yanovsky himself. he also remembers his young self as 'pro'.


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