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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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general zabrosskyi and general zaluzhnyi, these are such backbone things on which you can further string tactical tools, and under them we can already talk about support, and this is a very important thing, because without answers to these questions it is very difficult after making such a difficult decision moving on, along with that, the first thing i can do to reassure people who are asking the questions that are above... counted, is, for example, will it or won't it, will it, why will it, because the bicameral support under the remaining, bipartisan support remained, and all understood very well that if this draft law, no matter how it was worded, had been put to a vote in october, november, december, january, it would have been voted for, by a larger, slightly smaller number, but it would have been adopted, i.e. that , about which we... you
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said, that the situation came down to the state of affairs in the republican party itself, or rather in its leadership, it was only confirmed. at the same time, i really like, it's impressive that in the final version there were things that the republicans talked about, this is something that has to do with the supply of long-range atakams complexes, and the second is those under sanctions, arrested... the resources of russian legal entities and the state of russia in the accounts of american banks, this is a very important thing, it means that among republicans there is not only a yes or no principle, but there is a meaningful analysis of the situation, these are two positions that unequivocally indicate that support will be maintained, you outlined a very important point, forgive me for interfering so much, atakamse, in due time we will understand... yes, through
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the communication channel on the line of burns naryshkin it sounded like aviation no, long-range missile complexes no, and now the biden administration, not even the pentagon, but the biden administration, gave the go-ahead, and president joseph biden, according to my information, who tried in every way to delay the delivery of long-range missiles, the system and cams, now agreed. certainly, these days, ah, the democrats, led by joseph biden, have taken two steps. which are completely uncharacteristic of the democrats, well, actually the democrats did this at one time during the truman era, when in a strange way they used the tactics of the republicans, which i mean, the first is the action to help israel, which looks like a strange miracle, in fact, they found out in 10 days through intelligence that this instruction was given to prepare an attack on the 13th-14th and
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during 10 days a titanic work was carried out, because one thing, when we just say, not understanding what it is, and another thing, what is it like when there are 300 objects in the air and disperse them between the israeli anti-missile air defense system, planes of france, great britain and the united states of america, we understand about.. . what we are talking about is a colossal volume work, bringing in the appropriate equipment, monitoring systems, targeting, i'm not saying, putting fire in there, and that's the first thing that struck me in terms of how the democrats acted, and the second thing is that they accepted this republican position on giving ukraine's long-range attacks, well, we can ask questions with you, how it will be... to fight
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in the future, but what they accepted, agreed to, further, and it simply can expose them to the fact that they will be whipped for the fact that they will not do, let's say so, because in this matter, everyone understands very well that during the election campaign both one and the other side will use this argument, some will talk about one thing, and others about another, however, i can say that like everything... among the democrats, yes and among the republicans, there are much more republicans, the military wing is much more serious and deeper, and they have repeatedly, from the mouths of various retired and currently active military, generals, especially, insisted that the relevant parameters and strategies be prepared, and based on these parameters the answer was actually developed. to the question,
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what is needed, urgent, temporary, fixed-term supplies, or do we need a loan lease, because we understand very well that we are talking about the issue of deadlines. strategy, what are the terms of its implementation and what should it be brought under, what to take from warehouses, further, to repair what is in disposal warehouses, to repair what is simply temporarily not in use, or to produce new equipment, because 10 years of war, mr. antin, is already clear to a blind man. what is fighting russia, so it is clear what to impress it with, well , if it is clear, then this and such a technique is needed. now one more thing, i can't understand all this fuss about mobilization or not mobilization, due to
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the circumstances i had to re-read everything there is in this plan, so manpower is the first thing that is analyzed when it is being built. . strategy, that is, human potential, actually, mob resource, yes, actually, if you understand your human potential, then you equip it not only with appropriate ammunition, armored vehicles, tactics, strategy. appropriate and so on, that is, there are 12 parameters by which these things are determined, it is very difficult to talk to the americans on this topic, because they understand it... they understand it at the level of aerobatics, that is, if you formulate answers on this question, it means that you are all right, if you do not even put them on stage, because starting from manpower, ending with infrastructure, all these
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are components of conditional, there basic indicators, and development and strategy, including tactics, therefore it is obvious that here... the task of the current moment is to enter in contact with both one and the other, and preferably with those who actually form the position of the military-political lobby of one and the other political force, and give an answer to these questions, because the figures relating to the need for what to supply depending on the strategy, it's formula stuff, they'll say it very quickly, stocks included. allow you to develop in three directions or start a lendlease, but everyone understands very well that the company is a yoke, they are disassembled, the part is disassembled for scrap metal, that is, it is necessary to talk about completely different things, maybe technologically raise the level much higher and
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thereby compensate for many of the components that we were talking about now, the third is that you can use what is standing in the desert and what was talked about so much, but... it never moved, so that the quantitative parameters there will impress many, if we talk about the possibility of bringing them to operational capabilities there, so for today, if we can recommend to the military and political leadership of ukraine, those who, and this has been known for a long time, are in contact in washington , as with others and with others who are developing these approaches, it is necessary to enter into a dialogue and... to do serious serious work, because this is not only an answer to the question of how the things that have already been decided will be implemented, because this is also important, but also , in fact, what will happen in a year, because let's understand, including
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the americans, what we will give you when we do not know what it is given for, well, here is the question, mr. roman, you know, russia's willingness to settle . be it one to 5 or one to 10 military personnel, i think the russian interventionists are very good calculated their mob resources, as well as the possibility and prospects of attracting some additional, formation, i don’t know, mercenaries from countries there, i don’t know the near east of africa and not only from there, and the second point is the question of the strategic depth of the enemy, so we understand that missile complexcoms is very good at 300 km, but the strategic depth gives... certain advantages to the enemy, of course, this is a super important thing, and it is clear that the topic of strategy development, to a greater extent, answers the question that you have just formulated , if there is an understanding of the relevant ones threats, then it will be clearly understood, and how these
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potential threats can be eliminated, or compensated, or prevented, or struck at the stage still there, let’s say conditions... mental preparation for use and so on, all this depends on understanding, about objective understanding of the situation we are dealing with. i want you to know one thing about...namely, we have heard, well, in my opinion, since december that first there will be a russian counteroffensive in march, then in april, now they say that it will be in june, this is also important understand, is it just an informational balancing thing, or is it, say, a serious assessment of the decisions of the military-political leadership of the enemy, or is it speculation, after all? in ukrainian society, there is a part of people who do not suffer from multiple sclerosis, and they record all this, and if they are
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also americans, then they scan it 10 times, and they say: yes, yes, yes, yes, well, if there is an answer, that this is in order to withstand, conditionally speaking, the psychological state of society, to level it from the point of view of the disinformation that comes in, i accept it, but one must understand that what about our... partners are great masters at monitoring such things, and they pay attention to everything, because such things as you and i discussed just now, plus the topic of the information field, they are primarily interested in, because they understand that everything else is a derivative of how society feels, what are the settings in it, when every day they talk about some other initiatives. contracts, then the non -existence of some contracts of erdoğan’s projects, then some conversations in europe and so on,
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which, apart from a certain kind of informational attack , are not perceived by normal people, then here it is obvious that all these attacks to which ukrainian society is subjected are also recorded, including recorded by partners and monitored, and what is the actual reaction of ukrainians, the ukrainian authorities? of the political leadership to all these ridiculous steps of rashis, i am not saying anymore, but pay attention, it is another nuclear blackmail, here is an interesting thing, this time, except for the ukrainian side, london, washington, paris were silent, they did not say a word, that is, from this we can draw two conclusions: the first, that the fool... says that it rolls from above, so that's it no one pays attention, this option
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is possible, it is permissible in this situation, and secondly, when they say that you can gurgle anything there, just try to do it, we still see you, although for the last six months in the united states of america in great britain, several large monographs were published by people who are directly related to the topic of nuclear balance, nuclear... read, there it is clearly indicated that any gunpowder, of any, even a small charge, is fixed, this means that they are very good at information and understand, in fact, what is happening, so to kyiv, if its political leadership understands this, it must be said that, well , once again, moscow is launching the topic of nuclear blackmail, only now through the mouth of this old ... thieving cognac swiss format, mr. ambassador, do you believe that it will be possible
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to formulate some kind of consolidated position that would allow us to move the place from a diplomatic deadlock, yes, i do not have information, whether china will join as a mediator and observer, yes, but in any case secretary of state anthony blinken made his, i won't say kissinger's, well, but without a doubt important visit, and they are china. showed and outlined certain lines, said: make up your mind, dear inhabitants of the celestial empire. these two visits, a telephone conversation, or in turn a telephone conversation, then a visit by secretary ellen, the secretary of the treasury of the united states of america, now blinken, which took place according to the arrangements of the telephone conversation between joseph biden and xi jinping, which they showed. the united states of america, ah... but focused on security issues, because these two, these two trips to beijing related to
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the first group of issues that concern ukraine, that is, that chinese banks, including the state bank, finance the defense and industrial enterprises of the russian federation, and the second is that china supplies equipment, goods, technology of dual purpose, which means that it goes there... including components and spare parts for individual weapons. the third very dangerous thing is that the volume of cooperation between enterprises is growing. of the industrial complex of china and russia, and two weeks ago, when he was on a trip to china was yelen, who met with the minister of finance, aka the vice prime minister, with the head of the central bank, the state bank, and china, where the emphasis was clearly placed, any movement of chinese entities,
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business or banks will be met sanctions of the united states of america itself, despite the fact that both the united states of america and china, economically, financially, they are tied together like siamese twins, because one is indebted to china, with american resources, and america has borrowed too much from china resources, to feel absolutely free about the obligations to china, but she pointed out these things very harshly. that the united states will not allow china to do this, threatening so-called long sanctions, that is, it means that they will strike not only in the first phase, but also in the second, there about subcontractors and so on. with similar things, with the addition of the situation in the south china sea, the tension between
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china and japan, and the topic of appeasing the north korean. dictator, blinken also came to visit, and discussions were held on this topic conversation, including the supply of dual technology to russia and the possibility of china's participation. as of now, china insists that the russian federation should be at the meeting. this means that china's representative will not be present at the peace summit for the time being. as for this global peace summit, from my point of view , the most that can be expected from it is some text, well, a text that has been agreed upon by those who will be, but it must be understood that if china is not there, then there will be no whole number of states of the so-called global south, how much does it
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affect the situation, well, from my point of view , it affects the statistics and no more and... less, because it will be enough simply, donate for a member of the reinforced concrete union, those who are devoted to the idea of ​​democracy, who are devoted to the idea of ​​a civilized world , its future, because it is possible to get into the situation that we got into with the same budapest memorandum in the person of china, will join, joined, moreover, even... in 2011, china confirmed these guarantees in writing, a bilateral agreement was signed on the confirmation of real guarantees , as it is written there, in my opinion, it was even the month of june 2000 or something, i have already forgotten the year 2011, but this does not prevent china from saying now that we actually
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have nothing to do with the situation, we did not create it, that's why we are still talking about what we did not sign. i see, when i hear such things, well, when it is so-so, when lord david cameron says it there, who at that time was still in distant student weddings and parties, and does not remember much about these things, well, when van says it and , in which it is written on the forehead that i was there, i remember how they signed in kyiv these confirmations of these guarantees, and immediately tells at the munich conference that we are not here for anything, this is... it looks from the point of view of even chinese philosophy a little , well, forgive me for that, i’ll say a fool like that and well , well, this is this, this is not - european and not chinese, and it’s not because you, and with all these processes, were in the functional role of, well, almost the head of the ministry at that moment, and it’s so obvious that everything here needs to
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be weighed very carefully, so understand about... how many, what can be variants of events, and in my opinion, then, understanding that the situation develops not by decreasing aggravation, increasing aggravation, then here, as the classical system says, it is necessary to cement this core and strengthen this core and move not just to words and texts, but to the fact that this core is united , form a joint. a fighting fist, to form a headquarters, well, at least in geneva, if it becomes clear that china will not be there, the so-called countries of the global south will not be there, then actually it is necessary to... immediately move on to cementing and having a conversation about what, well what, well, how much further, well, the situation is with israel, the situation in ukraine, the situation in
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the indo-pacific region, it is already, it is already speaking, it is shouting that if it is not stopped now, and here it must be understood very well that the biggest beneficiary of the tension in the two regions is in the middle east, the indo-pacific region, moscow wins. and in many ways it initiates these processes, i 'm not talking about africa, well, everyone knows that the situation there is in shambles, in six or five african states, the power is actually captured by private militants of various ministries and departments of the russian federation. did you talk about the fist and the headquarters? who could, in your opinion, really join undeclared. to ukraine and in general to develop some effective additional structure. well, from my point of view , the british have been doing this for a long time, working on it. and for some reason, i
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have this thought, which is a confirmation that the minister of defense of great britain shabs, he was actually appointed to this position in order to conduct such work. the last decisions that were made. by the british government, they testify to many things. i do not rule out that it is necessary to return to the idea, once expressed by the conniving dzerzhinsky, that military and political stability in the eurasian space can be achieved only thanks to the union of france, germany, poland and ukraine, this is a serious matter, we need to work on it, but i will say it again , from my point of view, the leadership in this process must be given away. dancing, and why? their understanding and vision of the eurasian space is connected both with interests in europe and with interests in the far east, in
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the indo-tech region, it is clear how they are starting to work independently. it is obvious that they understand the situation that has developed and will develop in the coming years in the united states of america, and they begin to develop all these components independently. the thesis on the transfer of the economy to military rails, which was announced by the rechisunak, well, for many of us, it gave goosebumps, for great britain it means that the state receives priority in orders for defense products, notes that most enterprises will be obliged when applying states to postpone all absolute contracts and fulfill only what the state says, that is reshshinak made it clear to everyone, well, if you step from foot to foot, well, then we will assume this responsibility and
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we will work. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important and meaningful conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that now the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertnyi was working on the air of the tv channel. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about... all the most important events of this day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air, congratulations, friends, the saturday political club on the espresso tv channel, andriy smolii and vitaly portnikov, is on the air, and at this time we traditionally discuss all the most important events of ukraine. and the world, and we already have the first guest on the call, roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on defense security and intelligence , colonel of the security service of ukraine. congratulations
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mr. roman. good evening, and the first question, it is, good evening, about military operations, what we are currently observing, and what now the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general syrsky, is saying that an escalation is expected, and we have heard about the capture of the position. ukrainian troops in donetsk, even in the kharkiv regions, because several villages are occupied, this can change the situation, i would say, positional for the ukrainian army, how does it look, in principle? well, in general, we have to strategically understand that the enemy, he has several tasks, he has there, short-term, medium-term tasks, in the short-term perspective, in them, we know that they are very strongly depend on the dates, and they have the nearest holiday. the holiday they cultivate is may 9 and they need some sort of victory, yes they had avdiyivka, but putin, we know, has set a task and our
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intelligence confirms that they, uh, ... they're done they also want to capture chasivya, i spoke with the guys there, the situation is difficult there, but they assure that they will not be able to do it, i hope that the command of reinforcements and providing a sufficient amount of ammunition technically and replenishment, will do everything to uh , to help contain it, because the enemy is really drawing troops there, there is even information that the southern part of it is from the left bank... kherson region is also transferring some units, including the 76th airborne division, in order to concentrate a larger number of troops, this is what as for short-term such tasks, in general, their tasks do not change, this is the seizure of donetsk luhansk region, which they will continue to do in the 24th year, and they want to take the territories as much as possible before the maximum amount of aid to us
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came and while, as they think it is... easier to do, therefore, unfortunately, the initiative due to the fact that most of the personnel, the number of personnel, the ability to supply more projectiles, is now temporarily in the hands of the enemy, i hope that our partners will quickly provide us with help, and we will be able to quickly transfer it to the front in order to stabilize the situation and make parity and, let's say, normalize the situation on the battlefield. last night, the enemy made another massive attack on our territory, it took place in two stages, in fact, again the main targets were energy facilities. mr. roman, please tell us what to expect next, what do you think will be the blows, where will they be directed? well, we understand that in general we can only analyze what the enemy is doing and, in principle, see again
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the situation as a whole and what the intelligence says that the enemy both attacked and will continue to attack, we do not know , when he, maybe there will be some situation where he will stop doing it, but as of now we we see that their task is to knock out our generation in order for ukraine, let's say, to force ukraine to make some concessions there, to make some changes there, in order to implement, well, suppress the moral and psychological state, in order to to force people inside the country to somehow influence... on the government, so that it is possible to push it to some compromises, and this is the main task of the enemy. we understand that he will continue to hit, and our main task is to ask our partners to cover the sky and give us the opportunity to give us more in fpo, we already see, with this help there is a certain amount of it, but of course it was exemplary how it happened in israel, when iran
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struck, in principle... almost 100% of the missiles were shot down and israel and an ally, of course, it is easy to do when it is done for the first time, and you have not yet exhausted your resources, but of course, i would like to see such a reaction to the attacks on our infrastructure facilities, because i will repeat myself once again , at the enemy, destroy our generation and all consequences, the defense-industrial complex, the economy, generation, drive everything into, let's say , times. let's put it this way, put us in the pit and lower the economy as much as possible. mr. roman, let's talk about this story with the atakams, because on the eve of the adoption by the american congress of the law on aid to ukraine, many people said that there is a kind of trap for the administration of president biden, and there is a separate clause specifically written about the transfer of long-range missiles to ukraine atacoms missiles, and what to the president
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it will be very difficult for biden to fulfill. this demand of the legislators that this would put the white house in an uncomfortable position, and might even force it to prove that ukraine does not need these missiles, or that it threatens the national security of the united states, until suddenly we found out after the adoption of the bill that the missiles had already been transferred before how the law was adopted, that's why the americans delayed for so long, and then, without even waiting for the law, took it and passed it, eh eh i want to say that... we are now talking, well there, let's say, in general about atakam missiles, but we know that they are of different types, and in particular, what our partners are talking about are attack missiles from the first series of production, with a range of 165 km, and we remember that there was already a discussion about included in the information field about their blows, we remember that they were struck along the berdyansk parodrom.


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