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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 6:00am-6:29am EEST

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of the global cock, it is very simple, it can be reduced to two theses: a ceasefire on the contact line where the parties are, if russia is ready for it, and the lifting of sanctions, pay for the ceasefire by lifting sanctions, that is, a de facto freeze and where - in fact, such a big fat plus for russia, of course, the west can also think about... roska, but with the continuation of sanctions, that's the difference, you don't want to agree on anything, so we understand that now both sides are exhausted, the conflict is freezing , armistice, but sanctions will be lifted when you comply with all the instructions of international law, if you leave donbas there will be one lifting of sanctions, if you leave crimea - another level of lifting of sanctions, if you shell... the territory
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of ukraine, then such sanctions will be maintained, here it is such a game of batsikh and gingerbread. by and large, for any, any readiness of russia to return to normality, russia is given the opportunity to receive economic preferences. and china has a completely opposite attitude, it has a thesis that sanctions in general cannot be used as a tool in tef policy, and that the only tool for imposing sanctions is a council decision. the security of the united nations, that is , the absence of a decision, because we understand that at the level of the united nations, sanctions cannot be imposed against any state, which should be the country against which the united states, china, russia have imposed sanctions , france and great britain, well, we know what north korea and iran are like in connection with the nuclear program, but what does russia adhere to of this sanctions regime, but not anymore, not anymore, it was before, it was before, and now it 's not anymore, ugh. and blinken came to china, what are your
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expectations, what are the consequences, will there be or will not be, or china, i think that a clear position has been made public, the americans are fed up with china helping the military-technical complex of russia, and they are ready to be more carefully monitoring this and introducing sanctions against chinese companies is not very pleasant for sidzimpid, but he somehow survived six months. because sydzenpin, like putin, is waiting for results presidential election in the united states, for him to cooperate with this administration, it's very, again, some additional sanctions are not needed, no, but at the same time, they will not do anything that can somehow change their opportunity, let's say , russia in the
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situation russia found itself as a result of this war. so here it seems to me that everything is absolutely obvious, and by and large this is their joint policy, it will be like this, you know, again, we talked with igor that the chinese are very fond of these symbols not like us that is, if they knew for sure, that means that the calendar is political, that blinkin is coming today, and today we are sending our defense minister to astana, and he is shaking shoigu’s hand there, they definitely asked to postpone this conference, if they didn’t want it, they would have been negotiating for a month, but they would have definitely agreed that this conference would be either a week earlier or two later, so that these two events would not be connected, they do not just connect them, they absolutely clearly...
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in these publications close to beijing, like south china morning post, let's say they write whole reviews that show this photo of the ministers of defense, and the content of this text is about blinkin's visit, that is, they clearly say, this is a signal, this is a response to blinkin's visit, the handshake of the chinese defense minister with the defense minister of the russian federation, what can i add here, and again, this should cure us of certain illusions of chinese politics. there is, well, i would say so, a certain political axiom, is it possible to have good relations with the people's republic of china, money, we need to see which of the small european countries sidzenpin visits during his european tour, well, besides france, well, france is clear, it is a big economic partner, serbia and hungary, and there is one more country in europe - the republic of belarus, the president who constantly visits beijing. but
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what unites these three countries? they are in different blocs, hungary is a member of nato and the european union, serbia is not, it wants to join the european union, it does not want to join nato, belarus is not a member of the eurasian union. they have only one thing in common: they are friends with putin, the orientation of the government is on russia, so yes, everyone in ukraine should realize that , by and large, if the condition in our situation for good relations with the people's republic of china, investments, political support, whatever, there must be a political understanding with by the russian federation, this is a package, and we can afford it, i wonder, now that you and i do not know, we will get out of here and... another missile attack, well, you and i already talked 20 minutes or 30 minutes ago and about the possibility any conditional relations with russia and in principle about any agreements with russia, right, so i think that the answer here is absolutely on the surface that of course
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not, at least for now, at least in the geopolitical axis in which today there is china and russia, we are literally here. there are two minutes left, mr. igor and i also mentioned iran, in short, in your opinion, will any arms supplies to russia from iran be increased? i don't, iran has entered a clinch with israel, it now needs weapons itself. of course, nothing now happened, but who knows what will happen in six months, in a year. iran will provide russia with technological capabilities there in order to produce. shaheed in order to create the possibility of some missiles, but iran itself will now accumulate weapons, and imagine how many weapons iran spent for this attack on israel, how many in general, how many missiles, drones, millions of dollars, it is
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all somehow necessary there's talk, there's talk, there 's talk, maybe even about tens of millions of dollars, because it's not easy, there's more certain technical points, yes, the use of these weapons, well, we have... such a situation now, so of course we will, we will believe that this peace summit in switzerland will still bring unification for the states, at least the civilized world, and neutral states, let's also hope that china and russia will not succeed, relatively speaking, in nullifying the results of this summit, and even if it does not... will not bring any practical results, then at least political statements and political support for ukraine will be there very, very important for all of us. andriy smoliy, vitaly portnikov. they thank you. thank you, see you in a week.
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good evening, friends. there is a 15% discount on kvit in the pharmacies of psyznyk, pam and ochsad, there are discounts on vizyn, 20% at the pharmacies psyshynik, pam and ochsad. vasyl's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zymai, and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. today we will discuss many important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets from us, and what does the world live on? and now , yuriy
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fizar, yuriy dobryvechir will speak in more detail about what happened in the world, please give me a word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchyvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sports events by yevhen pastukhov and. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko already ready to tell us about the weather for the day i will come, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team presents united by football together stronger
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football format changes the time of airing, from now on you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional match analysis. exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football (football format): every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team
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represents united by football, stronger together. salam alaykum, harlo kunler, welcome to. on the joint air of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel of the razom berabera program. i, holsum khalilova, and my colleague andriy yanitsky work for you in the studio. greetings to all viewers. today we will talk, as always , about the main news of crimea that happened during the week, but first we will call you to subscribe to the atp and espresso youtube channels and make a donation. and of course, as we say. always on our broadcasts, only together, only beraber we we will be able to defeat the enemy, we will be able to defeat
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the russian occupying forces, so now in the southern direction, our guys from the 48th oshb named after noman chelebikhan need drones for the fpf, so everyone who can and wants to support can do it using the qr code that you will see now on your screens, well... we already have a guest ready, waiting to be included, this is a special guest of honor for our program, refat chubarev, head of the crimean tatar people's midjlis, mr. refat, congratulations, salaam alaikum, alaikum salaam, i congratulate you all , rifataga, we would this ether i would like to start with the fact that this week you returned from new york, where the 23rd session of the un permanent forum on... indigenous peoples was held, and i would like to ask, of course , what you focused on during your
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speech there? indeed, on april 15 , the regular 23rd session of the un permanent forum on indigenous peoples began its work in new york, this is annual. such a forum is held, and this year, the main topic of discussion of all the delegations of the indigenous peoples of the world who gathered at this forum was the issue of strengthening the rights of indigenous peoples self-determination in the context of the un declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, and also the question of attraction. attention to the opinion of the youth, indigenous peoples, and within the limits of this topic, the discussion
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of this topic was accepted by the participants and members of the crimean tatar delegation, uh, i want to say that at this forum there was also such a very pleasant event, which directly concerns of ukraine, us, the crimean tatars, and... a member of the permanent forum of indigenous peoples, the permanent forum of the un, suleyman mamutov, was unanimously elected, i emphasize this, as the speaker of the permanent form of the forum, this high position, and mr. suleiman mamotav will report to the institutions of the forum about the establishment of the rights of indigenous peoples. in the world, this was a pleasant event for us. rifat, yes,
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another important news initiated by majlis. the mejlis is going to erect a memorial to the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, the location is still being discussed, why did you decide that it should be done now, why should ukrainians be reminded. about the fact that the crimean tatar people suffered in the second world war, including from repressions stalin's regime. look, in the 20th century. century, in the 20th century there were two most terrible, terrible totalitarian regimes, this is the communist regime of the ussr and the nazi regime in germany, and these two regimes, not only that they clashed with each other, and this
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became the beginning of the second world war, but... they committed the most massive crimes in the history of mankind, ah, and so it happened in our recent history that in ukraine, on the territory of ukraine, all these three terrible crimes took place directly on the territory ukraine, first of all, is the holodomor, the beginning of the 30s, in which... millions died, very different numbers, it is difficult to establish them, from the 6 million ukrainian lives that died during the holodomor, this is the genocide of the ukrainian nation, this is the holocaust, which uh, this is the extermination of the jewish people, which was carried out by the nazis on the territory of various
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conquered countries, including. on the territory of ukraine, well, this is deportation, deportation, this is the total, violent expulsion of the indigenous crimean tatar people from their territory, from crimea, which is an integral part of the ukrainian state, and of course, it is very important that the ukrainian society is aware of the consequences. and in the reasons, and most importantly, do not allow the causes of these crimes, and most importantly, would not allow the repetition of such crimes, and based on this, and in memory of the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, we have long
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considered that it is very appropriate that in there would be such a memorial in kyiv. and last year, this idea was supported by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, and we are currently thinking about it the implementation of this idea is already in place, there are certain developments here, i am not ready to specify the location and maybe the location, but maybe... it sounds like a memorial, so that you, who are watching and listening to us now, it will not be like that very large-scale, it will be a building with a height of about 7 m and a diameter of about 5 m, but we are looking for such
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an embodiment that it would be very, well , let's say... accessible to the awareness of all people, so that it reflects the depth of that tragedy what the crimean tatars experienced. i really hope that in the coming weeks we will decide on the location and the graphic design, young ee architects worked here, although the idea was taken as a basis: the concept and sketches, which at one time were developed by a well-known ukrainian architect, unfortunately he is already deceased, this is irfan sherfeddinov, this is one of those senior crimean tatar architects, he lived for many years, after the war, he lived in kyiv, he served in the army, was
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a participant in the second world war, and therefore he was able, well, he avoided deportation, he was not there. then in 1944 in the crimea, he was at war, was demobilized, and he worked here in kyiv, all these decades, and there are his wonderful buildings on the territory of kyiv, and his works should be taken as the basis of this memorial building, which is now offered to these collectives of young architects. well, indeed, the crimean tatars have a very difficult history, in particular from the time of... stalin's repressions, and since that time the crimean tatars continue to fight for their rights and the right to self-determination. i know that during the un permanent forum on... indigenous peoples, you focused on the need to make this decision, in particular the right of the crimean tatar people to self-determination, rifatag, how do you assess
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the prospects of this issue now and do you think these international documents of the institution, do they push the ukrainian state to make such a decision? look, all that is connected with the development of the ukrainian state, with our future. we first of all have to decide for ourselves, but since we are building a truly democratic country, we strive and we do everything to become a full-fledged, full-fledged member of the free family european nations, and this is written in our constitution, by the way, the constitution of ukraine, regarding membership in the european union. union, of course, we have and will rely on international norms, which determine the basic
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principles and norms, and the coexistence of independent states, which determine the rights of peoples and and and... and indicate certain forms of implementation them their right to self-determination, you are right here, during the activities that we held within the framework of the permanent forum, the 23rd session of the un permanent forum on the rights of indigenous peoples, we, we drew attention to the importance of implementation of the crimean tatars. the people of their right to self-determination in an independent ukrainian state, and er, at the same time we talked about
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the need to transform the current autonomous status of crimea, we carried out national-territorial autonomy based on the right of the indigenous crimean tatar people to self-determination. several meetings, well, in particular, we held a briefing with national delegations of the countries of the european union at the organization of the united nations, delegations of the united states were also invited there of the united states of america, the republic of turkey, and we talked in detail there about how the crimean tatars see their place in an independent ukrainian state, we said it is very important that we... today talk about the status of crimea, which will definitely be freed from the russian occupiers , that the future of crimea
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is inseparable and inseparable from the development of its indigenous people, that the subject of this autonomy must be determined, and it seems to me that the conditions under which crimean autonomy can... be transformed, which we named, and i now i will repeat them, crimean autonomy must ensure the following: first, it is not a violation of the territorial integrity of the ukrainian state, so that there will never be a repetition of what happened in 2014, this is the most important principle: the ukrainian state is indivisible, and all its territories are indivisible. capacitive parts. this is the first condition, and the second, to which the autonomy of crimea, the status of crimea, must respond, is the realization by the crimean tatar people of their right to
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self-determination. this is not the goal, but it is a mechanism, a condition for the crimean the tatars, being in a significant numerical minority on their land, had legal mechanisms to ensure their own. preservation and development, these and these conditions are special legal mechanisms, there are many different forms of autonomy in the world, and the ukrainian state, well, it is able to provide the form that will absolutely correspond to the interests of the entire state as a whole, and will ensure the rights of indigenous of the crimean tatar people, and one more condition is understood, as to which the crimean autonomy must meet, which we are talking about above the implementation of which we are working on, that on the territory of the crimean peninsula, it is clear
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that the equal rights of citizens and people, of all residents who will live on the territory of the peninsula, must be ensured to the same extent, these are the concepts and approaches that we discussed at various events within the un permanent forum on indigenous peoples. mr. rafate, i hope that will be the case, but now crimea is occupied by the russian occupier. treat the crimean tatar people, well, not in the best way, we even see such attempts to create some special units within the so -called russian guards, specifically from the crimeans, well , first of all, i understand from the crimean tatars, who are forcibly taken into the russian occupation army, why is this being done, what do the occupiers want to show in this way and how to act to the crimeans in order avoid such a fate?
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thank you for that. question, this is a very important and sensitive situation, you know, it’s like when russian troops captured crimea in 2014, and in order to convince the world that everyone in crimea just wants crimea to be separated from ukraine and annexed to russia, moscow was very... opposed to the same position being taken by the crimean tatars, the crimean tatar people, that is, in the mosaic that they then intended and tried to demonstrate to the world in an artificial mosaic, as if the people there wanted to separate from ukraine, they really lacked of the crimean tatar puzzle, and that is why they tried to bribe, then blackmail, and then with these repressions... persecutions, they
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wanted to drive us into such a position, they did not succeed, now in order to, you know, encourage the crimean society for that , in order to show again, first of all, already to the russian society, that the local people in the occupied territories of ukraine, in particular in the crimea, want to defend russian interests in... they are now doing everything possible and impossible, with pressure, deception, and money to attract people to a special unit, the so-called crimean unit, and here they really pay quite a lot of attention to the involvement of crimean tatars there, they do not succeed and the units of those who broke and somehow got into
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that unit, but before... crimean gaulleiters have set such a task and they will achieve it by all means and measures possible for them. and how can crimeans, crimean tatars, and citizens of ukraine avoid what the occupiers are doing now, because they plan to do it forcibly. well, there are two options in order to avoid it, either to openly take a position of refusal and immediately go to her place , that is, to remain free, because they will definitely bring it to the so-called court and deprive her of her freedom, or to leave crimea and, unfortunately, well it is this mechanism that people choose, well, i would say, unfortunately,...


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