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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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there are units of those who broke down and somehow got into that unit, but the crimean gaulleiters have been given such a task, and they will achieve it by all means and measures possible for them. and how can crimeans, crimean tatars, citizens of ukraine avoid what the occupiers are doing now, because they plan to do it forcibly. well, there are two options to avoid: either to openly take a position of refusal and immediately leave the place, that is, to remain free, because they will definitely bring it to the so-called court and will deprive them of their freedom, or leave crimea, and unfortunately, well, this is the mechanism that people choose, well, i would say unfortunately... but
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it is wrong, i have just spoken, people choose the least acceptable option for them, because the crimean tatars are trying, well , they simply hold on to their land by all possible means, they cling physically, one might say, to their land, but in order to avoid such forced mobilization to... the russian army, they are forced to leave crimea, and, well we can not to establish exact statistics, but somewhere from september 2022, when mobilization was announced on the occupied ukrainian lands in crimea, and in a few months, well, at least 6-7 thousand crimean tatars, and some experts say somewhere... left crimea, they
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took their families, parents, in order to avoid mobilization, some of these people reached mainland ukraine, and we are grateful to those who enlisted in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. choh sataga, thank you very much for taking the time to join our broadcast. head. ryfat of the crimean tatar people chubarov was in direct contact with us. well, we have a short break. first on the commercial, watch it without fail, because it is money that allows television to be honest, neutral and operative. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgi of up to 30% in the pharmacies of travelers and savers. semifinals
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turn on on april 30 and may 1, exclusively on mego, there are 20% discounts on bizyn at psylányk vam and ochád pharmacies, there are 15% discounts on zippel at psylányk pam and ochád pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. hello, this is svoboda morning, informative. radio liberty project.
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top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and also feedback, you can give your opinion at the end of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, and appreciate skill. to stand side by side with brothers until
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the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills in piles of documents and... greatly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. stand down in the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. salam aleikum. congratulations. andriy yanitskyi in gulsum khalilova's studio. you are watching the program mind or beraber. and this is the main crimean news. day and, of course, we cannot but urge you to subscribe to the youtube channels of the atp tv channel and the espresso tv channel, since this is a joint project of the two tv channels, and of course, support our fighters, our military, we have a gathering, a gathering
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for the 48th noman chilibikhan military academy , now our guys down south need fpf drones so you can support them by... the qr code you see on your screens right now, well we're going to talk about the military and some of what 's going on in the occupied territory in this block of the crimean peninsula, and mr. oleksandr kovalenko is in direct contact with us now, and he is a military-political observer of the information resistance group. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you, silya mariyka, have a good day. well, there's a lot of military this week... and military expert mr vladyslav seliznyov said that the russians had lost their composure in crimea, and thus he announced the presence of attack systems in the armed forces, and recently many other experts said that it was on april 17 that the attack by the armed forces
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of ukraine on the dzhankoya airfield took place using these of these weapons in these attacks, in your estimation, is this one... yes , more likely than not, because according to satellite images that were published in open sources, already after the hit on the woman, six landing sites in the area could be seen airfield, and these locations arrivals were typical for striking with cluster warheads, that is , to say that it was possible to use some other means of impression with a warhead so powerful with such a large number of cluster submunitions, well, we do not have such means, except for one, namely attacks with
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operational tactically, a missile with a cluster-type warhead, according to the modification , most likely block one, and after a while the russians also ... are very similar to those booster units that are used by the rockets, and therefore we draw the appropriate conclusion from this, yes, indeed, they were atakans, besides, the gurimo of ukraine published a video of the launches, which took place precisely in the podjanka. and in principle, it is possible to verify, to draw a conclusion, even though it happened at night, even though no one sees that the launcher cannot be installed even there, even what the missile looks like, but in general, by its characteristic points, it can
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be recognized that it is precisely an operational-tactical missile type atakles, well, not the only missiles, another military expert svitan roman, colonel. reserves of the armed forces of ukraine, analyzed the british package of military aid for ukraine and saw there boats, which, in his opinion, can be used not only for forcing the dnieper, but also for landing landings in crimea, that is, that these boats can reach the coast of crimea , is such an amphibious operation really possible with uh this military aid, and the children of ... crimea they really can, it is quite possible, but an amphibious operation is not, although what exactly is an amphibious operation operation, if we are talking about some large-scale amphibious operation with the occupation of a bridgehead and so on and so on, then no, because it will actually be suicide, without
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logistics, the corresponding amphibious assault force will not be able to stay there for a long time, especially because ... almost the entire complex of the so-called defense group of forces of the crimea will be used against him, and this will be a suicidal mission, but there are... other landings, there are landings of the type, at the level, at the level of sabotage and reconnaissance activities of the drg, and a small number, landing a small number of subdivisions and accordingly, they perform one or another combat task, these boats can also be used for such missions. and mr. oleksandr. this is an interrogative question, you said about the drg, but lately we see such
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partisan movements in various telegram channels, and, for example, like aytesh, who has his own telegram channel and they always publish there the advancement of the russian military, and their equipment and so on. in your opinion, can we fully trust such a partisan movement on the territory of the occupied peninsula, for example, can be? is it some project of the fsb, or maybe on the contrary, it then supports the armed forces of ukraine, which can, for example, carry out some kind of operation there or a ground operation on the temporarily occupied crimea. i will say this, on the territory, on the temporarily occupied territories, not only crimea, but also the kherson region, zaporizhzhya region, even donetsk and luhansk regions, patriotic ukrainians continue to be found. who are waiting for the return of these territories to ukraine and are helping as much as they can, first of all, of
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course, providing relevant information information, this does not mean that the administration, moderators of this channel are located on the crimean peninsula itself, they may be located in the free part of ukraine, but to receive relevant photo or video information from their sources on the peninsula, it is quite possible that exactly and in such a way... according to the scheme, they work, but the analysis, most importantly, the analysis can be done according to the information that is published, how reliable it is, if it is really reliable and it is confirmed, and therefore there are such publications that speak of the usefulness of these materials for their use, respectively, by the power structures of ukraine, but in any case, everything needs to be analyzed, and rewired. this or that information, why exactly, there may indeed be cases when
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the russian special services create some fictitious pro-ukrainian sites with one or another purpose, there may be completely different tasks, but even if we are talking about the informational component, the materials can be presented accordingly information of this nature. about the movement of certain units, both russian, and they will be to inspire confidence, at some point material will be presented that does not correspond to reality at all, but the reaction to this material, according to either the defense forces of ukraine, or some other resources, sources of people, will be the main task of this material, i.e. detection or provocation, or manipulation, anything, and therefore with any information you need to be... careful, but there is another nuance here: even pro-ukrainian patriotic channels, when they publish
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information, they can sometimes make mistakes in some, let's say, narrowly specialized questions, and make a mistake in something, or due to the fact that there is a misunderstanding of some situation or some object or some there, well, let's say so, even that... technical component, and they can provide incorrect information, incorrect information directly from themselves on the site, so all this needs to be analyzed in any case, what i am talking about, even the media, the pro-ukrainian media, which writes exclusively pro-ukraine, takes such a position, and it is true, it is not some kind of manipulation, but even this information should be in each call the reader. check critical thinking, because it is common for everyone
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to make mistakes sometimes, even if you have only one mistake out of 100 messages, it still deserves to be checked, these days we remember how more than 100 years ago, colonel petro bolobchan entered the crimea with the army of the ukrainian people's council and freed it from the bolsheviks. and crimeans met the ukrainian army with flowers, portraits of taras hryhorovych shevchenko and took to the streets, so there is no doubt that there are... pro-ukrainian crimeans, who are waiting for the ukrainian army, we have already seen it in history, we will see it again, i hope, and if we say that crimea is not such an impregnable fortress after all, that the ukrainian army has already liberated crimea in its history, then we can be sure that it will happen again, but then there was no
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crimea bridge, that is the importance of the kerch bridge for the supply of weapons. manpower from russia, we cannot underestimate what will happen to the bridge, we expect that it will be destroyed by these missile attacks, but for some reason it is not is happening, what moment are the armed forces of ukraine waiting for? the most favorable, i think that's right, the formation of conditions, and we started the conversation with you precisely from the arena in dzhankoi, where the division was destroyed. of the 18th grain-rocket regiment of the same 18th zrp, which in 2014 went over to the side of the russian occupiers, that is, the first division of the traitors was destroyed, retaliation began, but there is another nuance, the fact is that
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exactly such objects, which have armed with s-400 missiles, launchers, and their... well, where, this is feodosia, this is yevpatoria, this is sevastopol, this mr. khankut, again, these are all the same divisions of the 18th zrp, two divisions of the 12th zrp, by the way, also traitors, and the third radio engineering regiment, and where its components are deployed at cape tarkhankut, so all this, what is, all these are means. which represent a threat to the air component of striking the kershchyna bridge. as soon as these components cease to be combat-capable, the airspace of crimea will not be covered by the long- range s-400 s-300 systems. this open opens the appropriate
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ways to the kerch bridge with one or another nomenclature of impressions. we will see. that it was the airfield in dzhankov where the attack was carried out using at least six missiles, well, because in the video that was shown, we saw six missiles being launched, and according to satellite images we saw six arrivals at the airfield, so six in six, we do corresponding conclusions that in order to finish off all other locations where there are... russian s-400 air defense systems, about 30 more missiles are needed, at least atakams, and then we can talk about the fact that such an illegal building as the kerch bridge deserves, well, legal destruction. mr. oleksandr, do you remember some time ago,
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the american military and ex-officer of the american army ben hodges wrote about the fact that... after the supply of long-range weapons to ukraine and the destruction of this logistical artery of the russian federation and the city of kerch and the destruction of the russian military objects on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula can happen very quickly and even deoccupation of the peninsula may happen earlier than the de-occupation of donetsk and luhansk regions, how do you assess such a statement, is it really... is it true, is it really the de-occupation of the peninsula with the supply and availability of these long-range weapons, the cutting of the russian military artery and so on, it may happen a lot earlier than donbas, for example, earlier than donetsk-luhansk oblast, but not earlier than zaporizhia or left bank kherson oblast. ugh.
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that is, crimea, it will be somewhere in the middle, between the liberation of these territories. and in principle, yes, because the kershchen bridge is actually the main logistical artery, which provides all the necessary volume of material and technical support for three groups of troops at once. in the south of ukraine. this is a group of troops, the defense of crimea, this is a group of troops of the dnipro, left bank kherson region, partial zaporizhia region, and this is a group of troops east, partial donetsk region, southern. donetsk region, as well as the zaporizhia region, has almost 200,000 personnel, thousands of vehicles, tanks, and anti-aircraft guns. artillery and so on and so forth, all this huge mass needs everyone days 24x7 non-stop, so that there is an mtz,
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material and technical support with everything necessary, starting with ammunition, ending with fuel and lubricant materials, of course, rotation, compensation for losses of human resources, compensation for losses of mechanized resources and so on and so forth, removal of damaged equipment and many others. therefore , let's imagine the very moment when the kerch bridge loses its functionality, immediately a huge mass will gradually begin to feel the lack of mtz, day by day, step by step, and it will if there is a shortage, by land routes, the volumes supplied through the kherschen bridge cannot be compensated, by sea routes through the az... sea, from taganrog there to berdyansk, to mariupol, such volumes cannot be compensated either, it will not allow to ensure such a large
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accumulation groups of troops, such a number of everything necessary, and therefore somewhere in about a month, in a month and a half, this whole group of troops will experience an acute shortage, which will not allow them to advance, will not allow them to effectively conduct defensive actions. and so on and etc., so this will destroy the support system of this large group of troops, that 's all, and after that the process of counteroffensive actions will begin already in the south of ukraine, first zaporizhzhia or left bank kherson oblast, depending on the situation, but with access to the administrative borders'. of the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula, we can talk about creating a complete isolation of the peninsula and a kind of step-by-step destruction of all objects of the russian occupying forces
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on the peninsula, in conditions of isolation, a large group of troops will not be able to exist there for a long time therefore, yes, crimea will be liberated earlier than donetsk and luhansk regions, that is, you think that there will be no trench assault, ukrainian troops will stop at... the border of the administrative border between kherson region and crimea, and will wait until the occupying forces are exhausted there? yes, it will, first of all, it will be attrition, it will be isolation and exhaustion to minimize losses. in any case, counterinsurgency actions on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula will have to take place, but when we will find. somewhere near the administrative border, we may be able to significantly expand, for example, our sabotage activities on the peninsula, we will not have to swim half the black sea to reach the coast of crimea,
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to land there somewhere near mysutorkhankut in more or less suitable areas for this and so on. we will have more opportunities to conduct location operations, and i do not even exclude the fact that after some time on the peninsula itself i can... under such conditions, under such a scenario, such bridgeheads as now will be able to appear appear in the left bank kherson region, in the crimea region. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, chogsago, for finding time and joining our broadcast, mr. oleksandr kovalenko was in direct contact with us, the military-political observer of the information resistance group. so, the scenario of victory is known, let's hope that ukraine will find all the weapons... we hope that our western partners will hand them over and that we will be able to use them, that's right, we will follow the process of the liberation of crimea together in the beraber program,
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gulsum khalilova, my konitskyi, yes, this is a joint project of the atr tv channel, the first crimean tatar tv channel and the tv channel, watch us every week and subscribe to youtube espresso and atr channels. goodbye! we are looking for 16-year-old andrii panarin. the boy disappeared in february 2023, and during all this time there was no news about him. i know that when the war started, andriy lived on the left bank of the kherson region in the city of oleshki. the territory remains occupied for barely... since the first days of a full-scale invasion, therefore no details about the boy's disappearance are known. if suddenly someone saw andriy, does he know where he might be now?
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phone immediately. to the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no mobile connection, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are not stopping the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who also disappeared on the territory of the occupied donetsk region in the city of mariupol. his mother told that... that in on the very first day of the war, life in the city became unbearable and the situation worsened rapidly with every hour. the family hid in the basement from the bombings, but shelling was far from the only problem for the residents of mariupol. there was no internet, light, or water, we even drank technical water from a technical tap, then only the police, well, the whole family got drunk. to be honest, it was
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very difficult for us, all the stores were looted, no transport, nothing, we just sat there, we wanted to, despite all the horrors, what bothered 15-year-old serhiy samoilov the most was the lack of internet, which is why the boy wanted to leave mariupol, he was very interested in computers, studied programs there , tried to develop them, created servers, and why he actually left home, yes, he was already at home there was no connection, no internet, of course, there were already problems with water and food, he was going to go in the direction of pokrovsk. serhii planned to go to his mother's acquaintance in pokrovsk, which is also donetsk region, about 200 km from mariupol, the boy's family did not dare to leave the house, so sergey left alone, it happened on march 6 at 4:00 in the evening,
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my grandmother and i did not let him go, because... there was a lot of shooting around, and to be honest, we already had there was nothing to eat and drink, it was very scary, he took a backpack with him, there was a computer in it, he dressed as young people dress, i say, seryozha, let’s go, i thought, he walks around the house and returns, and seryozha already left the house when he left, i already understood what we did with my wife, no kept the ego, for now only one thing is known, until... serhiy never reached pokrovsk, the boy did not return home either, and no one knows where he is now. serhiy's mother still lives in mariupol and does not lose hope of finding her son. meanwhile, serhiy's father, who has been living separately for a long time and is now in the territory controlled by ukraine, is doing everything he can to find serhiy. in particular, he turned to the office of the public prosecutor. i understand that they want to contact that party, yes, and find out if there is
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information on... maybe the guy was taken to russia, but it is possible that he is still somewhere in donetsk region, so i am appealing to the residents of the temporarily occupied territory who may see this program on social networks. look carefully at the photo of the child, if anyone knows where serhiy might be now, don't delay, call the operator from any mobile phone. the short number of the magnolia child tracing service is 11630, calls to the hotline from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if there is suddenly no connection, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service at telegram, any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just
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drop in. to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrima. kateryna shiropoyas works at the news channel espresso in the studio. ukraine and the united states are working on an agreement on security guarantees and are already writing the specific text of the document. president volodymyr zelenskyi said this in an evening video message. the goal of the two countries is to make the agreement the strongest of all, where specific foundations of ukrainian
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security will be mentioned in the near future. another 10 years, - added the head of state.


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