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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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the secretary filed a lawsuit in court that the session was illegal, i think the court should make its decision as to how legal or within the regulatory framework these actions took place, but for now we have what we have, the secretary of the city council, regina kharchenko, she fulfills her duties mayor's office, we believe that her actions will contribute to the stability of the city and the development of the city as much as possible, and again, we believe that her activities there will be constructive for the zaporizhia regional military administration, but again, for the time being, the court proceedings will continue actions uh, we'll see how logical they will be, let's say, and what logical end they will reach, because part of the session was opened without the secretary of the council, part of the deputies were absent at this session, so the court, for sure, must make a final decision on this situation, in fact, last week as well as what was reported by the public, her previous secretary of the zapovid city council, anatoly kurtev, he even addressed president zelenskyi with the fact that
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local self-government is collapsing, and he also said that this lady regina, who is from servants of the people, that's right, i'm not confusing anything here, yes, but there before the vote she was expelled from the faction, i think, and in general removed from the position of the head of the faction, that is, the servants of the people faction in its majority, as far as i have information, she participated in this vote did not accept and made a corresponding statement to the chairman of the verkhovna rada, as i understand it, to some of my party branches of leadership. rank, that the situation, let's say, is not happening in the legislative plane, you find some kind of situation strange, that is, new, new, this vo head of the city council, she was excluded from the faction of the servants of the people, and the servants of the people are politicians for this, there are probably some other peculiarities, we hope, again, i emphasize that it is very important that the president there pay attention to this situation, so that court decisions are issued as quickly as possible to put an end to this story, because for... this is
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a front-line area, i think that such political swings or changes there, they cannot go there in favor of the city, so we hope that it will be clearly defined there and legislative the framework of this situation, and in general , the state leadership will also accept this attention, well, of course, this situation, it has quite significantly actualized the creation of the city military administration , in fact, as far as i understand, there are also relevant issues, again, we believe that the president, the office of the president will pay attention to this and there will be appropriate appointments that... will benefit the city. what is happening in the occupied parts of the zaporozhye region? i think that again, if we talk about the temporarily occupied territories, nothing new is happening there, but this is, let's say, information with a minus sign, because the pressure on the local population is increasing, we all clearly know about the mobilization processes, which have significantly increased there, there are corresponding decrees of the so- called leaders of this territory, where they already directly testify that they rest... this company, well
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, in fact, to a greater extent it is of a coercive nature, of course, the situation with the humanitarian sphere is quite difficult, because we see that in the communities there on front lines, they are not there they think about some kind of humanitarian security for these people, eh, well , there are actually no new trends today, only everything is getting worse, and this is surely a natural story, i saw such a message, scary, sharp, i don’t know... what other words to choose, because you know, i just read an excerpt from the work of a girl in berdyansk, written in ukrainian, the teacher gave her a two, although i think that she should have given the highest score for this work, of course, that this teacher does not like it, in fact, these are painful things , and we we see that this is not the first time that the occupiers actually oppress the youth, schoolchildren, and students, because they see them as the greatest source of resistance. on freer people, and,
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unfortunately, we remember that there was a situation in bertyansk when two teenagers were actually killed, and these things, they continue similar trends. the only thing we can do is sympathize with the people under temporary occupation, communicate with them and wait for the armed forces to de-occupy the territory, because we must understand what the situation is there complex enough, and people live in very difficult conditions, under constant pressure. well , actually, it is not only a matter of the fact that the work is written in ukrainian, but also what it is about. eh, and the girl writes about the fact that i always liked the sunny ukrainian berdyansk, but now that mood is gone, when the russians came, the city became sad and quiet, the russians took my dad away, i can’t talk anymore, but they took me to the torture chamber , i am very sorry, uh, and i have no desire to live, i only keep, they took the traitors to the torture chamber, yes, they took the traitors to the torture chamber, so here i am...
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they answer: i am very sorry and have no desire to live, only the thought that berdyansk will be liberated by the armed forces of ukraine is holding me back, well , then a two with a red pen and eh... this is the verdict from the teacher: tomorrow to the director, almost like in the soviet union, of course , it ’s necessary, well, we don’t know if it’s real, you have one hundred percent confirmation that it’s real, at least it is reported, they report, the mig publication reports, referring to the telegram channel, and there is such a passage, i don’t know, it seems childish, did she really write that? a girl from berdyansk, well, you can, you can imagine that such stories are quite, quite possible, but in schools that children do not accept this occupation government, and even more so, if the girls took their father to the torture chamber, then she
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did very well understands where, where the enemy is and who the enemy is, by the way , the situation in berdyansk is so difficult to say there, i think these cases are not isolated, and unfortunately, i think they will continue to occur, so it is really very unfortunate that this is happening here . in berdyansk, by the way, 70 or so streets were renamed, she who well, the occupiers renamed it, but decommunization was canceled, the central avenue, again lenin avenue, here, and there are a few dozen more, well, this is a story about the whole world moving forward, and only one country taken separately. where it is present, it moves back, this, this, by the way, in general , the thesis is very interesting, because sometimes even in the controlled part, thoughts arise, why rename something, it does not mean anything, and it seems to me that by such actions the occupiers just show that similar things, they are the basis for their propaganda, for in general
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to establish their regime, therefore it is very important for us to refuse such things here in the controlled territory, you can say what the difference is there, because we see what the difference is and we see that... is one of the pillars of the regime that is there today occupied our country, and well, if you wanted, so to speak, to hear about such stories from berdyansk, which are true, uh, real, uh, well, i saw a lot of interesting interesting information, this is what they write themselves telegram channels of the occupiers, so i think you can trust them. and veteran wagner was beaten by a gang of hooligans because he fought for russia, vladimir, here is vladimir, a veteran of the svo, in the wagner group, went to a store with a woman, this is a real life story, where they
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were met by a company from a local, local beer bar, those guys approached this couple to chat. during a calm conversation , the man mentioned that he fought in the svo as part of wagner, which caused, as reported by this channel, an inexplicable reaction, suddenly pounced on him and began to beat him, while exclaiming that he was getting exactly what he was getting for fighting for russia, that's it, he's from the visitors, or he's from the locals, which one? fought, i don’t know, well, here ’s the story, as it is, reports the berdyansky occupier telegram channel, if it’s joking, it means that the sifrotivo movement is even stronger than we think and than we actually forecast in the temporarily occupied territories, but if without jokes, we
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see that the militarization of this territory, the deployment of the military, will lead to such actions, and unfortunately, they will be set against each other, and in these processes the local population may suffer, so... enough, we have many precedents when in fact drunken military or other russians commit terror against the local population, this is again the reality of temporarily occupied territories. well, this is a real story, because this is reported by tas , including the entire chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation, oleksandr bastrykin , who instructed to open a criminal case against this man, a former wagnerian , a woman's leg was broken, that is, russian people are senseless. dignified, everything is as it should be, and they beat him in rostov nadana, not in berdyansk, but for this story, my god, it's even more comical, mr. askade, thank you for the conversation, thank you for the information from the zaporizhia region, askata shurbekov, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was in
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touch with us, and we are now we will talk to khrystyna kalyushik paltek, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, and we will ask how dnipropetrovsk region spent this night, mrs. khrystyna, good morning. good morning, was it quiet, calm, or not, please tell me, nikopol was relatively quietly and calmly affected during the night. was artillery fire, heavy artillery hit the gymnasium and power lines, but fortunately people were not injured, communal property, local property, of course that 's bad, but we're a little bit, it's difficult, of course, you have to get used to it, but that's the situation , as we understand, the enemy is getting it, and it will... continue, that's why fortunately people were not hurt and thank god, in general
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, there is an escalation and a difficult situation at the front now, what are they saying in the city, what are they saying in the dnipro, what are the hopes, well everyone is following the situation, of course, the dnipro is very close, how from the south, and from the east, in principle from the north, not so far. we understand that, well, a little bit here towards the occupiers, of course, that people observe, watch, follow how the fortification is being built, from those, let's say, from my information bubble, continue to donate, continue to help, donations are becoming less and less, but i i think that this is primarily due to the fact that, well... the economic situation is not so fun, it is not very easy to give money to people, but still we
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continue, well, we have nothing left, dnipro continues to work, stand, fight, and how else. you talk about the fact that the situation is not easy, but actually on the weekend in dnipro there was such a festival of businesses, which... from the temporarily occupied territories to dnipro, and fifty entrepreneurs gathered, i don't know if you are ms. khrystyna, attended this festival there and clothes and also all kinds of different products of people, in fact, who moved from kramatorsk, from nikopol, and from other settlements that are under or under shelling or under occupation, i did not attend this particular festival, but from i can practice. to say that, in principle, people are relocated, who have moved from temporarily
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occupied territories, or from those territories that are subject to constant shelling, where the occupier is very close, very close, people have a very high economic activity, uh, well, it is related, in principle, this is, let's say, a natural situation. when a person understands that he has it in himself, there is some help from the state, but first of all there are hands, there is a desire, and you need to work and you need to do things for the future, eh, that is why, in principle, people have a very large economic activity, and i once talked with foreigners, and here in the dnipro, and it seems that during this conversation, in principle, all the foreigners agreed that in
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the dnipro and in ukraine in general, people are very economically active, that is, in principle business ideas are born out of thin air, from some conversation, from small loans, and maybe because most of those who come... here, they come precisely with humanitarian missions, and maybe because they are a little bit used to a different economic pace and to another life, social and living conditions, but still there is this moment, which notes that, in principle , ukrainians are very economically active, by the way, exactly the things that ukrainians do, by the way, sometimes, you know, on instagram, for example, come across... rather just to browse and see what ukrainians come up with, there are some clothes and shoes, and they
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are all of high quality, i see how foreigners write, for example, whether in english or polish, for example, which i know i can read about that and can you sell it or you send it overseas, that is, it, it really has a response and it's really good quality and fashionable and attractive, and the prices are really attractive to foreigners because for... "it's, it's less money than for us. meanwhile, in the past the week before the weekend, the mayor of dnipro, borys filato, visited somewhere in japan." ugh, he visited japan, he visited tokyo, osaka, and there he agreed on a lot of everything, he even wrote a huge report that 51 himoinsa diesel generators with a capacity of up to 1600 kw, a bunch of cars with tanks for transportation of water, excavators, loaders
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, dump trucks, tractors, everything, everything, everything brought a lot, everything to the house. well done, but all the ill-wishers attacked him, they said that the city was under fire and shelled, the world was in trouble at the front, there was nothing to eat, so he is driving around japan somewhere, he left, he has nothing to do, so here he is, here, well, this is a classic situation, in principle, i will tell you, and in the end filato answered with such and such a meme, tadadam with cats, and not by... explaining the obvious to all kinds of morons things, like that, well, sharp, sharp -tongued, you have a city mayor, they were elected, they were elected by the whole city, yes, that's how, as you can see, he brought a lot of things and also showed an example of excellent communication, i think that he can be calmly brothers, when
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they want to change kuleba to someone who is too popular, then you can take filatov, he will also be a good diplomat for bovan. in ukraine, ms. khrystyna, thank you for the conversation and we wish dnipropetrovsk region a peaceful day. khrystyna klyushyk, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was in touch with us. we we are going for a short break, then we will return, and kherson region will be on the line with us. stay tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws from unpack tv are just for you. they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order right now, free delivery is possible, check with the consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, all this you
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united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new one two hours format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade for. su, protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that anyone can be warriors, strong in spirit, appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, until... holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who
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cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are coming back and will continue our roll call. let's visit now in kherson oblast and oleksandr tolokonnikov, the head of the press office of the kherson oblast military administration is already with us, mr. oleksandr, good morning, tell us how the night went, and what the morning is like in kherson oblast, which is constantly under russian fire. i'm sorry, i didn't hear, tell me, tell me, how did this night go, how is this morning? yes, thank you,
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there were a lot of them in the past day, unfortunately, the number of drops, guided aerial bombs on the right-bank kherson region increased again, yesterday from 11 in the morning, then four more in the evening, today in the morning again. 5, around four in the morning , su-34s began attacking again, as a result of which there is destruction, fortunately there are no reports of casualties yet, yesterday too, thank god, there were no casualties, but there are damaged private houses, a destroyed kindergarten in beryslav, and a school in veletensky suffered a lot. as a result of one of the hits of a guided aerial bomb, fortunately there were no people there, there were no victims, ah, in general,
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they started it, well, i repeat, they began to increase the activity of aviation, the activity of dropping these guided aerial bombs increased, already two they attack us here several times a day, unfortunately, and they are armed. forces of ukraine have established control over the island of nestryga in the kherson region, what kind of island is it, how does it change the situation, just the island opposite veletenskyi, oleshok, well, i think that now it was more or less under control before that, now it’s just us, well, commander reported about it, and... how exactly will this change the situation, well, apparently, it changes the fact that we are gradually moving towards the left bank, i cannot
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say anything specifically about military tactics and strategy there, because i am not i have of the relevant profession, but i think it is good that we are increasing the number, roughly speaking, of bridgeheads while continuing to keep bridgeheads in the markets. on the other hand, we continue to increase the areas that we control, we also have information that shelters are planned to be built in educational institutions in the kherson region, and how many other institutions, many educational institutions are currently working and where exactly they will be ukrainian, now not a single one the educational institution does not... work offline, everyone works online, that is, our children study online, but we are nevertheless preparing for offline, for
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a possibly mixed form of education, now and not only now, but also before that , underground shelters were built, in schools where there were none, and in parallel those schools that were destroyed were renovated by russians that's why all institutions must have a shelter, this is a norm that must be fulfilled, that's why we are now building it ourselves and with the help of international funds that also participate, simply, if there is an opportunity for some organizations to help, we give them object, they themselves already... they build there because they give funds , they hire a-a builders there and build a shelter there, which is needed there for that number.
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the students who will be studying there, in kherson oblast, by the decision of the defense council, it was forbidden to visit the coastal areas, along the right bank of the dnipro, innogolets, viryovchyna and koshova rivers. i understand that for local residents this is part of life, and do people listen to such a ban? well, of course, we understand that there will be those... who will not listen to this, the execution of this order should be, well, monitored our law enforcement officers, but the most dangerous thing is, of course, the coastal line of the dnipro itself, because our first line is located there and there are mine barriers, both ours and the enemy's, when they
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were retreating. were stationed, that is why it is very dangerous there, and it is also dangerous because snipers are constantly watching on that bank, who can target and kill civilians, of course, the most dangerous is the bank of the dnieper, but also all other banks of rivers that are on the right bank are also unsafe, because the pyrotechnics haven't worked there yet, explosives, sappers. in order to clear, demine, the coast, and therefore, of course, now everyone wants to go to the river bank, to nature, to go fishing, but you have to wait a little, because it is very dangerous, not the first time, unfortunately, not the last time, probably , when people went fishing and blew themselves up with explosive devices left behind, well, thank you
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very much, mr. oleksandr, tolokonnikov, the head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration was with us, thank you, well , meanwhile, we are getting closer to the news release, we will have a military expert later, let's talk a little about what is happening on the left bank, in karynky, that is, what is the expediency of getting this, for example, a bridgehead, which, as i understand, for which we pay a high price, surely this logic exists, then... .the moment when in general we retreat or somehow level the positions, but it is better to ask military experts about it. dear friends, i want to remind you that you can find us if you can't find us on tv, find us on youtube, there is our live broadcast, under the broadcast, for example, there is information about the collection that we have going on, and i hope that this week you and i will get to the finish line and close
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us, and now you will have kateryna from broadband with you, this means that we will watch the news, what has happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour. katra, i congratulate you word. greetings lasya, greetings andria, in a moment i will tell our viewers about the successful operation of the armed forces against russian bases in the donetsk and zaporizhia regions and help with energy equipment from latvia. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the occupiers alternately attacked nikopol. in the evening, they covered rycenter with enemy artillery. serhii lysak, the head of the regional military administration, informed about this. gymnasiums were damaged in the place.


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