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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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at 9:45, please stay with espresso, and let's now honor all those who are no longer with us, gone because of our insidious neighbor. we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war. that it was unleashed by russia.
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my greetings, this is the freedom of the morning, my name is kateryna nekrecha and we are starting the information day together with you, and in this broadcast we are talking about the following. the world majority must force russia to make peace and can do it, zelensky said in his address. why the president? hopes for changes already this summer. in the occupied territories, orders are issued to mobilize the local population to join the russian army. is it possible to save from this and how? the scandal surrounding the telethon: do they really want to throw public information out of prime time and is the government preparing to clean up information broadcasting? from us
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, important news, statements and exclusive comments, and from you, subscribing to our channel and liking this video. believe me, it helps a lot to promote this particular broadcast. and we start it together with you. and start we will the situation at the front. the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from the settlements near avdiyivka did not contribute to the rapid tactical success of the russian army there, and in the near future the russian forces are unlikely to be able to operate. to penetrate deeper into this area, according to the american institute for the study of war. the day before, the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army oleksandr syrskyi confirmed that ukrainian forces were forced to withdraw from the villages of berdychi and se semenivka, northwest of avdiivka, as well as from the village of novomykhaivka, south of maryinka. at the same time, according to sirskyi, ukrainian troops advanced in veletenskyi in the kherson region and established control over the island of nestryga. i immediately noticed... that
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the russian ministry of defense did not report the capture of berdychiv and semenivka at the moment, as for mykhailivka, it was written about its capture as early as saturday, the day before the russian ministry announced the capture of another village near avdiivka, novobakhmutivka, that is, veletenskyi and ostriv nestryg in the kherson region is not mentioned in the reports of the department. commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi says that while developing an offensive to the west of avdiivka and maryinka, russian forces are trying to seize. the cities of pokrovsk and kurakhove. despite tactical successes, they have no operational advantage there. the ukrainian defense is being strengthened there with units that have regained combat capability. according to sirskyi, the russian army is increasing its numbers and regrouping troops in the direction of kharkiv. there, ukrainian units were also reinforced with artillery and tank units. in general, as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces says. the situation at the front aggravated the situation at the front for...
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has worsened, trying to seize the strategic initiative and break through the front line, the enemy has concentrated its main efforts on several directions, creating a significant advantage in forces and means, is actively attacking along the entire front line, has tactical successes in some directions, a dynamic is taking place a change in the situation, individual positions change hands several times during the day, which creates an ambiguous understanding of the situation. we will discuss the situation at the front in more detail below joined by ivan tymochko, a military man. bovets, chairman of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, each other. tell us what you can about the operational situation in the avdiiv direction, the general staff reports on 55 repulsed attacks there, it looks like the russian army in the avdiiv direction has started to move faster, and the armed forces are withdrawing. what is it connected with, or is it the most difficult direction on the front now?
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considers two directions really in terms of occupation donetsk region, this is the first direction in the direction of the temporal ravine in the middle of the day on... in the night of ukraine, in fact, they are trying to enter the valley in the northern direction, to form a bridgehead for the offensive on konstantinivska, konstantinivka, kramatorskiansk, druzhnivka, and actually the avdiivskyi direction, this is their the calculation of the attack on ugutar, pokrovsk , based on the assumption that they will be able to surround the donetsk region from the flank, capture it, and then at least... for putin it will not be what at the operational level, and even at the strategic level, will become for putin a situation when he can outline, let's say, at least one of the goals, to achieve their so-called operation, in fact, the occupation of ukraine,
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he can then announce that we conquered donetsk, luhansk region, the peoples of donbas, because he doesn't even hide it anymore. he used to say that they were going to liberate, now to conquer, they have conquered, the goal has been achieved there, it is possible to go to some international negotiations and so on and the like, that is, he can already justify, at least for the russian population, these mass losses of human and technical and financial resource that they lost as a result of the attack on ukraine, in this plan it is worth considering this attack on the avdiyiv monastery. the enemy's mku , they calculated that after the withdrawal of the ukrainian troops from avtiyuka, there would be a panic retreat, the retreat would be massive, and the calculation was that they would be able to pursue our troops and prevent them from gaining a foothold in their positions, at least within the borders
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of donetsk region, and such a projection of the russian defeat in the kharkiv region, they already tried with their troops. to transfer in the donetsk region in relation to our army, yes, the situation is now very difficult, very serious, but to say that the enemy has some significant advantages at the operational level, successes or breakthroughs are taking place in many directions, is not worth it now, especially since we understand that the enemy actually had a head start in six months in terms of preparation for the selection of people, the release of weapons. due to various reasons, but they had, and of course, all this resource that they accumulated, accumulated and it is no longer a secret anywhere that russia is now using all its strategic reserves, that is, everything they could raise, take away from the army what they could squeeze
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out of the military industry, they squeezed out at this stage in order to keep the intensity, the level of such battles as they had, let's say 2-3 months, then... a month based on the calculation of their aggression on the fact that it is still a window of opportunity, until help in the form of weapons, missile defense systems or electronic warfare systems or even the same shells, armored vehicles, which are finally being supplied to us, began to be supplied to us directly on the front line allies with... of course, the russians will try to maintain a high intensity of fighting now, of course, that they will try to use the time they have left there, in order to try, at least at the operational level, to gain a foothold or advance somewhere, they
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understand very well that every piece of land they conquer, we will have to fight back from them, and this is all time, energy, resources, of course, that also... we understand why they are trying to activate or intensify the battles in the kharkiv direction now, but it is also included in the general plan or plan of the russian federation for the occupation of donetsk region, since in the kupyansk, lemano-kupyansk direction, where they carried out offensive actions and have now resumed offensive actions, this is the direction in which they expect to completely occupy the luhansk region and the calculation on that that they can take control of the oskil reservoir, which actually supplies water to kramatorsk, sloviansk, druzhkivka through the siverskyi donets canal, and actually, within the framework of all these events , both the wart and their plan should be considered
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the events on the front line are extreme there, for at least two months, and this intensity will continue until the moment until we really come to the front line mass. and the much-needed amount of ammunition. mr. ivan, chief syrskyi said that the armed forces advanced in the area of ​​veletenskyi and occupied nestryga island, but on the map veletenskyi is... the unoccupied right bank of the dnieper, what does this advance mean and what kind of nestryga island is it, is it of strategic importance? this is the wrong shore, it is, so to speak, floating or islands are in the middle of the dnieper, that is, they were in the so-called gray zone, because on the left bank of the dnieper, on the left bank, we have several bridgeheads, but not a continuous line with the free. territory, i.e. we have krinks there, which everyone knows about, cossack camps, we know the plazdarm near the antonivsky
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bridge, eh, which ukrainian troops have been receiving until now, but, as for the island, it was located in the floodplains, i.e. between the left and right banks, it was basically surrounded by water on all sides, of course, that the very fact that this... island, it will not be so much, let's say to mark there for the course of the battles, how important it is in terms of a bridgehead, as a transshipment point between in the course of the dnieper itself, between the banks, and of course, that such an island will provide the opportunity in the future, both to create a transshipment point, and to transport the same ammunition or transportation injured, as the very fact that he will give an opportunity, i am great. in the future, to transfer a part there, say, some part of the artillery, which will increase the zone
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of fire control over enemy troops on the left bank of the dnieper, well, in any in this case, these are the flanks, the flanks of the russian troops in the south, and if you take into account that the russian troops in the south of ukraine actually have the longest logistical arm of supplies, the most distant from the general general territory, even the mainland territory of occupied ukraine, this is also the most complicated and rather complicated way of supplying there , that the ammunition, that the personnel of the russians, since that crimea, that the crimean isthmus, that even the southern part of the occupied territory of ukraine is not so wide that, say, the russians could confidence or continuity to adjust supplies. because after all, they come under constant fire from our troops,
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our artillery there, so it is a problem for them, thank you very much for joining, thank you very much for commenting on such a general vision, how the russian forces want to achieve it and what their plans are, you told me, it is important to understand ivan tymochko, a serviceman was a guest of freedom morning, thank you. in russia , electronic summons will begin to be distributed through the electronic register, it will be considered served seven days after publication there, this is how military lawyers explain in pravosakh channel. when the registry is operational, they promise in november, then russian conscripts will not be able to leave the country and will not be able to issue a foreign passport. it is not yet known whether this innovation will work for men in the territories occupied by russia, but already in occupied ukrainian cities. are preparing the mobilization of the local population, so in the occupied territory of the zaporizhzhia region
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, the head of the occupation, yevhen balytskyi, issued an order on mobilization measures with april to july 15. military and medical commissions should be created in the region, which will deal with accounting, and the text says that every month information should be received regarding the search for those who evade mobilization. on the occupied territory of the luhansk region, rosiokupa was appointed. the authorities are mobilizing miners, the head of the luhansk regional military administration , artem, writes about this. most of the mines are considered unprofitable. order on mobilization measures in occupied mariupol in donetsk region. councilor of the city the head of mariupol, petro andryushchenko, publishes a document signed by the so-called, i quote, the military commissar in mariupol, demanding to provide data to all enterprises and institutions that work in the occupied city. which one the situation with forced mobilization there in mariupol, let's talk further. petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, joined
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our broadcast. peter, congratulations, thanks for joining. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. you say that mobilization will begin in occupied mariupol in may, but it should meaning that the local population can start actively mobilizing, as far as i understand, whether it also includes all residents of occupied mariupol, including those russian citizens who came... during these two years of occupation of the city, well, if we take it as a whole, then of course we are talking about everyone who works on the territory of mariupol and has official employment, because this mobilization, which should... should begin, it will be absolutely based on the approaches that are used today on the territory of russia federations, in particular in such cities as moscow and st. petersburg, so these practices were simply brought to the city today, and exactly why they demanded from the official occupation authorities, i there, as strange as it sounds, they demanded data on all
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enterprises for beginning, which is under his control, in particular, about all employees, about all vacancies, and so on. what is it about? we are talking about the fact that from may they are going to issue a mobilization order, in essence, that is, a task to conclude contracts, and in this way the enterprise must provide a mobilization resource, that is, it is clear that no one calls mobilization mobilization, does not intend to call it, precisely in order to avoid even mentioning mobilization at all, to provide opportunities, taking into account the situation in which we are at war, at the stage of war . to date, do not give us the opportunity to call mobilization mobilization, to constantly, you know, appeal that we are telling lies, that is why this is the work of concluding contracts, that is what it is called in them, and we will see it, that is, all the data have already been transferred, according to this paper, which you showed so far, and which we made public, all the data are already in the so-called
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military commissary in the territory of mariupol, that is , we have been waiting since may, at the same time , the draft is ongoing. and the conscription company, in the conscription company there are also guys who are located directly in mariupol, they are actually ukrainians under 30 years old, and immediately after they pass the military-hospital commission, they are offered not to promote themselves at all, to conclude a contract directly with the russian army, offering from 200,000 rubles a month, and so on, all that, in principle , the russian side offers to its mobilized, but what about citizens. of ukraine, who want to avoid and strive to avoid this russian mobilization, is it possible, and do you have any advice, maybe there are examples, and you communicate with the residents of the occupied territory of mariupol, when it was still possible, thanks to these life hacks, to avoid mobilization to the russian army , you know, the only way today to avoid mobilization
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in the russian army, two of them conditionally, one very risky, actually, but one real, real way... it is just to leave, for now you can leave to the territory of ukraine through sumy oblast, for now you can leave through the territory of belarus, for now you can leave directly to the territory of our countries, partners of the baltic states, then this is the only way to escape so far, and then, again, this is already a complicated way, because, for example, at the crossing of the natural border of ukraine with russia at the checkpoint near novoazovsk , the cases where boys of draft age, according to... russian legislation, simply they are returning to mariupol to obtain the relevant documents, so it will be more difficult in the future, but this is really the only way to avoid mobilization, well, the second way is also risky, as it is not surprising, they are not conscripted into the russian army and are not conscripted, well, they are not even forced conclude a contract, people who are suspected of loyalty to the ukrainian authorities or pro-ukrainian
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views, no matter what, because they believe that it is very dangerous to take such... people into the army, they may be in contact with our armed forces, with by ukrainian special services, logically, and that is why they are such a weak link that can endanger an entire unit, and therefore these people, even those who are simply under control and those who are not arrested and, well, i don't know, take fierce repressive measures, they just don't mobilize the russian army in any way today, but then again, yes, if someone decides to... now demonstrate their views openly in order to avoid mobilization, well, the reaction can be quite the opposite, that's a clear thing the mobilization will not end, but it may end in a rest, so this is a way for yourself, well, it is very risky, unfortunately, there is no other way to avoid mobilization, because if you take a step back, it will still be in march, if i
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am cheating on you memory, there was an explanation directly in the donetsk region and in the vienkamats about what should work... people's independence from the presence or absence of a russian passport as such and confirmation of the presence of russian citizenship, i.e. this ambiguity, according to which according to the decree of putin, well, for example, i am registered as a person on the territory of mariupol, even to this day, yes, i am formally a citizen of russia according to the decree issued by their president at that time, so, well, these are very smoky things, and this, but this allows you to pick up the draft and mobilization company of people who did not receive it. russian passport, as for accounting, then you should not hope that there is no accounting, in fact, all the data, absolutely all the data have been with the russians for a long time, that is , they are constantly checking them, they find way to reconcile data. unlike even us, because there is a very high dependence on humanitarian aid, and in general there are certificates, advance notices and so on, that is, this process is constant, it began at the beginning of the occupation with
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the issuance of humanitarian aid, it does not end today, so i repeat, the only the real way to avoid mobilization today is to enter the territory of ukraine or the territory of our partner countries, again preferably with ukrainian documents, well, a very interesting detail... considering what i heard from you at the beginning, let's take into account that the passport services operating on the territory of mariupol do not issue russian passports of the russian federation to people who have not completed military service in the russian army, that is, our people, all men who are currently in the territory of occupied mariupol , i am sure that this is about all the occupied territories, but from mariupol we even have a photo confirmation of the list of documents that they have to submit, so our... men do not have the opportunity to get a russian foreign passport federation, even with an existing russian passport, due to the fact that they did not complete their military service on the territory, well, in the ranks
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of the russian army, so the details are interesting, peter, thank you for the advice, so to speak, because we are also periodically watched by people from occupied territories, this is important information, petro andryushchenko, deputy mayor of mariupol, was a guest of svobodar the front line can stabilize. in the coming months, and the ukrainian defense forces will be able to start limited counteroffensive actions at the end of this year or at the beginning of next year, about this is written by analysts of the american institute for the study of war. the arrival of american aid will allow ukrainian forces to slow down russian offensive operations, the report says. the russian army will try to gain a foothold in the positions where they breached the ukrainian defense before the arrival of military aid and will prepare a bridgehead for the offensive at the end of may or in june, as the ukrainian president, the head of ukrainian intelligence and the commander of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces have already said. in the same currently, president zelensky believes that russia can be forced to make peace, and this should
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also happen in june at the first peace summit in switzerland. it was initiated by ukraine, and countries from all continents should take part in it. we can definitely say that all continents will be represented by different parts of the world, different views on global development. but they are all united by the same recognition that the un charter and basic international conventions are binding documents for every country in the world, including russia, where madness reigns. the world majority should force russia to make peace, and can do it, it is in june that the path to a just peace can begin. here we heard the president and he also mentioned that the nato summit is also expected to be held in
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the usa in the summer, and regarding the nato summit, i will also quote the president further, he said the following: we are also preparing for the nato summit that will be held this summer, we need a strong political signal, the alliance should not be afraid of its own strength and hide from its own foundations, each country that shares common values ​​and is ready to really to defend them... deserves an invitation to the alliance. the end of the quote, we have already said, well, because there were informational reasons about whether there could be an invitation from nato already, for ukraine to join the alliance already in the summer at the summit already this year, and this date is approaching, and here we see, that the president's rhetoric is such that the ukrainian official side hopes for a clear signal, for such a global, as president zelenskyi said, political signal, these expectations are, what this strong political signal can be, including let's discuss it all the more with our guest, on this broadcast, you
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can write in the comments, what do you think, what kind of signal nato can give to ukraine about support in general, and do you expect ukraine to be invited to the alliance, do you have such hopes, meanwhile oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military legal research, joins our broadcast. oleksandr, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i congratulate you. in your opinion, how can the world community force russia to a just peace, as the president said in his evening address, and or, is this at all possible, in such a way that everyone would rally at the peace summit, by some such decisions, or what should it be in order to force russia itself to peace? well, the first thing it should be is the constant support of ukraine, which is very important now, with weapons, forces, and means. air defense, aviation, artillery, in order to inflict powerful blows on the enemy. this is what should be, that is, to reduce the fighting capacity
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of the russian troops, the army, and the occupier. and squeeze them out of our territory. the second thing that should happen is the continuation of politics, political, diplomatic and economic isolation of russia. and here is what has been done now, for example, the visit of secretary of state blinkin to china, this is a very important visit, because well , imagine saying directly in beijing that the united states will be decisive and categorical if china continues to support russia. it concerns... sanctions, it concerns restrictions, these are very correct steps by the american leadership, the next thing is to preserve unity, because russia wants to break it. russia is now trying to play in various ways to spread the word euro-atlantic unity, so that, you know, everyone tries to move in opposite directions. and the next point is very important, it is a habit, it is readiness and cohesion to play in debt. consistency, i will say, i will say simply,
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willingness to survive. putin, but putin wants to outlast everyone, to wait out the west, he thinks that he will be able to influence and undermine european politics from the inside after the elections in the usa, after the elections to the european parliament there, when the far-right comes, but this must be prevented and he is ready to prepare to support ukraine for a long time, the defense industry, enterprises, factories, and so on, and the most important thing in all of this is that the strategies for achieving the goals of this war coincide, because quite often... we often hear statements that ukraine is not can lose in this war, and russia cannot win, cannot lose and win, these are slightly different categories, and thus it is a question of victory in the ukrainian version, as we see it and declare it, it coincides with victory, and with the way partners support it, because for partners, in fact, to be honest, they often talk about the fact that ukraine
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has already achieved incredible results that can be called a victory, prevented the capture of kyiv, destroys the russian black sea fleet, is holding on, russia has no operational and strategic successes, on unfortunately, at the same time, it occupies part of our country, and here , from the point of view of achieving this process and progress, and the liberation of the occupied territories , there are often disagreements, because we insist that we are able to do this here in ukraine under conditions. that will become support for the event, in the event from time to time, in the columns of various publications and the media or in some discussions, there are various proposals that, let's say, that maybe now ukraine will control what it can in nato, accept in the eu, and then politically , diplomatic to release these territories, which may take more time. this is, strictly speaking, the disagreements that arise, but there is definitely
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no disagreement on the fact that in... the country needs to be supported as a sovereign independent state, in the west it is already, here it is already an axiom, and this is ultimately good for us, well , a clear political signal, as zelensky said, and remembering that nato will be meeting, and in the summer, it will be in the form of an invitation, whether we should still hope for it, it is difficult to say, you know, i still think that now i have a bit of such pessimism in this regard, because it is not yet visible. the mood to officially say that we are inviting you, and here, in principle, there are still certain issues, as it seems to me, and they have not been resolved to date, in which plane they lie these questions? first, that the war continues and ukraine can be accepted into nato, by the way, i think that it would be useful for us to use the wording not after the end of the war, but after the end of the active phase of hostilities
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. this is a much better wording, because such a state that may be, the war, the active phase may end, but it may be, its end may not be declared by anything, by any document, and thus in fact the war de jure will at least continue, so it is very important for us to fix the item on the end of hostilities. the second point, let's see whether various factors that have begun to arise and be discussed here and there will now be included. for example , west germany, east germany, and then wait for the actual unification over time, when it becomes possible, such and such a formula can be discussed, and the third formula - not to be discussed at all for now, postpone this issue and talk about the fact that ukraine can it is to compensate collective security with
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security guarantees, those agreements that are signed. but then, then it appears.


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