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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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such a state as it may be, the war, the active phase may end, but it may be, its end may not be declared by anything, by any document, and thus in fact the war de jure, at least, will continue, therefore it is very important for us to fix the point on the end of the hostilities, the second point, let's see whether now various factors that have started to arise and be discussed will be included, i follow this about the fact that it is possible to accept ukraine into nato. in those borders that exist now, which are controlled by the ukrainian government, following the example of zahidna germany, east germany, and then wait for the actual unification over time, when it becomes possible, such and such a formula can be discussed, and the third formula, not discussed at all for now, postpone this issue and talk about the fact that ukraine can compensate for this collective security by security guarantees, those agreements that are signed, but then, then it appears. the question of whether
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the united states would be willing in return to provide such security guarantees as it provides, for example, to japan or south korea, its allies, in the pacific region, military bases, airfields and the physical presence of american troops. if such conditions were imposed on us by the guarantors of security, it would be a security guarantee, well , because it would be a safeguard that russia will not take certain actions, will not repeat the aggression, if not, then there is no alternative to nato, well... in principles and from the point of view of collective security, well, we will see how it will be, but nevertheless this statement from the mouth of the president, it sounded again, so about such hopes and about a clear signal from nato, that is, we see that the ukrainian leadership sees some more so to speak, they have such hopes for this, and it is the alliance that calls for such support. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining our broadcast, oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military legal research, was a guest of svoboda ranok. you can
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write in the comments your thoughts, premonitions regarding the fact that the peace summit and the fact that the nato alliance can give ukraine some clearer signals, more decisive actions, do you agree with what you heard earlier in our issue, including from oleksandr mosienko, let's talk about the information policy, which what is it like in ukraine today and whether... are there any certain threats, because they are being talked about now, what are these threats, we will discuss further, about the fact that the authorities can prepare to clean up the information field, our colleagues from espresso-tv said on the air , people's deputy, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech, yaroslav yurchyshyn. the politician said that if the public broadcaster is removed from the evening broadcast of the telethon, it will mean that the authorities, i quote, are starting to clean up the information field. for some needs. head of the supervisory board
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svitlana ostapa, member of the council of public affairs, said that it is proposed to remove public programs from the evening slots, including telethons and daily news. and it is at this time that the tv station does not have the largest number of viewers. and leave the channel only night and morning slots. such a proposal was voiced by representatives of the state tv channel rada, based on ostapa's words. it is not clear what the reason for such an idea is. previously, people's deputy from the servant of the people maryana bezugla wrote several posts on her own facebook. about the financing of state channels, they say, money from the state budget, which are allocated for their financing, could be spent on the creation of information troops, and the views of these state channels, according to bezugla, are low, in bezugla's post , the head of the supervisory board of the public found manipulations or untruths, such as about the salaries of the members of the supervisory board or the reservation of employees, to bezugla of the state tv channels also included public broadcasting in her posts. however, this is not true.
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the introduction of a public broadcaster was and was a requirement of ukraine's membership in the council of europe the result of the longest reform in the media sphere, which started back in 1996. public broadcasting is a special media format that is funded by taxpayers, but is independent of the government. we will talk about this later, i will immediately join, join this broadcast, including our commentators. i remind you, dear viewers, that you can. to share your thoughts, firstly, do you watch the telethon, do you think, also see the risks in the fact that, well, around the public, that their broadcasting may be shortened, within the framework of the telethon to our vadym minsky, a member of the supervisory board of public broadcasting, joins the broadcast. congratulations, mr. vadym, i thank you for joining, further on in our broadcast, i hope we will see a people's deputy from the servant of the people, mrs. yevgenia kravchuk, she is also relevant to these informational issues , that's why we will talk to her. first of all, i would like to ask you whether
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in your opinion, according to your information, it is possible that such a decision is already in power in order to reduce these hours of public broadcasting within the framework of the telethon, maybe somehow in general cut funding, so are there any specific threats like that or do you see them today for the public broadcaster? i congratulate you, well , since the first year of its existence, and it was created in 2017, public broadcasting constantly faces some attempts to encroach on independence, mostly this happens, i think, due to the fact that the political system, it is not yet used to the fact that that such an entity as public broadcasting in... exists, that it is no longer a state channel whose task is to cover the activities of state bodies power, and this is a certain media system that belongs to the whole society and it must work in the interests of society, in order for this work to take place in the interests of society, a number of safeguards are provided, a number of such
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lines of protection of public broadcasting, for example, this is an independent personnel policy, the government no longer appoints the head of public broadcasting, it is done by the supervisory board, which consists of the majority. most of the representatives of public organizations and the minority are representatives of parliamentary factions and groups, but this is not the case people's deputies, but simply people who are delegated there by them, the prohibition against interference in editorial policy also exists at the legislative level, and certain guarantees of financing the broadcaster, all these lines of protection must make public broadcasting oriented not to the interests of the party in power, not to the interests of the party authorities, in the interests of the entire society, and since 2017 so far it shows... all the progress of the reform that took place, and the reaction of society, and the various monitorings, both inside ukraine and abroad, that social broadcasting, it fulfills its mission, fulfills its functions and gradually increases its audience, that is, it gains the favor of ukrainian society. now more than a third of people
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regularly use the information product produced by public broadcasting, well, for a company that has been on the market for only a few years, this is a huge percentage, we are proud of this result. and of course, this is not at all the same, not the same trust and not the same level of consumption of the media product that the state tv channels, on the basis of which public broadcasting was created, had in relation to threats, so they there is even now, and this information that was heard in your story about the fact that svitlana ostapov, who made public that there are attempts by the tv channel rada of the state-controlled, in fact, we understand, the office of the president in the current system of government of the tv channel, there is a desire.. . redistribute slots in the marathon. i would like to remind you that the state department in its assessment, just last week , called the evening prime of the telethon a way to control the information agenda in the country and provide, well, a certain advantage
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of the government's voice there, which in principle is not bad during the war, but what is the reasoning for such actions from the rada channel and from other producers. marathon, which seems to be the slots that are produced by different participants of this marathon, are watched differently, that is, if the tv channel rada produces it, then it is watched by half a percent more tv audience than if it is produced publicly, well, you can really trace such a trend over a long period of time , if compared, although it is a month-to-month fluctuation in both directions, here, but under such a sufficiently far-fetched pretext, because these are all very small audiences, not even comparable. which we are talking about, under the pretext of this they want to take away the air from public broadcasting, as if it copes worse with its activities. i will remind you that numerous public organizations that monitor the air of public broadcasting say that this is the only broadcaster that maintains
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a balance in the broadcast of the telethon. channels participating in this marathon, and public broadcasting, it will talk about the fact that we... yes, since we are the most balanced broadcaster in this marathon, the producer of this marathon, the supervisory board considered this idea of ​​the tv channel radu, by the way, it is not known with whom it was formulated, so that the official management is not involved in this, there is a consultant there who comes to these coordination meetings of the marathon producers and voices some of his ideas, well , we understand where the strings are drawn from these ideas, but we, having considered these ideas, offered our alternative . non-vision and authorized, authorized him to defend the head of the company mykola chernotytskyi, this is if any changes in the marathon are to take place, public broadcasting is ready to take away all evening primes, all producers of the marathon, and this is our negotiating position of the company in this process, vadim, thank you for your
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position, i would like to remind our viewers that vadym is a member of the city supervisory board of public broadcasting, and now we are joined by yevhenia kravchuk, a people's deputy from the servant of the people faction, and importantly, the deputy head of the committee on issues of... slots, i understand that mrs. evgenia, you were at an important meeting dedicated to this very topic, so i would like to ask you whether the authorities are preparing something regarding the telethon, are there any global changes regarding the public sector, will the public sector have fewer slots? and a lot of attention is paid to social bondage precisely because of the posts of people's deputy ms. maryana bezugla, and we already know the trends that when ms. bezugla writes something on her facebook, then certain decisions, let's say, are adopted, then... in danger today public within the telethon and without telethon? let's still divide
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the issues of the broadcasters who are going to the coordination meetings, vadym confirmed that there are representatives of the tv channels that are in the marathon, and if these broadcasters make any decision, then it cannot be one tv channel that proposed something , and so it will be, according to me, well, as the head... of the subcommittee on information policy, including a request to all broadcasters who are in the marathon, and i don't remember six or five of them there in general, so that they are responsible for of this decision, because any non-parity conditions will call into question the credibility of the marathon in general, especially if we are talking about a public broadcaster that has a high level of trust among citizens. to their information product, so this is a topic that concerns
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the coordination of broadcasters, and as for the criticisms of the people's deputy, we saw an appeal from a public broadcaster to consider this issue at our committee, and i can inform you that our committee on humanitarian and information issues politicians will do it, and we generally allocate very often. question social affairs, we recently, well, how recently, at the end of february, we were at an external meeting of our committee, the committee on freedom of speech, we discussed in detail the results of the social affairs year, and in fact, i also see that it is not that there are any comments, but for my part, i can say that the public does not talk much about its achievements, because in fact there is a lot of content and which, for example, was created during the war, began to be created during the war, this is also a children's context, these are
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documentaries, i am now i work with the council of europe in order to show social documentaries that have overvoice in english in strasbourg, and well, this is also the kind of work that is needed yevgenia, you see, well, social, nevertheless, those who are interested, they actually know, and what about the achievements public, let's say, and listens to this content, but for example, for example, in the state department, there is a report on the violation of human rights, there is a telethon mentioned, and there is such a moment, your colleague, the people's deputy, mr. yurchyshyn said that i will quote him that the authorities are planning to do it clear the information field, is it the meetings at which you speak and so on, are there any concrete changes, continue the telethon, reduce the number of social slots, end the telethon altogether, maybe all the social slots, you support the idea that... evening slots public has taken its air, how do you like such an opinion? i believe that there should still be
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parity among broadcasters, so that every broadcaster has access to prime time. this, by the way, may be due to the fact that some commercial broadcasters are thinking of running ads, and just like them, they are interested in these prime slots, because they can receive additional funds. if we talk about the telethon in general, then the verkhovna rada has nothing to do with this relationship, as it functions. for my part, as the head of the subcommittee on information policy, i believe that there is a benefit from the marathon, and we have an information field, it is very open, there are not many information attacks, and there really should be verified information, including from television receivers. because not everyone watches television, we understand that. and there are many threats in the digital sphere as well, mrs. yevgenia, well , here i will pass the floor to vadim city, what
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can you mention here, we have a minute left, unfortunately for the broadcast, but i ask you to react, i want to thank yevhenia for her constant support and for being a person , who keeps her finger on the pulse of everything that is happening and understands it much better than the average people's deputy, well, what about colleagues from the faction who express, let's say, sometimes simply because of ignorance , maybe... some things, and often it is in in this particular case, what maryana expressed, it was a lie, i think that the behavior of this people's deputy has been thoroughly reviewed not only by the committee, but also by the faction. after all, this is the face of the parliament, the face of the faction, and this voice, it is simply, well, terrible when he says simply untrue things about the salaries of the supervisory board, about the booking of the son of svitlana ostapa, well, it’s just that we mentioned it before, i thank you, vadim , thank you yevgeny for your participation, vadym myshkyi and yevgenia karachuk took part in the discussion, thank you for your participation and see you in the next broadcasts,
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good news for you, even less than five. we need to collect thousands so that i can announce this good news. so i am waiting for your donations, in the meantime we will talk with ms. natalia and she is already on our air. mrs. natalya, glad to see you. congratulations good day, glory to ukraine. glory to hero. i know that the verkhovna rada voted in favor of the draft law on the development of individual educational trajectories and improvement of the educational process in higher education, so it is is called in simple words, this is when the student himself will choose what courses he wants to study, as i understand it, but all this will be until the end of the war in ukraine, yes, and accordingly, it will be after the end of the war, but the universities actually have the opportunity to prepare already , and how to do it, the idea is
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to synchronize our system with the countries of the so-called osr, that is, economic cooperation, and in particular. the union, canada, the united states, er, the idea is that the student will have basic, mandatory disciplines, and others that he can choose, and accordingly, for example, if the bachelor's degree lasts four years, or in other words, there are 240 cts, these are such educational units, and it is stipulated how many should be for independent study, how much should be in the hall with a teacher, he can complete it or faster, for example , bachelors in two years, because a person wants to quickly complete a bachelor's degree and, for example, go to work, or vice versa, if he combines a bachelor's degree and work, he can do it, for example, for six years, yes, respectively. this opportunity is now available, and it will also provide, after the selection of students will have the opportunity to choose courses and partly teachers, this will also contribute to
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the topic that teachers should work on the material and its presentation, so in general, as we can see, the hall had the support of all factions and all groups, 306 votes, accordingly we we understand that the universities also do not object to this, because if there were discussions, it... was very visible in political discussions, that is why it is such a significant advantage and what will be implemented later, this draft law is european integration, brings us closer to of european education, i understand correctly, for sure, then actually we will be able to compete more and our education systems will be more understandable in general, and in fact, in ukraine it is actually considered in our country. a good bachelor’s degree is enough, we have problems starting from the master’s degree and further with scientific degrees, because the best scientists in our country were always transferred to the academy of sciences, which was under the supervision of the kgb, and accordingly, therefore
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, strong scientific schools were not formed everywhere at our universities, and it is very difficult for us to compete in international rankings universities, because there they evaluate both the academic component and the scientific component, and this is also another transition that we will have to make in order to fully integrate into educational ones. those states to which we aspire, and to be a part of which we pay with the blood of a large number of people, you know, mrs. natalya, but what separates us from europe and from the civilized democratic world is that attempts in ukraine to destroy what we could gain after the revolution of dignity, after the reform, this broadcaster is public and... when i i say, i say, because i am looking at the facebook feed of maryana bezugla, a people's deputy, and i already have such, you know, such
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an observation, and not only me, but many ukrainians, that when maryana bezugla non-stop starts talking about something or to write about someone, to write pasquilas, some kind of lie, er, sometimes with time, then it is not with this or with someone. something happens, or she is dismissed, or something further happens that it is not her personal, there is a personal treasure that works in her head somewhere, now her page is full of public attacks, then too much money, then they are not well looked at, then they are the last ones that she wrote that, according to her data, public half-staffs arrange male workers so that they have armor. and the rest of the half rate, obviously, they receive the money for their salary as a whole rate and give it to the management, such lies, solid, and we do not work for the public, yes,
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but we are worried about what is happening with freedom of speech in ukraine, because ee espresso is also thrown out, and now the authorities want to somehow deal with the public, but at the same time... there is the tv channel rada, for example, which is financed from the state budget, there is freedom, there is something else, and something else has been created, no, no, it is mainly the council, freedom, accordingly , public is also for hons, the only news that, this is also funded from the state budget, yes, look , well, you are actually very right to raise these questions, unfortunately, i have to sit in the hall with such so-called colleagues as maryana bazupla, well... she plays a role somewhere like zhirynovsky once played putivan, and now medvedev plays she can see that certain things are being certified, it is actually necessary here, i know many people from the supervisory board of the public
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watch, they actually understand in detail what is happening the most, there was a question of who will be able to do, control more public will be formed, the board and governing bodies, but public broadcasting is a very good example of that , how the state was transformed. public television, as they were called, so i think that in reality it will not be possible to stop it, i think that there will be attempts, i think that we must defend it together, but i can also say that, for example, in dialogues mone, where meps and all representatives of the group of factions are represented, i think we will press on, and in fact journalists should already be returned to the council, taking into account all security measures, maybe as in other parliaments of the world there is a protective glass, but journalists. must be, see, must be present, then the absence of some deputies will be fine, because when you can be seen by journalists and filmed, it is a much greater responsibility, and asks. with
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shelters, how can you decide on me, because there will be no new shelters, but the simplest ones all have underground passages, which must be calculated, who goes to which sectors, this is now the main reason why they can’t let journalists in, but it’s just all about freedom of speech in general, we also hear about that the united states of america, as one of our biggest partners now, will see this as a threat, so i think that there will actually be changes in this direction and movement, i think that i am sure that they want to influence the public, but i am also sure that to us as a society and part of the people deputies to the supervisory board, these attacks will succeed in attacking her, well, for example there, i will remind you about how maryana bezugla and trechukova registered a bill on the criminal liability of everyone who goes abroad and speaks theses that do not suit her leadership of the state, but it turns out that the office the president, accordingly , they removed this bill, that's why, in fact
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, i think that the public... the process is already going on longer, but it won't be possible to stop the public, but for sure they are trying to influence why the public mulia maryani bezuglii, who, as you say, perform such a role as zhirinovsky performed under putin? i think that the public is simply independent in many ways, and the public is used, keeps the state, the standards of journalism, tells narratives that the state leadership would not like to hear, and , accordingly, they are looking for ways to influence indirectly, the time of the 90s, 2000s the intimidation of journalists by physical means has passed, but actually they are looking for other ways of pressure, this word is tricks, they are looking for where they can change the legislation, change the influence, and accordingly, but there are also many people who understand what's happening, and i think
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that's why... maybe we'll be able to stop this situation, well, now there's another element of the crackdown on journalists, as we know what happened to the sledstva info journalist, when he was being watched in order to hand over he was subpoenaed because he was doing a journalistic investigation that someone there didn't like, i don't know if it was the security service or something higher, well, again, this is a dictatorship in ukraine that has never passed and will never pass and... these are attempts to conduct it even in wartime, they will not come out either, our society is different, c us, the gatman state was a democratic state that had elections, the elements of a democratic state, respectively, well, someone who did not understand this, is trying to return it, well , change it, he will not succeed, and they are looking for ways to influence, but the society resists, it’s just a pity, really, that the state is focusing on journalists instead of
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focusing more on victory and... working more effectively actually, because it is very difficult at the front now, and today we hear about the chechens near sumy region, russia is trying to take advantage of the situation, while there are no weapons, in fact, there is the greatest need for concentration, to look for ways, if the motivation for mobilization, and not the compulsion of mobilization, and this is possible, for example, the kostenko bill submitted, where i am also a co-author, where there is a motivation that if you... more tanks, more other equipment, artillery, you have certain bonuses, it seems like a small thing, but in fact, when a person is taught, and then he can, for example, give an additional gift to his children or his relatives, this is actually motivation, and actually i would call on the authorities focus on it, a allow journalists to do their work, thank you very much for this conversation, natalya pipa, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us, thank you ms.
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natalya. well, in the meantime, we are fast approaching the news hour and kateryna shirokopois will tell us what happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour, katya. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the enemy attack of the russians on zaporozhye and the shooting of policemen in russia. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. four civilians were injured due to enemy aggression on a 48-year-old man blew himself up in his own yard in the village of bayrak of the balaklia community in kharkiv region. previously, he stepped on a petal mine, the victim with an explosive wound and an eye injury was hospitalized.


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