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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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were in germany for rehabilitation and a russian pounced on them with a knife, why are there many such cases in germany that concern ukrainians, we will talk about this later, stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and matrik is the stopper. you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, order topper matrix for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matrick, which comes in convenient packaging, which is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new item of interior design, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it both during rest and under.
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have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. premium the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together, what to do when there will be a liver, allochol, but what about the bile? alohol, it protects both the liver and gall bladder, alo hol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. dear friends, we are returning to the airwaves, these are our final 20 minutes that you will spend in our company, andriy saichu, lesya vakluk, in this studio we work for you, now we will introduce our guest to you, well, first of all, i want to remind you what is going on we have a collection and good news for you. it remains for us
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to collect some 260 with a small tail thousand uah so that we have 2 million for such fpv drones, and these fpv drones will fly on russian equipment. destroy it, protect the lives of our military, please join qr codes on your screens, card numbers are indicated above the qr codes, if you do not know how to scan qr codes, well, the title also has a separate card number in larger in numbers, well, everything is for your convenience, just so that you can donate, it does not matter if it is some huge amount, do you have a lot of money and want to share it too money, but it is important that there is one... that there is your involvement in the fact that the war is going on, and you do not forget about this war and take care of our army, so please join, i always remember, you know, emperor vespesian , he said that he had done a good deed, put such a line, and then he said that he said there was no line, he came that evening,
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there was no line, he said, amica diemperdi, what did they mean, friends, this day was lost, well he the man was so interesting, in his understanding, you can do without... there, execute there there were 20 real christians or something like that, well, but the man was not bad, he invented, for example, this channel of paid toilets, uh, in rome, which helped a lot in the principle of civilization, and he also invented this, yes, money is not they smell, yes, then his phrase too, yes, well, we showed that we know a little latin, dear friends, now we will talk about germany, do we know it, do we understand what is happening there, because muscovites walk freely and... they are killing our citizens and that scholz is somehow not with the taurus will not dare to provide them to ukraine. serhii somleniy, german political scientist, director of the initiative center european sustainability is visiting us. mr. serhiy, i am glad to see you. good afternoon, thank you for inviting me. mr. serhiu, well, actually, from this news, which is scary
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and sad, there are already some details about how the ukrainian military died in germany, and actually, they say that, as it were,... these two men were familiar with that attacker, he is a russian , and he killed them, butchered them, and it happened in germany, in germany there was somehow such news a lot is connected with ukrainian refugee women, for example, that they are attacked by some russians, the first reaction is some kind of shock, some kind of shock, some russian is a foreign country , a european country where you should feel safe, where russian missiles don't fly, well as we can see, the russian knife...everyone there is pretty much unlimited, unfortunately, and yes, the news is really terrible, and it's really a shock, and the problem is that really, as you said, it's just that it came to murder, because we don't even know how many attacks, so
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in germany, every year, every day, it takes place on the part of the russians or pro-russian circles against the ukrainians and... we only know that, well , you understand that statistics are not actually kept, i myself have the experience of when you try, let's say, somehow there ukrainian demonstrations, to approach the policemen and draw their attention to the fact that someone from the russian counter-protesters, who, of course , always try to come, promote some russian symbols there, is forbidden in berlin, then the policemen usually do not react. because they say, well, it didn't lead to anything, let's just tell them to leave, that is, it is not recorded statistically, and it already requires a lot of effort to just force the police to do their job and record the offense, at least so that even
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if this person is not, it means that she will not suffer responsibility, but it will be in statistics, because if it is to record what is the next step, the next step, when the ukrainian community... goes to the city hall of berlin, let's say, or to some other city hall, says protect us, they say, in statistics there is no need to protect you, no increase in attacks on ukrainian women has been recorded, and this proves that these russians feel their impunity, they screw each other, we know that in germany there are a lot of open telegram chats and other chats , in which they exchange their own texts, so they do not lead to ukrainians, they collect money there for the russian army, to help the so-called ldnr, they import the so-called humanitarian, which means convoys there, which means that the russian army is actually there, and they are not responsible for it responsibility, of course they want to take the next step, and only when
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people are killed, then we speak, but what was done, and you know, even yesterday, when i wrote about it in my social networks, then they came to me there in one... even there it is difficult to say who they were, they were russian trolls there, which means they are masquerading as ukrainian women, or are they really some ukrainian commentators there, there are not many, but they are like... well, what are you accusing in general, you can't blame in general, you have to to wait for the police to figure it out, it probably means that it was not a hate crime, that is, there is always an attempt to say that it is some kind of a fight, a fight, a fight thing, although we know that this man, he belonged to these pro-russian open radical circles, we know that it was known about him, that he and here i... asked recently that he was in these groups that used this z symbolism and everything, again in germany z
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it is officially prohibited as one from extremist symbols, against cases of being responsible for it almost no, well, only recently, 10 years after the russian occupation of a part of the donetsk region, germany recognized the dpr as a terrorist group of the lpr on... you know, that is, we wait another 10 years and that's it, and this leads to this, this leads to that , that in fact, if something like this happens, it seems that no one expected it, but simply no one worked on this issue, allowed these tumors to grow, and of course, as a result, this leads to such crimes, er, and why i do not know, somehow legislation, maybe it would be possible to regulate in no. there is legislation, well, look, we have a chancellor who worked for gazprom, there is legislation,
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the problem is in the application of this legislation, the former chancellor, this is the former chancellor, yes, well, it’s like the president, if, if he once was, then it was if yes, even schröder, he is constantly in the media, if he is quoted, he is quoted not as a gazprom lobbyist, but as a former chancellor, but this is not the problem... the lack of legislation, there is legislation, it is good, the problem is that , that there is neither the political will to use it, nor just the strength and resources to do so deal, even with such threats as, say, islamist terrorism, which supposedly for many decades everyone there has agreed that it exists, that there really is such a threat, and in germany they were killed there and there at the christmas market in berlin they were killed by an islamist terrorist people, even with islamist... most, most cases when the police arrest someone, it is
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after our allied special services, british, american, pass on information to german colleagues, female colleagues, respectively, about intercepted conversations about the preparation of a terrorist attack, because even in their own country, the german special services depend entirely on the information provided by the americans, the british, because what, because there are no forces, because most of the forces are spent... on filling out the documentation, and this is not a joke, on entering financial reports and and and and, here you are also talking about the russian threat, which was not considered a threat at all two years ago, russia was considered a strategic partner, huh, that is, we need to completely reorientate here, and plus we know that the german special services, after all, they if islamist terrorists infiltrated there, well, i think that there are almost none, or none at all, then there are enough russian... agents there, we know this simply from the arrests in the german special services of people who worked for russian
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intelligence, you know, now they also say a lot about the fact that allegedly scholz and germany in general can consider china as such a strategic new partner, that it is connected with stagnation in the economy, and can solve it in this way, for example, there i understand the decision that there should not be this licensing of investments to... the chinese economy, there were some certain restrictions, well, i'm just saying that in ukraine, for example, last year there was a boom in electric cars, and these electric cars are chinese, but the most popular of them is volkswagen, well, that's why that volkswagen also produces, well, look, if we move on to a completely different topic of chinese investments in germany, then here, in principle, we can talk about the same pater. denying the reality of relations with russia, that is
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, we know that kanster scholz personally lobbied the sale of a part of the hamburg terminal to a chinese company, that is, the loss of actual control over huge infrastructure projects, we know that large german companies, such as dutch bank, deutsche telekom, at least negotiated with chinese companies. that supply telecommunications equipment to simply mass-use chinese telecommunications equipment in germany for the purpose of providing information. this is actually an invitation of chinese intelligence to your home, because if you have your state, non-state communication, even, and communication related to basic infrastructure, such as information infrastructure, energy infrastructure, transport infrastructure passes through its devices, which you do not control, or do not
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fully know who controls them, in fact, at the right time, it can... be either a leak of information or simply sabotage of your infrastructure, well, look, the level of understanding of this, at the moment when it comes to banning, let's say, the use of tiktok on there official platforms or in general the use of tiktok in countries like united states, chancellor scholz starts a tiktok account, and you don't know it, not such a creative thing, but like everyone is doing... something, and i will do the opposite, it's just completely ignoring, ignoring threats and ignoring, even ignoring even the potential of such threats, and here we can say about the dependence of german business on china, that is, we talked a lot about the dependence of german business on russia, it really was, but russia has never played such a big role in the economy for germany, as
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china plays, of the two points of view: firstly, russia did not export anything to germany. well, except for gas, and it was a very small dependence, that is, we see that within six months, germany got rid of its dependence completely, there used to be like 30% of german gas bought in russia, now it is 0%, that is, it could be removed and it was a shock for certain industries economy, but not for the economy in general, that is, for the economy, there was literally two or three months of this price jump, and russia's turnover of goods and services with russia was three times smaller than. poland, despite the fact that the population of russia there is three times as large more than in poland. the opposite is true with china. germany produces goods in china, which are then exported to germany. germany cannot refuse them. germany produces goods in china that are then exported to other countries. that is, it is impossible to restore these ties with china without a shock to the economy. and the volume of
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trade with china is much larger. that is, we cannot withdraw from china in this way in... in the event of some conflict, as we withdrew from russia, and here the lobbying of german business is great, and here it is necessary to understand that the german concept foreign policy was built on the principle of change through trade, that is, we trade, because of this we exchange ideas, we create bilateral dependence on each other, and this allegedly leads to a decrease in the level of political volatility and stress, in fact, on the contrary, it works only with democracies , authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, it does not work, because an authoritarian regime can prohibit its business from criticizing, and a democracy cannot, therefore, if relations deteriorate, but between democracy and a totalitarian regime is an economic link, then the totalitarian regime will use this dependence and in order for the business of democracy
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to put pressure on the democratic government and it works, it worked with russia, and it will work even more with china, huh. by the way, this index, what is it called, gunpower, an index of the power of the country, the armies of the countries of the world, was recently released, and for example, i was surprised to see that, for example, what is the name of the bundeswehr, yes, yes, the bundeswehr - the army of the federal republic of germany is below in a position than for example, the ukrainian army, well, it is not surprising, i think that there is no army in europe at all. in terms of capacity, it is at the ukrainian level, but we do not produce combat aircraft, germany produces them, we do not make combat tanks as massively as germany, leopards, we are now supplying leopards to ukraine, well , if we look, we do not produce them either, more or less , there in taurs, let's say, the order has not been placed, and of course germany has the technology to
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produce, let's say irst systems of ppo, but these are small companies that... produce there several copies per year, that is why, for example, it is not possible to quickly increase their production, because they are simply strong, but we are not talking about the technology of private companies that produce equipment, it is not the german army, it has a state enterprise there, bundeswehr tanks, relatively speaking, yes, it is the defense industry, no, these are private companies that produce them, according to their own developments and sell them, of course, with the permission of the government, because this is a separate, separate branch of the economy, but a private company, if we are talking about the army , bundeswehr for many years was underfunded, the bundeswehr for many years from... was destroyed simply institutionally, because for all the politicians, the politicians of germany, the bundeswehr was and the fathers spending on the army was
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just a goal, from which to take money, the bundeswehr decreased almost three times in terms of the number of troops, well we we remember, in principle, we had the same attitude towards the army for 15-20 years, our priority direction was disarmament and conversion. and the same in germany, the fact that the cheetahs remained, who transferred a few to ukraine, is a miracle, because it is simply a miracle, a miracle, because all the cheetahs had to be destroyed, we sawed like a bunch of bbms, a bunch of everything, because we didn’t even sell it, but burned it, that is, on metal, the same thing that was done in ukraine, only we were lucky to be in nato and with american troops in our territory, in principle, it was, it was similar. similar, similar level of opinion, trump is terribly disliked by everyone in europe, i am completely, being in europe , they also share emotions somewhere, but in general,
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when trump says that america does not have to bear the entire military burden of nato, there is some kind of rational grain, germany is waiting for that leadership, i think, you know, it 's hard to say here, because trump's rhetoric, it's destructive, it's not about everyone increasing, meaning their contribution. in the nato structures, and about how to find an explanation why the united states should withdraw from europe, that in fact, this is isolationism, so it will actually lead to losses for both europe and the united states. the truth is that germany has constantly underfunded its army and constantly, not only germany, many nato countries, and truth. the fact is that germany's spending on the military, that is, on military purposes, is very strange, that is, there is a lot of spending on personnel, despite the fact that this is not combat
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training, this is just the maintenance of structures, well, we know that for germany was shocked by the operation in afghanistan, which began in 2001, and well, for example, there was a military medic in germany, in the bundessphere, he was just a person who... a doctor or a medic, and he just wanted to have a protected working position and so that there are no problems with privacy practice, as you work there somewhere in a hospital or in a private practice, for example in civilian life, you also work there, as a dentist or a therapist in the army, well, a little more injuries, a little means more male clients, so a little less there old people, the elderly, and the same thing, and when the operation in afghanistan began, then ... a bunch of military doctors began to look for ways to release, uh, because they said, and we didn't expect it, uh, we didn't expect it, what should we mean to work, i’m just a dentist, ugh, i didn’t
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expect that i would have a ruptured lung there, legs torn off and something, as if i didn’t sign up for it, everyone comes out of that shocked state and somehow adapts, we are completely in us a few seconds actually remain, what with taurus, when we get it, very briefly, with scholz you don't get it, huh? on this note, dear friends, we say goodbye to our guest serhiy sumleny, a german political scientist, director of the initiative center european stability, and to you too, thank you for being with us, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we'll be back tomorrow at 7:10, and you stay with espresso. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolg. gel up to 30% in psarynyk you and ochda pharmacies, there are discounts on bizyn, 20% at prysnyk pam and ochda pharmacies. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and
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12:00 pm
represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at the rava ruska grebenne checkpoint , truck traffic was resumed. polish farmers stopped blocking the border, now registration and traffic flow in two directions.


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