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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:29pm EEST

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premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. truck traffic was resumed at the rava ruska grebene checkpoint. polish farmers stopped blocking the border. currently, the registration and movement of transport in two directions takes place as usual . this was announced by the state border service. however, they note that
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trucks with grain crops will not be allowed at the border to poland. official ukrainian chatbots in telegram that helped in the fight with the aggression of the russian federation, they have already resumed work. this was reported in the center of strategic communications. it is about the work of the main intelligence and security services, as well as the probot of the ministry of digital policy is an enemy. the night before, it became known that the messenger's administration had blocked them. earlier, gur stated that the personal data of users remained safe. and in sumy oblast, the security service detained a couple of pensioners who were pointing russian guns at the border of the region. the husband and wife had pro-russian views, so at the beginning of this began to cooperate with the occupiers. they drove around the border in their own car and monitored the positions of our defenders. later, in the seat with maps and coordinates of the crossing. the curators of the zrf and the perpetrators
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were charged with treason and arrested. one man was wounded during an enemy attack on the zaporozhye district. this was announced by the head of the military administration of the region, ivan fedorov. over the course of a day, the occupiers struck the populated areas of the region more than 300 times. 10 came under russian fire settlements. 12 houses were damaged. in gulyaipol, the roof of one of the houses caught fire. three apartments in a five-story building in orihiv also burned. on the eve, the occupiers directed an fpv drone over the mykolaiv district of vesnyanska hromada, this was reported in the regional administration. as a result, the property of the industrial enterprise was damaged, and there were no casualties. four civilians were injured due to enemy aggression in
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the khakiv region, in the village of bayrak of the balakliya community , an explosion took place in their own yard a forty-eight-year-old man, previously he had stepped on a petal mine, the victim with an explosive wound and an eye injury was hospitalized, the head of the regional military administration oleg synigubov said. also , a 59-year-old resident was wounded by russian shelling in the village of strelecha, and two more civilians were injured in kupyansk. the occupiers covered the city with rocket launchers. destroyed private housing there. in addition, in vovchansk, the enemy damaged two private houses and dropped cabs with artillery fire to a private enterprise. and all of us promised the entrepreneur to speed up the procedure for obtaining passports and international veterinary certificates, necessary for the export of animals. the criminal was caught red-handed while receiving money. he faces up to 10 years in prison. the ministry of foreign affairs of china has officially
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confirmed the visit of xi jinping to europe, it is about the chinese leader's working trips to france, serbia and hungary from may 5 to 10. this was reported by reuters. and at least four people died due to a tornado in the us state of oklahoma, among them were four-month-old babies, and almost a hundred people were injured, reuters reported. a powerful wind wreaked havoc in the city of sulphur, many private houses were destroyed, buses and cars were overturned, without electricity, and now more than 20,000 residents of the state remain. they make easter eggs for their own baskets and for the military. in lviv, the children of fallen soldiers gathered for a master class to learn about easter egg making. our correspondents saw how they painted, which models were chosen. karina and
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filomena is already preparing for easter, learning to write easter eggs, red. last year , the girls' father died in the war in donetsk region, together with their mother they attend such events to distract themselves, learn new things and make friends. for them it is the first time, for them it is generally a shock and joy, because they didn't even know what they were going to do, we always go to some visitation, but they have never done this before, and they were going, mom, what will it be there, mom, what, i say, to see, it's all a surprise. iryna came with her children to the master class. in order to continue family traditions until the death of their husband, they always wrote pysankas together, led hayvikas and observed many easter rituals. we visited shevchenkivskyi grove, took part in all the master classes, activities, dances, tug-of-war, standing on shoulders,
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that is, quite so actively, and always participated in everything together, that is, my husband could wind dolls and straw birds twist. the children decided to make easter eggs not only for their own basket, but also for the military. i want to draw a symbol today of ukraine. so that later it can be handed over to the armed forces, or it can be handed over to some museum. i want this song to remain in the zsu so much, because i want the zsu to admire it. i don't know what is possible. like blue on top and yellow on the bottom, i would like to draw some symbol of men, but nine-year-old olya loves to draw, so she happily came with her mother to write easter eggs, she wanted to cut some animal, i will take her
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home and i will surely have trouble with her i will dedicate her, she paints, like this one, that one for... master class on piesan painting in lviv master of ukrainian folk art iryna hnylyakevych conducted the officers' house. she taught the children not only painting, but also talked about symbolism, how to choose the right colors and the meaning of easter egg art. the most emotions are at the end, because at first everything
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is covered in wax, smeared with wax, let's say, they can't see anything, and when the process of removing the wax takes place, that's when the most emotions are, so i... say, the chicken doesn't recognize the egg as will be seen. for two hours, children inspired to write easter eggs, came up with patterns and were gathering impressions to celebrate easter very soon. khrystyna porubiy, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. ukrainian angelina usanova won the miss eco international beauty contest in egypt. now our compatriot will become a un goodwill ambassador for ecology and the environment. kiyanka uraza. jury with their costumes, the first one was called "phoenix" and symbolized the immortality and vitality of ukraine, even under fire. the second dress called "the world on fire" was dedicated to the problem of forest fires in the world. simultaneously the outfit symbolized the burned lands of ukraine due to the war. both dresses are made
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entirely from recycled materials. in total , representatives of 85 countries took part in the competition. search for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment your important thoughts to us, be there every day. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow updates on our website and at our social networks. i will say goodbye to you already until tomorrow.
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greetings, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, today we will talk about the most important trends of this you. about how the situation is developing, how it will develop in the future, what are the most important decisions that should help ukraine survive the multi-year war of attrition it is waging against us. russian federation. let's talk about it with our guests and experts. our first guest is vasyl pavlyuk, ex consul general of ukraine in lublin in 2015-2023. congratulations, mr. vasyl. good evening. well, we all know about this, i would say, collapse with the consular services of ukraine to military-obliged citizens who are outside the borders of our country. how do you think the situation will develop from a legal point of view? well, you understand, mr. vitaly, the law has been passed without question, and
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the consuls and diplomats will carry out the decree, it will bring some result, i think that nothing of great result, this decree it will not bring anything, from my point of view, if the state wanted to register all citizens of ukraine who are outside the borders of our state, i mean male, well, it could be done in another way, to give certain... certain powers to the consuls , and so that they could put our citizens on the register, send to ukraine by e -mail, this is all done very quickly, very qualitatively, and in this way then we could see how many of our male citizens are outside ukraine, if the state put goal to return ukrainians, the male category of our citizens, so that they go to the front there or go to the army, well, i think it will not bring any... because those ukrainians who left before the war and work there, have their own businesses, have
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affairs or they just work with families, their children study there, go to school, well, for sure they won't return, and those who have already fled, let's say, conditionally during the war, well, they won't return all the more, you have to approach this, probably from the other side, well, the law is definitely passed, i think that this law you just need to organize so as not to do so little of this. excuse me in russian, i will say that now the ukrainians have started to go to such protests somewhere, let's say, to some extent there to our centers, uh, it's not very pleasant, because our partners are looking at us, our neighbors, and they look and again shake their heads and say, something is wrong in ukraine , everything is done, it could all be done in a different way, it's mine. i, i'm not talking about that, we perfectly understand that we are with you we are not discussing the issue of who will return and
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who will not return, but how to actually implement the law, but we used to have a rule that military registration does not take place outside ukraine, now it is a rule that it takes place, the ministry of defense does not expect that it will send summonses to citizens who are abroad, the question arises as to how the laws should be legally enforced, how involved the consular services should be in this enforcement of the law, that's all, really. well , today nothing is known, nothing it is not clear, i will tell you frankly, if there are any additional ones there, let’s say the order, well, accordingly, the consuls will certainly comply, and they, i repeat once again, they are ready, i am not, i do not even doubt that, to put our citizens of ukraine, and send this data to our centers in our country, so i don't see a big problem here, it's just necessary to organize and give some additional orders. in this situation, in principle, one can imagine a situation where citizens are registered for
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military service in accordance with the law, in this electronic cabinet, which i hope will be created, accordingly , after they appear at the consulates with military documents, they continue to be provided with consular services, on the other hand, on the other hand, they cannot get military tickets outside ukraine, truth? of course. and that they were told to go to ukraine, they will not go to ukraine, because they will be afraid that they will no longer be released from ukraine, and that is why they will not go, it must be done, it must be done now think about this option, there is still time, because the law will enter into force on may 18th, and accordingly there is still time, and it is necessary to organize it all and make it possible for them to be registered in consular institutions in europe and all over the world, after all. thank you, thank you, mr. viktor. mr. vasyl, i'm sorry, vasyl pavlyuk, consul general of ukraine in lublin in 2015-2023, we were in touch, we
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talked about how the situation with consular services of ukraine abroad will develop, and now let's talk about what's happening at the front with viktor trygubov, major of the armed forces of ukraine, journalists, publicists, a blogger, he will be in touch with us now, and we will... ask him the questions that i think are now worrying all our citizens, but now i think mr. viktor will be with us for a certain time. we will see him for a while, and we will talk about what the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general syrsky, spoke about today, who said that the difficult situation that is developing in the theater of hostilities, in principle, this is such an important
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moment that, to me it seems that now there is not... incredibly, so to speak, exciting for everyone us, because it is obvious that the russian armed forces are now trying to capture the territories, in touch, we already have viktor trygubov in touch, congratulations mr. viktor, congratulations to you, well, we can say that now a new period of offensive has begun of the armed forces of the russian federation to ukrainian positions, and not only in the donbass, but also in the kharkiv region, and what do you think, whether the armed forces of ukraine can now hold the front line, because we understand that the russians will now do everything possible , that in time when will still be in ukraine to receive new western aid, to capture as much ukrainian territory as possible, what do you think needs to be done for this? it's not that it really stopped much, the constant pressure is actually misicemic, and, for example, the effort to advance in the
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same pokrovsky direction, which before that was the yevyan direction, it hasn't stopped for months. themselves for more than six months, so it is impossible to say that something has fundamentally changed here, but the truth is that they are intensifying their actions precisely in anticipation of the fact that soon ukraine new weapons will arrive and some problems may arise. i follow them, the warlords and their court bloggers, and i can honestly say that when they feel that trouble is coming, they change the rhetoric a little, they start to whine about the fact that all these weapons will only ... prolong the conflicts anyway, and there will contribute to the death of a greater number of ukrainians, this is what they do when they really begin to understand that something is not going according to their plan, so it seems that they understand it, and this is how they rush right into expectations that the situation may soon change, well, we can generally assume that the western press is right, which says that this new
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weapon will be able to help ukraine to stop the russians there faster. offensive than to really change the situation at the front. well, to be honest, i don't know, by the way, who to read, who to refer to, for example, there are many such publications, the problem here is the trend, as you understand, well, yes, i, for example, read a good article about what if this weapon arrived a year earlier, then maybe it would have allowed ukraine to win the war right away, and that's it true, because then, for example, the destruction of the crimean bridge. would have a much greater logistical effect than it will have now, for example, but nevertheless, let's be honest, we are not talking about the detention of russian troops, after all, about some strikes that will be really sensitive for russia as such, well, for example , the same for us now it is more important to inflict such damage on russia that further
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aggression, even in non-military terms , is simply, let's say, less acceptable. the same blows with a distant hand on the refinery, the same defeats of the russian black sea fleet, those the destruction of objects in crimea itself is all part of the strategic pressure on russia, and here it is no longer about whether they will take some village under, relatively speaking, between kurakhin and between kurakhova and avdiivka, but about, for example , will there be anything left of the black sea fleet or how much russian oil refining will drop in the near future, so i would say that there is a war here now... very non-linear, well here is the problem again, russia is at war with us with missiles, in fact every day we we see the reality of the destruction of strategic ukrainian infrastructure, yes, because it is clear that with the help of missiles it is possible to destroy thermal power plants, as we can see, you can even stop the work of dniproges, its parts, as in zaporizhzhia, and with the help
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of drones you can of course hit oil refineries, but let all these oil refineries i don't fill mine... but they continue to work, and here, too, there is always the question of how ready our allies will be for their weapons to destroy some objects on the territory of russia, because today i even saw the minister's statement of poland's foreign affairs radislaw sekorski, who said: you know, what putin gets from the use of nuclear weapons is that the united states promised him that if he uses them, they will strike the occupied territory of ukraine with their weapons, you know, this is so amazing. a situation where from all sides they are ready to hit the territory of ukraine, with nuclear weapons, not with nuclear weapons, russia, the united states, but it looks like i will beat your younger brother, and i will beat your younger brother, let us ... we look like a training ground for
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struggle between moscow and the west? there are two points: firstly, the last thing i saw is that great britain is not against strikes with british weapons anywhere, well, i mean, anywhere on the territory of russia, the americans are not against, but on the occupied crimea, well but more, more than that, the same oil refineries are being struck... this is not an american or british weapon, so there are no problems with that here, there is something that, in principle, the ukrainians are now able to produce themselves, fortunately, that 's right, i say that these are drones and not missiles, but if it were, you understand what if this if there was one british or american missile, then this oil refinery simply wouldn’t exist, it wouldn’t exist, yes, but nevertheless, the reaction column was destroyed, it also, let’s say, does not ozonize the air, so for a while it destroys it . therefore, in principle, let's put it this way, i'm not so pessimistic in this regard, i 'm not concerned about the supply of equipment, i'm
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more concerned about the issue of mobilization, to be honest, but as for the equipment, well, that's all, you know, the struggle continues, well, by the way, about the technique, but they noticed that lately they are talking quite loudly about the fact that china is helping moscow to update this equipment, to send it with components, that's all. before, none of us would have talked about what is happening with russian equipment, which one way or another comes out with the government, which needs new components, here it turns out, the west is loudly talking about it, that china is simply a market for the russian military-industrial complex , how to get out of this situation, and whether , on the contrary, russia is at some points a market for the chinese military-industrial complex, well... mutual pollination is yes, but what is the story, well, in fact, first of all, not everywhere
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china can help russia, there are some technologies that, for example, go, there are some examples that are not renewable, well, the same , for example, the a50, these are the same long-range radar observation planes, china simply will not give them away, because, for example, it does not have such characteristics, the same applies, for example, to the black sea fleet, which is now practically irreplaceable, because they themselves you know, the montreux convention, so china cannot help everywhere, china helps very actively in the supply of chips for the same drones, in, let's say, in macro-financial assistance, and in a long line of economic moments, but to say that its help in here is such. decisively in some moments, it seems to me that north korea helps more than china itself, because, for example, artillery ammunition in very large quantities is now coming from north korean
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warehouses, so there are no questions, they still saw stalin in some cases and in some cases it they literally saw stalin, but none the less they are still flirting and killing, but by the way about the mobilization, we learned today that on november 1 in russia these ... the territory of the russian federation after receiving such an electronic summons. however, it will be only after six months. it can be said that now putin simply does not need such draconian measures to keep russian citizens on the territory of russia, and that russia can prepare to such a mass mobilization of its citizens with such closed borders to those who receive a summons. already in the fall, only in the fall, i would say, russia has a big, actually, advantage over us, they have a large mobilization resource in the form of people from small towns and
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depressed forces, in which, in principle , the cost of living is not high at all and not, let’s say so , the price of neither one's own life nor that of another's is high, and the logic is such that why should i sit in my village somewhere under kemerova, die quietly, drink quietly, i'd better at least see the world and maybe i will earn some... a penny, and if they take me away, they will give a penny to my relatives there, they have a lot of such strength, we have much less such strength, so yes, in a certain way, the problem is that we are a little more civilized, but this resource , it is also not absolute, it is also not inexhaustible, in some regions it is already beginning to come to an end, for example, in buryat, seriously, depopulation has already started there, if you take men separately from... categories, then serious depopulation has started there, and it's somehow not very good, so sooner or later they will have to to select by, let's say, more
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aggressive methods, more... restrictive methods, we, unfortunately, have to do this precisely because we have, well, we simply do not have a whole siberia of dying villages, where everyone is ready to kill or to die for chikushka and bread, so yes, thank you, mr. viktor, viktor tryguba, major of the armed forces of ukraine, journalist, publicist and blogger, we were in touch, we will now take a break for a few minutes, but you stay with us, ahead more important dialogues. what is bahmud? bahmud - it is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our day. the children were born in the era of independence. strong and brave, these are
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