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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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of the day was ethereal espresso. in the meantime, we will pass the word on to our colleagues. anna eva melnyk and the news editor have already prepared fresh information that they are ready to share. anya, we congratulate you, and we actually pass the floor, please tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. good afternoon, colleagues, thank you, the news editor will tell you about the most important thing, in particular, the fact that the desertion rate is increasing in the army of muscovites, details. stay with us next, a 37-year-old man was injured and a 60-year-old man was killed as a result of enemy shelling of the village kizomes in the kherson region. the russians hit residential buildings in...
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the kherson regional military administration clarified the information. the victim is provided with medical assistance. run away without warning. among the russian invaders, the level of desertion is increasing - informs the main directorate of intelligence. according to the agency , more than 18,000 soldiers voluntarily left the service in the combat units of the southern military district of the russian army. approximately 10,000 fugitives were mobilized. the permit for the construction of 14 residential buildings was revoked in kyiv complexes on the territory of the national aviation university, acting rector ksenia semenova reported. she stated that this project was against building regulations and had no benefit for the state and the university. let me remind you that the construction contract was concluded by the ex-region. and
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university rector maksym lutskyi in 2007. we deviate from the observance of the convention on human rights, partially. ukraine informed the secretariat of the council of europe about this in a written statement on april 4. the relevant document states that the country's military leadership has the right restrict the freedom of movement of citizens and forcibly expropriate property for the needs of the state. and. protection of property rights and free elections are suspended. the state resorted to such a step due to russian aggression, and this is not the first time, some provisions of the convention were suspended in 2015 during the anti-terrorist operation. putin's plan failed. the russians failed to erase ukraine from the world map - said us secretary of state anthony blinken during his visit to saudi arabia.
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according to the diplomat, russia's attack on ukraine cannot be left unpunished, because other potential aggressors of the world will be able to repeat this scenario. blinken also noted that the coalition helped the ukrainians repel aggression and will continue to do so constantly. germany honors two killed ukrainian servicemen. residents of a german town. kurnau arrive at the makeshift memorial with flowers and candles. let me remind you that on april 27, an unknown person stabbed two servicemen of the armed forces. the soldiers were in germany for rehabilitation after injuries. the attacker was caught by the police in the murder a 57-year-old citizen of russia is suspected. in support of ukraine, the legendary ship alpo left. in the symbolic mission of sphinx oull
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and on june 5 will come to the french language. during the trip, the ship will stop at 19 ports in finland, sweden, denmark, germany, belgium, the netherlands and france, where the organizers will collect funds for the purchase of situational awareness sensors for the air force of the armed forces. the tugboat was built in new york in 1943 and is known for having participated in the allied landings. in normandy, d-day on june 6, 1944 became decisive in world war ii. easter for the heroes, the families of those killed during the revolution of dignity decorated the lviv memorial on the eve of the resurrection day. natives made and painted easter eggs on their own. 107 easter eggs were placed. under photos of
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activists. representatives of the museum of dignity have already held such an action for the fifth time. the organizers show that they remember the exploits of each and every one, all the sacrifices were not in vain. easter eggs will be displayed on the memorial ceiling until the end of the easter holidays. we have a variety of pysanky, made in very different ways techniques, there are of course also plastic ones, but there are wooden ones, sycamore ones, which were painted by craftsmen with traditional paintings, there are blown shells , they were painted with wax traditionally, there are also carved ones, there are drawings, drawings that were made with the help of. paints, as much as we can, we try to preserve that memory, so that not only our relatives remember, but also some citizens of that city, and some even tourists who come to that place, make
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easter eggs for their own basket and for the military, the children of fallen soldiers gathered at a master class to learn about easter egg art, how to paint... but what patterns were chosen, our correspondents saw, i came to make easter eggs. karina and filomena are already preparing for easter, learning to write easter eggs. last year, the girls' father died in the war in donetsk region, together with their mother they attend such events to distract themselves, learn new things and make friends. for them, this is the first time, for them. it's generally a shock and joy, because they didn't even know what they were going to do, we constantly go to some visited, but they haven't done this yet, and they went, mom, what will it be there, mom, what, i say, to see, it’s all a surprise, here iryna came with the children to the master class to continue family traditions, until the death of
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her husband, they always wrote easter eggs together, drove groves and observed many easter rites, we visited the shevchenkiv grove, m... participated in all master classes, activities, dances, tug-of-war, standing on shoulders, that is, quite actively, and participated in everything all together always, that is, in my husband could wind dolls and straw birds twist. the children decided to make easter eggs not only for their own basket, but also for the military. today i want to draw some symbol of ukraine. so that my, what... later it could be handed over to the zsu, or it could also be handed over to some museum, i want this easter egg to remain in the zsu so much, because i want the zsu to admire it, i didn't know that it is possible to have two couriers, blue on top and yellow on the bottom, i
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would like to draw some symbol of the tyvymens, but nine-year-old olya loves to draw. so i happily came with my mother to write easter cards, i wanted to draw some animal, i will take it home and i will definitely go with it to dedicate it, she draws, like this one, then she forgets, and she is in her own, if this one, she does not miss it, she is completely different then, but little, well, she she thinks, well, dad will come back, well, she doesn't realize and in principle, well, neither do psychologists. they didn't talk, she didn't experience what it was, she didn't, well, she seems to know, dad is an angel, that her dad is, when she's having a hard time, she turns to him, you know, but if that's all, well, she can't fully understand, if, it's, well, actually she is waiting for him, a master class on painting
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in the lviv officers' house was conducted by the master of folk art of ukraine iryna hnylyakevych, she taught children not only painting, but also talked about symbolism, how to choose the right colors and about meanings. easter egg art, the most emotion is at the end, because at first everything is covered in wax, covered with wax, let's say, they don't see anything, and when the process of removing the wax takes place, that's when the most emotions are, as i always say, the chicken is the egg does not recognize how will see for two hours, the children were inspired to write easter eggs, came up with patterns and gathered impressions in order to celebrate easter very soon. khrystyna parubiy, roman kovalyuk, and the collection of a tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces continues. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work,
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study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - 720 uah 00 only two left to collect. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join, you see all the details on the screen, more about what is important. you read on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks and i urge all viewers of espresso to support our youtube channel, see you at 4 p.m., well, the information day of the espresso tv channel continues, now we will add oleksandr krayev to our broadcast , an expert of the ukrainian foreign policy council. prism we will talk about the internal ukrainian problem with its international
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reflection, in particular, in particular we will talk about the return of our men home, oleksandr krayev is in touch with us, mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine, you hear us, you don't hear us, we are waiting now, right now, we would like to offer our viewers, before turning on oleksandr krayev, to watch the story of our colleagues, quite comprehensive material. about the scandalous, i would say so, topic of last week, which was discussed by almost everyone in ukraine and beyond, it is about restriction of certain consular services to male conscripts who are in the territory of other states, well , actually, how our partners reacted to this, we heard different signals from different countries, in particular, poland said that it was allegedly ready to help to return conscripted men to ukraine, and there were countries that... said that they would not do this, well, in a word, we offer to understand this topic with the help of the story
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of our colleagues, which we can watch right now. long queues, heated arguments, scolding insults, what my husband has to serve, this is documented, give the documents, to ukraine, you, serve. on tuesday, april 23, hundreds of ukrainian men. abroad, who came to pick up pre-ordered documents, could not receive them. the foreign divisions of the state-owned enterprise first reported technical problems, but within a few hours the minister of foreign affairs, dmytro kuleba , published a post in which he announced: the ukrainian state has decided to suspend the provision of consular services to men of mobilization age. a man of mental age he went abroad, he showed that the issue of its survival does not bypass him, and then he comes and wants to receive services from this state, it
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does not work like that, there is a war in our country. limiting access to consular services abroad for those who do not have a military id card or have not updated their information at the tcc is indeed provided for in the new law on mobilization, but it does not come into force until may 18, and documents are not being issued already. many lawyers are sure. the actions of the ministry of foreign affairs are illegal, but few doubt that such a drastic step is unlikely could be the initiative of the ministry or even the government. apparently, it was approved at the bank meeting. back in january, at a joint press conference with estonian prime minister kaya kallas, president zelenskyi was asked to comment on whether estonia should deport men of draft age to ukraine, and he voiced his position. i have been fighting for two years. our guys, and at this time, i will tell you frankly, there are
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people who crossed the border illegally, or outside the law, if they are of mobilization age, then they should help in ukraine, and they should be in ukraine. before deportation, which is true, it is unlikely to happen, germany categorically rejected such a possibility. the ministers of defense of poland and lithuania admitted the possibility of assistance... in the issue of the return of men of mobilization age, but later the minister of internal affairs of poland clarified that temporary protection will be provided to ukrainian male refugees even without a passport, and their private data will not be transferred to the ukrainian authorities. we need to act wisely and rationally. all things that concern ukrainians in poland are prescribed in laws. we will continue protection for ukrainian refugees, which is valid only until june 30. those who do not have passports will be subject to temporary protection. however, deportation is
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an extreme, there are other ways to stimulate ukrainian men to return to ukraine. next week, the polish diet will consider a new version of the law on ukrainian refugees. and according to zmi, it may contain a requirement for ukrainians to provide a valid passport in order to receive various benefits. no passport, no benefits. according to the statistics of the european union after the full-scale more than 800,000 people left for the invasion ukrainian men, some illegally, hundreds of thousands more lived and worked abroad before the great war, many of them... fair or not, now they will have to endure inconveniences and restrictions. long queues of ukrainian men appeared this week not only in warsaw and berlin, but also in ukrainian cities. conscripts are in a hurry to update their data even before the new law on mobilization comes into force, because the countdown, two months, will begin on may 18. if you don't have time, there will be
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sanctions. the fine is probably more than uah 2,000. in the police database of search and even deprivation of the right to drive a car, however, the ministry of defense reassures that the data can be updated not only directly at the tsc, but also at administrative service centers and through the electronic office. it should become operational in june, dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense, told rfe/rl. update the data so that the tccsp knows who is booked, who can be mobilized accordingly, and so on, who has changed family circumstances, who has the right to deferment, and this is obviously also about justice. if electronic if the office of the conscript does not work, then it will be impossible to implement the law adopted by the council. after may 18, the queues at the tsk will become even longer, and they will physically not be able to cope with the influx of visitors. military service with the status
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of disabled is a separate issue. parliament obliged them to re-pass the vlk within nine. months to get a new status, which has yet to be determined by the ministry of defense. but will it be necessary to confirm the disability of the second and third groups, received after february 24 , 2022, which was reported earlier, now not of course. the court-legal newspaper drew attention to the fact that the announced norm did not make it to the final version of the law. while preparations are underway for increased mobilization, the widely advertised recruitment campaign in the armed forces does not bring the desired result. according to numerous testimonies of servicemen who voluntarily came to the tcc, having a letter of reference from the military unit where they would like to serve, the mechanism does not work. the mobilized gets to the training center, and there the relationship actually means nothing, that is, where you will serve and with whom does not
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depend on you. against the background of uncertainty, ambiguity and managerial mistakes in the social network. there are heated debates, critics of the latest decisions of the parliament and the executive power both regarding mobilization and regarding ukrainian men abroad, reminding about the constitution and the rights of the citizen. in response, servicemen and their relatives remind about their constitutional obligations, including the protection of the independence and territorial integrity of ukraine, as well as about those who have been at the front for more than two years, and who is not currently available. to replace, well, thank you colleagues, a comprehensive plot, an extremely important topic, in a couple of minutes we will add oleksandr krayev, yes, well, a key story, how to make our fellow citizens return, but, but, but there are more questions than answers, while oleksandr krajiv is preparing to join us, an important message from the state border service, therefore
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andriy demchenko noted that it is currently on the territory of belarus. there are no significant units of the russian army that could be mobilized for a new offensive. defense forces constantly are monitoring the situation on the border with russia and belarus, quoting demchenko, the spokesman for the border service. there may be a diversionary maneuver so that we keep the necessary number of forces near the border and do not throw our forces into the front line where full-scale combat is taking place. according to demchenko, russia is constantly shelling the border regions and regularly uses sabotage and intelligence groups. to break through the ukrainian border, in particular in the sumy region. the activity of russian saboteurs is also observed in the chernihiv and kharkiv regions. well and meanwhile, nato secretary general stoltenberg arrived in kyiv on an unannounced visit. we will try to find out about the details of this visit and inform you about it. well, in the meantime, we are adding oleksandr kraev, an expert of the foreign policy council,
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a ukrainian prism to our airwaves. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. yes, congratulations. well , before your inclusion, we looked at the story of our colleagues about the decision not to provide consular services to men who are obliged to serve abroad, and actually we would like you to analyze the reaction of our allies and partners for this decision, yes, because on the one hand, as if ukraine guarantees its citizens abroad that it will protect their rights and will do everything to... i eat abroad, here we see , that the state introduces certain restrictions, and here it is important to understand how other countries, including those that help us, react to similar decisions of ours. well , in fact, we see a non-joint, non-unified approach, and each country has its own opinions about it, not even as much as it corresponds to the ukrainian
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legislation, as far as it corresponds to their legislation, that is, migration legislation for each country is a very specific area, that is, let's say, for germans since 2014 it is one of the most socially vulnerable topics, socially sensitive topics that are worked on as radical parties, which are constantly trying to put pressure on migration legislation in some... way, as well as more classical parties, which are actually trying to gain electoral and political support points on this migration legislation, and that is why we see completely different approaches, some support what is happening, because they have long lobbied for the idea of ​​returning ukrainian citizens of mobilization age home, some do not support, referring to the fact that this is a violation of rights, but in one form or another, everyone is equal leave the final decision to ukraine, and therefore the key aspect for us... in this cooperation with our foreign partners should be two aspects: first, we should continue to act exclusively within the legal field, that is, we should not do any forced, drastic and
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most importantly illegal actions. secondly, we must continue to communicate with our partners so that such decisions do not come as a surprise to them, so that our citizens do not lose certain support and status unexpectedly for our partners, and with the preservation of these two parameters... in principle, we will be able to in the future , it is normal to communicate and to work on even such delicate, to say the least, topics. mr. oleksandr, here you simply mentioned the observance of rights, and by the way, in ukraine, certain rights may still be restricted for ukrainians, and this concerns property rights and free elections. we know that ukraine has submitted requests to the european council before, that these or other rights may be suppressed, and here is the latest request... which ukraine sent to the european council on april 4, it contains the following information, that ukraine can
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limit the right to property, yes, that is, it can take it away from someone, how it will work, we do not fully understand now, but such a request was submitted, and ukraine also sent similar requests regarding the possible restriction of movement, yes, but about property no... it was, how do you think our partners might react to this, or how should we properly communicate with our allies, regarding the possible oppression of property rights, well, in fact, it is precisely property rights that can become a problematic topic, because again well , in very many legal systems, especially in european legal systems, despite the fact that ukrainian passport holders have this property abroad... or acquire this property abroad, let's not forget that ukrainians are the most bought real estate in poland, say, in the last few years, it is still within the limits
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of their legal regime, and conditionally, if this is allowed in this case, then where are the guarantees that the state will be able to protect the property and citizens of other states on its territory, that is , many western countries are resisting their image of protectors, those who need political asylum, or those fleeing war, or others who are vulnerable. population, who have property on their territory, have certain rights and, accordingly, enjoy certain rights protection therefore, again, in the ukrainian case, first of all, before really starting to make such restrictions, or start taking away such property, especially if it is foreign property, the first and most important thing is to synchronize this process with the legislation of these states, i.e. relatively speaking, not to get into someone else's monastery with our rules, it is possible to do it, just again a matter of time... not a warning, a matter of possibly a certain type of international agreement, a certain type of international informal communication, which should happen, but so that when carrying out our
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actions in relation to ukrainian citizens, for example, the same poland or germany, we do not violate local legislation, and then, in principle, everything that follows will be much, much calmer. mr. oleksandr, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg arrived in kyiv today with an unannounced visit, so he accordingly met with the president. volodymyr zelenskyi of ukraine has already received some information about what the secretary general of nato and the ukrainian president were talking about, so they discussed the creation of a special fund financial support of ukrainian defense in the amount of 100 billion euros. yes, according to our president, the allies really have the opportunity to implement such an initiative, and the key story is the details of the creation of such a fund. i am quoting zelenskyi. it is important that it is not at the expense of bilateral. volumes, which are marked by our security guarantee agreements. mr. oleksandr, in your opinion, what else could jen stoltenberg have brought with him, we understand, well, that the secretary general
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on... it is not only about money, we understand that we need a significant number of systems air defense, we need at least seven batteries of patriots in order to somehow protect our civilian objects and our cities. what else could stoltenberg bring? it must be understood that the entire north atlantic alliance is currently preparing for the washington summit, and the strategy of what can be offered to ukraine is being developed. not so long ago, stoltenberg... presented his proposal for a so-called road map for ukraine, that is, a certain set of rules, a certain set of points that ukraine should implement in order to minimize the political aspect of our accession to nato, i.e. to reduce as much as possible the possibility of manipulation of the ukrainian issue, well , let's say, the same orban or poles or slovaks, whoever wants to manipulate this aspect. unfortunately, we also saw that this idea
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has not received full support so far among the allies, we saw that they are not particularly ready to move in this direction, and therefore one way or another, it seems to me that stoltenberg could come just for that , to agree positions on how ukraine sees the results of washington summit, will it be an invitation, as we hope, but of course we understand the impossibility of this invitation, will it be a political decision that ukraine will eventually be in nato, but under certain conditions, will it be a road map and so on further. that is, stoltenberg, in order to communicate this with all the members of the alliance, must agree, check the clocks, let's say, with the ukrainian president, because we still continue to stand on a rather radical position that we need an invitation, and anything less would be inappropriate and will not be for us some success look, mr. oleksandr, and we also understand that a security agreement is being prepared with the united states, yes, which should
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work for 10 years. in your opinion, how long would it take us to reach such an agreement, would it not conflict with our interests to join the euro-atlantic community, in particular, to outline one or another order of movements on both sides at the washington summit, and in general, would the americans leave to provide us with these or other powerful powerful, i emphasize commitments, first of all, it will not be to contradict, because... that as we can see from the previous security agreements that we had with the french, with the germans, with the british, with many other countries, that ukraine will be in nato and that ukraine's membership in nato , this is a strategic goal for both ukraine and our allies, it is one of the common parts of such agreements, and therefore it will not be a substitute for nato, it will be, let's say, another step towards ukraine joining alliance in some medium or long-term perspective.
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therefore... this item can be considered closed, in terms of obligations, in terms of certain guarantees, that 's exactly the biggest problems. of course, for ukraine , the swedish-finnish scenario would be ideal, that is, when the usa and great britain gave the scandinavians such guarantees that corresponded to article number five, but before the full entry of these two countries into the alliance. and then we saw that the russian troops really retreated from the borders of these countries, and indeed the russians even reduced their propaganda. aggressive rhetoric against them. unfortunately, we should not hope for such a scenario yet. the maximum that the americans, which we see in the process of this preparation, are ready to do for us, is something similar to what was written in the british, to the british document, that is, the systematic, strategic, purposeful provision of technologies, weapons, the restoration of the ukrainian pc, guaranteeing membership in nato, guaranteeing the start of consultations in case of a repetition of russian
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aggression. until russia, oh, until ukraine joins nato. that is, in general terms it will be the same as we signed with london. unfortunately, we still have neither hints nor real hopes for something more. and mr. oleksandr, look, i would also like you to perhaps briefly analyze what may be behind xi dingping's visit in may, who intends to visit france, hungary and serbia, and so it turns out that this visit will take place on the eve of this. peace summit, which is planned in june, what do you think this visit is for now? there are a lot of parallel tracks, which are needed by the rider implement now in your diplomacy, this is what we saw during the conversations with blinkin, this is what we saw during the conversations with scholz, and what will happen, by the way, during...


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