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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, i already mentioned today the secretary of state of the united states, anthony blinken. so, i quote verbatim what was written about in the guardian today. pancake told the official beijing that it is impossible to seek better relations with europe and at the same time feed aggression against it. according to blinkin, china does not directly supply russia with weapons, missiles and ammunition like this iran or north korea do. but china provides invaluable support to russia's defense and industrial base, which helps russia cope with the enormous pressure placed on it through sanctions, export controls and other measures. well, antony blinkin noted that during the last year. russia
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was producing munitions and equipment at a faster rate than at any time in its history, including during the cold war. how could she do that? rhetorical question from the us secretary of state, and because it receives massive shipments of machines, microelectronics, optics, mainly from china. these are dual -use items now, but we know very clearly where so many of them go. and accordingly, antony blinken clearly asked xi jinping. and official beijing, so to speak, no, not to fuel russian aggression against ukraine, well, what will it be if they don’t listen to him, well, we’ll see soon, we’ll see and find out soon, since xi jinping’s visit is also planned in may to france, in particular, and before the peace summit there will be certain communications, perhaps these communications will lead to some change in china's policy, well, we hope so. victoria oliynyk. the parliamentary analyst
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of the movement is honestly already in touch with us, we will now talk a little about our internal political kitchen, because there are a lot of questions for our parliament, the situation... is such that in march we saw, in fact , almost an anti-record how is our verkhovna rada working, or should i say, is our verkhovna rada not working, and we know that your movement has already investigated this issue, you have already tallied it all, calculated it and can share it with our viewers with certain statistics and your analysis regarding the effectiveness and efficiency, let's say, of our parliament, i promise you, this march really became the reason... why we undertook to analyze how efficiently and how disciplinedly the deputies work in the verkhovna rada, because not a single cases this march when deputies either left due to anxiety and did not return, or simply ended the meeting in the middle of, let's say, a working day, and did not make some of the very
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important decisions for ukraine and postponed them for the next meeting, which again is not clear when it will be because we don't have a schedule, so we analyzed. all the time of the full-scale war and singled out how many meetings, how many hours the deputies spent under the dome in the session hall, and most importantly, investigated how disciplined the deputies behave in the verkhovna rada, how well they vote and whether they really visit the verkhovna rada always , is there still a vote when there are 10%, or even fewer deputies, on what is your opinion, mrs. victoria, and what are the reasons for the fact that somehow the level of disciplined deputies in general fell so much, yes, we understand that a large part of our parliament is representatives of the monomajority, yes, and the monomajority usually listened to certain ones, yes so to speak, the signals that we could not catch, which most likely
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came to her from bankova street, there somehow happened, you know, some kind of imbalance, actually everyone... about a certain fatigue, fatigue from the fact that we worked in turbo mode for a very long time, for a long time worked for such a definite exhaustion, so now the deputies are declaring that it is really difficult, and many of them, we also know the declarations of the leadership of the monomajority, would like to draw up mandates and end such activities, but we cannot say that we have a parliamentary crisis, because we we see that very often there is a constitutional majority at meetings, i.e. more than 300 votes and... sometimes even more than 350, this is a very high indicator, and therefore we understand that deputies are there, and when necessary, when there are first priorities and there first task , then they amendments can be considered until two in the morning and the law can be quickly voted on the same morning, and moreover, the president can
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sign it on the same day, if there is a first priority and there is such a certain, certain task to quickly adopt this initiative, that is why we do not have a crisis , we have certain questions about discipline and about... motivation, motivation of deputies to work, well, they reassured our viewers that we don't have a parliamentary crisis, but we just need to somehow motivate our people's deputies to work, i don't know, may we should go to them, i don't know, on some vacation in the maldives, or i don't know, people are just tired, you know, and we need to help them somehow, by the way, this is a very interesting story, because, for example, the chairman is always. .. tries to motivate the deputies, in his speeches he always says that please gather in the hall, please vote, even the entire title of our article is a quote from the chairman ruslan stefanchuk, when after a fruitful vote he told the deputies: there is
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more gunpowder in the acorns and berries in the buttocks, and the hall began to applaud, that is, this is a certain level of verbal motivation to work, but really this is the question and it is open to many ukrainians, because for example you and i probably cannot imagine not coming to the workplace if our the working day was interrupted by an alarm, such a situation happened more than once in the verkhovna rada, when it was not possible to gather after an alarm, so people are really interested in how it is possible, because it is most likely impossible for ordinary people, you and i, we have to return to work on time after anxiety and continue to work, we did not see the same thing in march, ms. victoria, look... but perhaps a movement was created honestly, so to speak , an anti-rating of the most inveterate truants there, or i don’t know, maybe there are some other indicators of the inactivity of certain parliamentarians within the walls of the verkhovna rada advice? in fact, we really analyzed it a little earlier, and we have a number
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of deputies who do not physically appear in the walls of the verkhovna rada for even two years, during this time, during this time of full-scale war, but during this... there is no deprivation of salary, no other sanctions, because regulations have been adopted that allow not to deduct wages for this, and we know of some that they are abroad, because it is official information, because ... they are not completely absent from work, they join online, for example, before committee meetings, and yet even from abroad they influence what the verkhovna rada adopts. we also mentioned their names, a large part of them are representatives of the previously banned opzh, we know with you, because this is such a story, when people scattered literally in different parts of the world, not only in ukraine, some even got into the soviet union since that time, but still retain their mandate, well , such representatives, and in other parties, in particular, we analyzed, for example, the homeland, they also have such deputies
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there were, well, among the servants of the people also attendance, there is a question regarding the attendance of some deputies, well, a very unpleasant situation, you know, and you also said that now there is no possibility to deprive them of their salaries and so on, and you know that, well, it is sad, because there is no factor that can be taken away for bad discipline, a then, if anything, if the discipline has improved, well, from... to return accordingly, we hope that the public publicity of this topic, as well as the actual attention to this issue, will somehow move the situation from the dead point. victoria oliinyk, parliamentary analyst vateriya from the press was on the move and we thank ruhuchesno for continuing to work and inform ukrainians about how the ukrainian parliament works, or rather, how it does not work. we are going to take a short break now, but by the way, before it, i would like to remind you that the most important thing is everything that we... talking on our television air, you can watch on our youtube channel, be sure to go there, subscribe to
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our safety and yours, they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they value... the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until holy victory everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. information day of the tv channel in rozpala in 15 minutes to the fifth. well, now we are waiting for taras zagorodny, a political technologist. there is something to analyze. there are a lot of events today. important message from tsc. in particular, the spokesman of the poltava regional central committee of the tsp, major roman
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istomin, emphasized that the information on fitness for military service, which is determined by the vlk, is one of... therefore, there is no need to be afraid of this or to accuse the central committee of the illegality of such management. passing the vlk after clarifying the data is mandatory. about this was emphasized by the spokesman of the poltava tsc from stomin. and by the way, we talked about the topic of suspending the protection of property rights and free elections according to the conventions of the council of europe. and actually. it was not about the fact that since april ukraine has submitted another request to the european council in order to inform about the fact that certain human rights and freedoms may be limited, and actually it was about the fact that the suspension of protection is possible in this list property rights, denys malyuska, the minister of justice of ukraine, has already responded to this news, and to put it briefly, he
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says that ukrainians calm down, because nothing has changed, we submit such requests. every time, and this time we submitted such a request, so there should be nothing new there, but to briefly summarize the reaction of the mollusk, that is why we are informing you about it. well, about this and about other taras zagorodniy, political technologist, glory to ukraine, mr. taras, glory to the heroes. well, on the one hand, we understand that ukrainian citizens who are outside the borders of our country and have not updated their data in the tcc and sp, so to speak, it would be worthwhile somehow... to involve them in fulfilling their civic duty. on the other hand, we understand that, well, consular services must also be provided, because it can push away those people who are already outside the borders of our state, well, help them make a final decision and drift away and start drawing up certain additional documents, temporary type for residence and further, further, further there with the application for
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citizenship, so your vision, how correct and wise would it be to act? well, i am i believe that this, well, it was done incorrectly, especially since it was introduced before the mobilization law came into effect, that is, there are many people who could actually do it, could then register, for example in the electronic cabinet, which still does not exist, by the way, and many other things. these issues, especially since there are many ukrainians who have been living abroad for a long time, it is true, there for five or six years, it was in no way connected with the war, and now after they, well will take the possibility to renew the passport, well, they will finally break their ties with ukraine, and it was a wise decision of our authorities
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to do so, and do you think that before making this decision, they thought about the consequences, that it would not increase. reserve, and this will give, on the contrary, the kind of reaction that we have seen in passport services abroad, well, we actually do not know the full reaction, we have seen point solutions, you know, this is how it happens with the tsc, yes, you know, it happens there, five or six cases for the whole country, and they seem to us, as if this always happens in our country, it is actively fanned out, including inside the country. therefore, it is not excluded that someone came and returned, we do not know of such cases, we do not know the statistics, someone left , including the updates, i believe that it was... incorrectly done and i don't, well, i don't i see how it will work in reality in practice, because it will not increase or decrease, on the contrary, many countries will say,
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well, stay with us, and no one will extradite these citizens to ukraine, sir taras, look, but i also wanted to ask you about our internal ukrainian politics, but a couple of minutes ago we were contacted by viktoria oliynyk, a parliamentary analyst of the honest movement, yes, and she noted that the level of discipline is falling by... our parliamentarians, but we understand that this applies in general not only to our parliamentarians, yes, but also to our government, and last week there was a meeting with representatives of the government and our parliamentarians, well, as far as we understand, the parliamentarians were not too satisfied, and the government answered in the way that he considered it necessary to answer, but the story about the government of national unity or the reformatting of the current government or the resignation of denys shvygal about... began to be talked about much less, in your opinion, this happened, that this topic was somehow encapsulated in this way? well, the fact
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that shmygal should be retired for a long time, i am only in favor, because the person, well, does not organize the military economy in our country, ignores many things, unfortunately, because of which many of our soldiers die, unsecured lending to the military industry, not secured secret. the vbk, which deters, deters many foreign manufacturers from entering ukraine, because they frankly say that it is possible, if it will be seen , you don’t know, not on the sites of the tax inspection, where the military-industrial complex is located and many other things, if you do not give the capabilities of the military industry, at least, well, don't credit it, well, give the opportunity to export at least weapons, so that production is not idle in order for there to be a series, imported by people. currency to the country and many other things, plus the government could have provided additional financing a long time ago financing of the military industry, as it was, for example, done in the 21st year with ukraftodor. well,
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conventionally speaking, military industry enterprises can issue state, private bonds there, well, let's say kb luch, ukrainian armored vehicles, about which the president already openly says that 10 bohdans are produced there already a month, that's a huge amount. series for ukrainian realities, ukrainian industrial production, they could issue bonds, for example, there for five or 10 billion uah, and state banks could buy these bonds, the government could provide guarantees, and the national bank could provide refinancing under these under these bonds, so that they are counted, go to these, as part of sesbank, well, as part. securities for banks, so they would be interested in taking them, and it is possible to do it, in the 21st year it was done by podukraftodor, why
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is this mr. schmyheil not doing now, the national bank, banks, that's a big question, because it's just like sabotage, here, and regarding why there are no questions about the unity government, as you say, well, i think that this will not be an actual question, while there is, well , at least, well, on paper. majority if something will happen, which is often said, that many deputies would like to draw up mandates, well then the question of the existence of a monocoalition of a tere coalition will arise, well then there will probably be talks about a coalition government, but so far we do not see such movements, so it is unlikely that the government will this, look, and tsk, for example, why didn't they do it on energy, in particular, on the expediency of using certain ones. of funds, well , somehow, they discussed that topic in the walls of the parliament, and they wanted to question the government, but still they did not prove the case to tsk, well, that’s it
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everything is mono, the majority must decide, they still have a controlling stake in the parliament, so tsk is just such a tool, bigger, you know, virtual, because tsk in our country has purely such pr support, because they have powers quite a bit. although it probably had to be done, and well, in principle, it would be possible to contact the law enforcement authorities, for example, write a statement to the nabu and find out in general what happened there, whether there were abuses and so on, because you know, in our often talks about corruption and everything related to it, but no one wants to ask the responsible body of the body for this, but we have a responsible body, nabu and sap, that's how we should contact them, let them also conduct checks and give answers in that... words about the expediency of use, impracticality of use and so on, because the parliament is the parliament, after all
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, such... law enforcement agencies possess investigative powers. mr. taras, allow me, i would also like to talk about the case with minister solsky, who is now also received suspicion from nabu, a seven- year-old case, but here the key question is that he has been bailed and he continues to perform the duties of a minister. and please tell me, is it in general, well, in your opinion, normal that a person who is currently under investigation continues to work in his position, this is a fat kush, i would say the minister. receives suspicion, it's, well, as far as i can remember, we haven't had a minister in charge receiving suspicion, and this whole thing seems rather strange that he continues to work, why, we have nasirov still received suspicion, however, he was fired then because the head of the tax department, well, this is approximately the level of a minister, and this is still a high-ranking official of level a, and in principle there was still a precedent, but the truth has not yet ended there and the matter, by
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the way, has also been around for years. taksim, how it is investigated there, here, and regarding solsky, well, look, we must understand, and the audience must understand, that the bail does not mean the termination, the termination of the criminal proceedings, that is, he has, that is, the opportunity to simply not sit in sezo, but this does not mean that the case is closed, and as for the quality of the investigation, it is again a question for nabu and sap, whether they will be able to prove the facts that were true seven years ago, and... many other things, but regarding his tenure, well, i think that since more than one servant of the people did not raise the question of his resignation, i think that this issue can be raised by the opposition factions and see how they will react, including in the parliament. mr. taras, well, on the other hand, we are also people, you know, with a certain professional bias by conspiracy, that is, the case is 7 years old.
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dealt with land, he was appointed to the position, knowing that he is professionally interested in the issue of land and so on, and so on, here i don't even want to attack him, but here it suddenly flew like this, we understand that ukrainian justice is the most independent in world, as the investigator determined, they will investigate this case, but the question also arises, maybe it was necessary to somehow knock down minister solsky, well, they didn't knock down. it's not evening yet, it's not evening yet, yes, that's why i am say, i think that, well, at least, i think that the positional factions can try to raise the question that mr. solsky should be dismissed, well, at least for an investigation, if it did not come from the monomajority, then it is necessary to stimulate someone somewhere, look at the reaction, here, and in relation to the court and this, well , excuse me, this is the higher anti-corruption court, well
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, it seems... formed and many other things, so here is another question for the law enforcement agencies, how they investigated, why it took so long to investigate this case , because i looked on the plot of this case, well, i don't see there, you know, why it was necessary to spend a lot of time, because you remember the martynenko case, which still hasn't ended, by the way, there was an international investigation there, requests had to be sent out there, there had to lead long-term correspondence and many other things, here, well, this is a matter where it would be possible to do it faster, and the question of why in reality it took so long still arises, and how it will end, we will also see, because unfortunately we have so more questions than answers sir taras, yes, taras the suburban political technologist was on our airwaves, we thank him for his work and thank him for his analysis, now
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it is time for news. telekanana, so we pass the floor to our colleagues, anna eva melnyk is ready to inform us about the relevant information. we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the newsroom continues to work, let's talk about the most important, i will start with the fact that the north atlantic alliance can create a special fund for financial support precisely for the defense of our country. details further. stay with us, nato can create a special fund for financial support for the defense of ukraine, it is about...


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