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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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and thank you for his analysis, now it's time for news on the tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleagues, anna eva melnyk is already ready to inform us about the relevant information, we pass the floor to you and ask you to briefly tell what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the newsroom continues to work, let's talk about the most important, i will start with the fact that the north atlantic alliance can create a special. financial support specifically for the defense of our country, details are below, stay with us, nato can create a special fund for financial support for the defense of ukraine, it is about... 100 billion €, jend stoltenberg said
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during an unannounced visit to kyiv, gentsekalyans also discussed the situation on the front line and the supply of military equipment with volodymyr zelenskyi. according to the ukrainian leader, stabilization at the front depends on the timely delivery of weapons, and ukraine will receive missiles for patriot systems without delay. the supplies are there, they left, little by little . we need this process. speed up, i think we will get this supply and thank god that after convening our council, we received answers that there will be no pauses in the process in this regard, regarding additional systems, patriots, we are working, here so far there are no such powerful specifics that we expect from partners, other allies are thinking about it, what else they can do, i expect more announcements soon, so we are working hard to
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meet ukraine's urgent needs, and i have made it clear that if the allies are faced with a choice between meeting nato's capability goals or supporting ukraine, they should support ukraine. ukraine will soon receive the first 10 acsv 8:8 armored personnel carriers from canada, this is the first delivery of the fifty planned funds allocated for these armored vehicles. were already in september 2023, as canadian defense minister bill blair said, the equipment will be sent to germany, where the ukrainian military will train on them, and the machines will be delivered to ukraine in the fall. the last batch of armored personnel carriers will enter the armed forces in 2027. this is a continuation of the development of the platform. the russians are building a new airfield in the belohorod region, locating it 70 km from border with ukraine - reports. autumn
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researcher red intel panda on his page in the x social network. according to his data, the airport will be able to receive various types of aircraft, because the length of the runway is approximately 1800 m. he was sentenced to life imprisonment. the head of a sports center in the kharkiv region, who systematically raped an 11-year-old pupil, received such a punishment , the prosecutor general's office reported, despite the presence. said that the manager did not admit his guilt in court and may try to appeal sentence. at first, at first, he gained the child's trust, built a friendly relationship, after which he periodically raped him and committed lewd acts. in the 22nd year, after the armed aggression of the russian federation in the kharkiv region, the child's family moved to the lviv region, but this did not stop the resident of shchy. he periodically came to the settlement, found a child and...
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raped her in deserted places, periodically recorded his actions with the help of photos and video recordings and saved the relevant material on his own laptop. 20 rolls of police officers seized psychotropic substances from a resident of kyiv. the man said that he sold drugs with the help of so-called bookmarks. during the search of his place of residence, the police seized another 28 packages of prepackaged. psychotropic the person involved is currently in custody, for such a business he faces up to 10 years in prison. a woman died as a result of a fire in a five-story building in vinnytsia. according to information from the state emergency service, firefighters have already extinguished the fire. we had to evacuate 20 residents, including three children, a ten-year-old the girl is now in intensive care. the causes of ignition are established by experts. they make easter eggs
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for their own basket and military children of fallen soldiers gathered for a master class to learn about the art of easter eggs, how... karina and filomena are already preparing for easter, learning to write easter eggs, red, blue and yellow. last year, the girls' father died in the war in donetsk region, together with their mother they attend such events to distract themselves, learn new things and make friends. for them. this is the first time, for them it is generally a shock and joy, because they didn't even know what they were going to do, we always go to some visits, but they have not done this yet, and they went, mom, what will it be there, mom, what, i say, to see, that's all surprise, iryna came with her children to the master class to
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continue family traditions, until her husband's death, they always wrote easter eggs together, woke up gaivkas and observed many easter rites, we visited shevchenko. kygaigay participated in these master classes, events, dances, tug-of-war, standing on shoulders, that is, quite so actively, and they always participated in everything together, that is, my husband could wind dolls and twist straw birds. the children decided to make easter eggs not only for their own basket, but also for the military. i want to draw some symbol of ukraine. so that later it can be handed over to the armed forces, or it can be handed over to some museum, i want this easter egg to remain in the armed forces so much, because i want the armed forces to admire it, i did not know that it is possible to
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i would like to draw two corrigrats, blue on top and yellow on the bottom i like some kind of symbol, but here is nine-year-old olya. she likes to draw very much, so she happily came with her mother to write easter cards, she wanted to draw some kind of animal, i will take her home and i will definitely go with her to dedicate her, she draws, like this one, then she forgets herself, and she is in her own, if this one, she she is not sad, she is completely different then, because she was young, well, she thinks, well , dad will return, well, she does not realize and... in principle, well, psychologists talked to her, she did not experience what it was, she did not, well, she as if she knows, papa is an angel, that her papa is when she it's difficult, she turns to him, you understand, but if that's all, well, she can't fully realize if, well, in fact, she 's waiting for him, a master class on piesan painting in
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the lviv officers' house was conducted by the master of folk art of ukraine, iryna hnylyakevich , taught the children not only painting, but also talked about symbolism, how to choose the right stake and the meaning of the easter egg art. the most emotions are at the end, because, at first, everything is in wax, smeared with wax, let's say, yes, they don't see anything, but when is the process of removing the wax happens, since then there are the most emotions, as i always say, a chicken doesn't know an egg when it sees it. for two hours, the children were inspired to write easter eggs, came up with patterns and gathered impressions in order to celebrate easter very soon. christina porubiy, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. easter for heroes. families of those killed during the revolution of dignity decorated the lviv memorial before the resurrection day. natives made and painted easter eggs by themselves. 107 easter eggs were placed under photos of activists. such a
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representatives of the museum of dignity held the action for the fifth time. the organizers show that they remember the feats of each and every one, all the victims were unworthy. easter eggs will be hung on the memorial ceiling until the end of the easter holidays, easter eggs in our country are various, made by very different techniques, they are of course also made of plastic, but there are also wooden ones, sycamore ones, which were painted by craftsmen with traditional paintings, some are blown out of shells, they were traditionally painted with wax, there are also carved ones, there are drawings, drawings that were made with the help of paints, can we... then we we are trying to preserve that memory, so that not only our relatives remember, but also some citizens of that city, and some even tourists who come to that place. and
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the collection of the espresso tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction continues, they are fighting hard battles for our independence. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious 720 uah 00 it remains to collect only 200 thousand. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join, you can see all the details on the screen. that 's all i have, marta oliarnyk and antin burkovskyi are working on it. we are extremely important signal from the side. secretary of the united states anthony blinkin, in short, this is what blinkin said: you cannot seek better relations with
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europe, while at the same time fueling aggression against it, this happened on the eve of the visit of the leader of the chinese communists, xi jinping, to the european continent, where he will meet with the heads of state of serbia, hungary and france, well, the key story, of course, is the conversation with the french president emmanuel macron, well, it will happen. in a couple of weeks, xijin ping will be on the european continent for about 5 days, so to speak, he will adjust his clocks on the continent as well. and by the way, jen stoltenberg, the head of the general senate, is in kyiv today with an unannounced visit, he has already said that he will invite zelensky to the nato summit, which will be held in july in washington, but expressed doubts about the invitation to join. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg, doubts that ukraine will receive. there are invited to join the organization, but in principle we did not hope, to be honest, because we are already tired of encouraging ourselves, and we still
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really understand that if they give us some positive signals, that is already good, so i completely agree with you , well, now let's talk about telegram gate, yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech, is in touch with us, mr. yurchyshyn will join us any minute, and let's talk anyway happened that lay down several important ukrainian telegram bots, yes, that is, why the bet was made to inform about them, and in general, whether certain capacities should be transferred to other platforms, yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech. glory to ukraine, mr. yaroslav, we congratulate you. well, let's talk about telegram, which is at the stroke of a baton, so to speak. stupid comrade took and disabled several important, strategically important telegram
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bots today, so to speak, this is one moment, well there is more the moment is moral, i generally don't like too much, you know, to fall into all the moral-ethnic ethical comparisons, but it's unpleasant when a state that has been attacked by russia is somehow equated with the aggressor state, so what is your assessment of the situation? telegram has once again shown that it cannot be a reliable partner, here is all the previous information of the security service, the main intelligence agency, that the russians have a significant influence on decision-making in this network, in my opinion, these events, when important e -e chat bots, and then an absurd explanation is given that, you know, it was done by mistake and now everything works, clearly shows that ah, it's very important not
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to give this network uh, important information, it's important to try, using what is most likely produced and controlled the enemy, to understand that the process is produced, controlled by the enemy, well, well, we understand the formula, but what should we do with the telegram network, so we understand that there are completely legal requirements of the ukrainian state, that is, which, for example, are observed in goals i.e. facebook has a representative office and so on, and so on, according to the list they have a representative office, as in the case of something, i don’t know of any complaints there, there is a place to direct requests and there is a certain communication at the official level, there is a council or there are any additional the nsdc has a place for them to turn to and someone to demand an official answer from, here,
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you know, such a conversation is like with a rail, that is , they knocked on the rail, it resonated, well, well done fool, turned it on, but could not have turned it on and that’s what we then, here on this is the case, but there is an initiative of my colleague mykola knyazhytskyi, which proposes to introduce a de facto cooperation mechanism in ukraine. interactions with social networks or with shared access networks, mechanisms that are already working in the european union and are called digital service act, that is, the network must have a transparent system. in the property, so that we understand who is behind it, and should create a representative office to work with the country, in this case with ukraine, and of course a system of response to the distribution of content on the network, that is, material that violates the legislation of this country, well in this case actually of ukraine. i will emphasize that
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glorification of russian aggression, ah, calls for terrorism. this is one of the criminal offenses prosecuted in ukraine. those who do not do this from the networks, then they end up with an opaque network, and all official representations of all official institutions disappear from there, accordingly , the choice remains for users whether to use an opaque network, understanding that your... your data can be obtained by an aggressor country with all of this with far-reaching consequences, or actually not to use this network in principle, yes , a reasonable proposal, now it receives evaluation in the main scientific and expert administration, and i really hope that immediately
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after this expert evaluation, the committee of humanitarian and of information policy will promptly consider, will consider this draft law and, based on it, will it be possible, using it, to work out a system of interaction not only with telegram, but with any social network, and although, of course, telegram is something that goes beyond the boundaries of any -what logic, because even tiktok created a representative office for ukraine, ugh, it is now located in warsaw. and there are 200 people who are working, actually, on monitoring what is submitted to ukraine, both in ukrainian and in russian languages, and literally in a few weeks , 24 accounts related to russian propaganda were blocked, as presented by our disinformation countermeasures center at the rnpo.
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mr. yaroslav, we would like to talk with you about the extreme statement of the advisor to the head of the office. of president serhii leshchenko, a former journalist, i will note this, he actually reacted to the latest reports, which are now being heard even more often about the telethon. he defended himself in fact for telethon and said that the discrediting of the telethon is part of the russian ipso, an information special operation, if anyone did not know, well, accordingly, he said that if we take away the telethon, there will be media chaos in our country, but i would like to point out right away, so that... just last week there was a report by the united states state department, where they wrote that the telethon is, after all, the platform that violates human rights in ukraine, and actually it professes a certain government line of providing information and creates a certain monopoly on prime time television news, it's a serious
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statement, we can't ignore it, because it's the united states state department, and the united states... as you know, it's the main donor to ukraine right now, because what are we going to do about it, or now in parliament is certain that there are some conversations about how you can change the telethon, or how to cancel it, and what to do with the fact that the advisers of the president's office so zealously defend it, and first of all it is worth noting that such reports by the state department, namely the bureau of rights person, the state department conducts every year, and the report contains a descriptive form, there are no words about the fact that the single marathon violates human rights, there is what you clearly quoted, about the fact that the exposed situation is presented, which very often in provides information to the pro-government channel, other
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important issues were also raised, which we also cannot ignore as a state, this is... the illegality of disconnecting from the live broadcast of channels that are positioned as close to opposition parties, and the name is espresso, direct and p' yaty channel. what would be logical for an adult government to do, in an adult society, which understands that the support of our international partners is critical for our, not even victory, but survival, that's the point. to hear and work towards solving those critical issues that were identified in the report. the report is not yet a mandatory form, it is such a recommendation, it is what it is based on. actually the state department itself in the development of the policies that it, that they will propose, actually already to the executive authorities, to the financial
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institutions that work in the united states states, that is, they give us an indicator that look, we will pay attention to it, and you now have a chance to take steps on your own that would either balance the single marathon, for example, by adding opposition channels, and, or... or, well, on the contrary there to return to the prelude to a full-scale invasion and a competitive information environment, well, here, of course, our homework is to clearly understand how to prevent the appearance of russian propaganda in commercial and not only commercial channels, and how not to return the influence of the oligarchs, so what are the questions of our there were international partners, what? instead , one of the advisers to the head of the president’s office does it, i am trying to determine the correct position, here and there, if, then a supervisor,
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a member of the supervisory board of one of the state enterprises, then there is a commentator on anonymous telegram channels, well, that is, in this case , an adviser to the head of the president’s office, ah, following the classic leykal of putin yanukovych's time, all those who are not with us are those. agents, agents , the truth is, there were agents of the state depot and now agents of the kremlin itself, well, with such rhetoric you will not go far in principle, it is a shame that a person who in his previous life was actually an investigative journalist has now so categorically changed his position depending on the seat, in any case , to solve the problems mentioned in the report, but see , we will manage, well, if they are actively criticizing the telethon, on the one hand, on the other hand , they are no less actively defending it, well, the criticism of the
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telethon, including the rest of the state broadcasters, did not come from anyone, but from people's deputy maryana bezuglai herself, yes, well, this is a big battle with svitlana ostapa, who runs the public broadcaster, this is also, well, a certain manifestation, going back to what we just talked about, well, the telethon gives the impression that it does not perform the functions it should perform, and the time has come, it is quite logical, to reformat what is called state broadcasting, that is, we allocate, you know, we like to count how much state funds are allocated for the functioning of state parties , on the other hand, that is again, i return to maryana bezugla, maryana bezugla took and calculated, well, there were already refutations coming in there. well, but that at least 3.5 billion uah goes to six state television projects per year, i am not going to insist, so to speak, that this amount
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corresponds to the real estimate, well, but, but, that is, they perform certain niche tasks, they are registered in the state budget and they receive state funds, well, somehow, maybe the time has finally come, wisely and beautifully, somehow, i don't know, to reset something there, to erase something, and something for... to offer independent broadcasters who, in principle, pull a normal chunk of the audience on themselves, that is, informing, well, in the mode of live broadcasting, without blacklists, any blacklists, well, it is always quite difficult to comment on ms. maryana's position, but here is not so much ms. mar's proposal guys, how much for... in general, about the problem, because it is sometimes quite difficult to grasp the position of mrs. maryana, actually, because everything holy, sinful, first,
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public, which is criticized the most, is not a state broadcaster at all, but natalya , mrs. svitlana ostapa is not the head of the public broadcaster, she is a member of the independent supervisory board, the key function of which is to establish the balance of access of various political... expert circles, and in general to influence the editorial policy and comments on the editorial policy of the non- state, public public broadcaster , our partners and society at least. the second point regarding the effectiveness of investments not in state broadcasting, yes, but very importantly in information policy, or even more correctly to say information policy security, yes, the sums are strange, i cannot comment on them, i... understand where they came from, because, for example, 1.7 billion is allocated for the same marathon, the question of the effectiveness of using these funds
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also arises for me, i made a request to the accounting... chamber of the state audit service, the accounting chamber refused to check the information policy expenses until the end of the year, because as you can see, it is not a priority, although society has questions, society has proposals, it is possible to redirect these funds due to their inefficiency using for other security and defense needs, yes, but this is not a priority in the accounting chamber. the state audit service promised to conduct such an audit by the end of the year. we are waiting. thank you, yes, yes, mr. yaroslav, finish, be kind, yes, here it is very important to put the flies away from the cutlets, public broadcasting, as a public broadcaster, is quite effective, the information policy definitely wants to be revised, expects to be revised, and here to involve those who can work more efficiently, and therefore more efficiently use
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the small funds that we invest, well it's... it makes perfect sense. we thank you. thank you yaroslav yurchy, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech, was atari espresso. antin and i are already saying goodbye to you today. and actually our colleagues will continue to inform you about all the most important things, so stay with espresso. we will see each other tomorrow in this studio, at the same time antin borkovsky was working for you. martolyarnyk, see you soon, see the press, you will learn more. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matrik topper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a toppertrick for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families. choose
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