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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. when the armed forces of ukraine will receive armored personnel carriers from canada, the punishment for the fraudsters who stole 11 million hryvnias from the deposit guarantee fund, and what is happening in the highlands, why they don't
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let the commission go there. my greetings, i am anaeva melnyk and the news editor tells about the main things of the day that passes. in sumy oblast, several civilians were blown up by landmines. the incident took place on the border in the myropil community, the acting woman reported head of the community olena sharkova. the exact number of victims is still being determined by experts, who urge people not to visit places that have not been inspected by pyrotechnics. nato can... create a special fund for financial support for the defense of ukraine. it is about 100 billion euros - jend stoltenberg said during an unannounced visit to kyiv. the secretary general of the alliance also discussed with volodymyr zelensky the situation on the front line and the supply of military equipment. according to the ukrainian leader, stabilization at the front depends on the timely supply of weapons, and missiles to patriot systems ukraine will receive without delay.
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there are supplies, they have gone, little by little, we need to speed up this process, and i think we will receive this supply, and thank god that after the convening of our council, we received answers that there will be no pauses in the process, regarding additional systems, petry, here we are working, so far there is no such powerful specifics that we expect from partners. other allies are considering what else they can do, and i expect more announcements soon, so we are working hard to meet ukraine's urgent needs, and i made it clear that if allies were faced with a choice between achieving nato's capability goals or supporting ukraine, they should support ukraine. the first 10 armored personnel carriers acsv 8:8 my ukraine from
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canada are coming soon. this is the first delivery of fifty planned funds for these armored vehicles were allocated back in september 2023. as canadian defense minister bill blair said, the equipment will be sent to germany. the ukrainian military will train on them there, and the machines will be delivered to ukraine in the fall. the last batch of armored personnel carriers will enter the armed forces in 2027. and while we we are waiting for your help. partners, we can inform you that the espresso tv channel is collecting communications and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 72,000. only 200,000 small donations remain to be collected. it doesn't happen, every hryvnia of yours is of
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great importance, join, all the details you see on the screen. unknown persons do not allow members of the interdepartmental commission to enter the territory of the inter-departmental commission, as the ministry of environmental protection and natural resources informs, the process of transferring assets seized in the criminal proceedings against the former president viktor yanukovych to the state management was supposed to begin today in the pamyatka state park. however, unknown persons have blocked the entrance and are not allowing members of the commission to enter the territory and are making its work impossible. 13 members of a criminal organization who withdrew uah 11 million from accounts will be tried in kyiv deposit guarantee fund using malicious software. the men gained access to the bank account and withdrew all the money from it. funds. residential
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buildings, hospitals and objects of critical infrastructure of ukraine. the russians are building a new airfield in the belgorod region. it will be located 70 km from the border with ukraine, red intelpanda researcher osin reports on his page on the x social network . according to his data, the resort will be able to receive various types of aircraft, because the length of the runway is approximately 1,800 m. life imprisonment. the head of a sports center in kharkiv oblast received such a punishment . sexually raped an 11-year-old student, the office of the prosecutor general reported. despite the presence of evidence, the manager did not admit his guilt in court and may try to appeal the verdict. at first, he gained the trust of the child, built a friendly
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relationship, after which he periodically raped him and committed lewd acts. at the age of 22, after the armed aggression of the russian federation in the kharkiv region, the child's family moved to lviv. region, but it is not stopped the criminal. he periodically came to the settlement, found a child and raped her in deserted places. he periodically recorded his actions with the help of photos and video recordings, and saved the relevant material on his own laptop. explanation from the ministry of justice: ukraine partially deviated from the observance of the convention on human rights, which it informed the secretary about in a written statement. on april 4, the council of europe stated in the relevant document that the military leadership of the country has the right to restrict the freedom of movement of citizens and forcefully expropriate property for the needs of the state, as well as the protection of property rights and free elections are suspended, and these are not new
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provisions, it is just that these concessions must be reviewed periodically, and in april they published detailed information in which the list of articles under which the concession was made... reduced, the state resorted to such a step due to russian aggression, and this is not the first time, some provisions of the convention were suspended in 2015 during the anti-terrorist operation. on foot from the occupation, a 98-year-old resident of donetsk region covered almost 10 km under shelling in order to get out of the captured part of the reed. as told in the division of the ministry of internal affairs, biliyangola is a pensioner. she remained alive and was not injured, now she is under the supervision of volunteers. now the grandmother is safe, she is being cared for, and all the necessary help is being provided. the police are looking for an opportunity to find the contacts of her
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relatives so that the grandmother can finally be reunited with her family. at this moment, the news editor told about the most important thing. be with espresso. and you will know even more if you watch vasyl zima's big broadcast. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro did not help. thanks to its natural ingredients, feminost uuro helps restore control over urination. feminost uuro - urination under control. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental
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the broadcast time, from now on you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00, professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate . a detached view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22
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at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? hello, what about bile? alohol he and protects the liver and gallbladder. alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, mez of ukraine. greetings, friends, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zema, and we from the studio in kyiv are starting our first ether in many years on the espresso tv channel, in the next few years. for 45 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important things, we will also quickly
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report on what will happen during the live broadcast, and we will start with collection notice. the espresso tv channel calls on you to join the collection of ammunition for the 65th separate mechanized brigade, which serves in the zaporizhzhia direction. we have a request from our soldiers for specific types of ammunition, they are very much waiting for help from us in the near future, because it is carried out in packages. under these conditions, things must be modern, high-quality and meet needs. our goal is uah 100,000. we believe that with joint efforts we will quickly close this collection, perhaps even today, because less than uah 20,000 remains to be collected. remember that your a donation is a contribution to our victory. well, today we will start differently than you are used to from conversations with representatives of different regions. today we start with the events at the front and around the front, and the director of the agency. defense express and the leader of the column military summaries of the day. serhiy zgurets is already in touch with me. sergey, congratulations. good evening, please
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tell me. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our one column, we will talk about the difficult dynamics on the front line, based on estimates general syrskyi and the conclusions of our leading military experts, about all this in a moment. when it comes again to the russian offensive predicted for the summer, given the number of attacks on the front line, it can be assumed that this offensive is actually already underway, according to the data of our general staff , russia has significantly increased the number of assaults, so during the past day of force. defenses repelled 131 enemy attacks, a month ago we
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were talking about 70-80 enemy offensive attempts in seven directions, and now 131 enemy attacks, and almost half of them 55 fell on the avdiiv direction, or we also call it pokrovsky, as one of the possible directions of the enemy's aspirations. if we take into account not only the number of attacks, but more in-depth assessments, then... they were laid out by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi in his telegram channel, and these are actually the first assessments from the military leader for several difficult ones. weeks on the front line, so glavkov emphasizes that the situation at the front has worsened, the russian army is trying to seize the strategic initiative and break through the front line. for this enemy the army concentrated its main efforts on several directions, creating a significant advantage in forces and means, and the most difficult situation was on
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the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions. when we talk about the pokrovsky direction, let me remind you that... the russians managed to push through our defenses near ocheretino, also the enemy there is now expanding the bridgehead from novobakhmutivka to novokalynovy, and is also moving towards novooleksandrivka, this is just all around cheretino. according to sirskyi, russia used up to four brigades here, which is a certain advantage outnumbering our brigades in this area, the enemy is now trying to develop an offensive west of. kyivki, our troops moved away from the border of the forces of the villages of berda or semenivka, which they received during the last two months after leaving avdiyivka, and further our defense is moving to the west, and i think that such a planned withdrawal of our forces to the defense line in the
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karlivsky zone is now taking place reservoirs and along the vovcha river, and this line of defense will probably be the foundation now. noy, and this is precisely the line that passes along populated areas, such as progress, komyshivka, karlivka, this is what we now see on the map on our tv screen, while the enemy's presence in the reeds, which is the dominant height, puts the enemy before such a temptation to break through either further west to pokrovsk, or move to the north, there is also such an alternative route for the enemy, in the direction of the donetsk-kostantinivka highway, but all these movements and attempts of the enemy will depend on what opportunities the enemy will have, although right now the enemy is transferring reinforcements here from other directions, and these exactly 55 clashes in the past day, just a sign that this area is extremely relevant for the enemy.
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we will talk about how the enemy will continue to act, what the enemy's plans are, how we should assess the situation on this part of the front and on other parts. with our guest, now we are joined by a military expert, reserve colonel petro chernyk, mr. peter, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, finally we will talk live on the radio of the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. peter, how would you now see the situation west of avdiyivka, because there is different conclusions and causes and effects. how do you see this situation? what threats does it pose and what are the possibilities of buying such a threat on the part of our armed forces? in my opinion, everything that is happening in the eastern flank now has a very deep political color, why? putin will re-appoint himself, or rather , inaugurate on may 7, plus they have peace on the agenda, we are very well aware that he personally, all his entourage and russians in general
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do these symbols after avdiyvka, which they passed on 10 years, they have no strategic success, and they need at least some... success, will it be possible to realize the most important task of capturing the time ravine before the declared dates? in my opinion no, so why? this is a height, there is a network of very serious canals from the seversky dinets, everything is very well fortified, you can buy for a threat only one phenomenon, weapons, weapons and more weapons, first of all long-range artillery and ammunition for them, well, also if they really already worked the lazy one didn't talk about them, f-16 with a big one rocket-bomb load is good news that in the first package worth 1 billion dollars there are already declared gbu-12 and gbu8 bombs under the jdm system, which can deliver strikes up to 110 km in glide mode. 1f16 takes on board at least six such bombs, but if it really has already started working, then we could have some restrained optimism. mr. peter, when
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he mentioned syrskyi, in his such report he also spoke about the kharkiv... direction, probably referring to the belgorod region, where the the accumulation of tank and artillery units in a certain number, he did not in principle talk about the fact that there would be an offensive from the kharkiv region, because there was still a statement today, it seems, from the state border service, where the head of this service said that currently they they do not record there the formation of an enemy strike group to achieve some strategic goals, but in any case or? the enemy will still not be tempted to shake our defense in any way and create some fictitious offensives here and there or some such actions in this direction in order to create. to create such a certain threat or make it difficult for our armed forces to use reserves, what do you think exactly about this kharkiv direction? everything can be, but i share the point of view of the majority of military
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analysts, who claim that the signs of the deployment of a truly large corps, and before they can fight for kharkiv, they have to go a good 40 km, are in the operational indicators of the corps itself, and and such a case must be no less than 40 00, 40 00 needs 825 tanks 2.5 armored vehicles and up to a thousand artillery barrels, in fact even 40,000 will not be enough, we need a good 80, they don’t have such combat potential now, do they have certain forces and means, so somewhere within the range of up to 20,000 there is a concentrated plus-minus, we remember that our entire northern territory is very well fortified, the government has again allocated considerable funds for this matter, everything is well mined, there are areas, areas that reach... in mining, if they go , then they will go on the roads, but how do we work on the roads learned from stocks of fgm javlin, fgm 148
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jaavlen, we are the second country in the world after the united states of america, at the same time, at the same time, you can expect anything from crazy people, let's remember the series in chornobayivka, where in one place more than 20 times they deployed forces and means or this famous pontoon kreuzivsk dinets, where five times a day they were placed in one place. 700 people lost 73 alone, who were burned, but still did not do, so anything can happen, although, again, i will defend my opposition, a really big shock fist that could threaten kharkiv, well, at least i don't see it yet. mr. peter, i am sure that you , just like me or other experts, are trying to calculate russian reserves, but now you said about 20 thousand, some say about 60 thousand, the economist magazine saw it there. the material where he says that somewhere behind the urals, the russians are preparing 3,000 personnel for as strategic reserves, what do you really think about those operational or
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strategic reserves that may now be from the enemy for use on the front line, they will build up, they will build up 100%, the creation of 14 new divisions has been announced, the creation of 16 new mechanized brigades has been announced, the creation of two combined armies has been announced. one full-time division is 12,500 personnel, a brigade up to 500, indeed, if you multiply everything on a calculator, it turns out to be somewhere in the range of up to 3,000, do they have a strategic mobilization resource, yes, the russians declare from one and a half to three million men, who is in the mobilization reserve, in machine gun warehouses there are hundreds of thousands of kalashnikovs, if not millions , more than 100 million of these weapons have been manufactured, of course there are not 100 million in stock, but there are cartridges nonetheless. projectile factories are loaded at 100%, by the way, they have increased the production of projectiles in contrast to the beginning of the war to somewhere up to 30%, the truth is that they will not
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be able to anymore, because there are, because there are problems with explosives, and my personal opinion, regarding the fall of this massif people will most likely be brought into line, but there is a nuance, the nuance is the monthly extermination of the enemy, we exterminate between 27 and 30 thousand per month, they also need to be replaced, but now we are about to... enter the last month of spring, conditionally up to 90,000 according to the results of the spring, they will definitely have losses and cannot bring people into the ranks as quickly as they would like , because if they could, they would not have removed a full-fledged brigade of marines from the far east and sent it to ukraine, realizing that it is impossible to return it back, the stakes are very high and to the breaking point in the war of the existential order, as in my field it is still quite far, although if there were... so 1,000 rockets to attack and the f-16s really already worked, in the cycle of this dry weather we may have a chance to collapse at least the southern bridgehead. in
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my understanding, the embankment of the southern bridgehead is an exit to the northern prozavya and anchoring conditionally somewhere in the area of ​​the young leman. mr. peter, you yourself called the losses of the enemy and their targeted mobilization measures from now on within the limits of 1,500 per day, that is, in fact, to fill them... those announced new corps, divisions, brigades, they still need to announce a larger-scale mobilization, now it is being carried out, what is the trick, what is the logic in this, if there is no mobilization of the enemy now, as powerful as they are going to create these new brigades of the corps division, well, i do not completely agree with this point of view, that it is not there, it is there, they just do not declare it, they believe that relative social peace and love for the tyrant are important. greater than the potential processes of rising riots there, although i personally do not believe in any rebellious potential of the russian people, these are two empires on the planet earth
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in... their own history , they turned their own citizens into slaves, this is the tatar-mongol empire, and their russian, soviet, or whatever you call them, but for the most part they are one and the same, planned mobilization of that type , which now conveniently happens to them every day, every month, every week, and in my opinion it will continue to happen. russia is not a legal country, everything happens in them in an absolutely manual mode, if they came to the conclusion that such a regime is better for them, then they will be until... i would like to ask you about new technologies on the battlefield, because we kind of stopped talking about it, after it appeared, it became tarnished, it kind of fell into the background, we're talking about fpv drones, and now we 're talking about that it is necessary to ensure parity with the enemy there in manpower, in technology and so on, can we say that now we have such a dynamic parity with the enemy in technology and that now, in principle, none of the parties can provide any breakthrough actions there , what do you think of this
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at... water, are there directions where we can outrun the enemy and create prerequisites for some breakthrough solutions? there is, of course, we have already said about it, a large number, i emphasize, a large number of serious weapons, in my understanding, a large number of serious weapons, this is 1000 attack missiles and finally the f16 will work brilliant universal machine, which has up to 105 indicators in the nomenclature a wide variety of weapons, different classes, air, air, air. surface and the like, and also all this must be multiplied on a large amount of artillery, i do not share the point of view that fpv drones are capable of fully replacing artillery, in my opinion, they will never fully replace it, so they will strengthen it, so they will improve the absolute record in the month of march, their artist destroyed 971 installations, 50% was destroyed with the help of fpv drones, but strangely enough, this mess or this shed, which is built over tanks, justifies itself,
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absolutely you. this is primitive, even i would say a semi-crazy decision, but it is far from stopping a tank with one fp drone it simply can withstand 1-3 kg of explosives, this is the eye on welded sheets, and the tank is not so much to fire with direct aim at a distance of up to 15 km, and it takes time, understanding that there is a charging tray, not a charging one, and of course you have to lift it the coefficient of usefulness about... electronic warfare works, victory is forged in a complex, there is no one wonderwaffe that can be applied quantitatively and say that we have everything, but our allies have a lot of different weapons in their warehouses, the question is only their speed removal formations, bringing them into battle and delivering them to ukraine, in my opinion, this is where the main foundation of our success lies, and mr. peretere
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, finally, i would like to ask you... everything, what could be the maximum task for our defense forces this year and the minimum task , what would you say to that? the minimum task is to maintain the defense line as it is now maintained, the maximum task, i have already partially discussed this issue, is to go to the milky estuary, redo the land corridor to the crimea and go to the perekop isthmus and in such a way to strangle the southern tasdarm, will they surrender, will they make a gesture of goodwill and leave, or will we kill them, because that can happen, why not, we do not underestimate the resilience of the russian soldier, so they they shout and rehearse something there, but they fight and fight quite ferociously, fiercely, but in my understanding the task is the maximum, forgive me for repeating, this is still a southern bridgehead, if there were a lot of the mentioned weapons that we listed, it is possible, mr. peter, thank you very much for your time, for your precise
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an explanation of what is happening on the line. front, i will remind our viewers that this was petro chernyk, a military expert, a colonel in the reserve, and this was a military column in...


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