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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day
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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. what to do when there will be a liver, alochol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. premium. the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! well, we continue, and now the news, unfortunately, is tragic, but an emergency from odesa, as a result of a russian missile attack , two people and a dog were killed, eight more
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people were injured of varying degrees of severity, among the injured and a 12-year-old boy, who are providing the victims with all the necessary assistance, sincerely condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims, this is information from the regional military administration of odesa. well, now is the time to talk about the most important news from the world: money oleksandr moshchevka next to me, money during it. oleksandr, you have a word. good evening. thank you vasyl, good evening. really terrible news in odesa, and it shows. about the fact that our defenders need international help again, i will talk about it, i will talk about the national debt, as well as energy, these are relevant topics from the world of money, wait a moment, i am oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during war, i'll start with an important figure, new aid from the united states of america for...
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61 billion dollars will be enough only for temporary stabilization at the front. these are the conclusions analysts of the reuters agency did, and already at the end of 2025, our state will need a new support package again. if the states and the eu decide on the confiscation of blocked russian assets, it can essentially resolve not only certain disputes for the future financing of our state, but also resolve whether... there are few political issues, experts say, well, that's how much kyiv will need to officially, in order to as soon as possible to win, gain advantages at the front, well, it is unknown, everything depends on how the situation at the front will develop, how the war will continue, experts say, well, indeed , a defense company will cost less than an attempt to expel russia from the occupied territories, well, analysts say that due to... the fact that
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the kremlin continues to increase its military expenditures, our state will need at least 88 billion euros every year, crazy, vasyl, the amount of 88 billion euros, well, i don’t know, really, if you follow how we received a package of aid from the states for 61 billion, it is problematic with certain obstacles, then about 88 billion here in a year, how about me , well actually it is always worth voicing at... numbers, then you can say something, and maybe it will one day become real, but really , such sums still look like that. well, you have to understand, vasyl, that not all the numbers, not all the help that comes from international partners, these are non-returnable funds, these are mainly loans, and if we talk about the loan that our state has to pay, then here are the latest numbers from the ministry of finance, as of march 31
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, the state and state-guaranteed debt in... ukraine owes its creditors billions of dollars. well, really, the last month. the public debt was growing, and it is understandable, because we were receiving certain aid funds from the european union macrofin, it must be understood, this is credit money, but before that, yuriy fiza just voiced the words of joseph borel, the chief diplomat of the european union, who said about the fact that we will help ukraine financially, as much as it will be necessary, but again, even listening to these words, you understand that somewhere people understand i have a ceiling in my head, so this help is obvious. must be timely and effective, then it will surely really work, because this way it can be stretched indefinitely, and money will be spent, and as a result, debts will grow, but i think we need to think soberly here, the world understands that ukraine will be able to repay all debts, but after the victory, that is why our government, in particular, hopes for a certain
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write-off, perhaps a part of the loan, for a certain restructuring, so to speak, that is , postponement, i think these mechanisms will work for ukraine in the future. still will repay all borrowings. another situation is also difficult in the world of energy. in particular, in the summer , current consumption can increase by 20-30% on average. however, it will be covered by the generation of kilowatts from renewable sources, including solar power plants. this was reported by the head of the state energy supervision ruslan slobodian: "the increase in the production of solar kilowatts is already happening - says the expert, however, the issue of economical use of current remains relevant not only for business, for enterprises that consume a lot of power, but also for simple consumers, so ukrainians are urged to save electricity, in particular in the evening hours, when there is a peak load
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on the network, but if we are not talking about summer, but about the future heating season, then there are chances to mainly use gas, in particular for household consumers. production, more own energy resources are becoming, in particular, in oil and gas , production has increased by 12% since the beginning of the year, and this is a good indicator, the increase is provided by new wells. since the beginning of the year , five facilities have been put into operation in our country, this the highest volume of production for the corresponding period during the last two years. traditionally, the highest rates of production are in the eastern region, in the western and central regions, and in the regions of ukrgazvydo. also exceeds the plan, and the news for a certain period of time we discussed in the column about money, about the blocking of the ukrainian-polish border, the hands of the kremlin were there, so
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to speak, there were also farmers, really real farmers from poland, there were politicians, there were ukrainian victims, who simply looked at the destruction of ukrainian grain. spilling out of the wagons, the situation was really critical for ukrainian farmers who did not understand how much to sow in order to sell their grain later, because the blocking of the border could be prolonged. so today the poles unblocked all checkpoints on the border with ukraine, although trucks transporting grain will not be allowed to enter poland. this type of cargo can only follow the territory of poland. transit, the state border service reported. the head of our ministry of agriculture is mykola solskyi thanked his polish colleagues for their productive work and for unblocking the border. the meeting of the gluzevyk ministers will still take place from may 7. i think we will hear more specific
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ways out of the situation. i think that the farmers will be satisfied with such a decision, because it was they who insisted that our... vasyl does not in any way affect polish production, does not affect polish farmers in any way, does not dump their agricultural market, namely, it transits through poland to customers from other european countries, well, let me once again confirm that understanding this obviously gives us an understanding of the fact that, perhaps for many poles, certain things were politically motivated, politically involved, nothing to do with the economy or the protection of economic interests, well, to a lesser extent. it is less for the protection of the economic interests of poland, than for the protection of possible political interests or financial interests , i support certain things, i think that farmers welcome this event with positive news, and in particular , sowing is actively underway in the kyiv region, the warm weather
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at the beginning of april really contributed to this, well and in fact, our belotserki correspondents have visited the region, tell us what is being sown, what has already been sown and what crops are given. agricultural producers who really already know that their grain will be sent to customers through poland to other european countries are preferred. let's see the plot. according to the ministry of agrarian policy. the projected areas of sowing of the main spring crops for the 20-24 harvest in the territory controlled by ukraine will amount to more than 5.5 million hectares, which is 1195 hectares less than last year. currently, planting has already begun throughout the country, in particular, the most in kyiv region. traditionally , the leaders of the white church, as the director of one of the farms says, field work started earlier this year. we manage 500 hectares of land, grow
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mainly field crops, such as wheat, rapeseed, corn and sunflower, as well as produce fruit and vegetables; we are also planning to prepare areas for this year's harvest, which has not been sown since autumn, in wheat is mostly in good condition, rapeseed is in good condition, silage corn has already been sown, we are sowing grain corn and ee... they started sowing sunflower seeds. the agrarian assumes that the sowing can be completed within two weeks, if the weather is favorable. the equipment is in good condition and in active operation, however, there is a lack of workers, as many have been called up to protect the state. mr. serhiy shares that it is difficult nowadays to sell products, the price for them is very low, and logistics, on the contrary, are expensive, so agriculture is operating at a loss. to have a harvest. it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers, apply plant protection products, and technology
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should be, which corresponds to a high yield, that is why for the third year now we are suffering from the fact that we sell products below the cost price, practically, if it is within the cost price, then it is already for luck, and thus we have to ask the banks to postpone the payment of the loans that they took earlier, regarding the yield, it is difficult to predict today because we don't know what the summer will be like, because... we see more and more the climate is changing towards hotter weather, so let's hope that the lord god, nature, will not let us down this year, both peasants and farmers in ukraine as a whole. the farm is preparing for the sowing of grain in advance, the chief agronomist ivan melnychenko is constantly in the field, monitoring everything and even the temperature of the soil. the average daily norm was 10-12°. they started with corn, because it is not like that. beer, in contrast to sunflower, at first, when they started to sow spring peas,
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the soil was a little, very raw, a little hard to cultivate by the cultivators, but still we sowed these peas, as soon as they began to sow spring barley, they began to sow corn, the soil is already fine was already produced by compactors, it was already perfectly produced, that is, if the physical maturity of the soil had already arrived, if we speak scientifically, the ternal rains of the agrarians do not... because any moisture in the spring is for the best. currently, in kyiv region, more than 200 small agricultural producers provide the population with food and create new jobs - noted first deputy chairman of the code mykola boyko. to support farmers, a fund for partial guarantee of loans in agriculture was launched in january this year with the support of foreign policy, the european commission and the international financial corporations. so farmers claim, despite the difficult. times, ukraine will certainly have bread. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso,
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bila tserkva. well, not only ukraine will have a barn. there is hope that the export of ukrainian grain will bring considerable foreign currency income to the state budget this year as well. our treasury needs money. this was the last information from the world of money for today, but the big broadcast continues, more will follow. see us. well, we continue and thank oleksandr moshivka for what he told us more about money, and it's time to ask serhiy rudenko, who will start the verdict program at 8 p.m., what will be discussed on his air today and what he will talk about with my guests, and who will actually be invited to the air today. serhii, congratulations, good evening, i would like to speak to you. congratulations to vasyl. literally in 15 minutes we will come out with a two-hour program of verdicts, the first
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part of our program will include diplomat roman bezsmertny and veteran of the russian-ukrainian war yevhen dyky. let's talk about the visit of stoltenberg, nato secretary general to kyiv. a surprise visit and an unplanned visit, i understand, and a surprise visit for everyone happened today. stoltenberg talked about aid to ukraine continuously. the next five years, and the amount of this aid is estimated at 100 billion dollars. does this mean that ukraine will not receive an invitation to the july nato summit to be held in washington. to the north atlantic alliance and, in general, how the north atlantic alliance together with europe is preparing for a possible war with russia, we will talk about this with roman immortal, of course, in the context of the latest decisions of the congress of the united states of america and the senate, regarding the allocation of 61 billion dollars to ukraine, because we see that after this decision
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, great britain also announced the provision of aid to ukraine in the amount of 500 million pounds, and of course, with eugene dykym will discuss in detail the situation on the eastern and southern fronts, how the russians are trying to strengthen now and what to expect in may and june, as predicted by ukrainian intelligence. in the second program, the part of the program that will start at 21:15, i will traditionally, like every monday, summarize the past week, i will... tell you about the most important things that happened, and with my comments, my explanations of what to expect from the next decisions and the next events , among the topics, mobilization, consular problems that have arisen for ukrainians abroad, and most importantly -
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these are the attacks that are now being made by the president's office, public, in the dust of the large telegram channel on the internet edition of detektor media, and in general, who and how wants to discredit journalism and journalists, we will talk about all this in the second part of our program, so do not switch, stay with us, and the great broadcast of vasyl zema continues, the verdict will be literally in 10 minutes, stay with espresso, vasyl, you have my word, thank you sergey, so at 8:00 p.m.: 00 program , verdict, topics, interesting guests, important, all this will be discussed, i know for sure that you will not miss it, well, actually, you have already waited for yevhen pastukhov, and events from the world of sports are the most important thing for you, yevhen, congratulations, please have a good evening, vasyl, i welcome the audience espress, in a moment we will talk about all the most important things in the sports world, and
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we will start today, unfortunately... the legendary football coach and also in the former football player mykhailo fomenko has passed away, and he is a prominent figure for ukrainian and soviet football , i think that the younger generation remembers mykhailo fumenko more as the head coach of the ukrainian national team, and more experienced fans remember very well how fumenko played in that incredible soviet dynamo, the kyiv dynamo of the 70s, he won with kiyano many titles as a player, including the cup of cups and the uefa super cup, and much later in the 90s, during the time of ukraine's independence, he coached dynamo, beat johann cruyff's barcelona, ​​we still remember the performances of the ukrainian national team under the leadership of mykhailo fumenko. , in particular, i probably remember the game against
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the french national team in kyiv the most, i still believe that this match is one of the best matches of the ukrainian national team in its history. then our team beat a very formidable, powerful opponent with a score of 2:0. in selection in the playoffs of selection for the 2014 world cup, but unfortunately, in the return match, the ukrainian national team lost 3:0 and then did not qualify for the world cup. instead, mykhailo fumenko led our national team to the 2016 european championship, and here it is also important to add that it was the first appearance of the ukrainian national team at the european championship precisely because of the selection, because it was at euro-2012. ukraine performed because it was the host and automatically entered the final part. fumenko has recently been seriously ill, struggling with a severe ailment, and after a long one battle with the disease, died at the age of 76, we express our condolences to his family and friends, bright memory. and we continue the issue, now
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we will talk about the ukrainian football premier league. the intrigue in the fight for gold is alive and many interesting matches took place this weekend, in particular, the central confrontation of the 26th round of the ukrainian premier league took place at the dnipro-arena in dnipro, where dnipro-1 hosted kyiv dynamo, and dynamo won a strong-willed, difficult willful victory over the dnipro. actually, the score was opened by the hosts, after an error by the center defense of taras mihavka and denys popovoy, oleksiy gutsiu excelled. however, at the start of the second half, vladyslav kabaev restored parity. dynamo continued to press and actively operate in the other half of the field, and at the end of the match it remained. in the minority , oleksandr tymchyk was sent off for a rough foul, for a tackle from behind. despite the difficult situation , the kyivans showed character and still won three
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points. in the 90th minute, vladyslav vanat scored the winning goal for dynamo after a pass from vladyslav supryaga. actually, these three points are very important for the team shovkovsky, because if the points had been lost in dnipro, they would probably have already talked about the fight for the championship with the miner. it wouldn't be necessary , but the intrigue persists, and actually now a little more, in general, about the 26th round, which is almost over, but right now , at this very moment, the match between vorskla and polissia, the main competitor of dynamo in the fight for the gold donetsk, continues and ends shakhtar also won their match on saturday, the miners crushed lnz 3:0. rukh beat veres 3:1, minai won over chornomorets 2:0, not like that... obolon didn't score goals and lugansk didn't score for the first time in 10 years, they will not represent ukraine in the eurocups. kolos and oleksandria are also 0:0. kryvbas defeated metalist 1925 and,
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as i said, the final match of the tour between polissy and vorska probably ends at this moment. well, then, too, about football, but about football abroad, if the fight for gold awards continues in ukraine, then in france this weekend... the champion was determined, and for the third time in a row it was paris saint-germain, actually from paris, the most titled now the french team. parezhany won gold medals for three rounds before the end of the championship, before the end of ligue 1, and in the match of the 31st round against le havre, louis endrik's team drew 3:3, but even this result was enough to guarantee itself the championship, because the main chaser... psgg monaco's main competitor lost their match to lyon and lost all even theoretical chances for gold medals. paris saint-germain won the french championship for the third time in a row, and
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in general it is already the 12th championship for the parisians, which is a ligue-1 record. and in this season the team keeps its chances for the so-called treble, because it continues to fight in the champions league, where it will play against borussia dortmund in the semi-finals, and psg will play in the final of the french cup, where... the opponent of the rivals will be lyon. and then let's talk about hockey. there is a great reason for this, a great opportunity, the hockey team of ukraine won the second victory at the world championship in division 1b. if the first victory was won over the estonians with a score of 8:0, then the day before our hockey players defeated the netherlands 4:0. the ukrainians attacked the gates opponent in each of the periods. polypa stood out in the starting segment. pangelov yuldashev and ihor mireshko. in the second period , viktor zakharov brought the case to a rout, and oleksandr peresunko scored the puck in the final 20 minutes. let me remind you, in the first game
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, our players also won against the estonians, and thus ukraine leads the standings, having six points and a better difference, ahead of our hockey players and china and lithuania, who also won two victories each. tomorrow , blue and yellow will play against china. national team, a they will meet the spaniards on may 1. on the 3rd, the ukrainian national hockey team will play a match against the lithuanians. and if we still have some time, in conclusion, i would like to talk about the remarkable achievement of our sports gymnasts, who won the gold medal of the european championship. our gymnasts won five awards, including three gold, one silver and one bronze, and at the same time three medals. the highest category was won by ilya koftun in team all-around, parallel bars and beam. oleg vernyaev won silver in the individual all-around.
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nazar chapurny won a bronze medal. second place in the team standings, in the medal standings, excuse me, was taken by the great britain national team, and kiper was in third place. yes, well, now i will invite you to join. thank you yevhen, i will now call on you to join the collection for the needs that we have for the soldiers of the 65th separate mechanized brigade, this brigade serves in the zaporizhzhia direction, we have a request from the defenders for specific types of ammunition, they are very much waiting for help from us in the near future, the battles are being fought in parcel conditions, so things must be modern, high-quality and meet the needs, our goal is uah 100,000, we believe that together for... we will quickly close this collection, maybe even today, because there is still more to collect, i can say for sure now, less than 17 uah, and remember, your donation is a contribution to ours.
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victory, i call you, join, and who has what opportunity, i understand, now there are various problems, various opportunities, but what you can contribute to our common struggle, to the protection and opportunities for our military and to defend and attack the enemy, then let's do it we will do and finally close the collection, i am very grateful to you for the fact that it is actually not a short time. we're almost done, almost, but we'll totally do it. well, and i am glad to welcome here in the studio natalka didenko, we, mrs. natalya, welcome you, congratulations, and we will be told in detail about what the weather will be like in ukraine not only tomorrow, but in general during this week, please, congratulations everyone, i'm so glad to see you, and of course we'll talk about the weather, actually, as always, in just a moment. synoptical hello to everyone and we
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begin today's meeting with walks, kyiv parks, well, the fact is that in such weather, which will last and be comfortable all week, i will reveal a little secrets to you, of course, a walk in the fresh air, well, in my opinion , it is mandatory, and today we let's talk about the parks that are in kyiv, and... in kyiv there are, of course, i will look around, 127 parks, 500 squares, well, i will start with my favorite park, to be honest, holosiivsky park, which was laid out in 1957 in the northern part golosiv forest, this is the territory part of the actual natural forest, and the nature of golosivskyi park has many extensions, there are lakes and, of course, a huge variety of plants,
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bush water, this is part of it. a huge forest massif, the pushchavody forest, there are ennobled lakes on the territory of the park, formed in the course of the koturka river, those who did not know, will know, as well as beaches, and with the city, which is very important, unites it, connects it, rather, the tram line, which was laid in 1904, you can get there by tram, this road is very picturesque, this route is final is located on the contract square in podil, well, what other well-known kyiv parks are there, which... not even only kiyani, these are feofania park, nyvka park, mariinsky park, volodymyrska hill park with incredible views, khreshchaty park, fomin botanical garden, well and of course the central botanical garden named after hryshka, where, when the magnolias bloom, there is just a rush of people, and now there are lilacs, so i think that on weekends there will also be an incredible number of people there, but it is so big and beautiful that everyone will find yourself there my cozy corner, i'm convinced, and
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with... of course, shevchenko park in the center, it's great for jogging, meetings, walks and meetings, i've already repeated meetings, well , there are such parks in kyiv, enjoy, walk, and of course it is also very interesting to know about them about their history, maybe in time we will dwell in more detail on the history of each park, and now we move on to magnetic storms, to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field and to your attention, as always , the forecast chart with which you are now ... i hope you will see that the situation is quite calm, there are small fluctuations, so geomagnetic activity, i repeat once again, is insignificant and in no way will negatively affect your health and well-being, and in the end, the highlight of our ether, the main thing - this is the weather forecast, the weather forecast for the next day, tomorrow ends, in my opinion , the most romantic, most beautiful month of spring, april, and we will see the weather that...
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is expected in each region of ukraine. so, let 's get started. traditionally from the western regions. dry, sunny weather will prevail in western ukraine tomorrow. you can't think of anything better with the air temperature. this is clearly a non-synoptic expression. +20 +25°. in the north of ukraine , the weather can easily be confused with the western one, because it is also the 20th, 22nd, 20th, 23rd, and it is also sunny everywhere. in the east of ukraine. warm weather will prevail tomorrow in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, and donetsk oblast. the air temperature is 20-24°, without precipitation, but there will be such a nuance, a strong wind is expected from the east tomorrow, from the northeast with storm gusts up to 15-20 m/s. in the central part of ukraine, there will be no strong wind, there will be excellent weather, anti-cyclonic nature of the weather, increased atmospheric pressure,
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air temperature 20-24. well, just a word.


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