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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the evil of the day by means of a telephone survey in... and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is this our safety with you. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots, understands it, prepares. heals,
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repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together, the premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football, together stronger! greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. today we are talking primarily about military aid and the situation at the front. military aid from the us has already begun to arrive. to ukraine,
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volodymyr zelenskyy announced this today at a briefing with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, who is currently in kyiv on an unannounced visit. zelenskyi also stated that the situation on the battlefield directly depends on the speed of the supply of ammunition, and he also called for speeding up this process. stoltenberg meanwhile, he admitted that the nato allies did not fulfill what they promised. by the way, in one of the latest reviews of the american institute for the study of war, it was said that in the coming weeks, while ukraine... waits for the arrival of american aid to the front, the russian troops will probably achieve significant tactical successes, something has begun to arrive, i will not go into details , which specifically, unfortunately, is not yet all in order to fill our army and staff the appropriate number of brigades. the russian army is now trying to use in our favor the situation when we expect supplies from partners, primarily from spol. states of america, which is why
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efficiency in supply literally means stabilization of the front. 155-caliber artillery, long-range weapons and air defenses, primarily the patriot systems, are what the partners have and what should now be working here in ukraine to defeat russian terrorist ambitions. the russian army is preparing for further offensive actions, and together we must thwart the russian offensive. partners have all the necessary means for this. nato allies have not fulfilled what they promised. the united states spent months agreeing on a package for ukraine, and european allies failed to deliver the promised amount of munitions, with serious consequences on the battlefield. the lack of ammunition allowed the russians to advance along the front line. the lack of air defenses allowed more russian...
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to hit their targets, and the lack of long-range strike capabilities allowed the russians to concentrate more forces. according to analysts of the american institute study of the war, which i have already quoted, the new aid from the us will allow ukrainian forces to slow down the ongoing russian offensive operations. the day before, it became known that the ukrainian military had withdrawn to the west of the settlements of berdychi, semenivka and novomykhai. in donetsk region. this was done to save the lives of soldiers, said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. according to him, the most difficult situation for the armed forces of ukraine was in two directions in donetsk region, in particular on pokrovsky, near the settlement ocheretyn, northwest of avdiivka, where russian troops managed to break through the defense of the armed forces of ukraine. and also in the kurakhiv direction, near maryinka. syrsky claims that russia deployed up to four brigades in these two directions and is trying to...
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develop an offensive west of avdiivka and maryinka, making its way to pokrovsky and kurakhovo. the day before, the russian ministry of defense also reported that the russian army had taken control of the settlement of novobakhmutivka. this is... southeast of ocheretyny, the ukrainian military does not have these data confirm, however, in the fall, the deepstate project refers this village to the russian control zone. well, i will remind you once again that, according to the analysts of the american institute for the study of war, russia will probably achieve significant tactical successes in the coming weeks, but, again, according to the analysts, it is unlikely that it will be able to break through the ukrainian defenses. mykhailo zhorokhov, a military expert, joins our broadcast. mykhailo, good evening. good evening. i will start by quoting volodymyr zelenskyi's statement once again, he said that efficiency, speed in delivery of military equipment literally means stabilization of the front. please tell me, in your opinion, how much time ukraine has in order not to lose strategically important areas
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, given the fact that village after village, from what we see from the latest news, is still being lost, and help is not coming , or does not come in the volumes that are needed now and now. well, you understand, we may not be talking about equipment, but about ammunition, because the equipment needs to be serviced by someone and transferred somewhere, and the second issue is the logistical backlash, the american military machine, it can deliver all, all the aid literally in a week, but we have a bottleneck, we need to bring this aid by some kind of transport, by road, by rail. and this is problematic, because both civilians and civilians go side by side, that is, it is a problem to deliver very quickly to the front, so i think that the president makes political statements, and military affairs, it develops
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in parallel. yes, to what extent the american aid, after all, which the ukrainian military is waiting for, will solve the problems front, and if he decides, how can we talk about it. about further more powerful defense, or can this help be enough to go on an offensive in one direction or another? and now we are talking exclusively about the stabilization of the front, exclusively about the transition to passive defense, and if you analyze the american list of aid, then there are no offensive weapons, there is not a single abrams tank, there are only weapons that will help ukraine defend itself. there are shells, there are anti-aircraft missiles, there are humvees, there are bradley infantry fighting vehicles , that is, this is what they give americans, if it was offensive, as it was in the 23rd year, then we would see tanks there, we would see a completely different
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range of weapons there, and what do you associate it with, why so? well, first of all, these are the requests of the general staff, that is, the americans themselves. they do not deliver weapons, well, any weapons that they have in their warehouses, they are only at the request of the general staff, and it is obvious that offensive plans do not exist yet, and therefore defensive plans, this is the transition to defense, this is an urgent problem of the ukrainian army, but you mentioned the offensive weapons, and in this context we mentioned tanks, we devoted almost an entire broadcast there last time. the abrams tank was the news that the abrams are being withdrawn from the battlefield, how do you explain that and is there any tactic that may take place in the future where the abrams tanks will return to the battlefield, i understand they are being withdrawn because they cannot be hidden, there is no
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large area of ​​the front that would remain unnoticed by drones, but first of all, only 31 american tanks were handed over to us for... this is nothing at all, secondly, these tanks were created for another war, they were created to confront the soviet union, tactical nuclear weapons and all that, now in order to use them effectively in the conditions of the use of drones, there lancets, fpv drones, you need to change tactics, and and this is exactly how to change tactics, this is why, if they were taken away, they were taken away. only for the time being, until certain such algorithms, certain tactical methods are worked out, which will allow using tanks effectively, and not just losing them on the battlefield, and that's it no more, this is not treason, this, this is a normal
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process in the military, we do not see a lot of weapons samples at the front now, because either they are kept, or they do not correspond to the current battlefield, so they are needed or finalize, or finalize tactical points, how and where they can be used. i also want to ask you directly about... the time of yar, because during the last week various military, military experts, analysts, both ukrainian and foreign, say that russian forces have a quite realistic possibility and the prospect of achieving significant success in the avdiivka area and capturing the times, and please tell me, can the times still be held from your point of view, or is this an inevitable process that has already started, and its capture is a matter of time, for example, yes, i'm sorry, i don't know which the fortification lines are around the clocks, because
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now it is obvious that the russians will not storm it head-on, all they will try, at least according to military science, is to bypass it from the south and from the north in order not to start storming and not to have huge losses, because it is located in the south and in the north of the times... i, for one, do not understand much, because in the last two weeks there have been huge fortification works, parts have been overturned there, and therefore what the situation is there, it can know only the general staff, if these flanks are there, they are reinforced, then it will be very, very difficult for the russians to take chasivyar, they have already tried, but could not do it, because there is such a geography that they are constantly being knocked out from there. because chasiv is at the top, and that's why defending it is, well, let's say so, more
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comfortable than other positions in this direction. and to what extent, uh, capture of the time ravine, if the russian troops manage to capture it, opens up opportunities for them to advance further? and everything will depend on what, well, we, we are talking purely theoretically, firstly, secondly, everything will depend on what i... what losses they will suffer during his theoretical capture, because as it was with avdiivka, they could not develop their own on the shoulders of the retreating troops offensive, they needed two or three weeks in order to transfer the reserves and replenish the units that were advancing, only now they would continue to trample near ocheretino if... well, there were certain, certain problems and such a certain situation, and they
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had very, very few chances to break through there, and there are other directions that syrskyi mentions in his post, he says that the most difficult situation was in two directions in donetsk region, that is, in pokrovsky and kurakhivskyi , kurakhivskyi is near maryinka, and he says that on these two directions, russia has engaged up to four brigades and is trying to... strike an offensive, just for people who are not connected to the military, four brigades, what does that mean, and can we from open data , imagine how prepared these four brigades are and how well they meet the tasks that their leadership sets before them? four brigades is quite a powerful, powerful force, well, a brigade is about 5 thousand people, well, rather, there is a difference from a sniper. there are some, but let's say at least 10 thousand,
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let's put it this way, everything was involved, all four brigades, there is a very narrow, narrow front, they cannot advance, that is, there is a part that advances only in this narrow direction, and secondly, these are obviously parts that have been transferred from the rear, that is , these are not ragged units that advanced in obadiah. and received huge losses, these are new parts, style, where does this mean, style? from russia, from continental russia, well, from greater russia, they are transferred, and secondly, our units in these directions, they are very, very bloodless, what can i say, the 47th brigade, it has been without rotation for a year, that is , you understand, losses, sanitary losses, just losses, they are quite large, and therefore with fresh brigades, even if their level of ... training is very weak, well, or there is average, it is very difficult to fight, because you need, you need
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brigades so that they are constantly on rotation, and to replace, as it turned out, again, i will return to reed, in fact, these old people about combat brigades are actually night, uh, what a prospect from that , what did you say, perspective, i understand that the general staff is currently developing. the plan to retreat to the second line, most likely we will see the big novaselivka, if we speak for the pokrovsky direction, akurakhova, well, there are certain... certain moments where the russians can be stopped, in the sense that there will be rearguard battles and a gradual withdrawal to these lines in order to restrain the russians. i still want to return to this discourse for a moment, defense or offensive, and you have already started talking about it, but today the secretary general of nato, jen stoltenberg, arrived in kyiv, and
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he admitted that the nato allies had not delivered what they had promised, meaning that... the us had been negotiating an eu aid package for a long time, the eu had not delivered the promised amount of munitions and that this had serious consequences on the battlefield. what ukraine will receive in the future from the promise is both ammunition from the usa and american aid. i will clarify, from your point of view, this is all for defense, or are they still preparing something there for favorable conditions and for the offensive. in other words, what stoltenberg says about consequences are no longer counter-effects, or are there more? some there through how long will it take to fix? well, the american tactic is as follows: now they have announced the conditional transfer of weapons there for a billion dollars. that's how this package will end, they'll see how it's a weapon, how the situation on the battlefield has changed, and then the next package, it's not the last package,
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the next package, just in fact, yes, yes, in fact, it's just the first one with a big one, the next ... the package may be a completely different situation, there may be artillery, there may be tanks, there may be certain others, because the americans, for example, are waiting for the arrival of the f-16, which can change a certain nature of hostilities, you see, and that's why right now there is such a trial package, and the next package, if the situation changes radically, or we can go on the defensive and start accumulating. operational reserves for the future offensive, then, then the next package may be completely different, that is, i am not saying that this is the last package and there will be nothing more, this is the package, we are analyzing, that what is, we cannot analyze what could be, if so, you understand, well, i for example, i don’t take it upon myself, it
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’s a thankless thing for me, and we saw that any forecasts for... months, they are not grateful for the word at all, the last question, how much do you think the strengthening of mobilization in ukraine will contribute to, that the packages will be larger or smaller, where they will contain either weapons only for defense, or weapons including offensive ones, when this law will work, we understand that it will work conditionally on may 16, and on may 17 we will not have an additional 200 tysia, well then... that is, it takes time to recruit these people, we need it there will be time for them to undergo basic military training, and then it will depend on the pace of how the personnel will be and whether to send them to study in europe or to replenish the old units at the front, that is, again, only through
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there is a month, some there, in two we will be able to see the result. actions of this law. thank you very much, mykhailo zhiruho, military expert. we talked and discussed the situation at the front. thank you. well, let's continue the topic of the front. how ukrainian soldiers save their wounded comrades from the battlefield, if, for example, an armored vehicle cannot reach it. radio svoboda's film crew spoke with soldiers evacuating the wounded on atvs. they can get as close as possible. to the advanced positions, pick up the wounded and take him to where he needs to go. see how it looks, exclusive report. come on, come on, come on. it is my. come on, come on. kulibasa sheva. everything, chased, chased. everything. finished? shiva, hold on. hold on on this technique, we
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evacuate the three hundred directly from the position, there or ride the bull or do other necessary activities that help the guys stand more safely in position, the smaller the machine, the harder it is to hit the fpv drone, plus it can maneuver between trees at high speed if an experienced driver, and it is also passable, so there is no space , where she cannot come. i sat on it in the direction of krichiiv, when there were intense assaults, and there were a lot of three-wheelers, it was necessary to bring people there in small groups and take them out, it was pointless to bring equipment there, we they decided... to ride a quad bike, they brought a quad bike, i'm sitting, the first day i had a ride, i have to go down to the field. to the blue dot ivan, you understand, they are still only reaching the field, the field is shot through, you went, yes, come on,
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come on, come on, once, once, oh, pull, move, more, more, more, come on, more, more , that’s all, no, how many wounded soldiers have you already taken out on this trailer of yours, more than 70, it’s turnkey, i traveled there for a week until i was tired, and that is, i didn’t leave there only for our units, in our the unit had very few three-thousands and 200, but they were there, and there we had the adjacent units of the fifth assault unit, the fifth assault unit and... other dry adjacent units, come on, let's go there, you stay puffed up, fisher? yes, i
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'm going, do you need a stretcher or not, what are they all, no, no, no, they're all yours, where are you going, and what about yours, you tell me to stop, and i'll stop, ours, with two hundred, i'll carry it himself. i'll take everything too, okay, the trick is on, if you 're afraid, it will kill you faster, i was afraid somewhere, it killed, then you don't have to be afraid, you have to act somehow confidently, decisively and quickly, the most important thing is if you act quickly and perform certain movements, deceive there, for example, think like the enemy, then you can outplay him, then you need to be one step ahead of the enemy, evacuation on.. . what is more difficult, there, for example, the third one is more difficult, i already take a doctor with me, he sits on the ice himself, puts the wounded head on his leg and there does all the actions with him, which are related to
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him showing signs of life until the moment handing it over to the doctors, i can also go for a serious one himself, if he, if, for example, such a situation arises for me to go, that there will be, for example, to fly somewhere, i won't take a fellow nazag with me, i'd rather go alone, take him out myself and then pass him on. and when you put him on the cradle you sometimes need to go fast. in order to reduce the area affected by the enemy and shakes them, and that is, this pain increases several times and the person is already in such a state of pain, so very emotional, she
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starts to say something to you there, if she is still moving, who is it, who is taking her, and she he starts to talk abuse there, to say that it is windy, he would drive less after the evacuation, when they are already there directly in the hospitals , he takes them to the shtaviks, and they say that it is good there that they evacuated very quickly. ukraine submitted an application to the council of europe for the partial suspension of some clauses of the european convention on human rights due to martial law. the document was published on the website of the council of europe on april 28, but it states that the application itself has been submitted. as early as april 4, so, according to the application, ukraine will stop observing these for the duration of the war provisions of the convention, such as: further i will list, as inviolability of housing,
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the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations and other correspondence, non-interference in personal family life, freedom of movement and free choice of place of residence, the right to freedom of thought and speech, free expression of views and beliefs, as well as the right to collect, store and disseminate information, the right to hold meetings, rallies and strikes. the right to own, use and dispose of one's property. instead, the document also contains a list of specific measures and actions that can be introduced during martial law, which is the forced alienation of private or communal property for the needs of the state. the introduction of the curfew command, here it is worth reminding that it already exists in ukraine in principle, a special entry and exit regime, restrictions on the movement of citizens and foreigners, inspection of belongings, transport, luggage, cargo. office premises and housing of citizens, a ban on citizens who are on military or special registration to change their place of residence and stay without proper permission, well, me too
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let me remind you that during the actions of the martial law regime, in principle, the military already has the right to seize motor vehicles and some equipment from enterprises and even from civilians, but we will try to understand further what in such a case the partial suspension of compliance with the human rights convention means and what and for whom it is now cardinal may change, if of course it can, oleksandra romantsova, human rights defender, executive director of the center for civil liberties, joins our broadcast, oleksandra, good evening, good evening, tell us please why did this news suddenly cause such a discussion that ukraine is temporarily withdrawing from the human rights convention, because the minister of justice, denys malyuska, came out and said: nothing has changed, we already agreed on it there at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. in fact, if your question is why this discussion is so active, it is because we have freedom of speech and because there is input into it
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. russian bots in raising topics that very often people catch in the news by headlines, but, unfortunately, do not understand deeply since 2015, ukraine has included a regime called derogation, that is, in the event that you, as a country, cannot fulfill certain obligations, you do not revoke the signature and validity of this agreement for... for example, ukraine did this in 2015, except for ukraine , france did it, turkey did it, france did it because of the terrorist acts in cannes at the time, and turkey because of the so-called military coup, yes, that is, when the country does not abandon the treaty, the fact that it signed it at the international level, and this the european convention on human rights, now we are talking about it, and on the basis of this
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european convention. on human rights, we answer to a mechanism called the european court of human rights, and we have pledged that its decisions will be binding on us. so, in 2015, we did this for the first time, explaining that we, for example, cannot, we retreat proportionally, due to the fact that we in donbas and crimea, the occupied territories, cannot ensure, for example, freedom of movement, access to justice , and... different, different things, ukraine listed and explained why this is, it is called a derogation, that is, a partial departure from our obligations, because we cannot implement them, and the european convention clearly states in which cases this is possible, and at the same time it does not violate the obligations of ukraine regarding human rights, one of these points is the war, and this is important, this is an important nuance such that we did it in 2015, in connection with this, for example, in... with you
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appeared military civilian administrations, and instead of electing who will rule near the front areas, you and i have an appointment, and few people noticed it, unfortunately, why, why, i think it is just noticeable, because it is already such a, you know, political plane, absolutely, because there is such a right, it is fixed the european convention on human rights, the right to effective participation in the management of one's state through elections. to be chosen and to choose. and then you and i had a six-year story about how internally displaced persons are not included in the election processes in the regions. yes, so it's a long story. and what does the council of europe do? council of europe accepts this, it considers how proportionate these restrictions are. that is, an important nuance: we do not ban the whole world, but only what concerns our defense, which is currently related to war. and how
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proportional it is. in addition, the council of europe has been sending here since 2015 a commission that came once a year to assess whether the state is wasting time with these restrictions for, for example, the political benefit of a particular party or something else. in 2022, we also reported that the derogation was necessary because even more, a larger area was affected occupation, and in this, well... in addition , there was, for example, a curfew, which was not even connected with 2015, yes, that is, now this new, new notice about the derogation, on the one hand, there is things that now we do not deviate from them, compared to 2015, and there are things that have been added, here with the financial situation, we, i just remind you that in addition, in addition to the fact that it is written in...


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