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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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and how proportional it is. in addition, the council of europe has been sending here since 2015, a commission came once a year to assess whether the state sometimes abuses these restrictions for, for example, the political benefit of a certain party or something else. in 2022, we also reported that a derogation was necessary because an even larger area was affected. occupation, and in this, well, in addition , a curfew appeared, for example, which was not even connected with 2015, yes, that is, now this is a new, new message about the derogation, on the one hand, there are things that we are not deviating from now, compared to 2015, and there are things that have been added, here with the financial situation, we, i just remind you that in addition to the fact that it is written ... in ours in this appeal, it
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is written in our law on martial law, but let's talk about the risks anyway, yes, is this a curtailment of rights? are there, are there cases when in the history of ukraine or in the history of the world, when countries had a war, but did not retreat from the constitution and did not retreat, there are, well , including many countries that waged wars, there in the usa, they very often like to tell that we even held elections during the wars. but the election is not about this topic, what is important is proportionality, that is, one thing, when we talk about the restrictions necessary for the organization of defense, the restrictions are necessary, well, for example, the removal of children, the evacuation of children from potential occupation zones, yes, we have there was such a need, and this is actually a restriction of freedom of movement, especially with guardians, yes, that is, we are guardians, i say. that
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you have children, children in the evacuation zone, you have to take them out, that is, it is logical for us, because there is war all around, but if you and i were talking about this in 2013, it was illogical to us, why do you force the guardians, actually the parents or the adoptive family, to move there together with the children, that is, this proportionality will again be evaluated by the european court of human rights, that is, when they say that the european court of human rights will not be able to evaluate us. and we will save money so that people will not be able to complain to ukraine that ukraine has violated rights, and this is actually because of the war, and we are talking about it warned in the derogation, no, it will still be evaluated, because ukraine has signed the european convention on human rights and proportionality, and this is also a certain task of the delegation. oleksandr, stay in touch, because serhiy demchenko, people's deputy from servant of the people and representative of the legal policy committee, is also joining our broadcast. i greet you, good evening. good
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evening, but oleksandr has another question for you, and then serhiy and i will continue, and are there any risks here, that in ukraine, i don't know, they will, for example, abuse these norms, and because what people are interested in what if they allowed, it means seizing property, then maybe whoever needs it, he will seize it and not necessarily for the benefit of the war or, if it is really necessary, whether there could be any hidden risks here and whether is ukraine ready for these risks? uh, and these challenges to respond to them, in my opinion, much greater risks in that we do not have an unstable, unreformed judicial system or a judicial investigation, or , for example, obtaining expertise, i mean, no, new global risks, like in my opinion , there is no, there is, there is what we can consider that well, nothing needs to be done about it, nothing needs to be monitored, there is no need to react, to assume that everything... works by itself,
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the biggest risk in ukraine is when people believe that someone should organize the state for them, here is the state, it the way society has invested in it, and yes, monitoring the legality of actions, the proportionality of actions, this is the task of society, all directly of every citizen of ukraine, this is part of our responsibility, therefore risks are possible, yes, maybe we are living in a war, but we can manage them warn? yes, we can, if we carefully follow our own process, we take part in it and do not forget that the solution to the problem appears when as many citizens as possible are included in it, yes, that is, everything depends personally on each citizen, how much he is included in this process as much as possible, because people hope that all so that someone will help them decide if they face such risks, someone will come for us. russia offered to decide for us how we want to live, so...
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this is the biggest risk. alexander, thank you very much. oleksandra romantsova, executive director of the center for civil liberties, and serhii demchenko remains with us. sergey, what do you say about the fact that ukraine. temporarily deviates from the convention on human rights, do you see any risks here and for which groups of categories of citizens? well, probably, i agree with most of what the previous speaker said, i just wanted to draw attention to the fact that there is such a feature when applying a derogation from obligations under the convention on the protection of human rights, it is the temporary nature of such a derogation, a derogation, this is a mandatory feature and... when we say, we declare to the same council of europe that we are withdrawing, we must specify a clear deadline, if we do not adhere to this deadline, notify about its extension, and vice versa, if we end earlier, that we return to full implementation of the provisions of the convention,
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again still, relevant statements regarding the deviation from obligations are not excluded. the same protection as existed before this statement for our citizens, if their rights and freedoms are violated, they also, if they do not receive adequate protection on the territory of ukraine at the expense of national authorities, they can to turn to the european court of human rights, which is again obliged to consider all violations, to establish objective circumstances, and the only feature... in this case, that it will additionally also consider these violations through the prism of article 15, that is, our country's retreat from its obligations, which is implied, the european court of human rights, firstly , at this very moment will consider whether
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the retreat from its obligations, which our country declared, really corresponds to the urgency of the situation, and secondly, direct this case, what about which the citizen will declare whether the violation of his rights was really such that it was forced and necessary for public safety, during the war in which we are currently in fact, that is, i emphasize that now the council of europe does not assess the appropriateness or sufficiency of the grounds for , so that our country withdraws from the... obligations under the convention, about which, about which we declared, it will consider the propriety of these withdrawals in specific cases, which will be, if during this time in the ecthr, regarding violation of ukraine's rights
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and freedoms of the citizen, just to generalize, summarize, nothing, the fact that ukraine, today it became known that ukraine is temporarily withdrawing from the convention on human rights, which which... provides for certain restrictions on movement, on gatherings, alienation of property and so on, nothing new is happening, all this has already happened since the beginning of martial law, i understand you correctly, eh, in fact yes, correctly, there is the only difference, we have a shortened list of obligations, from which ukraine declared a retreat, that is, it has changed from... accordingly, it was more, as far as i can see from the data, er at the last moment, now their number has decreased, er, the only thing i want to say again is that we
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can assess whether the corresponding obligations during the war are really subject to, there are grounds for retreat, well, for example, such as the right to free elections, eh, the previous speaker justified it by the introduction of military administrations, well, surely it has the right to exist, but i hear now several objections that this retreat from free elections is connected in order not to hold presidential elections or elections to of the verkhovna rada in our country during the war, to... agree to that, well, no, you can’t, given that we have constitutional restrictions on elections to the verkhovna rada, and restrictions at the legislative level, we have a law on the regime, on the legal regime of martial law provides for such a restriction on the holding of local and presidential elections, so here
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we have to be careful with the assessment in my opinion and some kind of diagnosis, which is a critical approach, that this is aimed at avoiding or avoiding this or that process, there, for example, holding elections in ukraine, in i have one more topic that i wanted to discuss with you, it is actually very close to human rights, with the topic we are already discussing, you mentioned the european court of human rights and it looks like it may soon increase the number of ukrainians who will to apply to the european court of human rights, i am now talking about people who are abroad, and mostly they are men of conscription age, who have been temporarily restricted from receiving consular services, and... you, this is what i will say for our audience, you did not vote, even though you are a representative of the servant of the people
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for the law on mobilization, as i remember, you explained to us that you did not vote precisely because you were afraid that as a result it might happen that men of conscription age would appeal to those abroad to the european court of human rights , and ukraine will receive a lot of lawsuits, are your predictions coming true just now, or were you talking about something else then? unfortunately, i remain convinced that this will happen, and it will happen, including due to the violation of the constitution of ukraine, the relevant restrictions, because we have article 25, as far as i recall the constitution, which clearly states that, well, the state guarantees the provision of consular services, in fact, that is, it is obliged. to peck, to protect their citizens who are not on the territory of ukraine, are outside its borders,
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moreover, moreover, i will just finish, yes, the constitution even defines the prohibition of limiting this right, precisely the prohibition, even during war, so on my opinion, the prospect of these cases, which definitely appear before the ecthr , will be bad enough for our country, and us... after all, i think that already the future, or the government that will continue its mandate, or the new government, if it is re-elected to a new one, the answer will be responsible for this for these violations, what will the consequences be, the consequences will be, at least, it will be fines for each of the cases that the state committed a violation of the right to receive consular services in this matter. the state can pay not only a fine, but also how to compensate for some additional issues
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related to this, because, well, this is actually, well , it breaks the life of some citizens, you understand that someone is forced not to do what that he planned, and as a result received some consequences, problems, that the state should be, should compensate or in some way level this history, and vice versa, that... someone received additional obligations that he did not plan, that is, these consequences in each, every individual will surely have their own questions, but the state will answer in this matter in the future, it is 100%, and i am sure that the state will have no arguments against this, unfortunately, but whether they have, or whether your colleagues are right, and in particular the minister of foreign affairs, who... said, you know, the constitution implies not only rights, but also obligations, does
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this discussion lie in the legal field, or is it exclusively some kind of moral and ethical field? in my opinion, this is purely a search for excuses for a step that is a violation of the law, this is actually uh, the corresponding letter that we have in public access from mr. sebigi, uh, well, he... is not substantiated by anything legislative level, from this letter there is a reference to articles that allegedly give the mfa the right to suspend the provision of consular services, but this is not the case, since the articles to which referred to by mr. sabiga in his letter, there is article eight of the law on the legal regime of martial law, it defines the rights of... military administrations together with the military command to make certain decisions and there is a list of decisions that
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they have the right to make during martial law, already in these decisions they can involve the bodies of the executive power, not the bodies of the executive power, as in this case they may not have independently made the decision, even they do not have such a right, the reference to the eighth article is definitely inappropriate. eh, and likewise reference to article 17, primarily of the constitution of ukraine, with the comment that the protection of ukraine. its sovereignty, territorial values, is the business of the entire ukrainian people, in my opinion, is also at least an incomplete reference, since the same article indicates that ensuring economic information security is also the business of the entire ukrainian people, and one can argue for a long time with on that
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occasion, whether citizens who are in... other countries today outside of ukraine, whether they do not participate in ensuring the economic security of ukraine, with my work, i don't know, with contracts, and so on and so forth. and again, we talked a lot about the fact that the ministry of foreign affairs itself, allegedly , justifies its decision by the fact that a new law has emerged, and it will soon enter into force, changes to the law on mobilization. but i would like to draw your and our listeners' attention to the fact that, accordingly, the relevant law does not provide for the obligation of citizens who are outside ukraine to necessarily return to the territory of ukraine in order to obtain citizenship passports, civil or foreign, you understand that what is provided directly by the ministry of foreign affairs, the law
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provides exclusively for the conduct of the animal. documents, what can be done, what can be done remotely, sergey, we just have time, but thank you very much for such a detailed explanation, serhii demchenko, people's deputy, servant of the people and representative of the committee on legal policy, we talked about restrictions on human rights, including, we have everything for today, until tomorrow, there are 10% discounts on eurofast softcaps. plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. anxiety, insomnia, restlessness. quiet helped me cope with stress against the background of anxiety. quiet soothes and the soul becomes lighter. there are discounts on linex forte capsules. 15% in travel pharmacies for you and oshchat.
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vasyl zyma's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zyma, we are starting, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war talk more, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what is the world like, now yuriy fizar will talk more about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time for that... talk about money during the war oleksandr morchenko welcome to oleksandr, please , and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day to come and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine,
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was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl winter's big broadcast. as for smart and caring people in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. we counter russian information attacks in the information chronicles project war with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. events,
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events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations, the search for 17-year-old stefania tylenina, who disappeared in january 2024, has been going on for more than six months, and i immediately want call you, please. share this video on your social networks, as this will increase the chances of finding the missing child. so, stefania lived in a foster family in
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the kharkiv region, in the village of lozivske. when the full-scale invasion began, the girl and her adoptive mother evacuated to the czech republic, and after some time they returned to ukraine. we spoke with stefania's adoptive mother, and let's listen to a fragment of the conversation. we returned to ukraine through four five months, we've been back since july, in october, she ran away on vacation just in time, mrs. marina says that she and stefania had a good relationship, they made amends and left home, she definitely did not because of conflicts in the family, we had a very good relationship, they have been in my family for 8 years, in general there were no problems with her, she helped me at the institution, she performed, we didn't have any such that we would... quarrel there. the girl's foster mother says that the likely reason for the escape is stefania's desire to live abroad. at least, she herself spoke about this more than once after returning from the czech republic to
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of ukraine. why did you run away? well, she didn't want to be here in ukraine, and she didn't want to come back here. she liked it there. mrs. marina said that stefania left home in october 2022. at first, she contacted, but did not tell at all. where she was, only reported that she was alive and everything was fine. however, the last time she called was on august 1, 2023, and there was no further contact with her. unfortunately, all this time stefania does not notify about herself. so, where is the girl now in ukraine, abroad, and if really for border, in which country it is not known exactly. however, her adoptive mother said that she has information that stefania...crossed the border of slovakia in october 2023, so it is likely that she is in slovakia. so we, in
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turn, after talking with ms. marina, contacted our colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who made a request to the slovakian police. however, unfortunately, there is no actual information about the girl yet. and therefore, if you know at least something about stefania thielenina, or, if possible. you live in slovakia and suddenly see her or learn something about her, immediately call 116/30. 1163 is the only european hotline for missing children that works in 28 european countries. we really hope that stefania will be found and we are doing everything possible for this, but in general it should be said that it is teenagers who most often resort to running away from home. and the reasons are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or vice versa, excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search
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for adventure, independence and freedom. service search for children has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips is to be attentive to the child and monitor his emotional manifestations and behavior. let's listen. be attentive to your child. there are some manifestations in the behavior of children and adolescents that indicate that they need to be taken care of more, they need to be taken care of more. what could it be? first, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when a child goes to bed at three o'clock and gets up at 12 o'clock, that's for sure not good, this is definitely a cause for concern. next, it can be a depressed state. when a child is depressed most of the day for more than two weeks, that's... definitely a reason to take care of them. if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, or productivity, this may also be a sign that he has some strong negative experiences. if
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nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if nothing makes him happy, this is also a reason to take care of him, have some kind of warm trusting conversation with him, support, help, and sometimes refer him to specialists, refer for help to a psychologist or other specialists. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the program of the ukrainian
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voice of america chas ta program is broadcast from washington. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. the flow of weapons and ammunition to ukraine will increase - nato secretary general jen stoltenberg promised in kyiv. he came to the ukrainian capital from unannounced visit. stoltenberg admitted that the members of the alliance did not fulfill their promises in the past months. the united states spent six months coordinating aid, and european allies failed to deliver the promised munitions. but now i am sure that everything will change - he stressed. stoltenberg indicated that the us congress had approved. additional financing of aid to ukraine for more than 60 billion dollars. britain announced its largest ever aid package and germany agreed to provide an additional patriot installation. according to the general secretary, all these efforts, along with potential new commitments from partners, should help make a difference on the battlefield. it is not too late for ukraine's victory - said stoltenberg. but for this it is necessary that all the promised weapons quickly reach the ukrainian
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military. so now our responsibility is to make sure that these announcements turn into real deliveries, physical deliveries of weapons and ammunition as soon as possible. this logistical work, the practical implementation of the delivery of weapons and ammunition to ukraine is headed by a general christopher cavoli. the commander-in-chief is responsible for these efforts, i am in regular contact with him, and he is aware of the urgency of the matter. on importance. us secretary of state anthony blinken, who is currently in saudi arabia, also emphasized united support for ukraine. he said putin had failed in his ambitions to invade ukraine, but added that efforts must continue. he also once again warned china against helping russia. blinkin explained that while beijing does not supply russia with weapons like iran or north korea, china provides a lot of support to russia's industrial base, which helps the kremlin continue to manufacture weapons despite the sanctions.
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70% of production equipment and 90% of microelectronics come to russia from china - the american diplomat emphasized. this allows russia to continue its aggression against ukraine. in this way, china supports a war it says it wants to end, as do the rest of us. it also allows russia to rebuild its defense industry. european countries are deeply concerned that these weapons may turn against them after ukraine. thus, we have as china tries to improve relations with european countries, it is also fueling the biggest challenge to european security since the end of the cold war. i explained to my chinese colleagues that it is impossible to have everything at the same time. in a speech at the world economic forum in eriyad, secretary of state blinkin also said that hamas must accept an extremely generous offer to release the israeli hostages it will receive in the gas strip in exchange for a temporary
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ceasefire. such a proposal was announced by the israeli government a few days ago. blinkin too stated that israel should make more efforts to increase the flow of humanitarian aid in gas. blinkin promised to use his trip to the middle east to, among other things, urge israeli leaders to do so. but the best way to solve the humanitarian catastrophe, the american diplomat noted, is to sign a ceasefire agreement. meanwhile , in the united states , anti-war pro-palestinian protests continue on college campuses across the country. protests, students set up tent cities on their territories educational institutions and are not going to cancel the actions, despite the fact that studies at many universities have already ended and higher education institutions are preparing for graduation ceremonies. rallies are often accompanied by clashes with pro-israeli americans and arrests. the police arrested more than three hundred demonstrators over the weekend alone. one of the universities where the protests ended in clashes and arrests was
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the university of california in los angeles. report from the scene of events by khrystyna shevchenko. for five days in a row, students of the california university university in los angeles live across from the main building in tents. they demand that the university publicly advocate for a ceasefire in palestine. those who support israel also came here. this is a palestinian solidarity camp, about 30 tents in the center of one of the most prestigious universities in the united states. students spend the day and night here. demand that the university not invest in companies that, according to them, are connected to the israeli army. here is the university community, students, teachers, and employees who have united around it demands that the university of california withdraw its investment in the israeli genocide of palestinians. we are here to call for the university to withdraw.


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