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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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university of california at los angeles. report from the scene by khrystyna shevchenko. for 5 days in a row, students of the university of california in los angeles have been living opposite the main building in tents. they demand that the university publicly advocate for a ceasefire in palestine. those who support israel also came here. this is a palestinian solidarity camp, about 30 tents in the center of one of the most prestigious universities in the united states. students live here day and night, they demand that the university not invest in companies that according to them, they are connected with the israeli army. here is the university community, students, faculty, staff, who have united around the demand that the university of california withdraw its investment in the israeli genocide of palestinians. we are here to call for the university to withdraw. their investments in
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funds that direct them to companies that profit from the genocide of palestinians. i arrived at the protest with the first group early yesterday morning. we're going to stay until all our demands are met, and we're very, very adamant about that. we definitely demand divest these companies and end the silence. students have the right to know where the funds come from, where the funds received for... studies are spent, and another of our demands is to end the silence, our university did not say anything about the fact that 34 thousand people were killed in gas. the students emphasize that their protest is peaceful. however, it was not without clashes, the supporters of the israeli side came to the protest and staged a counter-protest. some tried
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to break into the camp, the police had to be called, but no arrests were made. their slogan from the river to the sea, that's what real genocide is, that's an absolutely ridiculous slogan, imagine if the israeli people said, you know, let's exterminate all the palestinians. hamas is about the global genocide of all jews, and valuable educated people support it. i used to attend this university over 50 years ago and i am saddened by what i see here. ucla students say they will remain on campus until their demands are met. at another university in los angeles, the university in southern california, the police arrested 90% of people, on the weekend the territory of the educational
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institution was closed and all classes were transferred to the online mode. from los angeles, khrystyna shevchenko, yaroslav golovkin, bohdan shevchenko, for the voice of america. you are watching, we continue the issue: from 6 to 8 thousand crimean tatars left the peninsula to avoid illegal mobilization. refat chubarov, head of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, told about this in an interview with voice of america. russia also continues religious persecution against muslims and believers of the orthodox church of ukraine in crimea. recently, the occupation authorities closed the last ukrainian church - the cathedral in simferopol. rafat chubarov told my colleague irina solomko in new york about the oppression and expulsion of the crimean tatars from the peninsula. mr. rafate, welcome to new york. i would still like to start ours with you. a conversation from the film, what a silent
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deportation, just recently, this film won an award at the new york film festival, and it just tells about such a quiet displacement of the crimean tatars from of the crimean peninsula, but if we talk about the scale of this phenomenon, they are transforming, have already transformed crimea into such a powerful training ground, a base, and it is clear that on such a territory they are using exclusively for their further aggression. they don't need people who, let's say, do not accept, do not accept the occupation, who are disloyal to these russians, they defined the crimean tatars as such people, they defined ethnic ukrainians, the demonization of ukraine is going on, and well, so far, they are not expelling people, let's say they don't take their land anywhere outside the peninsula, but they carry out such a repressive policy so that people themselves...
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leave crimea, but this government needs your loyalty, other people's, to show their loyalty, if people do not show loyalty, then for... these people are for this russian occupation government , if we are talking about crimea now, these people are potential, well, enemies for them are enemies for the occupying power, and therefore they are closely monitoring these people, if there are any slightly active among them, they will definitely find a reason to to start repressing these people, whatever eh... but going beyond the established parameters, this is, this is already a violation, religious, oppression, they are very noticeable, in relation to believers, well, in relation to muslims, and in relation to people who belong to
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the orthodox church of ukraine, they closed the last church, whom deprived of freedom, are crimean tatars, this indicates that the crimean tatars are such a purposeful object. for persecution by the russian occupiers, there was information that now russia plans to mobilize another 15 thousand citizens, respectively, from the occupied crimea. do you have data on how many crimeans there are now? is tatar fighting? if i'm not mistaken, during the 10 years of occupation, in general, they drafted about 35,000 people into the russian army. as soon as they started distributing summonses. these military commissariats in some villages brought up to 70% of summonses to the crimean tatars, you understand, and it was so purposeful, and we said: stop, this means that they want
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to grind as quickly as possible those whom they hate, whom they consider by their enemies, the people of crimea found a way out that was very tragic for our people. but we know for sure that the number of those crimean tatar men who left crimea in order to avoid the mobilization of 6-8 thousand people in this short period from september 2022, but if we talk about the total number of crimean tatars who left the peninsula, about 50 thousand, more than 50 thousand, on the eve of the occupation of crimea, there were about 300,00 crimean tatars in crimea, 3,000. crimean tatars, if we say 50,000, this is already more than 15%, this is a colossal loss for us, as far as ukraine is concerned, crimean tatars use this potential of islamic the world in order to help ukraine fight against russia and its aggression? there are many other factors at work here, the world
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is so far, well arranged or behaves like this, that the impossibility of a... to perceive all, well , the vectors equally, it is diluting some countries, very tragic events are currently taking place in the hague, and this military conflict between israel and palestine, and some arab countries define their position towards ukraine through our position, not towards palestine. but to third countries, let's say, to the united states of america, yes, yes the behavior of many countries of international politics is that when uh, when you need
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their support, they can tell you that they did not find support in you. the russian federation, it is still able, but... to use part of the countries of the world, supposedly in their interests, in fact, hiding their true intentions. for us, the arab world, these are countries with which we have to talk deeply in order to make friends, because we all have the same values, this is how the pressure on ukraine regarding peace talks will continue, and that's exactly... those projects that appear there , for example, that is, it clearly says that a return to the borders of 1991 is out of the question, and if ukraine agrees to this, then the issue of crimea, part of donbas is closed, no sane, normal person has the right
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to refuse from peace, if it is a stable, just peace, any negotiations, and... and peri-peace, which is in the face of greater aggression, is unacceptable. it was an interview with ryfat chubarov, the full version, see on... voice of america in ukrainian. fpv drones have proven to be an effective weapon on the battlefield in the 21st century centuries, especially in conditions of interruptions with western aid. there are many training courses for operators of such drones, but a special school, created on the basis of the third assault brigade, has started working in kyiv. guided by combat experience, the military has developed an obstacle course and also offers training on simulators that are not freely available. how exactly is training in fpv. anna kostyuchenko and
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pavel sohodolsky found out how much it costs and how much time it takes to prepare. now everything is being improved a little in order to be 24x7, 365 days a year you could train here. 32-year-old oleg romanov, commander of the anti-tank battalion of the third separate assault brigade, shows the training center for fpv drone operators. the idea to create such a center came to him back in the winter. in 2023, when it was time to restore the brigade, all my people were training, i saw that there, well, against, the guys there are kneeling , training all the time on simulators, jeverlinchiki on simulators, we are going through some tactics there, all garlic yes, they were in touch with the front, they were in touch with enterprises, but there was no such thing habu, well, this is now a popular buzzword, there was no center in which the exchange of experience would take place. just a normal workout. oleg romanov, originally from kyiv , joined the azov bank 10 years ago. in particular, he participated
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in the defense of mariupol in june 2014. then resigned, but returned to serve as soon as russia began the invasion. in february 2022 , oleg romanov liberated the kyiv region, then participated in the defense of zaporizhzhia, the de-occupation of the right bank of kherson. after the creation of the third assault brigade in january. romanov headed the anti-tank battalion. his battalion is currently working in the east. due to the lack of shells for artillery and anti-tank weapons from the allies, fpv drones have become an alternative for destroying enemy equipment, oleg says. in particular, they helped eliminate modernized russian t-80 tanks with so-called mangals, that is, with additional protection from above. hit we beat. they shot down their harpoons with rockets from their hips, they stopped and then
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flew like bats and started destroying these tanks. the school of operators was opened inside april it welcomes both military and civilians who want to learn how to work with fbi drones. for training, various routes and locations with obstacles are designed based on real combat experience. the enemy, well , hides in his own dugouts, his commanding points and so on, maybe chooses some buildings in the captured, occupied village, in order not to lose these drones and not crash into the walls, such a route was invented, numerous obstacles give students the opportunity to practice fine motor skills, lower, lower, lower, good, already on the second day the students master. flights are transformed from simulators to real drones within a week. in the first days alone
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, more than 300 applicants applied for the course, the center says. 18-year-old veronika bomko, a student of the kyiv university of intellectual property and law, went to the faculty because she plans to join the armed forces in the future. i wanted to get to the third assault. so while veronika is learning on simulators and already has the first hit tanks, albeit virtual ones. first, i will improve my skills, so maybe i will go to the training ground, there to try to fly, also to fly on simulators. yes, we have custom simulators
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that are not publicly available, they are simulations of hitting equipment, you can hit a tank, hit an armored personnel carrier, hit equipment, artillery, well, this is interesting ukrainian. manufacturers do, the training includes not only flying, but also practical skills in assembling drones and ammunition for them. in march 2022, a 21-year-old instructor with the call sign u... was wounded in his right hand during the defense of mariupol. he was at the azov steel plant when the ship's artillery fired at him, recalls the military. rehabilitation took more than a year and the hand was not fully recovered. i wanted to return to the service, but after the injury, my health deteriorated. there were a lot of problems, i realized that
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i would not be able to complete normal service and began to be interested in what i could do. still help, that is, and yes, well, since fpv, for example, other drones now, it is the most effective weapon on the front, i became interested in fpv, assembly, soldering, there and so on, i can’t fly because of injuries, but i no longer in engineering, so andres teaches the engineering part of the job with drones, training includes and necessarily... goals in a printed manual of almost 200 pages. we made the basis of the program in order to maximally, well, without water, not to give people what they need precisely
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from the combat use of fpv in war. after the one-week course, students can continue training at school independently, says oleg romanov. they can come here, practice their skating, communicate, there is feedback with them, and we, this is not a conveyor belt for the release of people, we just create our community in this way, and these people will to be able to when they join the defense forces of ukraine. or there, well, different divisions, let's say, they will be able to hear feedback from us, and we from them. education here is paid, uah 800 for civilians and uah 4,000 for military personnel. these funds go to the further improvement of the school, say the instructors. anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolskyi for voice of america from kyiv.
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oleksandr merigodov shows the strength and resilience of ukrainian women in his photographs. she started publishing a magazine for americans, the pages of which tell the story of successful ukrainian women who started a business in emigration to the usa. yes, the author reminds americans about the war and shows the face of ukraine. ivanna pidborska attended the magazine presentation. a hair stylist, fitness trainer and... make-up artist, these are ukrainian women who, despite living in exile, launched their business in the usa. olena worked as a police officer in zhytomyr oblast, after a full-time job, when she moved to america, she turned her hobby, make-up, into a full-time job. this has always been my dream, and now here, as it were, i have my hands completely free. olya continues to do what she did in odessa,
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group fitness training, after the 22nd she also became part of a charity organization. what is involved in military prosthetics, it's all about muscles really, and so when i started volunteering first in prosthetics, it was very interesting for me, as a coach, i found motivation, i found, i gained a very a lot of knowledge that i implemented in my training, group, personal, and roksolana already 10 years after she left her native ivano-frankivsk region, discovered floristry business, popularizing the european style and reminding in its compositions... of ukraine, our boxes in america, i would say, are a little so exclusive, if you have seen local floristry, it is a little different from european standards. flowers are an integral part of ukrainian traditions, from generation to generation in all songs, in all legends, people sang, wrote in poems, in poems about such flowers as periwinkle, viburnum, poppies, sunflowers. their stories were united by another
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ukrainian woman, oleksandra merigodova from crimea. she moved to america 15 years ago. built a career in an american bank and after the start of a full-scale war took up photography in order to distract herself from worries about her native land with the help of art. do you often feel hopeless, do not know how to help, what to do? i wanted to help, to do something meaningful that would remind people about the war. while photographing women, she noticed how many of them are successful and strong ukrainian women who also started their own business abroad, so... i want people to remember about the real impact of war on real people. we are strong, we have a lot of hope, but we also need it. help, so i would like people to continue to support us, to continue to care about this, and i hope that my magazine helps a little bit. elena, olya and
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roksolana, among the heroines of the gloss. i wanted to tell people about our traditions and culture. we want to show the whole world that not only ukrainians, but specifically the women of ukraine, ukrainian women are capable of anything. i really want to show america. that we can achieve much, that it is great, unreal a talented country with talented people, i really miss ukraine, in fact, i really want to return home at least for a week, because home is, well, home is home, and somewhere another country is another country, we are from ukraine, we tell that the war is really going on now, and we should not forget about it, if there is an opportunity we will donate, and if there is an opportunity, then simply if we spread it on social networks. women offered their services in the form of lots for a charity auction during the presentation of the magazine. at the event , clothes and accessories from craftswomen were also presented
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of ukraine, whose works are worn by models depicted on the pages of the gloss. it's incredibly inspiring, inspiring to see the tenacity, the resilience, the ability to get up every day no matter what. what is happening in odesa, kremenchuk and still work. oleksandr, together with the co-organizers of the humanitarian organization united help ukraine , will send the funds collected from the magazine presentation to the needs of children and mothers affected by the war. we see that it is not only giving that is important to americans. money for humanitarian aid, medical aid, support of ukraine. it is also important for us to show that ukraine, above all, is a country
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of dreams, a country that is currently defending not only its independence, its democracy, its sovereignty, but also its culture. here for us. in america, it is important to carry this culture, to show it and for people to see that we stand for ukraine, not only as a country, but also for our heritage, for our culture. ivanna pidborska, oleksii osyka, voice of america, washington. and that's the end of it, thank you for watching voice of america in ukrainian, see you tomorrow for everything.
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we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war speak. serhii zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy dobrovecher, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. it's time to talk about... natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for... and those who care in the evening, the premium sponsor of the national team.
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united by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east. the crisis on the border between ukraine and... poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make up stories. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for
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the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 2010 on espresso. greetings, good evening. my name is myroslava barchuk and this is a program of its own name: a joint project of the ukrainian penklub and the espresso tv channel. today we will talk with you about hollywood. on the shores of the black sea, that's how they say about yuriy yanovsky's roman, ship master we will talk about ukrainian odesa, which existed in the 20s, it had its beginnings, but then this embryo itself was killed. my guest today is yaryna tsymbal, she is a literary critic, and what is important for us, yaryna is a researcher of the literature of the 20s and
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yaryna is also the author of the project. our 20s at the tempora publishing house and the curator of the vivat classics series at the vivat publishing house, just now they published the vivat publishing house, they published the book master of the ship by yury yanovsky. congratulations, irina. good evening, marislav. good evening. ah, i'll start by saying that this novel, master of the ship, and i decided to talk about him, because this is a novel about an entire era, about a whole, about a whole such life. of the ukrainian bohemians in odesa, yes at the film factory, uh, what a sudden, this is a very difficult text, as for me, yes, i think that this is a difficult text, but this text is terribly popular among e -sumers and millennials, at least among such an aesthetic part, these young people, what is the reason for this, that suddenly the master of the ship, in your opinion,
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is being discussed so much now, well, literally there is none. literary podcast, wherever young people are discussed the master of the ship, why? i am extremely pleased, first of all, that they talk about the master of the ship, usually, but not only vivat recently published the master of the ship, and in all prefaces and in most conversations about this, about this novel, about this book, they mention that it is about the sea, cinema, odesa, love, ah, but , i repeat that this is primarily a novel about youth, there is the first quote from gogol, and in the automatic translation, it seems to me, in the translation of yanovsky himself, about the fact that when going on the road, leaving , saying goodbye to youth, don't forget things that are important to you there, and this novel is written on behalf of a 70-year-old friend of the master of cinema, although yanovsky himself is 25 at the time when he writes it, but...
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he writes as if looking back at his mo.


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