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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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texts and memories about maksym arilskyi and and actually about him and his texts, and i want to quote as such a small literal passage, how maksym rylskyi defends yuri yanovsky even after the death of yuri yanovsky, so this is an article called the truth is always the truth of memory yuriy yanovsky writes. maksym rylskyi, it is the 62nd year, imagine, it is already a thaw, yes, it is no longer a regime of repression, or a regime when they simply destroy, come and take people away, but look how carefully and with what fear maksym dadeovich writes, defending, defending yanovsky. so, he says that yanovsky is a very national character. and i stand by this, but with
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national character - writes rylskyi, one should not confuse the concept of national separateness, separateness, exclusivity or exceptions or exclusivity. the friendship of peoples was one of the most precious tablets of yanovsky's worldview. you just imagine, yes, this is me, so that people understand what was the context that we are talking about, so he speaks to... things about the peak of yanovsky's work, that it is riders, in his article about this novel, louis aragon mentioned stendhal, and this is not at all a reproach to yanovsky, but it is the highest praise in the mouth of the french writer, both he and rylsky write that i want to protect yanovsky from all suspicious isms, the novel must also be reviewed master of the ship, which was at one time the same manifestation of creative pursuits. audacity, as
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in the example of garad and goda fedin, and four sabers, and it is worth rereading yuri yanovsky's postwar novel living water. so, look at what rylsky is doing. rila for in order to protect the master of the ship, he mentions the russian writer fedin, who wrote garad and the horde. just imagine how much and under what conditions the writers had to write. about ukrainian history in general and ukrainian ukrainian culture in order to have the right to mention at least a word, so about the tragedy of, let's say, the second world war on the territory of ukraine, i deliberately quoted this, because it seems very telling to me, how they tried to protect each other in their literary workshop, but the main story, the main question i want to ask, i haven't asked you yet, is... about ostap bender and
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tom key. it is interesting that at the same time, in fact, at the same time that the master of the ship comes out, ilf and petrov write the golden golden body. and in fact, the myth of odessa appears, which is embodied for me in this humor. to the specific astap bender and pility shur pility and so on, yes, that is , an adventurer and such a specific sense of humor appear, and there is a ukrainian odessa, or at least such a point of some ukrainian, ukrainian city, what an embryo, which, which was not destined to grow, was there a chance that this myth of ukrainian odesa would win over the myth of russian
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odesa, this humor and irony of ukrainian odesa, because there is also a lot of irony in the book master of the ship, so that it the humor and irony of such a russian-soviet group won, talking about the 20s, this is a lost chance, i am extremely sorry for everything that we in odessa lost as a result of political and historical events. ukrainian, because the ukrainian element was very strong, not only the jewish element, but the outskirts of odesa, they came from the steppe, all these odesa bazaars, milkmaids from nearby ukrainian villages traded there, and vuvku appeared there, and this is not the only such focus of ukrainian culture, as the professor describes it, in those fragments , which did not make it into the final edition of the novel, there is a long introduction about how the editor, that is
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, yanovsky, speaks to the professor for the first time at the film factory, and the professor tells him, you are for a long time, well, how long will it turn out - the editor answers him, and the latter says: this is good that you have come, we will to spread our ukrainian settlement together. a settlement is a cell, an environment, they want to expand their ukrainian environment. i can even give an example, we know very little about that odessa, but everyone knows about ilf and petrov, because they were published in millions of copies, and i will tell you about the master of the ship, three lifetime editions, then posthumous editions in the composition of p' two-volume book twice in... the 1950s, at the end of the 1950s and in the 1983s, and once in the maritime library series in odessa, i don't remember the editions, but you have a lot collections of works at home like this, that is, the general reading public buys one separate book, buys a novel, but does not always collect the pzt of all
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the writers there, and only this thin odessa book for the maritime library, it is all from reprints of master of the ship, i will remind you of the memory. when a writer died in the soviet union, the union took care of his creative legacy, it was republished there, transferred to the archive, for example, and the union also took care of the publication of a collection of memoirs about the writer. yanovsky died in the 54th year, and his wife, the widowed actress tamara zhevchenko died a year later, she almost, she could not live without her yuri ivanovich, and the collection of memories was published in 80. the fifth year, 30 years after yanovsky's death, because she was cared for not so much by the writers' union as by friends, the translator tetyana stakh was a thrift, and this is her, and rylsky, that is , those who were alive, they cared, in particular bazhan,
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who lived a long life, they cared about the memory of the writer, not the union, not some soviet institution, but returning to odessa , it is not the only one, that is... the factory, the odessa film factory, is not the only hotbed ukrainian culture. in the 25th year before odesa, a ukrainian drama theater was created in odesa, and it competed with the russian drama theater, which was usually there, there was even such a case that a play was staged at the same time, and the reviewers and newspapers recognized that the ukrainian production was more interesting , director vasyl vasylko, a student of les korbes, triumphed that they succeeded, so they... succeeded, and this moment is in his memories, and this ukrainian theater, it was called the theater of the october revolution, was specially transported from kyiv troupe of the hnat mykhailichenka theater, and the director marko tereshchenko was the first director of the odesa
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state drama, their prima donna was natalie ozhvii, there in odessa the editor of the film factory mykhailo semenko met her, he left the nayanovsky film factory and... took uzhvii, went to kharkiv, where she became a prima berezolya, he started publishing the magazine nova generatsia, and my favorite moment is about the ukrainian poet sava golovanivskyi, who is a jew from as well as yanovskyi from kropyvnytskyi, from kropyvnytskyi, or rather from the kherson province at that time, and odesa was the center for southern ukraine. golovanivskyi went to study at an agricultural institute in odessa, and one day he was writing poems, and one day he saw an announcement of a tour, a tour of the futurist vladimir mayakovsky, he did not know what futurism was, so he decided to go see it, and when he came,
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he saw a huge crowd, there were no tickets , he thought that as a student, he would always wander there, make his way, and so on, and he decided to send a note to mayakovsky that there is also a young poet, a photojournalist, who says he wants to come to you... for a concert, like to sergei desirable, approximately, and mayakovsky suddenly came to the threshold from the back door and said, who is the futurist here, and golovanivsky was surprised, so the gift of speech was completely lost, he was still standing, squeaking, but maikovsky sensed him, so to speak, and he extended his hand to him and through the whole blundered, so he slipped out, and golovanivsky listened to mayakovsky, then he learned what futurism was, what poems volodymyr mayakovsky wrote, but... he did not become a russian futurist in russian-speaking, mainly russian-speaking odessa, after such an acquaintance with volodymyr mayakovsky, who undoubtedly influenced the minds of young people, especially poetic young people, and golovanivskyi chose
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to become a ukrainian poet, that is, ukrainian culture could and did win, even in such individual stories and cases, golovnytskyi wrote a whole poem about this... meeting, a very good futuristic poem , written quite late meeting with maikovsky, yes, he became a ukrainian futurist and went to mykhailo semenko in kharkiv, because he had already left the odesa film factory. poems, and then in old age they were corrected and killed by this spirit of futurism, and in various critical articles there, he wrote about himself, saying that he was young, the mistakes of his youth, played with futurism, i know him already at this stage, when he was already criticizing, but i also know and i also remember that this language is grand and simple, do you hear? we played, it 's payback time, and there was something else, of course,
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we only have one minute left, and my question is that there are two myths, two cities, russian myths, bulgakov's myth of the city, which entered kyiv, and now we are just trying to somehow overcome it with a ukrainian myth, which is actually organic and true yes and there is a myth of russian odessa, and it is a myth that ilfi petrov and not only them, right? do you think there is a chance that at this historical point and in the catastrophe that we are going through, people will still manage to at least, well, if not change their outlook, then at least show that most people, so, what, what is another ukrainian myth of these. cities of odessa and kyiv, what is necessary for this to be known first of all,
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that is, i know, i tell, i do as much as i can, i issued geoshkurupiya to a female battalion commander back in the 18th year and wrote that here to whom on brit bolgakov with a garden, there is ukrainian kyiv, ugeushka rupiya, read it, there is also ukrainian odessa, there is a master of a ship, there is a lion over the black sea, soon it will also be released in the vivat classic series, there is dawn over the sea. we can tell some anecdotes from the golden calf or from 12 chairs, but leonid chernov meetings with readers, you zabgalyu menya stul, and why did you come here, the artist who paints vasyl vrazhlyvy, a landing force of writers passed from kharkiv and... what will you do , we will perform, and what do you have, well, nothing,
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why does he travel then, but there are interesting things, when on the same trip mikey hanson, they spoke at the factory, and the workers asked why you are not complaining, but with curiosity, and why you speak ukrainian, our hanson, himself a german, answered, well, you understand me, yes, they said, so why should i... speak in russian, a good, good story, in fact it is a story about what you need to know in order to love, and here are all these names and all the texts we talked about are worth knowing in order to love and to love the ukrainian version of their city, in particular. thank you, yaryna tsymbel, literary critic, researcher of the literature of the 20s, was my guest. i'm myroslav varchuk, these are my proper names, thank you for being with you,
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see you in a week, thank you, there are discounts on vizyn, 20% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and oschad, there are discounts on eurofast softcaps, 10% in travel pharmacies. bam and savings there are discounts on glycyset and glycyset max of 15% in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great aether. my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is living, and now about what
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has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastuhova, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka dyadenko is already ready to tell. us about the weather for the next day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. the war continues, and not only for territory, this is also a war for. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. countering the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project, with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana. nimble quick evaluations of vkks. as a judge's wife, she passed the interview in 7 minutes. i have worked in the judicial system all my life. but where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy get valuable property. my brother gave me his apartment. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform that is being carried out in ukraine, its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. today we will talk about how successfully the transformation is taking place and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards, but first, let's talk about the news.
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the supreme council of justice dismissed volodymyr, the judge of the balakli district court of the kharkiv region. who is suspected of treason under martial law. according to the materials investigation even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, on february 27, 2022, the judge moved to kupyansk captured by the russians and began to cooperate with the occupiers. for several months , kupin, as a representative of the occupation authorities, was already consulting local residents on legal issues under the legislation of the russian federation in the premises of the kupyan regional state administration. during the liberation of kupyansk by the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr kupin fled to russia. the supreme council of justice also dismissed alla demidovskaya, judge of the solomyansky district court of kyiv. in 2015, the decision the then high council of justice decided to dismiss the judge. parliament dismissed demidovska by its resolution, and the judge appealed the decision. the grand chamber of the supreme court announced the verdict only that year in june. the decision of the high council of justice on dismissal is upheld. in march 2013, alu
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demidov's security service and the prosecutor's office stopped by to receive a bribe. she is with another judge. makuhoya and lawyer yevhen pedenko received $700 for speeding up the proceedings regarding the violation of customs legislation. the special service claimed that according to the previous agreement, alla demidovska was to receive $500. but despite the criminal case, demidovska continued to hold the position of judge and during the revolution of dignity, chose a precautionary measure against the activist vladyslav tsylytskyi. detention allegedly due to mass riots and disobedience to law enforcement officers. the suspect noted in the report. that after being detained, he was brutally beaten and put in a closed van, after being examined by paramedics, he was taken to an emergency hospital. the judge of the disney flight to svitlana kolegaeva of kyiv. mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine and asks to stop the case against her for drunk driving. in 2021, an intoxicated judge driving an audi registered to
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her mother ran off the road, knocked down a pole and crashed into a tree. no one was injured by the smoke. the obolon district court of kyiv fined the judge uah 17 and deprived him of his driver's license for one year. at the same time, public activists sent a complaint against kolegaeva to the supreme council of justice with a demand to dismiss her from her post. only the disciplinary commission of the vrp recently finally started processing the judges' complaints that have been piling up. in recent years, the judicial future of svitlana koligaeva was under threat, so she decided to mobilize, accordingly, she asked the supreme council of justice to suspend the consideration of the disciplinary case against her for the duration of martial law. according to the anti-corruption center, the judge's lawyer did not provide the vrp with evidence that kolegaeva was really mobilizing. however, the third disciplinary chamber unanimously for... granted the judge's request, so kolegaeva retains the status of a judge and will continue to receive a judge's fee. last year, she earned 1,300,000 hryvnias. updating and
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reforming continues at all levels of the judicial system of ukraine. and what's next, more problems come to the surface. competition commissions and expert groups work to exhaustion. every day they have to study the biographies, career path and balance the debit and credit in the declarations of the candidates for the judgeship. positions and active servants of themis. the second panel of the higher qualification commission of judges, apparently , is very tired. ruslan sydorovich, lyudmila volkova and roman kydesiuk expertly manage to conduct the fastest interviews with candidates. for example, one of them lasted only 7 minutes with olena mikhalyuk, assistant to the head of the northern commercial court of appeal. from early years, yes, especially from high school, when we started teaching the discipline of law, and i participated in school olympiads... i dreamed of becoming a lawyer. olena mykhalyuk is the wife of oleg matuschak, a judge of the western commercial court of appeal. he has $37 and uah 175
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of his own savings, and is already in the midst of it full-scale war, mercedes-benz was purchased for over a million gr. however, the vkks board was not interested in this. please briefly describe your motivation for becoming a judge. the first is how convenient it will be for you to move. mr. roman. tatazno there will not be too many judges in one family. these are all questions from the commission to mykhalyuk. thus, without further clarification, the members of the supreme court of appeals decided that the candidate was suitable for the position of judge and recommended her to the lyubashiv district court of the odesa region. another quick interview with no extras issues, the members of the committee of the supreme court conducted with yulia bulanova, a candidate for the position of judge of the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. according to the anti-corruption center, she is the daughter of the rector of the zaporizhia national university and people's deputy of the eighth convocation mykola frolov. any court is a very responsible, responsible court.
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public activists have many questions about bulanova's property. for example, in 2022, her brother, who works as a lawyer, gave her an apartment in kyiv with an area of ​​93.5 square meters. the market value of the property, according to experts more than uah 8 million to the anti-corruption center. in the declaration, 100 uah is indicated. the members of the commission, on the other hand , did not have any questions about the brother's ability to earn on such an expensive gift, or about the significantly higher value of the real estate than that indicated in the declaration. in 2021, i transferred to work in the office of the general prosecutor and moved with my children to the city of kyiv, after a divorce, and taking into account these circumstances, in the 22nd year, my brother gave me a gift. his own apartment. in april 2020, bulanova's father the ex-people's deputy bought a nissan kashkai car, which he gave to her already in may. here, too
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, without additional questions from commission members. they did not see anything suspicious. he bought it for his own needs, but certain circumstances of my family life developed in such a way that i am in may of the 20th year. divorced and this prompted my father to change his plans for this car and temporarily transfer this car from me to him for use. yulia bulanova's professional competence is questionable. the candidate for the position of judge has been working for more than 20 years authorities of the prosecutor's office, is currently a prosecutor in the prosecutor general's office and could not answer the question correctly. and tell me, please, the prosecutor's office can now sub. to know lawsuits in the interests of the state or state-owned enterprises, but these, no, unfortunately, at this time no,
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instead, the order of activity organization. prosecutors regarding the representation of the state's interests, which includes, in particular, the filing of lawsuits, determined by the order of the prosecutor general of ukraine back in 2018. it is surprising that yuliya bulanova, a prosecutor with many years of experience, does not know this. she also believes that the judge has no right to own property. however , the members of the commission not only did not emphasize the lack of knowledge of judicial rights and duties, but also persistently pushed the candidate to the correct answer. in general, according to the status of a judge, can a person have corporate rights, a judge? no, it cannot, but corporate rights are according to the european echr, it is the property of the first protocol to it as well? it seems so. well, why can't one legally and peacefully own property? well, for example, you have an apartment in zaporizhia, yes, you can rent as a judge? so.
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can you make a profit? so from his property, well, despite such gaps in knowledge of the laws, the commission unanimously recommended appointing yulia bulanova to the position of judge of the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. now the recommendation must be considered by the supreme council of justice. we hope that she will have more inspiration and time to research and weigh all the pros and cons of appointing candidates to honorary judicial positions. and for today i have everything. that's all, it was judicial control and me, tatiana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. anxiety, insomnia,
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restlessness. quiet helped me cope with stress against the background of anxiety. quiet soothes and the soul becomes lighter. there are discounts on visas, 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together are stronger. big broadcast by vasyl zima. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many,
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as well as... distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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see this week in the collaborators program. sales bloggers, as a resident of makiivka, stavos of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied daughters uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. solov'ov is a propagandist. used the mariupol madonna. everyone makes their own choice. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. the bloody war unleashed by russia in ukraine showed that the internet and modern technologies have completely changed the tactics of the struggle. other fronts have appeared that also need to be defended. we are talking, in particular, about social networks, namely their rashka
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uses as a platform for its own. there is propaganda to throw in where needed.


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