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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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see this week in the collaborators program. selling bloggers, as a resident of makiivka, stavos of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did the propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? makes his own choice. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. the bloody war unleashed by russia in ukraine showed that the internet and modern technologies have completely changed the tactics of the struggle, other fronts appeared, which also need to be defended. we are talking, in particular, about social networks, which rashka uses as a platform for his propaganda. to insert the desired de.
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a page or telegram channel with a packed audience that reads, listens and , most importantly, listens is enough for the information space. tame and obedient bloggers help the kremlin goebbels, of course, for wooden rubles. our today's edition about the so-called influencers, who through social networks called to support the occupation of our cities, vote in illegal referendums and help the russian invaders in every possible way, like, for example, blogger vasyl from makiivka. relatives, look at the power. his full name is vasiliev yevhen gennadivych. he was born in 1993 in the city of makivka, donetsk region, where he graduated from school and college. dad was a miner, and mother was a steammaker. well, i just realized that for me studying is nothing at all, well, i don't need it. at that moment i already understood, there was a time that the director said: "look, vasiliev will not achieve anything, and in life only bad awaits you there." we must
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note, the director was not mistaken, nothing good grew out of vasiliev, when in 2014 russia began the occupation of the donetsk region, vasiliev did not think long and became a militant of the terrorist dpr with the call sign mongol. they flew in helicopters, the city in junk, by people, just by a civilian, i realized that you can't stand aside when history is being made. from this piece of video, you can... what he tells about the russian military, which occupied our territories, threw rockets at the civilian population, killed our civilians and military, but vasiliev further explains who, in his opinion, started bombing donbas in the 14th. yes, they were in this blue-yellow rag, all painted, and then uncle vova saw what was happening. then, thanks to him, he did not stand aside and sent troops. this nonsense is serious. the expression on his face
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speaks of a person who stopped studying after the fifth grade, that is, thinking and even more so, logically not about him at all, the kremlin's propaganda machine is designed for such people. in his last interview vasiliev tells when in 14th year russia held an illegal referendum in donetsk region and luhansk region regarding their independence as so -called people's republics, of course he voted in favor, after which he threw away his ukrainian passport and in general then... as now he is ready to hand over to the russian executioners ukrainian patriots. were there people in your circle who remained on the side of ukraine? no, if there were, they would already be sitting somewhere in the fsb. i would immediately work on this topic. you are not afraid of this status of stukaj. imagine if there was a person in my environment zachohliv, a valuable spy who can spread a beacon somewhere. later , vasiliev turned from a minor fighter into a toothless blogger on an electric scooter. in the temporarily occupied
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makiivka. now he has 90,000 followers on tiktok, 122 on telegram and 236,000 on instagram. to this entire audience vasiliev promotes russian peace, carries humanitarian aid in a walking black package. he attributes all shelling of the civilian population to ukraine and films a video for soldiers, where he thanks them for protecting the russian land from ukrainian fascists. and according to the schedule of thanks to putin every day, how prayer. today they went and voted. for our future, because it will be the best with such a president. yevgeny, you can thank putin before that for the fact that he destroyed all this, although with your intelligence you cannot understand the real picture. now this blogger is sitting in makiyevka, and we really hope that when donetsk region is under the ukrainian flag, vasiliev will get there. to our prison, it is not
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a fact that with his intelligence he will be able to understand his sentence, but i think that his cellmates will explain everything to him. our next traitor is just starting her career in bloggers-collaborators, but i'm sure you 've definitely heard of her. on march 9, 2022, russia bombed mariupol. at that time, he was hit in maternity hospital number three. one of the journalists noticed a bloodied pregnant woman near the maternity hospital. it was mariana vyshemirska. the whole world sympathized with her. but as it turns out later, the woman will choose whose side. orders could have killed her and her unborn child at the time. mariana will vote for putin, go to parades and wear the horiv ribbon, saying that mariupol is part of russia. dear president of ukraine, volodymyr oleksandrovych, you promised that the ukrainian
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army would be able to protect us, but as a result , the city turned into a cage. until february 24 , little was known about mariana. at first she lived in... donetsk region in the temporarily occupied makiivka. in 2020 , she met her future husband and moved to mariupol, where she was caught up in a full-scale war. after the bloody events of march 2022, mariana disappeared from the information space for a while, and then unexpectedly started appear in a video of a similar nature. everyone goes to russia, to donetsk, on their own initiative. people leave both for ukraine from mariupol and for russia. everyone makes their own choice. as it turned out, mariana returned to temporarily occupied donetsk, where she began to build a career as a blogger under a tricolor rag. on the one hand, mariana positions herself as a beauty expert. she has 72 followers on instagram, and on the other hand
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, she is a volunteer and public figure, and this is what her telegram channel page is dedicated to. seven thousand subscribers. mariana concentrated her volunteer activities around mariupol. first the first. in september 2022 , she visited the temporarily occupied mariupol and distributed balls in the color of the russian flag to the students of one of the schools. later, she wrote about how happy the children are in the seemingly peaceful mariupol. after that, the woman began to bring humanitarian aid from russia to the temporarily occupied donetsk region, and later it turned out that she was almost the only one whom the russians allowed into the olenivska colony. then they kept our captive soldiers, there is a traitor talked with one of the ukrainian defenders and later wrote a post that the fighter urged the ukrainian authorities to go to peace talks with russia. i am now engaged in such a mission as connecting prisoners of war with their families, as i, as a mother, as
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a woman, as a wife, understand their pain and fear. we remember the tragedy that the rashists staged in the premises of the olenivska colony, so we wonder how much marianna's oregano rotted, whether the kremlin paid a lot for her not just to betray ukraine, but to so cynically spend bloody rubles. when ukraine received an oscar for the film 20 days in mariupol, vyshemirska in her interview for the solovyov program called the film a fair of hypocrisy. according to her, ukrainians are allegedly creating fakes about what happened in mariupol, while she is engaged in important matters. in the film, they used more profitable footage at the time of the evacuation. i cannot call it anything other than a fair of hypocrisy. the important things are to vote for putin in the presidential elections and urge others to do so, to appear in the next propaganda videos in mariupol and to distribute humanitarian aid with words of thanks to russia. now this zaprodanka positions
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herself as a volunteer, an adviser to the leader of the muslims of the fake lpr and members of the so-called assembly of the peoples of eurasia. at the same time, it continues. risit on the sensitive topic of mariupol, because he realizes that it is not his popularity that will fade, it will become unnecessary for the kremlin, which means that rubles will stop flying onto the map and it will again become a gray noun. but mariana, i have good news for you, our law enforcement agencies definitely do not care about you will forget, and you will return to ukrainian mariupol, where you will answer for all your actions. in your case, the carriage will definitely turn into a pumpkin, and you will leave. on foot, but not home, to the butcher shop. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on
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espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. congratulations, friends, this is a big broadcast on the tv channel espresso. my name is vasyl zema, and we, with a studio in kyiv, are starting our first broadcast in many years on... on the espresso tv channel , for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important things, and we will promptly report on what will happen during our ether. well, we start with the announcement of the collection. espresso tv channel urges you to join the collection of ammunition for the 65th separate mechanized brigade. she serves in the zaporozhye direction. we have a specific request from our soldiers types of ammunition, they are very much waiting for help from us. in the near future, operations are conducted in hellish conditions, so things must be modern, high-quality and meet the needs.
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our goal is uah 1,000. we believe that with joint efforts we will quickly close this collection, perhaps even today, because less than uah 20,000 remains to be collected. remember that your donation is a contribution to our victory. well , today we will start differently than you are used to with conversations with representatives of different regions, we will start today with events on... and around the front, the director of the agency and the presenter rubric military summaries of the day serhii zgurets is already in touch with me. serhii, congratulations, good evening, please tell me. greetings to you, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in one of our columns we will talk about the difficult dynamics on the front line, based on the assessments of general syrsky and the conclusions of our leading military experts. more on that in a moment. when it
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comes again to the russian offensive predicted for the summer, given the number of attacks on the front line, it can be assumed that this offensive is actually already underway. according to our general staff, russia has significantly increased the number of assaults, yes. during the past day , the defense forces repelled 131 enemy attacks, a month ago we were talking about 70-80 enemy offensive attempts in seven directions, and now 131 enemy attacks, and almost half of them, 55, fell on the avdiiv direction, or we also call it pokrovsky , as one of the possible directions of the enemy's aspirations. if we take into account not only the number of attacks, but... more in-depth assessments, then i have laid them out commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi in his telegram channel, and these
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are the first assessments from the military leader after several difficult weeks on the front line. so glavkov emphasizes that the situation at the front has worsened. the russian army is trying to seize the strategic initiative and break through the front line. for this, the enemy army concentrated. main efforts in several directions, creating a significant advantage in forces and means and the most difficult situation in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions. when we talk about pokrovsky direction, i will remind you that the russians managed to push through our defenses near ocheretiny. also, the enemy there is now expanding the bridgehead from novobakhmutivka and novokalynovy, and is also moving towards novooleksandrivka, that's just all around cheretiny. according to syrskyi , russia used up to four brigades here, this is
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a certain advantage in numbers over our brigades in this area, the enemy is now trying to develop an offensive west of avdiivka. our troops moved away from the line of forces of the villages of berda or semenivka, which they received during the last two months after the withdrawal from avdiivka, our defense continues to move. to the west and i think that now there is such a planned withdrawal of our forces to the line of defense in the zone of the karliv reservoir and along the vovcha river, and this line of defense will probably be the main one now, and this is precisely the line that passes through populated areas, such as progress, komyshivka, karlivka, this is what we now see on the map on our tv screen, while the enemy's presence in the reeds... which is the dominant height, puts the enemy before such a temptation to break through or further west, to
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pokrovska, or to move north, there is also such an alternative route for the enemy towards the donetsk-kostantinivka highway, but all these movements and attempts of the enemy will depend on what opportunities the enemy will have, although right now the enemy is transferring reinforcements here from other directions and ... just 55 reports over the past day are just a sign that this area is extremely relevant for the enemy. how will the enemy act next, what are the enemy's plans, how should we assess the situation based on these. in the area of ​​the front and in other areas we will talk with our guest, now we are joined by a military expert, reserve colonel petro chernyk, mr. peter, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, finally we will talk live on the espresso radio and tv channel. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. mr. peter, how would
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you now assess the situation west of avdiivka, because there are different conclusions and causes and consequences. how do you see this situation, what threats does it create and what are the possibilities of buying such a threat on the part of our armed forces? in my opinion, everything that is happening in the eastern flank now has a very deep meaning political color, why putin will re-appoint himself, or rather be inaugurated on may 7, plus they have pabedobie on the agenda, we are very well aware of how he personally, all his entourage and russians in general do these symbols after avdiivka, which they held for 10 years, they do not have strategic... successes and they need at least some successes, will it be possible to implement the most important task of capturing the time ravine by the declared dates, in my opinion no, why, it is a height, there is a network of very serious channels from the seversky dinets, everything is very good strengthened, you can buy for a threat only one phenomenon, weapons, weapons and more weapons, primarily long-range artillery and
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ammunition for them, well, and also if they really already worked, the lazy ones about them did not... did not speak f-16 with a big missile-bomb load, there is good news that the first package worth 1 billion dollars already has the declared gbu-12 and gpu8 bombs under the jdm system, they can strike in gliding mode up to 110 km, one f16 takes on board at least six of these bombs, if it really had already started to work, then we could have some restrained optimism, mr. peter, when he mentioned silsky in his such report... he also spoke about the kharkiv direction, probably referring to the belgorod region, where the accumulation of tank and art- units in a certain number, in principle he did not talk about the fact that there will be an offensive from the kharkiv region, because there was still a statement today, it seems, from the state border service, where the head of this service said that at the moment they are not recording there
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the formation of an enemy strike group to achieve some... strategic goals, but in any case, will the enemy still not be tempted in some way to shake our defenses and create some, conditionally speaking, fictitious offensives or some such actions in this particular direction, to create such a certain threat or to make it difficult for our armed forces to use the reserves that you are thinking about exactly this kharkiv direction, anything can happen, but i share the point of view of the majority of military analysts who claim that the signs regarding the distribution a really large corps, and before they can fight for kharkiv they have to go a good 40 km, this is in the operational indicators of the corps itself, and such a corps must be at least 4000, 40 00 needs 825 tanks, 25 armored vehicles and up to a thousand artillery barrels, in fact, even forty thousand will not be enough, we need a good 80,
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they do not have such combat potential now, do they have certain forces and means, so somewhere in the range of up to 20 thousand there are... a concentrated plus or minus. we remember that our entire northern territory is very well fortified. government again allocated considerable funds for this matter. everything is fine, mined, there are areas, areas that reach up to 4 km in mines, if they go, they will go by roads. and how to work on the roads, we learned by the stocks of fgm javelin, we, fjm 148 javelin, are the second country in the world after the united states of america. with that, with that, you can expect anything from the crazy. let's recall the series in chornobayivka, where they deployed forces and means in one place more than 20 times, or this, the famous pontoon across the sivirsky dinets, where they laid five times a day in the same place. 800 people were lost, 731 technicians were burned, but they still didn't do it, so anything can happen, although, again, i will defend my position of a really
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big shock fist that could threaten kharkiv, well at least i don't see it yet . sir? i am sure that you , just like me or other experts, are trying to count russian reserves, but now you said about 20,000, some say about 60,000, the economist magazine saw it there, wrote an article where it says that , which is somewhere behind the urals the russians are preparing 3,000 personnel for the strategic reserves, what do you really think about the operational or strategic reserves that the enemy may now have for use on the front line, will be increased, will be 100% increased, the creation has been announced 14 new divisions, the creation of 16 new mechanized brigades was announced, the creation of two combined armies was announced, one full-time division is 12,500 personnel, a brigade up to 5 thousand, indeed, if you multiply everything by
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calculator, it will be somewhere within the range of up to 300 thousand, do they have a strategic mobilization resource, yes, the russians declare from 15 to 3 million men who are in the mobilization reserve, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of kalashnikov assault rifles in warehouses more than 100 million of these weapons were produced, of course there are not 100 million. we have warehouses, but nevertheless there are cartridge and projectile factories loaded at 100%, by the way, they have increased the production of projectiles in contrast to the beginning of the war, somewhere up to 30%, the truth is not more they will be able to, because there are, because there are problems with explosives, and my personal opinion is that by the fall this mass of people will most likely be brought into line, but there is a nuance, the nuance is that the monthly extermination of the enemy, we exterminate between 27 and 30,000 per their month too. must be replaced, but now we are already entering the last month of spring, conditionally up to 90 00 according to the results of the spring , they will definitely have losses and they cannot
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put people in the ranks at such a fast pace, as they would like, because if they could, then they would not they would remove a full-fledged brigade of marines from the far east and not send it to ukraine, realizing that it is no longer possible to return it back, the stakes are very high and to the point of breaking point, in my opinion... still quite far, although, if 1,000 atakams missiles appeared like this and the f-16s had already worked, in the cycle of this dry weather, we might have a chance to collapse at least the southern bridgehead, in my understanding, the collapse of the southern bridgehead is an exit to the northern poazov region and conditionally securing somewhere in the dairy area estuary mr. peter, you yourself called the losses of the enemy and their targeted mobilization measures within 1,500 per day, that is, in fact. in order for them to fill the announced new corps and brigade divisions, they still need to announce a larger -scale mobilization, now it is happening, what is the trick, what is
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the logic, if now the enemy does not have a mobilization as powerful as they are going to create are these new brigades, corps divisions? well, i don't quite agree with this point of view that it doesn't exist, it exists, they just don't have it declare, they believe that relations are social. peace and love for the tyrant are more important than the potential for some processes of rising riots, although i personally do not believe in any rebellious potential of the russian people, these are two empires on the planet earth in their own history, their own citizens have been turned into slaves, this is the tatar-mongolian empire and that's their russian, soviet or whatever you want to call it, but for the most part it's one and the same, a planned mobilization of the type they are comfortable with now. happens daily, monthly, every week, and that's how it will continue to happen in my opinion. russia is not a legal country, in them everything happens in an absolutely manual
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mode, if they came to the conclusion that such a mode is better for them, then they will follow it. i would like to ask you about new technologies on the battlefield, because we kind of stopped talking about it after the appearance of zaluzhno, it kind of fell into the background, we talk about fpv drones, and now we talk about what needs to be provided there parity the enemy is there in manpower, equipment and so on. is it possible to say that now we have such a dynamic parity with the enemy in technology and that now, in principle, none of the parties can provide any breakthrough actions there. what do you think about this, are there directions where we can outpace the enemy and create prerequisites for some breakthrough solutions? there is, of course, we have already said about it, a large number, i emphasize, a large number of serious weapons, in my understanding. a large number of serious weapons, this is 1000 attack missiles and that finally the f16 will work , a brilliant universal machine that has nomenclature up to 105 indicators
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of a wide variety of weapons, different classes, air, air, air, surface, and the like, and all this should be multiplied by a large amount of artillery, i do not share the point of view that fpv drones are able to fully replace artillery, in my opinion , they will never completely replace it, so they will strengthen it, so they will improve the absolute record in march of the destruction of their artillery systems 971 installations, 50% were destroyed with the help of fpv drones, but strangely enough, this mess or this shed that is being burned over the tanks, myself it justifies itself, it’s completely primitive , even i would say a semi-crazy decision, but it is far from easy to stop a tank with one fp drone, it can withstand 1.3 kg of explosives, that’s what the eyes are on welded sheets, and what about a tank... to be fired with direct guidance from a distance up to 15 km is not so much and it takes time, understanding that there is a charging tray, not a charging one, and of course it is necessary...
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to raise the efficiency ratio of the work of electronic warfare, victory is forged in a complex, there is no one wonder wafe that can be quantitatively apply and say that everything worked out for us, but our allies have a lot of a wide variety of weapons in their warehouses, the only question is the speed of their removal from warehouses, bringing them to battle and delivering them to ukraine, in my opinion, this is where the main foundation of our success lies. and mr. preter, finally, i would like to ask you, what could be the maximum task for our defense forces for this year and the minimum task, what would you say about it? the minimum task is to maintain the defense line as it is now maintained, the maximum task, i have already partially addressed this issue spoke, go to the milky estuary, redo the land corridor to the crimea and go to the perokop isthmus and in this way strangle the southern bridgehead. will they
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surrender, or will they make a gesture of goodwill and leave, or will we kill them, because that could also happen, why not, we somewhat underestimate the resilience of the russian soldier, so they shout and rehearse something there, but they would they fight and fight quite ferociously, fiercely, but in my understanding of the task , forgive me the maximum, i repeat, this is still a southern bridgehead, if the weapons were mentioned, which we listed, there were many, it is possible, mr. peter, thank you very much for your time, for your... accurate explanations of what is happening on the front line, i will remind our viewers that it was petro chernyk, a military expert, a colonel in the reserve, and it was a war column on vasyl zima's great broadcast, stay tuned to the spresso channel, there will be a lot of interesting things to come. thank you very much, serhiy zgurets, thank you very much to petr chernyk, always professional, always to the point,
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always, as they say, with. a clear perspective of the war, with a clear, clear analysis of what is happening, liked the words that there really is no wunderwaffe in this war, only by joint efforts, only by trying to get ahead of the enemy in one aspect or another, or at least somewhere keeping up with the enemy, we can achieve results on the battlefield, because you know when people they say, defeated russia, russia must fall apart, you always have to... of course have an ideal dream when we talk about this war, and the ideal dream is for russia to simply fall apart, because it is still a great empire in fact, which includes dozens small and large peoples, well, for understanding, in particular, if we are not talking about peoples, but about territories, then let's say such a republic of yakutia, it is known as yakutia, it occupies 1/5 of the russian federation, yakutia is larger in terms of its territory than western europe, and we
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understand that such a car of course. it is difficult to develop, well, but in principle we should do everything we can to force the enemy to begin with, at least to leave our territory and not poke his nose, well , let's say about sumy region, actually about sumy region let's talk now, and in general, about many important political and sociopolitical topics and with our guest, whom we include in the conversation , viktor boberenko, political scientist and director of the political analysis bureau, if i don't miss anything, mr. viktor. you, good health, glad to see you, glad to see and hear, well, i hasten to ask about the security situation in sumy oblast, it is clear that the border region, the enemy is trying to either sneak in there, or fire at it, as the day and night have passed today, please, why are they shooting, shelling, i was in today too to one of the front-line communities, we deliver such repair kits there, and what can i tell you, some
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heads of communities should be given lifetime monuments, because how involved they are, how effective they are, well done, well, some of them are weak, but this is visible, yes there , for example, you will take 200 repair kits, but you have to mess around, give them out, deliver them to households, and the organization provides assistance to households, then someone give, what 200, let's take 400, 600, the clerical community there says that we have 800 houses they stand without windows, of course we will take them, a some, well, i won’t name it, there’s like, no, we don’t need there like, well, why don’t we, because it must be distributed, and it must be steamed, but the majority of the heads are administrations of vysarivsk, bilopolsk, novoslobitsk, yampilska, well, it's just fire, the heads of communities, and others, that is, everything, everything is great.


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