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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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new communities, we deliver repair kits, such, and what can i tell you, some heads of communities should be given lifetime monuments, because to what extent they are included, how effective they are, well done, well, some are weak, but this is visible, yes there for example, you will take 200 repair kits, but you have to mess around, give them out, deliver them to households, and the organization provides assistance. as a household , someone give me 200, let's take 400 , 600. i have 600, the clerical community says that we have 800 houses without windows, of course we will take a some, well, i won't name there, like, no, there , like, we don't, we don't need, and why we don't need it, because it 's necessary to give it out, and it's necessary to steam, but the majority of the heads of the administration psikrivska, bilopolska, novoslobitska , yampilska, well, it's just fire. heads of communities,
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and others, that is, everything, everything is very, very, if only, they are holding on, yes, of course, in pisarivka, well , they bombed it into garbage, there will be a middle ground, no, there will be a middle ground, i am happy there executive, may i say right away that this is not a question, it is just verbatim, so that you know about it they also told me that today i read the news that people are returning to velikoppisarivsk and meditubsk communities, despite the fact that it is... a risk, despite the fact that this is a territory, very well, by the way, the journalists wrote about these in this material, the territory of death, yes, explain this phenomenon, is it not a phenomenon, and again, if people return, where do they return and under what threats, and people, people return to their villages, they are already negotiating there, there in pysarivka itself, psikrivka is 7 km from the border with russia, but they arrived because they were burned a garden, you have to plant potatoes, and then people come back, well...
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children are forcibly evicted there from a five-kilometer zone, but i think that i rarely shake the power, but here it is necessary to praise, because it is correct, the state is responsible for children, and if the parents are irresponsible, then this function should be taken over by the state, the old people are already there at will, well, velyka pisarivka almost all moved there to akhtyrka or to other chernychan communities there, well, those who... from the front there krasnopillya, myropillya, khatin, yunakivka are coming to sumy, here they are somewhere they are in a slightly panicky mood, because we have, well, now the second series of panics, last week there was a real panic-panic, yes, and everything will come, and you know, there, like me , everyone thinks that i am better informed than others, it's like there, viktor, and they are already saying that the russian army will attack, four chechen battalions, yay-yay-yay. er,
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i say, what do they say about that in a single marathon? and people are like that, well, who believes in a single marathon in our time, it’s like who thinks the truth on spits, but like in that movie by kindzadza, so uh, that is, we can say, for some reason they threw out espresso direct fifth tv channel from the networks, by the way, i will tell you, here is my favorite espresso, in akhterka, yesterday, or rather, this morning. this morning they took it off, he and direct espresso were on the cable network, then from the region they gave this owner of cable networks a very long time and he took it off, the fifth still remained, direct espresso, that's all, no, i can't, mr. viktor, i i'm sorry, i can't help but intervene, well, first of all, i think that now my colleagues who work with cable operators, in fact, with whom, as i understand it, certain agreements, they will write it down, and secondly, to say about... about the marathon, for you
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to continue this topic, because it is important, since you have already talked about it, serhiy leshchenko, i don't know if he is well known or infamous, he is now an adviser, as far as i understand the head of the president's office, he said that, well, first of all, why he said that, because the state dept., the state department of the united states of america, he issued a certain prescription for the telethon, for this single news, in in the sense that there are certain violations, well, there are political signs. censorship, serhiy leshchenko said that if there is no telethon, then there will be chaos, because there is a lot of fake news and the only news, the telethon gives people the opportunity to receive relevant and adequate information, as far as i understand it, that's beside the point, well, but again, this is the case, the fact that you they said there is no adequate information, well , kebabs are forever, everything is good forever, a beautiful marquise, that’s how it is there, it’s like forever...
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solsky was taken there for the one in the only marathon, at least they say something about it, no, they don’t talk about it, they silence a certain part news, they... they form the news series actually as political technologists, yes, i think that the remoter does that, so that it would be or only cool, that only the right experts are allowed there, the right ones, well, from their point of view , yes the right ones, but they change of those experts, where is that aristovych, where is the one who said i stole, well, he did it there, i kind of forgot his hero's name, well, they change the hero there in general. well, but it is obvious to me that the only marathon does not speak in the news system, there the only one who can be trusted is the block that conducts public affairs, but just so you know that now
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they are sending a new network, and before they had it, well, there are four hours, six channels , four hours each, there is one, for example, i am on the supervisory board of public affairs, so if i course of action, yes? what is there, yes, one, for example, they have one hour in the evening, one at night, one not in prime time, but now they are trying to take away prime time from all tv channels and give it only to the pros, that is , now the grid will not be uniform, everyone will have a little bit, yes there, including a flashing one there this one, well, you have an evening broadcast today, and tomorrow someone else’s, the day after tomorrow someone else’s, and now it’s like, now there will only be pluses, well... the fairest channel, well, i know, you know that, by the way about the fact that there are justified requests, this is not a request, maybe the conditions that ukraine says, that there are certain agreements, there are even, let's remember the budapest memorandum, let's
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help, you promised the united states too, despite the fact that there was a long delay, they help, but they say, let's then look at what is happening with you, we now, by the way, let's move on to restricting the rights and freedoms of citizens, but i would like to say clearly. that there are signs of political censorship, we say no, everything is okay, and here ukraine and the usa are working on an agreement on security guarantees, and they are already writing the specific text of the document, this is official information, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said about this in an evening video message, the goal of the two countries to make the agreement is the strongest of all, where the specific foundations of ukrainian security for the next 10 years will be mentioned, the head of state added, here just to add a word about the fact that, that is , there is always such a one-sided unilateral order, and somewhere it is possible economically there is some progress, maybe there are... some moments where the ukrainian authorities and officials listen, but in the matter of what should be equal access to information, we don't hear it, we don't see it, we don't know, and if we talk about this agreement, what can the united states of america guarantee us beyond what it guarantees, to say that this is the help that ukraine
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receives now, she is the biggest, and her, for according to the experts who counted the analysts , it should be enough until the end of approximately the 25th year, what will happen next is unknown, well, but in any case, this is what we... sign, we work out, we say help, at the same time in at certain moments we do not go to meet our partners, well, because they too have their own values, they have their own understanding of how it should be, but the conversation starts with values, and the only value for the green government is from european values, this is european renovation, here is the european renovation, they are there, stefanchuk wants to u comfort him, he rented an apartment on his own... yes, and this is never corruption, that is, somewhere in the west it was already paid from the budget from the budget of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it was paid from the budget from our pockets, well , that is, from our pockets, yes and for europe it would definitely be the end of a career, because there is such an institution as reputation, yes there, that
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is, reputation, to wet the reputation, tarnish, go, we have johnson, boris johnson, whom we all loved so much, for why somewhere? his protégé, his protégé somewhere to someone, it is unclear how he molested, and that not only he left his post, but also boris johnson, and here we have an abomination of a minister who is detained, released on 75 million bail, 75 million is right there, but there is no need for drones, on 75 million bail he is on the run, and at the same time no one bears political responsibility, volodymyr oleksandrovych. you said that this is your government, your government, that is , it is obvious to me that zelenskyi is responsible for the minister, for reznikov the egg-bearer, and there, for everyone, for everyone, but for some reason they wash their hands, they are a little bit, i am at home , which is the only marathon about it
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tells, er, and it turns out that you have half-half of the cabinet, these ee corrupt, yes, and who is to blame for this? so it turns out that ukraine is fighting for europe, for european values, the government itself... does not profess these values, and this is the paradox of our system, and not only that, they act cynically, well, they are like that, well, anyway, we they will not leave, they will give us weapons, and they are deliberately there, like put an end to corruption, we will not, we will continue to steal, and if you do not give money, and if you do not give military aid, russia will will capture, and this, this is cynicism, when uh... well, it's like the father beats the child there, why, because the child can't answer there,
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and here we are now, we can't answer the authorities, then that the most active part of ukrainians is at the front, i understand, i have internal censorship, there i can’t push for power there, i definitely won’t go to the maidan, because i say, we will deal with them later after the war, the main thing is victory , and we just agreed that... we are in the same boat, and we won't be messing with them there, but they they behave there like, let's not beat each other, let's go, and they are right and right, that's how the government behaves, it behaves unprincipled, i'm just simple, first of all, let's do it, now i'll tell about about amount, you say the right words that they will not leave us, because the defeat of ukraine, well, it should not be like that, because it is security. all over europe and it was the european leaders who talked about it, they talked about it in the us senate, and when they came to convince mike johnson
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to vote, but here is the former minister of the armed forces of great britain, james hippie said very correctly and simply in numbers, the defeat of ukraine will cost the west trillions of dollars, well, actually, and this is this, this is according to the information of the telegraph, that's all, and that is, it is better to invest in victory. understanding that there are many nuances and minuses, yes, but definitely not not not not not not allow putin to win, but these are the moments, they are now, i do not want it to affect any security agreements, because first of all civilians suffer , our army is suffering, and we understand that these are not the people who find 75 million hryvnias for bail will suffer, those who are on the front lines will suffer, those people who are civilians will suffer, so i will forget. security agreement, but is it an understanding in the united states of america that we don't notice
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certain things, although we note them, sometimes we talk about it, as de said about the telethon, but we don't seem to notice when it's not very strong, and we we continue to work, this security agreement, it will happen, yes, but what will be the content, what we have already signed, those that have already been signed, they are, well, in the grand scheme of things, they do not guarantee anything, some consultations, some kind of something else, and what do we need, here... there would be a security agreement, that once from the moment of signing, you control our airspace, yes, there is a type that rockets will not fall, not the same as over there on odesa , kyiv, well, even sumy, yes, will not fall, because it will be guaranteed, guaranteed by the united states, it is obvious that it will not happen, and therefore this is an agreement, just like the budapest memorandum, it is an agreement about the intentions of some , that... we will shake hands in this agreement and the united states will say: "we are very
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we respect you, you are very valuable to us, you are well done, we are proud of you and that's all, but if there were concrete steps, so that they would write down there that yes, we will, we undertake to pour 60 billion there every year to you, yes, it's better 100 each, we'll pour you 100 billion with weapons there, you don't even have to live. and the seven of us cannot ask, you know, by the way, i am talking about the f-16 lyaevlazh, the spokesman of the air defense forces, said that bunkers are being prepared, shelters are being prepared, the necessary infrastructure is being prepared so that these patriots do not a16 patriots not only entered ukraine, but they will be effective on the battlefields somewhere . got into the kremlin, so that god forbid
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there are such people, i hope that they are not among those who have access to information, so that , god forbid, they do not pass those points, because , well, you know the word, and and telethon, and the security agreement, for which we are fighting and for understanding. who are ukrainians, today i read a very interesting story, lidia stepanivna, she is 98 years old, unfortunately, i did not give my colleagues a photo of this, but we will not look for it now, this long story short, but she got away with it. where the russians entered donbas, 98 years old, she walked 10 km under fire, fell several times, then our fighters noticed her, took her, handed her over to the white angels, evacuated her, and they say that this war is even more terrible than that what she saw in the second world war, because she says then our village, the houses were not destroyed, now everything
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is destroyed and she says, it is terrible what is happening there, but when and and here is lydia stepanivna, her story, she should have been ... for for our partners, when a woman for 98 years, he passes 10 km without food, without water under fire, comes from these liberators, and tells this story, it’s just really cool, but it just illustrates, we also had villages in sumy that were occupied by the russians, and also we are children of the war, well , born somewhere in the 30th, 32nd year, who were still small when the second world war took place, but there are still many of them, so what... there are not many centenarians left, and these testify, that is, in we have evidence there from 1934, and they also remember that they were small, and now they behave like russians well, it’s much worse than the germans, well, even though we had the edge of the battle of kursk there, and here we have the village of chernechchyna, literally under sumy, where the front stood for six months, yes, and
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where they lived germans are also in houses and all this and... and in the same chernechshchyna, such stories are told that it was not as scary there then as it is now, and it is also a plus that sumyshchyna is a partisan region, we understand , there was revenge for the actions of the partisans, when certain actions took place there, at least the new sloboda was burned by the magyars, here yes, i was there once too at one time, a new film was shot about this, and nova sloboda is the village of garyun, by the way, they, in sumy oblast, have... the russian villages of povorsklytsi soldier's pushkarska - these are the descendants of riflemen who were not killed by peter the great and were evicted here from moscow, here they are from pozhnya, tarasovka, soldatska, they beat these villages there with a dear soul, that is, they do not spare, but ethnic russians live there, so that we know,
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you know, this is exactly the kind of information that should be voiced, i hope that it will be voiced by the same telethons, too someone about that. what kind of people are being helped today by the united states, the north atlantic alliance, the countries of europe, the countries of asia, the global south, everyone who helps ukraine, they help such a conditional lydia stepanivna, conditional children that i read, they raised a lot of money in the lviv region , and children who give some of their savings to the army, women who help, in fact, our partners help these ukrainians. and i think that they understand that, they understand very well who exactly they are helping, and and our army, which without shells for a long time, without support, without anything, held out, and somewhere the enemy advanced, but they held out, held out and did not crumble, as perhaps someone somewhere in the west expected, perhaps already expected, and definitely expected in the kremlin , that's why i think that this aid is for that reason, at the moment it's different,
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you rightly said, after the victory , ukrainian society itself will decide in a legal... democratic way prescribed in the constitution and laws of ukraine, let's say so. and one more topic, which, well, for me it is unambiguous, here only a question of risks, yes, ukraine has informed the european institutions that it will limit the rights and freedoms of ukrainian citizens to a greater extent, this is the alienation of property, the alienation of the right to private property, and here the question is correct, i understand everything, but it should be, it can be , and it should be so, but you know, so that there is no question of personal revenge, the interest of a corrupt component, because i think that not all districts of pechersk, in kyiv, for example, will take a bentley, or some brabus, or pajero, or rangee rover, but pick up some chevrolet avios somewhere naborshchigivtsi, i think it will be possible, i say this tentatively, and here is a question of compliance, justice, the army needs it, we
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give it, in your house, in your apartment you need to accommodate the military , it is necessary to make a point there. whatever, yes, your warehouse is needed by the military, yes, your products are needed by the military, yes, but so that there is not this element of personal interest, personal gain or personal revenge for someone, how to monitor it, who should do it? well, the state must take responsibility and provide, the police, the prosecutor's office, i don't know, the military themselves have to monitor the military leadership there, well, the authorized body, well, in this case, the police, but we understand that... we have justice and the right - these are different things, if for the european mentality, right is higher than justice, because everyone has their own justice, yes, it seems to me that... than someone will take my opel , yes, because it is, well, i am driving it now on a business trip salam and him too
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yes, but for me it was so fair, and it would be fair for the bridegroom, well, let them take boberenko's land from vasyl, let them take it, and let me keep my bentley, it will be a certificate, you can take it away, i'm joking, of course , and yes, he's taking mine too. she says: the unjust law on mobilization was adopted, why? because there is no rule about dembel, when my son comes to dembel, and the second mother, who lives next door to this woman, has a 25-year-old son, he is now subject to mobilization, and this mother says: it is fair, let those fight, who can to fight, he has been fighting for two years, so let him continue to fight, but do not take my son away, because he does not know how to fight, and this is not his war,
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here are two justices, and a third justice for the one who has armor, there is a fourth justice and someone else, we have a lot of justice, and that is why the state, that is why zelensky must come out and say, it will be fair this way, and in general, ukrainians, as it is written in the norm of the law, so it will be, and that is why the basket case will go to serve there. and join the battalion named after koshovoy, i won’t discredit him, but we know that it won’t be like that, that the norms of the law will be separate, well, it will be according to the franco principle, yes, everything is to friends, the law is to enemies, that's why ours, our state, that's why it is not guaranteed, well, the observance of the law, and precisely in the key, that is, injustice is being created, and people see this injustice. and therefore, to a large extent, they do not want to trust this state, but it is true that law and justice are different things, and
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i will repeat again that under the current regime, justice in the laws will not be observed, in the implementation of the laws it will not be justice, will be for each other, as in to the ukrainian proverb, the law is as it left, as you return it, so better. i will ask at the very end, we literally have two, well, three minutes, plus or minus, and the war is going on, a very active phase, and the aid that has been unlocked can and will significantly affect this situation, but beyond all this, they are active, going active preparation for this conference or summit, whatever you want to call it, which will take place in a resort town in the middle of the picturesque alps, switzerland, i always forget the name of the resort, where it is to be held, because they say in geneva, it shouldn’t be in geneva, it should be in such picturesque corners of the swiss confederation, and they are actively preparing there, but i just have a question, but there is at least some understanding, at least roughly, of what they are preparing for, because again behind the smoke and fog of this war,
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it seems to me that something is being resolved there, and it is at a very global level, but now sidney pin will go, including to france, and maybe some initiatives will be taken, which, i must note that.. yes, this will be an important summit for us, because we are there we will again declare ourselves, our position, this will be another wave of information in support of ukraine, but in the grand scheme of things it will not end in anything, well, we will say, here are our 10 points, our vision of peace, khaysia is leaving crimea, well russia will say, yes, we had all this in mind, and that it will be real, it will only be a shaking of the air, but it will be, well, again, this is already good. campaign wave, but it wo n't really give anything, but in reality russia doesn't see us as a subject of negotiations at all and putin will wait for trump to win,
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and he will sit down and negotiate about ukraine without ukraine with trump, and they will draw some new borders there, conditionally yes there, well, a new line there, what a de facto fact... it will become a demarcation line there, a new border between russia and ukraine, and finally here are these old soviet fighters, even there in my opinion there were su-25 front-line bombers, if i am not mistaken, which the united states bought in kazakhstan, do you think it is for spare parts, is it possible a museum in they will open somewhere in denwe, no, i think there are 83, it seems cars were bought, i hope that somewhere 30-40-50 of them will be in service, but something will work. for spare parts, but something will be in order, so this, well, this is great news, let the russians cry, thank you very much for joining,
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thank you for your professional emotions. well, literally in a moment about the most important news, for this moment i will tell you in detail. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, actually, let's start. the russians shelled kharkiv with guided aerial bombs, the occupiers hit residential buildings. one woman was previously injured, he said about it the mayor. igor terekhov. a high-rise building was partially damaged in the city. in addition, the attackers struck across the region, striking at least five times in the kharkiv district. there were also explosions in odesa. no details yet. nato can create a special fund for financial support for the defense of ukraine, it is about 100 billion, jens stoltenberg said during an unannounced visit to
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kyiv. gentsek of the alliance also discussed with volodymyr zelensky the situation on the front line and the supply of military equipment. according to the ukrainian leader, stabilization at the front depends on the timely delivery of weapons, and ukraine will receive missiles for petrut systems without delay. the supplies are there, they left, little by little . we need to speed up this process. i think we will get this supply and thank god. that after convening our council, we received answers that there will be no pauses in the process regarding additional systems, patriots, we are working, there are still no such powerful specifics that we expect from partners. other allies are thinking about what else they can do, i await further announcements soon, so we are working hard to meet ukraine's urgent needs and ...
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made it clear that if allies are faced with a choice between achieving nato's capability goals or supporting ukraine, they must support ukraine. ukraine will soon receive the first 10 acs b8-8 armored personnel carriers from canada. this is the first delivery out of fifty planned. funds for these armored vehicles were allocated back in september 23 of the year, as canadian defense minister bill blair said, the equipment will be sent there for them by the ukrainian the military will train, and the cars will be delivered to ukraine. the last batch of batteries will enter the armed forces of ukraine in 2027 . the russians are building a new airfield in the belgorod region, it will be located 70 km from the border with ukraine, reports osin to sridnyk kredin panda on his page in the social network x. according to him, the airfield will be able to receive various types of aircraft,
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because up to the airport strip is approximately 1,800 m. well, i hope that after the supply of long-range missiles to ukraine, this resort in this form will not last long. the head of a sports center in the kharkiv region, who systematically raped an 11-year-old student, was sentenced to life imprisonment. the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine reported this, despite the presence of evidence, the manager pleads guilty in court. did not recognize and may try to appeal the verdict. at first, he gained the trust of the child, built a friendly relationship, after which he periodically raped him and committed lewd acts. in the spring of 22, after the armed aggression of the russian federation in the kharkiv region, the child's family moved to the lviv region. however, this did not stop the villain. he periodically came to the settlement, found a child and raped her in deserted
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places. he periodically recorded his actions with the help of photos and video recordings and saved the relevant material on his own laptop. police seized 20 packages of psychotropic substances from a resident of kyiv. the man said that he sold drugs with the help of so-called bookmarks. during the search of his place of residence, the police seized another 28 rolls with a prepackaged psychotropic drug. the person involved is currently in custody, he is threatened with such business. up to 10 years in prison. unfortunately, a woman died as a result of a fire in a five-story building in the city of vinnytsia. according to information from the state emergency service, firefighters have already extinguished the fire. we had to evacuate 20 residents, including three children, a ten-year-old girl is currently in intensive care. the causes of ignition are established by specialists.


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