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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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i would rather say in this case that he does it because he is planning something, or has already planned something. at the same time, the resolution on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in space was not voted in the un security council, and the country that made this decision was russia, china abstained, and this also reminds a lot of the soviet union and the opposition of the soviet union even then. united states of america, does putin have this potential for this arms race and will the end of this arms race for putin be the same as the end of the soviet union? well, that's the case in the fact that no matter how hard they are now in russia, they do not have the opportunity to gain the momentum that the soviet union had. in terms of all parameters, absolutely. from here it is necessary to understand that... that
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we are talking rather about tactical tools, which are connected by the interaction of the russian federation with iran and china, because we see how they ran in the state department of the united states of america, although we were assured for almost a year that the supply of china , dual technologies, weapon fragments, weapon components does not happen, in fact, if you look back pay attention... to the dialogue that took place between anthony blinken, the secretary of state, and sydzinpin, the head of kener, it clearly permeates and everywhere that it was actually about the fact that china not only supplies, but also finances the military-industrial complex of the russian federation, this is firstly, secondly, pay attention, there the second question was again the topic of the middle east of iran, which expands aggression, increases the potential of output. and
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military products, the fact is that in those, in this triangle, there has been a system of in-kind credit for exchange and supply for a long, long time weapons, armament of military technologies. therefore, what we see, if we look at the contracts between china and russia, russia and iran, then the main, main volume is weapons, or military equipment, or armored vehicles, i am not talking about... attention, russia's contracts with india have actually collapsed, russia's contracts with brazil for the supply of arms, equipment, ammunition and so on have been collapsed, that is, in fact, it is about the fact that there is a certain naturalization taking place in this triangle, so they will all build up weapons and it does not apply to only conventional weapons, in china a decision was made to achieve... parity from the point
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of view of nuclear weapons, and there is a gap of almost 2,500 units of nuclear warheads, then one must understand what parity is. obviously, they calculate this parity based on the total number of three warheads and so on. from here it is obvious that the phenomenon that pistorius is talking about is present, but if you look at the technological level of it, then he clearly loses. states of america and allies, including nato countries. the only thing that attracts attention to the fact that, including in the conversation in beijing, there was a very emotional and vivid appeal from the american side to the fact that china is spreading the highest technologies, destroying the security of the european union , the eurasian continent, among others. actually , this hints at the fact that those... technologies that
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get to china through american developers and manufacturers in the form of transnational corporations, they then migrate to russia, and actually this is the reason that allows russia to periodically parasitize the world technology market and to release modern weapons if this channel can be closed, and from what happened with blinky's exchange. the conversations were very intense, the working commission at the level of the military leadership and the ministry of trade and finance continues its work, well, to say that the chinese will go for it with an open mind, well, it’s fooling yourself, but the fact that they will have to take some steps is including limiting financing and crediting of russia's military-industrial complex and , at a minimum, suspending the export there
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of technologies and certain components above modern ones, which are developed by the united states of america. it is obvious, roman petrovich, that... blinken's visit to beijing and, in general, all the communication that is now being formed between the united states of america and china, one way or another, despite all their internal, let's say , commercial issues, and political issues, still anyway, one way or another, they are directed to the global peace summit, which will be held in switzerland in june, and we know that xijin pin, to france in may, there will be the anniversary date of 60 years of diplomatic relations between france and beijing, in china, it is meant, and it is clear that everyone is trying in some way to conduct a dialogue with china and to convince
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everyone that being friends with putin through military means is not very convenient for him and his economy, or let's say, it can even have a negative effect. consequences, zelenskyi says that the world community, which will gather at the global peace summit in switzerland, should force the russian federation to make peace, this path can begin precisely at this summit. let's listen to what zelensky said. we continue to prepare for june, the first inaugural peace summit, and our team is now with her and key commands. partners are working to make the summit truly global, we can definitely say that all continents will be represented. the world majority must force russia to make peace, and it can do it, it is in june that the path to a just peace can begin. roman
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petrovych, the president of ukraine has a lot of hopes for the peace summit, but it is obvious that in the current situation it is about discussion. some concept of future peace, not even a discussion exclusively of zelenskyi's peace formula, because there are many questions broader than zelenskyi's formula, what ukraine can gain as a result of this summit, what consequences this summit may have for the russian-ukrainian war and whether it will have such consequences in some short-term perspective, because it is obviously about strategy, about next year. or about the 26th? well, from my point of view, i wouldn't expect any overtures here, the maximum that would be rational from my point of view is to come to an agreed text that would speak about the position of
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the majority of the world's states from the point of view of, let's say yes, a solution to the problem, and this also applies to why i will formulate it that way. attention, because in fact, if we talk about the global peace summit, then in the conditions where the russian-ukrainian, iranian-israeli war is going on today, to package it only with the problem of, let's say, victory over racism, well, it clearly does not correspond to the scale and content document and the scale of this forum, because when it is called a global peace forum, that is , well, how do i think it is... there should have been questions about a new order in the world, new institutions, a new order and so on. if it is possible to come out in this dialogue, say, on a text that concerns the position of the world's dominant number of countries regarding the russian-ukrainian war, i
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will be very happy about it, and god willing, it will be possible to come up with a certain tracing, a certain scheme. of the post-war arrangement of the world, i.e. what we call the new world order, order, well, it will be a simple shot in the top ten, or at least in the speeches it will sound like it is one of the very things , by the way, i really liked the phrase of the president now, i somehow missed it, what is it? inaugural, that is, this is the first, but if this work continues and succeeds... in the end, some configuration of the world order will be reached, and this will become a global summit of measure, will turn into a kind of forum that will be permanently active, and why no, because any such things are big, they started from
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small, from small meetings, from small agreements, contracts and so on, but i am very worried, mr. serhiy, about this inconsistency, as it were, of the scale of the form. and the content of what is being discussed. well i understand how do they relate to this in diplomatic circles, after all, and such a forum is not a duel of saber players. or pazhists and so on, this is work with a certain document, and from this it is clear that china will start to turn its nose in this regard, well , a lot of countries of the so -called global south will also turn their noses at china, so i would not expect there some breakthrough, breakthrough solution, but what concerns the text, which would allow to determine the position of the world in the next, which is already there... of course, and here it is still very important that this position be directed against russia, so that the world will tell
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russia that you are the führer, such a bastard, you are ruining people's lives in ukraine and the whole world, so we will do everything to put you in a cage and carry you around the world like a pugacheva, to show what an idiot you are. roman petrovych, another fairly relevant topic, and apparently it is a topic that will in one way or another affect our path to the european union and, in general, communication with our western partners, is ukraine's position regarding consular issues for conscripts, who are abroad, for men aged 16 to 60, the decision to stop providing consular services to them, a big debate within the state, justly, unjustly, abroad. of course, the majority of those who found themselves without documents or, say, wanted to reformulate documents or
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make some notarial contracts or agreements, cannot do this either, if we move away from the question of fair, unfair, convenient-inconvenient, right or wrong, that is, if to speak about the letter of the law and about compliance with this law and for the permanence of our most important law constitution, is this decision correct? mr. serhiu, the point is that what is constitutional and legal is fair. and as for this letter signed by the first deputy minister of foreign affairs, from all points of view this letter does not comply with the norms of international law, the general declaration of human rights, and european ones. declaration of human rights, further he violates article 25 of the constitution of ukraine,
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he violates a whole complex of legislation that regulates both diplomatic communications and issues of the diplomatic service, including presidential decree on the consular service, that is , actually from the point of view of legal culture, and what happened to the consular employee. which services were put before the choice to implement the law or to implement the letter of the first deputy , well, we just have to understand how much this shows incompetence, that is , unprofessionalism, legal lack of culture, and from my point of view, well, there are many ways, i tell you, as a former ambassador, in the premises of which was the consulate, and we constantly discuss with the consul... similar, similar issues, such things are inadmissible, why, i will explain: consulates,
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diplomatic missions, they are obliged to take care of citizens of ukraine, and there are such things, even when there are no forms , documents and so on, because it is not only about passports, death certificates , and metrics, birth certificate, marriage certificate, lost documents. and so on, well , the one who took this step, and i, first of all, i am 100% convinced that no one in the ministry of foreign affairs could have thought of such a step , because, well, that would be to the point, these people, they go abroad with the deep conviction that they will help the ukrainians, you understand what happened, the ukrainians did not contact the consulates anyway due to the post-soviet post-totalitarian practice that developed. this complex of decisions that have been taken in recent months, instead
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of solving the urgent problem, and consulates and diplomatic missions are put in a situation where they are fenced off from the citizens of ukraine, the reaction will, on the other hand , be exactly the same, and it must be understood that the citizen , which cannot be issued documents, it has many ways. how to move on, when this story began, in these days, the anniversary of serge alfar was celebrated, and there in the description... of his biography, his history, his work in paris, the following example was given: the french came to him with a proposal to he received french citizenship, to which he said: i want to be a citizen, a citizen of ukraine, but he lived there all his life as a stateless person. it is necessary to understand that a
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stateless person, a bipatriate, a monopatriate, and so on, have absolutely equal status. they are no different, i just want our political leadership to stop engaging in nonsense, because we are simply turning a huge cohort of people into persons who will be stateless, it is necessary to understand that they will not lose anything, they, they will not lose in on a personal level, but the homeland will turn its back on them, the fact is that remember with whom, with what position he came... and the current president volodymyr zelenskyi came to power, he spoke about the need to return, and today we need to talk about it, about that you have to work on it it is necessary to work with consulates, it is necessary to explain to the people who work there how to work, you know, i would rather recommend opening the regulatory framework and
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reading what obligations consulates, diplomatic missions bear, how they are obliged care about people? even those people who are imprisoned abroad, i'm not talking about adopted children or families or refugees and so on, this situation infuriates me when i see that ah, well, well, well, well, well , it is definitely not from the ministry of foreign affairs and there are such impulses, that's why that people there have a very good understanding of how the consulate works, and not only from the point of view of legislation, but also from the point of view of everyday dialogue with... citizens of ukraine abroad, so it is unpleasant for me, to be honest, to hear about such and similar decisions , which are related to the functions of diplomatic representatives or consulates, it harms the work of these institutions, it harms the work, it harms the image of ukraine in the end. thank you, roman petrovich, for the conversation, it was roman
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bezsmertny, politician, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the republic of belarus. friends, we are about... working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms and take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether you consider it justified to restrict human rights and freedoms during war. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own thoughts and comments, please leave them under this video. if you watch us in tv broadcasts, pick up your smartphone or tv. and vote. if yes, then 0800-211-381, no - 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and i want to introduce our second guest, yevhen dykiy, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former platoon commander of aidar battalion, head of the national antarctic
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science center. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. glory. glory to the heroes, mr. yevgeny, let's start ours the conversation from the message of the commander-in-chief of weapons, i am very sorry, please, and you will allow me to interrupt you right away, this is unprecedented, this, and you will allow me, maybe it just so happened that i was connected to the ether long enough ago, do you want to answer the question , which we ask our question and a little bit my dear previous guest, because honestly. saying what i've heard just doesn't ring true to me, but i 'd still like our viewers to hear an alternative point of view, please speak up if, unless you don't you object, please, i don’t object, mr. yevgeny, say, yes, the point is that, well, let’s start with the question that you ask the audience for some reason, whether they consider the restrictions of rights and freedoms justified during the war, well, first of all, it's a bit funny to ask people if
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the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but it's about that series. the fact that the restriction of human rights and freedoms during war is not just justified, but inevitable and necessary, it is actually a norm of international law, even the european convention on human rights, actually one of the most comprehensive documents, which, well, this is probably one of the most profound documents, based precisely on the priority of the person, not the state, but even this document contains a special provision specifically in case of war and emergency situations, that is... well, i would ask the question absolutely otherwise, that's why, let someone who believes that restrictions on human rights and freedoms during war are not justified, let the person say whether he really believes... that there is a chance to win the war without any restrictions on rights and freedom, i want to look at the person , which is ready to prove that it is really possible to win the war,
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at the same time completely remaining, despite all that, in fact a very large package of rights and freedoms, which in the 21st century in normal countries has become common for all of us, and moreover, there is another side here, in general, it is not very obvious. what is actually happening, for example, in our case, there are not two countries at war with the same attitude to human rights and freedoms. we are fighting on the one hand a country that does not recognize any rights and any freedoms at all, and on the other hand, a country that in peacetime actually belongs to the most progressive in the world on the package of rights and freedoms, but risks all these rights and freedoms, all the whole package. lose in the event of losing the war, so the question is actually very simple: are we, ukrainians, ready to temporarily give up some
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part of our rights and freedoms during hostilities, in order to keep them all for ourselves and our children in the future, or are we prefer to cling to every single right and every single freedom until we lose the war, and as a result... be occupied by a country that does not recognize rights and freedoms at all and lose them all completely for themselves and for their children and grandchildren forever. so you have to ask questions honestly. perhaps there is someone who is really ready, but for the sake of living the last months with all, all, all rights and freedoms without any restrictions, then lose them all and forever. well, maybe someone is so ready, but people should clearly understand that it is about such a person... either we temporarily voluntarily give up some part of our rights and freedom, or we lose them all and forever, and not only
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for ourselves, but for next generations. what is this concerns the fundamental question. but i would still like to reflect on what the previous guest, whom i respect very much, actually said. well, to be honest, with all my personal respect for him, but what... i heard now, well, it's actually, how do you say, it's formally all correct, but in fact it's completely crooked, but the point is that i will not now formally cling to all the nuances related to the consular service, who has to issue which orders to whom, that is not the point, let's take a closer look at what exactly our ministry of foreign affairs is doing now, maybe even a little unrepentantly. does with certain formal violations, in fact they are really there, it is obvious, but what does he do in principle? it restores the foundations of the constitutional system and the foundations of the social
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contract. our ministry of foreign affairs is now reminding ukrainians abroad what they should have known themselves from the first grade of high school, no later than that. and that, and this is exactly the thing, that there is such a concept as the institution of citizenship, it is a certain type of relationship between a person and the state, and this type of relationship, the institution of citizenship, it assumes that the status of a citizen is a certain package of rights, a certain package of state services that a citizen can use, but also a certain package of obligations that this citizen bears towards the state, and that these things are... absolutely not discontinuous among themselves, they are not interchangeable, on the contrary, there is an absolutely clear logical connection here: you have your rights
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and freedoms, you have the use of state services, therefore you must fulfill your constitutional obligations, and vice versa, you fulfill your constitutional obligations ties, and therefore you can demand certain services and certain rights and freedoms from the state, and this is all included in the package. it cannot be done as, unfortunately, many ukrainians on both sides of the tisza believe, simply that the ministry of foreign affairs deals with those on the other side of the tisza, and the ministry of foreign affairs deals with those on this side, relatively speaking, but in fact, on both sides of the tisza , where many millions of ukrainians came from, who are absolutely sincerely convinced that these things are not connected, that you can have all the rights and freedoms of a citizen, you can use... all state services, but at the same time not to fulfill and not to accept any duties. and what the ministry of foreign affairs is doing now
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is reminding those ukrainians who are on the other side... the elementary foundations of the social contract, that there are rights, there are duties and vice versa, and one simply does not work without the other, that's it let's remind you who we are talking about, yes, first of all, let's remind you that these ukrainians are actually being demanded, they are only being demanded to stop committing a protracted crime, i'll remind you that they are being demanded simply to register for the military, no more than that, to stand on the military. accounting in general is their duty all this time, this duty has not been removed anywhere, and when crossing a thousand, this duty also does not become zero, does not disappear, but there is no way, don't say no, until jumped out for a chop, so when you even jumped out for a chop, it doesn't matter, legally, illegally, most left legally, so when you leave for a chop, maybe it will be a surprise for someone, but your responsibilities leave with you, that's
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for now in your pocket... there is a blue passport with a trisum, that's right up there with it with your passport, you carry all your responsibilities, accordingly, your rights, accordingly, and services, if those ukrainians who are on this side use such services of the state as roads, schools, hospitals, whatever, they may not like them , how exactly these services work, well, excuse me, how you and i built them, but that's exactly how they work, they didn't fall to us from abroad, but in any case, everyone uses them, and those ukrainians who... leave on the other side of the yews, they use the services of the consulates, and excuse me, when they get there trouble, then the consul gets up in the middle of the night, he goes to get them out of the local butchery, to derail various situations, but because he is a citizen, he has the right to protect his state, yes, but from this it automatically follows that there are also duties at the same time citizens also remain, but for some reason it turned out that a lot of ukrainians believe that this is not the case, that the state is to blame for them. and they
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do not owe anything to anyone and have no obligations, the foreign ministry, as he managed, perhaps a little costurbato, but simply reminded them of the basics of the constitutional order, and if anyone this i don't like the social contract, i don't know of a single case where someone renounced the citizenship of ukraine, and his power-powers in this citizenship kept him, without problems, you write an application, draw up this very blue three-pronged passport and you reset to zero in... all your obligations ties, but accordingly the duties of the state in relation to you are updated in the same way, well, it's just like two times two, and here are any distortions on the topic, that's what struck me by the previous speaker, that he sincerely believes that the state has further perform all their duties and provide services to people who defiantly refuse to fulfill their constitutional duties, in this situation i believe that the ministry of foreign affairs, it does not matter whether it is correct in
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form according to... some dot in the law there after a comma, it is deep rights in essence, there are rights, there are duties and vice versa, there is a constitution, in the end it is also and it and it 63 article and the constitution prescribes the rights and duties of citizens, but the constitution also guarantees citizens, including the consular protection and consular services, well, that is, here with which way to look at the basic law, you understand, no, that's how they work. both sides, here is the basic law, look only from one side, it stops working, yes, thank you, mr. yevgeny, we heard your opinion about our survey, about what was said by roman bezsmertny, one of the co-authors, among other things, of the constitution of ukraine, 1996, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, meanwhile, says that the situation at the front is worsening, having a significant advantage.
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in forces and means, as he says, the syrian enemy is actively attacking on all front lines, on has tactical success in some areas. the most difficult situation is in the pokrovsk and kurakhiv directions, where fierce battles continue, the enemy has engaged up to four brigades in these directions, is trying to develop an offensive west of davdiivka and mariyanka, trying to reach pokrovsk and kurakhovo, units of the defense forces of ukraine, preserving the lives and health of our defenders moved to new frontiers, west of berdychiv, semenivka and novomykhaivka. in general , the enemy achieved certain tactical successes in these directions, but could not get operational advantages. mr. yevgeny, considering the fact that the russians were obviously waiting to see how this whole story of providing us with military aid would end, they tried to speed things up themselves. now in the current situation, what can they do in
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the future there until... june or the end of june, as predicted.


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