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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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the russian federation, putin can only be recognized as a dictator, only an autocrat, only a person who destroys the opposition, who leads an unjust war, a person who tries to question the existence of the ukrainian state. another person who is not accepted in the world and is called a self-proclaimed president is oleksandr lukashenko. says that the stalemate at the front creates conditions for the start of peace negotiations between russia and ukraine. let's listen to what the belarusian dictator has to say. one could start with the often talked about istanbul agreements president putin. after they were processed in istanbul, he handed them over to me, i looked at them again perfectly normal deals. this does not mean that... that
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the agreements initialed by the parties will be accepted as a result of the negotiations, or even become the basis of a peace treaty, no, but you can start from them and move forward. of course, this peace treaty will not be a copy of those agreements, but this is where we can start. that is, what does lukashenko want? lukashenko wants ukraine to abandon its european integration. lukashenko wants ukraine not to join nato lukashenko wants. for part of the occupied territories to become part of russia and for the main official kyiv to agree to this, this will never happen, but there will be a global peace summit scheduled for june in switzerland, and it is during this summit that zelenskyi's peace formula will be considered, although in the current of the situation, it is obvious that the ukrainian authorities should not talk about a peace formula exclusively for ukraine, but about a peace formula. for the whole
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world, because putin and racism are a danger for the whole world, for the whole planet earth, and that it should already be understood that there is nothing to mess with putin, putinism and racism must be put to an end, and there are no talks about the fact that there is some istanbul protocol, there are no istanbul protocols, although the western press writes about what is there.. . something was agreed upon by the ukrainians, the status of these delegations was unclear in april, in march-april of 2022, what was agreed upon, who had the right to sign, well, this is a rather dubious matter, and if putin showed some draft at meetings with foreign journalists. some agreement and said that ukraine was agreeing to something, well, you can't trust putin, putin lies and putin does. all so that
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ukraine does not exist as a state and as an independent, sovereign state. meanwhile, the belarusian regime, led by lukashenka, decided to threaten kyiv hospitals with strikes. the head of the belarusian kgb, ivan tertel, during the session of the so-called all-belarusian people's assembly, threatened to attack kyiv hospitals, where they are allegedly hiding. terrorists, let's listen to what the henchmen say lukashenka. in the fight against terrorism, we act decisively and without hesitation according to the laws of wartime. there are killed and wounded among the terrorists and their accomplices. undoubtedly, all of them, as evidenced by the well-deserved punishment, even despite the fact that they chose kyiv hospitals at 30 and 32 bogatyrska as their den, where they actually hid. behind the backs of sick children, well, this is
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absolutely delusion of the highest kind, a lie that is circulated in belarus, and it is clear that the head of the kgb, well, what can he say, he says that ukraine and kyiv pose a threat to everyone around states, all the surrounding people, well , delusion, just delusion, which, unfortunately,... in this situation they direct at the domestic consumer, at the belarusians, at the russians, in this story, of course, the most important thing is to repel attempts, first with information, and then, i understand that the belarusians are hinting that they will attack the kyiv hospital, i think that ukraine should adequately... also
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respond to even information attempts, not to mention attack attempts, because belarus is led by lukashenka, it is a sharer of putin and... putin's russia, and lukashenko himself is an accomplice of putin's crimes. the only exception is that he doesn't have an icc warrant yet, but i think he will. another topic that has been quite actively discussed in ukraine and outside the country in the last few days is the information field, what is happening in the information field of ukraine. wide discussion. there are many different parties, but the most important thing is that there is an internal struggle for the information field and for how a single telethon should work, how it should work public, as other
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publications should work, the state department of the united states of america in the report for the 23rd year on the violation of human rights in ukraine during the war, in particular, mentioned the united telethon. news, we 've talked about it repeatedly on our airwaves, but here's what the state department is now writing about: the national telethon, a rotating platform of channels that toe the government's war coverage line, has enabled an unprecedented level of control over prime-time television news . moreover, some reported being suspended from lucrative terrestrial broadcasting contracts and pressure from the president's office back in the spring. 2022, we must say right away, friends, that the espresso tv channels and our partners, the fifth channel, and the direct channel, three tv channels were thrown out by this government from the t-2 digital network, we do not
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speak there, because someone decided that we don't have the right, or we enter some mythical pool out there alone. from politicians, and therefore we should not speak in t2. it seems to me that it is time for the authorities to answer this question, why in fact, there is such an injustice and why our information product does not suit the president's office, why are we not in t2? we do not have answers to these questions, this is already the third year and this is a big question for us, because we were and remain a ukrainian channel, we were and remain a patriotic channel, we... are the channel that tells you the truth and invites you to studios of people who can provide reasoned, expert answers to various questions, it seems to me that the authorities should take into account these remarks of the state
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department, if they do not want to answer to our questions, well, at least they should somehow reflect on what the state department says, well, it is about the only news. which were mentioned by the dazhdep of this telethon, is the reaction of shmygal, who was in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, on april 26, during question time to the government, he stated that the national telethon will continue its work in the future, a video of shmygal's statement was posted by the people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity iryna herashchenko , as the tv channel rada did not make it public, by the way. let's look at the recording of this meeting from the point of view that there is now a war in the country, and it lies not only in the military plane, in the informational plane, we accordingly need to have our means of informing people from conducting
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the relevant news channels in order to kill all the disinformation, and yes... also all the propaganda narratives of the russian enemy, therefore, of course, the marathon is working, it will work, it has been working since the first day of the full-scale aggression and will continue to work in order to inform ukrainian society, but the editor just told me that this video is from april 26, it was published on the website of the rada tv channel, and but three days passed, suddenly they decided. to make this video public after all, despite the fact that i will say once again that this video was the one we broadcast, it was a video of iryna gerashchenko, we probably thought for a long time whether it should be done or not , well meanwhile, mariyana bezugla, a people's deputy from the servant of the people, decided
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to attack, to put it bluntly, public affairs, she published a number of posts on social networks in which she criticized. work of the public television channel, public broadcasting, accusing it of inefficient use of budget funds funds and creation of schemes for evaders. the question arises whether public broadcasting is worth uah 2 billion per year, what is its role as a state broadcaster, why do we have a separate public broadcaster, a separate telethon, what is their mission and who watches it, bezugla wrote. in the next post, she added, "i believe that one of the six state broadcasters should be made, and the funds should be redirected to the creation of the information and cyber forces of ukraine ." the scheme, according to which men, for the sake of armor, are arranged for half-rates, in particular
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accused svitlana ostapa, the head of the supervisory board of the national public television and radio company, that she set up her son in this way, and the head of the supervisory board of the public svitlana ostapa reported that they want to throw the public program out of the evening slots of the telethon, assuming that the reason... could be compliance by the channel standard of the balance of opinions, knowing that trust is given to the telethon, and to the public one falls, and to the public one grows, then is it logical to throw us out of the evening prime time, perhaps the reason is that only in the slot of the public one the balance of political parliamentary forces, if the telethon arose as a voluntary association, then someone's decision overrules the principle of parity, regarding the fact that it is mariana bezugla who raises all these topics, i have already repeatedly said on our tv broadcasts that
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mariana bezugla performs the role a kind of political torpedo, its publications in social networks, as a rule, upset society, readers, and viewers, and cause a sharp reaction, and mariana bezlugla simply takes and torpedoes certain... topics, disperses them these topics, as an example can be mentioned the story with valery zaluzhny, the head of the armed forces of ukraine, who got under the control of maryana bezugla in the fall of 2023, when the head was still far from resigning, but bezugla was the political torpedo that tried to destroy the authority of the head. she did not succeed in this at zaluzhny's house, but the topics that she discussed as
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a result were later transformed into decisions, in particular the decision of president zelenskyi regarding the resignation of zaluzhny, and in this story, that is, regarding the social issue, i also considered her writing and said, as torpedoing the initiative, or torpedoing, not even the initiative, torpedoing itself... public, public broadcasting, and public broadcasters, i.e. independent structures, which in this situation try to maintain a balance of opinions in the coverage of certain topics, and especially regarding commenting some political aspects of the current life of ukraine, and there are also a lot of questions, why in this situation without... google remains, despite everything , a servant of the people in the faction, she said that she will not
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leave, that there are not enough votes, she is there remains, although she has left the party, but bezugla is a political torpedo, and this torpedo is now in the public domain, and we will monitor how the situation around this broadcaster will develop, because we are talking about quite important things, about access to. .. television channels that are in the pool of the united telethon, how this right is used at the invitation of other persons, by other participants of the telethon, the head of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech, yaroslav yurchyshyn, believes that a decision to exclude public from evening prime slots of the telethon will mean the clearing of the information field by the threatening authorities. loss of trust on the part of foreign partners and a decrease in western aid,
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he said on espresso, let's hear what yorchishen said. the authorities followed the most dangerous path for the country, expecting that now there will be less attention to us, because the european parliament elections are in june, everyone is already in the elections, it is clear that for a certain period even after the elections, as a result of the elections, everyone will deal with internal issues, come on... if the decisions on social issues are actually made as it sounds now, most likely it will mean that the information field is cleared for some needs, the point is that... they are currently trying not to adequately answer the recommendations of our international partners, in the hope that our international partners will now be busy with their own issues, yes, not having time to pay more attention to us, as much as necessary and solve their own, i'm sorry, internally. these insiders, as yaroslav yurchyshyn says, are visible to our westerners
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partners, and we must remember that for our western partners. the issue of freedom of speech or the issue of access to information or alternative opinions during the discussion of certain issues on television and in general in various spheres on various platforms, a lot weighs on this, in the end , further further assistance to the armed forces of ukraine will depend. help to ukraine, if someone does not understand that these are all topics that continue in the information space, i mean the limitations of work in the information field of the espresso tv channel, tv channel direct, the fifth channel,
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public, one way or another it will be fixed by our partners, and one way or another these decisions. or these actions will be evaluated by our western partners, and this is very important for them when making certain decisions, and most importantly, regarding the decision, of course, to continue funding and assistance to the ukrainian state, i mean this so that the question does not arise later, listen , and what happened there, why in the congress of the united states of america, in the senate... it takes so long to decide on the issue of restoration financing of ukraine, and because ukraine must fight the russian federation and not only fight the russian federation, but also adhere to certain rules of the civilized world and rules regarding the provision of information to
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ensure freedom of speech. without this, without this, i think that our western partners will not be able or will not want to perceive the voluntarist notes that are slipping through the current ukrainian government. er, in the meantime , the institute of mass information has updated the list of transparent and responsible media known more as a white list of the highest quality ukrainian online media. it is pleasant that among this list there is also... espresso, our website, our main information resource in the network, as a result of two-stage in-depth monitoring, online media, which this mass information institute conducts once every six months, determined the most responsible media and transparent, this is public, radio freedom,
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ukrainian truth, babel, public, texts, mirror of the week, espresso, er, word and deed, er, ukrainian week, public radio, lost their place in the ukrinform list, новое время and liga net, i would recommend you, friends, to focus on these media and read these media, because this is the white list that is recommended by the institute of mass information, that is, it is not what uh... the mass media themselves have identified themselves as the most trusted, and this is a respectable institution that made such a conclusion, and we are very pleased that among these e-e winners, or among these resources, is our site espresso. another topic that uh was very loud
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at the end of the week is the head of... brovarska of the regional state administration staged a drunken road accident with victims, president zelenskyy dismissed from his post the head of the brovarsky district state administration, volodymyr maibozhenko, who caused a road accident with four victims, on april 26 , in brovari, kyiv region, maibozhenko , driving a legkovyk, drove into a group of passers-by, injuring three adults and baby. alcohol test carried out. police officers at the scene of the accident found 2.31 ppm of alcohol in the driver's blood, which is more than 10 times the legal limit. let's see.
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well, you see the former head. brovarska rai of the state administration turned out to be a real swindler, because he got drunk, got behind the wheel and beat people, it is also an absolutely incredible
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story, what do officials do during the war, that is, not only do they drink, they also pose a threat to citizens who suffer like this from russian aggression, here the official suddenly decided that... after drinking a good deal, he can get behind the wheel, and he won't get anything for it, well, it's obvious that he thought so, to the credit of volodymyr zelenskyi, he dismissed him from his position quickly enough of the brovary district state administration of volodymyr maibozhenko, and this is a fair decision, but i would like this justice to be done even before such people are appointed to positions, the positions of heads of district state administrations during the war are quite serious, it is very important who heads the district state administrations , regional state or
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military-state administrations, because our future and our present depend on this, because what can be expected from the head of the regional state administration, who drinks, violates the norms of some social order and laws. what, what can be expected from him, what kind of protection can be expected from him, in this story it is very important that personnel issues are resolved not after a person has committed a road accident while intoxicated, but at the stage when he is appointed, what kind of person is this, why exactly did she come to power, who brought her to power, well, and the main question... who is responsible, political responsibility for the fact that at the head of the brovary district state administration was a person who could easily 10
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times more than the permissible limit, and drive on driving an suv and hitting people on the road, who bears this political responsibility, if friends, you watch us on youtube, you can write a comment and write who actually... can be responsible, or who should be responsible in this situation. we will put an end to this, friends, and we still have the voting results, now we will look at them, from our survey it sounded like this, do you think it is justified to limit human rights and freedoms during the war? 37% of those who watch our telecast said yes, 67, 63%. no, this the results of our survey on tv, and we have on youtube the result is 38% yes, 62% no.
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let's put an end to this, it was the verdict program of serhii rudenko, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 20:00, goodbye. we are looking for 16-year-old andrii panarin. the boy disappeared in february 2023 and during all this time there was no news about him. i know that when the war started, andriy lived on the left bank of the kherson region, in the city of oleshki. the territory remains occupied since almost the first days of the full-scale invasion, so no details about the disappearance of the boy unknown if suddenly someone has seen andriy or knows where he might be now, call us immediately on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number
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11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no mobile connection, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are not stopping the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who also disappeared on the territory of the occupied donetsk region in the city of mariupol. his mother said that on the very first day of the war, life in the city became unbearable and with every hour the situation... rapidly worsened from the bombing, the family hid in the basement, but shelling was far from the only problem of the residents of mariupol, there was no internet, light, water, we even drank technical water from a technical root, then only well the whole family ate everything, he didn't drink, he could n't eat, to be honest, it was very difficult, all the stores were looted,
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there was no internet, that's why the guy wanted to leave mariupol. onochen became obsessed with computers, studied programs there, asked questions to develop them, create a server, and why did he, in fact, leave the house, because at home there was no connection, no internet, it’s clear there, neither in there in... serhiy planned to go to his mother’s acquaintance in pokrovsk, which is also donetsk region, about 200 km from mariupol, and the boy's family did not dare to leave the house, so serhiy went alone. it happened on march 6, at 4:00 in the evening, my grandmother and i did not let him go, because there was a lot of shooting around, and to be honest, we
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had absolutely nothing to eat and... drink then it was very scary, he took a backpack with him, there was a computer in it, he dressed as young people dress, i said: "seryozha, come on, i thought he was walking around the house and coming back." and seryozhka left the house, when he left, i already understood what we had done with the woman, we couldn't keep him. currently, only one thing is known: serhii never made it to pokrovsk, the boy did not return home either, and no one knows where he is now... but serhii's mother still lives in mariupol and does not lose hope of finding her son. meanwhile, serhii's father, who has been gone for a long time lives separately and is now in the territory controlled by ukraine, is doing everything possible to find serhiy. in particular, he turned to the ombudsman's office. i understand that they want to contact that side, yes, and find out if there is any information on that side, because a lot of children were being transported to russian territory at
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that time. perhaps the boy was taken to russia, but it is possible that he is still somewhere in donetsk region, so i am appealing to the residents of the temporarily occupied territory who may have seen this program on social networks. look carefully at the photo of the child. if anyone knows where serhiy might be now, do not delay, dial from any mobile operator the short number of the magnolia children's search service 11630. calls to the hotline from... any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly there is no connection contact, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, in any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish
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the criminal. stopcraim ua, there are discounts on vizyn, 20% in podorozhnyk, pam and осчад pharmacies. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is. vasyl zemay, let's start, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets with us, and how the world lives , and now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy , good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the pig oleksandr morchevka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, review of sports events from.


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