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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio. works kateryna shirokopoyas terrible evening for odesa, four people died, another man died as a result of a stroke, which was provoked by enemy shelling. in addition, 32 people were injured. such are the consequences of the russian attack on odessa. the head of the regional military administration, oleg kiper, told about it. he noted that 25 wounded were hospitalized, among them two children and a pregnant woman. a girl who is not even five years old is in an extremely difficult condition. six more. adults are also in intensive care.
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let me remind you that in the evening the occupiers hit the city with a ballistic missile, previously with cluster ammunition. we visited one of the most popular locations among odessa residents and guests of the city. explosions in temporarily occupied crimea. at night it was loud in simferopol and dzhenkoy, local publications write. it is assumed that enemy air defense may have been operating. the invaders are traditional. blocked the crimean bridge, and i will note that one of their brigades is based at the airfield of the russians located in jankue. and at least one person was injured because of enemy attack in kharkiv. russian occupiers hit the center of the city with guided aerial bombs. the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov, reported that he was targeted in the kyiv district of the city. previously, kaby hit the territory of a residential complex in a high-rise building. nearby,
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windows were blown out, and grass was also on fire. at the same time, a shelter for dogs was damaged in the city. it was their 42-year-old employee who was injured, he was hospitalized with blast injury and shrapnel wounds. the situation at the front and the exchange of prisoners. about this happened during the meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, president volodymyr zelenskyi said during the evening address. of. ukrainians in polona were reported by the head of ukrainian intelligence, kyrylo budanov , and the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk. it is extremely important for our state to have clear communication with the relatives of the prisoners, for each surname, for each person, there should be clarity, as much as possible, what work is being done to return our people. home.
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germany handed over a new package to ukraine military aid, it was announced on the website of the government of the federal republic of germany. it included almost 30,000 ammunition for saw cheetah, ammunition for tanks, leopard, as well as missiles for air defense systems. in addition, berlin sent 75 155-caliber shells and 10 marter armored personnel carriers. also, the ukrainian defenders receive a bridge-laying tank b. with spare parts and 11 plows for demining. ukraine will already receive weapons from the new aid package announced by the united states of america a few days ago. white house spokeswoman karin said about it janr during the briefing. let me remind you that on april 24 , us president joe biden signed a law that provides for the allocation of funds for assistance to ukraine. and within a few days, washington was crying. the first tranche of weapons. and the un
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confirmed that russia used north korean missiles to attack ukraine. in particular, the enemy used them to attack kharkiv on january 2. this was reported by the reuters agency. according to their data, at the beginning of april , three observers from the un arrived in ukraine to inspect the wreckage of the missile. they didn't find it no evidence that the missile was manufactured in russia. instead, experts. established that the wreckage belongs to the north korean ballistic missile hwasong-11, since the sanctions prohibit the import and export of military technology from the dprk, refia violated the introduction of the un embargo. lithuania supported the idea of ​​returning men of conscription age to ukraine. this was discussed during a discussion on the local radio, with the participation of the country's president gitanes nauseda and the prime minister. idemonite, in their
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opinion, kyiv should have the tools to to invite their young men to serve the motherland. lithuania is ready to contribute to this, probably the country will take certain steps to... return ukrainian citizens of conscription age home. and the duchess of edinburgh came to kyiv. this is the first visit of a british royal person since the beginning of the war in 2014. sophie helen, the wife of the youngest son of elizabeth ii, prince edward. the duchess is an activist in the british initiative to prevent sexual violence in conflict. by coming to ukraine, she demonstrated solidarity with the victims. sexual violence and torture suffered as a result of the war. in kyiv, the duchess of edinburgh met with people who experienced these crimes, as well as with children who managed to return to ukraine after being abducted by russia. sophie gelen also held a dialogue with volodymyr and olena zelenskyi. i have been
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to many countries in the midst of conflict or in the aftermath of conflict, but... unfortunately, the situation is very similar wherever i go, women and girls pay the highest price in terms of human losses when comes to how they can be used as weapons of war. rape is used to degrade and destroy, and we must try to prevent it, and where we cannot prevent it. we need to take action to support those who are victims of such. the level of media literacy among veterans of the russian-ukrainian war is higher than in society in general. these are the conclusions of the research of the public organization detector media. according to the received data, 42% of the surveyed veterans believe that the media should
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control the government, and half are also sure that that can affect the emotional state. 39% of respondents have a negative attitude towards a single telethon, and almost a quarter. respondents noted that the only news is a source of information for them. in total , 200 veterans of the russian-ukrainian war took part in the sociological survey. media literacy is one of the very important tools for countering russian disinformation and increasing society's resistance to this disinformation and information manipulation. and it is very important, because... russian disinformation is purposefully aimed at certain groups of the ukrainian population, there are women, internally displaced persons, among them are military personnel and veterans, it is very important to measure, so to speak, the temperature in these separate groups of the population. in the meantime
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, he calls to join the gathering for our defenders. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they are fighting for our independence. countries in hard battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. thanks to you, we have already made an advance payment, and we have to collect less than uah 2,000. so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of ours is of great importance. you can see all the details on your screens now, so i ask you to scan and donate, look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe there live broadcast of thero, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen from us, also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment us
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your important thoughts, be with us every day, already in a moment, meet my colleagues, andriy saichuk and lesya vakulyuk, to learn more interesting and relevant information. stay up-to-date on our website, as well as on our social networks. comment, share and write what you are interested in seeing on our broadcasts. see you in less than an hour, wait, be with espresso and don't switch. well, congratulations to everyone who watches the spress tv channel, my name is andriy saichuk, today we will spend the next 5 hours with you, we will look at what is happening in ukraine, in world, which is happening, of course, at the front, we will start with our traditional roll call,
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the regions where the war is very close, which are on the front line, and sometimes even behind the front line, under temporary occupation, that's how it is. the city of berdyansk, and viktor dudukalov is already with us, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, greetings, congratulations, tell me how you are doing, what do you hear in... sovietansk, how are things in general in the zaporizhia region, and here about humanitarian and civil crisis and catastrophe we constantly say, today, i would, so to speak, preliminarily summarize the situation with the enemy on the territory of our city and district, our city and district became a haven for a huge number of wounded today in the rural area. more and more mini-hospitals are appearing in homes where
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they try to treat the occupiers, they commit suicide there, that is, they simply hang themselves from trees or shoot themselves, in rural areas a huge number of occupiers hide as deserters in abandoned country cooperatives and homes, and personnel , which is in order, in fact today in a state of redeployment. and incredible commotion, due to the fact that they are waiting for modern weapons, which are coming to us, god forbid, from western partners, and which will fly at them, so otaku, this is how the enemy feels today in our rear, civilian life , the projects there, as before, are just survival, please tell me, is it true that in berdyansk, conscription for military service has begun? ukrainian citizens are already being taken there,
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the conscription began on april 17, the document was so the so-called order of gauleiter balytsky, with which he started the draft on april 1, that is, more than two weeks before this order, in fact, in addition to the order and the fact that there is an official call to create the main commission. there is no information about the draft, there is no information at all, it is not clear who should, who the draft applies to, which categories, how it will take place and how it is potentially for whom it threatens, it is completely unclear, because the impression is that the occupiers are trying to act according to the principle whatever to do not to do anything about this draft, and accordingly from mi. population, i personally have not received any signal about their activity in the direction of conscription or
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potential mobilization, so it seems that the occupiers accept that they cannot invite the local population to serve in their army, because the local population does not like this army and the local population does not want to serve in it , it seems that it is happening somewhere like this, but can these people theoretically... we will talk about forced mobilization, we understand that no one there will be able to resist it's normal, that is, the occupiers have a lot of strength and means, today the civilian population is simply to pass through, physically go around and pull them out. from their homes, as they did it, if they needed to find a saboteur or partisan according to their opinion, and also physically pick them up,
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pack them into buses, into transport and take them to military bases to the front, this is not a problem for them at all, but i repeat, they , fortunately, they do not do this as of now, although they have a staff of police officers with police functions, the number is that... it can really be compared with the population, practically, because there are just incredibly many occupiers there, the patrols consist of four or five people, and there are just a bunch of these patrols around the city, plus the rosguard, plus orcs who do not go around in uniform, they ’re just there, well, they’re just there, well, they’re dark in people’s eyes, so realistically, if the kremlin says to them that yes, they will give the go-ahead, then they will be able to do it all very... quickly and they will, it will be have dire consequences for our society because everyone understands how
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to fight for this or that army of cannon fodder and how will they treat the inhabitants of our territory? the prospects are extremely bad, so we understand that people need to leave, leave, leave the occupied territory again. they also write that berdyansk is now in berdyansk, but it's not in berdyansk, it's in melitopol, i apologize that a whole bunch of... different officials from chelyabinsk came to melitopol, this is actually, i don't know the correct name of the committee of the federation council. russian federation from chelyabinsk such iryna hecht, will come with her, came to melitopol, and a certain olga chugunova, the judge and stepan kuvachev, some in a word, a word and another ihor babitskyi, and in a word heaps and heaps
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of people, now there are all from chelyabinsk, all the authorities of chelyabinsk, with us. this junk comes to the territory of melitopol and berdyansk from all over russia, and representatives of various peoples, who are muslim, who are in islam, who are muslims, especially liked this territory, and today our city of berdyansk looks like... the past year's number one entertainment on primorsky square there was a lizginka performed by the caucasians who came there, these occupying soldiers, today you can meet more and more women on the streets, in whom only the eyes are visible through their clothes, and there are simply an incredible number of these muslims, and they
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come, men, respectively, ... there they simply scatter money, take our women to their village as the fifth or sixth woman, and this, this, this mixing of society today already has such irreversible consequences that we cannot even imagine, this is real it's just terrible, there are quite a few of these visiting clowns from chelyabinsk, they give birth to children, they buy houses, and they really... mix our ukrainian society, which was already heterogeneous, if we had bulgarians, albanians and greeks on territory historically, so to speak, in the south of the zaporizhzhia region, today there are children of buryats and dagestanis all over the place, it is not surprising that they all
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come from that chelyabinsk, chelyabinsk, even russia itself has such fame, do you remember these memes about strict chelyabinsk men. which are there i don't know why there they drink vodka together with a bottle, have a snack right away with it and so on, well, i understand that life there is so strict, that's why they go to chelyadinsk once in a short town, berdyansk, for example, melitopol, it's warm, nice, but i see, i see that berdyans are like that, you know, there is an exchange, because one of the berdyans ended up in moscow, her husband... was in the armed forces, then he was captured, and then he obviously cooperated with the muscovites, and also she also cooperated with the muscovites, her last name is ashifina, and now she is constantly posting all kinds of reports of russian russian television, how they became new russians, here she
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goes with her husband and tells about her adventures, how they moved, now lives in moscow. there were real new russians in the 90s, there were no five hundred mercedes, then there were serious people, and then you just know, traitors, of course, that traitors, well, muscovites are terribly happy with those traitors, well, i understand that muscovites a program on how to turn such traitors into bloggers, and then they talk about their good life in rosiyushka, have you heard about such and such ashifina, yes, yes, of course, these are single ones. cases, there are up to five similar cases in our territory, that is, they are very, very few, fortunately, and not for nothing, russians deal with those exclusive quilters who became quilters after they became patriots and
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served in the armed forces or volunteered or something, they now publish them anywhere. on all channels, they are accompanied by such a pr that it is really difficult to imagine, and they sign and there are such, you know, there and there they are signed by such and such titles, and she defeated zelenskyi, there are such quotes that you just think that this hero, yes, in fact, it is normal for society, that there will always be a certain percentage of sell-outs in every society and... great luck, in ukrainian society there is a percentage of sell-outs turned out to be extremely low, and i am proud of my city, berdyansk, that we really have such units that existed at one time. patriots, but now they left, well, they changed shoes at 180° and went in a completely different direction, so yes, something
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happened with our connection, it was viktor dudukalov, the deputy head of the beredyansk district council, i don't know if mr. viktor will be able to get in touch with him again, let's definitely go with ani and try to get in touch again, so i'll continue about this marina. well, she also created a telegram channel, wives of soldiers, wives of prisoners of war from the armed forces, this is her telegram channel, but she has already been declared a suspect in ukraine, fortunately, however, i don’t know how now in order to hand over this suspicion and it was necessary to return to ukraine. mr. victor, are you with us again? yes, and we are with you again, you say that you are proud of the fact that there were actually fewer of them in berdyansk. but after this brainwashing, what the muscovites are doing with children, er, what they say, to enroll in the yunmia, and again there
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to enroll in the yunarmia, is also campaigned by someone there who came from chita or zboks where did he get his last name from, also, that you can break your tongue, now i will find this news, i will try to pronounce this name, fidayil bigbulatov, he came to... two years ago, and now he tells children from berdyansk how a russian family should be love and protect, and die for her, oh again, we have something, today we have something with a connection or with a connection with mr. viktor, well, let's go for a short break then, then we'll come back and continue our roll call, and you stay with us. champions league semi-finals only on mego. the four best teams in europe and only two places in the final:
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we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and. sports news for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become relatives for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast in winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with an espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! see this week in the collaborators program. zuutta became the head of the occupying
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public chamber. as a result of the maidan coup, the legitimate government in ukraine was overthrown. but why does zaprodanka from luhansk region take care of russian soldiers? from february 23. congratulations. on tuesday, april 30 , at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the spresso tv channel. events events happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. dear friends, we return to the ether, we continue our roll call and now
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we will move with you. to the kharkiv region, and there we have galina kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, we will ask how the night went, mrs. galina, good morning, congratulations, was it quiet that night, what a morning it is in kharkiv region, on monday, april 29 , in the evening, there were explosions again in kharkiv, two guided aerial bombs, they fell in such a center in kyiv district. residential buildings were damaged, thank god, there were no casualties, but there were people who had contusions, and one man was definitely injured, eh, there was also destroyed, damaged an animal shelter, these are dogs that are delivered from the war zone, volunteers , and this shelter was damaged, and this
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alarmed the people of kharkiv, because you know, some such humanity, i want to help those animals that live in those unfortunate territories, and here they were brought, and again those animals suffer, somehow, if a person can cope with stress, then it is very difficult for an animal to understand what is happening, in kharkiv oblast itself, even in the region , well, it is endless, we have kupyan region, the border territories, they are constantly in the zone of damage, the fighting in the kupyan direction has intensified. and there is evacuation, again, forced evacuation of families with children. how is the general mood in kharkiv now, what people are talking to each other, because there is the message that the russians may start an offensive on kharkiv oblast? well, this is not just a message, russia is bombarding us from all sides with their messages, they are on all their telegram channels that
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they... call kharkov so-and-so, kharkov so-and-so, they write there that a little bit wait, we will be here soon, that is, when the kharkiv tv tower was destroyed on april 22, russia thought that kharkiv would be left without a ukrainian information signal, and everyone would read only their news, well, digital broadcasting in kharkiv was quickly restored, but in what way? but now it has been restored, at the same time, there is no panic among kharkiv residents, there is simply no, people live as they used to, because we understand very well that there is no such horror as there was in the spring of 22 it's much easier, and people are already used to it and people know what to do in this situation, so we still have electricity, the internet,
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and communication cut off according to the schedule, but i, for example, now have a connection in the morning, and then in the day i will have no connection, no internet, no electricity, every three days we change this schedule, and people exchange those schedules, we know what and how, the trams have been restored, they started running a little in my area, although they did not go, and this is already a kind of joy, atms are finally working, this is also a joy, because when service was only for cash and you didn't know where to get it, you almost couldn't buy money, that was a problem. i do not see panic among the people, it was russia who wanted to sow panic. at the same time , we understand that russian peace does not stop. we are expecting three such dates, a triad of dates which can be a bit dangerous: the fifth is paska, the seventh is the inauguration of pseudo-president putin , and the ninth is the day of reporting. and here are three dates, we understand that they can reject us.


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