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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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i have an internet connection, for example, i have a connection in the morning, and later in the day i will have no connection, no internet, no electricity, every three days we change this schedule, and people are exchanged with those timetables, we know what and how, they restored the trams, they started to run a little in my area, although they did not run, and this is already a kind of joy, atms are finally working, this is also a joy, because when service was only for cash and you did not know where to get it, they have money... you can't buy it, that was a problem. i do not see panic among people russia would like to sow panic. at the same time , we understand that russian peace does not stop. we are expecting three such dates, a triad of dates that can be a little dangerous. the fifth is passover, the seventh is the inauguration of pseudo-president putin and the ninth day of reporting. and for these three dates , we understand that they can reject us.
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and bombs and missiles, we understand this very well, we slightly expected that something would happen on sunday, because we remember very well how in 2014, on this very day, in 2014, russia staged a bloody massacre in kharkiv on palm sunday, for some reason this russian peace arranges bloody massacres here during religious holidays, but this palm sunday was quiet and even in the evening before sunset the whole... kharkiv was there, there was a rainbow in the sky and everyone said: "oh, how beautiful , a good signal for our city," they say, everything will be fine, but russia is preparing, we understand that, but i don't see any panic, the people of kharkiv are also resilient, the people of kharkiv are also preparing for victory, for the future, which is still far away, but victory, actually you say that you expect something for easter, and i do i read that cemeteries will be closed in kharkiv on easter, is this... one of the
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security measures, ms. galina? well, the fact is that we have some cemeteries, there are cemeteries that have not been opened since 2022 and it is not allowed to go there, this is due to the fact that a lot of such cascading shells and mines were scattered, and if the residential areas where people live have somehow been cleared of those mines, especially this... five-house, well, if it's clear, the kyiv district, it's called five-house, it's an area where the physical and technical faculty of the karazin university and it was constantly fired upon, because there is a nuclear installation there, a source of neutrons for physicists, and the cemeteries there are simply strewn with mines, and to check them already, i understand that the rescuers have no way, because they have to check the areas where people live. that's why this cemetery
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was not opened in that area, other cemeteries too, many are sown with mines, and a lot of people post photos of family graves that are simply destroyed, that are cut by shrapnel, uh, what crosses have been hit, people somehow quietly making their way, something they do, but the authorities ask people not to go there, because it is not known what traps there are, what mini-traps there are still there, well, that's why you have to remember. of course, i think you should go to church to remember your relatives, but you should still refrain from visiting cemeteries, but you say that russians, muscovites, whatever you want to call them, they are spreading all these appeals that they say there wait, we will come soon and take kharkiv together with you, and there are many such people who are really waiting for muscovites to come and take it. of course there are desires, but there is nothing here
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you can't say, moreover, i got into the situation myself about a week and a half ago, when i realized that now russia wants so quickly to sow panic among the people of kharkiv that they activated, i would say those city madmen, when i leave the metro station , i go up mountain and i hear some simply terrible scream of some man, i want to listen that he... sew there an endless russian mat and at the same time some scream that the military gets a lot, how do they get so much money, and then he raises, stands some man, well looks like a madman, and somewhere 10 meters from him, a group of soldiers stares at him dumbfounded, he just shouts at them, calls them motherfuckers and shouts that they get a lot of money, he knows everything, and this is bad, and they interfere with the life of kharkiv , well, what is he shouting, and i can’t understand... what
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is happening, all the people stop, i approach him and say: can you stop scattering these things here during lent, and suddenly he switches to a completely calm tone and he says to me: girl, go where you are going. well, i'm in favor of course, i somehow audited the guy and i understand, yes, you are not a city madman, if you can change your tone so calmly, i say yes, please stop shouting in russian mother, and then another woman jumps up, of the same type, and shouts crazy too voice, we have kharkiv yazyk, this is our language, i speak russian matyucha in russian, kharkiv yazyk is from when i speak, in short , and i understood. that such people were activated, and they sometimes shout for something like that, of course, i spoke there, they ran away, but then i approached the military, the guys were generally from somewhere in central ukraine, and they were alone with a stick, they went out for a walk in kharkov after the hospital, they received this, and they were stunned, that is
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, they said no thanks to them, but then they pounced on them and ran away, and somehow ran in the direction of moscow churches, i'll tell you, i just looked at what kind of race they ran, i think, wow, how interesting. they did not allow themselves to do this for two years, they were silent, but i have the impression that these are some such activated urban lunatics to cause panic allegedly against the ukrainian language, allegedly there is some kind of kharkiv language, against the military, but about nothing, as if some gods are free, nothing will happen to them, there is no time to call the police, because they run away quickly, but at the same time i liked the people around me who supported me, and who in ... well, even in russian, what woman says: that family, and they don’t protect what you did to them, that is, in fact, and another girl came up, she says, i have a husband at zero, what are you shouting here, that is , people flew at those, and maybe it was a measure of public opinion, i don't know, but that's it more than one such case
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is happening in kharkiv now, well, maybe these crazy people are not really crazy, but just people on the payroll, and again you say they ran towards the russian church, so what? with those churches of the moscow patriarchate in kharkiv, now it's easter, where will the people of kharkiv go to celebrate easter? well, you see, the fact is that belgian journalists came and asked about the religious situation, and i say, look, in kharkiv there is oppression of ukrainian churches, specifically ukrainian ones, in our center the whole center is only moscow churches, although they call themselves the ukrainian orthodox church, and many people believe, read the sign, say, this is the ukrainian church, and go here. but we have ukrainian churches in such suburbs, where it is almost impossible to get to, it is very difficult, especially for old people, the whole center is in russian churches, because they were constantly given land, rent for land, rent for premises, precisely to russian
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churches, as far as i know , for the past 30 years , the authorities in kharkiv, under all sorts of pretexts , did not give land in the center to ukrainian churches direction, and therefore this moment... that of course people will go there and there are many parishioners, it is clear what will happen, and of course our verkhovna rada needs to deal with this urgently, because there are draft laws, and to do something about it, because it is it's not normal when russian priests mourn our fallen defenders, this is an abnormal situation, this often happens in kharkiv, well, but we 're slowly getting rid of russian and... german language and also getting rid of the influence of russian religion, by the way, about russian toponymy , here i am on your page i saw it, well, on the one hand, i'm very happy for kharkiv, because finally the renaming took place, three metro stations were renamed, a whole bunch of streets were renamed, and on the other hand,
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dostoevsky's entrance was the first to be called, it became a concrete entrance, in dostoyevsky's ride is simply not the first, not the second. became the kamenyarsky entrance, dostoevsky street became a silicate street, dostoevsky entrance became a brick entrance, well, they built concrete, then bricks, then more silicate in between , and the mason came from above i heard, mrs. galina, that they thought that dostoevsky was some kind of builder, who is that dostoevsky, you got it, a builder, well, that's what we'll call it, well, look, in kharkiv. they waited for a very long time without renaming anything, and here in one day 367 toponyms of toponyms and two more metro stations were renamed, since i myself wrote many appeals about it, especially about these two metro stations, i just constantly wrote to rename the southern station to station,
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because the station is located in the western part of kharkiv, why is it southern, and because once upon a time in kharkiv was the south of the russian empire, therefore southern. they renamed the station pushkinska, renamed yaroslav the wise, i also wrote appeals there, people connected, there were many appeals, now what about these beehives, and they pulled, pulled, pulled, pulled. there are many beautiful streets, named after modern heroes, volodymyr vakulenko street appeared for this writer who was tortured by the russians, for example, but there are many streets with such a plan, when you see how dostoevsky's four streets were, they forgot the fifth one, there is still an alley dostoevsky was not renamed, there is a silicate brick factory in that area, and i understand that in honor of that factory there are silicate and brick, well... how can the people who live there live on a silicate or brick concrete street, it is very difficult
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, that is, the imagination was probably not enough when they quickly renamed everything, well, of course , the people of kharkiv joke that they killed dostoevsky, this is his fate, well, there are such, well, the main thing, the main thing is that it is reliable and that he does not break free again , mrs. galina, thank you for the conversation kharkiv, we wish the people of kharkiv, kharkiv oblast, a peaceful day, to our viewers, let me remind you that it was halyna. deputy of the kharkiv regional council, well, we are moving on, and now with us is the deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, kateryna nemchenko, we will ask her how things are going in the dnipropetrovsk region, ms. kateryna, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, congratulations, tell us how this night went, who is this morning well, you know, in the dnipropetrovsk region, the last two days have been relatively calm, as we can say in principle, because only the nikopol district is under fire, so to speak. about the last one day, the nikopol district was shelled twice by heavy artillery,
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several private houses were damaged there, but in principle there were no victims, no wounded, there were no people in those houses, in one of them there were no people at all, in others where they were, there were no people left, people were unharmed , of course there are infrastructural destructions, sometimes there are damaged... power lines, but these days, apart from nikopol region itself, we have not been shelled in the region, and now there is an air alert, i would also like to draw attention to everyone going down to the shelter and not neglecting by these by general rules, because here it is not necessary to say so from time to time, but this is the last day, well, the night in our country basically passed without shelling, i really hope that... next time it will be like this and also the same, that the enemy will not fail to catch up, let's say this,
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his terrible activity towards us, so simply now we see how the map of ukraine looks like, that part of ukraine is already red, this air threat from the muscovites is creeping, dear friends, be careful, dnipropetrovsk region, that's right now we are talking with a deputy... of the propetrovs'k regional council also emphasize not to neglect the cross, what does an air alert mean to you, how fast are the missiles flying by, what is the most common occurrence? well, for us, this means that in principle , something can arrive in just a couple of minutes, because ballistics will reach us, if anything, for the region itself, not for the city, its surroundings, yes, but for the region itself, this means which can be hail and tower cards. valery in nikopol region, as we see it, in principle, every day, everything
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depends on the consequences there, i.e. shelling they don't stop there, we just say that everything seems to be more or less fine, because if there are no victims, then thank god, and therefore yes, it is really very dangerous, and we simply do not know what to expect from the enemy, so that if you look at the latest shelling of our region, yes, if you look at yesterday's ... terrible tragedy just in odesa, then the enemy is already directing targets at living people, precisely, even so that they really fly over living people, uh, that's why , to be honest, i would like to emphasize once again that during an air alert you have to be more careful, of course, not everyone can go down to the shelter every time, yes, even, well, i, for example, am at home now, but at least, if at home, keep the rules of two walls, as much as it is... panikaterina , thank you for the conversation, also do not ignore the warnings about
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the air alarm, we hope that you will be in a safe city, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was in touch with us, we are going for a short break now and will continue, she will be with us later contact serhiy brachuk, spokesman of the volunteer organization army of the south, let's talk about what is happening in the south, and in particular about odesa, which was attacked by russia yesterday, stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution, sadovi trimy records from rozpakuy tv, hurry up to order at a special price, only from 999 uah. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult places near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simply and easy leave big heavy mowers in
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united by football, stronger together! verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour episode. format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized unit armed forces brigades. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who
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cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks. friends, we are back on the air, now we will be united by football, stronger together. expensive to talk about the south of ukraine and in particular about odesa, which was attacked by the russians yesterday. attack and , unfortunately, there is a huge number of dead and people who suffered as a result of this attack, we will talk about these consequences. yesterday , serhiy kivalov was also injured in this attack, the one we know by the nickname pidrachui, the one who talked about the fact that the russian language is
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a language, the ukrainian language is a boz for what, the one who implements the relevant laws, and here. .. we have such an impression of him that we caught up, i don't know how he is now after this injury, how that he or something got to his head there or not, it is difficult to say, you know, there is, there is still friendly fire sometimes, well, i am also joking , of course, and how does a well-known ukrainian political expert, who is currently in the armed forces of ukraine, viktor taran wrote that this is how karma works, he supported the russian language in ukraine so much. and so on and the like, here, and then tobitaye and in your inexplicably like a palace on the shore of the sea, that plot, of course amazing, how much was discussed, how could it be like that.
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you are already in touch with us, mr. serhiy, congratulations to you, glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations, colleagues, glory to the heroes, mr. serhiy, and what about in odesa, how are they discussing this injury? of your mother-in-law, this is karma, this is the first thing, you know, and a lot of people talk about the fact that even now it is not about karma, because we understand that the most important people suffered, a lot of dead, i would probably talk about , that accordingly, perhaps it is necessary, using this opportunity, when they already say, the russian occupiers point out to you that you are nobody and never meant anything to them. then it would be possible to take out one's awards from putin and perhaps somehow publicly get rid of them, this would be, i think, at least some kind of public event
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that, well, if not to wash away some, let's say, negative moments, they are enough, just show , that you are passing, or at least somewhere close to the bright side of this planet, let's say so, so the question was discussed a lot, of course a lot... a lot of attention was focused on it, and i still, you know, honestly, i would like , to emphasize attention on the fact that the enemy, who carried out another terrorist attack, would now concentrate informational attention, including what needs to be done so that our wounded recover as soon as possible, although the algorithm of actions is clear here, it is clear, all services reacted instantly, but here the question was, you know, quite complicated, i think that this assessment will also be given by the relevant structures. that the approach to this harry potter palace and to this location in general was complicated precisely for the representatives of the rescue services, complicated,
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perhaps, due to the fact that the issue was not was ensured, because the appropriate building, i hope that such moments will still bring people back to the realities that for rescuers there should at least be entrances to such locations, all the more so that the fire was not high. it is clear, and i say once again that the ritual equipment could not come closer than 600 m, this is a problem, but it seems to me that more should be said about this problem than what flew into the white coat of serhiy vasylych kival, although this it is significant, yes, of course, it is significant, the fact that odesa was bombarded with ballistics is already being said about the fact that in fact half... of the ports of these terminals have also been destroyed since the beginning of the war due to the fact that, in fact, every day they try to shell them, i do not know how
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, what, what mood the odessans have, whether it is, whether it will be possible to endure another, for example, several years of war at such a pace, well, it is difficult for me to make such a forecast now, i can answer for myself, for my brothers, here it is usually very easy for me to answer... these are the questions, in any case, the formula of our victory, it also lies in the fact that i will now say that we should be at least for one day more durable than the russians, i am not only talking about the corresponding material resources, but about our strength of spirit, and the history of many has returned to the fact that the war is ongoing, and as far as i know, daribasivska, for example, was not so active, i am not to the point that it is necessary to ban everything, to drive everyone into sadness, in general, if people have the opportunity to rest, the opportunity to communicate in the general public, no one is against the opposite, yes, but the air alarm signals must
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be responded to, and i think that this situation , on unfortunately, with the dead, unfortunately, with many wounded, at least a little will bring people back to the realities that exist today, and about endurance, well, i don’t see, you don’t know, today they already asked about whether there is no evacuation, or there are no panicky moods, well, i don't know of such a thing. to be honest, whoever wanted left, i won’t use another word now, i left on february 24, 2022, but then maybe someone else left, so today those who remain are full of hope, first of all, i’m talking about the peaceful , civilians , there should still be hope that we will succeed confidence, of course, we will be able to repel the enemy, inflict maximum damage on him and win in any case, so the mood is this: of course, there is a lot of hatred, but you know, this hatred is not just on such an emotional level, it is already like that today revenge, which must be cold, which must
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be... prepared, and this revenge will definitely be, because everyone understands very well that odessa is loved by everyone in ukraine, not only in ukraine, what russia is doing against ukraine, against odesa, in particular, and you see, v may 2 is still ahead of us, i want to remind you, we also perfectly understand that for us this is the day of victory over rashishka navolochchuyu, which tried to make donbas with us in the 14th year, and for russians it will be a certain sacredness, we also remember this let's go perhaps this is preparation in this way for the fact that the city will be attacked in the future, of course, we understand that they will be attacked, this is a war, it is ongoing, and now to say what everyone knows about, we need to strengthen the air defense systems, of course it's clear, because it's ballistics, they can't do anything else they can't, kill civilians, threaten civilians, that's all they can do, well, it's russian here, what to comment here, you know, like
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the motives of the terrorist, well, what are the motives, the russians must be killed, and that's it. we have a few minutes left, mr. serhiy, odesa is a tourist city, and everyone gathered in the summer, already, even at the end of spring, everyone went to odesa for a few days longer. how will odessa cope with the tourist season, given such dense russian shelling? everything here is very simple in terms of security the situation, what it will be and the corresponding orders will be them. but with the military , it is traditional to pretend to be the regional military administration, an appropriate assessment will be given because what is happening, i say again safety first and we understand it very well, maybe somehow we will be able to come up with something, but let's wait, let's not rush, let 's not rush ahead, well i it's easier for people like me, because we don't go to sea, i haven't seen it since the 22nd year and i'm sure i won't see it in the near future, because
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i have my own tasks and... and so on it concerns other people, well, if there is such an opportunity, then for sure, let them rest, you can’t be in sadness and sorrow all the time, you also need to rotate your moods, but honestly , once again, it’s much easier for people like me, i’m at sea, god forbid , we will live after the victory, and not immediately, or demining, there will be enough work, eh, somewhere the same as you, we wait, wait and do. all in order for this war to end, and then we will already think about some vacations and rest. mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, serhiy bratchuk, the spokesperson of the volunteer army of the south, was in touch with us, they talked about odesa, which was shelled yesterday, and, unfortunately, there are a large number of dead people, there are a large number of people who ended up in the hospital, and among them all the injured also serhiy
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kivalov, the one who is known for his kivalov's law banning the ukrainian language, now a russian missile has come to him, i don't know if the russians knew where they were aiming, maybe that harry potter house was bothering them too, and they decided that in this way, they would be jealous it's terrible that you won't live beautifully, they also told kivalov about it, i wonder if kivalov will speak ukrainian after that , how it will affect him... maybe somehow the mind will reach the head through the legs, we'll see, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you in this studio until 12 o'clock today, we still have many interesting topics and many interesting guests, but now we are approaching the 80th morning, which means that at 8:00 in the morning traditionally, as in every even hour on espresso, we watch a fresh selection of news, and kateryna shirokpois has this fresh selection of news for you, here it is. katere, i congratulate you
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on the word. greetings colleagues, in a moment i will talk about whether latvia will return ukrainian men of working age home and which members of the british royal family visited kyiv and why? kateryna shirokopoyas works on tv news in the studio. in kyiv , a truck overturned on the ring road, which significantly complicated traffic from odesa square in the direction of the zhulyansky overpass. this was reported to the capital patrol police. law enforcement officers urged drivers to take this information into account when planning routes. a terrible evening for odessa, four people died.


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