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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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and feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what to do when there is a liver, alloholk, and what for the gallbladder? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and... the premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football, stronger together! dear friends, we are back on the air, we continue our marathon, now we will talk to the military, i want to remind you that you can subscribe to our social networks, you can find the youtube channel of the tv channel and doprik. watch our broadcasts there,
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subscribe to this youtube channel, put your favorite in the end under the broadcast of our broadcast, it helps the espresso tv channel to stay on the recommended list, so it helps the truth to spread and have a larger audience, so please support us, especially since we are constantly under some kind of attacks from russian bots, and this thumbs up will mean a lot to us, well, except... then under our you can also find all the necessary information about the collection that we are conducting with the youtube broadcast, and i want to say that already this morning we collected 16, hryvnias with you in literally 20 minutes there. not bad, we only have 222,000 uah left to close this collection and collect 2 million uah for fpv drones. so the qr code, my god, i got confused, here is the card number, volodymyr nazarenko is already with us.
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artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine rubizh, mr. volodymyr, we welcome you. good morning, studio, good morning tv viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. we thank you for the opportunity to join our ether. please tell me, if you can, where you are, what news you have. as a matter of fact, our brigade continues to carry out tasks in the eastern direction, holds the defense, strongly repulses all enemy attacks, inflicts losses on the enemy, the situation remains. extremely tense, difficult, the enemy is trying to press in many directions, in general the bafmouth direction, in general the front, and in particular, i say again, the fighters of our brigade of heroes every day under fire they repel enemy attacks and do not give the enemy even a chance to press, is the situation changing for the better in connection with the aid allocated by the united states, as an artilleryman, i am really in this aid package... what is important is
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that ammunition is provided , even more artillery ammunition, we clearly understand that this is a direct consequence of the amount of ammunition to our firepower, and now in the conditions of modern warfare , the accuracy of firepower and the firepower itself, that is, the number shots that we can fire to hit enemy equipment, enemy, enemy forces, enemy concentration, destroy enemy logistics, etc. and etc., and here again the important thing is that... that unfortunately, the enemy still has the advantage in ammunition, but accordingly we must clearly understand that for that we must outnumber the enemy in precision, and therefore, well, objectively i can only say that enough is never enough, we need more, of course, in any case it will be enough then , when all enemy forces, all enemies will be destroyed and ammunition will be left idle. moreover
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, there are never enough weapons, there are never many, and in any case we are happy with even one cartridge, one rifle, one pistol, one machine gun, and already according to the largest calibers, to the largest guns, the largest weapons, the largest armored vehicles that can be provided by western partners, everything will be beneficial, for the protection of ukraine, for the destruction of enemies, russia has scaled up the production of drones somewhere in part by stealing even technology from us, it will help them a lot... china is harassing blinkin recently said that in fact china is now making this war infinitely long, helping russia, with various microtransistors and so on, as now the saturation of drones on the front is changing the work of artillerymen, we clearly understand that drones and artillery are different types of troops, just as tanks cannot be replaced by themselves , like airplanes of aviation. cannot replace tanks, just as
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tanks cannot completely replace infantry, we also clearly understand that drones and artillery are different types of troops. different weapons, drones in this war, and war, it is always a push to military technologies, accordingly, this war shows that drones are fighting effectively, and again, we understand that drones protect the lives of ukrainian soldiers, where there is no point in risking the life of a ukrainian hero, there they scout, there they try to strike, there they make a drop, a drone strikes there with high precision, and that’s good, and that’s why even more drones, even more strike uavs, copters, of various kinds, again both copters, and fpv drones, and strike uavs, which will strike the enemy with high precision, are very necessary,
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but again after all, drones are highly accurate a weapon that really changes the course of war and really shows itself quite effectively, but completely replaces another kind. weapons such as tanks or such as aviation or such as artillery they also cannot, although again they took their place and showed their rather great effectiveness and quite a lot of enemy orcs were destroyed, are the enemy's attack drones a threat to our artillery, to our installations? we can clearly and truly say that what kind of enemy is not standing still, he too, unfortunately, is developing, weighing on his mistakes. somewhere he learns from the experience of forces of defense, somewhere it copies something, somewhere it analyzes something, somewhere it takes something as information for itself, it is actively developing, and indeed war is not safe, let's say, safe, well
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, what is happening, it is not safe, and unfortunately, the risk always remains, and our task is to minimize the risk thanks to both command and tactics and cunning and... various factors, various technical characteristics, various technical means, various methods, including camouflage and protection, in order to to minimize risks as much as possible, as for ukrainians heroes, both for ukrainian soldiers and for equipment, for strength, means that are in service with the defense forces, but again, the risk remains, and the enemy is also not sitting still, accordingly , it is very important to fight against enemy drones. one of the most effective means is the means of radio jamming in order to make the enemy blind, so that the enemy simply did not fly, could not see, could not aim, and his drones became simply useless. well, mr. volodymyr, let me ask you this, a year ago, when
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we talked, we were somewhere in this, somewhere were waiting for a successful counteroffensive, and had high hopes for... the year that was starting, now, what are the moods and uh, what, what are the moods for this year? we clearly understand that our task is to protect our own, to protect the homeland, to protect the land, to protect ukrainians, ukrainian citizens, and to free ukrainian citizens who are in the temporarily occupied territory, who are actually held as slaves by the orcs, and the latest news is that they are there in fact, they are planning... to do some kind of conscription in the temporarily occupied territories, that's it once again shows that the orcs of our ukrainians will keep their wages and will try to drive away even their own army, and we saw this in the 22nd year, how captured citizens from
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the occupied territories were taken to the so-called donetsk and luhansk detachments, we clearly understand that this people who... are actually being driven away, and we clearly understand our tasks, to liberate ukrainians, to liberate ukraine, to liberate the territory of ukraine, and we clearly understand that this will be possible only when we break the critically large mass of occupation forces forces, the occupation army, we believe in our forces, that we will liberate the whole of ukraine, just as we liberated kyiv oblast, just as we liberated kharkiv oblast, just as we liberated it. part of kherson oblast and kherson, last summer they liberated populated areas and territories of ukraine, but for this we must clearly understand, we must break, break and crush the enemy's strike group, and a critical mass of the enemy, therefore , in these conditions, the task is to protect, protect our
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homeland, stop the enemy and to destroy the enemy as much as possible, hoping that the war will end with our victory. and the faster, the better. mr. volodymyr, thank you very much for taking the time to join us on our broadcast. volodymyr nazarenko, artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine rubizh was with us. gentlemen already. in fact, the air alert in the east of ukraine has subsided, only the luhansk region remains red, well, this is also crimea, well , but this is not news in principle, i also wanted to say that italy may give us stormshadows, an interesting story, because, for example, spain has only 40 missiles, only 40 missiles are in service, but italy, for example, is not known for sure. how much, but they ordered 400 of them, and accordingly they have something to share,
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they have storm shadows up to 500 km, that is, they are actually analogues of the taurus, and they say that this may have happened because russia simply squeezed the ariston plant out of them, you know there are all boilers and so on and washing machines, it seems there is an ariston, so there were some from mad in rasha, so this enterprise worked in russia for 19 years in a row. the muscovites and the italians were offended, and the italian army one of the most powerful in europe, by the way, stronger than the french one. well, we invite the italian army to us, not only stormtroopers can show their skill and strength, we will be grateful for this, grateful to our viewers for 18, hryvnias for... which, which you and i collected this morning, i hope, for this collection will not end, i am waiting for your
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hryvnias for the qr code, or here for the card number, all these hryvnias will go to our soldiers from two brigades of the 93rd and 72nd, they will go to fpv drones, dear friends, we are now going to a short break, serhii is coming back sgurets, a military expert and director of the defense express information consulting company, will be with us, we will talk about the situation at the front, stay. you need to mend clothes, hem curtains, shorten trousers, and the prices in the atelier are sky-high, we present a sewing machine assistant unpack tv, light, compact, multifunctional, and the price is only from uah 499. the assistant machine sews fabrics of almost any strength. thick linen, soft cotton, delicate silk and even denim. now it 's so easy to hem, hem, hem or hem
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ok, choose the taste without pain, coffee, and also talk, laugh, sing, evka lor, sweet lor, exclusively in the plantain podbaun, premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football , stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours! of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at
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espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. by. shake your own. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds up kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the hundred. mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are returning to the ether, continuing the marathon. serhiy zurets,
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military expert, director of the information and consulting company defense-express is already with us, mr. serhiy. the institute of study is glad to see you of the war says that the russian troops are preparing for an offensive and are thinking from which direction to go, choosing between several directions, from where do you think they can attack us. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers, indeed, the institute for the study of war, well, it presents only one fragment of the situation on the front line, it. is actually much more complicated, they are now trying, i mean the american experts, to analyze what is happening just around avdiivka, to the west of avdiivka, but now we see this map, the peculiarity of the situation now lies in the fact that the enemy, after
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advancing to the ocherytyny zone, is now trying to expand its flanks there and has begun... combat operations in the novo-novooleksandrivka zone, this is just above ocherytyny to the north, and in fact , this creates just such grounds for thinking about where the enemy will continue to advance if our armed forces give him the opportunity, in fact there are estimates that the enemy will now try to cover from two directions... that is, to break through from the yaru in the direction of kostantinivka and, relatively speaking, from the reeds through novooleksandrivka as well to the north in order to create the conditions for the encirclement or coverage of this group of ours, which is located in the turkish zone, but i repeat, this is one of the possible scenarios
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of hostilities, but what is generally alarming: it is growing. the dynamics of hostilities during these last three days, yesterday there were 130 combat clashes there, today there were 115, that is , now we see that the dynamics are increasing, and the number of forces that the enemy is throwing first of all in the direction near ocheretino, mainly near novooleksandrivka, where exactly this movement to the north, now for the enemy, as we can see, is defined as a priority, and the question is, relatively speaking, how quickly ... military aid will come, but we understand that now the enemy is trying to make the most of this window of opportunity, superiority in aviation, manpower and artillery, what is now well, he is trying to demonstrate on the front line, and that's why the commander, sniper oleksandr silskyi, literally the day before yesterday, seems to have made such a detailed analysis of what is happening on
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the front line, listed all the directions where the enemy is trying. to our line of defense and spoke about the fact that precisely in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, including near bakhmut, these are the directions where the enemy now has a certain tactical advantage in this area, and our reserve forces are also being transferred to these areas as well, but the enemy is also now trying to expand the direction of attack, we see that the number of combat clashes has increased there and in kupyansk. who in the lyman direction has a situation related to the attacks there in the south, that is, in fact, now the enemy is quite intensively trying to use his advantages, we will see, in this way we will be able to compensate for this enemy pressure. united states secretary of state anthony blinken in riyadh at an international conference, by the way, after returning
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from a visit to china, said that china is accused of making the russian-ukrainian war endless, because it helps the russians with technology that allow them to update all the time. potential, can this war really be endless, well, actually, blinkin said after a visit to china, they are so tough and real enough, because really now we see that a significant amount of russian military power is being restored at the expense of chinese aid, this is indirect military aid, but first of all it is about the fact that china transfers the equipment on which one... russian equipment transfers components that allow the russians to create this or that arms, and this process we see now does not decrease in
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speed, it actually increases, and then the only possible option for pressure from the united states is to extend sanctions against a number of chinese companies, it is already is being carried out, but in any case we understand that russia is using all options for obtaining the complex. equipment from different countries, first of all china, and this precisely affects the fact that russia is increasing the production of armed ammunition, which in one way or another indirectly affects the front line, well , in fact, this is what we feared, probably the most, to become simply an arena of battle between superpowers, that is, to become a part of a big proxy war, which we are such a risk, it really existed, now it is on... there were such signs, when there were two china, interactions with the russian federation, european countries, and the united states are trying to create a new balance of power, but this
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is happening again right now against the backdrop of hostilities in ukraine, it is possible that the hostilities will further spread to other states as well, because we understand that one way or another, we are talking about the fact that we are entering the high risks of the third world war, and the situation in ukraine... is only the first step towards such a systemic escalation, the question is how our european and american partners will react to it, now they are the main understand that it is necessary to help ukraine, although this delay for six months had an extremely negative effect on the defense line and on our capabilities, now the americans there admit that it was a political mistake due to the peculiarities of their political system, now the europeans are trying to activate it faster. the work of their defense industry, they try to speed up the production of weapons technology with certain measures, but one way or another, they also think about their own security, and not all
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countries clearly understand what is necessary primarily to help ukraine, which is now deterring the enemy, despite the fact that in general, if we see the amount of military aid there, in particular from the united states, the americans themselves said that there was 3% of... their defense budget a significant amount of russian military power was destroyed, starting with manpower, ending with equipment and weapons, so that now it is a process of involving china, there and north korea, when it transfers missile weapons to the russian federation, all these processes really become more visible, which accordingly requires more intensive actions on the part of the united yesterday to kyiv was also connected with certain promises for ukraine, but we understand that this process will require
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greater unity from the ukrainian side, and from the side of our american european partners. this delay in aid to ukraine that we've seen shows that the americans don't want russia to lose when the moment comes that...what will have to be chosen, either russia loses or this war really becomes eternal, and russia from with the help of china, having such a huge human potential, we will definitely not be able to defeat such a russia here. well, in fact, when we talk about american aid, this bill on the allocation of a significant amount of funding in the range of 60 billion, there is such a clause that, conditionally speaking, the united states should develop a strategy for cooperation with ukraine regarding the victory over the russian troops, the word victory can be used there
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already appears in this bill. which is a certain positive progress in the actions of the american side, but it also says that it is necessary to talk about the victory over the russian troops that are located on the territory of ukraine, and it also says that this strategy must be worked out within 45 days, now i think that active consultations with the ukrainian side will begin, because our american partners are still like that. .. otherwise they talk about how the ukrainian side will act, because we remember these conversations, that we should have a victory plan, and now we see that our american colleagues are now trying to form such a victory plan, determining accordingly from this and the list and volumes of the aid that will be provided to ukraine within the framework of this package of 60 billion, so now i think the process of a new
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discussion is active. begins, and i think that this will precisely affect the vision of how to further influence the russian federation, because, as we said before, that china is involved in supporting the russian federation, and then this question of victory over russia requires a lot more large-scale approaches, i think that american diplomats and the military understand this, when visits to china, efforts to convince. china to reduce its support for the russian federation, so that we are currently at the formation of such a new stage of interaction of various groups, which , one way or another, are concentrating their views first on ukraine, and then on how to form their own strategies for influencing the world order. two minutes left, abrams, one of the abrams was captured by the russians, they claim that it happened in this very village that was captured
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recently. here is a video, which they confirm, they are taking him to moscow, how trophy. actually, what can be said about the loss of one abrams, were the americans right when they said that the abrams would not be very effective on the battlefields of ukraine? well, actually, the war, ours, the russian federation, it requires new approaches to military equipment, and any effective, good equipment that it is. if it is used in a single version, it does not affect the situation on the battlefield, although the abrams was used by the 47th brigade, the americans, as we know, put 31 tanks, there is confirmation that four abrams tanks, they destroyed or damaged there, this is the story that the muscovites are pulling this leopard tank with two loops with such pleasure, surely
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they will drag it there or... put it, show it on red square, on the day of their victory over there, and i think that this is actually only one of the elements of the fact that the war gives rise to any stories related to the destruction of this or that effective technique, but when i was wondering that yesterday there was a video when they drew another leopard tank that was standing there like that with proudly raised gun, they were trying all night last night to break this leopard gun... somehow break, break the stabilizer so it doesn't look so cool, so anyway we understand that right now these propaganda moves, the russians are outweighing their ability to evaluate the advantages of this or that technique, i think technologically russia is not able to reach the levels of weapons production that western countries and countries and the united states itself demonstrate. mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, serhii zgorets, a military expert was with us, dear friends, well, now at 9:00 a.m. we are commemorating
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those throughout the country. ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression will be honored with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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