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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, serhiy zgurets, a military expert, was with us, dear friends, and now at 9:00 a.m. we across the country commemorate the ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, we will observe a minute of silence, we will observe a minute of silence the memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that started it. see up.
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ukraine will receive more patriot systems, stoltenberg promised. let's talk about the situation at the front, and also tell about a 98-year-old woman who left ochereteny on foot. and let's start this issue with us. consequences of the shelling of odessa, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, thank you for being with us. five dead, 32 wounded. these are the results of the missile attack on odesa, as of this morning, according to oleg kiper, the head of the odesa regional military administration. in addition, earlier in the evening, he reported that a man also died of a stroke caused by this attack. there are 23 wounded in hospitals, eight of them are in serious condition, in particular, a four-year-old
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child is in extremely serious condition, a dog was also a victim of the attack. the russian military attacked odesa at approximately 1:70 p.m. the day before , damaging civilian infrastructure, including the so-called harry potter castle, owned by serhii kivalov, president of the odesa law academy and former people's deputy from the party of regions, head of the cec in 2004. kivalov himself is also wounded. at the moment, the russian ministry of defense does not say anything about the attack on odesa... i would like to note that oleg kiper, the head of odesa uva, says that the rocket that hit odesa had a cluster munition. in the defense forces of the south it is reported that they were hit with a ballistic missile, the type of which is still being determined, however , holes from shirapneel were found on the buildings at the epicenter of the impact, which may indicate the use of ammunition to specifically target people. and so dmytro plytenchuk, head of the strategic communications center of the defense forces of pi, joins our broadcast. congratulations dmitry, thank you for joining. i congratulate
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the studio, i congratulate the audience. as of this moment, is it known exactly what kind of rocket it was? previously, it was iskander, it was launched from the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, which once again confirms the thesis that without the liberation of our liberation territories, securing the security perimeter is in principle impossible. so. of course, there are other types of weapons, but you see, they use crimea, precisely in order to strike at the cock of our country. dmytro, is this the debris of the rocket that fell in odessa, or was it targeted, can you reveal such details? at the moment i can confirm that it was a missile, most likely ballistic, there are no results of the examination yet, of course, when they are already... legally established, we
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we can already operate on specific facts, but as of now with a high degree of probability, it was iskander and it had a cluster part, that is, the detonation was in the air, that is, this ammunition, it is specifically designed to hit manpower, and you know, call by the manpower of the townspeople, well, i can't, for example, this wording is simply from the type of weapons, the manpower of the enemy. and so it turns out that ordinary peaceful residents of odesa are considered by the russians as the living force of the enemy, because this is a targeted attack, its purpose has not yet been understood, because no of course, i was not there at the military facilities, we opened the location for the press immediately after the strike, everyone could see for themselves what kind of location it was, taking into account these shots, they really express and... they
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were also distributed on social networks, and people just during a walk were subjected to this attack, if we talk about the time available to react, to hide there... to go to the shelter in odesa, is it not enough for this? well, actually, there are a few important points here. first, these signals should not be ignored. actually yes, unfortunately, we already have especially in those regions that were constantly under fire, the population was already used to it. i wish i was in kherson, i also see that people have already adapted to the war and reconciled themselves to it, that in reality. it's very sad, and it's the same in our cities, after all, many people don't react at all to these airs of unrest, but you see, as a result, we have such consequences, uh, serious, and so of course there are shelters, they should be used, but when
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ballistics are flying from the same crimea, there is actually very little time to react, and this is one more time confirms that this attack in... it is just that, you know, you can say mean, because perfectly understanding where they hit and with what, they should have understood the consequences of this attack, dmitry, i want to ask you about the information from mr. stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato, who was in kyiv yesterday, and he told him that there will be more air defense for ukraine, he promised, he is sure of this, and so are we now. we see the news that the german government handed over a new package of material and technical military aid to ukraine, and then, in particular, the system was included sky next air defense, can you tell us what kind of system it is and can it protect the southern regions there for example, and again, when is this kind of air defense assistance expected for
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the southern regions in particular to make the defense more powerful? well, of course we won't and can't reveal our plans, but as far as i uh uh... i remember, skyling is just one of those systems that have to fight with medium-range targets, well, that is, its targets - it's the same drones kamikaze it's system is more like a cheetah as far as i'm concerned remember, i'm not a specialist in air defense systems, but nevertheless, from what i've seen, this is not the tool that should destroy exactly such. this requires a so-called large air defense system. these are systems like the same patriot rsp or something similar. these are the systems that have high speed. and accordingly, they can intercept similar targets. ballistic missiles, they are
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the most difficult targets. in principle, because they can actually be detected only in some aspects of their movement. and there is the speed of reaction. it must be very high because there is very little time to react, and this is the main problem, and so about the problems with air defense, ukraine says openly and constantly, unfortunately, we do have such a problem, and we hope that we will still be able to solve it at some point, especially as regards shelling of moderate cities. you already mentioned crimea in the context of the fact that the strike... in odesa was carried out precisely from the occupied crimea, but there is also such information that on tuesday night, according to the reports of local residents in the occupied crimea, namely in simferopol, gvardiyskyi and explosions rang out in the dzhanko district, the crimean mass media was blocked for about an hour for information from the occupation authorities,
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can you tell me what happened there? so far , there are no details on this matter, they periodically have something explode there, and you can. of course , there was a joke about gunfire in unspecified places, but in fact it should be understood that everything that happens in crimea, especially with regard to military facilities, of which there are actually a lot, uh, all this uh will continue to happen , i can say so, because you see, they use the crimea as a military base, they use it as a logistics hub for a group that er... an occupation group that operates in the south, some of them are based in crimea at all, like the marines, and accordingly it is crimea that they use to inflict strikes on the southern coast, odesa region, mykolaiv region, kherson, and these
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are mostly just mobile platforms, these are the same izkande points, i'm sorry, iskanders, bastions, these are the same missiles. onyx, h35, is anything that moves on a wheelbase, that everything that can be covertly quickly changed location, and accordingly, from some new point, that is, they do not have a stationary place to launch, and therefore, accordingly, they are much more difficult to fight. one way or another, all this is provided by some kind of logistics, these are headquarters, these are the same places where fuel and lubricants are stored or even bc. thank you, dmitry, for joining. dmytro potenchuk, head of the strategic center. communications of the defense forces of the south, we talked about the consequences of the attack by russian forces on odesa, including
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the military capabilities of russian forces in occupied crimea. well, now about nato, promises in this regard, ukraine is unlikely to be invited to nato during the summit in washington, however, there will be more weapons and they will arrive faster. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said this during his unannounced visit to kyiv. he added that delays in the supply of weapons allowed russian forces to advance on the front in ukraine. stoltenberg assured that he expects the partners to transfer more ammunition and air defense to ukraine, and emphasized, in particular, the need for systems paatriot. looking forward to new announcements, which we don't know yet, but we need to focus more on the patriot and we need to repair existing systems as well. to replenish so that we can be sure that the systems provided will work as they should, and also need ammunition, if there is no
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ammunition for batteries, there is no point in having batteries, and of course it is important to remember that the patriot is important, but there are other systems. of course, the question is this, maybe some people are already tired of it, but nevertheless, your expectations regarding the nato summit, which will be held in washington, do you think there will be any powerful signals for ukraine. some kind of powerful support, which could once again give ukraine an understanding that its partners are ready to support it. write it in the comments below this video. next, let's talk about the situation at the front, about the fact that russian forces have advanced to the west of the reeded in the avda direction, reports the online platform deep state. analysts call this direction the most difficult. the fact that the russian army would have managed to break through and gain a foothold in a part of the village... was confirmed by cheretin and osu in khortytsia. in addition, the defenses have moved away
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from the settlements of berdychi, semenivka and novomykhaivka, the most prepared and protected positions, said osurtets spokesman nazar voloshyn. according to him, it was no longer possible to protect these settlements. he added that the situation in this direction is extremely dynamic. and the video i talked about at the beginning of this issue: a 98-year-old woman... was able to walk out of the occupied part of the village of ocheretyne in donetsk region, after it was captured by the russian army. she walked 10 km, leaning on a wooden board, she walked all day, fell, rested, got up and walked again. she was met by the military and handed over to the crew of the white angel, who evacuated the grandmother further to a safe place. listen to what she tells about her village, about the war, the present and the second world war. and she was also a witness, meanwhile, in the ocheretnytskyi community, i will remind you, there are
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490 people left, here is the second regiment, and it is already all over there, everything has burned down, there is a terrible thing that is being done, she woke up, and they are shooting , what is terrible there waking up and the daughter-in-law says: i have to go in, i say, son, i had to run, three of them ran away, and i went the other way, and they came here, i also survived that war, and i am going through this war, and i was left with nothing, this war was not like that. and i saw beyond tuyna, but not a single house burned down, but
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they were burning, i had to go, and trees were uprooted , i lay down twice, rested, fell, i kind of wobbled and... it also threw me, and then i got up, i think, but i will walk slowly, oh, my god, this is what you are wearing, how old are you, and you are, i don’t know, 18, that is 98, an incredible story, and
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it is impossible to simply watch such videos and such stories calmly, roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the deepstate ua project, joins our broadcast. roman, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, we will talk about the situation at the front, since we saw such a story of this woman. let's talk, let's start first with ochereteny, in donetsk region, the loss of control over this settlement, which... assets open up for russian forces, have they already established themselves there russian forces and whether or not the situation is still dynamic? the enemy is now trying to gain a complete foothold and occupy the settlement, of course, it is trying to advance further into some small groups, the height of ocheretinsk is
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an opportunity for further operational space, fire and ground control of the surrounding settlements, which give... i can inflict damage, hunt for logistics , accordingly , this height is of strategic importance, for which heavy battles are currently taking place. and what are the plans of the russian army, if we analyze the situation on the battlefield now, where are they moving, which cities, their goal, is this shade, which we call, avdiiv really the most difficult on the front now, and what other directions are russian forces using for assault? they are climbing everywhere from... kupyansk to krynyk along the entire front line that you can see, absolutely not stopping, constantly accumulating their forces, they are climbing in donetsk region, they are climbing to the administrative-territorial borders of donetsk region, destroying settlements in those places where they come, then occupying
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it and move on, using a colossal number, primarily infantry. which they do not spare, they use equipment in different quantities, depending on the nature of the battles, depending on the direction, how much the forces are concentrated, accordingly , they use any opportunity for advances, for fortifications and also use artillery, aviation, then in extremely complex under the conditions, our fighters are trying to contain all this, the situation is operational, this is the zaporizhzhia region, the russian public the day before and at night... wrote about the fact that went to work, and they are trying, they even raised a flag there, although later the ukrainian public wrote about the fact that they left, what is happening there, in fact, what is the situation as of this moment, we are already in the 10th, if not in the 20th - we repeat the thesis, the muscovites came, established themselves, took over, this is primarily
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the spread of their disinformation, when they fly into the village, it is supposed to be established there. but the tactic has already been discussed several times, that to brainstorm, they will fly into the population center with these benzai attacks with the help of infantry landings with equipment, they land, the equipment there usually does not survive and they immediately make a fire impression on it, the landing party scatters over some buildings, ruins, or rather, i don't know, burrows, basements, buried equipment, they try to gain a foothold there, to stay. to survive, but our fighters immediately finish them off, inflict damage, and it is difficult for a muscovite to gain a foothold there, but when they fly in like that, they immediately run to write on the internet that they have captured, gained a foothold, entered, i don’t know, did anything, we we see that it is extremely difficult to stay in the settlement, because it is physically
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does not exist, it does not exist even in the form of ruins, ruins, everything is simply erased in... dust and to gain a foothold, it is extremely difficult to gain a foothold there, accordingly, our fighters primarily keep the fire control of the settlement and the roads where the muscovites are trying to get in, there is no work have now turned into a continuous gray zone, with dynamic battles, with dynamic movements of some kind, repelling attacks, but in difficult conditions, our fighters are still trying to restrain the village and prevent it from being fortified. do not allow to implement the task of cutting off the robot ledge, which muscovites set for themselves, and what is happening with the island of nestryga, it came out of the gray zone, as well as control? can the armed forces tactically or strategically influence the military situation in the kherson region? we see that the blue zone has remained there, according to the statements
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of the commander-in-chief and the armed forces as a whole , that certain events took place there to liberate it, clean it up, we see that there is a gray zone around the island around the blue zone on the island, now there is a very difficult for... why this statement was made is unclear, because the brainiacs immediately began to make a fire impression, the brainiacs immediately began to carry out some attacks, also trying to clear the island and the troops there are extremely difficult, accordingly, the person in charge in that area, who submitted the report to the top, she made a very huge mistake, and i hope that this karma will catch up with her, because... our guys are under attack, accordingly, we reacted to this statement, put a blue zone, put a gray zone, but it is incredibly difficult there, although our fighters there
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are trying to contain this zone, because it is in to a certain extent, it is also important for preventing the activities of sabotage and intelligence groups and in the future some activities of the brain in that zone. thank you roman, thank you for connecting and talking about the situation on the... front roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the deep stateua project was a guest of svoboda ranok. next, let's talk about the issue of human rights violations. there were a lot of headlines in the ukrainian media, and we will now find out in detail, but ukraine did not suspend the norms of the human rights convention and did not introduce additional restrictions on rights and freedoms of ukrainians, on the contrary, the number of limited rights decreased. an explanation about this was provided by the ministry of justice, denys malyuska explained on facebook that ukraine in 2015, in fact, at the beginning of russian aggression, sends similar messages to the council of europe, it
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was also done in 2022 due to a full-scale invasion. we actually sent the notification about the possibility of applying restrictions, certain rights almost immediately after the introduction of martial law in 2022, this is part of our international obligations. in april 2020. on the fourth, we are once again clarified the list of existing restrictions and reduced it. once again: ukraine did not suspend the protection in april, but on the contrary, revised and removed the caveat regarding the limitation of a certain set of rights. but the ombudsman dmytro lubinets stated that the information about the withdrawal from the convention was presented in the media, and i quote: distorted. the commissioner for human rights actually confirmed the words of the minister of justice. the topic was also commented on by the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. there they say that... the ministry of foreign affairs regularly sends information prepared by the ministry of justice to international institutions, and that this is already the 20th since 2015. notification on
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the state of implementation of the convention on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, which ukraine must implement as a member of the council of europe. however , due to special circumstances, such as armed aggression, the european court of human rights gives member states the right to declare deviations from the fulfillment of certain obligations. it all sounds. also difficult, i understand it for perception, nevertheless, in the comments under this video, write, dear viewers, how you understand this information, do you see it here any threats, what questions do you have with these news, oleksandr pavlychenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, joined our broadcast. greetings, mr. oleksandr, thank you for joining. good morning, explain what this all means, has ukraine made a rollback in human rights here, is this a curtailment of rights, what is it all for? influences, shouldn't we perceive this news so acutely and react to it so acutely? well, you have already explained, first of all , the official position, because the representative
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of the ministry of justice and actually they responsible for the preparation of such a document and its transfer through the ministry of foreign affairs to the council of europe, let's deal with what, let's say, work should be done and in general how responsible it is on the part of the state to limit or not limit the rights defined in the european convention regarding application on its territory. ukraine ratified the european convention on human rights in 1997, to be exact, it entered into force on september 11 , 1997. and since then actually since 11 on september 12 and 13, ukraine undertook to comply with the full scope of the rights defined in the convention
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, i.e. it... ensures the fulfillment of these rights, this does not mean that it is obliged to necessarily all rights, let's say without fail in active mode, that is , to provide not only eh, let's say to ensure in case of non-violation, but also proactively create conditions for these rights to be realized, that is, these are actually positive and negative obligations states, let's call it that, it's actually about creation of standards, which, i will remind, were then transferred to the ukrainian constitution from the european convention on human rights, and accordingly, the second section of the constitution actually contains almost identical wording of the rights defined by the european convention, and that is the situation that began in 2014.
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ukraine, realizing that it cannot ensure de facto responsibility for the violation of the rights of the european convention on the territory where it cannot exert influence, it was about the autonomous republic of crimea, donetsk-luhansk region, declares derogation, about deviating from obligations, that is , it indicates that if there are complaints that ukraine does not comply with the requirements of the convention in these territories, then it... declared it, it sent this message, it does not mean that she said: we are no longer doing anything and will not support the observance of rights in these territories in any way, no, but there is no physical possibility, and this is the reason for the fact that in the event that cases appear in the european court of human rights, ukraine said: "look, a derogation was declared, so we we will not be responsible for these violations, because we have objective reasons,
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we did not have a physical" opportunity to ensure human rights in donetsk in 2015-2020, respectively, with a large-scale invasion , a derogation was also declared for a number of rights, i.e. the state has declared its, here, let's say, this word is a departure from obligations, that is, it is not, let's say, an effort or the right to violate all human rights, no, it is about the fact that in individual cases, in the case of... when, for example , movement restrictions will be established or restrictions on travel outside the state of a certain category, this will not be considered a violation, although it is also one of the human rights, or, for example, the right to freedom of expression or the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. well, let's imagine that the opportunity to hold peaceful assemblies, or so-called peaceful assemblies , will be in the territories that will be, say, within
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the limits of hostilities, and the state is also responsible for organizing peaceful assemblies, or even these peaceful assemblies may be so-called peaceful assemblies, it can be some sort of subversive action and so on, that is, here the state has another, let's say, opportunity to seek the preservation of territorial integrity without ensuring this right, this is also, by the way, written down in a number of freedoms, as well as, for example, freedom of expression views, the second part of article 10, it contains opportunities for restrictions, and one of these conditions from these restrictions is, for example, the protection of the territorial integrity of the state, that is , in fact, the maintenance of law and order, accordingly, the state always has a tool for to balance between the observance of rights and the possibility of withdrawing from this observance of rights and talking about what the state can now
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violate, no. it is about a different modality, even, again, we return to this document of the last derogation, here it is said that, for example, the right, the right under the ninth article, namely the right to freedom of religion, it is declared as withdrawn derogation, that is, now the state fully ensures the right to freedom of religion, what was declared on the beginning of large-scale obturation, as well as article 14 of the european union. which convention on human rights, which refers to a non-discriminatory approach, i.e. the absence of discrimination, the state also declares that this article must be observed in full now in the territory that is de facto ideology under the control of the state, so mr. oleksandr, do you fix you may or may not be able to record the abuse of power in such a situation of people's rights in those territories under the control of the official.


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