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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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it was in the soviet union, for sure, it was not bad, but actually, the ukrainians, they have not broken free, they are breaking free little by little, not all of them yet, but a lot of people have broken free from such a strong embrace of the sovka, and they simply do not trust in such a format, in which there is no discussion, in which there are no alternative points of view, the worst thing is that trust also suffers from it. state institutions, which is a huge problem during the war volodymyr ariev was with us a people's deputy of ukraine, but now it's time for news, and kateryna sharakopos will tell us them. congratulations, colleagues, in a moment we will quickly talk about the most important events of ukraine and the world, wait, don't switch.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. an elderly man was injured as a result of an enemy attack on the kupyansk junction in the kharkiv region. around midnight , the occupiers stormed the settlement with a guided aerial bomb and damaged a private house. oleg synygubov, the head of the region, informed about this. also, on the second night, the russians hit the village of zagryzove of the boriv community. they mutilated seven private ones. houses and two economic buildings. enemy attack in kherson region. in the morning, the occupiers shelled the ship district of the city, penetrated into the private sector and damaged the summer kitchen of one of the private houses. the owner of the house was not injured, but during the day the russians killed one person in the region, another was injured. the refi army set fire to more than one and a half dozen settlements in the region, oleksandr prokul, the head of the regional military administration, informed. the occupiers
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targeted residential areas, damaged 10 private houses, and also hit a critical infrastructure object, an administrative building, a cultural institution and a private car. odesa is in mourning. the number of people killed in the evening attack by the russians increased to five. an elderly man died in the hospital. today, the city declared a day of mourning. oleg kipar, the head of the regional military administration, said this. still... 23 victims remain in hospitals, four of them are in extremely serious condition. let me remind you that in the evening the occupiers hit the city with a ballistic missile, the previous one with cluster ammunition. they kissed one of them the most popular locations among odessa residents and city guests. the so-called harry potter castle, the palace of students of the odessa law academy, was burning. i would like to note that the leader, the former head of the central election commission, was injured. sergey kivalov. on the air
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of the tv channel, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, serhiy bratchuk, explained the difficulties in eliminating the consequences of the shelling. access to this harry potter palace and to this location in general was made difficult for representatives of the rescue services. complicated maybe because the fact that the question was not provided, because accordingly. for construction, i hope that such moments will still bring people back to the realities that for rescuers, at least there should be entrances to such locations, especially if the fire was of the highest complexity, of course, and i say it again , that the rescue equipment could not come closer than 600 m. and this is the problem, it seems to me that we need to talk more about this problem than what flew into the white coat of serhii vasiliovych kival. another 1,250 invaders
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were destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine in a day, and from since the start of the full-scale invasion, the russian army has lost 468,000 of its terrorists. also, yesterday, our defenders burned more than two dozen enemy tanks and 40 armored fighting vehicles. 26 artillery systems, two rocket salvo systems, one air defense system were hit. z. managed to hit 36 ​​units of special equipment, shoot down three drones and two cruise missiles. losses, the general staff adds, are approximate. today ukrainian border guards celebrate a professional holiday, this day is officially fixed by decree of the president in 2018 to promote the courage and heroism of the defenders of the state border. the date was not chosen by chance. april 30, 1918. near
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the kolpakova station, ukrainian troops installed their symbols on the border of the ukrainian state. on the morning of february 24, 2022 , border guards were there. were the first to meet the invaders, in particular on the island of snakes. currently, 60,000 soldiers defend our country in the ranks of this type of troops. and i remind you to join our gathering for our defenders. the third regiment's reconnaissance unit needs communications and security equipment forces of special operations, because they are currently fighting in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us and you the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. thanks to you, we have already been able to make an advance payment and we have less than uah 200,000 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of ours is of great importance.
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you can now see all the details on your screens. i really hope that we will be able to close this collection during this day. to whom the duchess arrived edinburgh, this is the first visit of a british royal person since the beginning of the war in 2014. sophie helen, the wife of the youngest son of elizabeth ii, prince edward. the duchess is an activist in the british initiative to prevent sexual violence in conflict. by coming to ukraine, she demonstrated solidarity with the victims of sexual violence and torture who suffered as a result of the war. in kyiv, the duchess met with people. who experienced these crimes on themselves, as well as with children who managed to return to ukraine after being abducted by russia. svyagelen also held a dialogue with volodymyr and olena zelenskyi. i have been to many countries in the midst of conflict
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or after it has ended, but unfortunately the situation is very similar wherever i go, women and girls pay the highest price. in terms of human casualties, when it comes to how it can be used as a weapon of war, rape is used to degrade and destroy, and we must try to prevent it, and where we cannot prevent it, we must take measures to support those who have become victims of such crimes. in the kyiv region , the sowing campaign is actively underway, the weather is warm. at the beginning of april contributed to the fact that the agricultural enterprise began to sow several crops at the same time. our belotserki colleagues have returned from the fields, where the work of agricultural machinery is currently boiling. details are further from them. according to the ministry of agrarian policy, the projected areas of sowing
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of the main spring crops for the 20-24 harvest in the territory controlled by ukraine will amount to more than 5.5 million hectares, which is 1195 ha. less than last year, now sowing have already started throughout the country, in particular in the kyiv region, the largest, traditionally led by the white church, as the director of one of the farms says, field work started earlier this year, we farm on 500 hectares of land, we grow, mainly field crops, such as wheat, rapeseed, corn and sunflower, as well as we are engaged in fruit production... the preparation of areas for this year's harvest, which has not been sown since autumn, is going according to plan, mainly wheat is in good condition, rapeseed is in good condition, silage corn has already been sown, sow seed corn and
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sunflower seeds were planted. the agrarian assumes that the sowing can be completed within two weeks, if the weather is favorable, the equipment is in good condition and in active work, on the other hand... there is a lack of workers, because many have been called up to protect the state. mr. serhiy shares that it is difficult nowadays to sell products, the price for them is very low, and logistics, on the contrary, are expensive, so agriculture is operating at a loss. in order to have a harvest, you need to apply both mineral fertilizers and plant protection products, apply and the technology must be compatible with high productivity, so for the third year now we are suffering from the fact that the products are sold... below the cost price, practically, if it is within the cost price, then it is already lucky, and in this way we have to ask the banks to postpone the payment of loans , which were previously taken. regarding the yield, it is difficult to predict today, because we do not know what the summer will be like, because we see that more and more the climate
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is changing towards hotter weather, so we will hope that the lord god, nature, will not will fail this year both peasants and farmers and ukraine as a whole. the farm is preparing for sowing cereals in advance, the chief agronomist ivan melnychenko is constantly in the field, monitoring everything and even the temperature of the soil, the average daily rate of which was 10... they started with corn, because it is not so capricious, unlike sunflower. at first, when we started to sow spring peas, the soil was a little raw, it was a little difficult to cultivate , but we still sowed these peas, as soon as we started to sow barley, we started to sow corn, the soil was already perfectly produced by the compactors, well, it was already perfectly produced, that is, if the physical weather had already come... from the soil, if we speak scientifically, the rains do not scare farmers, because any moisture in the spring is for
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the better . currently, more than 200 small agro-producers in kyiv region provide the population with food and create new jobs - noted first deputy chairman of the code mykola boyko. to support farmers , a fund for partially guaranteeing loans in rural areas was launched in january of this year economy with the support of the ministry of agricultural policy, the european commission and inter. financial corporation, so the farmers claim that, despite the difficult times , ukraine will definitely have bread. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. for now, this is all the news for this hour, in a moment meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk. we will see you in less than an hour. dear friends, it is us again, laisya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are glad
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to see you, and now we will talk about the state of affairs at the front, we are also glad that you will donate and you and i have already collected 25 00 hryvnias for this morning, but don't stop and watch how the qr code and card number appear on your screens. meanwhile, ivan varchenko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security issues, we are waiting for his appearance in our office. and we will actually talk about what is happening on the front, about the plans of the russians, as well as about attempts to hinder these plans, attempts by the united states of america, which will try to put pressure on china so that it does not help russia with weapons, until as an example of the transfer of weapons from north korea, and volodymyr zelenskyy, by the way, stated that ukraine can count on a just peace soon with... and very high hopes are placed on the international
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conference that will take place this summer in switzerland. ivan varchenko is already with us, mr. ivan, we welcome you. good afternoon, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. ivan, what do we expect this summer from, in particular, this international conference in switzerland, was recorded for the first time in a public opinion poll. which is insignificant, but the majority of ukrainians want peace rather than a return to the borders of 1991, that is , they are ready to theoretically, at least temporarily , freeze the conflict, what do you think about it, and will it affect the state's policy? well, let's face it, today's mood of ukrainians depends to a large extent on the situation that happened in our country from autumn to almost spring of autumn. last 23rd year and until the spring of this year, and this is a struggle in
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the most difficult conditions, in conditions of a huge shortage, lack of ammunition, when practically by the courage and heroism of the ukrainian the fighter had to hold back the enemy's forces, which were overwhelming enemy forces, overwhelming both in the presence of personnel, the number of personnel, and in firepower, at the same time, this o... the enemy in relation to our capabilities grew and grew every day from october, at the same time , we watched political discussions take place in the state of our allies, allies , regarding how, to what extent and whether it is worth helping ukraine further on the way to victory, of course, the psychological state of the ukrainian, the collective ukrainian, of course was formed under the influence of these circumstances and we understand that today,
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when the allies have made responsible decisions regarding aid and support to ukraine, regarding providing us with ammunition and other means to deter the enemy, i am sure that our position at the front , a position that will allow us to actively oppose the enemy, our successful attacks on enemy objects will allow, in the end... to balance this psychological mood, which is now reflected in sociological experiences. is china helping russia and the united states? hereby worried and saying that the war could be forever like this, threatening sanctions of course, but do you think that until these sanctions, until the united states shows this support, until these sanctions work, this time that we have, can we we have to defend against russia, which has a huge
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human potential and which has this help in armaments. from china, from north korea, china, at the moment, let's not mislead and sadden our viewers, china is currently sitting on a tightrope and the technologies produced in china have the opportunity to serve and use, including the ukrainian military, as well as the russian military, the only thing is that when it goes to ukraine in thin streams and through great obstacles, then russia has the opportunity to use a wide stream now... er, for example, drones that are produced in china, and of course a number and a number of other simpler things, but which are extremely necessary for the military-industrial complex, but china at the moment, once again, it is standing on a big tightrope, it is undecided about its clear position under time of this war, he
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adheres to a cunning position, due to the fact that china has a millennium behind it, a millennium ahead and... in a relatively calm mode, they are trying to find a profitable and profitable way for themselves in today's conditions, whether american sanctions will be able to significantly affect china, they will be able to do so, we don't know we must not forget that russia's trade with china, china's trade with russia is only about 1.5% of china's total trade, at the same time when more than 50%, even in the 60s, is trade with the countries of europe and united states of america, and this is significant, china is unlikely to painlessly neglect such a huge market that has provided it with stability and prosperity and ensured the chinese economic miracle, which, as we remember, from the eighth congress of the cpc central committee, de nasyaopin in 79 year for 40 years accompanies all chinese.
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of course, the chinese do not want to lose faith in the future, and now they have been experiencing stagnation for several years. relatively. stagnation relative to the growth rates that were, so of course i hope that china will maintain this balance, seek understanding and will not support russia's aggression towards ukraine, although it too has its own geopolitical, geopolitical encroachments and desires, which it would like to realize in confrontation and to some extent even in conflict with the western world. at the same time, here i understand that we can talk about this for a long time, today, with ukraine, together, in the war of attrition that russia proposed, russia together with its allies is about a little more than 2% of the world gdp, ukraine together with allies - this is 60% of world gdp, and these are two huge
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differences, the question is that war for russia with... allies is a matter of survival, a question for our allies, unfortunately, it is still an optional interest, such a hobby rather, and not a matter of life and death, it is clear that this is a matter of life and death for ukraine, and ukrainians are trying to convince our civilized civilized world that this is also a challenge for the civilized world, and if we are together, then together, then seriously , and not in the limit. 5-6 dollars a month and call it huge and irreparable losses for the budget of an average american or european there, that is, let's be honest then, we really want to win the evil that russia carries, those violations of the world order and rules that existed in the world, then with a serious approach we
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will be able to spend much more resources to end the existence of putin's imperialist after all. as for russia, as for russia's allies, well, let me repeat once again, for them it is a matter of survival, it is a matter of survival of the totalitarian club of dictators, and of course, they will put all their strength and means to keep these dictators, north korea, russia, iran, belarus, now the russians are trying any way to get some benefits from that. the capture of avdiivka, that is , now all efforts are being made to expand the breakthrough, not the breakthrough, the advance under the reeds, in your opinion, how long will the russians have this momentum? whether it will be enough or not, it depends not only on the russians, it depends on the means that ukraine will have and, i hope, will use effectively during
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in the shortest possible time, the advance of the russians was largely ensured due to almost complete dominance in the air, the possibility of using guided aircraft adjusted for almost multiple dominance in artillery. fire and a large amount of manpower that could be used at the same time, to date we understand that this window of opportunity regarding aviation is coming, ending, closing, the ukrainian f-16 aircraft in the sky over ukraine will allow us to stop this russian air attack now and including actively cab work we understand that now there will be parity in artillery, in artillery duels, and of course in terms of manpower, the allies are now actively
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practicing precisely in the ammunition supplied to ukraine, cluster ammunition, which allow to significantly reduce the capabilities and potential of these they will not be able to take full advantage of russia's several times higher mobilization capabilities, i.e. manpower, manpower... as they can in the conditions of lack of ammunition in ukraine. thank you very much for the conversation, ivan varchenko, was with by us, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security issues. dear friends, we will now take a short break, come back and continue, stay with us and thank you for continuing to donate to our army and approaching the collection of 2 million hryvnias, very soon we will close it with you, about 200 thousands with a small tail. we are separated from this goal, but with you we can do anything. we'll be back after a break, stay tuned.
10:23 am
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will save you. the war continues, and not only for territory, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russia's information attacks. in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones
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presenters, presenters, that there are many... became so-called, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united. well, just now on spresso, watch the interview with roman chervinsky's lawyer lyudmila kuts, because today at 12 o'clock another hearing should begin in the case of spy roman chervinsky, who was detained a year ago, but the case is still at the stage of a preliminary trial meeting, and actually the details of what is happening with this investigation and the court session, later in our conversation with ad'.
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skating rink i welcome our viewers to the studio of the espresso tv channel. today i, artem lagutenko, are with you, and we will talk about what is probably the most high-profile court case in ukraine over the last year, the case against roman chervinskyi, a colonel of the security service of ukraine. before talking about her, i suggest to our viewers. watch a short article about who roman chervinsky actually is. roman chervinskyi, ukrainian scout and sbu colonel, originally from khmelnytskyi. he was a participant in the loudest special operations in the occupied territory of the donetsk region. in particular, the intelligence officer contributed to the elimination of the commanders of the illegal armed formations of the dnr, arsen pavlov with the call sign motorola and mykhailo tolstyh with the call sign givi. chervinsky
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confirmed his participation in the operation. from the transfer to kyiv of the militant volodymyr tsemakh, who could have been involved in the crash of boeing mh-17 in july 2014. in the summer of 2020, the intelligence officer managed the operation to detain the wagnerites. from april 25, 2023 chervinsky is under arrest. the security service of ukraine accuses its ex-employee of an arbitrary operation to recruit a russian pilot. which led to the shelling of the kanatove airfield in the kirovohrad region. roman chervinsky calls the case against him a political order. this is actually such an extraordinary man, roman cherovinsky, the case against him in court is even more strange, and there are a lot of white spots in it, which his defender, mrs. lyudmila kusa, will help us understand. i congratulate you.
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good day. than to talk about the essence itself regarding this matter, i would like to ask you this: as a result of shelling of the kanatove airfield, the commander of a military unit was killed, 17 soldiers were wounded and two fighter jets of the ukrainian air force were destroyed. in your opinion, someone should be responsible for this, if so, why is it not roman chervinskyi? in my opinion, the russian federation should be responsible for all these actions. since february 24, 2022, all our military and civilian facilities have been subject to constant rocket attacks and bombardments. tens of hundreds of thousands of people, ukrainians, die. and the russian federation is responsible for this , the military of the russian federation and the direct military-political leadership that is surrendered.


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