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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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greetings, good day. before talking about the essence of this matter, i would like to ask you this. as a result of shelling of the kanatove airfield, the commander of the military unit was killed, 17 soldiers were wounded and two fighter jets of the ukrainian air force were destroyed. in your opinion, someone should be responsible for this, if so, then... why is it not roman chervinskyi? in my opinion, the russian federation should be responsible for all these actions. from february 24, 22nd, all our military and civilian facilities are surrendered constant missile attacks, bombings, tens, hundreds of thousands of people, ukrainians, die, and the russian federation bears responsibility for this, the military of the russian federation and directly the military-political leadership, which is devoted to it. orders, in my
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opinion, no ukrainian military man who defends this land should bear responsibility for the actions he takes within the framework of the law and which are aimed at protecting the homeland. my client acted solely within the scope of his authority and acted solely to protect the homeland. itself operation on a russian plane, its ultimate goal was a russian plane, having received which, ukraine would be able to. firstly, to finalize its aircraft, the last of which was produced back in 1991, and secondly, it would provide the direct allies with a sample of this aircraft, this aircraft would be disassembled into tiny details, and we would understand how and what russia in it embeds, why is it important? russia is constantly waging wars, russia has been shelling syria since 2014, they are constantly improving their planes and in general their military sphere and bringing them there corrections and we have to
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access that in order to win in the end . mrs. lyudmila, roman chervinskyi was arrested a year ago, and the case is still not considered on its merits. explain why so, and in your opinion, how long can this matter last? in my opinion, the pre-trial investigation really lasted almost a year. the case was transferred to the court in kirovohrad for the time being in order to be considered on its merits, but the long pre-trial investigation, which continued after the notification of suspicion to chervinskyi, pointed to the fact that there was not enough evidence collected by the investigators before the report of suspicion, so they received this evidence for another year, investigated, interviewed witnesses and so on, collected additional evidence, now the case has been transferred to court, i see the only goal in this, unfortunately, i see the fact that
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roman is planned to be taken into custody, and at the same time, as we have introduced criminal proceedings in ukraine to be considered for years, because the summoning of witnesses, who are almost all military personnel, is not such an easy task, these people throughout ukraine protect the homeland and collect them in court to interrogate them, it will also be quite difficult. unfortunately, our predictions of the defense side in this process are such artificial detention and... delaying the proceedings, by the way, we will talk with you about witnesses, but about detention , on april 19, the court, as far as it was known at that time, did not extend the term of detention of roman chervynskyi, but instead of releasing him, the colonel disappeared somewhere, tell me in more detail what happened then and why, i will tell you how we saw it. with
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his side preparatory court sessions in the case were held on april 12, 17, 18 and 19. the article that allows the court to detain a person in custody without considering, let's say, this issue, is article 615, which provides that in case of impossibility of conducting a preliminary hearing, a person can be considered as having an extended period of detention. actually, the very moment that the court hearings. were already held, i.e. there was no impossibility of holding a preparatory court session, it was, the case was held from april 2 in court, and the court could hold this meeting and consider all issues during these days. this very opinion was quite clear to us, and we believed that on april 19, since the client's preventive measure ends at night, he should be released, because this issue was not considered in this way. we were also informed by the activists who were present at this trial. session,
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which lasted 3 minutes, and the court itself informed us that the session will no longer take place, a break was announced, at 18:00 5 minutes, we will inform you of the next date after the court session. what is reflected in the court documents documents, after, after that, this is important, my colleagues, lawyers, kostyantyn globa and andriy yosypov, they arrived at the court there and tried to get into the territory of the court, they could not do this, it was immediately after the closing of the court session, its postponement, no, they were not allowed, the kirovohrad court is threatened with a fence, sorry for the russianism, and there is even a small hole through which they tried to enter. it was closed accordingly, that is, they could not even enter the territory of the court, let alone enter the premises. we contacted the relevant ones petitions to the court that we ask to extend the preparatory session, because we arrived at it, it was already 7 p.m., we applied in writing through an email address with digital signatures, and i
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and my colleagues, but the court session was not extended , from which we concluded that roman should actually come out, but roman was received all this time. in the car of the escort service under the court and somewhere only at 10 p.m. he was taken somewhere, where they were taken, it was unclear to us at that time, unknown, he was not actually released. what did he say? roman himself? when the court session was held at 6:00 p.m., he was asked if it was possible to continue, he said of course not without defense attorneys, and we did not have time to arrive at the court after the air raid alarm, the air raid alarm sounded four times, actually. they didn't inform us that the session was already continuing, we were somewhere at the entrance to the court, we didn't have time to get into it, we arrived, the session was already over, roman says that after that, after the court said, that's all, we announce a break, the date will be later, after this roman they didn't bring him to court, he was
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there all this time in a convoy in a convoy car, where he was actually given a court decision late in the evening that he should continue to be kept in custody. for him , of course, it was a shock, because no one even asked him: dear mr. romanu, do you want to ask for another two months in custody, it is good that you did not invite the defenders to the courtroom, it is good that you did not involve a free lawyer, the article is serious and the court should have done that, then you at least ask the person if you don't mind that we now automatically give you a term detention will be continued, this was not done, and as reflected in the log of the court session, which has already been officially provided to us under the signature of the judge, including. the court put up for discussion the question of whether it is possible to continue the session, roman hryhorovych said no, it is impossible, the prosecutor said it is impossible without defense attorneys, please consider the term of detention automatically extended , the court announced a break and left for the consultation room, today is
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april 26 , the court still hasn't left the conference room, they made a decision, but with they still haven't left the consultation room, they are still there, given their official documents that they have provided, moreover, my colleague was in the kirovohrad court yesterday, excuse me, the day before yesterday, got acquainted with the case materials, the court recorded that the court did not receive our notices that we are asking to continue the preparatory session, because something happened with their electronic system, that is why they did not receive them, they received them late, that is why , in our opinion, some kind of falsification of documents continues, because it's not normal when the court sits in the waiting room for a week like... we started calling the police at night to record that the person actually disappeared, that he was supposed to be released, but did not, on monday morning around 11:00 a.m. we received this court decision , that he
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automatically remains in custody for another two months, and the court postponed the hearing to may 25. in may, the person is in custody, the hearing is postponed for more than a month for unknown reasons. in... since then, we are now, first of all, appealing this court decision, now an appeal hearing is scheduled for april 30, regarding this decision, and secondly, we declare all these illegal actions to the relevant authorities, the state bureau of investigation and the supreme council of justice. can you explain to our viewers to what extent it is allowed, what is the essence of the case, what is the evidence base of the accusation? in my opinion, i do not see any evidence base of the prosecution at all, the only thing that was done was that the prosecution artificially created two military examinations, how was it done? in his report, the sbu employee writes: one of the servicemen reported the finding
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at the kanatove airfield of military personnel and equipment, the investigator rewrites all this in his decision on the appointment of an examination, and the experts take it as a fact, what is it, yes, someone reported. there is no evidence for this, no person, no witness, no document testifies to the fact that even if someone reported that at that moment there would be equipment at the airfield, there would be military personnel at the airfield. wolves, all the more concentrated in one place in order to meet the russian plane. no, it's all fiction, it's all as per my belief client, i support his opinion of forgery of documents, here are all the other evidences, in my opinion, testify precisely in the direction of the defense, because the witnesses who were questioned during the pre-trial investigation in court are roman's direct management, this is his commander and the commander of the unit, in which roman was acting. they noted that roman did not act arbitrarily, roman reported on this situation, constantly made reports
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on this operation, and this information was later brought to the attention of the commander-in-chief. under during the trial, we will consider all these details in detail, again interrogate these witnesses, establish all these circumstances. as it was stated in your plot, yes, what did the sbu attack in the first place, arbitrary actions? no, the actions were not arbitrary. moreover, roman's commander, major general, he gave an interview, even that roman agreed with him on all these actions, and all these actions were agreed on, there was no arbitrariness. regarding the sbu, it is worth noting separately that in the case of the sbu, which took part in this operation and initiated it, well, it cannot be that the sbu is investigating its own operation, well , this cannot be, we said from the first meetings, the investigation is violated here. the investigator in this case interrogated, including the former head of the sbu, and he interrogated him not in
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the premises of the sbu, on the territory of the office where this person now works, this is a kind of privileged treatment of the witness in the case, when the witness is not interrogated like all ordinary witnesses, in his own office, the investigator interrogated other sbu management, deputy heads of departments, and as a witness, as investigators who are subordinates... these people can be objectively interrogated, no way, and we repeatedly drew attention to this, that such a situation should be corrected and this case should be transferred to another body, but unfortunately, this was not done, and we we will question all the evidence precisely in this connection, including this one, because the sbu could not conduct a proper, judicial investigation of this case, am i correct in understanding that one of the main witnesses in these cases is valery zaluzhny, yes, you understand correctly, and we asked
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the investigation to interrogate him, since one of our witnesses indicates that he made a report to mr. zaluzhnyi on this situation and accordingly received permission for all these actions, therefore , mr. valery zaluzhnyi has not yet been interrogated, no, moreover, we have received a decision court, to which the investigator was obliged to consider such a concern of ours. that is, in fact , today we are talking about non-implementation of the court decision by the investigator, the investigator never carried out these actions, although we did not write an appeal once, moreover, i will tell you, in the case that we have already provided in full, there is not even a single subpoena sent to the relevant witness. it is very strange, ms. lyudmila, are you considering the possibility of submitting an application in view of everything that has just been announced? appeal to the european court of human rights, my colleagues are dealing with this,
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we have enough in the case, well, i am not alone, and colleagues are dealing with this, they directly file such complaints, several complaints have already been filed, we have not received any decisions yet, as soon as we will receive them, we will definitely inform the society about them. please tell me whether roman cherovinskyi is supported in one way or another by his colleagues from... the service, the security service of ukraine, it is quite difficult to talk about the security service of ukraine, because during the pre-trial investigation, witnesses who are employees of the sbu actually acted pressure, they were not allowed to come to the court session and give evidence as to how it happened, there is a witness who could directly report that this operation was initiated in the sbu. and in the same way , he received all the necessary permissions from his leadership to carry out certain actions, like this
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this witness was not allowed to the court hearings as follows: we will receive a summons from the court to summon him, send it to him, he is immediately sent on a business trip, to some distant city several hundred kilometers away so that he cannot physically appear before the court, and it happened five times during the pre-trial investigation, in your opinion, what is the reason? the reason that an sbu employee will come and say that yes, this is an operation carried out by the sbu, yes from the sbu, from his leadership, including the highest, i received appropriate permits to carry out all these actions, including on... plus, the sbu will need to explain how the letter was processed, because one of the pieces of evidence in the case is a letter signed by mr. zaluzhny in the name of mr. bakanov, in which he asks valery fedorovych to second an employee of the sbu specifically to the sso for, well, to repulse the armed
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aggression of the russian federation, but this letter was directly in this operation, it was connected. this operation, which we paid attention to, and the sbu will have to explain why they dispatched in such a case their employee and in connection with what, and i think that they will not be able to explain it somehow. mrs. lyudmila, as far as i know, roman chervinskyi is or was involved in two more criminal proceedings, do you know anything about it, i don't know, maybe you can explain to me in more detail, then i can explain something, i'll go somewhere. about the case where he allegedly impersonated an employee of the border service and demanded money, you can tell like this, yes, this is a case in which he was really informed of the suspicion, it is in general some kind of absolute nonsense, because the case is absolutely and completely fictitious, it appeared at the stage when
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roman was already in the pre-trial detention center, and the arguments of the parties convinced me. defenses were so strong that the prosecution was afraid that roman would soon be released from custody, and for this they needed to insure themselves so that, as soon as he was released from custody, immediately, in principle , to do with him the same actions and to take him into custody again, this is the only purpose of this criminal offense, because he has nothing to do with it at all, none, and this case is currently on to the pre-trial investigation there from... the case materials are covered, but it has some very, very strange prospects, which will make the investigation unclear with it, because there is no evidence in the materials about roman. and the second case, regarding the alleged desertion, romana chernyts understood, it is also such legal nonsense, but how did this
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case appear and in connection with what? after all these events took place on kanatovo, roman was transferred to another position, to another military unit, this one was transferred by whom, i'm sorry, the commander in chief, valery zaluzhyn, yes, yes, there was a corresponding order and roman was transferred to another position, and this order, this military unit, it was quite far from the city of kyiv and the kyiv region. roman appealed this order to the court, because he had previously written a report. about the fact that he has three minor children, and in such a case he has the right to serve in the territory of the region where the family is located. he wrote this report, he was refused, he appealed to the court about the order its corresponding transfer there. this case was won in the first instance, the decision was overturned in the appellate instance, and in february of this year we received
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a decision of the supreme court, where the supreme court canceled the order on his transfer. to that military unit. meanwhile, during this period, the sbi has already opened criminal proceedings for the fact that roman did not show up at the military unit where he was transferred. it is factual, in it, in this proceeding, roman was not informed of the suspicion, the proceeding itself was based on the fact of non-appearance chervinsky to a certain military unit. after we received the decision of the supreme court, where it was written that this order was accordingly canceled and roman is no longer obliged to come anywhere. we sent this order to the sbi, and this is where the really interesting thing began, both the sbi and the prosecutor, who accordingly supervises this proceeding, refused to close the case, and because roman has nothing to do with this case, he is nobody there, we went to court, appealed this decision, again the court obliged to consider properly
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our petition, we received a refusal again, again with the same wording that roman chervinskyi has nothing to do with this proceeding, this proceeding is factual based on the fact that the person did not appear before the military unit, that is, the proceeding is actually related to roman, but it not in relation to roman, somehow. ms. ludmila, this whole story with this court session and the other two court cases, it at least looks like some kind of political or personal persecution of the colonel. what do you think about this? is roman chervinsky himself speaking? roman hryhorovych has repeatedly stated that he sees this as political persecution of the past. things that were announced by him at a certain time to the general public, for those operations that he conducted and disrupted, i somehow comment, this is an unallocated right, i can only
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convey directly his words in this part, at every court session he speaks about it , and other explanations of how this all happens and what i explained to you about other criminal proceedings, how it all is, this is the course of events. he is on it's a great pity, it carries little legal implications. finally, i want to ask you about your expectations, how this whole story can end? i believe that this story will end with a vindication for roman. i am sure of this, because all the evidence of the prosecution side is already open to us, and we have collected quite a lot of our evidence over the course of a year, which clearly indicate his innocence in these actions. and i will finish with what i started: none of the ukrainian military is to blame, defending the homeland , that the russian federation is shelling, in including military facilities, so i
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believe that no ukrainian military officer who acted lawfully, who defended his homeland, can be accused of russia's actions. ms. lyudmila, i thank you very much for taking the time to talk with us, and like our viewers, i hope for a favorable court decision. the espresso tv channel is on the air, stay with us. there are discounts on linex forte capsules. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts for visa. 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. gasoline. trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and that's what you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot. there is a solution. kors garden trimmers unpack the tv, order in time at a special price. only from
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11:00 am
greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. two people died and six were injured due to an enemy attack on... kharkiv. an hour ago, the occupiers attacked the kyiv and kholodnohirsky districts of the city with guided aerial bombs, ihor terikhov informed the kharkiv city council, the chairman informed about it. they were hit near a residential building and in a park area. the mayor warns kharkiv residents not to leave their shelters as there is still a threat of repeated launches of cabs around the city. and the enemy continues to terrorize kherson. in the morning, the occupiers
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attacked the city temporarily. the occupied left bank at gunpoint.


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