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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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ukraine will become russia, we counter russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together. information day of the tv channel in rozpala. well, the key story is now unfolding on the big front of the russian-ukrainian war. now we will talk about the situation in the operational direction of khortyts. we are in touch with nazar voloshyn, spokesman for the operational-strategic grouping of the khortets troops. lieutenant colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine, lieutenant colonel, congratulations you. glory to the heroes, good day, studio, good day to all viewers. is kortysya in touch? khortytsya on the phone, ocheretine, ocheretene and once again, ocheretene. mr. lieutenant colonel, we would ask you to tell everything that can be told. in particular, is there an ongoing rethinking of what happened there and what is the current situation there now? let me first start with the general, that on the eastern front in the area of ​​responsibility of the operational-strategic grouping of troops of our khortyts. the group's hottest
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destinations today are avdiivskyi, bakhmutskyi and novopavlivskyi. the situation at the front has become relatively worse, but it is controlled by the defense forces. the enemy, trying to seize the strategic initiative and break through the front line, concentrated the main efforts in several directions, creating a certain advantage in forces and means. he usually actively attacks along the entire front line in some directions had tactical successes, but there is also a dynamic change. dynamic change of the situation, in relation to the direction in which the village of ocheretyn is located, the situation in the village of the enemy, unfortunately, managed to break through and to gain a foothold in this settlement, the part in which it is located is under our fire control, the armed forces and self-defense units are taking these measures to knock the enemy out of there, heavy fighting is currently ongoing and the situation is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, the enemy had
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a certain tactical success to break through the defenses in that direction, the enemy army used up to four brigades of the armed forces of the russian federation in that direction. from our side , all measures are also being taken to stabilize the situation, in particular in the avdiyiv direction and regaining control over the village of ocheretyn. and for this purpose, additional forces and resources were introduced from the reserve. mr. nazar, please tell me whether it is known which one... the enemy has a quantitative, quantitative advantage, how many of them are now compared to how many, for example, personnel are on our side, so that our viewers understand how much is there a significant difference between those people who are currently protecting our territory and those people who are trying to seize our territories? i will tell you that in different directions in different ways, as the enemy, in terms of personnel numbers.
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as an example, i will give an example that the enemy has concentrated its military group in the direction of the opposite ravine, there is a group of troops with the number of about 20-25 00 russian servicemen, this is a group that includes various units, both those that storm and those that provide, i.e. this number for example in that direction, however, there are different directions and in different directions the enemy concentrates differently. the number of its divisions, but i will say that there are many, and it prevails in quantitative, in quantitative equivalents, as well as in relation to the forces and means of technology. mr. lieutenant colonel, speaking of the avdiiv direction, yes, we see enemy activation in the area of ​​ceramics, we see enemy activation in the direction of novooleksandrivka and novobakhmutivka, umansk.
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not tylov, may day, if we take now the activation of the enemy specifically in the avdiiv direction, what can we expect, and is there a feeling that the enemy is exhaling, or are they trying to make this... the entire directorate one of the main ones, of course, but i will say that the most difficult situation is pokrovsky and the kurakhiv direction, and of course avdiivsk, fierce fighting continues there, the enemy has deployed up to four brigades in these directions and is trying to develop an offensive west of avdiivka and mariyanka, thereby breaking through to pokrovsk and kurakhovo. in general, the enemy achieved certain tactical... successes in these directions, but he was unable to gain operational advantages, our defenders made him understand this, and in order to strengthen the defense in these directions, as well as to replace the units that suffered losses, some brigades are being moved , which have restored our combat capability, that is, we are also
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improving and moving and acting in anticipation of the enemy. if we talk about the specifics of the situation in the direction of pokrovske and kurakhove. if there are any additional details and dimensions of this situation? well, the main details are that the enemy is trying to move forward, breaking through both to pokrovsk and to kurakhov. there are certainly ongoing battles near the settlements that you mentioned above, the occupiers are also rushing towards the pokrovskyantynivka main road, which has a slight advantage in terms of manpower there. and techniques and taking advantage of this, he conducts assaults with the aim of capturing pokrovsk and the vital route to kostiantynivka. however , today soldiers of the bpl battalion from the 92nd brigade destroyed an armored column that was under
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reeds in this direction, tanks and several enemy infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed. mr. nazar, allow me to ask one more question about the situation near the time ravine, what is happening there now? well, at the moment, the situation near the time ravine is such that the enemy is pressing in that direction, regarding the fact that the enemy army is in the city no, the enemy is trying to bring the nearby klishchiivka under their control, the defense forces seem to be in control of the situation, the enemy is trying to seize yar times without taking into account the losses of either their personnel or equipment, many of them have already been killed and destroyed. but on the outskirts and on the approaches to the city, and in order to capture it, for some time, the russian army is trying to bypass it on the flanks through bohdanivka and ivanivske, there they dare to storm these villages in order to take, let’s say, vlyshta times, but they are unable to do this,
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the enemy is conducting assaults, these are mobile fire groups, which you may have already seen on video, on the internet, many such videos on golf carts, motorcycles, cross-country bikes. on motorcycles, assaults continue around the clock, but the enemy does nothing there, our defenders repulse all their enemy assaults, the enemy also conducts artillery fire on the outskirts of the warrior's time, only in the past day , 139 mortar and artillery attacks were recorded here in this direction, this is in compared with the previous day relatively less. artillery, of course, does not stop, but armored personnel carriers do. the enemy has become much smaller, thanks to the courage and heroism of our soldiers, we manage to restrain the enemy in this direction, to stabilize the situation, mr. lieutenant colonel, where are the fiercest battles, when we
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are talking about the bakhmutyan-chasovoyariv direction, that is, is it bohdanivka, is it ivanovske, or it is still possible somewhere, bohdanivka, ivanovske. near klishchiivka, the enemy also has andriivka's efforts, and of course chasiv. belogorivka, he still has prospects. the enemy is also active there he attracts assault groups to storm with equipment from the dorothy branch, assaults are carried out near dulogorivka. aviation, how actively does the enemy use tactical aviation? well, as you have already seen from the summary of the general. headquarters and according to our official report and the news, unfortunately, the enemy is actively using aviation precisely in the bakhmut, avdiiv, novopavliv areas, well, the kupina direction has been suffering lately, because kharkiv oblast, which
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is not far from the borders, the enemy attracts very active aviation that carries out missile and bomb attacks on the civilian infrastructure of our cities, towns and villages. thank you, nazar voloshyn, the spokesman of the khortets operational-strategic grouping of troops, the lieutenant colonel was in direct contact with us, by the way, there is also information that the russians attacked kharkiv. flight over a residential area, one dead, nine injured, this is information from the mayor of kharkiv igor terekhov and the air force, and the air force reported the threat of ballistic weapons, also a danger related to the launch of guided aerial bombs, and terekhov reported two flights over civilian objects in the kyiv and holodony regions, and ukrzaliznytsia also informs that a railway worker was killed today in kharkiv as a result of a russian strike, and... they fired again at essentially the railway infrastructure, so another
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railway, a railway woman was injured, she is now receiving medical assistance, this is operational information from kharkiv for now, we are now going to a short break, after which we will continue our information day, so stay with us, petrol trimmers are so heavy, loud and out of w'. students, and you really want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, hurry up to order at a special price, only from uah 999. kors dreamers are compact, light and very powerful. mowing the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places, near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trimming bushes and even branches, is simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose trimmer-cors, classic or with function. lawn mower light and comfortable, even women can use them, but just look
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say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world dreams pa- norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. on saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. congratulations, this. the following footage may shock you, live news from the scene, kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot, liberty life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, there is
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information from the prosecutor general, so the russians they hit odesa with a ballistic missile with... a skander with a cluster warhead, quoting prosecutor general kostin. the strike was carried out by a skander ballistic missile with a cluster warhead - it is an indiscriminate weapon, the use of which can lead to significant casualties among the civilian population. in a radius of 1.5 km from the site of the shelling, metal fragments and fragments of the rocket were recovered. the investigation has reason to believe that the decision to use such a weapon was made by russian officers deliberately in order to kill as many civilians as possible in... the investigation is ongoing, the message, well, let me remind you that last night russia, russian interventionists hit odesa with a ballistic missile. so, the number of victims of yesterday's shelling in odesa increased to five. well, we will continue to inform you about the main events of today and beyond. now, the visit
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of stoltonberg and zelenskyi is taking place, together they visited the academy where our military is trained according to nato standards and we will talk now. about the statements they made today, in particular with oleksandr haruyu, a diplomat and expert of the defense center of foreign and security policy strategies. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. good day, congratulations. let's start with zelenskyi's statement: ukraine will be accepted into nato only after victory. he said that the question of our membership is a political decision of the 32 nato member countries, and the president says that he believes that one of the reasons for today's war is. that ukraine was not accepted into nato earlier, i will now quote that many years ago there was also the corresponding skepticism of some officials, and russia worked very hard with our today's partners, they had a dialogue, she did everything to prevent ukraine from being accepted not only into nato, but also from the european union, so that ukraine simply did not develop and was not separated from the influence of the russian federation. we understand that there will be
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a washington summit in july, and so we understand that at this summit we will not receive from... or maybe we will suddenly receive, who knows, oleksandr khara is in touch with us, and even more so , i would like to to add your 5 kopecks here to martyny's question, it is very important, and why with an unannounced visit, why is there such a hurry, jen stoltenberg, we understand, is a busy person, the president of ukraine is also a busy person, but there were certain events or certain circumstances that made this unannounced visit to kyiv possible. mr. oleksandr, please answer comprehensively. thank you, well i think unannounced is a security issue number one, rather than a necessity, mr. stotelg is finishing his term as nato secretary general, and it is clear that it would be important for him, i think
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personally, to visit in kyiv in this guise, of course, that he has a certain goal, was certain the purpose of this visit, i would say, is to manage our expectations, it is clear that ukrainian diplomacy and the president are trying to put pressure on our partners so that we receive this invitation, and in my personal opinion, nothing would have happened to nato if they would have done the same as, i'm sorry, the european union, they would have started technical negotiations on ukraine's accession to nato, the date would have remained open, and thus it would have been a good signal. putin that he cannot achieve his goal, that he has no right veto on the decision of the alliance, it would clearly be a positive signal to ukraine that not only nato's door is open. you know when they constantly say, and we have been constantly told about this since 2008, that the doors of nato cannot be closed to ukraine, because the nato charter states that any country in the region, if
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it meets the standards and adheres to those the values ​​themselves can. to become a member of nato, that is, in principle, they cannot say so, because it would be against what this entire organization is based on, and of course, what i thought was positive, this criticism of mr. stoltenberg, nato allies for the fact that they did not sufficiently support ukraine with weapons and other things earlier, and now they are doing it quite slowly, of course we are grateful for each and every projectile, but it is clear that in such a war that we... it is not enough until we have won, and this kind of criticism, i think, is aimed at encouraging partners, providing ukraine with more and so that the situation on the field... changed was a very important statement and, more precisely , a phrase about what has not yet it is not too late for ukraine to win, he is among a small group
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of western leaders who say about the victory of ukraine, unfortunately, the americans stick to the formula so that russia does not win, ukraine does not lose, this is not the same as for ukraine to win, and it is clear that such a formula is american, it implies certain limitations in what ukraine can do and how our... can support us, i am not talking about the fact that our strategic goals do not coincide with the american ones, they do not coincide, oh, a very interesting point, but mr. oleksandr, tell me, please , in which our strategy may not coincide with the american one, we hoped, yes, that we are moving in the same direction, plus or minus, well, maybe at different speeds, well, in general, when we talk about the american strategy. well, we understand that there is a strategy of biden and there is a strategy of mr. trump, yes, who can return to power in six months? well
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, let's start with our smaller brothers, they have bipolar disorder, well, in fact, there is such a political and social disease, russia is simultaneously a great power, the largest nuclear power, and it is also a fragile state that small ukraine could attack and.. . to destroy or do something like that, and this bipolar disorder, it is actually implanted in the american cities, they do not want the collapse of the russian federation on the one hand, and on the other hand they do not want escalation when putin presses the red button, and this limitation itself, it and formed the strategy that the americans are still implementing, it consists primarily in the fact that ukraine must hold back, must deliver, perhaps one... one or two such powerful military strikes against russian troops on russian territory and thus force putin to sit down at the table negotiations, because they constantly say that
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there must be some political-diplomatic end to this war. for ukraine, of course, we must liberate all our territories and become members of nato in order to secure ourselves in the future. and here is the inconsistency of the goals in that we want... the collapse of the putin regime due to a military defeat or the fact that we, for example, strike on our own russian territory, try to undermine russia's ability to wage war, because it is clear that kerosene and gasoline are needed for to refuel planes, tanks and others, other equipment, but we also want to reduce the resource base for the russian state in order for it to continue the war and for the putin regime to remain in power for... the americans, this is not entirely acceptable, they criticized, and i i understand that this is one of the key topics discussed by jake sullivan, the national security adviser of the united states, to the president
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of the united states when he was here in kyiv, and the second important point is the american reluctance to have the world price on energy resources, primarily oil, rose, and in this way it can certainly hit joseph biden's electoral prospects, which is exactly where we are. in such a difficult situation that they help us, we are grateful for the american help to the american people and the senate and the house of representatives, but on the other hand, and by the way, these are also american analysts, former military diplomats who criticize their own government, that they do not have a strategy in relation to ukraine, more precisely, they have a failed strategy, and secondly, that they do not help ukraine so much so that ukraine wins, so there is, let's say, a difference in this, that for joseph biden, ukraine's support. is also personally important, because it will be his external political legacy, and it is ideologically important, because he framed this conflict as a conflict between
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democracies and authoritarian regimes, and thus he looks at this war not only as something happening between russia and ukraine or in europe, and how that will affect the interests of the united states and its allies in other parts of the world is clear above all is meant taiwan, so let's put it this way, we have such partners, unfortunately, not allies yet, thank you for helping us, but unfortunately, they have not yet changed such an attitude, such strategic frameworks, which actually limit our actions, because it is clear that fighting on our territory means that we are simply moving away. the news of inflicting such a military defeat and not transferring the war to russian territory means that the russians will simply watch television, believe that there is some kind of armed conflict there, and not a war, it will happen. very
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far from them, and it will mean that this, let's say, the rejection of this war, it may come too late to the russians, i'm not saying that they will come out to protest, but it is clear that the level of support for the war would be much lower if if not only the coffins with the russian 200 soldiers were, well, sent to various remote corners of russia, but also ordinary citizens saw that... after all, there would be a war and we would have a certain one, as we say, mr. alexander, i would still like to have time to discuss anthony's statement blinken about what if russia shows a desire to hold peace talks, the united states will definitely be there, you mentioned a certain bipolarity of our partners who don't know what they want. and you, do you think that this statement shows that our partners still believe that russia can make some sense, that it can really sincerely want to. i don't
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think mr. blinkin has any illusions about that, and blinkin and lloyd austin are our most, shall we say, powerful supporters in this administration, i want to remind you that lloyd austin was the first and last high-ranking american official who said that ukrainians believe in victory, we believe in it too, he said it during the first romstein, anthony blinkin is worried about... the country is raw-hearted, and he could have done otherwise, if there was not, well, let's say this, then the decision-making structure that exists in this administration, there the national security council and, accordingly , the assistant to the president of the united states for national security issues forms this strategy, and joseph biden supports it, so the fact that he says it's rather let's say a positive message that, well , the united states is not a country that, you know,
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they say it's... that is, the hawks that are for war, it shows the possibility of diplomacy, but it's more of a figure of speech rather than a willingness actually sit down at the table of victory, he knows that there is no power with russia, no paper signed by russia, and this is not only a question of ukraine, it is also the way russia behaves in the middle east, what it does in the far east as well , well, now... such, let's say, there is a great approximation of the russian federation of north korea, and the russian federation in the un security council blocks the continuation of sanctions, the same is the case with iran, well , in fact, how can you negotiate with such a country that harms the interests of the entire international society, only in order to get resources and continue killing ukrainians . thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr khara, diplomat, expert of the defense strategies center on foreign and
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security policy issues. was on our airwaves, we will remind you that jen stoltenberg is in kyiv today, he is the secretary general of nato, and together with zelensky, he met with our military at the national defense university in kyiv, they discussed the prospects of strengthening ukrainian air defense, in particular, and zelensky said that today our experts can definitely say what is the ideal system for us, how much we lack, our air defense is not yet universal, says zelensky, but it is changing daily, being filled not only with air defense systems, but also with rebs, anti-drone systems, etc. ugh. thank you marta, and an important message. yes, about an hour ago, nazar voloshyn, lieutenant colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman for the operational and strategic grouping of khortets troops, worked on our air. regarding the situation in the area of ​​chasovoy yar. on the outskirts, there were attempts and attempts by the enemy to bypass chasiv, near the villages of ivanivskyi and bohdanivka. the enemy aims
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to take the flattering city in this way. and go around it in a circle, but all attempts and efforts of the enemy are suppressed by our units, our colleagues will tell more news, anna yevomelnyk is ready to share with us, we congratulate you and actually pass the word, we want to ask what you managed to find out, what will you talk about? greetings colleagues, the news editor will tell you about the most important thing, in particular about the fact that before in poland, for example, poland itself submitted an application for the placement of american... nuclear weapons, about this and not only further, but i will start this issue with the consequences of the enemy attack in the kharkiv region , be with us, due to an enemy attack in kharkiv died...


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