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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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well, the enemy hit kabama, it is an extremely dangerous weapon, we understand that these are not controlled, unguided air bombs, yes, this is another targeted attack by the enemy on civilian, railway, in particular , infrastructure, more news will be shared by our colleagues, anna eva melnyk is ready inform us about the most current information, we now give her the floor and ask her to briefly tell what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you about the most important news edition, and i will start with the details of the night attack in temporarily occupied crimea. be with us. three russian military units attacked that night in the temporarily occupied. in crimea,
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according to local media, there are wounded. crimean gauleiter serhiy aksyonov said that in the simferopol district , atakams rockets were shot down, after which sub-munitions that did not detonate were allegedly scattered. however , a fire broke out in one of the parts, it was extinguished for more than an hour and a half, and military facilities in the black sea and sakha districts were also attacked. four russians were injured there. let me remind you, the airfield is at night jankoi and... the southern military district were under attack, five putin soldiers were injured. without embellishments, the pechersk district court of the city of kyiv removed the electronic bracelet from the ex-deputy of the kyiv-pechersk lavra pavlo lebed, his lawyer mykyta chekman said. according to him, the defense has proven that such a step does not increase the risks, and the metropolitan does not prevent the introduction of the case, suspi writes.
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all other obligations of the court remain, all other prior obligations imposed by the court remain in effect. let me remind you, metropolitan, popularly known as pasha mercedes, is accused of justifying russia's armed aggression against ukraine. ban on calling home, the government of ukraine considered a petition on the proposal to ban captured russians from calling their relatives. this right is important for... so that the occupiers are not afraid of surrendering, prime minister denys shmegal believes. he noted that ukraine complies with all the provisions of the convention on human rights and ensures proper conditions for receiving prisoners of war. it can also help in releasing our defenders who are in russian captivity. as a result of an enemy strike in kharkiv, one person was killed and nine were injured, the head of the region, oleg, said. sinyohov at 10 o'clock in the
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morning, the occupiers targeted two districts of the city with three guided aerial bombs. in the kholodnohirsky district , a civilian enterprise of the railway infrastructure was hit, where the victim was an employee of the company. three more were injured, the regional prosecutor's office informs. garages, an educational institution and an administrative building were damaged in the kyiv district. four civilians were injured. according to about fifty garages of the state emergency service burned down. rescuers in... the fire has already been extinguished. on the territory of the garage cooperative, about 50 garages were destroyed. in the kholodnohirsky district , the building was significantly damaged by the impact. as of now, prosecutors and investigators are working on the spot, parts of the ammunition used in the shelling are being recovered, and they will be sent for examination in the future.
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criminal proceedings have been opened for this war crime. kharkiv entrepreneurs were completely exempted from payment taxes for land, real estate and a single tax for the fops of the fourth group - mayor ihor terikhov announced this. according to him, an important aspect of this decision is the agreement with the state on compensation of lost funds to the local budget. and it will also contribute to the development of business in the city. and the collection of espresso tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces continues. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these brave warriors we can live, work, study, and in order to somehow thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. it remains to collect only 180,000 small donations do not happen. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on
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the screen. uah 100,000 bribe. the law enforcement officer demanded as much from the serviceman. according to the sbi, a law enforcement officer investigated the circumstances. a road accident in which one of the participants was a serviceman who returned from the front after being wounded, despite the fact that, according to preliminary data, the serviceman was not the culprit accident, the suspect began to demand money from him for not being prosecuted. the law enforcement officer faces 10 years in prison. law on foreign agents. the georgian parliament can consider the document for several days - informed the leader of the parliamentary majority. to moms dinaradce. let me remind you that the legal committee of the parliament supported the draft law in the second reading on april 29. however, he was criticized by opposition mps. the consideration of the law in the parliament is taking place against the background of the action against the georgian dream initiative. a large-scale rally
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planned this evening as well. bloody carnage in london. a 13-year-old teenager died as a result of a stab wound. two more police officers were injured, sky news reported. the attacker hit the boy with a sword near the subway station, he was brought to the hospital, but he died soon after. the injured law enforcement officers were hospitalized. the police detained the alleged attacker. a 36-year-old man is suspected of the crime. between demiivska-hlebitska metro stations, the dismantling of reinforced concrete has begun. - they write in the kyiv city state administration. according to their data, the movement of trains on the blue metro line will be restored by the end of summer. experts say in advance that the deformation of the tunnel occurred due to poor design solutions and construction and assembly
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works. easter festival takes place in kyiv. masters from all over the country gathered in the capital to set a record, which... my colleague dmytro didora will tell you, he is with us live, colleague, my congratulations, so what record is it about? i congratulate anya and i also congratulate our viewers, exactly what the record tells about, so 50 masters from all over ukraine today gathered here in the capital, let us show you, there are many people here, there are master classes for children. as well as for adults, here people make their easter eggs, they paint them, write them, as the masters say, and we were told that each of these ornaments on the easter egg represents a certain charm,
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here they will set a record for the longest, longest easter egg painting , it will be about 7 hours, and there are only a few minutes left until the record is set, i still want to show you... there is such a map, on it will be, each region will be filled with its own pysanka, we see that lviv, cherkasy, zaporizhia and chernihiv regions are already on this map, so soon all the regions of our ukraine will appear there, we will hear more about the festival, we will hear from the organizers, so this event is about the fact that we are in informatively , we show that... the easter egg is important to us, it is in unesco, we support it informatively, we teach young people to paint easter eggs, so that young people carry this tradition, further, it does not die, and most importantly, we want to set a record so that informatively show that we ukrainians unite and glorify our identical cultural codes.
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today there is a unique, unique exhibit here, these are rescued easter eggs from... from donetsk region, from the city of bahmud, there are a lot of people there now, so we will not be able to show it to you, and therefore you can still come to this event today, it will be until 6 - wait, according to preliminary information, you can visit here, use the services of the masters who came here to help pass on this painting to others, especially young people, and you can also buy ready-made easter eggs that the masters painted in advance, so... yes the easter festival takes place in the capital, anya. thank you, colleagues from dmytro didora from the capital. details about easter festival. sivoraksha tropical birds have flown to the tuzlivski lymani national park, the head of the scientific research department of the national park, ivan
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rusiv, announced in odesa. the birds clean out the old burrows and will soon nest. to fly to ukraine, they traveled 600 km. in august, syvorakshti should fly to africa. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe. because there are straight lines. ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share it, comment it, be there. these are the cases for the moment, i tell you, see you at 5 p.m., my colleagues, marta, oliarnyk and antin borkovskii, will work for you in the future. thank you annievilnyk, thank you to the news editors, that
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there are unusually many events today, well , official information has arrived from the prosecutor general's office regarding the russian attack on odesa, the othorossians hit odesa with an iskander ballistic missile with a cluster warhead, i am now quoting prosecutor general kostin, this is an indiscriminate weapon, the use of which can lead to significant casualties among the civilian population in the council. metal fragments and rocket debris were removed from the firing site. the investigation has reason to believe that the decision to use such a weapon was made by russian officers deliberately in order to kill as many peaceful ukrainians as possible. now we will add defense-express military expert ivan kyrychevskyi to the air. sir ivan, you are welcome. good day. and we want to start with hot news, this is an attack on... odesa, an attack on kharkiv, yesterday the attack was by iskander, which contained cluster
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munitions, for the first time, if not the first time, most likely, such a missile landed in odesa, what do you think? when they somehow managed to modernize this iskander and whether this means that they can launch such missiles in other cities as well. well, unfortunately, on cassette bosses. the combat unit is the thing that was in iskander's standard equipment until february 2022, and in principle there is not even only in the reference materials, it was stated that before iskander there could be several types of cluster warheads at once, where there are high- explosive cluster warheads from the account, there seems to be a remote detonation, and there are separate cumulative high -explosive high-explosive cluster warheads, and there, in fact , the algorithm of operation is such that on the height is oriented 1400 - above the target, there is simply revealed the combat unit from which these so ammunition fall out, and
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the ammunition itself should be detonated already at a height of 6 - 10 m from the target, here even the story in because it turns out that russia managed to give the armenians before the karabakh war in 2020 also cassette iskanders, that is , they had the technology developed even before february 2022, and here the question can simply be that until yesterday. the russians simply did not go for the use of cluster missiles, but i emphasize only the iskanders, because perhaps they preferred to use such missiles with a monobullet warhead, where there is 500 kg of explosives, because just in case, then the russians did not just hit the kramatorsk railway station point v with rockets, and point v with cluster equipment, we can still remember the first weeks of the war, when one high-ranking official used the term rockets with parachutes. in general, there were rockets from tornadoes with which the russians shelled, well , tornadoes with cluster munitions, with which
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the russians shelled even then not only kharkiv, but also the suburbs of kyiv, when the siege of the capital was still ongoing, and even rockets with cluster tornado equipment, which also controlled, reactive, the russians used such on the civilian population, that's why v in this case, the qualification that the prosecutor general's office says that there was a deliberate decision to use... for the strikes on odesa the cluster iskander, that it was motivated by such a desire to cause as many victims as possible, regarding how widely the russians can be used for attacks on civilian infrastructure, namely cassette iscanders, so far there is no substantiated data, so i refrain from assumptions. mr. ivan, we would ask you then to provide certain tactics , technical characteristics of the same iskanders, we understand that, rather, they fought in odesa temporarily. occupied crimea, yes, perhaps from the temporarily occupied part of the kherson,
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mykolaiv, or zaporizhzhia regions, and according to you, the word that represents how far he flies, and so that residents of other cities of ukraine can orient themselves, let's say , from those data , which still remain relevant, that the iskander is still so russian, it has a firing range of up to 500 km, and... the fact that when we were talking about a monobloc combat unit, there is a mass of 500 kg, that is, 500 kg of iron, explosives, guidance system, in relation to the mass of the cluster warhead, that is, you know, to understand how powerful it is, there, too, there is no data here, regarding where this missile can theoretically reach, well, in theory it turns out even to kyiv, provided that these launchers are located in the north, that is, the relevant areas of the russian federation can reach these missiles, but
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why did i emphasize that these data are known and that they can be shot down, because the russians would have time to start a so-called kimskander, well, that is... copies of the north korean iskandyr missile, which actually has a launch range of at least 900 km, even the warhead is much higher than that of the russian copy, so the question is open, what do you know, is it even worth talking about such things now categories, that is, which cities can be threatened, which cities are not, because there are several episodes when - in the event of the threat of launching such odilokobyny ballistic missiles, an air alert is declared throughout. ukraine does not fly there to lviv purely because it is 900 km even somewhere from the belogorod region the russian federation, well, if you take the north korean iskander, then, unfortunately, it is quite enough to cover the entire territory of ukraine. good, and then another question: how do the air defense systems of ukraine work against the same iskanders? we understand that there is nothing
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so new here, you won't say, but our average citizens should also understand this. yes. it is really difficult to say something new here, but it must be emphasized. when there is a patriot, like an anti-missile complex, there are basically no problems with existence here, because, well, when there is a sufficient number of means, it turns out that everything possible was shot down, and there are north korean ballistic missiles, russian ballistic missiles, well, the same hypersound over kiev, but this is provided that there is a sufficient number of them around launchers and missiles to them. the problem with russian ballistics is exactly what we have, unfortunately. there are not enough means that could shoot down these missiles, you know, evenly throughout the territory of ukraine, that is , the problem is that some areas turns out to be more protected, some areas are less protected, this problem persists, and that is why , for months, years of war in a row, we constantly have the question that we need more air defense systems from our western partners, in particular those that
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can be shot down by ballistics , why, for example, even the countries of the west cling to, let's call it greece, and spain, well, because there are free patriots in these countries who could minimize our problems with russian ballistics, but unfortunately, these two countries not they are in a hurry to give us the go-ahead. mr. ivan, by the way, regarding this question, i understand that somewhere you have already answered it, but i would like to know how to be 100% sure of this, because you have already said about iskander, about ballistics, and we wanted i would also like to ask about the hypersonic dagger missiles that were flying this weekend, which unfortunately failed to shoot down our anti-air defenses, what is this related to, it is related to the fact that we have run out of missiles for the patriot system, or the trajectory was laid in such a way that he could not this patriot physically shoot them down, and we would also like to ask you how many of those daggers the russians have in general and their production, whether they can continue to produce them and in
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what quantity, let's start from the very end, unfortunately, the russians can continue to make them regardless from the fact that they are going there with the supply of components, because one of the important points that we do not take into account, unfortunately, the russians have done a lot of work to, well, let's call it that, import substitution, even, you know, to be independent even bypassing those supplies sanctions that they have, well, for example, to start making their own electronics, in terms of production rates, well there, let's say, the rates at which the russians are launching missile strikes on our energy infrastructure, they can indicate that, well, unfortunately, we... maybe we don't know everything about the russian missile arsenal or about the possibilities of its production, well , you know, on the other hand, maybe there wouldn't be a request to do, for example, someone's analysis of how many western components might still be on russian missiles , regarding opportunities or there is the impossibility of knocking down daggers, here i can only express assumptions and some estimates, and they will simply look like this,
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although at least someone, a significant part of our contemporaries could imagine that iskander and cerkon are like that, you know, sorry, zircon daggers are like that well, it’s not real hypersound, not real hypersonic missiles, but the window of opportunity to shoot down such missiles, when their flight speed drops to acceptable indicators, occurs literally in the last kilometers, or the last seconds of the flight to the target, i.e. literally, in order to shoot down a missile near a target, a patriot must be standing there, accordingly, relatively speaking, a dagger can fly over kiev, but in the direction of western ukraine, there is still no possibility... and to shoot down the same dagger in order to shoot down a dagger on at any stage of the flight, we need taad anti-missile systems from the americans, which are there, even if the batteries cost 2 billion dollars, but well, these will be justified costs, but for... how much is known about anti-missile systems and hell from the usa, which could knock down daggers at any, at any stage flight, well, no one has asked us a question yet. mr. ivan, well, and accordingly, if we
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are already talking about our answer, interventionists have started to regularly arrive in crimea at military facilities, yes accordingly, etechems, long-range missile systems are arriving. we, i'm not entirely sure at what range the attack aircrafts fly to crimea, well, but it is possible to share some of my observations, the key story, what is happening in crimea now with the military logistics of the occupiers? i will share, if we talk simply about observations, then first of all, i think that the goal there is not military logistics, the goal is to make crimea turn into a closed access zone for... russian aviation against air defense in the first place, well, a closed access zone is such a good nato a term that predicts an ideal result, when the enemy is hit in a certain area so intensively that he
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understands that it is better for him to leave, or else he is annihilated, well , we can now observe something like this on the example of new strikes at that time occupied crimea, especially since according to some confirmed messages, which still require confirmation, a second strike on the airfield was mentioned. well, that is, this is a systematic work so that the russians will not be able to use certain objects in principle in any perspective, and as for the logistics system, it is already logically possible, first you need to knock out the russians' means of protection, and then destroy the what is happening in them there directly in terms of logistical support, and given how, let's say, specifically the characteristics of such a missile differ depending on the variant, and we are primarily concerned with the issue of short range. for us, if we take the situation that every strike against the russians should bring the maximum effect to us, in general, it is just perfect for us, well , formally, the old m-39 missiles under the index, well,
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m39 atakans, there, even if the range is 160 km, but there the warhead is as much as 560 kg, well , that is, it is just two missiles that could, well , two missiles were enough to knock out a squadron or even a regiment of helicopters at the airfield, as it turned out, that's why there is still such a dialectical problem that... these same m-57s, which have a range of 300 km, have a warhead of only 227 kg, so we need to attack not so long-range as powerful in terms of simultaneous coverage there a certain number of russians, and may i ask you a question about what happened at the kushchevsk airfield in the russian federation, there is information that a warehouse of aerial bombs was destroyed there and the ministry of defense of great britain says that this will allow to reduce... prices russia's attacks on on the front, they also mention in their report the strikes on the ilya and slavyan oil refineries in the krasnodar territory, do you think that
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we can really influence the use of cabs on the front in any way now, thanks to the fact that we can hit such airfields as kushchevsk, and actually , well, how many such attacks do we need to do so that they can significantly... limit their use of cabs? to begin with, i think, it was necessary to simply pay attention to the fact that it was a very non-linear operation, that in principle, there should be some kind of weak point in the defense of at least some russian airfield and think of hitting not planes, not bombs, which in principle is more difficult, to try to destroy yourself, well, warehouses with modules, especially since the ministry of defense of great britain is trying to comment on outdated data that was in the public domain, because it would it's much more interesting to listen to others, but already... on sunday , satellite images appeared, from which it appeared that not only the warehouse with modules was covered, but also something more powerful, well, that is, perhaps an ammunition warehouse, maybe there are even pictures
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showed that it is possible that even several planes were hit, that is, there was even damage to aviation, sy-34 and su-35, well , listen, it’s only us, let’s put it this way, so far only according to preliminary data , what really succeeded to cover, well, as i understand it, it will be clear in a week or two. precisely because of how actively the russians will fly from there, here, you know, build expectations that everything is there, then this will collapse the activity of russian aviation at the front, it is somehow premature on the one hand, and on the other hand, it at least shows that it turns out that it is possible to fight the problem of russian carriers, cabs, because what was it about that provided us with the ease of strikes on russian refineries, and precisely the fact that all possible means of air defense and radio-electronic warfare were withdrawn to the airfields, and in principle for a certain time it looked like the task, if we were to use... the same strike drones, but for the destruction of russian carriers of cabs, looked unrealistic. after the attack on morozytsk , it turned out that this is also real and it is simply necessary to somehow scale this practice. that's the point
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the main thing here is that if you try to think about how many strikes are needed, well, in theory , the russians use as many as 40 airfields for their operations on the front against ukraine, that is , to us, well, it even looks like a more difficult task than knocking out a russian refinery. on the other hand, who knows, suddenly we have some asymmetric interesting move, which even the ministry of defense of great britain will not be able to evaluate right away. thank you, ivan krychaiskyi, military expert of defense express, worked for you on espresso, we will now go on a short break, after it down to our kharkiv broadcast, we will find out the situation in kharkiv, we will remind you that in the morning the enemy targeted kharkiv again, and what is happening in the city now, in a few minutes, we will find out together with you, so stay with us, we are tired of heavy and bulky saws , then saws strong unpack tv just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for
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