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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in the new. in an hourly format even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what
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to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. premium sponsor of the national team represents: united by football, stronger together. yes, well, we continue, and now it's time to add. alexander's conversations morshchevka, money during the war, an important and always relevant topic, oleksandr, congratulations, you have a word. thank you vasyl, welcome viewers, in the next few minutes you will learn about insurance during the war, what products are offered by insurers, as well as whether it is worth doing it and whether all risks will be covered, we will talk in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka. greetings, this is a column about money during the war. i'm starting from an interesting, important, in fact,
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strategic figure for the ukrainian economy: 25 million tons of production, in general, ukrainian exports from black sea ports. last year , 1,300 ships used the sea corridor, this is already after russia withdrew from the grain initiative. this was stated by the permanent representative of our country at the un, serhiy kyslytsia. according to him, our agricultural products are delivered via an alternative sea corridor to 40 countries, and this is exceeds the volume of exports for the entire year of operation of the black sea grain agreement, as it turned out, the sea corridor works, despite all the intimidation of russia, exports continue, there are foreign exchange earnings, and ukrainian farmers also receive their earnings well, small and medium-sized businesses, which first of all prepare such an effective, high-quality business plan, submit it to the state program on their own, receive the earnings. so, more than 16 thousand communities. have already become
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the winners of this initiative, they receive funds for their own business under the own business program, most of them are entrepreneurs who take a grant to invest in business development or to increase the volume of products or their own services, to master new new types of activities, the ministry of economy reported. in general, the participants of the initiative will create such thus more than 35,000 new jobs in all. regions of the country - deputy minister of economy tetyana berezhna reported. most of the participants of the program on their own initiative were lviv residents, residents of ivano-frankivsk region and kyiv region. well, more women are going to be involved in demining ukraine. the government hopes that canada, for example, will join the creation of relevant training programs, our ministry of economy reported. such a decision will help to make the process operational and... more efficient. also,
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the cabinet of ministers is going to start financing activities of private land demining operators. this will allow to increase the number of such entrepreneurs on the market and interest international business, to join the demining of our land. and operational information: from may 1 , submission of applications for budget subsidies for farmers will begin in the state agrarian register. we are talking about funds for cultivation in... the liberated territories and those lands where hostilities have ended , the ministry of agricultural policy and food reported. uah 800 per hectare will be given to farmers who have ownership of up to 120 hectares of agricultural allotments. producers of certain districts of donetsk, dnipropetrovsk, zhytomyr, kyiv, luhansk, mykolaiv, odesa, sumy, kharkiv, kherson and chernihiv regions will be able to receive assistance. well, kharkiv.
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interestingly, today i introduced tax benefits for business, we are talking about the total amount of uah 1 billion, they will be extended every three months, this is at the session of the city council. made such a decision to exempt entrepreneurs from levy on land, real estate and from paying a single tax for fops, the fourth group, well, it supports the business of citizens who continue to work in the front-line territories despite the constant risks, the city plans to compensate for the loss of funds at the expense of revenues from the state budget, in particular at the expense of subsidies, - said the mayor of the city igor kyerikhov. well, we will continue to talk about the insurance of ukrainians during the war, it is interesting that the demand for insurance products is only growing, that now housing, cars, or land plots or life are actively insured,
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we will talk about this with the guest who joins to our air, the general director of the national association of insurers, denys yastryp is on the phone, i welcome you, i congratulate you, mr. denys, well... i remember, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, it was actually difficult to talk about any insurance products, in fact, i am sure that the insurance companies were also confused as to whether they would cover the risks, in particular life, car or real estate insurance, which were expected of ukrainians, especially in the first months, when there was indeed an active offensive, there were active captures of ukrainian territories, that is currently on the market insurance companies offer and what packages are in demand among ukrainians? tell in detail. ah, well, i would also like to say a little bit about the good news, because the insurers have already almost reached it in their
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indicators in their business e pre-war values, before the full-scale invasion, and i can say that today insurance enjoys the same demand, the same . which we also had in the 21st year, are still relevant today, uh, those products that are usually, this is casco, this is medical insurance, this is autocivilka, this is insurance property, and it is nice to say that from the 22nd year, from the fall of the 22nd year, insurers began to offer protection against weapons of war, primarily to individuals. from drones, from missiles, apartment insurance began, vehicle and life and health insurance began, and how to understand these products, this insurance company offers an insurance product directly to a person, this is the protection of your life from,
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for example, getting into, well i don't know if rockets into your house, or protection against trauma if the drone drops, well... some kind of explosives, how are these mechanisms, these insurance products prescribed, how can a person find his way, what is he planning to insure himself against now? well, usually the risks that we talk about when we talk about missiles, about drones, about debris, fragments, blast waves, before this was all an exception, and you could read about it in the insurance contract, insurers began to remove such exclusions from insurance contracts, or significantly... to understand them, and today, or in a standard coverage package , you can already get protection against these weapons war, let's say, or to add additional coverage to existing contracts, if it is not included in the standard package and such
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insurance, and here a situation arises: in the event that a person's property is damaged as a result of a hit, as a result of an explosion. waves, lances, shards and so on, the insurer will reimburse the cost of restoring such property, if a person is harmed by such and such events, the insurer will pay or borrow the stipulated amounts or compensation for the treatment and restoration of the person's health, well, the question is, how many now, powerful insurance companies can cover such costs, because it is clear that... especially kharkiv, now, the zaporizhia region, suffers from attacks, well, every day, and if people insure their homes or their lives in such regions, the companies should have, well a certain financial such hardening, are
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insurers ready to cover such a number of, for example, insurance cases? and yes, insurance is mathematics and statistics, therefore every insurer. having his own capital, having those assets that he managed to accumulate during the entire period of activity, he is counting on this, and today... insurers are ready to provide coverage for one contract up to uah 10 million e-e for property insurance, and therefore we can now talk about the coverage of risks not only for individuals, but in principle also for small and medium-sized businesses, and such projects are also already being launched and we have heard about them, well, there is such a question, the very end of the national bank, in essence, as a market regulator. insurance services should be adjusted, in my opinion, the legislation for the time of the great war, and
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perhaps, as a regulator, there are now initiatives from nbu, so that the work of insurers is more transparently understood and the consumers of these services are more transparently understood, how to navigate in this market? well, by the way, let's say that the reform of the ukrainian language has begun. years before the requirements of the european one, and this process began in our country back in the 21st year, at the end a new law on insurance was adopted, currently the insurance market is already, so to speak, at the final stage, the segment of this process, we already have until the first this year to bring their activities into compliance, already is relevant regulations from the national bank, which... interpret, let's say, the requirements of the law of ukraine on insurance of the updated, and
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as a result of this reform we will get a transparent market, transparent from the point of view of shareholders, transparent from the point of view of influence on it, controllers, transparent from the point of view from the point of view of finances, from the point of view of products, from the point of view of the reputation of managers and key persons, that is, these are very global things that are happening in the insurance market now, and how sure that in the near future every consumer will feel these changes and see how they can new work insurance market. we are waiting for changes from the national bank of ukraine, for transparency and for the really important activity of insurers, which today, in fact, helps ukrainians to return, at least to repair a house destroyed by the enemy, for example, to receive certain payments for a destroyed car and to buy a new car, for example, we we will keep an eye on it. thank you to denys yastreb, the general director of the national association of insurers, and i will put an end to this,
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but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us! thank you very much oleksandr morchyvka, and thank you, and i will thank you again today, because you are really well done for the fact that we were able to close, literally at the beginning of the program, only i asked you to do it and you did it. closed the collection for the needs that we announced in our program, there was a shortage of 5,000 hryvnias, you gave more than 7,000, we met this need, you are great guys, today, by the way, is the 797th day of the great war, and so in total it is already more than 10 years ukraine in this war, and every day in this war there are new stories, sad, victorious, it happens differently, the most important thing is that serhiy rudenko takes to his air and discusses with the guests in the verdict program, the program starts at 20:00, and
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what will be discussed, serhiy and we will ask, good evening, serhiy, please say, good evening to vasyl , in 17 minutes we will start our two-hour evening broadcast, we will have two studios, in the first studio we will have guests valentyn nalyvaichenko, military expert mykhailo samus and political expert volodymyr tsybulko, we will talk about the war, about ukraine. in this war, and most importantly, ukraine, which is moving towards nato. yesterday , the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, jens stoltenberg, paid an unannounced visit to kyiv, and together with zelenskyi, they talked about ukraine's prospects in this alliance. the jubilee summit of nato is taking place in july, but apparently, ukraine will not receive an invitation to the north atlantic alliance. at least, judging by the words that volodymyr zelenskyi said, ukraine will be in nato only after victory, after the end
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of the war, in what way and under the current conditions ukraine without nato can protect itself from the russians and from the fact that the russian dictator wants to destroy ukraine, we will talk about this with our guests, besides, the law on mobilization and return is among the topics. ukrainians to ukraine who are abroad, as far as possible, under what conditions, and whether the majority of men who are conscripted. who are outside of ukraine, whether they will be registered in the tsc online or in the tsnaps, the question is still open, but the question is also debatable. in the second part of our program we will have people's deputies of ukraine, viktoriya syumar, yaroslav yurchyshyn and vadym galaychuk, all of them from different factions, from the voice of the servant of the people and
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european solidarity, but the topic for them is the same, it is... the essence of the information space of ukraine, why the united states of america emphasizes the attention of ukrainians because there is unequal access of different politicians and different political forces to a single telethon, and why the state department of the united states of america is now placing a special emphasis on the fact that ukraine should develop public broadcasting, because there is already enough public broadcasting claims from representatives. authorities another topic that is quite relevant is telegram and chatbots, which were used by ukrainian special services during this war. yes , telegram, which is controlled by a former russian, unlocked these chatbots, then after a small scandal returned them, but the question of how to control telegram and who controls this platform in ukraine remains open. i
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hope that my guests will clearly emphasize on this. and we will understand what to do with the telegram itself, well, these are the topics we will have for the next two hours, literally in a few minutes we will go on the air, but vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, vasyl, you have the word, thank you very much, serhiy, serhiy rudenko, the 20th in the verdict program, you know, these are the phrases "the authorities do not like it, the authorities like it, for the ukrainian people are bleeding for this war and for the victory we are striving for, we must always ask, what does it want, the government may actually like the smell of its own perfume, or the taste of borscht, but in this war it is not paying with blood, so that we pay close attention to the fact that she likes them, they will tighten your physical shape, even if you don't want to, a tape about the third assault brigade will be released on thursday, it's called
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we were recruits, and the military calls it a motivational documentary, well, at the moment in kyiv it's going on... a big show, lina chechenina , will tell if this story is really motivating, len, i promise you, good evening, i am glad to see, quite recently there was an exhibition dedicated to ali gorsky here in the ukrainian house. extremely powerful and popular, many people want it to be continued, well, now the ukrainian home lives its usual life, films are shown here and a film was presented here: we were recruits, it is like this, i would say that it is such a big commercial of the third assault brigade and it is quite successful, so it seems to me that if you are thinking of going somewhere in the third
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assault or, in principle, somewhere like that, and after watching this tape, i will like you even more. this desire will appear, the film will be released on may 2, well, i will say that the film was directed by lyubomyr levytskyi, you know him, you remember from some time ago, the film was called shtolnya, he is her shot, then shot shadows of unforgotten ancestors, this is a horror movie, as well as the third crazy wedding, and here is such an unusual format for him, and mockumentaries, let me remind you that this is a feature film style, a feature film that pretends to be a documentary, we are with you... we see the main character, he is 19 years old, his call sign is a journalist, he is a young fighter who shoots a tape about the pizzas from the third assault road from kyiv somewhere east or south for combat operations, let's take a closer look, so who am i now, that , on whom
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nothing depends, or the one who will break into decisive battle and change everything? "my callsign is a journalist, and now i am a recruit in the third separate assault brigade, these soldiers are fighting for ukraine and for the honor of their unit, there are eight other heroes in total, that is, our journalist communicates with seven fighters and one female fighter, helga, and they talk about their motivation, they went to war, what is war for them, who is waiting for them at home, and various philosophical questions, he asks them, they answer, and i want to say that there, for example, one of the heroes about... spoke is an important enough question for many, and many men and women who are thinking about whether to go to war there or not, they worry about their physical condition, but here
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everyone was reassured several times, first of all they said, they gave examples of some other military , who came simply with extremely poor physical data, but that did not prevent them from being successful and efficient, and also said that if you have even a bad... physical shape, we will get you up very quickly and effectively, even sometimes against your will , well, the third assault brigade, many people know, in particular, from their extremely popular youtube channel, and they have the image of such a sufficiently coherent, effective structure, where many people want to go, but not everyone seems to, and here is this film itself, it shows what kind of path or ... for a person who is going to go there to the same third assault brigade, what, what, what will happen, who you will meet, what stages you will go through, and there in this tape, you are promised
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that they will not pity you, but will definitely protect. let me remind you that by meetings recruits, will be released from may 2 in various cinemas in ukraine, as well as lyubomyr lovytskyi said. here at the presentation, which is also negotiated with various online platforms, with online cinemas, of which we have a lot, and about the screening, so go and watch, but i will say that there are such shots that are still better to watch on on the big screen, they are much more effective there, well, thank you very much lina for your work and of course visit and watch. this is a movie, i highly recommend it, i will watch it myself, and i think that ms. natalya will also do it natalka didenko, next to we, next to me, ready to talk about the weather, good evening, congratulations vasyl,
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i really like the cinema, i will definitely go, well , for now we will talk about the weather and not only, as always, about the weather, but literally in a second, greetings to all, meteorological greetings to all, and of course we will talk with you now about the upcoming weather, which is expected for the next day, but first we are talking about the dnipro today, well, the weather is warm, some brave people may have already been swimming, i don’t know, but you have to be very careful , well, you know that the dnipro is closed for such a massive one private, at least shipping, so we will just admire it and of course now we will talk about all kinds of interesting facts and in general about this majestic beautiful beautiful river, therefore, the dnipro passes through eight regions of ukraine: chernihiv, kyiv, cherkasy, kirovohrad, poltava, dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhzhya and khersonsk. and
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the research of the ukrainian geographer and geologist maksym veklych proved that the dnipro was born about 5-6 million years ago. well, it is difficult to verify, of course, but here, well, there is such a study. among the interesting facts: the largest rodent in europe lives in the dnipro. in eurasia , even the river beaver, hunting for it, by the way, attention is prohibited. about 70 species of fish are also introduced into the dnipro. in 50 years, unfortunately, such forecasts are a bit disappointing for the dnipro, but they must be voiced, our wonderful river can flow twice as much, and if, for example, if nothing is done, in 20 years the steppe may even approach kyiv, well, of course, again, according to the previous... forecasts, and the dnipro will be twice as shallow. well, i don't want to leave you with such negative information about dnipro, and i also want to say that more than 10
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protected areas of ukraine are adjacent to the dnipro, and now it’s just so beautiful, easter is coming soon, people will go out into nature, on vacation, so, to be honest, i really want us to protect our rivers, well , of course, the dnipro and all these protected areas , which are adjacent to it. well, we go further and talk. about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention, as always , the forecast chart, and here you see that tomorrow there will be an activation, so if any of you react negatively to magnetic storms, even such small, insignificant ones, then please take this into account, and of course take care of prevention, but prevention must be wise, that is, on the advice of exclusively professionals, specialists, and actually we are talking about the weather now. tomorrow the weather in ukraine will be warm, sunny, dry everywhere again, you can see now the western part of ukraine,
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the air temperature there is 20-25. above zero, dry and sunny, in the north of ukraine the weather is very similar, also the air temperature will fluctuate between 20 and 22°, somewhere it is possible that it will be 1-2° higher and also mostly sunny, because of the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather, i remind you, dry weather will prevail in the east of ukraine, as well as increased atmospheric pressure of 20-24°, the only thing is that in the east, especially in donetsk region, it can be strong during the azov. the wind from the north-eastern direction is strong, sometimes with storm gusts up to 15-20 m/s. in the central part of ukraine, an anticyclone, high pressure, blue sky, white clouds, 20-24° above zero, nothing to add, this is the weather for lazy weather forecasters, in the southern part of ukraine it will also be dry, also sunny, 20-24, 20 -25° and in the south they can
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there will be stormy gusts tomorrow as well. up to 15-20 m/s. kyivans, tomorrow the weather is wonderful, comfortable, the temperature in the capital is expected to be around 22° and it will also be sunny. and of course, given that it's the week before easter, everyone is very curious about what the weather will be like on easter. i want to say that on easter, may 5 , there will be short-term rains and even thunderstorms in the west, north and central regions. well, but since everyone at this time of the day... will be doing important things, they will be doing what they will eat, so i think the rain is just right it will be very, very good, so for now we are enjoying the wonderful warm days, completing all the pre-easter tasks and of course keeping a close eye on the updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. well, there is still some time to talk about important things,
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myself. in the end, i want to remind you once again , since we actually started with this, let's conclude with this, that you today, well, it seems like you will say a small amount, 700, but it was important, you know, it happens that sometimes a thousand is missing , and it won't fall either, you closed the collection that we announced, i i will remind you once again, i am not even collecting, i will only remind you exactly what we are for and for whom we are collecting, first of all, for whom we collected, not for what, for what, of course, to win this war, but we collected for 60'. the fighters of a separate mechanized brigade asked to help raise money for the purchase of the necessary ammunition, because the battles are fought in packed conditions and things must be modern, high-quality, meet the needs, you have collected uah 100,000 and for today literally 7 hours of thanks to you, and i think that tomorrow will be a new collection and we will continue our work. i thank you for being with us, this is a big ether, i was on the spressa tv channel, here is the latest news in the pentagon that talks between ukraine and
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russia were allowed, they always assume. but our entire army at the front decides, we support him, we support each other, we will meet tomorrow, well, literally in less than a minute the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, stay with the press, good evening, we are from ukraine, watch the verdict with serhiy rudenko, a difficult but controlled situation, russian troops are trying to seize chasiv yard in donetsk region, will they succeed the enemy to advance even further while the defenders are waiting for western weapons. in nato only after victory. the alliance will not be ready to accept ukraine in the next few years. will bilateral security guarantees be enough for us to resist russian aggression? ethically
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ambiguous. not the question: eu countries differ in their intentions to help ukraine return conscripted men to their homeland, which threatens the evaders abroad? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the following for two hours we talk about ukraine, the world, the war and ours. victory russians attack chasiv, ukraine joins nato only after victory. we will talk about this over the next hour with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine valentyn nalyvaichenko, military expert mykhailo samus and political commentator volodymyr tsibulek. in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, viktoriya syumar, yaroslav yurchyshyn.


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