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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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outgoing partners do not dare to give to ukraine, but do we really need it? well, in principle, politically, in fact, almost all systems are already allowed, but precisely because the united states did not give a decision for six months, did not make a decision, they were engaged in their political processes, a gap appeared, a rather powerful gap in ammunition as well, and in artillery, and not only in atakams, but in any long-range, anti-tank weapons. means, that is , we have basically lost quite a lot of elements, and there is a lot to talk about parity now early, that is, i would say, firstly, this is ammunition, that is, the basic element is artillery, ukrainian artillery must carry russian infantry and artillery to a depth sufficient for the russians to not even be able to plan their offensive assaults and so on, now of course this it cannot be done, the main means remains the means of...
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assaults, the russian assault remains fpi drones, this is clearly not enough, we do not need to come out, if we could come to parity with russia in artillery, it would already be a huge relief for the ukrainian troops. well, here we go we are already talking, of course, about the same atakamsya and f-16, of course, which were supposed to neutralize the russian air defense, but if we have these three elements, well, and one more thing, of course we could say about anti-tanks. the means to really already guarantee the destruction of any armored vehicles that appear in the field of view of ukrainian soldiers, it would be generally good, now in all the mentioned directions we are very far from parity, we have a huge deficit, i hope that after all, the decision is a political decision by the united states, it gave the necessary impetus, but even at a meeting with the secretary general of nato, president zelenskyi said that the decision. but the process
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of supplying serious weapons is delayed. why this happens is difficult to say, but one can imagine, well, for example, if indeed in the absence of budgeting by a decision by congress, then budgeting by the administration, in the united states department of defense, for example, the necessary processes not only for production, that basically a long process, but also the preparation of such weapons from the arsenal. in the armed forces of the united states, because obviously this requires appropriate solutions, including financial ones, and this, of course, created such a gap, again, a gap that is now beginning to be filled, but again, these weapons are delivered from overseas, and of course you cannot deliver the same ammunition quickly, unless you use the european arsenals of the united states, mr. mykhailo, a few days ago the minister of... germany, boris pistoria
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, stated that there are signs that the russian the federation not only covers the needs it currently has, but begins to produce much more weapons and tries to move these weapons to warehouses, which means that our western partners are not keeping up with russia, that is, in russia, this military industrial... much faster unfolds during the war, and we see that they are making more weapons, trying to stockpile these weapons, is it still a false impression that russia is still using not only its own weapons, north korean ballistic missiles , and iranian drones, and apparently there 's some kind of dual-use product coming in from china, and it's just an illusion that russia is such a big monster of a... arms industry that
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's trying to do a lot more than it needs to, and just to include the whole world into an arms race, as the united states of america once included the soviet union, and as a result the soviet union collapsed. well, i will say right away that there is nothing to compete with russia and the axis of evil, if we exclude china from it with countries with measures, because, well, the economic potential. sunset, of the big west, let's say, wide west, it is much bigger, and there is nothing to talk about here, it's just that russia transfers its economy to military rates much faster, in contrast to our partners, our partners, there was an impression that if, if the congress did not pass a decision on aid, then the united states would, for example, exclude itself from the process of supporting ukraine and...
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this would lead to very, very negative consequences, but if we talk specifically about the information of the minister of defense of germany, then of course he says, apparently relying on... german intelligence reports, and maybe they have such information, for example, i have not seen such information, of course, in the public domain, that the russians began to stockpile something, well, for example, with armored vehicles, they are definitely continuing to, let's say, clean up their bases for storing weapons and military equipment, they have been there since soviet times, this is proven by satellite images that they choose in... all possible equipment, cannibalize it, collect there from 10 - you have three tanks, an armored personnel carrier and an infantry fighting vehicle in the same way, they try to replenish their units and parts, subdivisions with equipment, but in fact they do not always have it, even this works out, they do not keep up with this pace,
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it is not for nothing that golf carts, motorcycles and other improvised means, loaves, plowed armored, iron-clad and so on, that is , all this says... that they do not have enough armored vehicles, so it can be concluded that they are not storing them somewhere already in reserve, the same with ammunition, they have northern korea works for them, yes, it's true, and it allows them to hold the championship in compared with ukraine in this segment, but i would like to emphasize that if you count all the programs launched in the european union, the czech initiative, plus the united states, then we can say that in the 24th year, somewhere in the second half of the year... ukraine can, if we are not talking about parity, again, it will depend on how much north korea will hand over to russia this year, but ukraine will have somewhere around 2.5 million ammunition, this is a very good level, which will allow to neutralize the threat or so radical
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the advantage of russian artillery, that is, with artillery with ammunition, artillery too, i will not say that they are already starting to gather together somewhere. storage bases and somewhere they are already preparing for new attacks on europe or, for example, in terms of ammunition, with airplanes in the same way, with missiles in the same way, that is , i do not have such information that would confirm the words of the minister of defense of the federal republic of germany, but he may have meant that after all, europe needs to quickly switch to a military economy and prepare for difficult times, not to think that now the war will quickly end and you can do nothing, i think that perhaps this meaning was put into his... the head of the german defense minister, mr. mykhailo, at the very end of our conversation, i would like to ask you about the shelling of odessa, because yesterday the russians hit an iskander missile, which was as experts say, filled with shrapnel to give the impression
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of live power, to date five people have died, more than 30 people have been injured, four are in serious condition, two children, 16 and 5 years old, and a pregnant woman have been injured, how often do the russians use this weapon and what, what is it for weapons, i.e. these are cassette blocks for iskander, in what form is this shrapnel , i.e. there is an ordinary iskander, well, rockets that are launched by iskander, but they are filled with shrapnel, i.e. this is some other modification, which simply has a very large radius of impact and lives alive . people, if, if they fall into the epicenter, well, yes, this is an iskander, just an iskander with a combat cluster warhead, it is, in principle, a regular combat unit, there is a unitary one, there is a cluster one, and as a rule, it is really used to increase
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the area of ​​destruction of both the enemy's manpower and armored vehicles, that is, it can destroy these because these elements can also destroy armored vehicles, but here the very fact is that it is an open war crime when a country uses a ballistic missile with a cluster warhead, it's not allowed at all, in fact, of course, it's not allowed to hit civilian targets at all, but when you also use a cluster warhead in a ballistic missile, well, it's completely beyond comprehension, and i honestly haven't seen the statement yet from the european union, un. the osce or other organizations that would simply, well, not condemn, but start talking about the opening of another criminal case regarding the use of such weapons against the city of millionaire, just a peaceful city, a millionaire, against him,
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why is this ballistic missile being used, and it was it is clear that this missile was aimed at this area, it is difficult to say where exactly, or at this so-called vice... or maybe it was somewhere in, i don't know, another area, but a cluster was aimed somewhere in this area combat unit, that is, it was not a specific goal, but for a large... area, and there are definitely no military units here, they can come, i don’t know, there are those who like to talk things out, accuse ukraine of some kind of excessive forces and so on, but, but let the international organizations come, look at what russia is doing, i think that only in this case, putin can be brought to the international court, because the direct blow is just among the whites. days in a civilian city with a millionaire in europe, i
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think that this is already beyond the limit of understanding at all, well, i understand there, if they beat iskander along the railway junction, you can say that okay, this is a war, there is military railway transport, there is something to be pulled by the ears, well, here specifically , it just seems to me that putin is specifically mocking the international community and is simply demonstrating that he can do what in... whatever, but the sanctions are not in effect, in parallel , i was just struck by this in general, in parallel with this event, in the united states there is an order to remove sanctions from the largest russian banks related to energy, that is, the biden administration obviously, before the elections, they don't want their gasoline price tag to rise, as the americans say, because some russian banks there won't be able to transfer funds or trade in oil, i don't know. what exactly do the americans mean when they lift sanctions from these russian
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energy-related banks, it is clearly written there, it is oil, gas and so on, but it looks very cynical, that is, against the background of this strike , sanctions are lifted, uranium is traded, business as usual continues, while they say that ukraine cannot hit the refinery, well, it’s just beyond comprehension, and i’m sorry, it’s very difficult to explain it here, although in fact it’s only for this... it would be possible to arrest putin personally, because he is the supreme commander, and for this strike he can clearly be arrested to responsibility as a war criminal. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, it was mykhailo samus, a military expert. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and take part in our voting. today we ask you about... do you support the activities of a public broadcaster independent of the authorities? yes, no, everything
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what kind of resonance we already have, in particular among those ukrainians who are abroad, whose consular services in countries outside of ukraine have been terminated, and are told that they should update their data in the tsc. of course, the electronic office is not working yet. which ukrainians who live outside of ukraine and do not use snapy should count on, that is, it is impossible not to update this data. how do you assess this entire mobilization company, as a result of this, does the government communicate, does it somehow try to communicate and explain, tell all men over 18 to... 60 years, that there is a constitutional norm, there is a constitutional duty, and all citizens
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must fulfill this duty to protect ukraine during the war, why do people have such a reaction to such a decision, despite the fact that now the hot phase of the war, we understand that obviously mobilization will affect many men, well, 90% for sure, well, in general. the government operates in the mode of patching holes and putting out constant fires, which it itself provokes, if you take into account the style with which i will introduce, well , a ruse in general. fell power to write the bill on mobilization, and then the implementation of this bill in the council, as it was all arranged, there is a feeling that the government is the main destroyer in the country, because with such an approach, in fact
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, there is no improvement in defense capability, and nervousness in society has been ignited to such a level , that... that people are already, especially you who are abroad, thinking at all about renouncing ukrainian citizenship, because even in a situation when her law has been voted, this arbitrariness regarding consular services, she put ukrainians in a very strange situation, when the native state refuses to protect the interests of its citizens abroad, although it itself demands respect for itself and the fulfillment of the duty, in particular, the duty to protect one's country, by the citizens of ukraine. but it must be remembered that hundreds of thousands of ukrainians ended up abroad already after the start of hostilities, due to the government
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's scheming, because how many representatives of the ruling servant of the people party are involved in the customs clearance of people abroad, let's recall at least the story of... -er, a deputy from ternopil, who threw up a wad of money, 500 dollars, a bribe for customs clearance, for the fence of her building, and she, by the way, is still walking around the parliament, it seems that she even voted for this law, that is, in essence, what is called the government, first approved, there is such a household ter... he part of his population and deported him abroad, and now he will try to bring him back again by arranging, well, absolute bullying. the law has not yet entered into force, and ukrainians are deprived of the right to obtain passports, where the state's refusal is prescribed in the law on mobilization
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issuing passports abroad is a bit of a mess. eh, which is designed to simply leave a part of the active ukrainian population firmly abroad, people anyway ela libanova spoke earlier about the fact that 30% of ukrainian displaced persons abroad will not return to ukraine, i now think that thanks to such efforts of the authorities, well half of the men will definitely not return, but how and in what... way the men will return is still not clear either, because germany said that even if ukrainians do not receive extended their passports, then they will issue them temporary passports, which will mean uh, well , in fact, the passport of a ukrainian in germany or in
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the countries of the european union, at the same time, the president of lithuania gitanas nauseda and the prime minister... supported the idea of ​​returning men of draft age to ukraine , who live abroad, they stated this during a debate on lrt radio. let's hear what they said. ukraine, ukraine must have the means and tools to invite its young men to serve their homeland. we must cooperate with ukraine in everything senses we could probably look. some ways to make sure that a person has fulfilled his mobilization duty or is exempted from it when we consider the issue of extending a temporary residence permit, but we need to work not only with the ukrainian authorities, but also more widely, since the eu currently operates like this so-called temporary protection for ukrainians. you see, mr.
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volodymyr, that the countries that are part of the european union, they say that... there is legislation that guarantees people who fled the war, in what way they are there ran away, and there is a part of people who did not run away, but left early and live abroad, that they guarantee them temporary protection, but, but mr. serhiy, there is another interesting mechanism if ukrainians do not trust, and part of ukrainians do not trust the ukrainian authorities , to zelenskyi's government, because of which, well, he sees how inconsistent this government is. and as destructive as it is, i think it would be an interesting experiment if the countries in which ukrainian men live were ukrainians. offered service to ukrainians on the terms of those countries, under the social guarantees of these
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countries ukrainians could then come to ukraine and have the opportunity to return to their country of residence at the end of the war with which they concluded the contract. once, because the ukrainian government itself has brought the situation to such, well... such a disproportion, to be honest, that people simply do not trust the government, this is the first, second, the government itself has not come up with anything better than to turn the military into serfs, but if earlier the authorities proposed some kind of multivariate system where you could come for three months to fight for a contract and resign, then come again after some time to... there were short contracts, annual contracts and stable contracts for high-class specialists, because there is a military accounting specialty in which
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you have to train a person, a specialist, for two years, three years, or maybe and four years, and in this sense there are no proposals from the assembly centers, that is, if the authorities consider their mobilization steps as well, let's say, involving an uncle with a machine gun and a shovel, then this is not the development of the armed forces, this is the development of the militia, but the armed forces are highly qualified specialists in various branches of the military, and very often these specialists have to be trained for a long and boring time, we are watching, we are wondering when we will have f-16 aircraft, and one of the... one of the biggest problems is language training, issues a lot, mr. volodymyr, of course, but here is what
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the authorities are already saying today through the mouth of the deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration olga stefanishyna, she says that ukraine will not forcibly return men of conscription age due to border, a it is only about their accounting, that is, we see how in a week the situation... well, it practically changes, that is, from the fact that we will not issue documents and they will be forced to return, and now they say that we will not forcibly return men, well , imagine that the western european states, where the majority of ukrainians will forcibly collect these men and somehow pack them there and sergey, it seems to me that the ukrainian authorities have no idea about the existence of the european charter. human rights charter, i.e they first say something, then they have an absolutely feudal mindset, i am the boss, you are called a fool, and that is, everyone who is not
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the boss is all stupid, and they perceive people as stupid, unfortunately, but when some, well, more- less educated people poke their noses at the fact that there are a lot of rules, in particular, the obligations of the state of ukraine regarding. free trade with the eu, european integration, in our country , in about a month and a half, the dialogue on the acquisition of membership in the european union will begin. and what did the government do during this time? she did a whole complex of anti-european steps, and it is clear why, because, for example, jan stoltenberg came to kyiv and hinted that ukraine will join nato, but not in the near future. and zelensky finally. happily began to talk, because during his term of office ukraine will not be in nato, he has fulfilled all his obligations, we can say, although
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the inconsistency and nervousness with which the ukrainian authorities approach the future perspective of nato membership, it is simply it is terrifying, what to remember at least the visit, the only one so far to the nato summits, of zelensky to vilnius. what damage did this visit do to the reputation of the state, well, mr. volodymyr, what should the state do as a result, so that the mobilization in ukraine continues and takes place in such a way that the people understand that it is necessary to defend ukraine, and that it is not only the constitution a constitutional duty, and it is also a duty to protect oneself, one's relatives, well... in the end, not to fall into the occupying russian army, what would you advise the authorities to do, because it is still communication, and that,
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well as the ambassador says. valery challey, in principle, communication is not only when when do you listen and when do you respond? mr. serhiy, communication is even when the government is predictable, the behavior of the government is predictable. in our country, after somewhere, well, when kovid started, the behavior of the authorities became completely unpredictable. one of the most important expectations of the military that was waiting. the law on mobilization, this is the upper barrier of staying in the army for 36 months, the opposition insisted on this, well, let's say, petro poroshenko fought like a lion for this thesis, but this novel did not pass in the legislation, although it seems that some signals that the government is ready for this, and turning people into serfs without even providing them with additional incentives.
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financial, very often, even what happened, the opposition made a mandatory surcharge of 70,000 for being on the front line, the government changed it by a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, and let's remember how many times after february 24, the ukrainian government changed the rules for payment of labor, for these two of just a few more years of war, it’s just a disaster, because of which this... lania is now climbing sideways and with great distrust of the authorities, no matter how much the bank didn't draw confidence ratings for zelenskyi, well, they don't trust zelenskyi in fact, well, let's say this way, this format of managing the country has exhausted itself a long time ago, or the military cabinet, then there will be at least some confidence in the new government and ukrainians may join the army again , you mean...
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the reformatting of the power system itself under the current conditions, since there will be no elections, that is, the expansion of the number of political forces that delegate their representatives and the creation of some kind of coalition, a political coalition, i am not saying only in the verkhovna rada, but also in general, in power, just briefly, the idea is that we still have a parliamentary-presidential republic , and the most important institution in our country is the parliament. the parliament has the potential to reformat the current, well, monocoalition, which does not exist, but in our country, in the last 18 months, in my opinion, only four laws were adopted, where more than 200 votes were given by the servant of the people, only more than 200, that is, in general laws were not adopted, so in this sense there is a good approach...
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to format, create a military cabinet and to restore honest relations with the military, thank you, i hope that the authorities will listen to your advice, it was volodymyr tsibulko, a political expert, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching now us live, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms and now we will look at the results of our midterm survey, we ask you this or? you keep the activity of a public broadcaster independent of the authorities. 92% yes, 8% no, these are the results mid-term poll on tv. bbc news ahead. in the second part of our program in 15 minutes. people's deputies of ukraine, viktoria syumar, yaroslav yurchyshyn and vadym galaychuk. stay with espresso, see you soon.
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while ukraine is waiting for military aid from the united states, the russians are trying to expand their offensive at the front. how big is the threat of a breakthrough, how far can the russian army go, we analyze in today's edition of the bbc, i'm olga polamaryuk. russia is rapidly advancing in the donbas, trying to seize strategic territory initiative and break through the front line. this was announced the other day by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. after capture.


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