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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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in our contacts with western partners, from whom we constantly expect help, in the absence of mrs. maryana, i think it would be wrong to discuss what exactly mrs. maryana meant, of course, she herself should have explained to clarify, i can only say that no such discussions were held in the faction of the servants of the people party, and... these issues were not discussed, so here , let's, let's proceed from the fact that each deputy has his own point of view , has the right to express it, which concerns in general, the situation, well, again, we have an extremely difficult situation in the information space , and it is obvious the need to regulate the information space and information policy, how effective are the methods... how this
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is done now can be discussed for a long time, but, in my opinion, no one objects the need for military censorship, for a general state policy that would still allow us to control the information space, in which, unfortunately, our enemy sometimes quite successfully attacks us, and to a great extent... we see also a lot examples of how, for one reason or another , representatives of various opposition political forces, to some extent, i would say, even join in such a general campaign to discredit this policy of control, so for me, as a non-specialist in the media sphere media market, it is difficult to see. are there any specific
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objections regarding how this work on the redistribution of slots was organized, why and for what technical reasons, including whether certain channels were or were not included in the production of products for telethon, but we remember very well what the ukrainian media market was like, which... the so-called oligarchs had an extremely large and harmful influence on the editorial policy of many channels, and we perfectly understand that this cannot be allowed to happen under any circumstances , therefore, against the background of such serious problems in the information field, in the information market, in the media market, in general, i am afraid that today we cannot get such ideal and beautiful solutions in order to achieve these two
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goals and allow free, sufficiently free the development of the media, and to prevent a situation where, through these media, our enemy begins to seriously influence the information policy of the state and the formation of this information field, so let's let it be good that this discussion is going and let's let it be. .. don't bend it, so to speak, pavlats, our partners, repeatedly assessing the existing state of its media in ukraine, drew attention to the fact that even in such difficult conditions, which ukraine is in, this information field is ukrainian and media ukrainians are free enough to be able to express points of view. various
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players of this media market and political ones, including our discussion with you, as i see it as a good example, only we are not in t2 and no one can explain why, this is the first, second, but i already have it in the context of that , what you said, the question is for victoria syumar, because it is clear that there are some opposition politicians, they want something, it is not clear what, there are oligarchic tv channels. who for some reason enter the pool of a single telethon and receive money from there, that is, it turns out that there are no oligarchs, but the oligarchic channels are left, so who among us, mrs. victoria, is now the main oligarch in the country, who feeds this big telethon, you know, i am simply surprised by what i just heard, and i will now be the opposition politician who will discredit your system of control, because your system of control, which under, you know,
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the prism of war, introduced in the country, is simply called state censorship, and if you ever even analyze the development of the media in europe , in the world, you know who is rupert murdow huh? is he the owner of the media, does he influence politics, is he close to politicians, of course, that is , the phenomenon of the influence of owners on politics is everywhere, but state state censorship exists in belarus, the russian federation, the dprk, china, and iran , and i congratulate you, you are in this club, because this is not about military censorship, sorry, military censorship, yes, no one is definitely against it, but you did not make a law about military censorship, during the last ... for two years of war, though it should have been done, will make it like the israeli law that military things cannot be reported, no, not by your given military censorship, you want to implement in the country and implement it quite effectively in political censorship, which should stop internal political discussions that have
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nothing in common with information security and the protection of the information space, because if you wanted to protect the information space, then you would first of all pay attention to the russian telegram, where i... daily read, listen to, watch vladimir solovyov, olga skabeeva, as well as all russian warmongers, so this does not worry anyone at all, this is told to you by a person who in the 14th year took it upon himself to close russian channels and in principle did it, because what is it to fight with propaganda in russian, what information threats are, i know very well, but what you are doing has nothing to do with it, you are actually introducing flights. censorship, which absolutely does not correspond to european integration, nor to our obligations, nor to the council of europe, nor is in no way the standard of the european union or nato, and it is not for nothing that you received such a report from the us state department, which says that a single marathon, contrary to human rights, in fact,
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carries a threat to human rights, and this is so, because it is not in any way it is related, for example, to the american practice, where the first amendment to the constitution of the united states... of the united states of america is known, that is, when you say that some oligarchic channels, they remained oligarchic, the owners are the same people, only now they receive money from budget, and for that you tell them who to show them and who not to show them. you know that, for example, the leaders of our faction were never invited there during the entire marathon period, i was never invited to the air of the united marathon, because you have a taboo, these are black lists, who can be shown, who cannot, and the state also tells these people that... what and how they should cover, only they don't cover facts, they cover propaganda, we are creating an information system, ala russia, ala putin's russia, do you understand? and you know we now wonder why the russians are the way they are, yes, what happened to the people, this people is a product of state
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propaganda, and you are moving in the same direction, and this is a very inadequate policy, it has nothing in common actually with european standards, and i'm telling you this as a specialist in the media sphere. who has been working in that field for more than 25 years, and it is very dangerous, to launch a russian messenger here, telegram unhindered, to use a messenger that practices the worst practices, because it allows anonymous sources, it absolutely does not allow in any way to regulate content that, for example, has a sexual character, that has scenes of violence, there is no regulation, you see, already all civilized media, all civilized social networks, they have come: to the system of regulation, how it does, for example, there is youtube, how facebook does it, but telegram does not do it, and we like it very much, that is, we are actually creating a model ala putin's russia, and i think that this is what we are discussing with you now in american youtube, because another
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the opportunity to work for the espresso tv channel, which is an absolutely pro-ukrainian patriotic channel, you did not give, you forbade this opportunity, beyond all... any law, beyond any european standards, so, let's face it, it could, you know, go smoothly in the first months war, it could, well , it passed quite calmly in two years, but today this topic, it has actually already been noticed by our partners, it is a topic when we generally remove any normal, civilized discussion about ways from the information space. there is the further development of the country, regarding global problems that are related to various topics, democracy, human rights, corruption, but these topics are simply not there at the marathon, which is censored by the state in the style of iran and the dprk, and this is a huge
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such a problem in ukraine, believe me, i worked during kuchma's time with heorhiy gongadze, when we had a radio continent that only spoke the voice of america, deutsche welle and radio... freedom, it was, it was the only source, there were three channels, however, medvedchuk controlled all of them, and that's what you're doing now the same system, we just have one channel, and now from this one channel, or rather one marathon. which makes six channels , and most of them are state-owned, and some of them are oligarchic, you want to take away the only public broadcaster from the air of this marathon, which has at least an independent supervisory board, at least has a journalistic code, and at least tries to work according to standards and has guaranteed funding, that is, to finally finish all the gains in the field of freedom of speech and information policy that were in 14-19 year, don't do it. this is definitely not european integration, thank you, ms. victoria, i don't know, mr. vadim, a lot has been said,
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can you reflect on it, or did you basically say everything you wanted about it? no, that's all, all i want is, there won't be enough time, our program, er, so let's talk about some, maybe the main points like that, and why espresso wasn't in... the telethon, you know more about that, than me, the reluctance of the management, yes, and the reluctance of the management to join the telethon, and the reasons for this reluctance, we can talk about this for a very long time, as far as the public sector and claims to the public sector are concerned, they were heard not only by colleague bezugola, but also by many people's deputies and specialists. the market has long been asking questions about how information
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policy is formed, how television functions, and about the effectiveness of broadcasting in the public language of the broadcaster. i don't see the connection, i'm sorry, i didn't interrupt you. clarify, i understand correctly what is the claims of the deputies, how the public speaking should work, not only, there is a claim that the deputies have repeatedly voiced, yes, whether the funds that are spent by the public have been spent effectively, and the answers to these questions, as far as i understand, to date so far that they did not receive, otherwise such questions would not be asked, so it is absolutely normal. a discussion about what the public is busy with, how much money we spend on the public, and
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what effect we have as a result, from the broadcasting of this tv channel and this team. thank you, thank you, mr. vadim, mr. yaroslav, as briefly as possible, the effectiveness of spending public funds has been checked by the accounting chamber and the state audit service and there are no reservations, but there are indicators of increasing trust in... public, they are presented at the committee on humanitarian and information policy to our committee, for the purposes of parliamentary control, your colleagues, vadim, who are engaged in information policy, do not have questions about public policy, but have questions about the actual effectiveness of development, about the fact that we are not we give enough funds, we have never once fulfilled our obligations to finance public, but this issue is not in the conditions. wars, we invest what we have, well, but in fact, we shouldn’t mix it up here, if it were all
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in one pile, because really, for example, to check the effectiveness of a single marathon, and the amount of 1.7 billion was voiced by your colleague mariana, for example, an accountant the chamber refused this year, they said it was not on time at the request actually of my personal, as the chairman of the committee, i really hope that... state the audit service will check these. regarding, in fact, i would like to respond to our information field, let's also not be too thick, because the same report of the state department, clearly stating the problems with the single marathon, it is stated, and the fact that there are problems with the unsubstantiated disconnection of channels, because well, if much can be said, but even during war, the government can and should only act. in a legal way, that is , there are no opportunities to argue the disconnection, here or
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it is necessary to add some norms, or at least explain why it was done, admit that it was a mistake and give a normal speech, because something in two, and more than two years of warnings, if there were no channels before the work, well, even though there are stop lists, well, for example, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, i was also never invited to the live channel... but somehow i am far from convinced that you have any blacklists, well, it's just that the owners of this channel probably don't like me for something, but less than that, it's editorial policy.. . which can be said in the report of the department and what we have to protect in ukraine, despite all the difficulties mentioned by victoria, the right of expression and the possibility of conveying information is guaranteed, the competitive environment in the electronic media and other media we have preserved,
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despite the war, and this is an achievement that we have to develop, and the problems mentioned... need to be solved, otherwise really these soft recommendations will simply turn into direct requirements, and then it will be very, very difficult for us to explain why we are sophomores, instead of being in in principle, for the second year, we will solve the real problems of the country's security, we will have our partners from the usa and the european union in the demands there, when the elections are over, why has this whole syrbor started in the public sphere now, because... well, there are individual actors who think , that it will go unnoticed, it will not, there was already a meeting with the ambassadors of gseven, the supervisory board of the public, in particular, explained the problems with those things, what and why they arise, so in this case we now have a very, if constructive period, we can or ourselves resolve certain misunderstandings and continue
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normal work in the democratic field, albeit with certain... features during martial law, or we will wait for it to become the next demands, and we will solemnly correct these mistakes, give reports, how we solemnly fulfilled some there recommendations of our colleagues, but the trust between us and colleagues will once again be put under attack, which in the end and now this whole situation, well , puts between the government and society, which in fact, if you believe, is independent. evaluator in the same barometer, that is, public i am more satisfied than unfortunately with the vast majority of our information policy with you, i can say a lot about telegram, but this is a separate story, we will talk about telegram very briefly, for sure right now, because victoria, just very briefly, if possible, i just very briefly, i just know, i
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wonder how we have degraded, honestly, we say in all seriousness that the people's deputies have comments about the public broadcaster, we understand that this is pressure from the public broadcaster in general, it is due to the topic and is guaranteed independence, that of the people the deputies do not express their comments to him, they can write a complaint and there it will be considered by the editorial policy, if you do not like something, this is a norm of the law, then change the law then and say, we renounce the european law that was adopted, and you now you tell me that it is normal to raise questions about how they work in general, no, this is not our work with you, do not provoke, do not provoke, because i will change, you know. thank you, thank you for the social discussion, but we have already started partially to speak on telegram, this week telegram partially blocked ukrainian chatbots to help the armed forces of ukraine, in particular yevorog, on monday telegram blocked official chatbots for half a day, and this
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was reported to the main intelligence agency, we are talking about the main intelligence bot, this happened despite rights and public statements that the telegram management publicly declared, despite blocking our bot, your personal data is safe, however , we warn you that the enemy creates bots with similar names, do not send any of personal data, the intelligence agency emphasized, in addition, chatbots of the security service of ukraine and air defense for tracking enemy drones and missiles were not working, the strategic communications center yesterday morning and so on. of security announced that the official ukrainian bots, which helped in the fight against the aggression of the russian federation, resumed their work. mr. vadim, how do you, as a lawyer , feel about this situation that has developed with the telegram platform, because there are, or rather, there were platforms that were created,
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including those who are creating telegram now channel, by pavel durov, vkontakte, whose messenger was blocked, and the social network, and classmates, should we not think about how to regulate the telegram channel, i am not sure that it is necessary to regulate the public, but the telegram channel definitely needs regulation, because we understand that this is a big platform that the russians can use and can do it effectively enough, all media need to be regulated, just like the issue with... with the fact that unregulated internet media, it did not arise yesterday and not since by telegram, already for a long time, lawyers were the first to sound the alarm that... a new era has come, the era of internet media, which, being completely unregulated, often enough, using anonymous methods
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of reporting information, can do a lot of damage, and now we already see, obviously, that with telegram, well, the need to regulate telegram is overdue and overdue, but in this context, we have already talked with you several times today, where... the standards, how we should organize this policy correctly, in order to achieve these two at the same time requirements regarding the that its regulation is effective, its state should do, and not, not do something that would be perceived as excessive censorship and our partners made remarks to us accordingly, so in this case... no one contradicts the fact that there is a need to regulation of telegram, we perfectly understand where telegram, so
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to speak, is located, literally telegram servers, we perfectly understand the possible consequences, and those measures that have already been taken on , to date, such a public discussion and proposals are taking place in the yaroslav committee. is being actively discussed now in order to start regulating it, and here, in my opinion, there are no differences in how different factions look at this issue, including in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, now that enough information will be gathered and analyzed, in principle, it is now just in the stage of analysis and consultations with our european partners, because in this case there are also certain standards in the european union regarding how it is regulated. internet media, and we here have to honor our obligations and go to in unison with our partners, to date, as far as i know,
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such good, effective consultations are quite, quite frank, which, including the permit , allow our european partners to better understand this issue and more effectively propose methods of regulation at the pan-european level. therefore, here we will be in cooperation with our partners and following the existing standards, i am sure that we will come to effective regulation, including the telegram. thank you, mr. vadim, let's give ms. victoria and mr yaroslav, we literally have two minutes each, if possible, so that we fit into the timing, mrs. victoria, i will be very short, you know, our european partners do not tell us anything about telegram at all, and do you know why? because... ukraine is at war with the russian federation, and this is a russian messenger. in 2017, ukraine already banned the russian messenger and social network vkontakte. there were no complaints, it
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was not perceived by our partners in any way. if we are talking about the enemy state that launched an aggressive war, believe me, none there will be no problem with european partners. this is only a matter of political will within ukraine. the representative of our faction mykola knyazhytskyi. he submitted a bill, the alternative, by the way, was not registered there, i did, but i understand that he at least started a discussion about how telegram should be regulated. i am convinced that anonymous telegram channels should not exist, because today it is simply a way of spreading fakes in the country, and you understand, we are creating an absolutely abnormal information space due to of this, but the key problem... it is true that the russians, first of all, have access to personal data and can get it, and i think that it will soon become known that such attempts have already been made quite recently,
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in relation to ukrainian politicians, and by the way , through the network it is telegram, and of course special operations are possible there, when one fine day all ukrainian chatbots can simply be turned off and russian ones can be actively started instead , mr. yaroslav, mr. yaroslav. there are three levels reactions that should be involved, for citizens to understand that there can be no private information in the russian network, if you are still there, then behave, well, sensibly, for the supreme council, the implementation of the standards of the dsa digital service act, which are in force in the european communities, transparent networks, there is communication, you can work, opaque networks, restrictions, at least there should definitely not be official representations there, and if the intelligence committee under the president clearly indicates that this network is hostile and destroys information security. in principle
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we have experience in blocking classmates and vkontakte, a report and a decision of the national security council have already been prepared, the presidential decree has been put into effect by sanctioning mechanisms, the verkhovna rada cannot adopt a law regarding a specific network, it cannot but adopt in principle some measures to block, for this we have special bodies and as far as i know, they are actively working, i confirm, we work as in the system. regulation of networks, as well as strengthening of mechanisms for countering disinformation, because the war has shown that the peaceful mechanisms that we still use are unfortunately insufficient, thank you, i hope that the national security council will follow the same path as when victoria worked at the national security council and will ban vkontakte and classmates, yaroslav yurchyshyn, victoria syumar and vadym glachyuk were on
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the air of the tv channel, thank you, gentlemen, for participating in the program , let me remind you that during this broadcast we conducted a survey and asked you about whether you support the activities of the public broadcaster regardless of the authorities, the results of the television survey 92% yes, 8% - no, we put an end to this, it was a program of the verdict of serhiy privia rudenko, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 20:00, bye. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit, the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. there are discounts on hepargin, 15%
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things are very busy for them now.


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