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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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kyiv on march 3, 2022, with the direct participation of the soldiers of the third separate regiment of special operations forces, in cooperation with the main intelligence department of the local terrodefense and other units, three columns of enemy armored vehicles were destroyed with all the landing forces on board. the youtube channel of the special operations forces presents a video where the soldiers of the unit share their memories of these historic events without exaggeration. we went to gostomil on a general basis. began to set up defense lines, local people pulled up with a tractor, they started to help dig trenching, the blocks were dragged and all kinds of bumps were placed there, so that it would be more difficult for them to pass by the equipment, at first there were snipers when they were looking for positions for themselves, when there were still soldiers across the road for about 100 km, they went out onto the road, were watching, they just didn't know how many of us were here, and did they spend the night with us? we had few
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people in our positions, and the rest of the mass in the exposures was so that they would not visually see us, they probably did not even understand who was standing there and how many people do we have there? bc was loaded there with just a few kps, because the ends of the bmdzhka, everything detonated there for a very long time, and the landing party was there, and there was a landing party inside the cars, and there was also a landing party sitting on top of the box, and when we stopped them, when we started to destroy them there and we are from... history and the present, analytics and entertainment, stories about people and technology, and of course, numerous videos from the scene of events. all this is content that appears every day on the official resources of the defense forces of ukraine. and returning to the beginning of our program, there is one important characteristic that significantly distinguishes the official one. from everything else. in the conditions
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of information chaos and total lies, you will find a reliable video on official resources. yes, it is worth understanding that there is a war going on, accordingly, in order to maintain security, all information published on official sources is subject to certain censorship. but it has to be, because the war is going on. anyway, it's not the finale, and it's definitely not a parade, it's... an official military video, i encourage you to like it, subscribe to the channel, if you liked any video and write a comment, if you have something to say, we will see you next week, bye, congratulations, this is freedom of live, my name is vlasta lazur, today we
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will ... talk about how effectively do tsc work in ukraine. today, our film crew visited the buildings of two commercial centers in kyiv. in the queues, the men told us that they come at 6 in the morning, stand for several hours, but it is not always possible to solve the problem during one visit. sometimes some references are lost, sometimes simply turn off the lights. how effective is it and could it have been organized better in the third year of full-scale war? we do not claim. that it is so everywhere, but if it is so in the capital, then what can we expect in the regions and what changes should we expect after the law on strengthening mobilization comes into effect, we will talk about all this today, but first let's see what we recorded near the tsk in kiev. i am 27 years old, a medical student, so i need to update this information and get a military id, well, i guess i after all, after the approval, the queues will be a little longer, 5 years have passed. it's been five
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years since i last updated my data and i want to update now. i am getting a registration at the tsc, without this it is impossible to enter, so as a responsible citizen, i come here, i came to update my data, go through the vlk, i want to pass after the new law is adopted, adopted, yes, well, i have been standing for maybe an hour, i came to the tsc specifically to to withdraw from the register and settle in another district in desnyansk. in terms of time, well, the line on the street is about half an hour, inside there literally there for 15-20 minutes, you just need to find your office right away, which you need and stick to the queue, i am signing up in order to officially get a job, there is an option that there will be a reservation, there will be no reservation, then i applied for the third assault, i was called to update the documents , i passed then blk, and now i came 60th, 59th in hell, i came at 6:20, signed up on the 18th, but... the
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old queue came, because there was no light yesterday, and they were rewritten for today, and 28 more people from above are standing in front, i came, signed up 34th. but there they said that there were some problems with the light yesterday, then they transferred the queue to another one, so i ended up at 54. i came here in the morning, i am in the queue number 27, i signed up yesterday, i am the 22nd in the queue, i am the 22nd in the queue- and, but i signed up from yesterday, it was impossible to get in yesterday morning, that's how it happens, whoever came late yesterday morning, gets in the next day, the next day, the situation, how to say, is a little tense, that's all. banally simple, everything is banally simple, here they make lists, and these lists go somewhere are disappearing, i stood up here all day yesterday , i come, and i am no longer on that list, they have already drawn a new list, where the old one is, no one knows, the organization is zero, the organization is zero, that is, you are far from the first time, as i understand it, no, far away, organized,
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organized very badly, make an electronic queue, give it time and that’s it, this is the fourth, i guess i didn’t pass once or twice, well, i’ve already passed the commission, and it’s already come for... for sure, i guess i’ll beat, maybe if i’m lucky , then somewhere near the end, somewhere 12, maybe, maybe something, maybe i'll come in, i rate the organization low, due to the fact that there are 60 people who are not even 50 now, i can’t imagine how long you have to stand here to get to the offices, it often happens that you pass, and you are either turned back, or the documents did not come from the vlk and...
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there is an opinion that for not updating the data , strict liability will be imposed in the form of large fines, it is better to go now and update your data than to do it in the summer, when there will be even more people. the last time i was three weeks ago, before i moved to lc, there was no such thing, it passed immediately, but now something has changed, obviously. due to the fact that the law should enter into force soon. roman kostenko, people's deputy, voice, secretary of the committee on national security, defense, intelligence, has already joined our broadcast, roman, good evening, good evening, and you, you are with us, yes, you watched this material, you saw what, what
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you can tell if what you see is shocking to you and if it's normal, no, of course it's not normal, and i don't know if it's like that everywhere, but a lot of sa... here we were together today in in kyiv, in two tsk, eter, we understand that we have a problem with mobilization, and we don’t have queues, there are such big ones, let’s say, yes, that were even at the beginning of the war, and we can’t organize everything, people are right there , which could have been done a long time ago, including electronic queues, well, of course, if we want to mobilize, then first of all we need to prepare everything organizationally, and when people went to the draft law... voted, yes, it is still did not come into effect, but people have already gone to restore the data, and military officials are unable to to accept them, this is of course infuriating, i think, the people who are listening to us now, they have heard and know that you are a people's deputy, and what can you do and why couldn't it be resolved earlier? look, well, this task
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is mobilization first of all, this task is first of all, we understand that eh, well, i’m not saying the supreme commander-in-chief, this is his general history, but this is the government, which... it should be done by the ministry of defense and the armed forces the forces to which these military leaders are subject, i think that her powerful powers are still enough here and the powers of these people, especially by establishing martial law, which they recruited even more in order to simply bring order to the military headquarters, what we can do, we can do control, we periodically summon the head of the tsk department to us, and... these questions now the shots are fired, i think the closest thing we will do is to also talk about it, but i say once again, we have a government, there is a supreme commander-in-chief, there are armed forces, there is a minister of defense who is specifically responsible for this, for the organization and for mobilization, you
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noted that this law has not yet entered into force force, and we can now assume that when it works, there will be even more people, or, for example, some critical situation when a full-scale invasion has begun. many people, men, immediately went to the tcc, that is, what we are observing now is not yet a mass influx, but there are already queues, you understand why, there are no people, no money. there is no desire, there is no ability, there is some logical explanation for this, why in three years this is the third year of full-scale war, the 11th year of war, in general, why is it still not working somehow more perfectly, more better? well i think everyone just thinks that it should work like this, maybe someone doesn't know how it should work, because it worked like this before, then our mobilization decreased and in principle, let's say this, i think the passability was more - less normal. everyone understood what was being done. now, when the time has come, it has been discovered that it does not work well enough, i
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hope that this is not the case in all military stations, but there are also such calls, not only from your airwaves, but there are such calls that now the situation with mobilization, when they come , even people first of all, they want to update their data, then they stand in such queues, and there is no desire, especially after that, to come there a second time, and this is the question that needs to be paid attention to, and you know, again... we are talking about specific bodies that are responsible for this all the time, of course you could say there that the verkhovna rada passed the law there for a long time, but this has its own explanations, it can be substantiated, but there is a law that allows, first of all, to update data and allows everything - to increase mobilization, but the government that submitted this bill, so what we see now, as an example, even yours is not ready to accept people now. which well, let's say so, to quickly accept people to update the data, and this is a big problem, probably, which
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will be part of some questions at our next committee. on may 18 , the law on strengthening mobilization is already coming into force, i understand that we should not expect that may 18 will come on the calendar and the tsc will work in some new way, everything will remain the same, is there any hope that they are preparing something like that so that surprise everyone on may 18? well i hope so however, this issue will be resolved now, because everyone understands that the influx will be greater, i will say more that there are many issues that we have to discuss, for example, you remember that the law 10313 was passed, in which they said, that there will no longer be limited suitable ones, there will be suitable ones and not unsuitable ones, that's when he was accepted there probably a month or a half ago, but it still doesn't work, i mean literally. yesterday i talked with the representatives of the tsc, it doesn’t work, we still have limited fit, and let’s say so,
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now those who, well let’s say so, it is still ee the fact that the issue of suitable people is limited, they are starting to ask the question, where will they send us, there is no answer to this, although this law was adopted precisely so that there were specifically suitable and unsuitable people, because the problem was that... that people have this status only at the stage of entry into the tsk, that is, at the stage of entry into the tsk, he is of limited use, when he gets into a unit, there every commander has the right to put him in any position, even there as an attack fighter or a gunner, and later they even wrote to me many times, see i am of limited suitability, when i was taken to the tcc, they said that i would be a driver or a staff member of some kind there, but when i got into the unit, i became an attack fighter, this is wrong, but in this the law was... let's say, i didn't work well enough, they changed it, but
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it is still not in the by-laws, the military officers still work in the old way, i understand that on may 18, who is it, the ministry of health has to work out this mechanism, well, in general, the government, the government for whom there, on whom it will be painted or on the ministry of defense, on its medical forces or on health care, if it was logical, yes there should be a specific list, i think there ... when you are fit, when you are not fit, or there should be some things that determine that, because now there are many questions, you know, everything can tilt in the direction that those who were limitedly suitable, closer to unsuitable, will become suitable, and this is the problem, so it was necessary to clearly define all this here, because this is the life of people, and it was necessary i already gave these legislative acts yesterday i checked it by dialing the head of the tsk i know there, he says, no, everything is the same as it was, we are still working, we are waiting there... changes to the 402nd order, if i am not mistaken, but they are not there yet , that's why we are waiting, well, in fact, from what we
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recorded near the tcc buildings today, dozens of men are waiting for their turn for hours somewhere on the playgrounds or on other grounds that are close to the tcc buildings. and please tell me, you say that it is not known why this happens, maybe those who organize this work have no idea how has to be perfect how has to be perfect? well , look. it should be ideal so that there are no queues, or at least that these people do not stand in queues for a long time, and there are already options, whether it will be an electronic queue, or it will be an increase in the number of employees, or it will be an increase in the number. there are employees of the military medical commission, will it be more buildings where all this will be possible, these are all the mechanisms, tools that must be used, the main task is for a person to come quickly, update his data, get into his register and the state her i saw it, and of course, if people will be seen on the air when people stand in such queues, especially those who work, then the desire
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will not particularly come to update this data, yes, even the fact that... when you update it and there you have to go to the conscription and then you will go for a long time to try to pass the commission, then this is also a problem, although some tsk, but i know there in mykolaiv that it is quite fast there, even sometimes people pass all the commissions there in a day, so often everything depends on the organization directly on the bridge. i understand that when the law on mobilization will come into force, people will have 60 days. to update their data, if they don't do it, there will be some fines and so on, but the way tsc works now, there is a chance that everyone will update everything in 60 days, well, it's difficult to predict, but of course you need to work better, i have another question, do you have an idea of ​​the numbers, yes, i'm sorry, well,
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look, the question here is that... can it all be done, can it all be done, the only question is, for example, if it will work in parallel, we understand that it is possible update the data not only in the military service center, the military service center is one of and the following is the tsnap, the center for the provision of administrative services, where you can also come, update any service there by ordering a parallel parallel update and the third, this is my question to him, why when the ministry of defense asked us at the committee to make the electronic cabinet mandatory. we made it the right of every citizen, also because, well, we asked, will you manage to do it there by may 18, so that every person could do it, well, we did not get such a confident, firm answer received, so there will be three directions: first, you can come to the military office and update the data there,
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second - in snap, and third, i hope the ministry of defense will do everything to make it possible to update via electronic. office after registering, if all these three directions work, then i am sure that most people will be able to register for military service if they wish to do so, we will talk about this, we will talk about the electronic office shortly, you talked about the fact that someone in you now have to be responsible for how they work, someone has to come to the committee and to be responsible for how the tsc work, who should it be, look, there is a specific one in the ground forces. the person who is the head of all tsc in general, let's say this, the head of the administration of ukraine, what is this person's name, is the chief of the general staff, i will not name this name on the air, but there is a specific person who is responsible for this, uh, of course, the head of the administration, of course, in the ground forces
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, i belong to the ground forces, there is a head of the administration who is not responsible for this, and the chief of the general staff is also responsible for this. and the minister of defense, and i am there specifically, speaking for the ministry, natalya kalmykova is responsible for these things in our country, she is, as we say, the deputy minister of defense, she is well-known, she came, she worked in particular with the draft law, so i think the committee will decide if the decision made by the committee in general to invite someone to deal with this issue. we want to talk more about the electronic office, i will ask you to stay in touch, because you already are. now they said in part about it that after the law comes into force, it will happen on the 18th of may, men have 60 days to update their personal data, as you said, roman, it can be done through the tsk, through the tsnapy center for providing administrative services, or through the electronic account of the conscript, and despite the fact that the electronic account itself, as i understand that it won't
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be operational until may 18, we 'll talk about how it will happen later, but first let's listen to what the men, we stood in lines at the tsk today, talked about the prospect of an electronic office, it would be very it is convenient, of course, to update the data online, it would not be necessary to wait very long, and we hope that rtcc, tsc will also catch up with time, because it is very, very problematic, if we are honest with these questions , they lose very often. information, i honestly came back three times and reported something or other information three times, because they scored something, this is a normal practice, i think, if possible, if it is convenient and useful. but it is also possible to avoid such standing in a queue and do all this automatically, because everyone needs to do it unambiguously, that is
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, to update their data, i think that this good idea, but i don't know how realistic it is, if he was ready, it would probably be easier for me to sign up there, i know what time i have to come, i would come and pass right away, i guess it would be so, i consulted with a lawyer, the electronic office is cool. update the data there, but you will still have to go to the tsc in any case, yes, update it, but it doesn't matter how to register, but who will receive a reservation or postponement will still need to go to the tsc. roman kostenko, representative of the committee on national security, of defense and intelligence, secretary of the committee, more precisely on our air. roman, how did it happen that the law enters into force, and there is no electronic cabinet yet, was it so specially planned, or did it... somehow it happened by chance, our law only enters into force on the 18th, let's hope that it will work from on the 18th, kateryna
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chornogorenko is responsible for this in the ministry of defense, and she assured us with her assistants that she will do everything to make this cabinet work, so let's wait for the 18th, let's hope that he will start working, kateryna chornogorenko was supposed to join ours now. air, she joined, then something happened to her and she lost contact with her, well, supposedly some urgent meeting or call, i don't know, we hope that she will join, and that is , you hope that may 18 is for digitalization, so contact "the connection with her should not be lost, but it happens, you know, a bootlegger without boots, maybe this is the same case, maybe you hope that on may 18 the office will work electronically, look at us... they said that they will do everything possible for this, so that he worked, we were quite sure, and of course we doubted it and made it a right, not an obligation, but
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still the ministry of defense said that they would make it possible for him to make it work, that's why we are waiting for the 18th , we hope it will work and it will simplify life for many people, the same ones you have on the air, why haven't we made it mandatory yet, because - although the ministry specifically said defense, asked a lot and insisted on this, but for example i know there are cases of settlements where there is simply no internet, i know people who don’t even have push-button phones there, well , they just don’t have them, it’s not because they are like that, they don’t need it, they live there for business, that’s why there many cannot use computers, well, some of them use computers. and for that comes the responsibility directly, if you did not do it, but you were given the opportunity, if you want it, please, if you have it, go to the internet and fill it out, set up
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an electronic account, if you don’t like it, go to military commander, if not in tsnap, there are three options, please update your data, but a man was there just now, one of the men said that the electronic office is good, but then i will have to go to the tsc, so i have this question , please clarify why so and how will it generally work then... why does everything have to go smoothly, i just don't know what he meant, really, if, look, you update your data, you become visible to the tck, they can see at all who you, what are you, where do you live, what is your phone number, what do you do, what is your military accounting specialty, i.e. they see that you are there, they can send you a summons there, hand it over there, because you are an example to them, if you need to solve some of your questions, for example, a reservation. to make a reservation, for example, you go directly to the tsc, i don't think they will now, maybe in the future they will make applications there on the internet through the tsc, now i think it's unlikely, so i don't know
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what he meant exactly , i think, in addition to updating the data , we will have to come and decide some points, but you can specifically update your data through the tsc and not go there anymore, for example, pass the medical board, you have to go to the tsc, or , for example, to the vlk, and then somehow attach this certificate to the electronic cabinet, i think we will see it how soon will it start working, and will it be necessary or not, in general, the logic is that there is no need to go through any stages, just to update the data, to say which one you have, well, mail, to say which one you have phone number, change your place of permanent residence, there residence permit, or something else, i think, all this can be done in the electronic office, roman, but explain this point... with the vlk, if, for example, this same mechanism will be applied to people, to men who are abroad, conditionally saying, they will want to use this electronic cabinet there too.
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what about the vlk, is there no need for a vlk at this stage, if a person is abroad, look, abroad is another matter, they will update their data, the army will see them, they will work with them in the future, well, i don’t know, will be to write letters to them so that the ambassador, consul, who will work with them, well who, well, the consul will work with them, the question is what specifically, if we take this very thing, these people who are abroad, even though it is now written those letters were there. uh, what about the suspension of services, the law says differently, the law says that consular services are not provided to you if you have not updated your data, and we also understood that it would be difficult to do so, and we wrote , that the person who will receive consular services can parallel with by receiving services to update her data, that's all, she updates her data, receives these services, the question is already there, of course, summonses,
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return, that will already be... the question is between him and tsc, whether they will send it to his electronic office there, will it be there, well, we will understand that most of these people will not return, but at least we will understand who is there and what kind of people they are, and at least we will not waste resources to look for them, and i still want to return to these people, well, who are in ukraine, men who are honest, in good faith went to update their data in the tcc in ukraine, which we showed today, you know what it looks like... well, you probably heard it, and our colleagues saw it today, it is either a live queue, they verbally transmit who is behind whom, or this on ordinary paper is written down with a pen, who is after whom, look, roman, we are a digital country, we have action, people supposedly know what an electronic queue is, is it so difficult to implement in the third year of the war, i understand it the question is not directly to you, but you, if you were also in control, and in front of you reports the government and relevant ministry. where is there
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a whole deputy for issues of digital development, digital transformations, digitalization, electronic queues to be made in tsc? what is the problem? look, i agree with you, and you 're right, there's a whole body of people who should be responsible for this, and it should be done, and you know, it's hard for me to answer that question, i think those are the questions that have already been covered, because this was exactly the question two years ago, when we were talking specifically about the vlk, and when there were such queues. when wounded people stood in the vlk in order to prove that they really cannot fight there, and this issue was raised, and it was precisely the ministry of digital affairs that took it upon themselves to digitize this entire situation, and they partially resolved this issue, i i don't know why they haven't done it yet, i think that these will be exactly the questions that we will ask, thank you very much, roman kostenko, people's deputy,
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voice faction, secretary of the committee. on matters of national security, defense and intelligence, we talked about how the tsc work in ukraine and how it can their work will change after the bill on strengthening mobilization comes into force. thank you very much. the next presidential inauguration of vladimir putin is scheduled for may 7, 2024, soon, in fact. according to the law, after that putin must dissolve the current government and assemble a new one. we are already. now let's not talk about all personnel changes in the russian government, and even political scientists assume that there will be no radical changes, but point changes are quite possible, probably putin can replace his minister of defense serhiy shoigu, which is already directly related to the war in ukraine. last week , clouds thickened over shoigu, so to speak, his deputy timur ivanov was arrested. officially , ivanov is accused of receiving a particularly large bribe. by the way, it was ivanov who oversaw the so-called reconstruction
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of occupied mariup. putin himself could have sanctioned the arrest of an official of this level, say political observers, and suggest that it may not only be a matter of bribes. the accusation against the deputy minister of defense, and even during the war, deals a serious blow to shoigu himself, writes the financial times. perhaps, in this way, putin seeks to weaken shoigo himself and reduce his influence. how this will affect the war directly, we will talk about it in a few minutes, but first, let us remind you of the story of timur ivanov. on april 23 , russian deputy defense minister timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe. the next day, the court sent him to prison for two months. after the arrest, shoigu signs an order to remove ivanov from the position of deputy, which he held since 2


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