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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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in common, they are presented at the committee on humanitarian and information policy to our committee, for the purposes of parliamentary control, your colleagues, vadims, who are engaged in information policy, do not have questions about the public, in fact, and have questions about the actual effectiveness of development, before that we do not give enough funds, we have never fulfilled our obligations to finance public, but this question does not stand in the terms of it... we invest what we have, well, but actually, it is not worth it here to mix, as if it were all in one pile, because really, for example, to check the effectiveness of a single marathon, and the amount of 1.7 billion, voiced by your colleague mariana, for example, the accounting chamber refused this year, they said it was not on time at the request, actually my personal , as the chairman of the committee, i really hope that...
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the audit service will check with regard to our information field. and the fact that there are problems with unreasoned disconnection of channels, because well, if you could tell a lot, but even during a war , the authorities can and should act only in a... legal way, that is , there are no opportunities to argue the disconnection, here or there is a need for it sum up some norms in one number, or at least explain why it was done, admit that it was a mistake and let it be normal to speak, because something in two, more than two years of warnings, if there were no channels to work, well, even though there are stop lists, well, for example , initially full-scale i have also never been accused of intruding on a live channel, but somehow i am far
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from convinced that you have any blacklists, well, it’s just that the owners of this channel probably don’t like me for something, but less so, this is an editorial policy, about which we can say that what is stated in the report of the department and what we have to protect exactly, in ukraine, despite all the difficulties mentioned by victoria, the right of expression and the possibility of conveying information, competitors, are guaranteed. environment in electronic media in other media we have preserved despite the war, and this is an achievement that we must develop, and the problems that are mentioned must be solved, otherwise really these soft recommendations will simply turn into direct demands, and then it will be very, very difficult for us to explain why we , as sophomores there, instead of, in principle, for the second year solving the real...
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problems of the country's security, we will have our partners from the usa and the european union in the demands there, when they have finished the elections, why now all this syrbor has started to become public now ? because there are individual actors, who think that this will go unnoticed, it will not, there was already a meeting with the ambassadors of ji semen, the supervisory board of the public, in particular , explained the problems with those things, what and why they arise, so in this case we have... now there is a very if a constructive period, we can either resolve certain misunderstandings ourselves and continue normal work in the democratic field, albeit with certain peculiarities during martial law, or we will wait for it to become another demand, and we will solemnly correct these mistakes, to give reports, how we solemnly fulfilled some recommendations of our colleagues, but the trust between us and who... will once again be
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put under attack, which in the end and now this whole situation, well, puts between the authorities and society, which in fact, if to believe the same barometer as an independent evaluator, so the public is more satisfied than, unfortunately, the vast majority of our information policy with you, i can say a lot about telegram, but this is a separate fact , we will talk about telegram very briefly now, because. .. victoria, only very briefly, if possible, i'm just very briefly, i just know, i'm surprised how we degraded, honestly, we are completely serious when we say that the people's deputies have remarks about the public broadcaster, we understand that this is pressure public broadcaster in general, he is guaranteed his independence because of the fact that people's deputies do not express their comments to him, they can write a complaint and there it will be considered by the editorial policy, if you do not like something, this is a rule of law, then change the law, then and tell us we refuse that european...
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the law that was adopted, and you are now telling us that it is normal to raise questions about how they work in general, no, this is not our job with you, do not provoke, do not provoke, because they will change, you know. thank you, thank you for the discussion on social issues, we have already started to talk partially on telegram, this week telegram partially blocked ukrainian chatbots to help the armed forces of ukraine, in particular yevorog, on monday telegram blocked official chatbots for half a day, and about this reported in the main intelligence office, we are talking about the main intelligence bot, this happened against the rules and ... public statements that the telegram management publicly declared, despite the blocking of our bot, your personal data is safe, however, we warn that the enemy creates bots with similar names, do not send any personal messages to them data, the intelligence emphasized, in addition
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, chatbots of the security service of ukraine and air defense for tracking enemy drones and missiles did not work, the strategic communications center and the information center were not working in the morning. of security reported that the official ukrainian bots that helped in the fight against the aggression of the russian federation resumed their work. mr. vadim, how do you, as a lawyer, feel about this situation that has developed with the telegram platform, because there are, or rather, there were platforms that were created, including by those who are currently creating the telegram channel by pavel durov in... . vkontakte, which was a blocked messenger, and a social network, and classmates, should we think about how to regulate the telegram channel, i am not sure that it is necessary to regulate the public, but the telegram channel definitely needs regulation, because we understand that this is a big platform
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that the russians can use and can do it effectively enough, all the media need to be regulated, just like the issue with the fact that... unregulated internet media, it did not arise yesterday and not with telegram, for a long time now, lawyers have been the first to sound the alarm that a new era has arrived, the era of internet media, which, being completely unregulated, often enough, using anonymous means of conveying information, can do a lot of damage, and now we are already we see, obviously, that from telegram. uh, well , the need to regulate telegram is overdue and overdue, but in this context, we have already talked with you several times today, where are the standards, how should we organize this policy, in order to achieve these two
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requirements at the same time, regarding the fact that regulation is effective, the state should act and not, not do something that would be perceived as excessive censorship and accordingly our partners made comments to us, so in this case no one contradicts the fact that there is a need to regulate telegram, we are fine we understand where telegram, so to speak, is literally the telegram servers, we understand perfectly. possible consequences, and those measures that have already been taken, to date such a public discussion is taking place and the proposals in yaroslava's committee are now being actively discussed in order to proceed with regulation after all, and here, in my opinion,
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there are no differences in how this issue is being looked at by various factions, including in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, now, when enough information will be collected and analyzed, in principle it is... right now is in the stage of analysis and consultation with our european partners, because in this case there are also certain standards in the european union regarding how internet media is regulated, and we must abide by our obligations and go in unison with our partners, on today, as far as i know, such good and effective consultations are quite frank, which, among other things , allow our european partners to better understand this issue and more effectively propose methods of regulation at the pan-european level, so here we will be in cooperation with our partners and adhering to the existing standards, i am
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sure that we will come to effective regulation, including telegram. thank you, mr. vadim, let's give ms. victoria and mr. yaroslav, we literally have two minutes each. if it is possible for us to invest in timing, panictory, i will be very brief, you know, our european partners do not tell us anything about telegram at all, and do you know why? because in... ukraine is at war with by the russian federation, and this is a russian messenger. in 2017, ukraine already banned the russian messenger and social network vkontakte. there were no complaints, it was not perceived by our partners in any way. if we are talking about the conspiracy of an enemy state that launched an aggressive war, believe me, there will be no problem with european partners. this is only a matter of political will within ukraine. the representative of our faction, mykola knyazhytskyi, he... submitted a draft law, an alternative one, by the way, was not registered there, i
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but my understanding is that he at least started a discussion about how telegram should be regulated. i am convinced that anonymous telegram channels should not exist, because today it is simply a way of spreading fakes in the country, and you understand, we are creating an absolutely abnormal information space as a result , but the key problem is that the russians, in first, have access to personal data and can obtain it, and i think that it will soon become known that such attempts have already been made literally recently sometimes, with regard to ukrainian politicians, and by the way, through the telegram network itself, and of course special operations can be carried out there, when one fine day all ukrainian chatbots can simply be turned off and russian surrogates can be actively activated yaroslav, mr. yaroslav. there are three levels of reaction that should be involved, for citizens
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to understand that there can be no private information on the russian network, if you are there, then behave, well, sensibly, for the supreme council, the implementation of dsa standards, digital service act, which operate in the european community, transparent networks are communication, it is possible to work, opaque networks, certain. at the very least, there should definitely not be official offices there, if the intelligence committee under the president clearly indicates that this network is hostile and destroys information security, then in principle we have experience in blocking classmates and vkontakte, a report and a decision of the nsdc have already been developed, the presidential decree is put into effect by sanctioning mechanisms , the verkhovna rada cannot adopt any law regarding a specific network... it cannot adopt it in principle blocking of some measures, for this we have
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special bodies, and as far as i know, they are actively working, i confirm, we are working both in the system of regulating networks and strengthening the mechanisms of countering disinformation, because the war showed that the peaceful mechanisms that we are still using , unfortunately, there is not enough, thank you, i hope that the nsdc will follow the same path as in the days when i worked in the nsdc from... and ban vkontakte and classmates yaroslav yurchyshyn, viktoriya syumar and vadym glaytyuk were on the air of the tv channel. thank you ladies and gentlemen for participating in the program. let me remind you that during this broadcast we conducted a survey and asked you whether you support the activities of a public broadcaster independent of the government. the results of the television poll were 92% yes, 8% no. we put an end to this, it was the verdict privy program. i say goodbye to you until tomorrow until 20:00, goodbye,
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there are 15% discounts on quiet in the pharmacies of psylshynyk, pam and ochadnyk, there are discounts on zip ellor 15% at the pharmacies psyshynyk, pam and ochadnyk. there are discounts on urulesan of 15% in pharmacies psylslynyk, bam and savings, there are discounts on vizyn, 20% in pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad. big air, vasyl winter. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of yours. time, many important topics , today we will discuss with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now
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we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail , yuriy, good evening, please give me your word, two hours to be informed economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about... the news of the presenters' culture, which has become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the head of the supreme council. council of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football.
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stronger together.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, friends, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zima, i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 45 minutes, we will talk about the most important things that happened and, of course, we will report on what will happen during our broadcast. well, we will traditionally start with an announcement about gathering. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of ammunition for the 65th. of a separate mechanized brigade, it serves in the zaporizhzhia direction, we have a request from the defenders for specific types of ammunition, they are very much waiting for help from us in the near future, the battles are being fought in hellish conditions, so things must be modern, high-quality and meet the needs, that is, and protect and help, as they say, destroy and drive away the enemy. our goal is uah 100,000, we believe that
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with joint efforts we will quickly close this collection, maybe even today, because there is still collect less than five. uah remember that your donation is a contribution to our victory. i think that we will definitely collect 500 hryvnias this evening. and our soldiers today will receive news from our volunteers of the tv channel that boys, girls, fighters, everything is cool, our viewers did it, 500 is closed and we are ready to transfer the necessary funds to you for what you need to buy. i just wanted to thank you once again. thanks to you, during the full-scale invasion, with your help, we collected millions of hryvnias for our soldiers, i would even say tens of millions of hryvnias for our people, this is a variety of products from ammunition to cars, drones, night vision devices, even for a large stork we collected, in fact, what we just did not collect and what we just did not collect for, all this in order for the victory
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to become it is getting closer, because we ourselves are bringing it closer, it will not fall on us from the sky, everyone has to do their job and thank you for the work you... are doing by giving these donations for the armed forces of ukraine. we believe in you, you believe in the armed forces, and we are with you. well, about the situation at the front and around the front, everything as for weapons and other important things, analytical materials directly related to hostilities, we will ask serhii zgurets, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day, about this. i'm glad to see serhiy, congratulations, i'll give you a word, please. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our column, we will talk about the strikes on crimea, most likely by atakams, about new weapons for the armed forces of ukraine from germany and about what is happening during sovymyar in talking to our military about it in a moment.
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today. on the night of april 30, the armed forces of ukraine struck another blow against enemy positions in the temporarily occupied crimea, as evidenced by the firing of rocket launchers, it was reported that the sounds of explosions were heard in yopatori, dzhankoya, simferopol and gvardiysky, the enemy claims that the blow was carried out by atakams and says about the work of its air defense over dzhankoy and simferopol, but we know how this air defense works, because before that we saw how the attacks destroyed the minute russian s-400. there is also unconfirmed information that there was an attack. combined and that in addition to ballistic missiles , long-range kamikaze drones were launched against the enemy. it can be assumed that this strike
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on april 30 was primarily directed at russian air defense positions, and in fact, in general, we are talking about such a constant trend of destroying the air defenses of the occupiers on the peninsula, because this precisely creates gaps in the work of both russian radars and... sam, so that later these gaps can be used for strikes with cruise missiles and our drones. at the same time, let me remind you that the transfer of ballistic missiles with a range of 300 km, these long-range attacks, became known on april 24, and in fact, they are already being actively used on the front line, and we understand that even in the new $1 billion package, the same is true. .. these weapons are probably available and are being transferred to the armed forces, but in addition to american aid , european partners are also providing considerable assistance, and
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first of all it is germany, which always helps quite powerfully, even if so far in these packages do not have touros missiles, but there are many other important things. on april 29, germany announced the transfer of a significant package of military aid to ukraine, there are also... marder infantry fighting vehicles and equipment for evacuation operations, there is a significant amount of ammunition, of various calibers from tank to artillery systems, but the main highlight of this package was the second anti-aircraft gun the skynex art complex is a development complex of the rain metal company, we already received such a complex last year, and this is already the second transfer of this model of weapons, which is enough. active, because it is used primarily to fight small-sized air targets, it can be
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shahedis, drones, as well as cruise missiles of the enemy, this development, this one is quite interesting, because in fact it is such a mobile division that has six launchers there , has its own radars and its own control system, which allows you to... intelligently use these systems on the battlefield and in depth to protect certain objects, as well as to destroy targets above the front line, so i think that the purpose is extremely unique, and i think that even the cost of this complex, which reaches somewhere around 90 million dollars, does not stop manufacturers from the fact that the demand for this type of weapon is quite serious, even such a weapon is not yet in the bundessphere, but... already two such complexes are used by the armed forces of ukraine , then we will talk about what is happening on the line on the front line, and first of all we will talk about the situation around
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bakhmut, more precisely during the yar, where the defense is held by the fifth separate assault brigade, and before moving on to the conversation with our guest, i speak collection, which is extremely important for this military unit, because the military... of that separate assault brigade desperately need radio electronic warfare systems, it is necessary to collect 800 thousand uah, all these funds will go, as i repeat, to the reb funds, you can donate the funds using the following details and qr code, which you now see on your screens, we ask everyone who cares to join this gathering, because we understand that every hryvnia ordered to the account brings ukrainian victory closer, and now... we will talk to the soldiers themselves, to the officers , who seem to succeed to restrain the defense in an extremely difficult direction, because according to the conclusions of the general staff,
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yesterday the number of combat engagements was precisely in the direction of bahamud, where the defense forces repelled 33 attacks, and now we are joined by the deputy commander of the assault battalion of the fifth separate assault brigade of kyiv, oleksiy tarasenko, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you... on the air of the espresso channel. of course, i and all our viewers are interested in what is happening now in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade, because it seemed to be a little easier for a couple of days, but today, the number of attacks by the enemy, precisely both on ivanovsk and on klishchiivka , has increased somewhat. what happened yesterday and today, what can be told. yes, i will speak precisely for the direction. klisiivka, where my unit and neighboring units are located, the enemy is certainly continuing its attacks, but i can say that the offensive potential has obviously
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decreased, because... the number of personnel involved has also decreased, and the enemy is trying to push forward without armored technique, because it was very expensive high losses and knows about fairly reliable anti-tank defenses in this area, so every day we see infantry groups of various sizes trying to get close. to deal with our positions, the enemy is trying to plant artillery, fpv, drones, drops in order to hit our soldiers in the front trenches and make it easier for their infantry to move forward, but the enemy has not been successful so far, at least in the area of ​​responsibility of our the brigade manages to restrain the enemy, he suffers losses, the situation has not changed. there is no feeling that the enemy now it is gathering strength in order to ... intensify
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the strikes after this pause, which lasts for a few days, relatively speaking, it looks less active than the previous periods there. i suspect that the enemy is constantly trying to accumulate strength, it is difficult to say whether he has units for this or not, however, considering that we have been working in this format for several months , he is extremely busy, throwing in fresh units, but... good luck with him there is none, so no one expects a serious change in the situation, even if the enemy manages to accumulate somewhere some one, two or three strike groups in which directions. oleksiy, it seems that yesterday there was a video where just in your direction again these enemies showed theirs, they pulled their miracle tank, which is protected by these creepers
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from above there from... the sides and with tank, anti-tank trawls, it was also just in the direction of bakhmut , first it was near krasnohorivka, and then after a certain period in your direction, which surprised me a little that the tank was still advancing, half-buckets, it is difficult to hunt for such protection, and what about mine protection and anti-tax by means from our side, why can't we, say, destroy these tanks that... are moving in such a format, we can destroy them, and we destroy them, however, we are talking about at what stage, ah , well, to what limit does this tamk even reach, that is , on long approaches we work with pividrons, even if some part of them will be ineffective, we still have a very high chance, even with protection, even with
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electronic warfare on such a machine on ... to damage such a tank, further, if he still manages to advance closer, then we already work with anti-tank missiles, we work with grenade launchers, the infantry directly already works with anti-tank grenade launchers, and mining is also, of course , present in those directions where it is the most dangerous, so all these are measures of anti-tank defense in ... they work at their distance and they have different effectiveness, but in sum they give a fairly high probability of tank impression, that is , usually now we see that even if a tank manages to break through to some nearby zone from our trenches, they don't try to move further in depth through our formations because they know that they will be guaranteed to be destroyed, and it usually looks like a battle reconnaissance, that is, they a pass.
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at most they escort bmps carrying infantry, and then they just turn around and at maximum speed try to increase the distance to our anti-tank weapons in order to be in the radius for the minimum time, thanks for these explanations, and about ammunition, because everyone says that the american help or czech aid with ammunition is about to arrive, is it already felt on the front line, how does it work? 1st division, does it have enough ammunition to destroy the enemy? yes, i would say that the divisions of the brigade have ammunition, and they work extremely effectively, and strangely enough, there is more ammunition for the 155th artillery than for mortars, both soviet and western models, so often the battalions call for
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support. artillery brigade and


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